HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-07, Page 6s„, •
A ,Rong of
0 weary Lamaist that, all tifir day,
Were set to leper hard and long,
WOW bottly falls the shadevra gray,
The bells are rung for.even song,
An hour ago the golden pun. '.
Sank slowly down into thewest;
Poor, weary hands, yous.top is dope;
- Vietime for reattNat,iine torresti ,
- • .
,0 Weary feet!, that many a mile
•Ilatie trudgedalong a. stony way,
At lest ye reached the try sting stile!,
. No longer fear to go astray, •
The gentle bending, rustling trees
'Nock the young birds' within the nest,
And softly sings the quiet breeze •
" 'Tie time for rest) ti.me for rest I"
, .
weerY'eyes I fionftviiich the tears '
Veit many a time like thunder rain-
.• p weary heart!. that through tiieyeare
Beat with such bitter re,tiess pain,
Tonight forget the stormy strife, •
And know what heaves Ethan send is best;
` Lay down thetangied web of life; ,
. time for rept! 'tis time tor rest!
, • . .
0, ,
• It was he who in Me athirst
for knowledge; all the leisure moments he
eetild imaten from his ciwn studies were
'devoted famine. • Miring his college Orin?
...he corresponded with me, and planned out
-.. MY whrir during Waal:Once,. Sparingl'hini,
• self neither time nor .peins ; and from -:the
. '• ,night he carried mo le,' poor weary • elilid,
, C-----,..Llio.'the lighVitnc/-radierice:4-Of• hie -peaceful ---0-1Etor ,white-liand-wes-resting,'-on•Abe.-
. honte•-:-Iie.,4seemed. • to - have adopted 'the •little table, that • Stood beside the couch.
. • s,
Veindiarly,'initilit• ()sine to be understood .There -was it- diamond ring". on--her---firiger-
, at the Orange that Crystal was. Aaby's that fl;celiedjte Atino.,nioved;;. presentlybe
. • darling andheilMiged,espedially to him:. • • stretched it clitto.),Ijahrtvith a:. bewitching
• ..66 I think that if Margaret had not %been
• .. ' endowed. with that singular unselfishnese• "'Oh, what lovely lilies Of the valley: '
• that belonged US her nature' she•inust have she exclaimed, Pointing to the . flowers;
• missed something ent of her life..,..,:once she .'.they are the first 3 haye; seen this .year.
• had been everything to her: brother; but I adore lilies; they are .perfeetly', exquisite.'
. . now it •was. Crystal 1* drystal who ;must Do let Me Ine.v.e them, Mr, Ferreira, I kilo*
• bring him his. boOk14,z, and hunt out ithe they grew in the Aarclen„arid 'f„ Shell keep
• Words in ,thedietionarYi. Crystal who% Must thein:as a,menierelib of glandyoliffeand-4he
• tidy his paper, and lay the little. spray r4 dear Orange.. 'florae, you.. must not let me
' flowers beside ''Iii,S plate . at •, brealifast,r break the tenth.. commandment ..and :Aoyet
-7--,Crystal-Whioniustgawithltironithircrinflids anylkinger;''"-and• -thErfairtirliellliWfialreliW
'••-- ' among the sickaiidaged-7.for.true to the. . tli,.,11 ' ' h p' k .4..
wetly office to 'Which he. proposeCto ,J !!,,Italiy:,.. • .7„394ed; • einharraseed,". a,rt(Y
'dedicate Mire% the young ftindergroiduate hesi ate , : . •. . •., • • ' ,
already devoted& • portittnf ciallia:liitie to . ,, "1 had gathered ; these • lilies. 'for, ;him
deeds of ., charity.. Little by little iii.'',0* beforsiAlisi ,def,wits Off' them. ' They. gra*
L....,:ahildish seltieihnerki . I . Stole freint her .her..ina: little noolief AllET Itediiiond' .grOundif';• ',
. ..
sweetest privileges;, the many little Offiees they were the favorite flowers, and I .had
,,with which a loving Woman 'deligbie,, ,to walked liplenie• Milehrfli:ViiiitiorilitiW .
aiiiiiiiteilciftWifteepthlkher affectiOn; 'he"7":6 berrik Mr. Ferrers,'
sii10.1dierileit '*ilf net
•: they:father, brother. Or liusbafir " ; • ,!reftese Me,.Mr: Ferreira' And her smile Was
.4,,t14.14,athigouthe,,i • .liaiv wry Winning :; And Baby; though reluctant;
ths. •,,,,agio*, ,stil,hc , 171,:ild ' lelthtliaittlot.40.1..ysiiibelia0-r-itAtiffiati
111.;aticIfier oin .4 -niter underste '• ',iese.,04i.,0.cuildharelly:liaveloneAlterneise;•htit 1
otherinost-4011y, :In. th i 'Met „Janke,. I wasAoeyoungAot owl ti . • 04. :•,..., t•-••,,
helm, ead'aintillnitl 'ainetui nee4hatiip,cike Of • • •6411 There, ah hde gone -at Aset;ztte-• piogy
perfect troaVapdrOndimm— ished affection ;. chatterbox,' he exclaimed, With a -akiiii Of
lidargaret .iiiiiila &Yetli.I.ii
', k'itletis: of rIRaby, '.ial, Apr.r.pfeI
tehdZ a wearintis, ,:asi, he Tdoor
' , • . or Iteibinf Margaret., i .1,: )1.4'). 1... . :! 1:: . , ' . c'..cseentibnk,ofir.4'?Visiiiirs",%%ktr- y' fiel',1- plY
• .--, 44' Raby ' had Very ,peottliar. t notions n::thei chilkciameh.erell .I.: have not heard' your.
subjeCt of female edrioation.: • , • , . •' • folice,fkrIth4014004.1Tiell.me. ",ivIitit' you
, , . Mine, for examplee_wae_carriedio -In' think 8f -V:frie.444:.aleTitot :a -lively
rather a destiltory ..fashion. "IWoe...not-youngladk24,-,-,„0:,,,..i„..,..,,,,,„,,.,, .:„
fretted by restraint', or made stupid •by keg :. " I made him no answer. , -1 was ' past it.
•' • tialia; •just. ,sufficient • knowledge vvas im. • ""Oh, ILI had only'. .gonia Silently.. out • of
parted to excite my reinienirig• powers and , the room to recover My El elf,,, MAO advinet;
aronseithedesire-for inore.-4-6,Letherlearn;'- spoken to me knit then.He etkited- When
- .' he ''t,veitild.s.ay 'but let her learn as the bird he saw nriy,face. • , . ' , ' . • ••" • ' -,•••
.: leer/nil to.A. sine, . And when , Margaret, vfii. . .66.'!Orystali• my. dear Child ' • What- is ' the
. .
'•:•.i. her gentle way, Sighed giOrlii-y- lamentable ,matter?, andlheaHtheriit.bursttorth:' Oh;
: ignorance tif alljerninine acquirements and my God X mast have been; ;beside • Myself.'
.• ..household method. :' • ,: ., ' , , . : :'. •Surely some demon toriet..have -entered .into
.._.;,. . " 'j..et'' her be,
'. he would reply; with My., childish heart, . before I eiinld: have
• ,masenliriepereniptOriness, tyve must :• not poured forth , that torrent. Of • passionate
'force, nature. When the Anne temee' for invectiv'etAind reproach.• ., .• ' ' - • , .. ' . .
•• ' her womanly instincts to develop, . not an ,.' '1They had never Witnessed such a sceiie.
'-: .Engliell Anittron or even,. one . own 'clever. Margaret; ,sleiet soul; gked, arid trembled•'.' 'Margaret .will 'excel. Orystal. then,'And ae:AtheLhi?Ard Me, and UnelligOlf grew quite
• ,•i'etill, more Strangeto say, he rather stimu-. Pale. ., , • ..- • . . ' ; . ' -• - ' . ' 4 ' :
...: lated than represdedniy yaility.6 • and SO. 1. . :16 1ThatAshild; '' he • cried, .'.!Eclrannda
•'' . •, -VOW tip gift° conscious.of my own personal. •child-!' and his voice', wee ;•ftill Of, horror;
: . attractions; . lint . Without the knotyledge, hitt :Baby' rose slowly fres*, •,Iiit :cella.
having nudge- we With, Me, ',' ' ' : . • and without a ' word. hd
e le; pie hem :the
. , . . , . • ,
or Oven eitimg`aMontlY binge lint *IMO •lin
"'Our Cryatal is getting, quitelwoniani"
he said ones, when I turned his hot -pillow
and pat the cording drink beside him; and
at that brief word Of praise my fatiefiushed
with pleasure, and I felt amply rewarded.
"So Was a tall, strilungaooking girl;
much handsomer than her sister Emily,
and she meet have been two or three y,ears
older than Baby. She always seemed to
Illre• his society, so; while the others tallied
to "Uncle Rolf and Margaret., eh() eat'On my
low chair beside Baby's couch, and talked
tq hire without seeming to notice any 'one
else. ,
slept. •
• "Mies VYvie was very bandennne and -a
flirt, and Raby was only ayoting man. .
"It wonld hardlyl&ye been natural if he
had not 'teemed gratified by her interestin
him, though I did not know until alter -
wards that he valued it itatrne COO, •
Still she wits • pleasant and her little
airs *Mused Idol, and he 'entered: into a
long conversation with some. enjoyment,
and for onop„I Was forgotten. I tried to
join in once or twice,hut Miss'Vyvie treated
me as a chi/d;and. scarcely deigned to
noticomeilb4t Raby did not seerii,,ta ye -
sent thefindiffererioe ot *Want of Courtesy...
!He :only pikes, for 'MO , Others
are oath; I thought,, and:my heartliettan
4.0,AWelk-With- ieselene •.€09,tion-l3ut NO
befcire the left SOmething ocoarred that
fanned the envious spark into a Elaine.
.. . . .- .
.16:Frear:' the ':fireit'Aie 'would have me: room.- .' ' . .. '. ; .• ' • . ' • ... '
‘6•I de ,not 'know whether: I ..; yielded to, .
dressed in 06,4:paint rich style in i!hich'. I.
• .. . that firm tend]; or whether ,biel. strength_
• eame to them 'first.,...,.... ' • • .
compelled me • but still. Silent . he look inc'
. It suits her peculiar style of beauty, •.. -1 • . . - ., ... .
I heard Iiiii(once,saY,.'Wlien. Margaret re- :up,tcr,roy room and.left .me there. , , .,
'.. • .nionstrate with hini- On tho_'_!ektravagence ',"'"014 the avffulness. ..of .• that npit(..
'-`,Of the idea. . I Was,curied Ligon the window .reproach, .the .sternness of that 'pale: face;
'seat, reading, :and they did net think I was it recalled. Me to ,myself, sooner than any
g listening., , ,. -. • .. , , .. • . • word, would hitve•done., ' Almost before the
:a! Rahy.is 'right,' obitailred. :Uncle : Rolf; door 'jibbed' my pitision had.. Spent itself.,
6- ehewill never initke a qiiiet-looking• Rngt and then the agony of shame and despair
i' lislkgirl :likeiour Maggie here --were you -to that folleviedt ..I had .forfeited • his , good.
kdreseher aS •tt Puritan or. a Quaker; •ali; ' opinion for ever. 'He would never leve •me
e. elle will break hearts • enough • V11. 'warrant , again! ,,,If 1 eoida die -oh, impious prayer.
with :Hiram dark WitCh eyrie' of hers :'; we that I: prayed --if I could only diol :But .1.
'must bo. careful' of the. child t .4,,IU.Bianee.'s would never see • his face • again. I .worild;
beauty . Were tike her darighter'eone. Cannot "g6Where .they.-Oould netier•find me, where,
ivoriderinuch.at poor Bdoitirid'i &Moe-. • , '.I Would, never grieve them more. .' • • .
. • ". Something in my iitiole's speech.aroused. :, ." Vern, it was ' a strange feature that
my childish petulance, ..I: &Wed, My-bet:4r marked those Passionate fitei of. Mine.; • hiat
' - and came torward,•. , • .• ....' :. :... • ; X never yielded to-them:afterwards Without
--:". 4. I 'don't want to hi:deb-4y h -e -a -,r rs-P.77-1` 'Thelittitie desire sizing Mete go away . and
• Cried, angrily; c. Tntdy Want Raby'iP.-I.am see them no ril0k0.; .0..nd but for the Watch-
:, going to• belong to Raby all My life, I will fill care that surreinided me at those tithes
•' never leave) biriti,.,.never lt: and .I 'stamped I shotild'often have escaped.: ,...'
myfoott'iichTTittle, fury., .. -- • • . . . . "It carne 'iipOn inc now, this horror of.
• ". They .611:laughed; Thiele ROleking, :and. restraint, and. overmastered 'me: • %'O my
•' .Merrily, but Baby colorediip is be limited. 'fancy, .1 seeMed to feel the wallEi falling in.
.: , . • ".4 That's right, darling;' .1i6Baid, in Lilo*: upon mOln judgment' fen'. My 'stn.'. I • Was
•'.. voieki.. ' 4, Now, go, back to your book.'. And suffocated, alidyet robtless.. Oh to be.awaY,
• , x went at onCe.Obedientily.. ' •-• .1 .,• ' I thought, to be ati4y'frinn those reproach-
. .: When •• • i;'. bade • him gciOd.niglit ,•thiit. fill lacteal; and .1 rusheddown stairs, through"
...4 'atoning, and Stood lingering by his the. house, and down, the yew,tree:,walk;
. . ; sOrcie-pretext-'nr- other, he. suddenly took but the garden deer into AI .laneL___wria.
.hold of Me, and drew, roe towards - him.- .. looked, and :itt that slight obstacle' I ShiVere d
Little Crystal,' he said,: t you think. /and lavdown On the grasii and.crushed My,
'told Heaven knows hew‘tivireet'your shildish.,:youthf Cain, branded' With • uneXtinguish.:
you love.ltaby indeed t. I am ear§ you :,aei ,fited egi st the'grotind, and felt like some
' affeetiOn . is to roe.; '. but .do ',•-• y,OU abbe•shaine. . '. • • * ' '
,. know,--, will .., von . ever • , know • how ' '4, I liadloat taby's'lciVe. : r hita•lotfotted,
Baby 1OVes you?' and putting his hands on his respect. There My tlie unbearable Sting..
, "ttl'Y head be bade ,Ood bless my: linicicent. Never should .1 forget•that pale stern lice,
, • face, and let,ine go. • . ' , .., '„,,••• . acid the 'Unspoken' reproach in those' ,dark
''.. .'-' Oh those &Helene days of my' child-. dyes.. .:. ' ' — '•••• .. . '
. .
'• boort But they ire gene -they aregone 11 '4., ' Oli, I &Whet beat it;'. I oried;.. f ben,
•••::Long , rambles - , on the • 'Rea -shore With not, Cannot, bear it.' • , '. • . " .''' ' -
'Margaret; and in the corn, fields*ith Raby; . . ' 44i, 'My . child,' ' said ItalyYs. 0.8.itt v' hie()
.. ,.,
. • now'nutting in the.copse or gathering briar, Otos° to Mew 'if you ere sorry, and Your
: -roses in the lanes ; setting. out our. 'etkRw' grief foo yeti are, you 'twit asknardon
: betty feastunder the great ilinArtie on the . i • ' F ,. m , .. h . !.. .. .. ' . . ...• - ., . - • ,
••••• lawn, ,. ' ,, . ,_. . A . the 0 our at . r in eavon. .
..or-pioiting np nr.cones an Red- ' '' 4 Theri,ritity, a. mstuiita . Goa. forgive
' mond avenue.. ..SpripwfloWerai arid enturim roe .for my biatphoitiy ',1,..',4 oriecL .4 not Ilhi,
Sinaiet--bright,halbyondaye of my ,youth brit" yonrs, *.likby. 1.!caliriat live without'.
made glorious with hive: ' • • .yoiir love; ' and then 1 Weil almost. choked
For as yeine shadow of thc,flitUre had with my sobs. ' ' , • ''. ' .
*fallen upon MO; no 'taint of that. inherited, .4" Crystal,: he'said. with La. heavy sigh,'
' lassion had roVegleditself ; perhaps MAI). ean this be my eliiid.;.vitiom X have taught'
rig, had ' pi:whited •to touile the 'Orfila-fit, 6,,nd guided, niv. child- for Wboril I have
tomper,liilled by the influence of this happy prayed ,every night ;1 and touched... by the
home. ' But the „tinie' tame soon. enough gen tle,nese- of his, time I Crept a,little tibilter
' FM1141 I eVer forget. that ..day ? • . •.. and clasped his .feet.,' ', ' , • •
, .u, It imis, abring the.hastern Vtioetion-' X ' " 4 1 dan never he fOrgiven"?. I., ' Sobbed.
Must haVCbeeti nearlY•13 then. Raby had .4 What has heaven to do With such e Sinner
been, 'Unwell ; able lOtv feveribh'ettaek hact iii3' I ? ' ! ' . ' • ' ' '4 ‘.!
arm and Idese4 itl'andliken hneW P'"ntr. treat me a
terg yen.'
"Never; never shall I forget bow
talked to me -and yet he was
me to bear the *terror of the sin and
brother and a priest too I How ho he
shame of pry. repentant* ; how, with
retrieving one iota of itei mint or one -d4;7,11
of its probable oonsecfienoes, he led
the one consolation. Thy sins, even t
shall be forgiven thee,' and then he
me backinto the house, cast, down ii
and humbled, but no longer despairing
led 'ine to Uncle Rog.
" Vather,' he said, still holditigmy
perhapsbecause be felt how 1 trer
6 father,. Crystal has come to ask your g
and Margaret's also for the pain sh
caused you both, and to say that,
God's help, she will never offend so a
"Never 1 oh Raby, never 1 whe
inborn enemy was strong as deaL
cruel as the. grave, Oh, my gooa
„Raby, what have the' years written a
mc -against me -your unhappy chil
• . A 61{AVE DEC/SIO.
•. From the day •
.11;rmight to Frigland mY Poor searchiog.3
(Auprohan even of iriy father's grave); . •t,
had loved me; svatehed,me, watched ht.
• in Mine., -- .
.7iY)lich in inc MAW, and 14eisliteue4 int P? .
• Eiizabeth pa/ rett Brow)
..".The years rolled by, but, alas! : •
The taint in My nature that had re
strongly as time, went on; DA rare int,
-very 'rare' 1' am thankful to say -
gusts of passion pier -Mastered my re
so thatfor a brief time I Jieemecl
0 0
possessed with an evil spirit: TR,
• ;
: L.
*7,130fiedd The Oldfp1T1o°;igetfo7Y Mief'-stseiLdilolYa. Virginia -
:my gentleman, rather. advanced • in life, who
was about to be united in marriage te a lady
very ranch his junior. Groirig to make her •
• " They triedeverything'-everythin a visit 'net before their wedding, her old --",
to save inc - from myself, but in vain the future lord' and master of her young' .-
parlor„ eager to Make. the acquaintance of
colored MainmY Paine cOurteaying into the .
human wisdom andkindness Could 1 ike
causes for offence were reniayed, and ,kla lady. " Well, Aunt Chloe,the
said the gen,
eiciternent; hitt when theparoxysins what de you thihk 0/ Mimi Luoy's choice,
...jos: tlemae in question, after 'the preliminary
Means taken to ward off the thre eeting had been gotten through with,
_ S " ' ' ,
they waated .no words, no severity 7 -, no
yes, gr •
.1013-; thi3y-simplyieftaiwto'-'myself. •1.1.111 mid " :
But the punishment that follovVe • • ' smis• : .,w, iYloikne'vse•ysoer nliiiigraht?; well,
....marei. .
'F.or, days and .dayr( ., •Fith
• fur at Pie seen you," iiiPlied Aunt' Cliteet
a terrible.one.
John, .
week. together, Raby . would reit; _ : - ,,,.,.,. hed :after a moment's deliberation; "but yqu's
on. too Old for Miss Lucy."
one Of these outbreaks, sometimes
speak to me or to held any eemmun och ' " Too Old, Aunt Chloe 1 " exclaimed the
. 'ail g ntIsman,"sOmevvhat discomfited by Aunt
,stndies,,fwere all broken :off,' every bloe!s; unexpected' candor. ," You- don't :'•
"Our walks and rides, aur pl
'011ie° arid attention reftieed, My. re aila eninghimselfhwihmi.seYlf°nup!)e.' tat1111Wilya,bIo'uni'just(itritigMht; , '
met 14 ,4 ',chilling .13:thriller that drove
litter:10; '7 , ; • •, .,:. " ,.:!.:',... ',- •••"! i',•• ,
e ,intnaititO27..bl:/:11:SttlikilIV-"
. -
tears felt tnet, as I listened to bim,.• .
" What do you moan ? ' I 80044;444w
have. I offended you? Why do you previa',
to send me away from yon ? '
be. continued.)
-Death;i7thOrNithoritgeg ithui.!eP 'sin"
London *644: I regret td say that the
Mehe-rinee Dhuleep Singh, who has. been in
failing health, died isornewhat suddenly on
Friday. The igabaranee always conciliated,
showed mil& geb-n feeling, and was et favor-
ite with the Queen. She was a LeOntiner
woman with a strain Of Abyssinian blood '
in her veins. She. refused to associate, her-
self with thelliabarajah's continental vaga-
ries'. Her sons acted , with similar good
sense, and P,rince Victor, now a. C.E.kcIet. at
Sandhurst, bids fair to become a popular24,
ritish, *officer and country gentlernan. Pro- , •. •
bablY. the Mallarenee'c delgit net, Pre- •
drnuacgen' moue catl.iedffmedatmubpeorn otfhethwebboalormItanS.acifioulok.: - -
Dhuleep •Singli has shown himself'. more
.eager to aever every eonneetion., with his
.old life the more desperate his, fortunes -
have, become. • They have reached a low
ebb since his ,protector, •Katkeft, died, and
the official Russian Government is under-
stood taliehy no means enamored of his
offers, nor will the last effort of Vie 'Moscow;
Q4zette this week: to lift him into. prgroi, •
nence have much effeot beyond acoentuat; -
tug his political insignificance ••,• •
• .
1.30T ' - ritAlil 4 t : ' ' ''.'";.
• 0 Xeris 441 aties you iil,trePlied the 'still
4...;.,,,, ...g.,,•,.,'. rau,h‘ onrardeflAu 031.041.43ti 404,24' Ms? *°""'-'7'*"
'1'4.•4, 4444-L g.17393 ..r1:11r.'t
Watidered.Ohillesilyobout the house ' 11 - .mo denV'
moping over my *Ober work in a c ,
ITilever soriklif.,Ito. rehel against the
mirwith genie surprise. • '
' 41r9iikejl, we • up .t.43:1a113 . .". Ali Alleged Abseoueion..
then .all at • once, sometimes When ' li, .:• ,_._ °,, ,,,,: ' .4. ' The latest-. absconsion of Prominence in
of MY sentence; it was a: just one I
titpeoted it, When I Was Most hopelese and J gr,,a7igeoze L 4. w aOr!.1 Ihe•Western. 'district •is 'reported by the
andi bore it patiently as. I could, .
forlorn,..`erhand-woulethe-Plen-ed-Olynrr ltead.' eveiii' , „ , . .P...i: , . ... , !. Ont ,pe°r4eiCloonlidfF"M"re; LP.r.e,R,81i •. 'fRroichatdtrettnh,r, •°thYe' illwethll!.' 1
-in the-old-caressiing Manner, • and it low , , , I. Wellrdotigs. yon-fifie-,-';.--‘7„lie.:70thrlee.et .1r4loWn. cheese dealer, whose l absence,. from •
coimy;.and..alosed the. dour; me, inditfe: his usual ,business haunts since Thursday
suffered: 1 -never kneW Until' afterwards
niave cion, tcc,offeiid him ; bite, was
tu.itk_1411.17,...(7074411.e.d? onsiderable talk in
eicial arid other circles. Mr. Rich- .:.
1 forgiyen darling,' would bring me back to '
'ill6hrlie iiirliitivineii 3atr 6IY;' h°,* he enee•of his tone wounded:me.. ,'What could
the,t his punishment was eVen greater that? proud Where Baby 'witii.,Cannernad,lin--I On was a prominent "operator :on the •
den, •Ingersoll•and Woodstecligrolleese.
niine.. .. .: put on my hat and accorapenied hire. ' r ets; and iiiThirtil. opted• town viTe.:4' .
but presgitly-theiTirdinie-s; time when they Ognized aann...energetic, pushing . man. .
"1 am speaking now of my yoUngerdaYs, • •
(okOi the liket Mile or tWo.vve were very
treated it lesa•asa lanIt'.'llian'•,4 malady; silent. Baby Walked on with his 'shoulders enws:rsihatniVuellirit,suelet3,fulX"ri.a'3Jhoehlini.iWianttteir13-.,:.
slightly bent, and ,his eyes fixed on the vorth for the repreeentation of Weit Mid
ground, a habit of his when he Was think- :diesex in the Ontarie:LegislatUre several '
big very deeply: ' • . ' : , . ; • ' .: . years since; and took an active interest Le-, '
, 6.1! Baby;' i said at. lest, rather. timidly., narty•politics.
. .,
1 I,Wilill_304.would walk: a little.„sloWerri...
-Wai.4- to. talk to you ;,":.lind. then he looked at:
,when Roby dreaded. the. repentance more
than the paroxysm, for So poignant was
my attgonsh of remorse that it threatened :to
.1740haeulni3:_whellealtthh.e-Y±salf -4P:11:1
Strove against it, and how the torment of
ray own ' undisciplined nature was more
.• .T.hP.DePt Had neon -Standing& Year....
than I could bear, then they grew to look ,.. I...wee.pnli thinking of my next: San- remAilndegr.-sausiffeortlionWgii4:11. ell,,an B`•°rit:1111•3 ..4,tis.:
- ' daY's•serixion; :he repliedae .if in' ' apology ' ' "Dear Sir:
upon me-as:lone upon' when; some deadly, •
for his. want of attentiem• ‘1.,told You you, ' • , : . )tour little acconrit. bee been *..
;seourge Was laid -some moral sickness.that '
hut•L'bi,ta better -not Orystii17- ' standing ,now •over •eyear.... Please SencLa .
they 'could net nniimstand, indeed,
"*011, 1 know you did: not .want.' ine,'. 'I cheque and Oblige,?'. ' . : • . •: , , , -,.-.
which; Out: of.their great loVe,. they Could '
afferdto pity. • v . • ' , '' • ' answered, liglitry ; your Manner made that :. Hardened -debtor replies: :
,, ... " 'Years %rolled ori: . Relay • had: /passed feet Very.apparent ;.but you „see I wanted "Dear sir*:
" to coine, andso- 1 AEA my own "way. •Of • " If that littleitecOulatis tired Of,
through his University . life With :, helloes.;
'had gairied e •fellowship and had taken , , , .
oceurie,I know . what text you Will'chOose, standing, let it sWdown.: • l"YOurs."
"Itaby74Whiltir,pitrittetn7crffeldr .:rao to . • . • -.--...,- . . •
orders,. and acCepted,a Ouracy scime distance'
from :aard...cliffe. , .. . • , . come and hearthat-sermon. TO thin Ittlist• • . 'The-Leng iiiiit$liort alt..
J., neither Margaret or I have ever heard you " Do you know.," said a •dignifiecl.ldoking',.
was only„a teinporary position, Until . .L.
the church at 'Sandyeliffe had been restored • Pre?"°•"•; and to •lose . that, sermon of all re' ari, ." that. I never tasted whiskey'?" '
an .was roe y or use; the,been others: '. ' ' ••• ' -'• • '. . 4 NO, ," was the reply. • ,:‘, i. ktioar lots of
cl, d ' f 'livinghad -
already Proniiiied to him and 'small: as it `t.` -•What do you -Mean? ! '. he answered; .fellei.1; that gulp it down quick. that way,
was, heowished to hold it';:at least for the rather irritably; for my •.gay. mend Was but somehow I cdulcialWaya get niore.enjoy; -
preeent, Raby was a. maniiingnlarly &Void
of arribitiOneend,Olongli he must have. been '
Coot:Loup ,that his were no common gifts,
clashing with his:sombre one,.',• H.. : °/ nient:out of it by' lettin'illoiv, enlestr. •-•
its clear .pizen.Watihingion Critic..
. . . , ..•
O. V. BiatlieWion, of DeRelb; Ill., has .a . •
he alwayikteldila that he . did. 'not wish. a • will be ypursuhject,.. !Baby', • will it 'not ? ', •
"He turned • round it '' that, ' and a Smile time!Ntaltese rabbit Which will..figlit.' Meet .' •
wider sphere 'until he had tested his,p6wera '
F. . .. . . .,
• anythingfroine mouse tiptoin elephant:
and had Werked a little in the. home Vine- dispelled, his gravity; and then he took .My• _,, .,
yard.L , • . hand and Put it on his arm; and hem 0 it recently had 'a bone to pick With aliound.
0..41.t, this time he was much '.- occupied . g,entlY there. .. 4 ' . , „ ,
' ., • ., Waiting until the teuind,' was .wrapped in
with his studies, and some dbotrinat treatise '. el mber,it quietly apProachpdi jumped otr.
. " ' I' think you hake gueSsed nnithoughts,
ii which he Woe engaged.; . and: as pnly CryEital,' he said, ' qtneti3r., . 'but net all of .. '
the henna' back, and made the fur II in a .
Sunday 4uty. was required of •hini, be was them. Do you know.I have been thinking• manner which,..
l'iveuld: be h caution toY: is
able to ,be with-us-fram-MOndayrAer,;•Satitt. naive' genie elang-that dear child.- -' Sand usky,,, 0.1.'proposeirLto-attillar her.
day, 0, great boon to us as Uncle' BOWS • have readhed.the cross rciale7,Of life at last, otiee.tqa*.oi old light the city byelectiicity..-.,
.health watii44g, ilia 'his Bente hOliStent where each Must choose his., Or her path, .. . thicken your . piano., sitigilig: bras
Preeienee was h great comfort '1.6 hititu .He and on their, 4Y alone,' .,
died When / was about fifteen, and, then ' " ' ,
Raby, " '1 exclaimed in wino dia., 'floe various. Ways. or singing same passage.
Without breaking ,your dietimittion. . P
Raby. became inenter'of the Grange. , • ' • trees as pressed sayeinogs earntyojit .ti; '9dreadful'what cair
Thiknext t WO' Years. that followed were you .Mean by iitviOniit. -6moteorir os,TiLialyroicIeet.: .
atter's...ear Or ,se,'•IlUgh.“ Redinond canie sudden .cliange . of tone, • , you little know thett'S ileW translation Of ., 8hakepeare's '
I Pr :et en .171°,7.),T-Is.,1:
in spite of nyr dear tinCle'iloSS, Verihapti I ,I,IcTe 3"Tirtulth.,r4 f mine WYI afraY!313.e. gone Vocally. Learn to ..use . your Voice: '
' 6
Ones. ' • - , .,' . • • , : • the .eattle,!... •'.. ' •-••-: .. • ' ' . • -'' -'-----. Bit.at.anybody's feet. Delight.:yourself in '
• " Xlie fits of passion became 'Iriiire:'rare . '. 't4. '.My dear,' ' he tetitned• gently --very 'finding Out. year failings.: Try, try' again.
and clecreased'in viole,nce , -arid for a time gently; but there Was paihnlici some strange, I know the temptation torush et. the result
ceased altogether. ; It seemed to be Coming selemn ineaking in his fade -7-' I:diriapPoiritect .
, without•waiting On. the Meal:lacier I•did it • •
truewhat Raby 'had once PrePhesied, . that you:last night, . You thought that 1 would myself, and that's the -reason I Want you
wshouldoutgrOwth&M,'. When I beeairie a '
ornat, ' ' . ' .. . . , , ' • • your hirioCent vanity, that I held,
not preiSe your -finery . or steep •to latter
aloof Vocutisi, to 1.08 Childr0. .., . • '
to. hasten' sloWly‘.-./.Cenricity,• the Scntti!ilz '
i, plat we;f4 dui chief joy::• but later On, •frOniiour &hair Plehatite. Ah,' . With a , It iS inter:eating. i b , rici' t e , ;Mit at thie time ,' .
mere frequently to the Grange, and by and, whet brilliant Vision lialinted. inc last night „L. , p ,„ •
y lima been 'made in, Dutch. 13.ur.... •
by Margaret and he were. engeged,' Aioy and .drove ' [deep frbin . iny, eyeit; . how it ' .k""'
gersdyk, the fairieus.'peet 'of. Holland, has •
gave' hia . consent .rather. reluetentlY, he lured 'and terapted me .frOin my • Sense of mactethe translation, whieh iS Said 'tO
always told 'the . tie did . not consider'. him right; but ;God had mercy on .'His poet, :wo„it of .,,
art Hie 11 NaCbeth ". WAS resently ,
worthy of a' WOhitth like ' Margaret,. he 'priest, and Strengthened his hands•An the . '
given before a brilliant, audience ist. ' an
'thought him Weak and iinpuisiVe• and with. 'day of battle." . . , . ,. ,
Arnitendani theatre and. receiVed gre
'Mit ballast ;... but Margaret had • lost her " the white abstracted look of , his lace,
applatiee. The popularitY •of Shakspean
heart to 'her. handsome :yonng lover, and. the low vehemence of hie torie, thrilled Me. in Ho and Germany:le remarkable. -.. • .
°Mild see no fahlt•in hire, •and for A ‘tiao, •althdet painfully ;L. neteer'hacF:Rehr looked
.1Vliss Alice Henry, Of, Aspen, Cal.; discov;
little,', • .. • , . , • 14 t Xo; ' •. a 1. i, h , • • t I, . eked h itkrgejiehr near her lather's...cabin
my ar •ingr e •wen ...on so roty-
'", The ekpint that. standS. prOminentlytili 'illitY,*1 Will never Wrong the 'Child 1 have 'recently., .8he Wits'hlorie, bet thonght she'
0 . oould kill the Na.r.,, Taking • a• rifle, she
y recollection was abaft that wail to be guided. and pretested , all those yearti, ' r
Welted until bruit Wag baSY deVearing
given in honor of yoling Egerton Trelaw- take advantage of.your youth and intiperi.. piw and tlien,16,0klit almillet,in his •-braiii. :
ney, the eldeilt Ben Of it .. Wealthy inorclralif ehee, by titirig, my itifitieliee" and 'bondeinti-'
liVing at riettepoint.: Margaret was going, , ing you. to a life for which you are not fitted. Ite Weighed•'600 pv,,,, tilde.—
th .. is iu •;,
d of mute liugh itedtataidv would be Go forth into the World then, my Esther-=
er...,,ut, ...b., 'were,. not engaged then, did not Margaret coniphre you td'.kkither.- it1"1"en inaae'It'l
According to • t, 0 ,h(iijet tiAitcovCry has'
1,,treatimportahee to those • •
Margaret. had' indoceli; Raby to let .rne make experience - cif ita.pleasilreei.ite trials, in ihe . neighhert loOd': of • • eonsumptiVe.
then, ac '
'en, and vety, womanly for my lige. He daz.eling honors ; • if„. they; tell . you year.
cornpeny her:, for I wavineerfY Seventeen its, seductions; its false wooings, and lig Ii
1)64 . ' til... Were caught and
atients. • Some 1 ies whibli hatl. 'been seem
to enter spittOOtt eenteiriing•the eputum ot
rimmed rather.. rel. uetentlY; I thought, beent3r Might Win it cOroliet they• would be ..'Phthisical"
and the subjeet dropped, Another ..time .1 right? • , ...., • :,, ..., ,.. , examined; .whop it • wail found that.they...,...• ,
ould haVo tried, to Wert a Mere •gtheioas w
rmission, for 'My holirt' Was set on the ,, ,, " ' Iliish 1 , let ; inc • iinishi: go into' • the 41'64' th0.(116easi ' '11 Y b widely, spread by.
i, t Env 1.1 ,.. , .• ' , , , • Were' full Of tubi ,,claet.).0:11i.._1is indiOates:
ii. hut for: son -ie time 1, had. .rieticed .9; world thet claims- yon but 'if . it fail t .
0 : . o ‘, . • .. . . '.. • '
this.rneane. • • ••
gfit'ehange ih Raliy's niannerie 'ine; •All please you ----if it bitOk ..6.1A • you. 6 gway 1 -Each•of 4 . ' ,- '• -,....AM..,e4' tukti ' /fiat a
pereetitible,reeerve that Made rhe -a little ,'hutoblhd and broken hearted, ' then , come 1 feniale 'print) ---"•••
,ss et my ease With him; it, was hot that heck' to Me, "my darling, ..eenrie .hacktand Frank a
failed iii,kinilneFiO, for he had neyet heoti to ,Reby t he will he , praying for!,' 1+01.i t to Galt to ilk
iteilit to Mei but/there was eertainly: a •hcre.'... - .4 , i - • , ' t. ,.. r,1 They are tcr.),.
gliti barrier be't*.e.en us, Ire peased tO. .' . Shall .1, fiver forget, , his toile ,,,: . my. stick and te, '
. I , . . . ,
• ki-i-0h1-be; "Vanity of vani-
ties, smith the preacher. All is,vanity"; that
ail went ilinoothly; but I ant„ autipipeiting: or spoken like that.. • .
. ; .. sli
1, seized him, and he was just " ill enough to .1 Ah, little One,' he ttrifiViteit ' ' have ire
lie on the sofa all day sua be .petted and I not I forgiven thee, and r wa 4 stretched oh le
waited upon. I 4rnif4 'POZ100ilY happy • from no cress for thy,,salse ;,,,, arid the? kneeling he
taornintt;oulght i tdeiiotad myseit to Ilia dOtifh by Ili% side, la ha d 'My: wet tido io
ugedeiti ;teaduigto him; talkilig to hitt .from Ihe'Ociittill.sriftd Ar" geil ly on his til
It, t