HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-09-02, Page 7peer•al . • , oneernee '00 a ' • ,- "11 a 07141 -4V.ita r°444 llarrh, stn3 Winoie ea-iite tic ex. Piaiming: . • - "roma down in the library and let me • It was a eeltt Decellsherimilighti*huirtho .roomwas *pay where FlarrX qattet tre3 .seated in un easY-ohaig hater!), the fga,.*' Winnie wee, atandieg beside the chair, wOh • one fair hand resting lightly livenher brother's ebellider• OW Ogler hafigIng liet" leesly by her side. ' • Harry Cutter hadMen left an orphan at the, age of 20. -Hie: parents were. wealthy, and every eenifort wealth could give eaa lavished upon • hire. About this time a ' Malignant disease "broke out 311 the- city . where his parenta resided, and his father • inatilediately sickenedwith it and died. A Meath later hie. mother gave birth to a • daughter; but before the little Winnie was an hour old .she was motherless.. Harry procured a Miraelor the babe, andaeon she grevvtebe-a 0aYr lively,fascinating She regarded her brother more, in thelight • -of 0; father or guardian* and- he in return •' watched over her with all the tendereese Of brother, iniegled with the 'love and dew tien'or a father. , theage of la She had. ' been placed at a boarding -school, at which • place she remained until she was 16 years of age. • She ; was rather 1ight of .frarne, with blue eyes, a fay.comp1exiori,1 a profu, .•aionoF lightbrownringlets and an artless and winning manner. , coradi; klarry, why. don't _yinLePeek-T- ou7haVelleitst ten minutes. What are you thinking about ?" questioned Winnie, tu;k9r,..19Jousp her,brother-lrom- ---the-ferVerie into Whinii he, had fallen. ..iatrodePaY0a-toarittiter'4114tenti has' been hero pearly three hours, .but you have knit yeOteelf aloof, as it V).11flid net desire to eeeher." . . Well, I do riot, tetfall the ting4Winnie," reA1434,14arry,, reluctantly rising and closing .his book, " I think youwill .when you know who she is," said Winnie, while she vainly tried to repress the' merry light that danced in her blue eyes. Whinier * The voice was grave and Ilarry Welted inquiringly at his sister, • : " Oh, Harry it is Lucy Alcott 1" • = "1 cannot gee, her, Winnie," was the reply. , " Yen ranstl: Harry.! She loves you! Why do Yen wishoto Wreck two- lives?" Per an hour Winnie reasoned with her 'brotherr 944%0 !ast,lehe:persuaded him to • , "1 was thixating, he-rePliod, "'what you and Walter are going to do if you 'get married. He hap oxily; hia clerk- ship." ;• • • "I know it, Ilivrry," said 'Winnie, "but -we intendto malt ' a. year at least. You will consent to Our nnion, then, • Will you "Yes, Winnie, and I should not With- hold my consent now if you wished to . bfa ,married, for I knowof no Man more worthy of My precious sister than Walter •Adarne." , . . ' • • "1 am happy to, laearyou speak SO; :Harry, for your Manner towards Walter has always beenso reserved that I did not •-know whether you liked him or not," A silence' °mined for it few moments, Whicli was brokenonly by tlie monotonous ' -•ticking of the old dock on the mantel.: At .• , length ,Harry spoke: , • ' "Would you and Waiter like to be married, now' • "Yes, indeed,". replied Winnie, the MORO. intatuditintin/plaieniheionbeagrilltehilf3:ator, seek a reconciliation with Lucy Alcoa. ,` Need I add niore? Need I tell the.reader there was a -double marriage in ...that man- sion that night? And Harry Cutter often says he is glad his bachelor life is over while his sister tette himif it•had net Veenfor her he wianta have been a bachelor to this day. attsfebalaalleduOkestivissrea-Maito •ThelaVorite reticule e the Marguerite. , Lovely tinted ribbons trim dreisy. morn, Mg. camisoles. • TIM latest shade of 'blue green takes tlae name of wave blue. The nook is dressed ee bigh as ,eVer in spite of the hot weather. Serviceable articlea of *ear are the eteaaner wrappers,and hoods„which ansvier the purpose so admirebly, • .• Real seal and real alligator. poeliet.boCks; lined withcalfskin, are in laver with Mealy, I 4444-'•,"•=r,Mr, d, •r;a---; (111.8EP HY ntiorMm.. Wee Carrie Webb'e Own Wary. of 4..er Cana, ...-4424tilksotoration.t5a,-* -:.•••74".. MBA Carrie C. Webb, ho believes that sho experienced the fat* ogre recently while OPyOurrilegla Northpoxt. L.L, hao returned to her heino. 410 Ovid ot/Pet4 Brooklyn, and many, friendttananeighuots have ealkcl tosee her and hear her rertiarir, able story. Shot* 23 yearsold, of .elenderl form, grey Ogg, and dark brown hair. 8he has been a teapher in the Hanson Plaee Baptist Church for several years, and her father is it deacon in the, Bedt4441 Avenue Baptist Church, whoSe• •Venefabk, pastor, Roy. Dr. Hutchings, and many members of the congregation are firm believers in the efficacy of prayer in removing dia0000. Two Months age Woe Webb went to spend the 'enninier at lier.brether's. house at North- port, and her 'bondition, physicaliy, and -mentally; was 'Bitch that her friends never expected tosee her-corne beck alive. She has, however, returned with her mind bright and clear and her health apparently Nib, restored. This is ;Wee, Webla's ex- planation of how the change Wasbrought ••• • French cheviot suiting lopk extreniely well, and are being worn more • than formerly. ...L.-x=111,40st night," ,she','G'irainnea; zqhat ite .didnot wish to Wait a year; but we • can - flint de otherwise."• ' • - • • _ • "'Yes, you coin, Winnio. Haif of, the .ffortuiae our father left ne is yours. • Next ; Thursday will be Christmas. YOu'ean bo •, Married then and live here with your , hus- band. :, What say you to this arrange ozient • ii0h 'how' happy shall be 1"" Univ. . . • mined Winnie, almost audnily., ; ;After it pause of a. fewmoments, she . asked: • . . • , . , • RCM Old ire you, Harry -37?" ' . 'Yes, Winnie,' was the.reply. • „, ; 'Were .Yeeever'in hive, Harry," was the • nextquelation. *, "Yes, Wiruiie loved once But we will .not talk.of that now -some , time I will tell • you all about it." . • - vosise. tell me no*," said Winnie, coax ingly. . '• '•. ; • .• • "Well,• r will, since you desire it.• • "When I was it young men .1. loved it woman named Lucy Alcott, and her parents had appointed the day for our marriage , She Was 20 years of ago, a beautiful; anis* 'pliiihed'Woraan with a -kind' word and • .sroile for .evorybOdyi; .“ • ,"She was the only woman I ever loved,, rthink she reciprocated my love.„' but • I ani not awe. Once I was .abient from keine for it Week, attending to bileines • distant eity.• While. I Was gone Lucy it,. tended a partywith a young man who did : nOrhear a good reputation. _0 myletark I heard of it and ninnedieWeilled to see her. She greeted me ; affectionately, as 2 was her went,. but I was 'atigry,,, and. up- braided •her harshly . for her thoughtless exnaduct., _ • ". 'Why did you attend Mrs. ,oring's . exquisite eacCpiett f0r, ,bettee •wear are made et erebroidered• =Olin • • 44 all-. over " designs, With borders to Match. • India: lawn . enite* with gelid'. embroidered front; plaited panels, and Prenalt• 'draped back, are eiceedhigly handsome. • • Drest;e8 of. whits Irish linen are Made up With lielterl,blonew*Ootlar larocadelit1014e-illnenibmid; , China crape shoulder scarfs and /small white and tinted shawls, with deep -netted fringes, •aro the favorite piaSsa, wraps at watering places. • • ' '''pashitins are so. eidetic just now. that every.,Woman can be in the --mode and yet. wear nothing nfilacceming to her own peon, liar style,• _•• -, • • Pin head ;dotted I white xauslins ; are revived for 'young , girls": wear. They are worn over colored. slips or White Ones at Pleasure. ." • . The shades most admired in the popular English seaside serges are blue,' black,. brown, chocolate; and a. sort of: mahogany --preference, if any, -however, being given to blue. - • . • A neW•thing in 'bats is. the white. silk thattsik3xlie ..4durgatso sban#101„.15 " iad been: declining health foe nearly seven yeard, suffering constantly from brenchitis. and a severe .cough, ' rebid 'beefing). affected and I had, atrangemand un- oontrollahle-faripier alid'be'ditine morbid and despondent., I was at last attacked With neuralgia and often prayed_ thatj.Might die, tercitnie:ir.:Widen. to my family. One day Soon after I arrived at ,Nbrthpert, and. While I was lying on a lounge in the library. at my brother's house, my eye lighted on it book on the faith cure. I read, it. That same afternoon nay brother asked me if I had ever thought of the faith mire, and I told him of the book incident, adding that I had never thought of it in connection with myself: I said I did not think I had sufficieet faith to receive such it blessing. He told inc to think over and pray ablaut the--matter,---arrd-Wrie days', afterward I went to him and told him I Was ready to be anointed. My _brother sent for the Presbyterian minister of the village, and when he arrived we went into the library. The service was very impressive, and Wept all the time it was:going on, and. when be was pouring oil on my head. I did not feel • any better the next . day, but rather worse. • Just one 'Week:after the anointing I awoke in unusual pain, and prayed to Clod ,to. let me die„*Tlaen I suddenly thought ..Wwauld be better 'far me to ray derbeattli,ovegooluatts: Jatafto..taanealYonsben ammo =aria AdtP,O on•calfirWifeltael=kflattipir'Ofiffit, sgil strength had not . known for seven long years. ' I realized that I was Well again, and that My prayers had been tinewered.. Not only had my pains all vanished, but the cloud also disappeared from my mind.' The cure was genuine and complete. I have not had a pain or, ache since tbat, =ruing of prolonged prayer;" -N. 1'. San. dotted net, varieties:. They are. trimmed with *rim tlow,ers and net, and are, . Of courser, very. light weight, a commendable quality -at this season of the year., . , . pretty. Wraps to threw, about the shoulders while on thi gallery in Cie even- ing ia,a three -cornered piece ot,Chitta crepe, einbroidered With a light -running vine pat- tern, .and deeply': fringed. Theeeecnte in lovely shades of blue, Mee, cream, pale green poppy rad and color, • " Black stockings are being somewhat superseded by those whiehniatch the color of the costume.- A new idea, but not a pretty one, nor deserving of popularity. 18 of stet:kings with front and back, of differ-. -erti-color. Some are shown with the front of black and the baCk•of red.; others are bine behind and Olive in front. ' • . White, cream -tinted and yellow stashes •aro Most ,used; though shades of tifieul and iettuc&green are still liked for black and 1' Baker?''kd white lace dresses. Watered. ribbons, with Vit.TIIBwiecathiteCebIarwleasnecrt. ',lei think picot -edged, are the general choice otthefie sashes. Thepompadour sashes are • a, novelty„ with bands of satin strewed with small ilowers ofnatural 'colors, alternating with watered -silk stripes, • , 714.9N TAKEN. Itrre..14.40verifed -Pbargee *att. Pinkerton ;11*".04 •*414 DeliboratelT 14,04404 furl,' • , Mrs. Sofia 'Halverson secured 001340 the Cirenit Court Yeeterliq '004010 Mat- thew W...04101'011, the detcetivp*, -and Frank Turner. W. Pittner and F. W.9Bigger, lawiers,„ an actitgl. on the No- Pfalvertioo sari that JelY let Ole Medical Discovery and SOP .pure? frealt HalYereon, her husband, was. arreeted on , blood courses through your vow, and. You ease for 51 ,000 amages • 4 Geed 1,aVeatriieat• is 404 ee-trtrnal- frona $011410-'490141T4' 446.04017 the- -swat* clear t No speerdstient 0.P! 044-neeA Mg:returns . Y91400, 4041,): ,00.00 ' vighalana. you 40.V.0- 00meWhere Wealmefia,-.-tioret: fe.el. at all times itist you'd te--:headache to- day, babliache to -morrow, acfma OW next became your blood is out of or,der.. A outlay Iva what large - returns t You invest in Dr. Pierce's Golden cPkura charge. and, Was confined in the °0114tY fail- life was the owner of $1,000 in city of Ohiosgo. WOO, whioh were depoeit- ed & safety depo:34 box. On July 23rd he gaire the -bond -a to the Plaintiff, and two daYsjater, Ow Claims, the time lawyere and Piukerten took her to the lattey'e orno.e, No. 204i • Booth'ClArk Bobo,: and there. kept her day. During the species of imprisonment SaYe Slie'was. searched by. xro, M. W. Pinkerton, ,9,na the bond* :takeir from her by Mrs. ,Pinkerton by force. Bigger then went befpre Justice: It White mid; secured a warrant for . her arrest,• charging her with obtaining the bends from her haeliand by: talao Pretencea- When .the warrant was issued elle had been arrested and was in .the �f1co of Matthew-Wr-Pinlo-rtii-nr7.-Thr Complaint brought by Bigger was never brought to a heartng,,, and Mrs. :141vetson. .was .. -never tried- Oo- it;'-bliViifter being imprisoned by Matthew W. Pinkerton -fa a, day, she was taken before Justice: White and ° there. directed. to siva it paper, which she is now informed was it recognizance for ,her • appearance before. the justice the day after. She did not appear and the suit was abandoned, but 'Pinkerton, Digger, Buttner and 'Turner converted the bonds into money and divided all but $300,,which they turned, over to Plaintiff in cash and told her to take that or slie would get nothing. ' Buttner and Digger were arrested by the Sheriff, but Pinkerton and Ttirriet are Snit of totin and were net taken in, •Custody. Judge Tuthill issued the cepitisea and directed that each of the defendants be, heId in $1,000 bitil.-'-Chicage rimes. . , • • . , • • • •• •• A.* Monte Carlo Sensation. • • there was any harna in it,'. she replied. • 'You knew,it wits •agaituit My •Wiskes!''' ' I said sterriljr. .. ' - ., , . • 0 4 Yon Mighthave delayed yearbusinelfs', 'for YOu 'knew I wished to . attend. that • acia dresses, made of. the, forty -inch ' ' party,' she replied, a little wilfully'', - . ' laces, either Week or white, are were with ".! ' My business was of importance, and belted waists of China crape and wide . . could not be.delayed.' 0 • ',------ • : . 'sashes. 'Sometimes the sashes are of the Well, •Mr..(latter; I am net your wife, new 'Rotinin moire, which conies in such and I ant' net bound to 'obey you,' she Wide widths' that the belted tVaists--..-ean said in 4 Voice of mingled Pride•and anger.: aloe, be made of them- and • With the lace , , 60 qiii.ey,Alcatt, de , yeti Mean this ?''.'r ifkirte'have a very bright and •pretty effect.' : asked f -ti' • ' ', • •' " The . broadest, Bashes worn With , these kW...40.i Was the reply. • • dresses are fourteen indite wide, but those' "'Wary well,. Mies Alcott. • Henceforth from ten to eleven in width are Much. • Yeti are free, front all engagernente with more popiiiot. • •, Mei' I said, calmly, and, rising, took up my , hat and prepared to depart; ''' , . .seund Setts!. "She accompanied me to the door, and Speaking of thelateit railroad horror, it ' there Was a percePtible-trenaor-inher voie,e_. travelling man at a hotellsaid last eVening,.... when She bade roe "'good ovaajaV anot .1, "There is one lesson taught by that terri- , _ think She - regretted • the words , Edwina .ele accident; arid that is .the "wisdom and - . eliehen as bitterly as I +Ha mine!: ;but I was necessity Of cOmPelling /the older ,railroad • ' ' too , prima lo seek a reconciliation. Now Cbtopiames to,eniploy iron and masonry in ' you know, Winnie, why .1 never ' married." • the . corietrection of 'culverts as well as "Have you Over seeri Lhey Alta( Since . 1..ri,1 eages and trestles. The use of any other You parted with her that night ?" asked material should not be allowed,. except by Winnie, after 110 hinther had concluded. *. I now companies. Insuch cases, of course, ' "No, Winnie, 1 haile not ; but I 1100 it would not da to draw'the line SO close, as heard she still continuesto reeidcr' in thie there) would bebut very 'few new"raileoade city, but in seclusion.. Let 'us drop this built; but aa rapidly as pesoible, after they 1311bject now. Isn't it, niOst, time for your get in opetatien,;•the , wooden etruettires' lovettobe here ?" , , sheit1421t,fi Suitplauted by' iron or steel' ' .trelliTnittry I I forgot te tell yeti aboutt . • - . ... c` : ' . are another being 1 • 6.4; d t ue y rrespon en . • .. • OamilleFarcy, newepaper• correspond- ent,•accompanied the Prem- expedition • in !Algiers. -The 'commander was a martinet. Who hated newspaper* and newspeper men.. He compe eithe correspondents to • groalono 76ThB..ektlMirontegt t"utt'leth: 431 - Y-itignerlodt-glonaet.um2ot *Stamm: . *het ghtnild elude ; the censorship, if possible, accepting the Pen- alty as'a matter of course. A spy was set upon him 'In less than a weeir,e, letter Was intercepted.- :Tf contained criticisms on the general. A court-martial was shin - 'maned. Farts)* made no defence, The verdict was brief: • • •", • .• • 4t Caraille.Parcy condemned to beshot at• O'ie the morning." , •• . He was taken to Tniais-fer execution. The train arrived at 5.30. A' hallo was in progress 'at the GoVerniarG;enertirs house.' He asked Percy if he could do anything for him before. he died- , ' • •' • " Yes;','',Ite replied, 4i -Z• Wankl::: like to have.* waltz before I die:" • • • • The. Governor introduced hint .to his daughter. At 6 he bowed to the "gtierits. He was conducted •to the guard, He -re- fused. to have his 'eyes bandaged and demanded permission to give, the weird' of command.. . • . ." , " ?day all journalists do as I have done, said he ; 'kit is their: .duty,!! and; folding his arms; he cried: •- Vire 1" A crash of muskets and he was dead.•:--• Paeis Figaro. ' X remember that during 'One Of my visits, when the weather was exceptionally hot, a cab horse, after cantering up the hill . of Monte Cristo, fell in a. fit at. the ,Casino door. ' It yeas necessary to hill the hone. and When the carcass had been removed some blood remained on the gravel. A few Monients• later =a Prench newspaper cor- respondent tame tip, ,and,' perceiving the Model, immediately concluded that some- body Musthave committed suicide. ,` The, horror of the imaginative journalist Was considerably intenated by the approach of a director of 'the Casino, who, with the greatest unconcern, Walked on the blood- stained sand, and, unmoved, entered the gaming -rooms. A few hours later the Peke of most of the capitaIe of Europa •re-eohoed with the heart-rending ?tory of •the young Man -who; having lost in a few ' hears at. roulette the.entire fortune his father had taken *lifetime to acaumtilate, blew. his brains out at the very doors of the' Casino. But the,direCtors; unmoved by the ruin they occasioned, • actually • trod in their Victines blood. Their consciences Were HO hardened by perpetual crime they had not even the decency t� remove the blood with Which their :boetg4 wero. /beepattered. Memphis Avalanche, • ' . , . A, Cheap Girl: •• • ,.. • , , .. . , , q How mitah'driei pent best girlcost yon ._ , oldfellow ?" Wack plumped at beardless boy who makes his bread andlititteriabout $8...a 'Week, in the carpenter trade. • After demurring as ustiel over looking et the sentimental affair in so practical a light; his objections finally overruled; and he consented to talk. "Me and .iny girl take in alt the Musenni ehows. Ten weeks Of museums ht 20 cella a, Week Wakes $2. All the hanker, after ice-crearn, and 1 generally lint up on ice-ereara. Vletve to get her 10 cents worth ottaffy oft and L. That comes to 'M cents' easy. fri OlininnSlo time we get %reckless. and go to • twohig. blow -outs any waY-,-mostgenerelly pienics. siVith the car: fare etenee to $3, • Other evenings we•gO to the,parke and freeze to one of them beeches. ; That don't , eget nothing eiteept the .eat fare.:; , Sixty cents would about settle that, ;for Sornetinfeet we Walk, don't • yen see 2 When Christnitte eemei I do the grand, and buy 'a pair of ear -rings or some other piece of finery', • the .Iiinagiris like, and never pay JOSS' than $2 neither, Let's itee,.$2, $2;75 cents* $3, AO cents,.$2 comes to :$10.35, • My girl ' days thitt'it,goad enough for her.'--Th.liaIu Times. • . • "There is, after alt. Atplerabitr leek of romance inthis progressive age 'of tints," said a gentleman in • One of" our leading jewellery stores:. "hi davit' gone by • the betrothal ring was Conaidered as, a sett of •love token, and.the, whoreeeived.' it ,wore Wand doted Upon it betause of the ,spirit *Well it Was given.. Now,. hew - ever, the girls art, very particular, eaia it is .no Unusual thing for thole to - cetne here mitt' • their engagement rings Aria have settings changed. or SUMO Other little Matter that deeffii:t utst snit them corrected.,, NOW that sort of thing' is. calculated to knock tomanee higher than a kite.,, gra" 2,0104011 Princess danghter of the °Count and Ceuntege of Paris, ilea been betrothed to young Dom Pedro, of Brazil. Her future father•in-law is also her uncle, . Victoria, B. 0,,ialighted eleetribify?-;-: the *pate. having started up on tpo tth. A baae Was fined PO hy a Ithede j °dim one day recently for Carnage:woman "it snake in the gage • . • . The Original LITTLE G %eV ea0aNt LIVER • . rat Are, ik„pkt 4. _ovvilv-VS- • XXWARB- OF 111,11TATIONS. vavce s - --illefng-entirely-wegetabloi-tref erate without disturbance to the _system, diet, or occupation, , ,Put up in glass vials, hermeti- cally sealed. • Always fresh and reliable._ As a laxativet.alterative, or purgative, these little Pelleta _Sive the most perfect satisfa.ction. • • 1CK HEADACHE iiiliens Headache,' Cortstipa.. ticon;,- ludigestiolsi itilioue Altaic -kg, and all • derangeinents,of the stem - nob and bowels, are prompt- IY relieved and permanentIY cured by the use 'of Dr.. Iblerce7a Pleasant:Purgative ' ./In explanation of the remedial power of these • Pellets over se great a variety of diseases, it , may truthfully be Said that"their action upon / the System is universal; not a glend or tissue -escaping 'their. sanative influence: • •Sold by 'druggists, 25 tents a viel. Manufactured. at the Chemidal Laboratorytf WORLD'S DISPILNitanif MEDICAL Assoctonoh, Buffalo, N.Y. • Walter's aunt -his inotherqi•fiiiiter. He has .:AAViee to Vou,11g Men. I liVegl With htly idOce his roOther.rs death, No man should marry until he • made which °centred abed ten 'years age.. Per, himself worthy of a good wife' and able to. haps she will tot like tO 130 eeParated foal maintain her 14ed WS children comfort. " She shall Y61.1 can cheese' hie, destinY, With range of cheice Lor her. *HoW old is she'? Th) Ye'S hurry under..84 no girl under : ' • •• 1 ell •And lie shoald•Cheose her as he "Weitid not, \Vmnflio. 0116 of the servants to ,;prepare a chamber ttmit: earth to fiettven. mart should • know ?'' •Puslcin in " rouritg Thitty•ve, I belieVe," replied Winnie ;' • • . face and a light heart, The shrewdest tramp of the times hes. • • Living • Witnestinsi Ask any ram Who has used Dr. Pietee's Pleasant Purgative Pellets as to their Merit*, They will tell you that pimples; blotches. and eruptioes: disappear; •. that con- etipatiort,-that breeder of disorders ---is relieved; that the appetite is restored; that the Whole system is renovated and regn latied• beyond any conception by these' little wonder -workers. 'king purely. vegetable, they are perfectly harmless. being com- posed of ebricentrated;i0X*Ingredients, they are powerful !,• Purge and purify the Syster& and disease Will be • unknewn-_9f ail druggists. ' , It is said Diogeries . slept in a t suppose somebody 64 to wring him the morning. • : A. Great Legacy to bequeath to your children is a strong; clean, pure gonstitution-better. than wealth, because it will:never prove e purse.' You cannot give what you do not possess,. but mothers will find in • Dr, Pieree's- 10,akerite Prescription a wonderful help— correcting all weaknesses, bringing their 'system into Perfect . condition; so that their children, untainted,' shall rise up'to call them blessed.;• • ' ' There is D.:et a 4rUggiSt in alt this Iancl put always keeps a 6t0"ek on hand. • up in ,.4191111 Is offered by the manufactur- ers of Dri Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for a . case a. • .chrouie.nasai catarrh whioh. •:they eanwit cure.' • ' • witniiroroltts 43AT.041211.-.4niu, heavy laeadache, oblitriietion • of the nasal • passag• es,'. discharges , from. the head • into the'.throat, soMetimes. profuse, watery, and.acricli.at others. Unmaking. mueotiee- • purulent, bloody and 'Putrid; ,the eyes are , weak, waterk, and inflamed; there is ringing . In the.ears.• deafneas,, hacking. or coughing to , clear the threat* expectoration of offensive, matter, together with- scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang; the:, 'breath is offensive; Smell and Mate are tn.... paired; there is • a Sensation a •dizziness. with: • niental depression, tt hacking cough and gen?... eradebility. Only h.few of the abOve-muned . - • .• •1101ePtemiv are likely to be present in any one case. 'Thousands. of cases .annually, without• . manifesting half Of the above .oluptenia, te, ..sult in coninfraption.. and end. ih. the 'grave. ; • Na disease:1S so commit*. More deceptive and • dangerouti, or less underatood.by•p,hysibitins. • By. its mild, poothing,'azid healing -,properties. •Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy -cures the worst. eases of Catarrhs ceollit in. the head?* • Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Fold by druggists everywhere 50 cents. • "Untold Agony front Catarrh.” ". Pref. W. MAtisNgn, the femora mesmerist. of Ithaca, N. Y., Writes: "Semeten years ago Laddered untold agony from,".ehronao 'nasal catarrh,- my family:physieituz gave pie up as incurable, and saki...VI:oust. die. • My case was, such a tad • one; that every 'day',,tawards, Sun- . • set,tny voice would become ito hoarse Leonid' barely speak above a whisper. In the. Morning . coughing and 'clearing of My tbroetwOuld almost strangle' inc. By the use of .Dr. Sage's. • • Catarrh itemed.y, in three menthe, twae,a well "man, and the eiirc has been permanent.? . . - #Onnotaia'tly thtivkingantl:sfating.7, . . .„A. large pie inai-iiiittetuter Chtcago 'that Chicago eats 40,0 0 pies •e) to •eat 'Londee, gas. conipany which had rendered a bill for $64 was forced to itecePt $40, On complaint of the. ebneunier to it magistrate that for the nreeeding quarter he had paidbut*,.$39, And in that time. had used. more go -,d than ditting. the •siibsequent -0- , qliarter, • 110th Satisfaction.. , • Polson'eNerViline, the new and ,certain pain cure, is need with eatisfectionit•eVery instance. There is abundant reason for this, for it performs all that is. claimed*. for it. Nerviline is it never -failing cure for. erantpe, pain to the side or hank, lambago, • sere throat chilblains* toothache.,"blerviline hi in feet a Sure remedy for , all pains; both internal and; external. Try it 10 cent sample bottle. Large bottles only 25 cents, by all druggists: • ), • Tu'ottas J. Resume, 'Esq., egOS Pine 'Street,* • St. Louis. Mo,,, writes: waS a great sufferer from catarrh,torthree years., At times I Could.. hardly, breathe, and was',const,autly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not lireathe through the nostrils. thought nothing could be done for pie, • Luck. By, I. was advised :to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh . Remedy. and I am now a weB man. I believe 'it to bethe only sure remedyfor Catarrh now !Manufactured, and one bait only. to give it a ' • fairtrialt-to experfence astounding results and , a perfnanezit Cure." , • . • Three Bohlen Cure C,..arrIt. • Ronnits, Iiiingait P.; Coluinbia • . , Pa.., says: "jay. nauglat,er .catarrh when ' ' she:Was five years Ole.'very badly. I saw Dr* sage% Catarrh, Remedy advertised, and pro- cured ti,b'ottie for her, and soon saw. that It • helped her it third bottle effeeted a 'penile - ilea cure. She is now eighteen yea% old and sound. and hearty.".,,, D ,C N 35, :tit-. • It is a. little Singular that our spert- loving people have net taken advantage of the Warm euronier tO get up a theretio4 Meter rage. ' 'the higbeet.ptice that watt ever *a for •hock Was paid the other day by an 'Anieri- a # • can firm to Drexel Drothere in Frankfort-. Olio left the room, Whilo HarrY-- relapsed just filmed up in New York State:, ,,. ., on -the -Main. ' TWee hundred , bottles of into 4 thottglitful si env:, ragged, tante arid dirty fellow. Visttea tne ally-, Air -e. ..pereeri is Said rare ." It was it Obit, cold Christrs4 dier11°°n• -storei in alkOeSSIOn and bagged a oalurof more than a eilierter. of it pie, there roust be .‘,0111088 aollatiOlfSbarg. vthe' last! of 1.861„ Harry .Cutter was seated in hid AttVii: -gasp. ipht, purpose was do apparent thet Jilt lead 161,000- petiple,,,,tr line,fotirth of vinte,ge, fetched 105 marks, or ,,525! Oa. 6111, &SOY engagell in the content° -cf. It tie Wad rarely refused. After putting in it 0111060e POliolations •tvE*, „ob., pie every bottle-. ' .., _ _ ii , , hook. ..,...,. , ..: •• - ' • • - .' -1tlay-solid•-•,.at--this -be • held air-anetiort'at "'day. 4 - - - ! ;!------ -I - ,-- , Eldert vans, or the Shaker cOitithinitY, • L'verytiling17:d li;r111*; night and loosed of his lay'eplanderl found innokirig 61.1 ti;c3 obts,, e.t Nevl4 Labelled,. Oolutrible, ccatrity,'N,Y.i nitttriagenf ,eiateP4 V$htsh w•- ae te' ake Which , atge, The teen t. was a netts .14 gt I ar •au -' mitikjust celebrated hiti.85th hathday. Per , „ all a tiC C, , spe „..„ , . ilthee in tbeliediOts stint enough to keep him luxuries for w&ljitbJe to,boorrestecl ender 'the Orders )IntY-livelearlt he heti abSta• ined 'frank • eat, • iLfl Thia availing of the AciOr of hitt• • -4 `og the village council; rayuggla ing Ash midi:141AI. • , 40 4# 4.0444 .6iWTWNQ positlito retimly Or the Abdoe Mk/tool by Ito tibt) thodomula Of Odoedetthe drovk I hi d1, 1.0tIoditsiltdddhig have boon cured, hutted, so it cdik 18 405 falti I, iti eftieddy, that 1 viill PID114 'TWO BOTTLES kftISE,ItoOthet atttk a VALI:14.0303. TREATISE 610 Odd dIdedle tot any initioret. (1(88 ottlfAet P. 0„schtroge. , :• Dg. njo, SLOCUM, , • . , BranoliOffice.37•704goSt#TON1 THE COOK'S 'REST FOIE E .FFT ...1 bay OM 80 not MoOn l'n,Otely to mop ter a • •• Wiwi then lido Mob Foturn' agoN, I mom • Mwoe 144680 modO tbditlechito t118, 1..rucror or PAW INC ShiftlitS8 tico.lohA MAIO.' I warmht 7115 14400(17 , o ftra tho wdrot eases. Ilic4n80 Obeid hove folled 18 140 • tomb% tof flot tiddt raditittlikto dtd.d. hOdd u (Mod for if • Orbotider And'h rrt6 Ildttniat my InfollIbid 1o41t4,43“43(88 NyinlinclirPeoTtd(u).rn°A%1,11406'idneiltilifii:4". t'a601441r-,f,t‘•'"7144,- - • out. Sti.Torootoe. # Brad OR% 31 t! • .41iN 310.# DIkplARVW.:p.E4414'13,-OR-- -ZIT2%.13 'ISUO.411,-(10.41.T.O.D PILZH. , .. •