HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-09, Page 3•
— • ---• ' • ---- •
'-••••-•.'";0••-•00•44.••-•10-4•040, .4•••••••••"T,',..• ••••'":1"•.400',00•000.44,0,0. n , , ,
Xr." ".41Sr'•••••4•0•0.4.-00:: •0•••*•.••••••••,
OctiNELIF1Jtvxri8rrX110 --Infit
•.dollare, which einn had been bequeathed to
• $ ikhy the will of the; Aate Jenni idecIsraw
Fiske, the °Mirk; having deoided tint,t- the
, institution is aerioh/as, it is permitted to
be tinder -its charter. It is evidently safest
' for wealthy persona to help; theiravorite
' Universities vfli10 they are alive, for the law
• has strange ways of breaking in on vett-
• inortem plans.
'Kix You PsrTgrikorrks a German
medical authority, considers that eiMietef
is not contagionn in the sense of behig COM-
CitreOtly from person to per-
son, but that it belongs to. themalarial
•• group of epidernies,. the germs. Of which,
• find their way from the ,soil into 'the air,
and thence through the lungs into the
.:sYstenb- He regards pod drainap and
pure water as the most efficient ,safeguitid
• against an outbreak. '
complain of the noise of the
Sunday ohurph hells. in Canadian cities
.„ -
would find it worth their while to spend a
ew' weeks travelling in Spain, which is
one °Mho most delimit conntries ;under the
.,` , Ninety ousand bells send forth
• their summons to prayers from the steOf 2l,0OO--churcIi- ho -'weight of
ep es
• bells anniiiiits to, semethinglike .95,00
• , of Spanish pounds; and the value to a
10,000,000 franca. '
Aacennxx, Atsozoia, who celebrate
• .the 3rd instant his 70th 'birthday,
only:field-marshal lif-thiF-Austrian a
rie ',Xt is fornied by.the union of tWo
, is very etrongl
we by his parents, but secured their hos- impregnated with iron, while the other
pitality. His mother's &wedge was excited meandering through a peat mash, imbibe
by'the stranger's wealth, and she killed him genic add, another ingredient in the for
in the night, severing his head from the mation. of iotteril niennaPriP
body. Upon finding out that the victim matter are satisfantorilz written with thi
was her son, she merely observed that it singular natural compOttnd • Of iron and
was his own fault 8,8 he ought to have made genie acid,
himself ;
JJon : WHILE. all traffic Ilea been, forbidden .on
P4De° 4ede: that 41 liver is harder the Niagara Palls reservation and all shops,
to rule than all In Paris a few 49de-water Pavilione and bazaar have been
A •
days ago his blood was analyzed by Dr: torn down,. an exception has been Made in
Henpques, the epecialist, who., told ' hint fairer of Indian wonien. ie believed
that he was in a bad way. •Not only As hie that their presence in the locality Male
liver out of order, but his kidneys also, inhabited by their race will Prove an attrec-
and at his age, there is not much"chance of tion retherthan a drawback; accordingly
boring him, though the maladies may be they are to be allowed to sell their bead-.
held, in check. Pom Pedro is but 62 work without molestation. Thy are sup=
years old, although he has been Emperor posed to come from the Tuscarora reser-
fifty-six years, and is in length of reign the vatiOn, seven miles from the Palls. "Mark
senior " sovereign Of the world. Dr. Twain " it ;authority for the statement
Henoques asked him:whet woe his favorite that -in the past many of them hatre- come
drink. " Dom ,Pedro replied that it N4s the from Ireland.
tiVey wealthy an. He was not reesog..- Tiyalets '70,11e ; of which
ppr..poN :uosrow, tovrmir*,
QPerationa. Ferf ther ,ffrefiLf
• Surgoee in the World.
iPeuelen Letter in the paltimore
Eti gtillitlicpuPbtittioll.hoofstohitt asioterrtehoiosnoiint7o,ntehostt t
King's „college. In the refs of a student'
sergery; and in the company of menet Oa
profession from...Europe and America, BOM
of them of middle age, "who have come he
to get the benefit of London hospital pra
tic.* I Wail an observer" pf.;.' two Burgle
operations perfermed by Sir. joseph Liete
Said to one of the greateat, if not. th
greatest; 'Burgeon in the Hy_ool. The Lo
don hospitals have a wider field:than-thee
in any pert of the globe to. tike.W.preetie
and experience from. London is cit
both -richer andpoeker than any other i
the world.. Gaunt poverty., stalks in th
highwaysand byways, where lnindrede o
thousands- of, wretched creattires Who air
said to bear the imprint of .God
venture to say that more abject penury' anoi
-more degradation exists to -day in. Londe
alone then*in allIrelenel.. The public hos
Otitis, 'extensive and numerous as they are
have seldom an empty cot. .The poor an
.the„ 19wiy/ who are to .a_verY largekeit
MT, reeipients. of their. benefits; seem
toOlne unaccountable way to baddicted wit
an infinite , variety. of diseases; and to he
more terrible and complicated fractures o
the bones.. and more abnormal condition
of -the organic functions than those who are
better oft far as this World. is concerned.
It least, thieislim. case in London, and it
is for this reasOn that those who are ambi-
!Inds teexeel in surgery come here for
knowledge very dilheult •or impossible 'to
obtain:elsewhere. It is for this reason that
sin% eintnent men as Sir Joseph Lister
perform operations in the charity hospitals
without charge: I make no doubt that had
the Oro patients .whom Sir Joseph
operated this afternoon been.;rioli or distin-
guished he .would have Pocketed at. least'
hie or Silt 'hundred guineas' for , his two
hoarse work. One . the operations,
though . somewhat •novel, was :not very
dangerous or .diffieult, The patient,•
-boy of 18; had fractured the. hone.
at„,.the_elborw....-which, -we - lay people'
know ,. very well: as . the (*key bone,
but the .technical.: ,name. of -which I
really forget. The 'bone had begun to
-decay in 'consequence. It wite laid bare,
the decayed portions chieeledoff,,wires run
threngh to make it reunite, and the, flesh
then sewed up again. . The other operation,.
rthe,reaumvell .0.ttiotxreunfi 4_1=ic
Tratecre..*:77k, deep incision, walikanitle lire
abdomen extending' 'around the side; - and
after probing, the hand of the operator was
inserted so deep that it was not visible:. ' I
cannot; of course, describe this as a pr.
fessiOnal, Initin due time no less than Six
donee were removed three of which Were
With. sharp and . jagged end's, and which
had giventhe patient, se much pain that
for Weeks he had. been unable to -attain
comfortable position either lying :or sitting.
Sir JosePh. said it was a most beautiful
case.' After the conclusion Of his- opera -
nobs he , discoursed upon their. nature' in
a style 'equally as entertaining and in.,.
fitruotiVe. ., I am toldihat . not only he but
any of the ether eininerit surgeons of Lon:
don.will at any time go to the hospitals
and Cheerfully perform an operation which
the regular surgeons may hesitate .under -
juice of 'oranges and lemons, toed, . 'UNeoorcuo " ceinage, of the Buf,
flavored with Jamaica rum, " 13etter give
it said Dr. •Hro6que,s, • „ oan,t,„ fele Express. and 'is *Pitt . in circulation' to
said DonA Pedro "and you wouldn't advise describe the reported intention of the Pitts
agricultural Works tri 1110%0 out cf Auffelo
me to it you knew how good it is."
Tux death of Prof. Fowler has . incited
t-tuere diecussiOrrgele the etanding of-Preinblogy
nieen as an exact -science. -Which .reminds
bout eine upon a time a phrenologist was draw.
in cityr-----(-M ay be-
d on it Was Fowler, and maybe it wasn't.) A
young man, who regards phrenology with
18 the contempt, undertook to test the matter by
rmy. "having 1145'1:lead felt." His real occuPa-
Hedeservedly holds that rank in virtue of tion peed not be *flown, but for the pur-
his achievements during the Austro -Italian pose of the visit he choose to desoribe him.
campaign of 1866; He is the Wealthiest. of "'self ,as the organiiit,ef one of our city
all the Hapsburg princes and very liberal Churches. He was nauch gratified to be
in his contributions to charitable objticts- told that his bunip of nansic was Well de.
He is also a generous :patron of art, and ,veloped; that he delighted in harmony, and ;here Jast year several fatal accidents have
owns probably most Valuable collection a lot more to the saine.purpiree. Asa mat; . occurred, and the other day again tha lives of three
' of engravings in the world. • ter of fact, he did not know one note from .
.1 :hundred men and boys were ino-
Ilitsmooex's wife is an interesting Woman. another, .and there was no subject % that Per'it.e.4.1?Y the, unties of a• .subterranean
She is more than 60 Years'of age Ver ' tall could be:broached on which he was ,
. rasit.e• .laker welch broke its bounds nd rush d
anti -nettle at Blasdell; a little , hamlet two
mileflAent the;_Pityt,Iimits;--r,nage-swgriEs
according to the :k4press, done as
iihT6 make Buffalo famous as any of
its industries. It is, •pretty hard to
-fieighb-df-tb-find that, after hit boomers
aseoeiationhas persuaded several peanut
vendors and book agents to begin.business
inthattown, one of its really great manu-
facturing establishments proposes to move
Out. • .-rr, • .
• A FATALITY' seems to attend'all efforts to
mine in No. 1 'shaft at, Nanticoke, Penn.
Since the entordbing.of a'werriber of miners
and very gray. Her features are prOmin.
•'ant and her cheek -bones :very high. Alto-
gether she has a strong Pule. he is a woman
of very determined. ohartsethr% and not un-
like the "Iron Chancellor" himself in
obstinaey. She. is fend of talking and
speaks, in loud and decidedivoion, Shahs,-
:.aPC.to relkstories-whicha girl of the Period
Would net 'ea,retti have her mother hear:
SOME . Of the trees. of Arkansas have
„ peculiar properties. Ihe.fruit efid root of
, the buckeye are used by, Indians On their
...fishing eicittraions. Theyput 't d
• Onta4n-a.dibag,'.4ehielt4hety:oidragalirgs
bArest.,„,,,,aerotidliniMiorostruthejfish ;
lerfrlaciaidead. 'ffiCattlernierafterr'inft
so the &nit orleaves, Man °eta the f
of the pawpaw, but. hogs Won't.... Ro
• and .triateare made of its bark. , The f
. and bark,of the; bay tree are supposed to
a cure ., for ,ihootoo.tiff,o# and tntermitt
• leVer...: •• , , • • ' •
ONE well:400*d ,Couritese,"' whose lifels
'spent in devising new varieties of 'social
,pleasures,. gave tri, belittle "at some • a,
'week or two since at her London honte at
• which more then. fifty pet dogs; prinelpiZlly
' terriers', , pugs and de,clishunde, put in an
apPearanoe.' served ori a
'aPeeial4liener ,service, Was provided,
' as, a delicate , attention,' teevetal live .,,rats
Were placed in a back rOontlar theterriers,
. Whir were, „equal to „the, 'inoreexCitinginsk
4of Worrying theria . •!. .
IN the death -Of Aaron J. yenderpbel. the
• Derneeraey.Lof-fasletv York loset-asterlifir
supporter. :The head of one of the ,inOst
important latrfitms'in the country,
. • for Sainuel. .Tilden in iinporto.dt • suits;
. he Was more than once•offered proinotion
to the bench, and Might have ascended that
-of • ,the..COurt of Appeals in 1685 had. he.
chosen. . Thelife it eitizen ipleased
• , hint best,.' He was a' good' man and- ' Will
long • be Mourned. by. those who had the
, privilege of hiefriendshin.:, '• • '.
&mensal, ..Peraciissuai.of Chicago, is -dead
•atithe age of ' was the oldest
. . .
keeper:in the city Tyrian Purple. Ho
went 'In •Chicago 1842' • and opened a
•• ..grocery.and bar. ' Besides his distinction as.
the oldest sakion-keeper in Chicago also
enjoyed the'repUtation Of being the heaviest
Man in -that city. --In 1869 he weighed 430
pounds. His weight decreased as he . grew
older, but stiltregistered over 300 ponnds.
. at the:. tinie Of his death.. Be leaVei.'n
• fortune of about §300,000 to his wife., and
. IN a dnel with swords; recently fought at
Grenoble, between , M. hlenvielle,,, editor of
the-Retie/I' Doolijne, and Gustave
;NaqUet, editor of the PetiePeuphlitoe4, the.
- principals disarmed (mid/tether insuCceasiVe
• rounds. In the • third 'round Naquet
seized.' his ',adversary's •Weapori and dealt
lin a thrust in the groin. Then. Captain
rtin,, one, • of : M. seconds,
hexed. :NliqUet'S•ears„.,. and M. .Naquet'S
Seconds deSerted hire.. • Pd..Ntiquet has
'•:•heen fined' in a police coint ; for iflegiti,
mately wounding his antagOinet:
AnONci the ',matters': tO he considered -at
. ,
the forthcoming, tionvention of the.,Ameri-
can Bankers' Association.' at Pittshtirg are
thesilVer: queened; the uniforitiity of bank
cheques as proposed by the' Chic. Bank:
063' Club, the US& safety for all
.011eqiies, drafts„.ete., 'plaits foe! seeming,
.batik eirpulation .othor Wise than by depernts
Of goyernmetiC liondsymeasuree for the
• better protection of :depositorsintiatiOnal.
banks; and a memorial to Congreteurging
.ari amendment to the. Canadiantreattpro,
&O'Mara and
beztlers• •"
• • ,
. ,• , .
te-tour•water. filter and see that it
is frequeritlY end. ree'ularIV cleansed, '
the'Marylebone officer ' of liea..16;
tells of.,flye personsin a tinnily of thirteen
being -Seied: within tWo cloys with fever
arid siekriest, terminating Sortie instrincc•S
ill delirium., .After• •inVestigatien it
11 discovered that• the se fretes had
heed acetiStorned to drink :water. from, an
unclearised• filter, the charcoal 'nil Which was
loaded with organic:ma:Wet that hria tinder,
gone fermentation in. conserver -ice ,Of. the
hot . Weather: 'While a lienselfold filter is e
very 'deSirikb,le thing; a •'filter whieh is. not
; frequently cleansed is Worsethafi none at sill.
„ortitis stranger than fiction, hut oeca.;
eionallY lietion it reproduced 'ftS a fact.
. .
The old story df 'the 8011 Vill0 had
away to make -his fOrtune, doming:1)0,6k to
Iii patents and :being: intird Ied by ',than
. fdrthe sole Of his wealth, haii.bedri carried
. •
out reallifer--;!A-telegradi frern Paris
states that young filp.iifile,r4 left homey',
-ignorant than music.-7London -Ackeliser. , i .
• into a working chamber. It is slid to' think
that the poorly paid Miners in Nanticoke
ade in the Dutqle Monatichrfft Concern- f the battle for bread.: But Necessity's pinch
ing 'the effect produced by 'different trades, le,s9 sharp that in spite of all warnin s
and industrial occupations upon the general
health. Among these facto, are those con.-
4ributed by Professor Hesse, of '-'Leitraiii;-
who Pcints:cut the deplorable condition' of
the teeth Of bakere, and! who also asserts
801171 singular etateinente •hsve been should be 'compelled:to face such dangers in
they conttnue to toil in the Most dangerous
places, not knowing themoment-when-their
lives may be ended, ' ' • •
Tni:New York Times man has reached
that he is frequently ..able to: indcate the Barliarbor, and. this is the. resulWf his
occupation of persona by the condition of observations:"Every woinanv411' of
.the4rteeth. In the case Of bakers the '
. . m
course, deny that -she laces. A Very enaitient
rapi y progressive • the . Y. gems is,. of New York stud a few
xigirsiriun4.14.a:tisaitowvAturentlietioigi.401,-ivakth.;040, ii4listvjatt 00111r1aririt. Arity-Wit
allitti ktwrislosrirfaceadfalriiostilifizralittgaii.4.h9amx:.'sr:ilr;lellger'4161124.W4P - . - iu
inizakiteekod:64A4 wag* .,tarttrxdfia-g„.44:E stiotei Aytthmtztozattifgatiwittliid titittkorMobA,'
rtt•grinding surface --411e approXimal surface . Shealso said she bed not had female
ps. not seeming to be attacked more than Iii patient for 'Many months whetted drawna
ruit Other trades Prawn's? :Hesse believes ' full breath . ier;* year.: :'The doctorsand
be that the diseaseis owing ti the inhalation .dn,'Ogiete. '4'Y that a perfectly Sound:girl of
(int. of fionr, dust, thecaries being caused by the W. is chneommon in Society. Those : flat
anthill of an acid. which ,. is :formed in the' chests Were simply the natural' 'result 'of e
presence of carbohydrates': ,
'Two ,intereating = Physical experiments.
are amusing French scientific men. In the
first it lighted candle 18 placed behind it
bottle, and the latter • is blown upon with
the breath. for a distance of • about. alooL.
The Meeting 'of the air currents set in
'motion around the bottle quickly extinguish
the 11*.e, though extinction *mild he lin,'
posibleif aflat board or a sheet of card --
board were substituted for the bottle. For
the .seconilexpeament two bottlesare Placed
on it table, with , a space of half ari,inch
between them. The-candie-iaserbetween
thie spite°, and from thesame distance is
.before; on the 'oppoeite sideithe breath ,is
blown smartly against the flame. ,Ncit
only will tho. latter el:infinite burning, but
'it will incline slightly towards the operator
*elf through- the efferit of suctien. This
phenomenon, analogous to the iirst;,is due
to the fact that a pprticin of the airoanncit
pass. between the" bottles and As forced
around them and hack toward, the experi-
A SYNDICATE -of :1,/etroit capitalists' has
been termed for the purp, sie, of supplying:
stored electricity for house -lighting; and
practical demonstration has 'shown that
the battery it is proPesed.t6 usewill" oper-
generatiph or so of dressing and living on
the fashionable American plan."
TFIE, HartiOrd :Courant having wrestled
with a tough scientific qpioblena' Winn -
Pliantly corneeto the front switlithie
tion: "The very interesting scientific fact
is 'given elsewhere on the authority Of the
&thiamin:neat of science,' that when Peo;
plea are sick above the .diaphitiginther are
optimistic, but When they are sick below
the diaphragm then they are pessimistic.
It is very valuable and meat'
intggestivediscovery. Whena'inan habits
On being--cheerfill hereafter-Youranal
account for it and pity' hini ; his disease
has got the -Upper hand or hie diaphragm,
and. there are only two things .to be, dOne—
eithertnin hint over discreetkao that his
diphragin will be above his ailments; or
injure him about his legs until his'pessi-
niistie virtues are aroused.: It Went:pot the
curious featnresof the'case; going daprove.
the theory that gontypeopleare pessitniats,'
While *.eeneuinptivesi are always happy.
Science, for seine strange reason, d.eolines,
te define the,teinperainent of the man Who
had no , ailmeets above or ,below the
diaphragpi. Perhaps 11 18 nOt acquainted
THE ' Berlin Hofnaclifisheen - announces
officially ,: ',` Some thriti„;Arga. domestic is
ate twenty-six sikteen,candle.power lamps. ;well as :foreign Journals stated.that Profee-
for twenty-fOur hours, and show Lathe end •
of or Mackenzie had received aboet. 54,000
that tithe no visible diminution of ower pMirka for the treatnient Of ,the Crown
upon tbe ampere:, It is believed at the end
of _Prince,-e4-sts,ten,2ent which was here and
that timethat sufficient energy to. light
twelve lamps for elsewhere variously eonninoted upon. : We
• fiye,' hours will:remain. are authentically informed; that the sum of
The expeCtittiOn is that one charging of the 51,000, marks covers only the twO tripe
battery will ' light the average lionse for tt, from and to England of the British physi."
week, After all the teats haVe been made, clan. 'The fee ithelf in by no means in
the machiniarY perfected, and the company eluded in it, aneft to the, diseretien
d it iirl
is -in a serious Obstacle of theit.royai highnessee."
will he met with. '. Ladies coniplitin that.
. , ..
",' ' Striae. seiter Men met with .e. Strange ad-
eleetrio light makes then), look "ghastly," venture while at work Aug. 121h hi thle of
changes the shade of their dresses, and 'in; the labyrinths of subterranean Paris,. ... As
genera' workS hayed With theirep.pearanee. • -
they were'busily . engaged in cleaning out
Such being the 'cede, it is insanity to sup: the part which lies under the Boulevard de
Ps° •theY, . Will admit.tliti 4ht. to theirla Villette theY-suddenly. heard loud- and
houses, inileris the ,.‘ dead -White glare '..' is
tempered by -the aid of rose-colored glass, .
"inninds Of hissing. -The foreinan
Nrolonged isicovered .' an eriermoui hoe constrictor
'coniplexions. up to. par: .
or soniething,that will at least, keep :their Oiled around one of the water ducts with
• its head protruding toward him. He ht.'
, ',Ix an articles on CarIyIe, Dr. James MO- mediately stunned the reptile with a vigor...
Cosh, the Venerable head of Princeton Col. ous blow from his Shovel, and his workmen
suggests for an inscription 'on a menu- having .'enhe un,..the Whole party set , to
r until 11
ment to that great. author Hate lies one
.whOgaVe force to or *Wish tOngne." -On
Corlyle!e rele es a philoscipheror a prophet
Dr. IlIcCosib 'puts Small ".Whateyer
he, Yves; better or worse; he Wes not a philo,
Tsopher. The, epithet is a,eopsiderable loose
otie;' but can Scarcely be applied in, any
sense.to th,e.man of ,Ecciefechan; of. Critig,
enputtock end.. of,.0.1101Sea,"' 'Arid again :
do net recollect in, all his Writings and
reported conVersatimin of a, single sligaciOus
forecaSt; srich as some great .-men present.
10 Usof •lhe.future its argued :trona cans
new in' operatioe." And, after indicating
his rear service te E;riglislyAiterature, Dr.
, IlicCosh Say:;:•`,' r .rAcit. helievethat the
snpposed prophet ever saW fay int9
.ifuture, hut he did exhibit the past and the
present in a 'lurid itglit. Latter.Dax
Priniphlets,' now little reekis perhaps his
most characteristic .1t I '
simpir 718 IL varlcatnre• • day. Wrid• laid a wager that lfe WOrild 'get an
ograp out Of. Lord 'I'ennyson, je
renntrltablyclOSe in tile aistribution of bie
sign inalatal. The. gen tl em 9,iiestion
satdown and 'wrote.a. polite note askingthe
noble, lord which; in his •ei ion, was the
from a n bb oirc
ey ed,tt. It had eseapedi
. I • . •
GLASS EYES tei the nuniber of 2,00000'
are made in Germany and S'ivitzerlaini
featured annuallY. by ‘onel' French &num
alone, The pupil is made of colOreklaes;
and. soreetilneered. lines 'are.Painted on the
inner -surface 'sinittlate "the •Veins. The
largest n,uniber Of•these eyes are hi:riff:00'1V
• laborers who are expolted and.Who,
are Consequently liable to.lbse, an eye. the
expression of tbe eyes is almost selely due
la the thovenients of , tim upper eyelids,
and this. is the, readOn ,why ,,one may seo a
Man with a grate eye !it hundred tim0s.
before his infirmity is cliseoVered:
. iS net devoid Of Shrewdness, es
witnes,s the •folloWing frein a. London
e rea letter : " heard of a gentleniart the ofifer
iS nne, as we
read the'satii•es Of Juyenal and of rope."
fainoilt bene set -ter," Mr.
, Hutton; who died iteently, had no learn-
ing, Ile neither walked, the hospitals'
•nor ever learned • the..narriet Of all the .s rimary.iti the ,Lng ish•language-4
crevices.in the lininan skeleton. If he had, Wehster'S or i3Ogilvie'S/ That will fetch
had alt the bones ;of the huiriari :bodY" thotight the man who 'Set 'theArlip.
thioika down -before him he VidUld haVe '``By, the 'next post came, a half ,
heen,at great Dallis to arrange them in sheet of note paper, on Which wag carefully
.order. Yot trained then Sofitpatients With pimted.,the word ‘Ogiltrie;" , cut net of the
•dislocationto hrin. ' • . ..correspondent's bwii •tti Yoi can
Is, Algeria there is a small Atream.'which imar-liob his eliagrin 'fat 'better; than I
c -
"Ah mei"cighed Pottd, "lin tired of Hein,
The world is holloW,'ambition'emain," -
" Cotne uciwr saki his.chnin "1 know the-sym
all your livor—that's ie-ry plain.'
You need net suffer, for help is easy; .
Pierce's Pellets go right to the place.:
fribed tcrthirbilious,'1 well inight,call.:thein--'
: There's nothing beater; they'll suit your cater::
Potts ceased his sighing end botightthe'"
No More he in
His fac« is cheerfn°1!irnetil his hat)16" 1°11"
his heart iti•liglitseme
His wulanoboly is q uiteferget
It-iri reported the Mit :crop' this season
promisesto be • the heaviest known fer
years. Walnuts and butternuts. are of
prodigious • Size, and the Botha of • trees' are,
bending under, the -.weight of the fruit.
Hickory nuts also 'promise to be plentiful,
whilst the chestnut will be fully an average.
, . .. In Temper .:
Isi MOM rapidly improved by relief frem
Physicalaulfering than in any other "Way.
Step on your friend's corn and. theimpubse
to strike is strongest. ,* ntnam's •Paipletie
porn Extrietor,by (into_ ly and 'nainlessly:'
renlovingtheni, insures ood nature. , Fifty
ithitations prove its value.. ,' beWate of
suhstitutes. , "Pitteelli's„” :sure, safe..patn-
'esti.. ' ' • : ..
, . .
From. all aCeounts business was' never so
dull On the stook exchangeaa now.' , A seat
in. that body wastvld' a few a04,6 ago for
. . ,
$20,000, whernas a few,;;years age it would
have brought $35,000. There are altpgether
too many rotten steeks on the actiVe fiat to
mail(/' :it inViting:Jar_people.....Of.--Sense•-to-
,cothe in, and post-' of 'this generation ef
lambs have . been' sliettretA! ta !the -h'ide,,-t-
Reehester lierald: ' ' .
. Pdpidar gddeatiee.,
. .. .
We sympathitie with •the feelings , which
.oftenipaisT•citignaninttffintrthat -.116-",Vhild
born in this conntry .need grow up in
ignorance, and yet it is a fact'. that Many
people 'wheltave learned to read :and ,write
have never tinght themselves to think. A
mat who snlfer,ed from catarrh; cbriSump-
tion, bronchitis, scrofula,- - dr.." liver .corn-
plaint,I,i, might read till hie eyes dropped
out hoW these ' and "many other diseases
have 'bhen ,ctircd by Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical,Piscov,ery, but if he., clid. not lake
the lesson tOlutbself and . test' the.,'VirtueS
of thiS great aleilioinei his time would be
thrown, away.
• 4, .. .,-............_ ,, ,
;AdveitiSing is one of the poweri. ' t ..this
'world. 'It is hi/ . encyclopedia , tip if' the,
Wall.; it knewSlall, or at least talks abont
I -Wiry, science,ii
. nanee;•," Strategy., nom
everythirig' -
• with .,.ecitial self -posse' ren—
trieree. .• It meddles with every eta:fleet. 1
1- ' • -7--- --#--4---‘ . '
Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy cares . When
eVery other, an -balled remedy fails, 1. .,
. . -' a- I "7
1 'Mr. ,Sbricy will leave Lention Ir;ii .i un.mediately in connection with th ,fai me of
the Bank Of Iknideff, in. the -Intel est Of
...E. the debentureeqs) ed by
the Ontario investinetit Issodiat On, in
which.the directors of the bankare largely
interested, , .
the theiaistr. of fuititre httS: converted ilitti derrihe it'"
• '
At Atlanta, Saturday, , a workman in
opening a -door gave it a vigorous pull. In
ping 80 the jar knocked a pocket -book off
the facing over the doer. The book was
comparatively new, but was covered with
dust, showing that, it had been above tb,
door long t`,1t Wait handed 0. n
employer, who opened it. In it waefonn .
between. $2',0(n) and 03,000 in promiesor
An Eeldard, young lady • -raked
102 acres of stubble in a wesitrbeincles telt- '
ing lessonein elocution and musi9. • '
The treatment of many thousands of cases,
Of those chronic weaknesses and disnessing
ailmeets'pe(7ulter to females: at the 'Invalids
Hotel and Surgical Instituta.Buffalo„ N. Y.,;'
Iia s afforded it vast experience In nicely atlapt.
ing and...thoroughiy testing remedies for the
' cure or woman's peculiar maladies. " •
Dr: Fieree's Favorite Preacrip,tion •
• is the etitgrowth, or result, of this great and
'valuable. experience. Thousands of.testimo;• •
nista, received from. Patients and from, physt- '•
clans who- have tested it in the more .aggra-
vated and • .obstinate eases which had bathed
their Skill, prove it to be the most Wonderful
remedy ever devised for the relief, -and: cure of •
,suffering.wometi. It is not recommended as a
'," but as' a Most .perfect :Specitio. ;or
swoman,speoultale 'ailments. • • ;
/ As ft powerful, invigorating tonin,
:it imparts strength.* to. the Whole. System, -
And to the womb and itssRpendages in
Particular..., For . overworked, worn-out." -
"run4lown," ',debilitated teachers,
dressinakers, seamattreeses,:"thop-irirle," lanna.
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble:ivomeri.
• generally, Dr. Pierce's.. Favorite Prescription .
is the greatest earthly- boon,being _n11014104• ;
as air appetizing -cordial and restorativelonic. .
a"stolthing and:. strenglibening .
.• nervine, . 'Favorite, Prescription'. •le
qualod and isinvalliablein.,allaying and sub-
duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex4-. .
haurition,-*titration, • .4/aerie, tons and
'.other e, ,..4,syie
iMonlY4fterialeri .nin.rin4Lnffiltinielivitridmrffirffil.
d2.011.44114,4rellares...4raentai.,eustietY.iand. Aar,'
dencYarie9S. inv-O
Drite Preseilpljon
Is .; a legitimate' ntedieine,. Carefully .
compounded by .an experienced and .skiilful.
physicieni, and adapted' to. woman's ,deileiste
. organization. It is purely. Vegetable in .lta
'composition and. perfectly harnilessin its .
;effects in any condition of the system. For. -
morning 'ffleknessc or nausea; from 'Whatever' • .
cause arising, 'weak 13tAnnach,
peps* and kindred .symptoms, itauSe.inensaff,•'•
;doses, will prove very beneficial. ,• •
66/Favorite Preserip.tion” isn.pOst. •
,tive euro for the most, complieated*and
stinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing.:
painful inenstruatien unnatural su
prolapses, or falling of the womb, weak backfeinale ; • :*
weakness; anteversion. • retroversion,, 40 •
r'bearing-down' sensations; -chronic 'congestion,
inflammation And .ulceration 9f the wornb in.
',lamination, pain . end tenderness '
'accoinpanied •with . internal heat."/ • •
; As a regulator and. promoter , of 'funo.."
tiOnaladtion, at that critical _p!riod of 'Change .
•TrOtil girlhood to Womanhood. 'Favorite:Pre----.
stir p o •• is a perfeetlY safe•reinedial_agent,,."
.• Sad canproduce-only good ..resnits. It is
oqually efficacious and valuable in its;effeete,, • • •"
..1thentaken for thosedisorder s and derange- '
' menu incident' to thatlater andmost•:eritical,:
period, sknown aif "The Change of Life." ....
In connection with the use o Dr. Pierce's.
Goldeu Medical Discovery„and. small laxative
Zdoseeof_Dr..Pieree'd Purgative :Pellets' (Little . • '
Liver PIM), cures •Liver„-lKidney and Bladder " ' :
,.digeasesi• Their coMbined.:•.use,, also .removes • :
blood taints, end. abolishes. 'cancerons and I
• Scrofulous- humors from the system. . _ •
66 Favorite PrenexiptIon ?.? is the Only
Medicine for women; sold by druggists, under '
a positive -guarantee,• from the. Metal-
facturers, that it will eve•satisfaction 111 every
'case, or money will be refUnded, This guaran-
tee has. been, .printed on 'the"bottle-wrapper. •
and.faithfully carried .out .19r many years, •
Large .bottles (100 doses) $1.00, orsix.•
bottles for • • ' • • •
For large. illustrated Treatiee.on Menses Of
Women (HO pages, paper;coveretti send •teit
cents In stamps. ,Adaress, , • • •
World's flispensaiy Medical. isteClatloa
. . . .
66$ Main .84-/I1DI'FALO, N. • . • . , ,
N 1. Se
Aferchant.S; • .:Bittch erg;
We went a,doon MAN ill your locality te'plok 'ttP
Per us, Cash furnisheilOnsacisfactoryguaranty; ,
Address 0, S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vern:tont; U. S
*bent Any cure 1 do clot tuArtniftiirely
$1CA6Aiw.tlanA have.1l,,Il) i•eittrli o,tn 1-01011i 4:radjOn7
Otitis' I hilve fl,a,Ie.theAlliedekt ol rlTeii LEI'S V AI
!NO SICKNESS, ettirly7 warrent remedf,
to ctire the worpt cnn,..flegatter others h telled,le tow
coop:furor, tiet•hOW reeelvingin cI,re. 1-ei311 At onee for
treatise and a Prod 'flottte of Int, inte)ilbJe renfly Mite
. .
Ifhlireee AM; Poet (Ace, IVOoete yott not ht licit)! till'''.
zwad I will dare you Addreee DR. ii,. 0, ROOT, _
wB11010110/11Ce 37 Toile T6rOMO.
1711 COPK',- .0. BEST .FP1 F N
iffstiO fioeltftbrifittodt tot,'lho Iboee di new' ;In ;to toe'
Ofolle,01,Iff o7f..O4O4 oro.R,
hittc,,, been 'Nix* lD,ttat 7, iftrOfir, .teltk.fn ft.
t1;4i f 011 Apti,f TWO " toothot
l'j(. J tee eo. attl.
,et/otor, l`fe.444,••.,A! ••t,tD77 77jp,r
•(1 X
ra.po ""Z'OnlYt.St leeteito
V •I