HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-09, Page 1IAir 1111111111i'l Uh -IO* FRIPA X111VI-R''. a 'K V ,
it P OAOQIE I W -A opiuiqn,� due (1), to, the ie)Ee0 160, man,... AR OVIL094, KtAkinj, -the Plattform. On _T F F 'N ae Foe, 1, 441 Olt" flit 414" akelgeh which
Ie It d ita ga rings.; to tile e"t_ us- Wi t'll; Pit4lisbo ti"ry Ptida, At, �4.,p S and'
T.H.4RTF.ENTH;:GATHKRING 'F T id members of the- E H iastv 8cottish sent nkeatt tha , p 40 gif, irevails "sa � that whatever
HIGHL NP,� Q4;4144. t lihis district, and (3), �Q society co ld do. to -wards ina ing thent. U.
:t eral, support- a6corded--it, by feel -at hoinifythipry,� would right gladly.' J,JW "V 'lay 001-1 i, ff, 14,1L A 1 ONTAR10m. Ina0elase Crowlit of 81clit-seen NO Th Caledo-niazi,
thifi U* 1,, t�lset_ Ie�wq .popple,of.0 I cjAsSes,,.%;roeds, and notion pipiform. e LvOkhow
tei e 411 � am"-_ . ilities, '.$oniety� had
sinvit d 41 Ways 6xtellided man. up,,. Grand ArrAy or Ath We el i� le A 11)4�,At TROMMN,, TO N 111per4 and: pancers. I) i ie is the hitetiti ister Societies, and. -
on, tt. an lifting, t
'lliarly date, to. obtain n. act.'.of Jacor- they �liiooil repq 0; (16 so stil 1, provid- t -convert tbq institution rteously I e,
Jr. -Poration, 4 (t reated' T ta, I . . . - fiik. -embere -,it 0ey ', cou InAd vaiii, . P, e. will Iono be in OKo r.e te right. straiiy. ito.a �Wnefit, Society,- litit, the ,annual W 01F, y tl of our i je ill be 'onCinged, as usual. 0 THIt RMPARDIkk D No
IA11V d') I fliese . (';pnd P I I last that da t OdMell tw y- toidlict place the thirteenth, For wi6eks, past _tten pleii,pS
tr ciriFer?s oil -ChOr4 Strong, arrived by..the: 5.40 train pes-
ltl'UR, gat tering :of t e Li) 11ACIN11YEV� Caledoniail sOcity. "In' recoMifigr acconnitodWO' -for the:- day evening. -411 that evonin4 they re qr ally invite OB PRINT 'to provide
V. ilpfioy�&�plidyfi—ng the great iinectiOn, je ganies, will' orms were present a tl town and to.the,traia. ' Tfibiii�,unif Wit(
illag�. in" ille are very pretty I and' . givi . t I It 1 6 1 m'a I od)
agree that' ifi ilip, ot r v y
of tI -d i lag6,. nzi- d ay.
t Ajot'
6 year *111 bejqvild! :.surro,.. ainion'l6an so,, large a crowd be bet7 appea T, 'r play4ell; too
rance.. he), Pro t as, ter. 'i tid ing by -, ill with So' 111U�11. int the, ",second emteftainedthan: in Luckn6u,,- oil are. very 0)[iging.
9 eir elt iit ez�-se
"d 'We n ay. in September. t w s Catedoniall; d, owering' clouds. happy look, they evi
NFERAL. and y appiettratice of d, ie weathek anj, were i6qj'byiny thein Ives, 1�'itl_ oil thi-5 date 66't'lot.-Clev T llina Wa r" Y & 4 Ali en succ�,ssdve f T,u,,,s e ca'use & cArdine shiuU -66 -royally proud of
ay inor atit' years"'the, inoq.t i�tn�s ever Pros.porous. r, Much anxiou's' e..nqqiry a's to, what their -g itlemanly hand'. boys.. E E W . T T14R, e Si6cicty ill. America sh. all the..ni o w b. f �heid by - any, ba ro b -This fear,, Betwef4iv -ninedild tefi t ei(,btp Or. to!- tues�rlay evenitig,the inembers 6!f.t:bc E AIN I -of -the wever, was soon. ispe e 'I) MARINE, 1�ce uiider -t e h-6 ebtyii-v 01 �ook p, h 'aus s- ice G UELP! waedS,e,,,6uinrr to sky c1cared'and the. §oei'ot d ..th., LoCknow C416doniaii -'s Two an o. iers.:asseniWd,0'the -W.A. y In-iAt setting Suit gave oyery Vrottitse w y YPd s ago, hower, for the first tinle he, rom W lice tllev -ter. d hy., the Kiiia tit' rcli�d, lleade -dine of 0 ie weat
Loan on., - I - _ - , 1, ---7—' I t r npleveinted ff . I 1. I . 1. '0 . .11 11 I I . - brass ban , to the -st e e R .9 . . a . tEai-ly on T qsd4'� -'visitlirs, b6gdn id atioti to in et� N. REAT, LPTVATL�, int R 4,A3ONABiTJ1,' pines oil that day; ja' suit, to tr4j4.`.:Qn.this train nian* of ihe� Pit iftept. to the illjac;e, wid Allevair and'they.were dcc'.q�rdingly postpoilecl ou il�ains ar during '�the d4y leading athidles, pipers, d.Anceits etc,, bit, Lucknow., TO eaelt f0ded. qqota, sii .:u'su&il 1886- y urriyef and..
A.- G -till tile. firt of y !or -its. arkv 66 nnounced - I a);
S. �1F. T.'U. S. chtiligg cerbain fail- 0 A u 6tittion PlAtto I as with a ap pack�d 'eat 140_�I_r �__ — I .. . .�'; . 04M . . - - I . . . -morry orowd 10 U4C)IT soil looiing-, I' ate._Aj)ti1X be-ImirM ark, t and. a .11po4ponevnent' wou 4,gurely- enit, S okl6 t116.1 Ry s Proc s6 lolig a� T 0 utepced.. a althOwrli th6'. ile as, ts d d" S a )er occasion% even. TENNA anie' heircts,)hia6f t6o4opresehi that, V 'into pAlig ainou: `.,'so' to r as. on orii i�kra f has i An
ludeS tile. ntr OJ(0 -AtOiW )ZaU; u�kn oitv. llliktely,I�ad fo iie the fat �4 TO 20 pifqhers'!� hi the- Doininloly miss Out T 6 . arrived 'ratupt.- 0 L a I t10 d by ilig�t OS. C, OtS all'i Awloalls prdfralAly a ag those eing osep Ltiwsoo, e ia as if JO&Tinsfor ale1ti 0 W.0111011 all( Mno b Mi B t n. day,- verlr' Of .1 as tlie"th-ousains o,. A lexander lt_jS.certam y a nove ..Sig ix, ana. Oil
SlleC, jng the all qatith A. U&CCRINAD )-N,: t M* -son -draw a, Ni go allr.'l teA d' i6i ddiits'of Aiild ..S'o a urrav, 11 t iatone er ils to o doi W PaUta Indand and 0ol%ji% Im err el�t Main and _T -our iocal playeeso-,N 1ssrs.-, Piiffillg :-itp�-a P ts 0" 1'. lt.,C. P., eiid,�d ,t), w to tl hnd� plan ers. hi. tile, '.6lic ..O
y qh' Alti, ue tinie tho,ir it ho�rsii'eatne S. Bit oie ay to edonian 0'96*. drtiw; Allin an& .k. .TQ, niike.a. rough -guess. i6bou. -W. 1.x.icknow, Out ,x,,t La*xSon t
ront. a the: t uecb�ded in'securi6g victory one. hundred: ot'��ff lie ltali s6ciet 'has made.' ov6rr their Opp P lit. time-, Ue tiolis r s aiid gurgeo."; Prese . �.After:tlie. OsUal' grl601
p ro de. - 0ne (Noivitast of the, a wo� the heavy'wpig to allipInn O.'iJay stands: h' h' progress, diiar t id'dtild"marblied.-4ack to' t pan �d Out, 6 Sig I cession re-fQ tile Po Wffiiije, .ival oil Al, Conti village, !N�fvs �1111U.4 r W1 ldl�t, a I gr ]tall" they. VK E118) w. BA1. l;y.1 -It-was-,o our een r'' . .: ' 11 .. . r to.. theioteliau oI;4�r a. T.CLA 0 S a 0 eknow" hat it fe Lces to 'llent -of y some Patter flie'scoro standini-f4l. 0. d
pbell' J, 8 O,t w,s ii.s.4 86 flad. JR KER 'v v erjl� I I" s the,yesult of the out tie
. �Ve . Vill a"e' d� rom 06 fj 6'' .1 1, .'. THE DAY- .f nd`nei�g iborliao t.6. the delight of eve'iy`bodV',,*inqrn. 1riD L01 AN ir MONEY LIJOKNOW" niet eahlitized a, Citlodonihj� S66
R,, 118 ppIj.,jf1neAi�hiei dty Wit . _antlital d Yjoa ..A owhand. iglij a h' UN�sob.- 41 NV lit. NAT Yle, 'b�okiq on"AVed, es ay" bright'. and, -n -the,SP6rtsaf4- o 41 lConwill oulptly.attended' d
raii-� -to'. Charg�_s_jzj(Lde -T With w s to ug Z.Gtos �Ucl otte,ogis 30i olear,' t bsteriyL'wind, .: , hFor to.* fi rs t t o Laitim 41; Harry Days, 05 ay�audpighf t 11' ffl Cja� bor"' a., is ce. ll�and, coon tile whole' Plaim cbe� was as, ir.:,
viblars �tli� We t;� ihe re nM [lei -lit ga D. --GS-1 into the, vi age,,, McKay'i oppnsi e awi A. L " 'r . ?' . C I 7.- Poll iWin. Alli urray .Ftoro. in mely jlolie� I
a yisitors 41". Jof S' )1zl44 81 a I
DD%'*-� sip 3011 iiin ciet. then - I aso b! it Par F"'que oli tLe l4ry- C0 H,EA.vy,w 11�S�FiUST ',ong it,v ste'nid i da at oil 'd fr Sarw, Injil. e' d iW- Drafts Pay& e 0 'GrAduate tbe, 0.rifaTi6 Wteri Th..1%. So itp
Metan� regi. Somerville'g.r.park, where tao.. N . h, � I . �t
Wnli'Brown 41 -:-I 35. ,
success 6
Real Asioiciatiqu, call iiw.be f the, great ort 0 heap est '.9 al Vibri f 64 kreval-0 tii treat &It 'of:the' 4al i�atherin-s. ) for, Out' _-Jas. Outiii" s -do. lit , " , " , * 9 r ... . l- n . 'j. nings,41� iott,
1408 NiClent, e�sociefy aft�.rsot 41,'11. Corrigan 24., Success P '.,Bef6 OeVen the Are6f
JL It? ive years. ln:lr88'1: th' sed frotn'. it., Robt#,.Rl4s, their, iIG11T'W $1) DRAW. EIGIITS�2 ])6pl)sl S Lai hat s nit- Pa k,,,of �six�titcres TV. Allin 4 I. - -I _ ve I l;irlsall IA. r 14 ifer e, th A 0,; w e: otel' Luckno e . s I ince' b . ee i I iott,. 17. t4) r. .111eld, -d Pa , , - " ` I "ilter Ii it E dress of the peoli 6 I
wheteAlieganfed-hai! J..Lawsofi 41 ?'J. Nye are prell&rer p rivat P, l,.d ,awsonj 34,'.. t! e. "4y,colored 1. IiJlid, qr. li natural:. adapta, Rity - or the pur-, ttl,fdn8t6uverq_ev V A Ioji q',Uy f wv6rableterms "tiLa I roUn it e pose . InSer 9 - - :, :� !, �' '- - - . �fl " w to th bahioliksi tir li,floated frai
-AL ThIRD* DRAW :0ENT. S ii.r ..And door, posts of ..niany,f6f the, , buil ANGINI q A16'r 41 J.' Lawson 4&' peilla.Ps ulie un.1lod. iu-tlje,�Pro- V.EY X-�Elliott Al.- -_C. Lail;j(V*" 37. ljjg§;,gav4.th6 scene a ver tt and Ufe t y. pro, ' a -P, appearance, rentin in 41' - A pie uresqu. d' -us lee ut At _11" w tie.. Seat's - po� tibli- of tlle� I TAGelitiatile of D fk6jill. sports tind fiegtMtids, ".of tile
, . , ., K enta �iurg p -t- it4 incepti6i It 0, e an reulove.0 to Whightlin tit "Cili _f, Dr. D: ac 32 0 f V I C F, 4 Arry( days of ty q ell in .a the butlif .61 AL'Brown." J.� CuinlollIgsi 2i Vill visit rk! *hat-- blithe and j,)Ily peal b he -e. R Scot "CAMPULt '11(. iiii tile fir t afid thirdlonda Maqltayio,� -CAP I %%r 'ell J)y AXER0 Mke's the Frin�isdan.'kieepje Month Office in - upilfirthii crow' ed. YR ghtlie
Ur N :1 ; I ., v, ca And -see K �0 Hotel, Pare*Vifllized AU ig ` r I * I' " 'd - J�seph ellightlev"liffxtrActionof teeth. we 1 anip�ons up; 11 'In oupot ithat maqw.rms.ulf h 1). ni,6ron, �Alox.� 'ell ey. g! Currie, the -Ilite Caillel'01,' Lawson, 1, jj�uneir and pajeanij Oipe, aihd druni i�A
Edirlionton;*d, It Cao ill .'Aile] A� tit J FjiOjt 't r6ndlater ul�. now -Londoii-'4 Afid fik-rry-iiiertip,datweim conid.,:, .K.- eron, ga Lli]ickni qqaint, Uri L AM R" ./McKin 77 aP 'Callipb-oll n b d, the r-opilrie tq*4a*. -jt90Nj B. A., ALE ItON 46"d niany otbers' ea4 v4ight I . st, Mat., Brown L Ali ot iers, w io� -it active Londo!q 2ikd J Cuninlhig-�' 11al;ris.- �The KinA4rdiner.' t)auA'4 "a" fi� [ fi I lopg )ef, g ve f, n )ers in prom iti 0 cil-selections, an4 �ho irridpr LY UBL JA t T,4A .-P
IC k4 t8n, �rd: F. tiLlo \Ve in illenti6h, Alt ty, u'Itpall L stfloor, ortoll ojr -c t- 11 ib LU CKN 0 W ONTA RIO. anip )p ,. jr,, d146elli I). E, 1; I r cei Luel no�� Conveypi . . -loud rivaof-hisbon agifts. Thus] �6 lig in all -itA na d C 'O z t, �YV lig-TOWN 11kLL. 0'r do. At' -MeD0't1a1d`r*A.- tream ot'huninif- anieroll, r' Writh: the D.' C I c tiOL , , , /J CL! ,taft cartfid1v prepared j 11, Jor going, Itrains prowlPti.y IA ardy, Jolin'Boyd, 0 11 a A'a i i d . Anteed. it P311ting. id e -1 'woiet, away' until 'about aii4 acCrim, ey i-paiel totbe -echos to le as.. wk, whewa pribibesEtjoii as i�
he llrujajte�a e1t;,M1'O'c1C niade a i6*uple of �spo Encourage reat success. loultitudo in file to,yu, hall.'� 9 Of6rnied, attho- to%�,n liall, imarching to Teiinant, as ti . .. ..... iS, C Alt ,Vk8 At ,tile Litickti w� Sq�io'ty Ir ; ie� ji�ip c w
§0 he 161lowin'.'
.t,tc. ?filhey so
ie itis the 011owin
jejtnr�. conveyancor, llaiii; Godeiiefi,-, bindon '�S.tra,�- of:I the citizens W As Wing elcoined "At fi�*Jjja "' L - . . . r: oo0o AWANOSH. 0. Pat a eulogistiq t ib t to ille WEST 8V 811AXDARb '�MAT�HRS ve of #14.110YD AVID A, CAUEROX.`� 4'.. , . D 1. t I I q.l ips hed. .6hoilor" Socle )u baloidonia'n Sl6diety; sli Olio!-� t1lepost (,Act.# Js*6kuo:w# Wilis * t, 'I --t r.age OM 1, as I kav" attaille to pri icipa fl�ature4 of t e su ess of �i lione of d dny� tj ;10 S,i 4 thilla lik, -oportions Or ahlieVOd thohe, games was cow t le, entr
it, H,'Q� J., Kild pi OART) .0 14% 1q) I t .0, Suice P ling ------ anything Ap �ot�cl CIS 6 d cto.d. fairly,. sq"ffare y and-honostly, utionth. i.Partiest wigbing. to C try, - The I Llcktkov�, S660 en�lo'f noll, jkjid inferred that ',Ukm 'ItIRfi, Or iolvilift. u Hi G H D E WS � 1N,
ill This increasi ugly 8 th y and by g DF00, Putgtt�, e ell tellor 0 lkg WYL Un itg,jollg aw. Lucknow existed 'tile Gt VINX. AIA it *ill by giving' noiticie I 'free*' Nh0hern.Gaines wotild. over Contill-ft6 tl*lleti ftpob b.y 'A" Agent by' one of - iturlied b: good or 6d tinies AND *04,00 ,the Wrectors.. Busin"i; ptiiinod *t- jxa6 e lot . pro� , tion'. Orjt� r tif FALLI T Ait""Rv ec Tory gov fr aftkr 0 T . I 0 lvoiy an4pd to' me a; 0 n -A wic' . in
In Ghooq tipuWii the priogra
_" . it, Oj&(Jr AWK ' " , . J. j, ": �, ilk Ludkofew f. . ...... .... ...... I