HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-07, Page 3„ Aar •V4lt4014°014 , 11 Forget him? 1 r the maldenaaid,, • And, fondly Pi:oiling, her Ilea. - " Forget the bouquets, bud, and rose •„ Of Niareelhal Niels audIacqueminots, With winch this most artistic youth Has wooed ine•ar W110)(4 fliQntb,Pr,Booth • These are not tokens I forget, And deep wi thin. my heart are set ' • 'Forget biro ? All the dainty words Re's used, comparing me to birds? And saying how the lilies sigh As•I, ' more graceful, pass Mem '? And how the tints upon my'clteek Pure thoughts, within my heart bespeak O. tr.ue I've beard the same before ; But what we will boar encore ? . • Forgot, /dm With the perfect tie To his cravat? And clothes that lie Without &a rinkle-suck• a form . And eyeglass that averts the storm • Of commonplace impertinence? And eyes ot languid eloquence? • And Sweet mustache, that drooping low: Yet, cannot hide his red lips bow? "'Ali !lever, 'never Pee A youth who owns more wealth:than/the.” . • ,110W To -GET Bib . The Boston'iterqd hats been 'making aonie rich nun for rules hy, which other, men may beCOMe rich- Mr. P. T. Barntirn saYs the golden:ride is to spend. lesS than one earns. He advities abstinence .from tobacco and rum,. due 'care for the ,health, the selection, of a ,congenial occupation, avoidance of debt, „and determinationto excelall °there- engaged in the sena° occu- patiqn. He alsq says : Be careful to advertise in Rome shape. Or ;other, because it is evident that if 'a men ...has ever so good ,an article for sale, and, nobody knewrit, it will- bringhim no re- turn. The wholephilo,sophy of life is,, first sow, then reap. Thisi„principle -applies to all kinds of hustings& and to nothing more eminently than to advertising. If a man has a really good artiele, there is noway in whiolthe can reap more advantageously than by 44. sowing " to. the public in this way. If e -man has goods for sale, ,and be doesn't •' AOPER1,441til5tt advertise them, the chancels are that Some day the 'sheriff will do it•for him. ; • Mow, it Man Is lliS Aunt'sPLO", ndl Politeness arid civility are the best capital ' Other Queer iteiationeniael• . . . _ • . eve*. inYeatect .in nnsteess- -Paxge..weirirenea t 'Mr. L. Osborne, Orthie, city,merried gilt-signe, flaming advertiserbents grandfather's second wife, and they 1.4ve a: 'prove unavailing if, YOu 'Or Yoilr en1PloYeee. son. '.Gri,Ven this simple statement and a' treat your patrone abruptly. The 'more number of peculiar .familY relationtbiPs kind and liberal' a man is, the more'gener- --' may. badeduced, ForaxeroPle, Mr. Oeborne oils. Will be the patronage bestowed -upon i le a granclehiid of his wife: His sop being hid,. • „ . times over. .In my first ,business years it else alsori of his (Osborne's) grandmother, pkeserve yoar. jOtcgrity, • it is- more was nouncommon thing for me to Work all Osbor.neprenious than chartionde ortthies.. The nigbt nntil liriakta.st time,thifig I was becomee a brother to his uncles, and aunts, roostditficnitthing in life:is to make money not expected nor asked to do. If a Young and also a stepfather to thenl• The boy; •diahonestly. One prisons are full of men man will,follow the rule of trying to make being the child "of Osborne as's, grandson, who attempted to follow this course. • No his tiervieell many times more valuable than thereby a great-grannson of his own man can be dishonest...withOut 1,309n being his salary, either his employer or some Mile mother, whilo his father may rejoice in the foundont, and when bis lack‘of p,kinOiPlele. else will appreeietehirn. There are a1wa3e title of great-grandfather to his own ohild.' disbovered,:nearty every avenue to enooe§f3 it.few Vacant places left for such kind of Thim-thebo becomesaLgrand nbcle to i awed gait him torev*, Strict honmerrancl.: theiremp1oyerehave,:verx4itt1e hiratielf;arkaAns4h7rthfigmeat,..griinuiVoiat trait; fOuridation. al/ rto aay tO their solitries: . Osborne is the boy's father and great., success !,e .1de. .fiese004.1y, but ta.,• everySecond--Never o . grandfather at the same timee anclih-e-ing other resliect• nor yerrateyour own ability, , the husband. of 'own grandmother, '• • ' t underrate that of, 'your competitors enjoys tbe distinotion_a_bein. r_h1.13-pwri, General Butler' hes' made a great 'deal of Pollow this rule carefu. klY, and then do not his money in. manufaetar.9k4 but he •advises locate yourself in business where you are not cenfident that you are, at least the young n?en • fnvest: imPrOved. real 'equal of „those who will be your competi- estate. He owneprePerty, in BoetOn,',Ch tor, either in natural ability or in willing - cage, Washington: and Lowell,abig ranlehe nese to work early or. late, in season or out in Colorado, 600,00.0 acres in New Mexico,' of • eeason, in order that any differenetis in natural abilitY May be overcome in this and 150,00Ci acres: in Virginia: Elis ideas way. My experience is that heiWeen luau - about real estate investments areworth rad ability and hard work the latter will always win. Whenthe tviki are in Om- hination, nothing canprevent success. • •as .• they ° become Ains. See, that' the property is improved property, so that the- rent will keep clown your interest aceount, and when. yen get, any Other Ineney inyekit kill the same, way, "and if your notes press upon you a. MOW faster, than yeti ean Pay them, why, tye„will, when we find that is what ycni are doing withyonr money, discount your note and. 'give you a little more time, so that you ',can pay it up.: This will necessitate the, prompt collection of your bills, for I knOW that , yOu would rather work and earn a hundred dollars than don a men for ,jt, unless, you have a pressing' need for it. You have not even naked for a little bill that we Ovie, you in the bank,, which fillowis me that you do not promptly c011ect your dues." I followeithe advice and 'bought •8,4ntunber of pieces of property in 'that manner, andI never did exactly know how they were paid for, but 'they were, and in a few years I ohned some twenty different pieCes of property in LOweli that came to ,me in that *ay, . I can •only say that I wish had been wise enough th have con- tinued this course through life.• ' • Mr. Pillsbury; the great Minneapolis miller, writes as follovvs ; • First,. -When a young,man commences a 'business life by *orkinginthe employ of -others, let him strive not simply, to earn his salary and to give satisfaction to- hie ern- ployers, but let him airo to deall strength to do and to earn his salary •Many laltstiPTA:l IG -R;413; .[ . . Why They Droop stud Stoop, I.osing the , Beauty of Vigorous Youth. . jaE 004..44.01444AW, A•la **eft *IgniasiOn9Ver rToPOSCPX WO*, .lecturer whose -words were reported in A., Bingbaniten (N',, Y,), .d.esPitteh Baye: . Life.14/0 I:16.14e. 8134e the -Other day ea, fol- At. thOctgarrnakers' convention thiii morn - lowsOne of the prineilial rettisens why so bil4 a0C9ignlarlilmilarkiearpti'°-nUffiicrn,' PNisOr,iP'3t:0475013,e4loi ': - . ,, . • man y healthy -girls: -beCo_meitrt.,el id -women Chicago,- - raised' -' --coite---kt rumpus-. ---It- ---,- is 0.Wili.gtOtbe mietaken, ideas andres,traint proposed thai a milterrn label be adeptecl. - Of the ,mother. , When the girt is youpg she to cover the Whole country. An -anindated ;:pomoortp. ;Wci: TB; IthaabnPuctleaBiyels tura:I:tic:Int; toa'unr4s di :InSe, hi. oe4143:i tc:lif:yteithpnes , thedl'84n4 it tc)tile r O9n,t placethe tb. I' oen. . a T1 at i °P Chicagot°1 aY''. . are pat On, and the girl ie,' Pit under, -a 'dbfT, eregc4etiivoendli;r4tn4flattthhe.a! dtihstericg°t44a0P4sePmnbidlyatdiIrcd. '. • doable restraint, ,..ua is expected to at once not wish to antagonize' the International become ft.litA,y, Harripered. bYliPt. clothing, :Union, nor Open the Old 'sere between the ' whieh prevents. the free action of the taus- tw.ci, orgenizations.. TO' Call them "scabs;" • ' . cies of the :Way, 'or. . if she indulges., inally watt entirely unfair,' They ' were not pp, childish...08,Pb or *seen, by the mother in poised.tet thense. Pt the..blue label. • • any but an unright. position; she 18 told that • .4 delegoe from Brooklyn said .: • ".W.e. ouch conduct is notladylikeand Only, enit- are fighting to get. ' peshai into, Or , Organ, able for boys. She soon: begins, tothinksbe 14,ation., That 'la the reason thesenvention ‘ : pckg,.0 not bend het .bndy And, MOO Ae4n is held. in Binghamton this yeer.'"----, 7- coruitantlyi in an: upright position,e, Adept , . The Cheirmen ,ealled the' fiPpeller: 4Q. • ' when asleep. ' The result of this teaehingPis Order for referring ,t6' the ' Binghamton ' • the snPports" of: the internal, ofgens, are oigarMakera as 115100.bs." . ,..: • . . .• weakened. The mueeies."cf the back -not .A delegate from Springfield, 111/,, said: beingusedbeeome weak 'and relaxed; ,endl: 44 I.Impe . the conVention will ignore. this she stOops.ferward.; imniediatelY atays. are eonimullicationi ' The same people Vilig : provided,. to take the Place Of -tbe roascles ninw aPPOW-01 this body 'oPPoeetttlaa blue ., . . . . provided by ne4nre to hold, them_mtheir label at theeonvention in .Springfield last . proper pesition. .. Thus relreved%froni all :Yea-r:T! - • .•: ,. ,: -,,,_ • , • -_, _,,,: ,,„, __,....„: L ,, '' : action they, soon . becorne,.re14)ted and nee,' . The .unin Ku tin-icattOriw a s finelly :teleireci . lesi, - Thus nature: is supplanted by erf' to theCoMinittee on Beitiliitietni: 'until the poor girl becomes more .4 coro; ' . The report Of the Committee on Coneti-- poeition Of steel, ,Whalebone, and rubber tution was then reed arid the amended Con. - than inuecle;. flesh and biopa.. By this atitutiOn. taken 'up and ciMsidered by sec-, tiMe -her, mental' education is finished, tions A. recess was then. taken.' • and the, proud mother ia enabled -to intro-, At the afternoon session the amendment . duce to the world. an accoinplished lady, to the constitution as . reported .by 'Corn; . and at the game time a weak; dependent, niittee providing for the establishment of ,-.,.,.•• , invalid woman.. ' • • , itia "out of workheneet '?.?..ana placing ti e _... • .. . , . • SUM to be paid to members -who are oat c)f •, • i ;•:tt,-;‘• :oaxtitteweerewseauwe.... --- --.-m,onlv,4kW•iforliterkittlln•lipAtrxbeavvisek,;.•,0.0,.. .- 'by .asseesment-was . taken 'np, 'and: dia• • good story -.s told of an .adventure. which ..Dr:.'NoKniglit,, rector of Trty. T,Ieuateidthoarts, IRe•nt,g6thhe;0' ter7pehiitaleetahtei!:gfra9nrii...'. : 0* * Church, had in attending the ,seraieee•iri weetkninsteiAbbey; owe:014v .ai.e Jubilee Chester; Springfield,' Ill.,.. Ciedinnati,.,Bos- • of Queen•Vietoria's coronation. The good. ton; 13'uffal°--Ii'ref"e4t Straseer-44"°111': aootor hsc.1 no, i.olnilt of, sdniissioo,. but vs, Neb.., Mobile,: Grand- Rapids, Hernilten, Opt., Anil .Ban Eranoisco• 'argued in laVOr ' iwIli.i:tnjaktihlige.liAimitTiii).)11sohfciap? 4ficegli‘aapipnritilaph,de4-1,tahae of the amendment and said they, WoUld • • . britranCe and, when .he 'reached. the grind Vote for it . Several 'New ' York delegates . . . and those , from -BrOoldyn;.' Milwaukee, doorkeeper, field : . ' t, ., .. . ,...; ', . Paraateentagemne,nHco,bo.kAenn„...:10uletnhal:iegiinclt a. tillida.tj.,a4Ohkii- : 1.3...e,;41. theI0'n : if An' . f nrreechir nib°, i.ils yp.America,,e,acaught g4e..tii da 'pt:ttoitiol:I.:,..olit,Iteb:tio6,... senvill& made streng Speeches.: against th,P.,,,'' ' weekly be, made •:$1: .instead ',03t o.a,...: , sentence, glanced et his Clerleatairess„ and with a respeeffid nourish wavedhirninside; was put to a vote and lest -58 to 115, The I .." isetottiali.jpiarig8. 7,-...... iillif3Arianclde.30a0,ilnir.aillbevatet.tteolsiarl,arite,fw1)41..wii94;011.170:420hioudi 'br;IV:tfcithfe6q0701::nir aenT'sat."eh,eneo'xtiyeotripeod ' 'e emitesur- -,.64. ,Edhibrtigh eircee 'df "tille •atrys.. :6,,onfal':, rerrfexittoris t16":-'crere:e7t:40r141:arlifilm12:::::Oriharragirs- = :rjir4-rttira,ir.,_-ia-r.a...4,so:dhft'l .s.n7.4•Mhe.-1A.irafilifiAls4BM".m.riatir.X . Wilson, 'Sir'''.Walter Scott Mg Isituatiercfer a moment; wasTpliteed• in :•Jeffrey, died the Other day at. Colinton.'' '. One of best 8ests7iii'frontOf the :house, .• Me: •Janies •Nic0),• *lig up 'till'. recently among all the'l' fiist:qiiality fOlks,", where acted as agent Of the'.,ClYdeadele ' Bank at he greatly enjoyed thesucceeding exercises , . And-thereWan't-abetter mirirrthelthby- _organization of 'Unions in Montreal, To - sae Oban,, was, 'Ou the '1th:inst.' arreeted. in .4-.. ronto; Brantford, St. ,Catharines and other , GlitegoW.at the instance , of 'the Argyllshire .-,tNttl the innocent wearer of the big title of the :‘, .4rokoisivr of ,,..An.ierico;.,.,,i,=44iirei ,plaees, to be knowas 'A The, Federation: . ituthoritiesi On a charge of havingenabe4led et.. 1200.•: '','-.7. - ''''. , - • ' :4 "...‘• - .;•' .34 er418e-r.' :: -----.••':; .... .--, -117:81f‘ bda..nthailee:inntljertinit)antl" 1---IhCetiii.Plii°iWijiloltnir trti-b.::"..::' . . • . • 1,4r, N,.X. , Vanderbilt, . New York, Who. •• A ,Lak Not Yet Appronrialed... , , *aarlually. 'was also rejected* . . .7 iebently took a te '' . 'w. monthe' lease from. . .. . Lord.Lovet, of Beaufort: Castle„ Invernees4' ." . A guide is conducting a distinguished Shire,. withthe.:- adjOining., shootings and - British visitor through Banff' Park in the .sahnon fishing iii the Beeuly,lisajuettaken, 'Becky': Mountains.... f4 That' grand meun•;. an additMnal lease . of the Castle, along 1 tein yendor,"__ h.e informs. the tourist, "'is, . . . with the- neiuliboring fend, for it perkod of Mount Stephen; named aftee Sir ',George . ., ... , . five yeari. , • T ..: Sir John , Douglas; 'the • distingiliehed Soldier, formerly. contmander-incnief . of theforces in' Scotland diedat Glenfinitrt graiadfather as well. Osborne's mother married a man named Blake and his sister • married a. brother-in-law of her, inother, • Henry Blake. 'Osborne's sister becomes a sister to her own mother: Mrs. Blake being Osborini!is mother, is grandinotber to, Os- borne'S son.' The latter, however, being a son of the wife of -Mrs, Blake's lathertiii-,, law, is therefore 'a • brother:'t'o his grand= • mother end giaddunale to, his grand- . • mother's sister,: the daughter Who 'inarried A K1V1L)g fUll : 4 If a yOUng Man .is , earning . something, Mrs Blake's :brother-in,law, • He also is more than the expenses of his living,- and,. -41rothert, "lies nolObject. in:vreyx, he. (*likely ,either to !"' Y•tl„„,11.47:11*. 430:41.4;.(str:Lvtiviant-i--,Avxdr,47,: irzzosPms)..4.144tr-bit0 kuldsibt4mgrii„,44;414.0., nephew; Osborne's eta.; becomes uncle, t,O doing in the inejOrity antriseine 'Will io@e bis aunt, beings eon. of her. grandmother, both•friends'and Money, 'so that the best .,Thie Serb* of relationship may.: be .. likething that he can dois to have an %object, ..wise.traced, almost indefinitely . -The family to gittrier tip his money,land to have a. cell are happy andiCatitented;,andlive as pleas- for it which ehall be a profitable oiie. , He antly as though the. 'peouh'er family ties makes no investroept • because he seys, were not 'present Illachson (Wt) Journal, .f 1 have got so little: money thatit won't • oonie to anything; I Will, wait: .unti1.1 get ;• morel" anclinweiting,Lgederally,412aithe, hes goes. • ' • ." ' When a young .trien has a Very little niOney lethini buy some:property, prefer- ably a piece,,howeaera.ccording 'to-' ,his means; of itoproved real- eetete that paying rent.'He had' better buy it When • . . A livoly.meatiaget shareholders of the Canada -sold at atictionotnfier.4 judicial' Sale', :POY', , Agricultural Society was held yesterday -in -lion- - Alt Which the assignee • and. inspectors .thg151 Ottati What lie can, .:giving hisnotes resigned,' and their places were filled: by fresh 'for the bahince.in:sniall sunis ',Coming due ':•••anpointinents. •'• • • . at :' fee(inently.. reeurring • , intervels; The hay trop is sasbort in Cap/3,14.0ton and -the • pro-' ,other parts of. Nova.Scotia that farmers are seli- BenOred: !-)Y-' • a' 'n1911fit:40:ge .64 theitaa.ttle at any price, and mans of them PertY,' • and :then . Use . ell his • osiera are slanghpprIns their oxen and cows and. tifrn- 'income • in paying, up those, iiotes. ,..it . ngthozu i ito eet:" , • . ••• . • is aiWays safe. to; disepunt year .own note; Istany earleads •of •doeidtiatis fruits, have re, • • • • • , chntly been, shipped - from California, to New and•if the notes..tanne little the, fast as • Orleana• a demand having -suddenly arisen. there, for Ca.liforuia• petiis, plums and The 'ratIls_ard125,0per car on freight traiuS and $500 • .Per••car oir passenger trains. . '• .. • The bIontreal snarehoiaer ..coinplains of the filthy Condition of the Dominion $1 and $2 bills • and calls upon holders of ' tbein, to •••have them ,tedeeined in the braneh inheei in- Montreal Toronto, 'Halifax, SG., 'Winnipeg • Charlettetown and' Victoria. • . • . . . . An :Emiy. • • Indus riai andornmerehd. C • • The blueberry 'crop is a failurolu l'iova,Seot'a •-somethiug almost un,precedeutucl in that Pro; • • • The steamship Abyssinia. took .50,000, feet of • luinber to Japanon• her last„trip 'Van- . • • couver. , • • • •• g , Detectiverou wished to see me, sir? . I. -have been. robbed', of it ir .,Akage-of Money,. , '" llow ?:!? , . . . •• "1.enfriisted it to' a lnesSenger ..boy hatinot.beenheard.cifliiiim0 " HoviliOng ago?-" • , . . • • "Ten hours. • suppose he 18 half Way to Canada •hy.,this .• • • 4 .4; Oh, no: he can't he' more than...five or. blockis Off. I'll look for hint."770thaita bifsinees, so that their etock has:been wiped aix out.. In the teat 50 years. all the improved • Wok/. ' • ' . . reaVeState tivekage;liae tiaid. its soon is be. gets enything paid his friends will aid him when he, is putting his money where it cannot be lost, ancl,Where the pro- perty is taking care Of the. intereetrand in a veryshoat time he will ,find that, he has got a very Considekable investment He will hecernis interested, in it; save' his money to meet his note& and he will directly borne. ;S'ir-4.t.ff-gfiTz; cri43,:itm .4Mtgrg-tatre,Z.C...I.X1-;,sitiont-4.4- par . by the /Constitutional Ocanmittat. ;They rejected, them both One proVided for a special cigar box label for Union' NO: 218 of San Francisco, the. other. for the . 'StePhen, President' of the Pacilie Company." • " ()h. That'is sublime! And what do you call that one?". 'Wink and' Wakes. •• The :Detroit' Typographical ' 'Union has - • , , - hotified the employing printers that after. November„Ist nine heurs Will be erifotced as a day',e.labor Without recluetiou of:the p-irersent ,seAle of.prices 'Employing*. . PrintereAssociatiOn will refuse to comply • With' thebbion's demand. ' . The EXecutive ' Board of the United Ardefitinny, on the 0th in,St.: Sir '4"pkin, "That is Alount Bratdonala., named after Brassworkers' 'Union has directed all work - who had 'attained:ins-..-70th year,. receive& Oa leader -of theGoverhment,"--- - 'men employed in -the.. chandelierZlactories- blii.education, at the Itoyal "And what do' yon all that bald topped ,in.New 'York City".end ...Brooklyn to stop Sandhurst, and entered the army in 1888. ? • . . Work at noon to day in order to enforce for , • In .1041. be becefite. tv.eaptain, and -wag Tina is -Oarling's Peak, . so .•called in .theinserves the Saturday half holiday;not-, ` promoted major in 1842, lientenanteolonel .bonnr-Ofibe...„.MiniSter,of•AgriOultute." Withstanding the attempt which is beine in 1854, colonel .in 1857,..majoi-general:in :•:"'llind /that •hrassY- ',Oohing fellow that made . by the Chandelier Manufaetutere), 1868; liehtexiant-.gerierat. lt377, and, seems to (July), • down .upon us; it,,h4t.ia.# .AsiodiattorilO withdraw it from, them, Ac- :. celled.? " . , . • , cording 4,000 men will stop/work 'at• general in l$80, 'He retired in the follow- ing 'year. • In the Cilmeen , campaign he • .44 That. is Mount Tupper, named after our the abovementioned hour. coMmanded the .79thl-fighlendere; and elso High CoMblitiaioner andFinance Minister.' • ••. ' . modern •Wartere,-- Mt O a'colfsiderahle-possession Of lirOpertr," !in the Indian Mutiny. eapipaigri:7=-FOr-ine-i •-•-•.' Oh, I see . And what do you all - tha and hardly know how it caine to hint: That' services in the latter he was thanked. by the. beautiful sheet of water?" .. • ' is; he Will have: lad: , e motive for'sayin,a 'Governor-General of : India, , and created . -'• .'", That is 'Del/We Lake." ' and will .g,et the result of. that saving,. and K. 0'. B. ' He. married in 1.843 Lady Eliza- , "Indeed, Whet particular member of will not be te4ted to ,enter inte, specula beth Cathcart. daughter Of, the second yMir'GOvernment ip it maned after? "-. :.•- Mons. '.-.1ipthing':is so 'Safe for investment .0,!.athpart, . ''' , -,- • • ' Ottatjia'F7.ee Press. ' to '• groat in "valtie fitster. In the' last §0 • . : The:Senator. and the tord-, , '. ' '• • ALadY'sVight.with a Borgbit. .. • year& 90 per cent: of all the merchants and • That noble edifice, .. - the Baptist Chin; . . Dr..T.heoolore . Hornblowe,r, of Jersey' ' traders in Boston havefailed. ' 'In the lest JarVis encl-Gettiird streets, is to it' great . City height& and his wife sad a •desperate 50 years 90 per cerit.'of ill: ille. business extent a monument of the generosity of the ,encountee early Tuesday morning. with a, • corporatIOns• have ailed ot 'gone • eilt cif late Senator. • It is related. that. several gang of burglars' which, had broken into years ''ago, when Lord 'Houghton Visited their house.. Thetaieis a notable one for Toronto, . he. was . a gnest. of SeinOci the pluck and determination -Of ,Nrri.•• Mc,Master, The Senator took My Lord out ,HbinblOwer, who felledohe of the burglars fOr a ;drive abut the:City; and an -tong other., twice with a eine chair Whioh, was in , her ple,eee of interest p3inted 'out 'the 6burch; ioom„ and for the feet that though& perfect au improved real estate. Nothing is likely . e ' interest :and taXes; • awl quadrupled' in Slew Collections: value. ' 'If ,..0, ,Voung man's - father- . " Etello, Jack, where you been?" ein give. hiin s;nythang ta start' him in the , "Oolleeting.!.' ' ' "%What success?". , , . , , •" Bad. • I've' runimaged the city .from.. • One'end to another, 'and tosn't fincla men that owes. me s., cent.", .which Lord. HOughtondnly iicipavolley ashots;waS. fired- at the tioetor et ired: Upon • 'world. hehadbetter invelititLin:„.that... way- .logiz,Kupg, jagwover,. thati,lt mot§ o,. • . • . , . . . t Baptist 'short range he was . only slightly rinju'red and let it abeiribulate,..and. earn . his living, • church *y Lio,rd exnlalined in great wrath,, while he -. succeeded in 1 putting a. hnllet. andhe-Willbe•yieher than if, he:, had gone ,"•The ' assurance of those. dissenters' through through the meek of one of the intruders, into blisinese,.. • Jay Gould hi 'said .to have and • refired to, look • longer,, . Sniater• The,gang, inoluding. the woundedMen, got started from.a.niousetrap seller to 'become. ?McMaster used, to tell the story with great it:wit-, y however.. „leaVing. Only. a- .pair . Of ' ''' , „ . . • . •• • • a millionaire. Aesinning that to be true; glistol'oriiiito WON: ' . • • • spectacles dropped by:the...one who was shot_ No Time. to 'Waite. • belia-only. one 00,000,000. (St people, and ..• .., I . . ' : , , ••.- :and a•lerge amountof blood. '„ • • . - i any young ma hinks hat he is going to .,, . a . y , . P y'. f a fit " t ' • ' • HI OW • Pro eit . , ., . • .•.•• Proud 'Mother (haughtilY)..,Yoe allowed s'indted Jay:, ' • Gould, there ,are 60;000,000 .ot• : The.Chathern Banner reports the follow . : The 'Daily AlVeriike,,, ''• ' ' -... • itog • - ' . yourself toibe "fon, a ether, tOo . easily, . chances to one that lie, Won't sueeeed.! •' .' ing Police Court,..ineident, :' 'Alex. 'Venn . ' -Varna' . - • . - , • • . . •• . . • - ,.,Exottoe me • sir, . said a -"man ./., . - -- • . • • • .11. . i • The rule I would lay down, for • a yoang, It ergo, Wes charged with, fighting on- the • • . . , ,. • . . . -• -.-- - Edith t ' •• , -' . - .• •.. , . . .. ., .. . • •:.Edith-i.stippire I did: "Bat as A er . Man.ie :never do a Mean thing ,for money. grenade. He guessed. ihey, . pat a .,-sti•dito nudging • e fellow passenger in it street oar; Be pruclent.end saving of yournioney,. Be in/the liquor for him,' 'He -get off, . with' ': you havea speck ot'Soot'' on -the and of •• is rather ' beshful, and I ainnearing 30;1 . ' • . . • .. . - . • . .. thoughtit onlY.proper Us'. make it aii easy as ... ,, your ; nose." "Thatis , been , there „ for careful to heyepointereetaecount running; f5.0(1. . 4.,,,... ., „ .. .. ' , ;.• ' . . „ .pOssible for biln.:---Ihirpar'*.Ba.:nr...• • '. ,, eighteen yeard,"•••replied • • the passenger.' . . , , - against you unless you have an • equal or 7 .17liaWorahip-"HaVe y,Ou'ally property 2 "It' ' ' f.a• • s a peculiar ,kindo a mole, . an you . . , greater intereet account . running in your .," No, sir, only a ,Wqman,."'' ...(Leughter.) , Concerning e presentation made ., an-- favor'. ' Work diligently and you are sur �f ' ' 4,':*Then.in default eleven days. . . in 1,a, a • ,. .. , . „ •• 1' t are the ninth man to ask me to sponge that ' ' ' ' to If' . -:-. ningrpite er-Of the -B.0 s. rt, -o - a _.,., a competency m your old and -as -early •bardlabotL. : . • ..:. -• ' • ! ,, nose Since , breakfast this,mornitig. AS a .,,_ . .,. ' " ' h . - ft lo ' n Trfeed Y ' • • • ' • . ' . - ' • . " " • 'rnie the, average is anatirtivelvraday;'-',-7-, 'the Bilffilki. Express says :. At ; Manager ' '" as Possible; if yon (min findesaVing;prticlent ' "Well, I don't; know what I can de .bilt• OhaptlianEl regneSt time. Was ., called ,ais . girl who'has:been,brought up by 'a ,mother take • the hard labor, Who'll keep -: my . " ' . . •: - 11' ' - - .. ' • . . „Fanning stepped to h w t Plate The genial . o - . . . knewe hew to take cereOf a house and Woman HIS.Great.11ope ?" . ' .' :' . '.'" .. . ' ' , . - . - • 'manager then adviineedto the ;plate. and make a Wife Of her, she will aid; ima tio. .••., You Should haVe thqught of that before , .31 Yeti' inust'underetand, Mk.. Dunilisy,:4,n With ii•few words prese_ntod Panning _ __ hitthink a hider yOu. ..,*. - • • ' - . ., . • • ' Woinali 'Who has a thanWhoacts Seeking ihe bend Of miy :daughter,'" said the . . ':. a beautiful gold4. badge : and -gold-headed • :•I O'litittf neoriginality M this advice, and . like you would be well off to have you sent- old mail, ", that she •Will,bring you 110 dowry . . . . . _ with eine, the gift.of his Buffalo .friendsIi1an- will relate you an incident . in my Own .to thc'• Ocntial foi six moIihs". . , ', until after my death. . • • • ' !ling bOwetl thanks. and . the* ingloriously aporiefice,to illustrate it : -In,niy, -eallest ' ; . - . ., ..1. 1 • " I understand, sir," respondedDurbleY, stuck out . ' • • -''' ' '' ' ' ' ''. practice ia iny profession I was -quite anc, A Bosten tanibout-ino Orli Who '• &aired, libpcfully •:: " but, yon must bear in mind, . " johnni'e,°' said '''the Sunday soliedl .cessful in earning money,•andI had. a 'Banal in an 'Italian costunie'Allid :had attracted my dear sir, that you Ei,io, getting well: on in 'tedeher, " what became •of Jonah ?" " He balance, in the IA msYtill Bank,. at the heed of much attention ,:atid. sympathy front the 'yeare."--11(irper sfBaznr.,. .7, .• • • . , has lost his: job.1-!..-, "-IIOW,do,,-yoti mean r! 1 : i :, xr t W..1.0..1 Nita Mi, lames ,Cathey. The people by her_betinty :and .thodest ways, Was ': , , • , . •••.; • . . -' ,_, ',- ' • „, "Got fired. f , '". Yoe. Inisunder'stand nie, .batik was directly acress the hall .,frota: my . instated. by Michael .0'lleik. the Othe'r , Rev, kr, Spurgeon seems , entirelY . Johrinie:' Have you' never heard • of the eaii,s,.. stepped into the 1)04 to deposit a' ,even1i4and'struCk him e blow itcreea the:1 that he has abitildOiied Wholly the ollol, reCovered in'bOdifylealth; but it is noted • piinishinent that overtook ;Jonah?" 44Y, littlenaorieyou one occasiali end . Mr, ;Car, -ace with • her instrument' giving hina a I heard ded 'tell About it" ' " 'Whet aid• iley said to Me: " Why. d,oti't yoU invest" black eye. O'Neil had her erreeted int 'As- ': ' • c (ltiial.leVity ef'hiaearlier manner, outflow. your father BAY ?" " IIe said bill always.i your , money 2 " "44 Livest," . Said,- f; .., 1 sault, and,t3he w ...fined 0* en»J'Witlyvot 7,4•- sneaks aravely, With dignified Pathos,' His was .e,jointh; and it wee e good thing when have nothing to invest. '. ." 0 " • ° 1 0 costit,.. - , ' „. • , :., ', . ; ' aletannOliten Tabernacle is as trovidecl ee be was bounced from the 'League,. ,-,Spoit• . says' " you have quite a littlefi Lie3r1 illai. ....ei.lig Miss aakoliti,'. ' itlbet, , oboe', has. ever, tile prOportiea- Of young L l' ._ , , . . 1,0 Ivem, • . . , ' ..,,.: mull see that your yealigi erne taken alt notion. gainst .M -; "A,.• Hansen; .voty Marked,' with Yolir 0116111es. oceasiana ' fitly Israel', tor $10,000 damages for 'alleged ,.' , .q ' ...''' •-•L•Thti bustof tlie late Senator McMaster,. One 6 the first' results of the fOolanial :recently conipleted hy Percy Wood, the borrowiog it, Now, you htta, be e InVest ri 6, is the a rnisslOn of cadets trent ' . English eetilptor„ Will shortly. be place& in it." " •RoW efill 1. invest it?1, ' ii Invest it. . ti'..famille into, the Itoyal navy'. ,..position at Megaster" flail. It is iSaid ,to in real-estate,". " I knew. nOtbin t. a I 0 ti . ' ' he fiegship ., . • be'one, Of the -fifiegt 'piecefl Of art,that have real estate„!, " Go to the fita ' . , • . r' ' 'ever601116k/ this 'country: • ..• . ' . ny-4-tbepr • . :.A eo`osTaY n•to,iimoies ibmi. . lie girl who hooks,O, fish will shr !TO Boo its fr utiotvri gleS. •'"O .• When slit an -,,que s'.• • • , The idea begins. to prevail' • in European . arthies that it is better to wourid Man in bet* than to kill him,„ •as. more Men are „taken out of line teem* fora Woundedmen than' for it dead One. Hence, opinion ,14 present favors admell here for themaga- vane rifles • no* being introcitteed; The soldier, • too, .*hen consulted 'about :the Matter, prefers being 'shpt. -twice to being: killed onee.giatiniore Snit. ; •• '• They Dealt :With Mini. • . . , ”'llease,.I. want the •cioetoi 'to .00ntie and 43 ,ee rnether."'.',.• "‘ • • Dootor!s Out," -said the , serVant.' ".Where do you. come from - , " WhY„," exclaimed the. little:boy; " don't„. you 'know me ? Why, we deal. with you: . . We. had,' a..' baby from .here last; Week,!" . • • • Twelity'-‘i.ear-Vid",Law euit. • A Marshall, Mich,, deeision of the Sibley-Perriii case, filed to- day, givea,hire. Fisk,. Widow of Frnk Sib- - ley, it fcirtune variously eStiroitted at 'from 8300,000 to l000;oop', The case has been in, Court) 26 years.. • . • ' ' breach of promiqo of marriage.. r Andre lek ftritO t to s Help Theniselves`.'.', • • , , . Aunt Itate-My' deer, don't you think it, . it had been' the LOrd's wiih that yeti ShOuld • have- curling heir, He would hive curled it, ,fal• jeYs(IusieLAnd..e. tie did,. 'Annt ) •Itate;(when -1AVitif IteprohablY-thinks--I-LeM old enough now to de it for myself'., -Life . Dr." Castelpan; a' prominent *liadiCal . treinisi, has been arrested in Paris oft thn charge Of being an adcompliee osGerman named pcherer'ih swindlihEnglish itl. surance companies of Z14,500. Deoherer ' insured hie lite ipfever of•his Mistress and then 'procured dead body, , which Pr: Castlenati certified.. to be the, body et Dechererf The Mistress received the amount 'of insurance, and fled ti AMerica ' 'oOrki: .pany with lpecherei, • ' • , , M. Plourene, Prerith Minister of Poreign Affair& ha e submitted tot he Com- Mittee a statement of the Tomplin finances. It shows a aetwit of 20,000,G0o francs. The has deeiti„.et-lt,liat the eonM,rtiC. tiOn of railways in: Torkinin shall lint be ' cernmeneed at present ,ot being, Mord urgen °far wh6 Was for several domedian 'Was Annie Pixley'S • loftily, lute been engaged b • that star,.' for this • lie is a , singi conledian, oda to en t 1 , '