HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-09, Page 4o. aw -..tea.•.--. r -w, I t o. mei. T114 T,>SBLtiTT Tot •AND ' „ARoud 1tttgEi,.? A0.1004:110 TI DIGTATE8' Or Uot;s {tgio-'�Tciy Wit It 1 ,, ova..&LL` fltil,'1E1EIt 1D tI 8 ' • r ,49.0kn0W. got. 9th. 1S3"7. TILE . ,Ottawa Citizen,'; the leaden Jonsesyati.t►e,paper in Ottawa, in re- ferring to the dropping of the ;protest,. :agant the returnof the Hon. Edward lake,: in West Durban'!, -says -.---"The withdraw'' of 'the protest against the election of Blake -for West Dur;.: 4,: hair further illustrates the folly of pe- • titioning against thereturn of men - '•bers: whensubstantial evidence is not forthcon'ing to: justify such • action. • . After ageneral electio,. contest protests ,,are thn order of ,t a day ; . but after t ,. the excitement'dies out enthusiasm in ,prosecuting them,. frequently dies with .it, In nocase should , a protist be • entered Unless the :most 'positive evi- fence ofcorruption . can be produced, at' the trial ; `for it is worse than folly to `protest 'on : speculation:. Nobody :believes •that M Blake ` himself ;Would be a party to resort to, bribery .,to seeure':his election to • the• I?ouse of --- • • ye tea, drinkers who want a',1' , —Al, bargain,, go to Connell'] and, • you will I get S. lbs of fifty cent tia for .$1. ' --New fall 3oods at Kerr's, ,;scarlet flannels frrin• 15c,grey flannels. • from;, 18o,, ;special attention is galled toour tine all wool grey' funnels at 25c. •'The lest value • in.,Lucknow, , • • A • AL1 WOOL isy a -Those'> telte:_s Pennell is offering for. 10e and 121e per yard are the;' cheapest yet. . ' -Corsets at Kerr's; '- 411 sizes of our -celebrated 50e corsets in • drab and tau colors;, Ask to see .'the "Yatisi" 'fit, easy corset for' sale at i erg's ,-Teas, sugars, and general groceries of a cuperior.quality, cheap ,at, Kerr's. Cheap Cheap dress, goods at Kerr's, better A alue. than. ever. and far ahead. _of soy:, thing shown :in Lucknow are those dress ineltous,at 10, 121.aid 15 cents.. -'-----Remember.-Kyerr's, is the -place --f or- fashionable nuliii%ery. Nee, fall- mill}neey at Kerr's„-- Diem P an ois; ,.. ARM' Oaj port • even! the fie :1 street the fi . fire e{ ,Thefto ; . en'ppr,' 1.".r dor •fan bol. eh d e in' • end epre 7... th the! r, s °Went,' et by a' eople No umber; ookoffs Ore u nged a• (l `urning to. 8' was eraelt be hip, nein the oh isobedi 5dy gp i,rque 7th, .for rred to roiig'h-o"n , ^•tho ns SO It N,= err t and:wei e cool an ' the cren. 7 dtamr.diotaf9 LARGE agcy. FTa®1s -:o: H. A CTLS FOR MPORTATi WOOL. 1'1Q• WEAR. GOODS George Kerr has received and opened. the contents of seven ruses of new fall iiullineiy consisting of thelatest and most fashionable goods for the , coming season. Miss ;Chambers` returns to Lucknow about the beginning of next week when she will be prepared to take 'orders fer fall millinery. • Edward 0, :Graham, the popular and well known Nurseryman of Ruch - ester, N. -Y., desires, to 'wake arrange- ments with rrange-mentswith one or two live,: energetic Men •to take orders for his Nursery, stock. He has ' a choice stock,; includ ing tine specialties. His inducements, to beginners' are particularity: advtin- taeous.` He fulfills' all he protuises,•• •and guarantees to furnish strictly first• class stook. He•can give ative, square,; t cgooiliias a ». i erm iiux •rt'h:. . with a view of seem inntheir 'services• Write to hien as soon: as you..hav=e read this for terms --and felt particulars: liteinember,. only square dealing hien 'deed -apply.' Ad'dress,:.EDW. O'GR.AsAM, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. =FOR o trR►- • • .not practice the same.; arts as_those for which the Liberals in other 'constitu- :•encies have' become notorious -in' order prevent the defeat of• their. caidi--'- ' .date,, Th. withdrawl of `the West .- urham; 'protest, however,is'• an ac :knowledgmeit that the fight in that • iridin was honestly conducted on the .the part :'of ` Mr. • Blake's friends; .;and ;upon the!" result of the filing, of 'the and they. • are to, -petition,•b,,th,.he , u be ; . ••congratulated.>. , EXTEN$1VE AliQrri9IN7..SAL, I1cMAT11• ESTATE. •:0;. Ths u'i hrsi4,fed has been inatruaed' by, Thoinas•Lawrn ice, Assignee, to, sell by public auction,ryuu •' • Fridiy Se: • temhei 16th'' 87 The St ek'and R a1 Estatebelouging?to•the' above estate . . • T • he Stock com'lirii es, paints, varnishes. brushes`, .&c^; c trritio•e• "hardware, cinbi,y buggy tops New • Eiiwer city, •bii gy 'tops; lumber:(clres:ed auii.ui,drted), geaix:.bndire, and everythipa neees.,ary, in the'. manufacture•. of • Barri lges,,hpggies and,,wagg• ns; Zn: tbe' blacl smith,ahon :-1* tirllows� I:drill-. ing inachine, 1 tire :upsetter, 1 Tire • Bender, lightning taps and dies, belt . clipper, carriaige. rprfiii,,s,.Irou; Steel .l:c..;. • AT, a ' meeting of the •Millers' Associ ..a . n of: •Huron, Perth, :Grey, Bti'ruce. :and North Wellington, held at Palm ` wing: resolutions. after; ersto'n;: the folio �, •lengthened discussion were•uuaninious- carried with ,p .. oyeexcePtion "That; • '.11y ewe asan association would: approve 'of .l►commaerci l union"` between Canada, 'the United States '• npon. a:fair ••.and a a . . `•n it would-be;in the 1'• • basis; belie, 1 g e • terests of the contuiuniqas a whole,, .and especially would it aid ,and •assist. wife milling tipsiness of the country by ;givin' us at enlarged Market for our product roweled Out, On account of the laige'space devot ed to' Caledonian'game's in this:. issue several items 'old, local interest ar. •croa.ded out.. New Collector. .' • '4ir. Joseph \[allough,'a Dunganno 7iavin tied the poli ion H AR DINAR E l r �•t<' A r/ • . .. �.� o f • has : est recevec, � LaRrrence h _ �•• .. ... • _ . Ware; Nails. d The ,Beal Estate, consists of a large. Carus, e ati1 •WV aggon Shop just runiplef ell, iiud silent oed 'admirably fur cariyinir . �.n ail ;extensive. trade. ` TWO.; cOmfortable dwehing. huusea ,in", good Ideation*. The. Stock Will be offered at a rate' nn • the dailar.` in black' or separate, as . per iuceut•fry .. The deal Lstate• will .be offered in 'separate Iigrcele,•anirs.;ld subject to Mortgages, i.t•►te inent id ahich•will be made at time, of rale • TERMS ONSTOt •it A\D BEAL ESTATE e n` t-, g •a d t f collet ;fir for • Ashfisld township, Air, McKay has beeii" appointed :to the otiice.` Thank You.: Mr. 'Webb, 'John' Webb, of St. Helen's, 'hies our thanks for the•besto val•of some choice fall `apples., This, is the • second time that Mr, Webb has trt•atted us in this. Y � - • .fns t? aiid tame youn teen' oil our• : staff say J oleei is iiprince'of g fellows:°' And�the said young mei are pital' - judges.,'"' Weather Report. • t \Veather report for .the month` Of u +est • : -Total emount; of • ram fall So • Inches ; 'clay of highest -temper-. aturc',. 95.0 on the 4th ; day of;' iowest ' remperatnie,...36.5 oil they. 2Tti mens i' highs t • •;euipera_ure, $.4 ; monthly'' • clean: 64.8. , Their fell in Iay, rain .0.-96. inches in'J.pne' 4.5:1 On July ` 4:01. - ialcolm lc[ onald. , (;la:ss Putty Razors, Shovels' Spa -es , consist la RubberSea Wringers ' . Hemp..,' . p-,>.' 'duller Cl�thea Clothes Lines L ,: •Stone 'and , Asbestoe • Chains: ds Cement. ` - `.E.enet Wi •e of all kin t ba.Is • Plaste ijBuilding -aer 'dry. & P ( y :�n�'Ine �'a:c�In Paper ' • ltiakes ' � � : • --Kinds ', tarred) - /:. `. Brush -es' of ill .... _ :� � : --- ; .: ' .,Gamlen Trowels. ; ... �ste Lime B�lbbit Afetal• ,, W x V .. AN NI SN ES ` � OILS ; AND�°ll PAINTS, ' , d amts in all s>;a�es,: o • . in 'nil' P;re ,.are l.onnd p- •, • , our e><i: Ile Jollnso�'� 'Antique colors �. . , ...,.: P.; . white .Le2�l.,•..T p ,. tirl�.et. nIna In the m� , ' to: an th . r..use AialAastiaie, for wa11%,.superior .y :.., >< early .for. ..••... ; . .. • , : • . '. - one Extractotsi.and Tinvware of ulhkand's =s ware Perfection.Creamers,H y •� ranite and°:Ja annP. , � ' �,; tl' attended' to til lar ge stock f Stov; ,C p shortest' notice,= Repairin„ prQinp y acetro dhing done;on the 1P.�::and .StOVe \dare T'i ,.. .� :• •. , A•full..s#o • rties :.W a' = a call•befoor•e purchasing elsewhere '•, • • : -- _i . .• _;., • �...--- .. • . • .n building• would.de►:wfll to r,i�e him P . , Parties intcndin:,• ... .. • , .• 4, 6, and 9` months: 'en furnitlinr, ';approved • joint notes,, Stt,c°kaist can be seen, and pritp erty examined tipto shay „f sole, on apylic ►tion .. • t'o 3 hr, s. J.aw.rence, A 1i�;nee . An nptior;tinity suc'i:ae•this'offers, is rarely. 'in et. With.. A.large and pri.ptahl.• o.ii,e can be done, :and all will' p, �sitii•el•y , b•e •sold With- . • out reserve. ' Salt:•to commend at 2 o'clock sharp, • n i the' . ireinises lately oce•i',ied by R, J Jty�lath, Stauffer street; �[.ucl:u'ai . • • T 'LAWREN'CE 7jiV. IMF U IS, • Assignee. Auctioneer t'q HEEP ESTRAY. •Tn THE -PREMISES OF THE Cj{AME uuder+igued; south ball 'L .tss • 19 coag 1. Huron. onipr about the • latter part of May last. an aged black ewe' ' The owner js ttquesst d to prove preprtty, pav expenses anti take'her away. • PETgR' MURRAY, J.sicknow i' l.1 •A../nn WeWe � ,.aa•.Csz'.t fit- -'gym„ I.1 r"tt•- 4ilie�ge' Property For Sato : • nly a little. over one rear has elapsed since -the ietro tic ion o Can ida o ie now well-known . there'is ,harcily a tAnwii wheie an agencY for the, Sale Of thi Celebrated:SPeethele Inis not been instituted', ': Tbe ,A;r4a.,(3g_A” is not puffed,uphy Meaningless. Would -be scientific phrases, but is oifered to an intelligimtpublic on its' merits. TtY it 'suited exactly.. Irb.,t•-ord "-..1LASE.A" stnrhJed upon every pair. • ' . • PHOTOGRAPH OA,BINETS,,- erty migiata'of etre, on Wil*.h ore erected two tit° With dwelling aboie, air iu good coo`dition`k Will be sold cheap. Apply to..Nirs. Storni glornieg. Storm for Sept. 19th itet. He says it_ Will cross the inet-idian Of 'London on the .16th, .coniing west;-r-nnef will , tinent on the 19th; being•very destruct. 'crease Owing 'the position of the IMPORTANT SA.L.E. E'rant leffetisi • Chemitalt; „Dye Stuffs, Conitt-4; Flair Clothen Tooth Nail and Shaving firuthe4 Seeps; iseilatra- • • Paris 4;:reeitto ,s. *Ad Latirahce's. and Other Speette1es' GENTS ',We, want elle hundred gebd men at once tit ,seli for the Ponthill Nurseries. LARGEST . IN CANADA. aer 465 acres.. OttPtit 15t1; 10871 able colts,,Iris One dime' y4r; (id T..utine BEST ADVANTACES. • hoe AA or tAbstoco, .Wakefulne..$; Men.. tal Depression, Softening of. the Ilrsin i•esult- , and death, Premature Oh rennessy Loss of Power in either sex, involuntary ;ertion of the Brain, self-abuse. Or over.riudul-' sent by malt prepaid onteteiet of price, , • Apply iot terms to to etre With each order receiiiezi we will se'nd the purchaser ottr *kitten guar