HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-09, Page 5• Paramount News., Nr. A. LLlcLet►ualt ancl', hisdaughter Autl e, of Michigan ure visiting old .i'vieutls in this ,vioihity. ' . • Air. Dad '1 loustoti and Miss Lizzie , :Cook of this• pierce •u ere united in •duly. • .. :bends by the key. ,tlr. Si w,`uf Lull::• ito:v, lust \Ve. ttne.,lay,, August alst. De!.vdroP longe I Q U 1'.1 .•97 will Huish its tluarti;ily Mien meeting Ftri- 4lay cvruuig; 'h 5sts U 13,e14.1 and Jutucs Murc ison , of this :phare who) l,assetl;tlt„c: entrance'. at. Kincardine, art; at ptet tit guiub•to s Alool rate lb:inner, Vnide ieli; 'the. lo,pter tt, Luci:now. •\Ve wi,it both. ur t11ese youog i tau suet esS< • " "lilt • lx i%aidocli emit. ut:erchaut). and hist aisle -1 i\la.rtlta',\luldpthi intend., taking iu' tits ''1'oiutttu, �aluhitot), • 'I'liut allay.' `t$ic'bt.lr iust:`s -tied nig this vieiuity is almost: ' OU Dieted • r. Albert r1'`owle has Gilletin : the c, ntroet''et gravelliitg i kU.rods,uu cur utrziu btler:• • Ashfield Notes.' 1i+aluters are. busily : engaged hi .putting 111 their 'fall. wheat in 'this. sauttotl, There f e will he a large; ac erae. soul.' ' • The. fall heat in this Vicinity. is turniit•g•out ft?cut• 14 .tp 1b:Iushels per - The rest crops will not be very •,food owing to: the sevete'di!pth —Zion, Sabbath school Was visited. -Sabbath:, ,• , Alessrs Ste ' ht neon • • :last --Sal a ., by, p. and \liddletou of, Luckuow, old .+vet ttrauc 'iii: the wo1 k; L NALLACE.: G :0:0: Arbor Barrel $1. 50 -13ariel Arboe with soliti`ratekft""2 Ballance Staff 2 00%. : ' Cleaning Watch Cleaning-Ertglieii Lever.• New Cylinder' .• Chain Fusee ,Chaintiairing Case Spring Lock (lase Spring Fly' Up ; • Hand.. " Jewels Hole • •'L ' ' Jewels' Cap in Setting Jewel's.ltoller Main Spring Pivot.' Balance,. Pivot Ordinary,, Screws ]+scape. Wheel • 'Watch ;Glasses 50•: Y 5' 2 00 CLOCK R1sr Mils Ordinaiy 8114,y- Amer cat 1• 00 25, 50 - 10 50 75 : n0 50 1 00 75 10 • 2.00' • 10 • —r. The bes an Are selling many lines ei trail close to. . cost for cash awl many uthe lipes ht, • cost for Caen, `lk`itia lul>a lasts fuer lamest pl .rns are ONE: 'MONTH.. ;t NTH COTTOS A FACTORY P As the spring, is cloatatk hand the public 'will do well to „ CALL. ND' SL our assortment of ' SPRINC ANDSU i1MER', coop, before purha-a_ing'tels•_ewhere. • 50 Nickel kelAlar`nie.: • 50.. Gold (xnbd Rings 10.. }repairing Spectacles - 10 Breach. l'ihs go., Any ' align ishing 'watch or'. cloelt;repair-. ing done;�kiudly keep, this for 'reference .as I ani bound to do the livovk at these prices • till January:, IiYSICt'it �1 3irC L`,'' t tv (]tE'p3 Mint r the bri'Ies father by Rev A. 111eKay,,'oii Sept. 'lith.,: •Alex, Mouton trf. sit kupa, til • Mary daughter of \Ir. •Angus'i1'1cDongall Lucknew :: MCI.Eo»-W EIsu'--Iii the Presbyterian re Anse Lucknow on Sept 7tb, by Rev.' A.' Mc K.iy, Alex girder MilLeud to Eva datughter, of :)1 r.. Julius : Weise, all of Colborne. Oa. co E will ;pad the"above Reward` for an Wfirer Complaint case of Dyspepsia, . Li • Sick. Headache, indigestion or Costivenes ; we Cannot • Duro with WEST'S LIVE) •. ,PILtS, whelk 'the .'Directions are strictl' complied With. Large'•Boxes, containin. .40'12111s;25 -Cent; 6 Boxes Sl 00. '. 80' IA'. an.,Drugicists. (OODD BELIABLL' •To repr•esent Ca •Bros. Nursery' in counties of`]3ruce and,North Huron., na stock guaranted to piircltsers first Olass r: - :Only men—whop -are pushin and willing . to .;work wanted . •To• 'such, • ' 1iberri.!1 terms , • will • ,be, offered ;.. For tertns4:and 'territory,' apply --to '• °' .W MELLIS LUCKNOW; rt::' . WVe hive mt►tiy new lines in l,ttl}as Kid & Dongol BOO 1 'S, AND Bt,T1UNLU ' • " - Our stock'in. a 1tseesand'Chikirtis IS OMPLET •` �'. MITE M'ADE�TQ-QJiDElt ' �, I only got f ,0;00 dozen. last week. • But the hens -made ' , wonderful ort.: Tvire t• thle seems -to eff�.YS � is unde,rstan:d 1�hat every ode All: past `dueaccounts must 11e srttted by hots.'. or 'cash. • PEART t$c CU RIGAP4. • LU:CKNO ARN.::. H.. � . I as now, in'tstoclt. the larg,,s at.d best d t pliir :. cents worth? .:of oods.:,a of • on: 'Tuesd t ,.a• s a d Sat- LICHT AND HEAVY' HARNESH x'^F��K.+.3+RT+.�-.. �s.+•WY S: rGA�t""yo' 't_<,, ,., ,y 'a•, CcSlYspr•3.' t� meq, 4Y:Y .+ ., .:wa•..w•;,::•x'a. .• stsa�a.. °k�..TR..�,„'o'u tifl 4,�+ - tita?FSh•+[as:i'�i"c'ka"'C>"1'ii�.1r3..,.t�' CAVERS BROS. GALT. MPOR'hA T'' T:O:' ALL wlto ar-.e bald,: or ur_'Grey ,OCEAIii..STEAMEO kCENCl ' IIa'r, or who are Troubled ;wl!th• t. ,� tom►.. --�`- } '�" tom, ,,`���_ • White yt;nr, lncholrokitt an ; ijii Lowest rates and thfnugb:tic'kets f ruin lAttcknuw 'to I ivet•iwol. ti . e. r�o,sdaui Glasgow, or • .1hpblir Tirat41ass Tire ;,nsuraacc Cos. represented. Special rates on farm builclingH I abo; represent the best an ;Most sxlCeess• fdl•l.ite'Insurance Companies in Canada MOIQEI TA) I ON 4,6 is!r; l %.ON MOltTGA0EM., • NEWSPAPERS,: -D,AND P►tT- `_' ..:D.OPEHW.ENDS. Y iv'is the time to subscribe. Any paper in • tr • the world at lowest. rates. ,- •Anic:ricau 1':xpres€ Company' a r : ",money. at I west rater to .all offices, in • anatla. or ,u' nu S Ofhce holm! frons 8 a in to. la• m lackgshlth~Shop to Let:. The blacksmith ale;'plately occupied 'by Norman, a41ia11illian on the c.•rnor , of Uamp- °•'bell land 1Eavelnck'streets. It is iu the beat ..location for a,ahop inthe village. ' For particulars apply to SAN UUS,11ic(ZuAIG_ :THE'WE1..8RATD Dti CHASES • opRKA ptaut IiOI LIVER CURE:'. • HAVE YOU OilsousnC>s, l.iver'Compplaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion;, Jaundice, Headache, Dizziness,.,nr Pain in the•'llack,�. Costiveness Or any disease arising from a deranged liver, • Da. Canoes. Loma'Cuna will tic found .a sure an certain remedy., . ' NATURE'S REMEDY; The unqualified success of}Dr. Chase's Liver Cure In Liver unddd from nature'sewell kn wn liverfact re regulators at it is cduktuna ed from q Mxri'DaA,eR AND DANNtieiorr,� combined with many other, invaluable. roats• .barks,and herbs having a yowerful effect ,g0 the' kidneys, Stomach, dowels and Blood. ' . 600,000 SOLD thy"... one.half urillion.oy' Dr. Chase's Rcci a Books „ruere sold in Canada alone. We want .every wail,, iuonta,t and child who is'treirbled wills Liver' Cont.'. This tiling to try tezcellenryrenrcdy. ' ; .LADIES ;, It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dulll sallow; complexion, liver spots, pintplcs, etc;; ""'Ch ase sC i,iver Cure is• tha only. remedy..that will most poli tiVcly`curet these Complaints. $(0)111111110 NEW: GIVEN AWAY FREE Wrapped around eivery.bottle of D)r Chase's Liver Cure !s a valuable Hocneete fud ec • • Hook (84kontaisgovr zoouseul recipes, by medial then and druggists as invalu Rb ., and worth ten times the price of the medicine. '''I • EOMAIISON.-&_COt, Sole_ Agents, •eradfort ' HAIR MACIO �V1h b�fonnd invnhiable for' the hair and scalp It clenses the scalp irf s>,11 dandruff, invigorates the growth of the hair; •acid in cases of baldness{ where tb'ere.there are the slightest signs 'trf. motif left, it w ill` proclucet gpod •,erop . of hair. I restons•grey hair to its t iginal. err or '' and is an' excellent c1refsint{. condition get a bottle at once. . —A, k for it.,• A.. Y)OR1 NWTi N1, Sole 1lianufacturer.' '1'•ORoNTO, GIAN Al)A r I)•t,iertavend It the leaiiiig manufacturer of Flair.Geocis itt"Ciuuiacla 04. • . leer sale by,'C, W. GR ANT J MFFE#II;$,. DO NOT I)ELAY,.if your hair is iiia weak LLC Now,_. 1 • reatt Bargain, House, e Pioneer erStore. ,._ M. LAMPS: • •. • I NO —GErNERAL DEALER I'T • WIIoICi�'i MACHINES, I uGGIBS, .7 t. S't7 T A LO aid, :G,O4'T'sC!'ED'. , $Orsi. B1a +xets, etc,. My titockof '•1 r tiz ka. Valises, Hand Satehslea etc., isno* complete., su�itincludesall'th.. . A. :latest it lex r.tid snakes. • Aa all the above art elea were 'purchased iron, the best minters, chis itt tihe'lowest i ti.h prices, I nrepar41, to eel," s eheap •asany'oth.-rouse iii •the trtute Don't. fail to call, and' bee wy "' ' stuck, Before l iirchaaiu • ... • ' '; lsewhi+w.• ', DON'T FORGET THE Set J. UlsiDERS1GN1 D W1S11E'3 to inforilT the inhabitant of Luckn.o'w anti: si111 i►u iclan y cou•i<try that lie hies the'tar0.(;' . Sto'o£' !HEAVYc ;AND `LIGHT :.HARNESS, ,To be found in tiny shop in the'villat;+ which he is. able :to sell,. at . pri'4es txi Ault the rockets: of purchasers. Collars warranted' to give satisfaction. Whips, let ti s and, 'Valises always on' .hand: ''Call and, see mit •'stook .before.: purchasing elsewhere. Repairitg don;) with lneatness and •'despatch..All, whr•r, • warranted A, Ross 'My spring and ,summer st )uk is now. complete and it ern races omen ens, ,vC "ALKING PLOUG: The Nlill is ;low in •full workingorder .. anal capable' of meeting all the wants -of . rtiy patrons: ;i`Oy MORE DJ LA ' .INT • WAIT IN(x `POR;. YOUR GRIST Farmerl{ wottl t well to bring th Jir wheat to the mill, ere ° e highest eash'price will lie paid: .. ' , • a CNOPP'IHG I. DO.NE:1..I, AS' USUAL. onl Roller I`lr A'y. 82;00• 71he.beat >rracla of I;ol �loti Io0°lbd ' Yee' ' RSZN+ TS S • qk ATEST •AND: BEST. .0 • r.a.—....,*,:v•-.***••• • .1x CH1 IC J, Re airs of all kinds always in stoc ,v, sees AND INFANTS, AIID SOPPERS0 '\'Vhicii I will. sell at rii; ,t prow*. * steep and finish ' being °.ruken ` r•: t''' considerati"r• Understand. 1 hiit>tLd . N© SHODDY Go0U • My stock , is 'varrantt:4 leatlie,).. '1 alis' twa4•rant all `Araa'trk.t''. w ...light � goti+dsl. �t'Y ered worts ; ypet i t h r..' 'Eggd liakeh in trade: CREllAditi.