HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-07, Page 4• _SYS :61'C-A,iit1�.�1�•7rM�' Fps: T:' -";o' -'tom• .4 tl . u*.•W.<1:C. Til , t/net* TE LIB RERT a Til Wr Eit. n.N>D .TO ARGUE FiiREL'F ACOORDING TO Ti1E DICTATES, OF CONSCIENCE W! PRIZE ABOVE': R1.LL. • QTDPR I ngSTIES,, Luo0W.' pat. 7th, 1887. • We<last week x e ved a communi- cation from• our old friend:, Mr. L C McIntyre, of Wlnnipe ;, and formerly,' 'of Lucknovv,, in which be descr><tes. 14lanitoba as a "'glor1ou4 country," His -letter. also •contaifec -the, °following printed circular, _•giving a tabulated ----;statement cif tbeyield per -acre --of the three principal grains grown in the :different sections of Manitoba and the i4orthwcst. • • Oats. Barley. Wheat..4 .Popular Point 5.0•.. . 35y- 30 - Pertage'la Prairie 60. 40 30: .,, .50 . ' '40 . 30 ;Austin', • .. � , Sewell.. „...' •60 '40 ' 30. - Brandon .. Y -. w' 60, , ' 40 35 . t Oak Lake... , '43 40 30 Elldhorn ;;. •=.45 , ,,59• . . -22 . iiloosutnin 50 40 30: • Qu'Appelle' .... 40 35 ' ' .25 '�Vliitetvood _ :, "50 50 •30.-',. Maple Creek:... 50;„, 40 30 Morris• , ..',. .70• 00 30 (Jrretint 50 :.40 24 Pilot';' Mound 45.. - 3i 25. . "+Y!' Glei koro. , , . •:- 60 45 35 -Dominion • Cit b5 • 35 , 25 60 `40 ' 20. Miinnedpsa ..'. , 745', .4035 ., '60 30 '35 , Shoal Labe.. 50 - 40 35 '. 13irtle , 00 40 30 Russell'... , . •'b5 5a so 11attleford 7 65 48 38 .: Prince. Albert:.:..,40 --50 •:35• c'apeland 4 C'aya -The. Vol # ssizp4. will opoo 1u; Mite . Court House, Walkerton, 00 ,t4.0 31st of October bir .andids. Joseph Little arrived home from their tri. to Dakota on 'Tuesday laet: • The anniversary of Hope Church, Ashfield, will .take place on .Sunday, 16th. inst. • Ali Y. ...FLAN:NFL `1efatyy elsc `jatels, . fav i R -------- :0:- - -, 1LtIPIEItY.! • 14?.. . ..L' Q.L. U • .ppL EAR. '4 • • ��r lR� • • Powru*sTER Ma i:ye, ll s confessed bribery by agents sufficient -tie -void -his election and it expected' that Sir Charles Tupper will do ,the same. The charges of personal bribery, by.. Mr. .McLean are now under investigation. At' -the trial a Mrs, •Weatherbee said • .57. McLean called at •my .house she rtlY before.thAelection. He asked for my .son,, Parker .... I said he was away." He asked how Parker. would vote.• '1 told hien: 1' did not' .know. , Mr. McLean said, ' Yon -will do all you: • c ui for me.' 1 Said Iwould. and':added, 41 sUppose, yon• will be making imakiinen press ant'? He replied, ' That' I ;will, and anice one, ; too.' On _cross-examin- titian the witness, when :asked: by Mr.. Tupper. if she was yoking during the: detailed ' conversation, •replied"1' thought if'Idid. all .I •could and . he. .got his :election it ,vas ,only fair I. should; get something URDAY 'ARDWARE ..:Lawrence. Ware, consisting... t Glctea Wringers . :A HempRubber Soap. Nails Table Xi 'ocket •Culeery :.'Wire CI.( es,Lines ,stare and '`•.A:sbestoo. =leas:. ,.: Gha�ng, . .. "Fence Wi of €11 kinds Cement: P�ttiry Melting. - I'. • ' J e z x En ine` Packinguiildiu a .er dr ',•& Paris P'laster' 1 ruslies of all. Kinds tar ed - Shovels -- GaY�deli Trowels.: Spades-- 'Water Li'' Babbit Metal • AND VARNISHES. .PAINTS, OILS • ' . i ti ue colors•ground in ' oil, Prepared paints in all shades., White Lead,:,Tur��ictine,Jolinsuns..F#. i q>, n to' an ,thin. in the.market.. . 1�illzstiu' for walls. superior y.. ready fUr uses .�. �, ..'. .��... . µ•:' lnware of all kinds � n ne= Wares Perfection Creamers, Honey Extractors, end. T, w, :A large;'stock of Tin;, Granite and'dapa u, rs Wart* . 'airin : roln tl atteliidnd to A full stoek'of. Sto�+'s Viand ;;tope; ware; Eavetrougttin� done.on the shortest,notice=Rep. ,gp ply d•o wel•1`to • ive, llinva-call before:'purr hasing elsewhere. - Etzrtxes-�rtetrdni: bttxzinroitlzi b• as jut received, a ' full line of hard fol{'owing day's under t e :.'man.a enrient "0•' V reyafannels from 15c., at Kerr's. n n 'extra tine grey flannel at 2,0c., and •warranted: not shrink. =Miss. Palmer; ofDundas,. and'altss, Polley, :of' Situcoe',•' are visiting at u James Sonierv'ille's. t 't -Lit,,is said there is over a. hundred;. : ~cast's of typhoid fever in Owen•Sound, !nit the facts aro kept very quiet:' %,' --New •• School :Books " both• for 7'"ublic and Higli: schools at . Copeland .Days. 't -Lost, last Friday Friday ,night; between Lucktsow and Donald Clark'sresidet ce, Huron, a tartan shawl The tinder will oblige by leaving it at ,-the • 'nr oilice. --!-4;:.session-of D1s'ision Court •'wat't's Held in this .village on, Wednesday. When a number.of cases were disposed '•New•,hand cuffs are beim distrib- sitedto the constables of Bruce, by the, «leek of the Peace, ' Those who conte •. •first et: their ick,: but the victims, won't be equally favored, for the new machines caret be picked by any one, They. are :of the Chi' rr • f, ccltl. ISS: --:o: tubers cordial invit-: tion is eztenaea ' to all to, call and: e filed argue Le display 1a of Minute �I ILLX shown.','. WI ENCE THE frELESRA1'ED , 'c;Yvp",.CHASES i p+ U E LI0tt .• -Edward 0.• Graham, 'the popular, and well known Nurseryman of 1•tyc,}t_. ester, N. Y., desires to : make ,•arrange; 'meats with.. one or'two.live, .energetic men to take .orders for his Nursery stock: 1 -ie has • a•ChQlce stock, induct Jog fine specialties. 'liis inducements iristi to beginners are :particularily advan- tageous. '. He fulfills all he promises, and.'guaratttees to, furnish strictly first class stock Hecan give; save; square, Olt nten gond psitiofs, and;desires •to communicate with' a fewsuch men, with a View of :securing their services:, • %Vrite to him as soon as you lutve read this 'far terms .and `' full particulars, Re,'tne;rtilrer . giilY;Square ; dealing 'men needapply. Address, Raw. OCs R I A1 1► . Nurseryman, Rochester; 'N. Y OCEAN STEAMER . A AIENUY 1d'liit ; t:ltr,tILehor� iAilnn Isles Lowest rattan and thrinitgh tti;keti, from I.nektu,wto Li vet -0041. London.Cirlae.gow,:ter 'X1t°.131in "irst=Claes Pio wusilt ca Co , repreec+rtted. Special'ratee An farul.." buildings. • n" r, retielit e 'beAt ne most eildecew- ..1t ala �! /taint erns 1:ioiltltallies riOaEt TO Loan' .1T ANU IT r NI `l.i e Y u l otiry.a littI over one year has elapsed since ,,the introduction , into , Canada of . the now ' well•knorv.n ALASKA S? 3 r % • 'YO Liver'Complaint, DHAyspeVpsiEa, In&entitton, Biliousnt.,i' Jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in the n ck, Costiveness ol• any disease arisingfrotn a deranged live DR, -CHASF. S LIVER CUES 41 be found a lure and certain remedy: • NATURE'S 'REMEDY ' • '- • The unqualified success of lir. (.'hales Liver', Cure h. '' • Liver Complaint rests solely' with• the fact that his' :.•:4E ---DONE . J3Y-'�••'-' tompouaded from nature'S will known gu 'DANDELION, combined with many other. invaluable roots harks and herbs• h.n.... a poweiiul effect on the Kidneys, Stomach,'tisiwels and 11....it Td d 600 000 SOLD own liver regulators M ANDRI,KR AND ANDEL los . •. • Over one-half million of Dr. Chases 'RecOe. Books `'' were sold in Canada alone. We want emery reran, woman and child who is troubled with Liver'' Com- .' A1nr lisrr 4 $t' !i0 fact that an inactive liver ca plaiNl to try'lhls excellintD' LADIES `B.irrel Arbor wish, solid'ratcl.et 200 It is, a well known nsca • ,__... r,......_. -... a-'du11�'-,•Lver" spoil; pimps-ts, uc,,; • ':'li"iillancitSt'aff`% 2.00 Chase's' Lives Cure is' eec only remedy that win mist Cleaning SVat�h • li0, posite's' cure these p ' :fin liafi:Lever rr, �i0M1ETflINC NEW. CIVEN AWAY FpEE t.iestli�ig, .g d er bottle of Dr. C,h1�esLivcrCnre • New 4yltn;der 2 00:. Chaitt•Ntteee• . ' (i0` Chain 3tepairing 25' . • ;(sae Siting 111;k2./i1 1;k '.: 1 00 • ' aee,Sprint{ I'1'y'.Up' :50 HsndN . • 'l0. C ►y . _ . s ••.. '.,lewt!18 Hole �� Ei EGLASStS. ' Jewulsticat) tn'.S©iting ".,. VI,: d the.e is:hardly a 'town or villa e . •T -Awls lti,ller' • • 50• A y Main Spring' 50 -••whert:� .an agency for'•th�'sale 6t this :Pivot 1 simice' • ]• 00 b s ectsrete :'has not beth in t ' Pivot C)sdittary. . ib celebrated p :.:,(sews ill �ltute'd,••• ••I-: , eUr•. heci1 2 00, 1.,J 'i ALASKA:"'in not pttifeil Ali by mean- �Vat1cyh Glnaabb' 10'.' 1 •T \... in # inti b Autifie, t hroos, • but is . ' . CLOCK REPAIRS:. 't ". . off ', ninth l; ktuhltc ,ret iia aioritett ;,;.., r ,. r(Matl 'i r t � oU that'tn 1k ' a lie y , .1 . / I Y 're r Itb eight: • Neat sigh ltnarj $Day citiibitcett, fid for far righted yotit ilr old age,, cot be Arita' " 1 '• •' lip exactly: 7'ha': wird ,' " Alaska" 10 etathinsd .' 11.;7ke1 eAlartns& : r s0 : 'u t i n every Asir, ; Hord S'iidnntig (rubs it' r:'. ' ►0 i e , ' r Yiepairiing,Spet;taeIua 10, e ,e,et. tree f : tzach'lino+ ' • 0n er • w 'g < tab or `crock•re air• Ab „ e i as carts lames. Wrappedatoun every' valuable Household Medical Guide'and Recipe? Boost (8. pages), containing over, Zoo useful. recipes, 744 rohounced by medical men.and druggists as invald- P. able, and worth ten times the price df the medicine.' ' , rti EDMANSON &'CO,, Sole Agents, )4dford. AGENTS W AVTIT%,D'' • FIVE GOOD ri•ELIA13Lk To eseitt`•' s Laver' Brbsa ivrurser reps: ... . , • Y in''Cotllltits'of Bruce and'' North Zturon. 'All stock:.g'uaranted to urefusers b. P first glass, � On1y,men w�0, ,are pfsbiI, g - • and• Willing' to 'work wanted. la•s}ch,,' ' • 1slernl terms`': .will be , r offeredt For tertn9' and .territory,'to L VY. M >4 LII3 L - •Wit ..' r guilty o of.ruesday t ! ` sitpptisonment,; and on t Eloy' pretepcal' „ ,io; silt wont