HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-07, Page 7••••,
One .4111*.proil Letters :P11'014464 for the
First Time. .
, The following letter from „Artenius Ward
to alittle Elmira girl, and recently pub-
' „fished for the lirst,time, h inthepossesaion-
of an Elmira (N. Y. gentleman.
SOmt, Mese., J,titie 18; 1804.--xy Dear
Amelia; : 1 cannpt toll youhow•maoh 1 miss
It seeMs.fte though; I had lost. all my re-
• latives, 44011.1(114 iny grandmother. and the
;peeking stove.
Why ciidn'tI put• 'Yoe in a bottle tind
bring you,down here With me? .1JL1 1 am
always fergetting, something.The other
day I went off and, forgot my aunt Sarah,
lir and Obe's a good deal bigger than you are,
Mr. Ramsay Weise!, a very forgptful",man.'
ile frequ. witty _pee': off Andjergets
wItlrwwiian. is a 'OrY'hne
looking man. Ha reminds, me of Mr.
Green the Malden murderer. When. Mr.
•.• Itanisay gees to the"penitentiary,•whicli will
be very 1300Q, we inuat send him doughnuts,
MagaZilISS and paler literary doetunents.
T Mr;Ranisey can readprint.very well. .
• I like yen very rauch, r should Jiko you
just as well if you Were; 1.2 yoarankier.. .f
am very singular about Bente things,
You spoke to Inc about a boy who: is my
rival. 1 should feel very sorry, to kill that
boy, but he may drive Inc to it. I ant'in
hopes that he will take himself into a pre-._
mature tomb -that he will choke himself
• With stt:4,rgi3 slice. Of pudding ; but if he
doeS neither I shall feel fOroed to load him
with chains And read all city leetures .to
him, That will finish hint. •His • boots
' may reinain, but tbe rest will have perished
miserably long ere. I get through 1 .
You /inlet bea good little girl and always
• *nityrinr,realathat NotrSotAyeriexcel
lent mother feel sorry that she is ac-
' • quainted with you. If it hadn't been .for
her .you mighthave drownedin a soup
plate long ago. Atudif you hadn't ever had
any mother you might be a' Turkey with
• thrLu.rkeyri.. In fact,my deer Amelia., se
• conduct yourself • that ':even .• on cloy and
' rainy days the bright sun Mayshine-
, wherever you are and that the ste.rs-
• (whioh are 'next to: the 'sun in brightness)
. May neVer.flash BO brightly but that you
'man :alWays look steadily and hopefully
, toward them. Faithfully your friend;
•• A. Winn,
.4k,*(.04.1.*NO.E. XX FAL
The, Part Love lelaYed In an Albany mer-
ehant's Life
Thirty-fiva Temps. ago Mr. Barrington
Lodge, of this city, was a resident of St,
John's, Nil& Another residentorthesamp,
city was X144 Christine Graham, a.,belle
in society. Foremost .among her suitors
were Mr. Lodge: and. Mr., Strachan. The
pretty Chrispie seemed to fairer Lodge, but
he, WEIS poor. Realising-that-be,could_nw
furnish the young lady with a home 13e-'
fitting her station he did not press his Oh,
and the result was that Miss. Chriesie• was
married to Mr. Strachan. Mr, Ledge emi-
grated to, thip city and :started in the luift.
goods business, 0 a 'clerk. Ile soon became
meniber of the firm of Lodge, Sheldon dz 0Q.
Although he still held in retnembraime hie
early -Uwe. he. deenned, her .lost_.tohiin,,and
wine yeare ago married Anna Scott, and
established himself • in a handsoMe resi-
dence on, Hill Place. Their domestic happi-
ness was unmarred until the death,. of his
'wife, tWe-years, ago. Meanwhile Mr. .. and
• Mrs. Strachan had removed to .13allare,t,
Where Mr. Strachan engaged in
'husiness. He accumulated it large,forturie
and died. a few years ago. - About a year
ago Mrs. Strachan.. learned from, her
„bretheitti Newfoundland where B6/1' Ledge
was•looated', and that he wae alone, in the
world; :' The 014 leve had net yet died out
-in-her-heart—She,_wrete to Iiin.auggesting
that if the . recollection' of the past still
warmed his heart `she would like to hear
from him. He answered the letter' and
a correspondence ensued, in the course
of which he elicited an expression of her
desire to come on and see hiin and marry
He wrote ..back that if she Was
ready to aoCept the old man she could corn°
'0504,0kIle*oultloneelsoireszat,,Buffalo7 She
did, not hesitate, but arrangingolier affairs,.
started on July 1st on the journey of
10,000, miles. She 'came by the way •of
Auekland, New Zeahtnd, Sydney and the
riandwichL3lands• to San. Francisco by
steamer, , and . thenceby rail. to 13uffalo,.
*vvhere she arrived:. on •I'uesday and foiled
Mr. Lodge in waiting. He found :her
ehinged, it is tree. ' Thirty-five years
effeetniany ' changes, ,but'was into .a
matronly, Weit•Praserves,L......somen,who
still retained a generous proportion of the
beauty possessed by her in girlhood. ' In
him she found a still' active _and vigorous.
man, With clear brown eyes, in erect
'figure, and the finish -of -health -ea -his -cheek.
L'eykwere iat once 4mitt1ic4, '0<eztift Jtu
esamett041,13ary-elso ogre( e-Arn, e93(
elegant residence on Hill Place.-Liftlie4
JOU'rnal. •
TIie ,preerincialPrize •
i7.44,,r2veaoft.sticrair go.a.tarinite.;
cag :Ottawa yesterday. The report . on the
prizefarm competition in Group No..
'awarded prizes as follows: Gold uiedal to
John Fothergill, Fothergill, Burlington, County 'of
Halteu ;, first silver medal; Jos. K.
•Michael, Waterford, 1•Iprfelk.;, secOnd silver
Medal, C. ,Barker; Paris Station;, Brant:,
:bronze medals .t0 each of the, following
:-.E:r.B.retlieur,,Riirford, Brant: R. T,rixideri-
rliiineoe.;,.John It. Martin,: CayugtV;4. 0:
Shaw, Woodburn, Wentworth; D.. H. Her-
: Mirth •Pelhant,
77- ' • • •
' The Education Conemittee reported that'
eight candidates, five second class and.
• three third, class, took the: exafitinatiens in
agriculture, and the following' Six certifie
eatee were granted: :Seeded- class,. F. J.
eleightliplin, Brampton ;' C. It; Stevenson,
Fingal ;tJ.,Bowman, Mount-Poreet;
• amitliville. John G. Tukster,.•CapetoWri,„
received a secoed Class' certificate: , • ' •
: The Comraittee- app,ointe,d: ' to Rivard
../Orized .to essaYa en,'.the; construction' ,Of
• farni buildings reported the. first, •Prizeto;
Thos. Shaw, of this city, and the second to
...D. McPherson. •.:John Kay was commended
and awarded a third prize.•' ' • •
„ • „
• Shoenialtera' Seorets. .
. .
. .
• Ariel& shoemaker tellsthe'St.Louid Globe
Whichhe learned When he was ft bey; which
appearsto be still hiddetilmysteries to a lot
'o the lashiOnabh3 •sshoemakers. One Of
•, these concerns riot only the appearance' of
the shoe but the conifert ,ef the -wearer.
retany tithe's do yotr ifee:menibig toes
Tilting in high relief impressions above the
surface of the .uppet ? :Naturally you feel
'. that the wea,rer of fitiolca shoe Must .suffer
;from the pressure. On his big.teiei-if.rid ho
,does; if not, immediately', ,atseem time in
'the, future. . The .•whole diffimilty can .bo
'Obviated by providing a, depression in • the
solo Of the shoe into Which the 'tee will fit.
• This'depreesion is obtained by fastening ,a
..piece on the last and beating thesols around
it until it is moulded iuto it. When thetee
. is thus cared for there will bo nolegrowing
toe -nails a.na no tinsightly '•prptrusimis of
the .upper: Another thing., that may be.in,
• terestingto shoe weareraand shOemakereie
"thirt-TA-131latered 'or sore heel .ottused.- by it
new Shoe may be relieved by taking a penal.
..piece..of 'ceniinon newspaper, crashing it iii
,• the hand. and . placing it 'under the .ailing
•• heel. The 'bit Of:paper his the effect,. of a
'OA forcing the foot•fotward 'in the
• Shoe leitirea the heel entirely film froth the
• counter. .
., The yew 'Unitiersal tanguage,, ,
The latest appearance of the question of
• Thou Va. You ie in the .Volaptik Congress
held lestincinth; in Munich. In 'VOlaptik'
all the .prehouna begin Withand form the
• .ftillOWitig seriea: • ' • •
- •
• . _ •
. ' preeli News Notes. ,
Flip Wine° of Wales and His Oid Servant.
• The,lobster fisheries commission have.
, •• It is not generally known that the Prince
'concluded their inquiries and are preparing
of Wales regarded' with deep affection his A confidential report for the information Of.
Old nurse, litre ' Mary Scarrett, whose' the Government. • . • ". .
'-deathi-ret-ir-Very advanced age, I recorded Bra6treet's• reports a total of 165 failures
of ogolrag4tro6eseweehkest'a4r BIet.ril,waiataawitbkit,. throuelmilt the country during the Week
-rn. e pe; berrd,a:ai nitio r. the
andwouldaitbyhenAmlaide-or.qettna-aeek-previta:TWeitty of the nitnref
wire in four
Judgment wasgiven in the Court of
413141 in Montreal yesterday in the cele,
butted case of 4ey. Father Paradie .against,
'Gilmour elz Co., maintairiing7the decision
given by Judge Wurtele at, Aylmer in favor
ofe-Fether-Raradis and the settlers in .whose-
beli elf, the 'reverend gentleman was acting.
The assessed value :of the 'property ,of
New York' is a fraction, below the assessed
valnes of the twelve States of Als.bania,
Arkensaie: Florida, Georgia,: .Kentucky,
Louisiana, ' Mississippi, North, and South
Carolina,- Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
But these Southern States , are gaining
rapidly. They •show an jnerease in..the
past seven years Of $960,007,641.:
Hon. E. B. Vaehhtirne is lying, in it pre-
carious Condition, auffering frorn congestiori.
rthe brainy atrhirson-te-htentrin-pliteagO7
W..ashbitree was •American Arnbassa-
'dor. to France at the time of the Franco-.
• /111:110N1liS IN A NILE CITY. :
The il;v7r4E4 of' lileivautlog°,
IReele40 the TROraelier.,„ .
A scene on flee'lfilaie thee 08(404 by
a writer in &fibres *Mooting. Girls eeme
hearing -upon Idieljbeittla.,0,44arrn**Ilearts
of articles for sale -eggs, cauliflower,
oranges, liuffalo milk, letttlee,
fowle, and what'net-eueti as are stored, in
al)inclanee,npon.the 490. Even water is
offered, for sale. But the crowd which has
gathered is ,far more interesting than their
merehandiSe.. The' gang -plank is, Pushed
out an4 You: reach the shore. A•mish is 'at
mace made by the donkey -boys for the
traveller, and net until the Castigating
bamboo of the learned dragoman has been.
apilied to their bare, brown Arab shoulders
MU the. anxious Bearchei for experienee, be
started' up the quay on donkey:back for a
all awake, Here and there a wat`chtnan is
totted sleeping on his wicker :bed in the
street or on the portico Ofahmisebrbasaar.
Farther on groups of, early risers are found,
squatted before a tiny charcoal fire, Where
they ocpOor for breakfist and diaouss a.
dozen dates or .1t few,. pumpkin •seede'While
they Wateil and WalP for the Mimic, of the
coffeepot. Even yet it is very quiet.
The donkey -boy follows. on • behind.
rather whitipering- his ‘keye.pah" than
speaking it to his un.Willing rpetor. Occa-
sionally he drops it ca.balistic word into the
has the-eliett7611,1-iffeatitlig-
the donkey's speed. " Gehenna". is said to
be that eyelid word. It elwaysseems to be
a surprise to the auinial, at least, and
sometitnes causes him to lower his haunchei
end creep entirely a.way from • his ridee.
Sorrow and repentance are sure to:follow
such an oCeurrence, , Now a swirling sound
is heard in the 'air. Your clog key.- boy_
pushes you with your donkey .te one side.
A ladclothed • in white conies' running
toward you shouting to you to 'Get: out
of the way. Leek out for year Ore, your
eyes, your Oeck; for my rimeter, is con -ring.",.
it white ass.appears:bearing'the sheik
Orthe' feivn: , .This dignitary,hearing of.
yonr arrival, is hastening to the quay to
collect his fee for the privilege of -driving a.
stake into his mud'. A return. to the dela-
beeli reVeals, a swarm of natives, awaiting.
elf onthe, setae mission.' as that of the
sheik. The :date. is a hopelese one, sewn-
ingly, for thereis more business thanyoa
oati attend . to and keep faith with . the
spirit under, wNeli 'the jOarney .was. Under-
taken,. le. in reci.
-Jfl t L• ai•VriliCitigarfItirigtq
you long enough to eacape:to your deck. ;
' Singular, Plural'.
1. Ob -I, . .1: obs -we.
• a. Gus -he.
. Ofil , '3)'• .
2. 01 -thou 2. Ols-rou,
Os -it.
' Indefinite
On -one, everibodyi. ,
;Besided these,,ather Schleyer gave in
'hie grilnirnat it form , of politeness, " ons,"
. but hoped that Yolapulusts Would address ' ..• 'between liritish. Columbia and New Zeit. ,
beatherly propertiee of your aprtng ?"' asked a visitor each other 4S, . the more ' a health resort.' "(Well," answered the , land cra Anstralino- it .i? ,PrP„P°,86d th63
long time. On the last occasion, as he was
about to leave, she -called ,him•back and
beg -gid him to stay it little iihilq•lengerr
calling him by: the•naine, of Horde, as, 'she)
usedto do ' when lie was a little by. ,--The
Prince at once 'resumed. his seat and sat
there for some hours, until the old lady
had fallen 'asleep. He then „kissed her
forehe 'd and with tears in his eyei-Cleff
the rao never: to .see 'bin ,valued friend.
again in ife. A bunch of, white flowers
placed • upon' Mrs. Searrett's coffin Was
gathered by•the Prince fromthe conserva-
tory at Marlborough' House and tied With
a ribbon by himself. -London Life. .
• , . . .
, .
' Carrying Dectiratilin Too ,Itar. •
• Mrs. Graham is an estimable lady whose
hpbby , is house decoration: One day last
spring Mrs. Graham was careless enough._
to- drink-a-glas*of red ink, -believing -it -to -
be. claret.. She: was a: gooddeal seared
when 8110 discovered her mistake, but no
:harp:CO.0w to. her. The doctor Who wee Prussian war, and was the only fo.reigh
summoned, upon, hearing' what tad-littr- dtplomat who stayed in Paris during the
siege. Ile .was Secretary of State . n.
General Grant's first Cabinet.
, Sir Arthur- Blackwood, who returned 'to
-Montreal yesterday lifter a tcyar snVer thp
Canadian 'Pacific 'flailwily to the Pacific
&east, states that in his opinion the.Q.P.R.
route for the mail serY.ica • to 'JSPati and
China 'would Save little. in , poitit of tinie
Over the Suet Canal route, ita advantages
'rig • ,national rather., than postal, but
eithnitted, that it would bp .of the utmost
*idea as an alternative route in case Of 'war
E u opeari coreplieetions. . • '
: In the cpereo of the:. argunients of Mr:
Hogg, counsel faf.the--Crovvu In. 'the cele-
hMted Ayer customs case, he yesterday
made the startling claimthat the Crown
might go back twenty' years in imposing
additional .dutiee and penalties, upon the
Ayers: The :Chief _ Justice eiiiiihatieelly
cleimui,Ced such a course as iniquitous; and
said he 'would immediately adjourn th
,CitSB if imeh teright were asserted for, th
Crown, but but as Mr. Hogg 'did net pressthe
point the argementLproceeded, and was not
concluded Whenthe'court knee. •
A farmer named Campbeli is Missing
from Durham, Grey County, and is sup: -
posed to ,fiave loet his life' in theferry)
collision on Toronto Bay. , • .
Owing to the: schooner ,Po.thfinder net,
returning:from Behringia Sea iti tiine, the
expedition to investigate the fishing:grounds
at Vancouver and Charlotte Islands .hal3
been poetponed till next ;year. Anwailr bie-
Titylot'and Goren, :other pblice officials, ae tienal appropriation for the purpose
1110524,'n W0,0108.•
TgaBbatou Traveller tells of the ellsP-
lain ,of -1‘11(ohle-Logioliture:TihorWlieirThir
ho 'y adjourned, repeated these lines, with
8'111;y the1enifinal
• Blow ye theArapapet, 10"olvr
's reotest hound',
Return, ye oinsomed shiners, home.
Heim "weeks ago Dr. Ralph St. John
Perry: a medical missionary in Africa,
returned home to Indianapolis, :bringing
with birna 10 -year-old prince with thli
intention , of educating him. The little
fellow has shown such an aversion toschool
and developed such e. violent case of honie-:
Maness that heewill be returned ,k'time_ at_
thifirstdpportunity. He Cannot-te coaxed
iaeate With colored Youths , regarding
them with even more aversion than he docs
Wh*N Chang :Zee Hoon, the chine&
Minister, reached Philadelphia from
lOgt01.1 a few days ago he was greeted by a
;crowd of sight -Beers a,t the station. , He is
a man of medium size and portly figure:
Ile was dressed:ill-ft rich elikee robe ar151,
wore (Meese shoes. On the front of his
turban gleamed a great diamond pin. He
dignifiedand rather disdainful Way en the
assembled -crowd.
pened,, dryly remarked • to. hr: Mrs.'
Graham, therete.siich thug as pushing
this rage for decorated interiors too far:"
True Loo Running Smoothly, '
.., She -Do 'you remember that lovely -Moon-
. . .
light ride, yeehad,at Newport last summer,
Charley, behind that cute little donkey '?
• He (with tender eeproiteh)-pori reineni
ter itOove ? As if I could ever forget fel
She ---,Yon are nice to say de Charley ;
and do you kite*, clear; I never see irdonkey
without tbinking Of Y. Sun.
'• -11EleadinglinFfIRIC"
, .
Wife (at breaktest)" .1 wantto de Ethtne
iflioppingto-day, dear; iflhe Weather is fav-
oruble... What are the "preibabilit lee' 1". ;
• iletibitild:(coneeltirig his.•paper)-" Hain,
hail, thunder tied lightning." -Puck.•
•-•.--111re.• Woodworth, the faith (Jure evan-.
gelisk ,says doonisday is only 'four. years
distant.' She has dreamed • that 'the world
will collie to an end on September. 1st',
18,91, and just before US extinotion she will
%beet:tabled to convert Ingersoll tO Christi,
anity, Mrs. Woodworth is at present con.'
ducting a 'revival at .Deeittur,'Ill: • •
, .
After the elocution. of the Murderer
Pranzini. at Paris;:a :Certain polies offibial
obtained a pertion. of the inuederer's skin
from an atteadaut ,at the medioal school
and had it cOnverted.into people of purses,
which he presented, ono each. •to
souvenirs. The facteleaking out the hitter aeked. for next session.
delivered the, purest'. to the Peocerator,
General, WM>. dismissed all concerned .in
the matter. t• , •
The •Imperial Government hating re-
cently inf9rmecI the Doniinion Government
'that it 'eatmoteedertake the cost of epecial
the'proposed.trans,Pacilie cable
-•“-To what do yen, attribute the etirative isurveY for
The Germatis were the., only pries who.: p. anti a should take the,initiativein propos.
roprietor thoughtfb 1,V0 " 1:g110138 the ad- IC
Ar the Jest session of the German
Reiehstag there Was a °prima instance of
absent,mindedneffs. Herr Wichmann was
calling. the • rollof men ,'
ibers, when upon
readiog out his own name,. he naturally
reimwel.`iiiirespoose. :tic called the name
thesecond time in a louder tone and
finally roared it out like•healthy-lunged
bull. At this juncture his colleagues broke
out into such hearty laughter that . the
truth dawned upon' him andhe joined in
the general ,
" IT is one of the essentials of literary
success in England that a Writefehoblct
never go • into liolitioal -life," writes Max
Elicit in .:the Boren HOeid• !`1 .was in-
formed -that McCarthy had made go
Maily noble sacrifices for lite country so
near his heart: _that his partizanship has
already cost *hi& dearly incutting off the
sale pf his purely-. literary Works, .8.48 tity
411411j440,reti. cvani:1 sirte-
.rtizotinka.tro., qtifmitriisItriettmelifs'ites7AtliJe
feet that *hem not policic, aithoughhe is a
, rii i I'Ve done has hAa floulethin to do' hig ill Making btf' tv eurvcy to the .6ther;',
' eeeuied id think it neeessary to have a fOrtii
• • Of Ceentesy, and the •Volspok perm nos • II • .,, , . . ,, , • colonic in eretdedi her, proportionbeteg,
". have had it lively but good natured clisclie‘.1 • A
. . 'he,Toten Celina Of 'Niagara Palle, • .. I.-
• •the 10011of*veisel. .
. ' • - -1--
nt,, vote, recently in favor o .,wit erwor s , -Harry' Clendenning heed driver of the
Menial Congrees had a,• le.rger liiiteber, Of .
, Peru -Mee than of Jiny ' other nationality nPen -Holly:.: 30 ,e 4 ' 8 nowhas a' - 0, P., it., p,ossesses. a ps,;tridge whicb :was.
preeentiyet it was resolved, after a witern • covered that the h piita r: voted upon to
legal value, owing .th, it,e ltd that .11,witii . caught under Very peculiar' eircutnatatitee,"
• debaWthat, the word " MIS" no longer When about 15 miles frein Ottawa it
• iiietti in, V6164)614 . told all Volaptilifet4 hot afIvertieddA st'incieTit '161g.th ' of 134:1(16* tndeaVored to fly'neicas. the track :hi front
whet eitipldy ``• el" in the 'singular And A fie'w hy•htw is, to ,be suliteitti..d., ,.
Cif the engine., but it Watt caught:by; the
wets' ": fit the •plurei. ' Thus the knelt Of ''. ...-.''' The teats at tird circus get nairoWor ' cow catcher. .IIarry, VrIM was in charge,
.iiitidalisfri haefentinded 1:---tiotne Journal: ' every yea r,.1.! to riiitrited a young. lady. in a , engine,. seented the. bi NI .
Interito ear tha other eveningin theilearing , --Ifetei clerk (to gnest)-YOur bill IS one '
ion -of -of the .matter. But, . although the 0 , .f k
, • , • ,
Foorwski is 01364.7.. Never were Weret beets'
wia • • •
and shoes moreeasily preettrible than a;t
the present Men:lent.... The limproVernents
• . •
iirshe&building material of late years es-
-plain -the ,otieapnees. A proprietor of 'a
Portland, Mei, shoe house said to -a reporter
kiew dayeago: "'It • doesn't take long to
,Ma-ke-a-pairoflediesLshoes.' ' Some tio3e'
agoa gentlemen" and his Wife walked:
into Virk. f iv:4°1.y ,-*Iircrin justone-hour e'.-iid-
‘thirtY.-tbree minutes the lady left•thehonse
wearing it Pair of fine Shoes which.. were
made for her from the stock:Abile She Was,
lin the-factciry. These 'shoes were made on
a Single 'set • of ' machinery and passed
.tleceligh the hands .athe different ep,era-
;fives itt their maChinete, By minniug,
double ser of machinery ;and crowding the
machines our crow of 400: men •make 600'
...pairs of shoes tile day, or ono pair of shoos
per minute. This is six' pairs of shoes to
. „ •
TveMITT .7iyomeh at the New York Custom.
, .
House now inspect women's baggage
. .
brought 'from abroad: These, searchers. are
ladies of .character74enoli, for instance; ass,
Widowed, eieter of ekiSenittor-HOT3'ioe Conk.
ling, -she --being one' of -the -twenty.' Mrs.
.Martien,, a Cincinnati dreSainither, was put
through. the needle's eye by ;hese
epeetretises on • Wednesday. :What • ,first
,Beemed 'tittise was • a packet of "soiled
clothing." ,;Eiiserappecl • by the clothing_
aforesaid was it piece (kaiak that Measured"
.0.8i yards. . Having ' discovered the Slifk,
the•inspectresses 'charged Upon •Mrii. Mrs
stronghold -:her bustle.. In that hive they,
found it greet rob of honey; to wit: TWenty-
our pieces of worsted in ing, tve, pieces
of bittek lace, fie point hice collars; fifty-
four piece of silk binding, twelve pieces of.
watered silk ribbon, six jet bead ornaments,
•a Vol of ,perftitnery, it silver: watch,two
pairs of bracelets, .a pair of .toilet omit,
mente, a dozen,packages of French hooka
'and eyes, one dress pattern embroidered in
-tinsel-on-silic;. thirty yards of tinsel-enr:-
hreidered Bilk Crape, and it black silk dress
sWhat. a Dunce!
Iosuffered withte;ier,labt head and foul breath,
With storrutoh disordere&--was sick unto death,
I byre it e week-4firely I -was a dunce-
Then I took a few " Penets"-they cured, Die at,
WhdA it dunce, indeed, to neglect -stitch a.
remedy and suffer it week; when quick.
relief ,coirld have been feund,in Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Purgative Pellets. •
• life Iladfift.
• " Well, my little ,boy," he Said to lila
neighbor's son, " so you've got back hormi,
' ,“ Been out in the country rustice.ting ?”
.," No, sir, we've been out in the country,
livieg on granapa's f011tS."
If you have cattirrh, •use the surest
reosedy7=Dr, Sage's., ' •
k wonian of 76 yeers; who had long been
known there,as a •prefessional begger, died
in Boston the other .day; end among the
rags anti broken furniture of her hovel were
found bonds mid 'nieneY to the,artiannt of
Corn Sowing
Is a Precess• conducted by the agency 'of
tight boots all the year tumid. Cern reel),
hig is best condtieted 'through the agency
of Puttiatn's rainless Corn ..Extraotor, the
oily safe 'sure -pap corn cure: Putnam*
Ext teeter is now widely imitated. Bewste
of all poisonoue arid, sere, 'precluding sub-
there '» thing , Mere dreadful 'Of it•'13uff,d,:, c,m,rier reporter. When I, r. dollar and it half, 'sit, Arid heoW•did you i •
then dyepePsia, abater r nhked Mr. 'Bran. was told where.tO sit dowel tlgere. was 'not find trade in town 2, Gnest.,',.„ a - ,;1/2„, Hon. Mr. Bctv iitid Conrt ysail
"o'Ilitire• • 'is ,". int,uvted iCijekt allYwitere\ onfY.the kaps .of no rtrumnier. I'm a gentlemlia,rrai,It7;:td (1*(0 ,Ubglaud 'ou the 281h 'fast, 1 y the
'the doottir:, " than 'villa has it,' .*Sttid Why,. Of course," and there' •Was it laptie tritelyr-'-.1 beg your pltrtIon, air,' T'wodol. booth and. ti.trrettt.play0I to
13go,i)kkoa, i!'What is it, then V? inc,juired twogentlemen!' " 13.1(1 you sit down V.T-1,trevelling:_for:pleafittre,•JX9:feLtiork(.6on. . tic or New .
in the contersation, ' • • , p ettee#0' • I Detroit:
L< 'a .4" ".• tO,..v. 1
• W.'
06, B1.41.4 •
•Xie0,..ell'efr: I'll write yea!setiort letter'
To say I'mwenderfitlii,,.. better;
' • Who saw trio jusp one month ago -
Thin, nervous, fretful, white as chalk„
Almost too weak to breathe or talk ;
--Head-throbbing, as it it for breaking:
WO. rY, eVer-ttrettellt aching. .--- ',-
But now life seems a different thing:
I too as glad as laird on Wing I
Vasy,, mei fear no pm:eradiation: • •
That Pierce's Favorite Prescription .
Is grand 1 Why; rd. have died without itt
Ma thinks there's no mistake about it.
It's driven, all my ills away ;
Just 00m0 and see 1 Yours
. The weli."known. Clydesdale draught stal-
lioii owned by Wm. McLellan, of St.
Thomas, valued at 3,000, died on Tuesday
night of indigestion, • •
A.nthOnY-Dale, a tailor,, fell down in, a fit
on,MieecleY.,--on..the_eorner-of-Dunelits and. .
Itichmond streets, London, breaking' his
jaw and otte9f his fingers.
• Do you feel fto:11. languid, ]ow -spirited, life-
less, and indescribably inisera,ble, both -physi-
cally and mentally; experience a' sense, of
fullness or bloating after eating, or of " gone-
ness„" or emptinessof stomach in, the morn-
ing,. tougud 'coated; hitter or•had taste in
mouth, irregular vapPetite, dizziness. frequent,
headticht..s, blurred-eyesight"ficating specks!?
-before the, eyes. nervous prostration or ex.4
haustion, irritebility of 'temper, hot flushes,
alternating with 'chilly, sensations, sharp,
biting, transient pains here and there, cold.
feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or
'disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant,'
indescribable feeling of dread, or or:impend-.
Mg Calamity? • • • • •
If ,yOu have all, or any considerable number
!of these symptoms, you are suffering Ire=
that Most common:of American • znaladiea.-
Bilinus or Torpid•Liyer, associated:
•with Dyspepsia, or .Indigestion .• The more
,CoMplicated your diSease , Ilait becothe, the
greater the number and diversity of eyi.uP'.
toms. .No iiiatter what, stage it has reached'.
Dr..Pferfeols GoldSou yiedieal DIscOvery
will subdue It, if taken. according to direc-
tions for a, reasonable length of time. If not
'cured, comiplieations' multiply and Consump-
tion of the Lungs; Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, •
, Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave
Analediesoitequitu'disible,./tc zet ain,Andosouner,
mroormary Li,er,ar
through that great • blood -purifying organ, •
cleanses, the Systern of all 'bleed -taints and im-
purities,from whatever cause, arising. It is
equally eilicticious---M--ecting upon the Kid-
neys, and: other .exeretory..organs, cleansing,.
strengthening andbealing, their :diseases. As
an ;appetizing-, restotativo. tonic, it proinatee •
digestion and nutrition, thereby building up.
both flesh and -strength. In:malarial distMeta. •
• this- wenderfill medicine has gained groat
.celebrity in -curing Fever -arid tAgue.,.,Ohills and
Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases;
Dr. PIertons. coition .
• •
froni a eiiiinrion•-BRACK.7`16f -tirtiptiOn; to Ole
'Worst Scrofula.' Salt;rhetzra;: "FeVer-sores," ,
Sealy or Rough , Skin, in.' short, elf diseases
Caused by bed blond are conquered by this, .
,poiverful, purifying. and hirmorating medi-
eine. Oreat'Eating. ratudly heal under
• its benign influence. Especially has it 'maul.'
lested its potency in curing Tetter;Eczema,‘:
:RrYsfeelos,13oils, Carbuncles, Sore-Ey'es,
Sem' and Swellings, 11 ip-joint Disease,'
‘' White Swellings," Goitre, or Thick.' Neck',
and Enlarged Wands. Send ten '.cients 'in .
stamps ' for, a large Treatise,. with Colored
plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same Amount• '
for it Treatise on Scrofulous Alnt,itions.
.theiroughle.cleanse it•hy them HriPierce's. •
Golden Illedical • Discovery, and gOod. ,
digestion, a' fair skin; buoyant spirts,'
..etrength.and tedlly health will be establish:.
. , . •,
which is SaroIllia Ofaho *mins, arrested
andcured-Me remedy, -11--telhatiti • he '
earlier stages of the dideese4, From its :mar--
v..61one power over this terribly fatal diseasp;_-•
• When first offering' this .now world-faIned rem-
edy tathe public; Dr. Pierce thOtiglit seriously
01 calling.it ins "CoristrurrioNtrie," but.
.aliindoned that nintie.as •too reiftrOtif,se, far•
4 mediditie which, from, its wonderful. corn,.
• bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative,
Or blood -cleansing, antf,hilious, pectoral, and
nutritive properties, is 'unequaled. not onlY
as a .temedv-fomConstimptio,n, but for all
Chronic Disenises of the, •, •
Liver Blood,and .Lungs.•
• 'For Weak Lunge, Spitting of Blood. Short-
ness of .Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh. Bron-
chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred •
• affectious, it is•an ,eilicient remedy. • .
• Sod by' Druggists, at 0.00, or Six l3ottlim
Send ten cents in stamps for`Dr. Pierce' • .
book on Consumption. Address, • '
'World's-Dispintary Medical Association
663 Midi' St.. BUIFFAX0,.?1.
Idercliants,, Butchers,
We want' a, OOOD 11.4N k011it•loo0.14y to piek up
us. Cash furnished On,10.,isfactory guaranty
Add'rees C. S.PAGE, Hyde Park, Vernon:1.0,AI. 8 '
DvNI4o 1174: .
When say cure I do not mean merely to stop Sleet for g '
a14 then have 11,,,, return I mean a rattral
mire.' I ItaVe made the Maenad or FITS, ItilILiti'SY or FALL,
' ISO SIOKNOSS a life-long.study. I warrant 'ply retpeily,
to cure the wonit.caaos. Because others 1.0' failed le no
'reason for net now receiving a cure. • Send at once for
• treatise and a Free Bottle ol ttlf Infallible•reinedp . Give'
axpreas and Post Office.' It coati you nothing for elrie4, . •
and I willenre you. 'Ad4reari QR. 0.• ROOM, •
Brailchtillte, al Tonle Mil -Toreito.
. •
I have A noaltlaerefiteilxiet the above di Oeifio 0. 131.
thnitianda of coSee er the avoret klmt ah In it tiandInt
hive been tured, tieleed,„eo• strong' -•,,'*.feith In ita
alien, that wi I 01131 TWO tecoritr
v A 1,MAilLitrnsArtIN tiii1,4lies,;*,i01
Verer Olve e,tin000:16.1, 5 ,Ossel.lrela. • •
Branch Office, 34,7cingcs St., Torodto •
. •