HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-07, Page 8• a ' ,.. y.-. tt1:88.88 •r • POST -077191s. •Hc}u!aiSa,=m.,to:Tp. m..• McIL$. Asarati.. B. Snnth -13,13 i►; :in. . Daily L. A. ik B. Kurth 12.30 p, am• ” " Kiulongh } • i iuluws ' W. (4,`,t 13, North Gnlerich 2.30 p. m, _ 3.,18p, 4. • Intermediate Points 406 p a; e.. L. H. at13•North 10..30 p;rn " Tuesdays 3_.0O p.u.ml. and MAtLa:CLosit.. Fridays `lP G & B' South Langside B. 5 30 a.. m,, •. Daily . .a uth_ : , S L. ISI. :45t B, Smith 10.00 a, MT .t. W• G. :t B. North 3.30p m. IFolyrcntd-1..,..---7-,-,-•••••••-,—.,---••,---.7,-- • Kiat ugh'. , • 4...30 p m. "Kinloss • )11 Tneadayl3. Laugside 4.30'p. m, and • Fridays.. ,During "the summer months the office wfll ' ba often half art h n(r,aft r arrival of L. 11..e B. North un Saturdays at slit p. m, Notice. „Special adi•1res+aes.: Li the Temperance: Ball' on Scripture Course' of 'Time,. and the second coming of *Christ, by. J.' Al, `Cliff, on Sunday afternoon next •att' three'o'clock. A, cordial, invitation'. :to all.. 'Parties are; requested 'to bring; their bibles ,• •Drunks • On Saturday nighthist. spine half. dozed Young Men came to the village; and getting -the -worse of liquor created a disturbance on the street, cursing, .and sweat•tng:,in `a disgraceful manner. ' No arrests .havebeen: made. ;Fail' Show. .As`we goto press. the fall show i4 'being held• in this village. .Theentries • innthe different departuiFpts• are fully ,, up to fornier:,years, but the rainy state of 'the. weather ;will prevent the” large tr..r3ditneczof lac tap i+se.Mitlsl gmr4ti aa.t c A "• Mon. •J. B. Finch dead. • Hon John' B Finch, (f : Nehraska, • the 'eminent temperrnee orator, . wlao. was•expected to'_.lectoe .ir1--•Lucknow- in a short time is:dead • .Mr.'; Finch is ..quire a young; -man -and his' death will be a sad ioss to the proiubitionists of tthe'Uuited States. ' . Send thel\levirs. _ • \Ve,aginextend the_ inv ltatiori to our frietlds'in the country to .furnish • us with an account of ' anything which.. y.o i!:nts.in their vicinity.. What'inter- r4s.tR you .will interest others; : If you g iti 9ti, write as good as.',, nine' other not let' that:. deter: you, 1t,4t4.ven the belief that you cannot ex 1, 4-i 3 yourself intliaeiently' ,clear.' Give tarts ; 'we'll.:do the. rasa, • ustness Woody have : put tic grocery 1 usineaA trot It- atn. • The store is now under-, i ,Olii.., l hr�rout;h seat of painting, loth' • y, tm.ic)eand 'out, and. when•':finislied will x; rake a 'veir:handsome shop. They' I4rade.or'dered a complete • new stock. of : goncls'wha'h they will be prepared to show their customers ni a few days.• 1 nanksgiving Day, L�hxiilss;ziwing-L)aV's date, November ` r th, is• a;a;4in coming in, for universal condenirui,tion•. as being too late for fine . weatherand undesirable in every way. Last year the same universal .complaint was .iiiade. The •voice of the people -shouidbe, listened to and if ,they, are to return thanks they might be allowed:. to during some.,of• the. m igiti•tieent • Indian slimmer weather of October; or even in Septeutber.. Com'e,home. Ye are Wanted. The printer's dollars, where are they? A• dollar. here and a dollar there scat-. "t.ired :over •nutnernus small:towns': all • over this eouutry,. miles -and :utiles apart `''' J-Iow :shall they' be • gathered in 1 Corte Koine, ye • are wanted. • ni •,Gee in single or double file, that the ;;Winter may send you, forth again to battle for Kiri aud''vindicate his credit. R'. dei's, lire YOU"sure you haven't' one lir tuore of the printer's dollars sticking • ai.out your clothes. .Good Enter.atnrriertt ?'. ' Thu' entertaintitent', it1. the. Temper'. ,. ::ace Hall on Tuesday s•nig} t `last, was' tr+s,1 patronized •by our citizens;. The chair was' ably'' tilled by'Mr. D.: E- C amrrnn, while the inutaical, part. of przlgratntne was,' exceedingly well 1•t•ledeirc�I by 'Prof. Morgan and his, little .'daughter, Their singing was' • +e'ry•gond.atid'the many encores accord- ` t 'ed theni on, each ap eeararice ' showed .they .Were well• apprecuited , by •the•. large aadienee.. , Tit.. address 0)1 'the. ,- +`arin'ie of the • Scott Act,'","by the t • 1'. '!)i 2'. ;ti.eefert ,wai also good, "The geritl(1inatt . is .'one, of the ' ablest ,iaatfoi't. i, } It s}ae��crs in ,tile Pm loci, aucl ; l it fu l.l.v' all hire„ cold a half lie' `held iJ'l& audience in the closest attention. Lucknow, Teachors'So'e iety ' Tlie. Iiterary 'port of the programme for the 15th is, as follows.;.—„Entrance Huftory, D. D... Yule ;Third'.• Class. grammar, R. E. Brown ; The 0. L. S. 0 a W. H. Johnston..., Teaching Arith- metic in part'1, E. A. McKenzie ; The Normal School, W. A. Hackett. The question proposed for discussion is, Whatpart should' the field,' book take in'che teaching. of gratnruar 1 - . .Entertainment • The; entertainment given in the Temperance Hall on Tuesday night .last by Will E. Burgess, ,was,.through the ,neglect• of .the committee ender `whose: managelnent"it ws§""held;'"`ilo}i'tl great success. air Burgess,., however, filled his .part very well, under the circumstances; and . should he ever re- turn to the village, he will no doubt ,draw 'a,. good 'house. ' The proceeds were in aid of tiie pop Obituary. It- is our sad• duty this week to- chronicle the death of VLrs..411cDonald, wife of Mr. Malcolm McDonald,- of the' 14th ;con. of West Wawanosh, which took place. ons Monday last, The tie= ceased whowas in her. 56th year, was very highly -respected andher death causes; sinc:ere sorrow amongst ' a„very. large circle •.of. friends' and: neighbors..: The funeral took, place, to the ..Kinloss cemetery on ' Wednesday, . and- was largely attended.. Harvest Home": The ladies of the Methodist congre-' gation intend giving a Harvest Horne entertainment iii the. basement of:the church on •Thursday •evenicg Next, 13th inst:: `, It iiexpected that: the:"Rev Mr. Bannon, President Of the: li :ference, and: other leading' minister's will be present and deliver addresses. A splendid programme of vocal music,' etc., will he provided, while the '' bi.il c6 :11: xv i xt` . 1—idi Aae tirt,C- 7.7.741142MTAW.tairitt roast beef ; potatoes,:, carrots and turn= ips • ; punl.p ire pie; apple and raspberry tart,; cake, tea and 'coffee. All .are "m Cited; Local Chit -Chat. 'Picked up Here and There for Readers • of The Sentinel.'•" Rolston,..'. of Kincardine, is the guest of. Mrs. R. Proctor. -All the new school: ` booksto he had at Copeland'i Days `i Uiicle ' Josh ” easilywon the trotting race on -Saturday last- • =The' late:' heavy rains, have'done an. immense amount of good tpIto thecoun.try .'Servant girl wanted, to do gener al house work, apply. to Mrs. '1'. ; Reld, •Lucknow . . —Mrs T. T. Smith,, of Winnipeg, is visiting at the old homestead in this village. -For'a fine assortmentf, o mantle cloths and'u'lsterings, call; and inspect• Kerr's . stock. lt'e have; received a coinplimentry press badge to the. Northern: Exhibi- tion at Walkerton.* -Kerr's stoelcof dress meltons, at 10e,' 12•c and 15c,are far thebest value to be 'had in Luck'now. . Thursday," November 17th, has , been'selected by the Dominion 'govern- ent'for thanksgiving day. • ,--Now is,.your time to.borrow mon- ey, both private and company funds,-, 'at at 6 per cent, apply' to H. Morrison, Lucknow. •' The Advocuiie claims that Paisley is:the luwes `'assessed 'village in the county. And 'so` it should •be.: It isathe dryest, least enteprisiitg, and moat 'old foggy village=in Bruce, and•these things don't. cost Much-Lvrtdth'.. " —Art auction, sale • Will be held at. Margaret Howatt, 'on Wednesday, :': Oct..12th, at 'lot 3R, con. 10, Culross, a quantity of farm stock( 'implements, etc,,, at; 1 o'clock,, by John Purvis auctioneer •', stock of 'millinery 'for the .fall season,' p sur ases anything re . Y k p viously'" shown.. , An ' inspection re- spectfully wheiher you wish •'to buy, •or not. • . Rather a strange.lawsuit has been' :instigated against •Wiarton' Lby onc' Lousia Smith, who claims' damages from the village for .the council allO.w- ing a young matt to be buried in a hot. adjoining her's on which there is a ten.. enient-hou,le and she 'claints,that;dur- ilig the tile•the remains Mereallovvei,I oto stop''there th" house was empty Oil that a::eount. • The strangest' part of the..wli'nle proceedings is that no de- Mand 'for, any set amount has. been made; •ll ut simply an'indefinite suni is ri quirerl: We believe it is the ititenr tion of tho,council to stand a suit in `` the uiatterr.9 + • HE PUSL10SQHOPk- Ii$PORT OF M.0* 'IILY EIFAA 4141,,A"l,'ION' POB .:SEPTEMBER. The following is a report of the ex- aennation, for September, according to merit., • FIFTH DEP.\RTMFNT. Promoted: front lr,t to ,fart 2nd., H Gallagher,. It Wilson„ C (amlibell. I: VV el .r ,u • Davison, r iv 1 1 a v nStewart, 1 e © Uu i 1 U >< . L .Patterson, J Douglas, 11 \1cGrory, b. Robrt- soii,,13, 3.hompson, F Ei.iiv,arud;. 4T1I DEPARTMENT m'Average attetidance,for month 50. sEYIOR PART 2:0•••:Eclith Sulitll 11 ,, McNabb, d., Lees, l7. l!oss,' J. Moffat,: B. 11lurd'och;: i4 11L11rdoch,.; 'l. Penick;, A, Miller, J. 3i' Donald, P. Root liege, A. • .Baird, H: Barber, S..•Boyd:,, Findla'ter, ( '•Aruistron },F. 1�4'liet�ler,.. `W Leith,' E. Ale ay. . • 1,,„. JUNIOii P.1iiT 2ND. Henry rVh.te, ill. Thompson, W. Davidson, 1V. Corrigan, --L. Campbell, I); Moss,- A. •Findlater,Y, Dlclllillan E lti•ettnau,' A. Mathewson, ' E. Mc- Laren, 'R. Holmes, 'C. ,McOtiai•r 0 (Grundy, 117: Brennan, 1'I., Graii,dy, , T. Agnew. • LOWEST' CLASr. 1\I. Dii.vid'snii, •i11, Stewart, R. • Gralsant C. Tennant; 13. '13ryan, iI1. Campbell,. J. • rlluidloeh; H. I+'iiidlater, It. Arai-, 'strong,. Lypt s, E:. Leith, ,1l. , Woods. • • ' •• • THilm riEr. tTMEsL. • • Avrage: attendance.; Inn ci.Ass—E Patterson, J niith,l►T 1301'di'' :S•Aru,etroub, M. Graham, J+:..]Lui,lclrcl Ni1td44t -1 '.1 1'etutnt'r111 1 idol? mall; J ..11:Oas.. .R I releagen; iY MeD sapid, M Mu F .iy, t.'I 'Stew,urt.. • : a, SENIOR $ECO . D. W Coiri.4fte, S. Yoh, li ,Stewart B;'i'eq. nivo,i, .J Agnew. 'NI bliitihetnn`,'i\L'I'hnuipsori'' !IV,+S.ts ays r t, �4.1Lidlesun:,, .W.:•41i vlS1;-.Lt,::l4.sa+a • Tuuir ;'dth class.W;Teti.ii.- r D IIill, it -McD,,uali, J 1lcTnt ,h '13 3.4dCirv1r, a Dong las, A-Lxwa"u'; W \ ;Tau,ly,'- Murdoch;Ni 1Iul�cl,7ie, 1I 1' u „4 s, p .til+ , Lure; bl i\lt dLill,ui, ii \\ e;t, .A. U•ru s.ly,. 17. Lauses,,i1,1 ,V1cK;,y: •- Third .' lass ' 't'. Dl ullirt • P 1110; i1 tin,, Ti•, 71:d,`h trie, W'.._;iil on. 1L•Stew„art T 112uCoy.. li 13,.yd;;A Nii4fit owr, e, 1;,. ,t.rm,triig, N. A I,yous, Little, iMG• B%1cNabb,' J V lin ihell,: J:Wuitr, L Gorden; • - DEPARTMENT:` . 6th chits), nark., obtainable 530, I Patterson. 4b7 • 6th Class, 'marks, obtainable 5211. , A McTn- •,tyre, 440', 1' `11i D+1u il,l: 3891711. WhiLelyy; 375 ,• W •1latthie, "3G3 ; ) McQuaig, 852 Tattle, 042 ; \V i'diddletun, 336 ; W Lawreu.,e 3:i2; J'Murchison, 326 , ;T Galiui her, 320 ,11 Murray, 319 ; dx; Murray, 360 ;. H Holmes •' 232 ; 1, Gr fft11,1.19 '' Senior` Entrance Class, in%rimobtuinable,550 L. Wilson, 404 ; :.1) 'rli:nrnpw,n,. 457 • L Mc Crory, 437 ; 4.4 -Kerr, •420:, H 'G>iuudy,, 427...; • S West, 417,-;.; 1) ;Matheson 412 1t (4ritlith, 409 ; ' Jougla3., 400,; L Patterson;. 3311. --W rtin;177,. ; ' - • Juror ;Eutr,iiice C1+Ls-, marli4•obtaiiable; •510,.1: Mci.)onald, 44,4. .K Oarueron,435; A.•Litth•,-332 ;' A i\lnlhii, 305. ; .5rCnrnphell,' 370 ;' .Whitely, 3 5 ; (1•Switni,351 ; M Mc Coy,. 35:3 ;.l. 3-r.,h;Ln,, 351. ; C'L;twren ^i ; 343;` '1' Lawrance, 3 :1': W Cri•eer 312 ;; i+ Grab:Lria.'. 341 ; .1 Baird, 339.; i)VIcblillan,.333 306 ; H.: Mo.'rri+iltui+,n, 400 ; tl Giuriily, :288 , (3';13uyd, 270; E. Robertson; 263`; M- McGtory 254 ; W Miller, 212 ; G ftuoklidge, 133; 3tr' .�•-Y r • ` • • 0sl4lt RxGOY1) 5 t reer, A Burgess,' A voiceas; W.Yule. A 51a(:rtu,unr,'; it •rel, AS !'tau +y,•,1. 1,y.,n.. I'.[ 1 udoi I \V'trhta niv 1 Pr.rw L iNgsun V ^'I t e1 even, U 73erry. • . STCONi) 1)ErtfT)i +SIT• 441‘./..1)11:13X011T-. • �7 T skiers v i -.i �"�ers '004:$71ZrtCad,a$,84; 1Ve have 1dso in' st elc,.a.L : s pt•eilditl t ssol�tnicl t of . Ptabties 1te uii u , r , r: ' lir: a �{ � ea s2i(�>;1lil• give as we eau g,Aay0iJitee•a 1�,IIL.� i (�1.1��, b JOB: , til u 1, stock onlyA, 1.; .1\1at-at-et-Jai. GIVE IT .1R:1 -AL And See What We Oan Do. a , TAYL. 6.1;..E$ •,.Jy • We will gi ve• two 'prizes for the first: two correct. solii tions of this rebus. ,First correct solution--1stt }prize, goods to the value Of $3.00 • Seeend correet solnsinne -tall prize,' goods :to the vale of :$2 00. ' Solutions 'to be.opened, 'examinecl.al prizes given 2 �t )?i . es, ;,i en ou.., Illi Uel:,, l db i... o Q° WITH _ s s TT r • t• 014, • COPELAND &• DAYS V II1STS ANiD • IDR1JGG;tsTS, t LueK`,J,v, ONT. FOR- -0P-- . . MI�Ng +AN. Q .�ODY�„ ESTE LE o, • "Exi�erience and is eiitific ,analysis t'evetil; to us in •Cucx in'the moat° tonic ;plaiit'iii. the Vegetable Kingduut."• Manuel Fuentes: "'It ((luca) pis, in a word, the shoat • power-: fill rrriturer of the v.tal forces:- .b, Schttatke • Armba- chi's Coca Wino, though .more tunic than Iron ,+r Quinine, neverConsIiiaates. • See Medical'Reviews: -... ARMBRIECHT, :NELSON . CO: 2 Duke St., Grnrivonor':Sq $ . • London, 1nglanil. For; sale only in Lucknpw by, COPELAND AND'. DAYS' Druggists: 6,'nibs. r,li One'of the•greatest mistakes a mei, chant can make is to' postpone his 'ad- . until;..ug We, commonly bear d •la" "• it sai , , thing; rlghteii• up, 1T NTIcN I sella :0: THE LARGEST ;:AND . FINEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS EVER BROUGHT INTO 81 Is no�v Dein , opened out; at F!, Comprising all the novelt es i7f -the`seasmlit in . s' oo . res :Gr ds V'olv�e�s. •• I.lines.n gill°the, relv est :. In ,all the leading shaae$... mantle Cloth Shlrttn s. At various.priees and,,giialities'. J. wool and Cotton::. Shawls .._ifrom small -Shoulder Shawls hawls to. lar7e' dOLIJ�e plaids, Sa • . .Q1JI�TS&y, ..,. a. 1.. A. beautiful'lot of clouds :and faciliators thatlmaffie description. ,,.. /Ladies and Gents Furs, i and f ersl�tn Lamb in , COATS, CAPS`_ MUFFS, CoA i Q ' AI�.E•tIVE: j •. • etons: in all colors c1O.' and' u_ Ladies nd e : � is �J'r)derclot� - .. ,3[eriiio. Fool, and hotton.:.Atsn - CROCEgIES HARDWARE, W q , ., •ALL PA���;r: PAINTS 0(1.3 " When peddlers tell ,you they~ are peddling for e >' hriii vo them., I don't Iiawlt m 'goods the i 1 . Y. 'goods ., throughIle GoulitlYf' mut woul(�l asa,1,re poli thr�,.. are . ' '' , 1 ,r . y . yy , Wo! tL c,o.ntn,,; to see. ' � •. ,: thanking you for past favors and Suliei ing•': i• 2�M : •4 i am yours 'truly ROBERT MURRAY.. 1 '