HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-09, Page 6• r. Alallimeasslp iIu &IL $aUVL W.(I,,i' `.iso L. k B, North,; 11;30'p.- •• n •itely�ri•oorl) -, Kinlcn,g4 . 2#3.0Ii. 04 L itiluwl fi W. G et 11. North 3.18 p...,01# • (;n derrch" '. • Inturglectigte Paint* 18 00 p m.; " . 1.. H 1t fl3 1Yurtli. 1O.'30pp'm., ,1. • n Tuerldsya X -A4 i4 • 3.00 p. in. •e+ 14 r14079 'Mills: Mow a W. G. & B. South}.. - I;, 1!.• ik B. 89uth — . 6• .30. sr. m Ds l r • L. 3i.* 8. SiNrth 10.00 a• W. oruiment-- , kat medals., • D : e. %mpbell, Harry McIntyre. ,Irish. Jig7...1,, 2, 3 , medals. John} Ellis, A Fitaell. • Puttinglight stone -1,, 84; 2, $2. G ebb, 42ft 4 in; A Matheson, 41ft 4in; J Matheson,.39ft 9 in. Throwing light hammer -1; $4 ; 2, $3; 3, 2, T Ross, 94ft Sin; 'G Webb, 94ft; A.Matheson, •87ft Tossing the. caber -4, 2, medals, 3, $2.. T Ross, 36ft l lin; J '1)alton, ,34ft 10in; R McKenzie, 34ft '4in.: ' Throwing 56' lb. weight -distance, 1, 2, medals, 3, $2. R McKenzie, 19ft gin; A• Matheson,,`18ft- 3in; J Matheson, l8ft lin. 1 `Scotch wrestling. "-",=-:11, ?lienal, ':A Matheson ; 2, M McKenzie, 4 ,., it W. G. a B. Nur h 3,20:p, 14'' .R. totyrnorl - Kic►i ,sigh 9 30,:p.m. c Kiuluas TuevcTays 3.Kugaide , 430.p. m,, • and Fridays. • ?ring the summer m nths the office wfll be ,,nan,half fel h.)itr after rival of L, H. it II. North ni 3aturdaye at 8 31► p.' m, 43f.14je itnd IcInit . >Etr , • the local a olnpetitiotiT:h`1itray y weigh s, tinder the supervision of Mr. Hugh 111c_Kinno , of a,nilton,_a_positidn-he•- filled • to. the entire • satisfaction .• of. everybody: In• former :years, the •*cartes generally opened with a Scotch reel, but on account of the train from. the south not arribin; till•after dinner, ilianv of . the "pipers; and dancers were il'i;lii�fa.:to be present, together with i) hp sk i'iiess of the crowd in corning :into die grounds, caused considerable iucalivenlence at:. the start: Iu; the dotal competitlou the contest. • ;wasevery keen. and some good Ivor vas done, among; the 'suieessful:ones sin CK.i.eb �. .�,.n.:lz . „M I � St-:�:Telt.nsm •.� ,,,5i .J • :111atIz'ieson, Ashfield ;;; 'th'as. boss, .Cu 1 e oss, and others. •. • The -fariners"'•rat:e' peia-to :l%na glebe •>re i.1 •nts of th'j:Counties of.Hurtin"and Druce was a well.Contested: event, an-' clicltpd tnuoh applause;: It'..was l,y Geo.Kerr, of'.Kinloss. lit the: Scotch wrestling contest there • w • I)IGULAND PIPER" Th' pipers present wer ,. Geo. A. $inith, Hamilton ; Jas. Moon, Detroit, •• i'.obt. Ireland, New Yol 6 , F; Beaton 1;oo. Angus, .Londoni. A McDonald, 'el 'McDonald, 'Kintail'; rias. Mcg{ay. (oderich ; and, ;Ai-chie.:INf I. et nani of l iii,car`dine• township,,:who ".blawed ",. he saner pipes; that•,'were used to '?;Merv' nn the Highlanders at 'the lirnous historic battle of .Culloden :ill CIIILDREN IN CO€TUME. -Fred ' '.Fra:er,' Fred. Mc.L'nnan • Prank., Rankin,. London ; L..,M cLeli aa;►n, , James . Rankin,,' W'.00dstnck •, I3arnash .M•cCriniinon, icon, Clarence:' Tennant, T,pcknow; I�a`e Fraser, Alice Croden, .l atie,Ash, ,i .l,lie Anderson, A ice' .t ulliraith, • I..onclon ; .'Bella'• McPherson, Aggie • Ran kin, 1Vobdstock ; ;Dora and Ye • le(la•''1'ayl'or, London ; Isabel Stein. t'vrr Bella ' .Cawpbell• Jeseplliite 3,1eJntyre, Lucki ow.• •IIIGHLANDERS IN GOST.L'ME..' Johii•(4illies;',Paisley; Mark Fatter s21t, 44: Matheson;, Hamilton; .G. Spelt .4.0r, Stratford; 'Jas. AM:lerson, Sea'forth 1 `. '4.: Mcl3eath, .Loehal'sh; J'i s, .Millne ] (1ndon; A lex•si' Pherson. • !1'UIs ATILLETES • •C. Currie, Park Hill; W. Fritzie Jllorristoii�; .T.. M,cPlier'son, + Kurtail• 7i..0 Sullivan, A. Doupe, Boston.; R' lloitse,•Chicago :1). A. McMill-in,'S'-in •Fran iscn':; A Scott,' ; . drinik, Ti i,Tcardine� 4'' NV. , Soot), Paisley ; D, M..1, M..1, .S tatterey,•-13oston; M. McClure, Willis reef t. ;Bluth 'regret' wa; expressed, :and•di •••appnin:tnient'felt, at the absence from t1i(.,gauaes and eoncert'of the •po :rlr:r chief, i)r, 'i'ilc0rin pion, ''who was sud- de;nly taken ill:' durnig the.' morning - • w•ith violent cramps. We -are ' 'ai to; lily; •how,ver,..that the;Uoctor is now ;able1,0 be around again. • ',The grounds were ---".never in better coiidition and, tliroughout'the •largelist. of even,ts:'oiu the'` prognimnie nothing occurred to Mar the •; ph•asure of;the day;. and thin thing passed off :iii the Most'satisfactory''inanner.' and to the)• it'-l;ight of',all The greatest credit is 'dire the games managers and alt others, cininected'with .tourna•irent, iii tiring-' ing the 'event to. act suecesstul a cowl us- ' •- •PR17.E WINNERII . t'ini navies of the winners in the, •••vsii•ioris •eotit°sts• follow'eaeh other kit' order Of „,,,,:;r . , ' 10CAL COMPETITIoNs • .Open t„ ulvu)beiar;: tl►lel non -profess •1 trials in •'the 'Counties of li;uron and mule Pipar'a` competition --1, 2,73, medals. 1..3*, . B. "McKay, Df lilt Donald. '. `• • • Farmers' race -1, . 2, 3, medals, Kerr, W Matheson, W Wilson.,' OPEN TO THE -MAD. • Putting heavy • stone -1, $7; 2, $5 3;13:70•Curri -38ft: 1n,'.JreT1il�e`r-" son, 35ft 5in. Putting lightrstorre-:_ 1; $7 2 8S1 $3, . 0 Currie, 50ft • 6in ; J 1Vlol'lter- ion, 4 Llan; D 111aA illan,- 44ft -2im; Throwing heavy hammer -1, $i7 2, $5,• 3,. $3. D Smith;_ 101ft 3in; (; .Currre,.•87ft'4in;; D A. McMillan; 85it. Throwing light hammer -1,$7; 2; $5;3, $3, D` Smith, 1ltft' lin; C Currie, 101ft 7,in; D A McMillan, 97ft 3in,. - Throwing half• cwt., high -1, $7; 2 '$5 , 3, $3.: C Currie, 11,ft ' 2ini; '1)' Smith' 1 2' . l.• t1. c1-� o. lila �.. ft'6rn. Tossing caber -1, $7; 2, $5; 3, .$3: D Snaith, 32ft 9in, Ia McMillan, 25ff 10in;'J Dalton; .35ft :2ii. . For second clad. third place a small caber was used. . -Best dressed boy, under, 18-1., 2, 3, medals. • .1•lainish McCriannon, •H Mc [atyr e, T Fraser; J.tn'•V'F`1L c''1` J. •_._.-v I..L:,•"•abN-:1 3. - F, lh l;t it( (*tag 1 9ft bin.":R Dowse, 19ft:2in • Running high jump -1, $7; 2, $5; 3; {63. It Dowse, 5ft ::9in; A• Scott; •eft Sin; A Doupe; 5ft 7 iii... • Running hop step and Jump -1; $7; 2', 85, 3, $3 D'0 Sull tan, 4'2ft�il , A coupe,; 51ft i lin ; li Dowse,. 41ft Vaulting with pole -1, $7; • 2, $5; 3, 1;3, Ii, 1)o•vse, 9ft'Gin;• A -'Scott,'9ft 3m; .D ;McKeiizie, 9ft:` Seotch wrestling -1,• $7; 1,'$5; 3,,'$3. 'D A McMillan; C eurrie, J l.)ilton.' One hundred . yard race -1, $7; 2, $5;24, $3. . M J Slattery, 1) 'McKen- zie;`.A Dows . •• f uarier 111i1,t hate :-.-I; i'f.., J. Slat ,rely, 2nd, IJ.. McKenzie ; .3rd,.' . A Dowse. Iurdle race= -1, $F10 :2, $6,', 3, 84. J: i lattery, R ,.Dowse; C' J Sullivan. One utile race -J Campbell, C Ross P C J Sullivan Three-legged 'mace-�Sulllvan� Sz Slat- GOY,. Hatben. & MrIiiness; Scott' 4 t4`uu d'. \1'alki.ig' match;,.: -1, $7; 2 $5;3,:$3. 'G Sivaltll, Walkerton, 0; Kerr, Tilos: :a•1 Uildy, ' Best dressed :Highlander --1, medal; M the{ moat 0xvitrng,p i>t ►o. o t apt11e, and la Wixlousiy warned ft* by the crowd, � :tt iGrmer ocaa0100; it Usually formed the closing feat of t118 Baines, and vtlry properly, too, for alae ,great- bulk resttbulk of those Preie..nt cousNilik,..when the," tug'".isover, the prokrautiue is ended This was. the caseonday. 'edtlea the of '4,laull: wait: rou$ht ort whiler a' ractloiis were, .1je1ng •held, and although genie four.or live d't ncing, couttsts'had ildt take» place,: the audi- slice left- OW,lyrrc�uiids 'las ° soon ps .the: pull was conipleted '" Thu capryins:': selected- to Cern wand the Aug, d .'sear waleuMr. Geo Keirr,, user -chant; 'Look- • now, for Bruce, and lir.. John A. .Me. • Donald, of Kiutail, for Humin, On , 'the:•word* ••go" --being given both teams went to work with a wilt • .and .we thick it was the uiiiiei'sal 'op'inion of every body present that n faller :"` f.u11." was never witnessed on the : I.ueknow grounds, For fully• two iniaattteg.till White handkerchief,' wllieh: marled, le: centre ole between.. the iitruggIi r giants? .,stood. quivering' above • ,the --dit rk7-•c1;1re-eccitemmit•nniougg nisi spec.• tatms, now became 'Ivtense,: Men.. shouted --aiul.--leaked-(roil---tlieir--seats, and it was with•Lreuti-st difficulty they 'Were re3trairred trona taking Bold. of the rope acid givtiog their favorite side a lift.. 'Little by' littIe, the ,truce moil brdught t.ae:ii opponents forward a feW feet, and , the • shunt went up,'' Bruce has got it:" But the Huron men soon ' rega•u.ed their loot ground; and; ainiict;:' the wildest excitenleut,drew their op ,ponents actoss..'tlhe line„..and thus the first draw was scored.I.ty, •Tluron: 'lie secorc}, 1x}1 1' was:• also' Very k 'ei'l :"cilia- � y . . tested,Lice, Jikt t e tii'st, wa4 earri'ed. 'off :avoid`. tietireuduiis ul►eerili4, by The Huron m•eal . a. `1'he • tolloie ing'ale the • names ,Of the resp'ecti've;: thiols, :' VART.ER$ 0s Tngers,,. 0400, We l ase ..4)60 n stool; a : i. -e lt.` t CI J. ST•kLI NZ E1Z tl viiKEi.Z,11,` -A-..A 1+M• IT; RO - WV:4U1;1NSON ��.nJ • .A chi NGIR oill'Igh rieg1A'. '',Sr. • wed ': 3 el J 1cL-E1t lrlc r. PI00_ , A iNl(muLat,11T, R..t'135, M. Alv.Is..NZU! J. D M .k.E.SON J. 11'; i11.4 'iilSON 1.: U A 1.TON T\QTLs ... V1r 1V. "Crtun l'y again this year secli-led ?lie: iuui'Is fur dinft( rs an d othe:i ref reslimerits, and: we believe Ire was well pie Nonuse. OIow's'',gre:4 show :of curiosities' was visited by'.:Iiundreds during ilio. day., • • we—.believe R.. A..' intends taking in all •the " days",111 the eouiitey. THE. CONCERT The concert in 'f he Oet igc n hall ;4:04. evening '-was a genuine success. The Ili11l \Vua`,n7.ee1, ,want one' of the beat•' lookirlig :and. .good-huiuorecl•auclteiices" that'''has'eve► `asscsuil,led 'ii the edifice; and. the ,ap:plause given .%as lil,eial.ia:n:d:.. appreciative. The program nip p esentt, ed.w•as a good ole, aucl'was•admirably s sta• lied. 'After plaiilug the c.1i}et•s. unavoidable al,senee, the conevas opened by a SSeoteh i -et -111 1coshus► t ane .by • ttw eompt-.itors. 111•iss:.1� 0. Sarong's. fait selection °' Mary Of Argv,le;" and she afterwards sang �' Jamie; ;Dear" I'in glad thy heart's,. aiy aiir d'i't with -Mr. S;>isic.a, �•1 heil.ye'gang. awa; lanais,"', 0:(wthe i, with. Air. ,„$; ,,'$4, •Alex McPhersoli,_;.eo-0aiirdroli,: •+Master, and =Schohar,":and: the farewell song' "t-'oodbye:":•'.Miss. Strong is an old `Luck now :favorite,. andshe was enthu!iastically< received iliass:� Jean. J/urrav recited "E;linboro after Floddeu," %itl};good articulation: : 2 6 3 Angus G' Spence. , • ]ibrochs=•1,-'$10; 2, $6; 3, $4. .R' frelaild, !i':.Beaton, J Moon - Ii")glil'aild ding -1,.$8, 2, $5; 3, $3 G'A Mathesoli,'J Anderson, :J .Noon: 1larchei-1, $10; 2;' $6; .3, $4. 11' 'Miss SleMutlen, of' '.• Mount 'Forest,. Beaton,. R. 1i•eiszr.d, J Noon ••.- daughter'of -James ',M:Icllullen, M. P„ • -Highland fling, • girls under 18-1::. rendered "The ->Luld Septa Swigs," "0 $5;'2, 43;3, 82:, Ag ie Rankhit" .Katie. • Ash,- -13e:1 la McPh ei son, + ' Sea old' stance;•'Boys under 18.-1, $5; 2, 3; 3, $2. I.• Al cLeniian H Fraser; l Ruulcin slid F'.111cLeniia' la t%od. for 'tlhrd' plate. • 3, Strathspey and: , reel --1, $1.0;; 2, $G; : k'. Deaton, R: Ireland, J. 'heti of all fi Dell,;—• 1; $8;•2;• $,i; 3, $3, A• %ie-Rankiia Katie Ash,-. Bella. Bois. ( llie� >calluua—1, .$8; 2. $5; 3;+ $3. J. Mil hie,. J. Anderson, F Beaton. Sailors"hornpipe-4,p�`o,8 2 -r; 3 3. ..W' , ,,�, ,$ J. Anderson, 9. A.- Matheson, Harry 14d aclllkyre. • •Slrean trews; l;irls-=1 '2, 3, i meals, ,Aggie i talrkin,. - Dora 'Taylor,; Alice Crowden. `TEig l an hd fling, toys under, .18--], �; a 'liys lei $5; 2,, $'J; 3, $2. a T' Wilson,, L Me-' Le'itra,n, .i ltankirs. • »,• Too. of war—Hilton, . ;.. .l, .lelDCi1 S. • ' 1" iping•, and . D.itiiciitg, -t•-`Thos. Mc: - Donald, D. E,Cameron, A...Anderson, Heavy We1glits--Hu,<{h McKinnon, Thos. Lawrence, J. 14. Hunter, ' Attuning and Jtinipinf—txeor Kerr, Jll;llluud reel --4-1 2. 3 rne,dalls Sl D R;r 141 oilstpsh, 1i. lUrah ut. '' whistle, a►r'•'1.11 i;ou1., to: you my •lad:,” , and. ." •Boiiiiie Prince Char lie." : Nuu • ; (ro;is encores were, ,given this Jady,'• and, she, sang ..with splendid; effect., . Miss: \Vynit of God. i ich,'sang'L- Vithin :a -Mile; .0' 'Edinl • • . ''''` Edinboro town; : and • .the.• Blue Bergs of Seot.la1Id, and was very gr•nei-ouily °received, , sn'ging in good voice. ' IeiL.°1tenben 'Fa. ; of Brantford : was •.siieply iu-, his coinie songs' and thunde rsof applause gree ted eVery etiort.-- lie.„ave 1,m ,a•'iugtlEr," .:Bary hotly s Beau,, 'h ill 'far away,". der i the''weeI,i1' , w ller,tree" "4i'he- X Irish ''_Jaunting Cur," aiid a comic. speech: ' .i1 r. S enee, of • ;Stratfol•d gave, , Wi., a• ,liuiic1rccl pipers ',ail' u, an' 'a'," and '' ;Ah, 'ha, the WOOUI'• and ':was a ..general; f tvorite. E. �V. ltich'ards' oolitic` recitation; "Poll l,y's: tadher unci bees' dhru'bi;les," was giver • With, good good ']'eutoitic':acceut:• Uat►cing by the..conipetito►•s filied up the l,al'unere`#'of the programme, and - thus eve)Ithated. nalthusevt'I1tu:ted. one of, the 'hest and most'pleasuiit•,coucerts ever..held here , T11C 3AI.t.• Tlie Bally h'el.cl afterwards was • a suer.: cess. Many took' advantage of the gobs 1►IUs10 and tripped it until an early -lieu t. All�rapol;t:_'.Unalloyed -en• a Joy went, ` v,,:. nom•...._._...•....._.... Tf11'1e]ft:'1t1f 1�itlrtleq requiring ..� . e . equiring eavetre?11 11,11 r N11Mi d give, itis rlil ts;we .coil g•aaiantee.a FIRST, CI,AtS JOO1, .. 1VP, 14 ..' ill; stock olid A: 1. Materiltl: i Oompetition We,will c ii e':two r'zes', • • . � p ! forth..,first two t orr; sti ,t, ' fls.•of this rebus. First correct solu'tion—lst prize, goods to the -v l a rt '(l,0 Second cor.rectsoluiion--2nd prize; hoods to the i•alae of.42 00 Solutions--to-hr-opened, •e calriii)-ed at` rdrp lues l;i� eta Dari l4't}r Dpp, 1887.. TES' oho:. WITH T h •ta favi---^.,�"'� Ra.� • 0' • 0 C'1IE)JZST. AND DltVGGRit*I` Y" FoRt.,� xi rl 1111 l oR:uc aro ED ON' I: �n• 1 LARGEST- AND' FiN r STOCK: Off' DRY . GOOD$: "Om , BROtTGIIT INTO li)OV 11Lih opene,''d oilt at: 4 i+ (1omp>i�b rising then velti�es o the -seas. e e seas. in:i11 A • .. ry1ry1 Velvets VIS✓'. .in all 1):e'newest Ines Iii all the.leading'sI c1e '. MantleCloths,,. . Sh�r�in At varioiis rices -aha - . . p : � t s. I_� �vanl a>►1d. Cotton,. Shawls from' small' ll1'shoulder , ..: ><r , . shawls to •lar„e':. double plaids.. :. . la3IJA T? ]]TS, CI-rail/TB •, A. beautiful lot of clouds al:t fa �ti .:., LL � tc>tligtar.�,ll.hlit,l:)aHie�clescl;�>I ytl�h Ladies and Gents , !. (x �.. arc• and`•,}�e�1,si�;Lt1 'I.�t1 .in . � COATS CAPS, MUFFS; BOAS ' recons in all cul' Ladles' and' - Gents TJder:Yot h�;n 111 Merino. AY0o1. and (Jotton. Also, ; GROCERIES; HARDWARE; WALL PAPER,`'P '.-. When' �� � � : PAINTS, OILS. • peddlers they are-peddliiig for me don.':;. bClie.ve- them. • 1 don't hawk -my goods through the' Couiltr but. could ass`zle you they are worth coming to Y' -1,hanking ybu for past .favors and ' soliciting new 6'3r; 1 am yours truly .,, • • 1'