HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-08-12, Page 16.4111.
" r•*•••,4***A-
• 4t.':
„. •
• •
every rtiday, at the Se:tirrpier,
NortIk East Ooktmir Ontrani '
intik thini-l'iloaStgeeta - -
. ;Iv:77—'7. , .., •,.
.. . . .. ... ...
,i. ..cm..04 Nr.„Elif mit 4111:P14.0.1* Asti=
S ii.14.414:ptioin. l'itbloc‘ ,.,. $t i?..00-•....re..4r•
.1.0: Aiito;e.,.. : . •
.. .., .
All kin is of
. .e. . .
.:....01B-.::R.1731.1i:T. T. N 0--..
No.ROnesi•a•nd DesP800-11
„ .
• ixsuttA*E.'; •
. ,
..moopm' : • • ago.
LUOkilOW' :To The Pacific,
' Andosbn, of:darn, and her inachin,
pry is manage•by 4Ir. cLean, thrit
SIGHT4 AND BOENEE BY THE enoineer a native of Montreal, and
Jamek Wilson secondenoineer who
WAY. -
• *• •
is also a Canadian, born. at Coiling-
_ ,
poOt.E.T.tga..• •
Ltro.4.4..2v.o.11., 1- •
' LaVitilliT, .
No 1I . .. .
, .,.‘ ,.().... Er
every 1' evenin,r at iiiglit'l'Olecimin
• - .- tlintrItall,Citmpliell'iitrnett;---,A.11 . .
13 ret-he..rtrentrelially-bM-Orl• ; e
'A PAM Ti-i:(')NiPg(N, 3'01.10 1111,11.4nIvr.,
• : -.4 lgoble Grand : . • $'' tfcretary
. .
ro.7.11014Na'708 ,
wood., The " Alberta" , was built on
.been elected a the -Clydeand steareed across the
eznnirissionee..k.a_the,_. 0,41.1ero.....:Assemlan.tic • in the ao
• • 'Xt • f f At
Of.,Lake Superior theyincrease in height -
and., assu inc the characteristics Peculiar.
to rnoutarn "Frona_tleaving the head+. ,
6P• the river*. until passing Porphyry
Island•tlie scenery . on the ,
side Increases in interest Ih-e. -
American the -countrY, Sandy,flat
-. Montreal 'she 'was cut in • tWo, and,
bly Of the Presbyterian Phurch •In
'with pontoons built tinder boWs and
CD- T.T.rW.
jfrla, V:1/ T, Of ),Cirli] • 0 P.' 11•41 .A NCI,
eu'i etfer n -f 'United We -Amen, itin
the 0(1(11011 ./ 4.101. on.the Aecand. and 114
MI mciry Wirings of each In an tir, • t o'cleick.,
ViSiting fIrethern are cordially ft vited. . •
wu. LINDY, ' A MAeiNTY11 F. •
• Alitster 1.,,Vorkroan. • Recoreier,
. . 1 •
alight °lige
i2V-0,-IMY' x.
47:# .;,(1”7.1if711:2117.:.
' ai Tit
. • `•
. TborFtilaroii
' 1'1re:the:in ciktliallyinykted:;
.141) ittnieimg19•01.4.441iia.11 „tomeol.fiti .say
Aperem, '41. • .4
• "(Jr: ET LT(yrt. itere
1 . t •
the-eitr '30VfnilePegi- stern; S -he was "towed:up Lite StTLaw-
in the month of jr11 last, 1 was rc, rence, Lake Ontario and thea Wln:1,db
qu,ested to write, in uceount 1117 Can4-1,•Pnt t°g41''''''' again' atali
1" Utl
trip weiit,#.ard awl retum,. anti i,.)ubii-sh and htted.up, to take the p ace o
illfated Algoina,", thel wfecking of
the Wile in the eolheans of the which. ori the, reefs is19 Royale, In
!mgr.." at as early' adate* as pOs.sible-
. that.I have -reached hone. in. •the inernory Of:Many-of your readers.
Lake. r7tiperi3Or., !IWO ;freshoin
safety and gOod h.. l, a.na fgrther. Leaving Owen Sound. at 4.p. Mi of
' • • great relief to all to get fairly started
two'. to writing;Jundertake the matter- ' • ,
On a Ca Xli Sea, Wan' cpoi.*epayrs olow-
ith P.I.e.a.0,:.re•f;',.,.th'.%„ atmosphere which, w•as:,b0th
,goin1.4 ,tlny rounds that, sex;era,i' clear'find-iiiiigoratiurr,`' n.eared
aie drigaged: I.Drojeetitig,a., the • Throb,6/e .11.6).4r.eYelC
• • ' •
freshened arid
.•thist•-Si:04crk.':f4fwei;ing.: • Of. the,
,tenIpprattire the atMesplierP condensed
and,sOOti...We weri, envelope& ill.*
..wh.01 Was peculiarly suggestive of
ii.f6,1).6104; aid of the glass Thunder.. Cape' contd.: „
tOnV.1w4411416,12a'.' 14.1124-1A-clas,4,Kattdial.g,§7,
' todu-'ivte(;ti ath*Oregore4:1-0413.4cthiii4Ectivi--.4.
rrtoi•e found time to devote an hour or bppressi vely: hot' afternoon it was a
C'.. 41. hetter,.'enioyment nf
• ',their season, the Nairie
. 4. • I ' ; • - ; "- '
' • . • •
" or
distikts •of f tiled
. •
• ,•'Iptes0. tin Teraks of :PkVermeeiet ui
, ' - • •
• • !,1...'11AVV,11.4epeknow:
o.n.4 to Loan!.
1571rus-r'-cf.,AS's .1‘1111,T(7,AGT,,.9 AT
tt) per' cette.• Payalile yearly. •
111oderate. Altply 'td
' • ' ,11.01:11111r2 '
e. to...:4oan
. .
.J. yr. -P,B11, 1;11;NT Ti'll•Of 2' T0 •29
lenrivis- for Sale in Or--
deirns t
' ' O'reStX. 13;ii it
spec:tin,* the lid i etn cil f'Setheeriin r
. tat Great 13ritatn. and Ireland and tlo ntt it en t of
'--1;114tels•-trir.S41nr:-. - •
' •
. .
.• .
tuoknivw. Ont.
t 'Reduced }"tates S al t.the !Piing, • Loan..S
on lortgages as •I;oine oiti per dene.,:. •
11.:ati30 *.lAo'rtgago:.B:crAtb.t..!
" Drafts and Cliesity.o.§ allrolittstinshek
.„ .
S ecial • ' Attimitit Pftia the
of.:Notete, A.c.connts, Renta,:ete.
. , •
• . 41(01.).tit.fts•Payabre at:".:Par .the
. ,
i!rincipal cat,iesaint Towti, a Canada and ein
Sates ithil• Great 13ritain,' • Varties
Remitting will:land this the. Oben:petit, Safest„
'and Meta, °on yentint :Nitithod. • :
it, A.
• . .
Lint:fir Lind); r
m:.• 11; WOU!ci; $.ay. thitt thOie who•in te it d'
• triivAi in the mr'et do w611.' t
• - taketheir• wives ainno.,
• • ••• '• •. ,
• l.J1i —1.'hat.forme.rly (1i:copied by I)r..
•Art!eKirt; over F. 0 store, nv here .1 will
be fo'unelnight :end day. '
iNr CI' S'
• , • . • . , •
• —.111cotieoZ.Hall LiItIJ.'O
gar Sa*CiAl •act,entiork Amid to. eihtetiie4 ';'•4
wainink ' • : •
. trt,Nrc.a11 prozaptly.Atteki?:letft,i by. •night 'oi-
. ,
• 1-. ;;
• coroner (.4on0ty'ef Brupp. "
Coikge Plividci am; (hid 8urgeorts, •
(lite door eitst of the 1".gat °Moe;
...batcknow, Ont. •
J: ST..
0.11i ee" ZIM:c'el).o): to the parbtr • '
• Li7olci\Tow, ,*; = -
A ft111401Pfdiof toedicities alwa,Ya on bathi:
'•• Call s.both-oiiht Ar.tt.day•prOutptlY:aiteikcied-
tio-pharges •inotierate1,
ban' be•footal.day and night atlii'oflice.`• •
f)R. D. GE.D.DE%-tWTST
G.0,01,, (4. VeteritiarY 60:f
lege, •.`rorcinto,. and registered meniber of •the:
Yeti:141110r, Medical A ssociat:i9p, can ti.•,iv•be
found prepared' to treat all diFieetet.ao,f the 00,
inestic, animals ite tIke infest sAkel, most seienti
c m niter. ,.
• (Janie either by ot teleo•rL m ProinpOy •
attended troy. Ciiarg:es mode:rate._ -• •
Resideirree, LncicnO
. .
hritt R gST.
Fit4 .per cent.' allo me on pato the
• :Stay itigri Departitiont. Funds In'etereted
:ftir'Vrivatel?arties, We are prepared to oiler
•C'na cnners every .f rded by • :a
01:41-ty tta Batik and on equally f avertible terms
• cottiVEY/lar4101 14G •
• . •
" sll its Branches. itiril'ire e Insur-
atiee.'' BOA kii.linfntiiie.,13,epreseittod.,.:"
, . .
1)F IPIC g ,119Z111,4 otii 9 0.m.
to. 4' .601r. ' -•• • : '
. „
TT -.A1oViIERSON. 11:. A
1.1. iiiititisTm.t,sor4re-
ete. 011-1:16: Uili()A.Mock,
. oixr., `fount°111(1•••<1.4elaide. stret,;!.4, riii,sas 8,
Oat floor, „,
, orouto, Ott. . atotroy r4X '1144
n per cent.", barged: • "
' lit19: '
' -1.14 jr ORRISON, :ltvrolt7.414V 'tit .
JJ... JAW; 8o1icailitl'fr'"'tifiLtiOrY;
00011iiissi6er; 0ohveyanver, ttc,, 1,ne1ticW
‘',/at" OffiCe over the POIXt firle.e. • '
o- li•OSk B,JtlSTEft, SO-
eto.,.:Iktoney 'to
loan. At ...,1100A rAte • qftidb Pp-.
posite, the I.',est office, Iniclittpwl' Ont.
'IONT CO IX:11, to.A. 1..Nr CO
j.„It inhrgh 0.; Ontario;
• ,
rt.A.111tOW• AN]) 'Pri,010"DPOOT
A.11, o NV% • 1 W'Sl. 0 OT
l:nve; S dicitot in Chancery, Convey
aoesr. ote, (Itfice next doer to Ulu .1)601.
loppkpOw„,olit'i• , g18.
You. ; ay depend.upon. it that a , 10116)
who is ii th.),41.6* tr.xperierwii,g, either
.a...11.129rotigli bout, of sla-si•-‘..i'klierss; or
la lit 0; along die dusty. railWay tratik
and quite' uninteresting to the tourist.
,Porphyry Island was. passed fro.n 2: •
,p.-rn, till 2.'30 p, shores- are,
pito raggpd,iii 'Many places and, tl'ap;
rock crops out upon: the:south, sid'e.' • •
The' difference in tole].) :clearness.,
and coldness' of the Water .of , lake.
Superior from that' ot Lake, liuron i.
quite noticeable: •Atthediead. of the- •
Sault Ste. Maxie there aro .;,very
sha,des-otiserva.ble in the water, eatised;
by Shoals, in which every shade of blue.,
and enrprald' are produced according to,
the shallowness of the witter.and the.
&dor of the deposits in the.bed of the. ,
, , • ••• ,•• •
I. The Stillness -of. Thurstay's .breeze •
Itad.L2-preduce/ct heavy swell
;Lake' Superior. yet the night was•spent-I-.: •
calmed. before.' in id night. ;•Friclainiorn7,
•ing'.broke Clear and tine and..withtho:.,..T.
• ' • • .Q • • ' "
90, 49.44-vit-sc•um-cirta, *7-
miles "an'hOur, Was ItoWevei.'n'ot ...41a,.cd; • 6.1.1 8 Q'clQc1. and we `Ar•.'11 6-11(itabd
filed hc tthe; fog been , wag 'a rare sight of 11`3(-)ar):6 a'nd.Pi.4"
opp'esite. Here the scenery'. he:corneal. .
-,1-ctepti.ylo..xing,_ about every two min-.
truly grand,resembling•Sonapwliat that ,
'utes, tee. ever igilent, 'eye a'nd; ear,
auei :Varit.,•Andenson were.constantly on P159.4 01 Owl*: 9f :•414'
die" ter t dt'eirte'-ettingett, 'an& :vig-. )rthui is 1c6":' -Ili *IF.1.:c.1
.tiicehact ISOyadIP-e`oi ing (..
with t4e.,Iti.ile;:,,,tr:ttiti ";.b,tlekgrO4tid.:
that I1L. thatcouldlie den.,Wouldbe •I...• • ,itsSti'red
brought. '„'out..-; in , clear by.,.• the
asit crosse4 tlici.o-.rairtes, winikiitS.., :,i ' :
IL do:to .ensure :.safety,',. the• s-Seu)ers'
„the mount i'ns ou throu..,h. tuu cL to tIi11 bel tlus tiont 11' al°. be E3!n. to .t4P
snow .Alieds,' 61 11n:1(21 10 01 or to 711 • gratiiii•A t.0•1 tea,' 'rn11:1:.)01 -7 ' t116
!spectacle „When lie lias more.. (.1:eft
into' •Iiie.7:Ct., morning .1.11.A: f Antlfs
Old,igraOrully.: brought...into pert, at', 11.;`,:'
.tielS;•fttequehtly....pri,,:•,ent S :nos t sorry ,
hand; 'pr• ot-tistic- or: ii14e111'atie.,.,
• :wind 0W•11
arrangement..of his personal'
: appearance ;mkt ellects; .1.':oiir:i,carres-
pondent lios 11(.-` r • been
ligh t as ..: that
(1C(SJl0t vaiit to be, 1546 I IMO. .seens.
the -Se. whO It00 lOe.erl. there a:nel, 1 did.
'not .on 1'y .tbetn : the F.,,itnAtioo., ;:pnt to
rik,-L- My eirry-..6xpetiien.Ce. tonft:,
fr.oni 11,11.01;uOW to the
and rotilin the above nientioned.
• rcitito. ;I will ..e.,,idet-tVot,t0 tztita.:.to your •
-readers ..aS .and ftitieflY as•poSsi
ble..netwithStanding. that:tin', Season,
is harriedand; the- tIiu'L11pflOter .ranges"..
froin .eighty -ti ye tct. ninety, IA ths shade •
, • , 1,ic„„fhit,
Clibillba" • 1)ental. Surg.
ety, lune removed tii.Wingltitin owlt ere be will
,citirS. tilt: the Dentriety.hosin 915S ;but
beg fin inform his patrons that be r.i11 visit •
I Aicknow on the first and third•,Mondays and.
Tuesdays 'of eneh' ;M:mith, Office in Cain4A:
Hotel: I'ure Vitilized-Air altninistrated .for
the painie,ss extinction of teeth. '•
. .
'Coministioner in B.- E. „Com!eyancer, etc.
1,1.1(% KN ()N TA RIO...
. • (1,,n.veya,1ieing:th all its branches.
Deei1s1.t(irtg•tves,•13ondS, A.‘greenients,r,caiieS,
eile., prouint.y and ciarefttlly priTared,
and correctness guarn n teed.
and prompt attention., pail 'to the
searchiag if Tttles,and to all toatters cootiect-
MI with fire transfer. of Itei•sti,Dstate, ,
'01-IA.11.(4ES111:1ASONABLE •
• mpant
1.,4,)41115 Dirktu.Tomuovi E]'01
thb transaetinif lurid es 01 fi riXt,
Lea ying LacknoW by tlic 10t,20 ti ain
nir•Ries-Ati-y4t.ltief-J-14-0.; for :NV
.%•vore ttanSferred ly;bo§s, from,...the
.lattei•.,place to .-Wingliatn. Road on the
It • andt.the train being on time'
as,all.:,..travelliiig onthat..line is defie,.
We. 'reached; qi.angeVille' • to '
catch ,the -etpreSs front -Toronto' and
arriveditt 0Weii; "Sound : at 10.0Z the.
.‘aine night.: '
:The. felloW.hig day was spent in t
int; in the: i•dinafitic • niid beautifu
.i,sCencryin wind]. the . Yieciiiiity of the.
•town.abonnds, 'particularly. the; "roek-
: cliffs, water fa.11s,...sliacly glens and sil-•
very, aescatles; oft he .Syclenhani river,
whiuli discharges, intcr-th,e Sourd
t14 place. P,or a'.peep: into' Smile Of
those fairy' homes a debt of 'gratitude
is due Our:friend, Robt-41realcenridge•'
• ESq., who i-ery kiiitfl hired a livery
rig :and • d reN,‘:0 tis .tO: of
interest:: during. ,the. forenoon. '• Tlie •
afternoon was speut..in .look)bg. about
:this busy and rising town, up to..fotir
.o'idoeir, at ;which 'time; alt heino•in
readiness, we stepped aboarothe steain'
ship, "Alberta",,
for some help% 1iVeyi065: At her wiini•f,
her 'lines were :flipped and her course.
taken. for -the':.Suult Ste. Marie rind .
Port',..ikrthur. ;
:.\.. short description of this splendid,:
ly: equippod.anti' well: inInaged
11. r ill 10 u tettithcce-ottlits
nctii re, This ningn cent ,i,ron stoitivi
ship is 280 feet in length oVer all, 38
feet beam,' 21 feet depth :of hold, has.,
seven .• Water tight bulk -heads; and,
tveiglii„ exclusive ot
tons. fler'engine, a fore an d'Iaft ,`e9111f.
pound, 70 inch cylinder, ;the, largest,
li 1t0(1 ••liortly after
dayliMthr-brotte,•ht: ' us in *.Siolit of the.
yillaire of I,)ei Tour, at,bra:llittle 'below
the thetttlt Oft10 Sault -Ste. ,110.,.'ie
.AScencl g ri i[er .tno Weatlier.
and tli-6...seenery .proved. fine. but,
,not Of- that :Varied ail•-•pittl'ires`piely
beantifui. chartictcn.- which,..nts,kes the'
:seenerY. of .the • Thonsand 1.Slai1(IS the:.
lid:1,st :and pride.. 'of.' xyArdy§.
.1. ljelie\-0;11161:vever, trt th Q ;flaw,
side0itheSLu1t S. tiaiie f,,t.r I I 0.5:•'
t1tI*1. Ainerican in thiS,ii•spect.
Where ...we .. spend :the. time: • ,strolling',.:''
'about tiletoligiior• .ify •oli the hills, to ,....::
the rear,,,or 'vieWing"the'scencry Of the.,:...:, '
:I.,Iity and .Cape:,‘fteni the:tk,lconyof :the ..
oi tileri!, Hotel, ;mt. w hicli -we pu lir:
*.iiriiiti the' •ariTal..:Of '.;tlie, -',P •r],]:
train .whichwillscarr.r -.us td-,\N.aninpek
.While,Waitfiaw thes'arri al 'Of• the • tr..tio,:tropa ,. :
.tb.e,..E ftSi,, : 'N'ell:( i'l;' 241( 4t).y.; after • let ding„ .i.ye.
, Warned wuti delayeel:lor twa bortri,on,hcconnt.
:oia partion of the roadway,, in the„neittlib!.ir,,''
'hood etf:N.',iri 1034; ,baYing...disit:Iipparei4 in4...
• Ifinskeo• anal hat it:. would' be !:).0ei.ir7ts.teact.0.1 .... s,
' Ilie"Athabas. lm?'.- the:Easter' oteam-- 3:CO .p in. when -the train 'Wonla tart. 511(1
luithiirinore'that, owing:to .the decided :.fut :
n e s :X.I.4 • things.n oW -4.17 el a yi; the it °inf.-Was rene,I. -
• ed ..ii.k:Whitthit,WaS:necessary. to put Ou'r,tiiiie.-
j)ii,,e6i. back on e:. hour .in , "order , that' the., Jiii n ...
:be.gi:ren: the, privilege • tif oi,erta4n.g.,:lis-ing
..aiS .i,tb at 'the jamera tbnt bei.4:eveitnc)i:ni4et
,ter,clifiel decided that 1v.P.Pallzol;14.1"..tioninlinme; • '
to reckon. time:conseetitiVelyfrOni. 1:6a:tea:CM....
o'cloek A niAttr by the‘waY,•which seemetl to,
• give anisinerable trouble tit the Minds t)f some. -
gitify,,.a.11io';.'f herta , was tnet tv ifs
ill" ini.d.riVer:, at ,erowded.., :With!
-pasSerigersi.: scoanters
tVliile;j:lesaing, 0111 atreinendo us broad.'
side of.Cheers ancl.o.ther :corcliargfee,f-,
-in "5" were. exchan.,Yed by!' (1114150 011'
board • rhe " klberta"'shotgracefull.v.'
past all the alter: crafts. On, the river.,
arrOw, Eint celniilpt6.1y dust a tic ing every- , .
. f our fellow pakiseng'es' -as not It few • of them
,thittro• els e In( xeacho'd the'. .° • . . .
bo seen reverting to the obl-style school:.
So"at 1.1:30, .a: tn.. and lett the • .
boy meth0d of splving a Inintty arat.Linetice.i.
.14sin .17cnnPtlY'at. ' " °Lwitit a'probb /IL by getting,J:igni tii.ioI with..
fr•PP4 Vir'Pz)..1.)19i'vi.11,4.'.fr°f" the west, #thumb and. fingers: id, ,tlie,-i•ight,lianii;K.•;'
',a . . • . ' i . , . . „ • . •
' , An,, incident in .epnlie6tiog. %,vitly. the mum the palm Of thc leittiii:Order,' that,••••tottyi ,
• well..1flibwri.'..speed of the '.; p.. F. . ip.,,,uilglit. aseertaiii eA.arly.' :and • rafaliptaldahlk*.'''
•I'illeTs..W111, .1 :tf,ust, not be ' considered ' -o;y10-.th'etitatten-mastet reallYdhi petin.ihri.,,..
:tt'very.seriOn.ig digression0..as'illistration.: be au.4.ii.atteecttliat• the train was ,eltpectede.to't
of the. wholesoine :dread: of: lin itt,ilia,.., ill“'‘q:at PoYent, ell,":et,C)ck ;. 4;14' sir 41,1 alattert
tionChilli() part tif C:iiptiins. of other •0311.r,t.riail.I.H,1!.61:0**1.146 many.' Thqvt!Ive).‘e .
„ .
..0_,...04111.0 §wift,noliiirig .steaiiiers,..u.p04: sortie hoWev,er,'Whei.tbeikt,ored to im.bniltito..,their.,,,,,,D...: .
totble „to ye or c!i;rrespoodent-attellasitetl'tfOr,s, ...
hese 'waters: • .iltheil the' dockhand:4' "tn.
. . . . • • . iailtiliiM of the elithciiiti: - I repli‘el thne mit li • •
aft' ihe `, SooNail.pried: onrhaw f,i.r:s. trod . • • • • • • . '• • ... •• .• .
' • . • • . • • , Wee (nate: eininii: end ,eaey, viz. that everyt• ,,,•••-
the -itilibliiti&Testa a th*,..: Wharf and: • . ; * , ' • '• . ' •X '
. b • ' ' . ''''' • ' • • ! ' ' . , thing to.cotittectutii with the t., !'" P. R, , WAS.,.:
04..41.1.1i.6P.'...lii0 •gt6nined.'intn'4417: 14)(6k'. den; e With skich..PrOit'rptittide and the're'itgla k .k:tes..'16 ..:.• ..
it ...Wag lOtindi tbat an A:we:riot:Ai .Stetini; that ,etreimtliat time itielf :had n(444410 gone.......".
er, wi's,;t1Iriiii.d3fr, 111_1J0pis1oz1b4seelirt..1;--:criit,--tAktiler.lil:.:'-011W7-d4y:----likblexi---11galit. t,tbotiiti.-`4,...
. lylitslied.i0 t,I10.i tift,1110itt'd..1,41.4(1 of •.:the , ..v,,i.e . eonaitierablY :efte•rcised • in their tuff ii#.. •.',
.4gill;Nvitile *Ilk,. e.!ipteii.. was ,v,itd)tI.Li aill apparetitl y•iti their mmacienceatOO•,-aboxi,,. . . .
elif App.roqeh ,i7kg 110 Padea tif.,, clot* witi,i thus wilt Whieb4..e. W'M•e 'here • InfOrnied 'bad.' .
neryous;Mien...:' Well 'we, pfts0R.Li.withbeen gain'ed , iii a icanietit,ofi.time,' 'Io&1i41.0.',
Olit.,tOuchill, ,the .ya'terr WAS Ai' once' they Seepied• to be gitteliWithPoWeii of tiA01-.
let :.ini :and itt 'a few, to i it Otos t'bo: 'gates Which etriii)1.ed 'theta. tO see'. in this :a hold' at,-' •
were ppened..,and':Wo„..le'd die . „that,. t,,,,t iAt the .palt of sornetme rIttembetti‘Lerrietit
ingi; pace and sooi,i lefe.:the.:Steitaie, of o:f the stock funds: of ',,•titn., eolar itytew..... .1.1>,..'
i.: the. ,gt(1i's 9.1141: ttil.A0e 110kiqe8Sly toe howeVer the,rptesion.Wit.' a how-.:he4tO :elite ..
astnritiv.40-1, fairly out hi, 0 , the pl4 it.:t(igether with thOttliers ;which Intei...,
tiVel" 11.1)()Ve.:the rapids I asked ,Captaiti , vene'd 1e,"tWe'eti.' iliac. • And ..thik, North ee..este'..t. n,,,: .
' Anderson- i,i,Ity thetttlikee Miowed n0: Imig'll'ehr 'i'evkl.lteeil,' (.)'?4,)elc;.••
' I gleaned this.
to 'pas. s. and then iiiiinediatelyldlloW in n'ii4 0`)."t,pietvescilt. P!,rt.A.rthtir.atill .10.
:.• .,
talr W•ake.- 'His reply was, qhtlt te '01' aurroundinpscentiy vdtich 4, trad:•.'Y In ' 1,11 of
hits any . other skipper, eltteept. thtit Of.the. ..1.1teri4it'1"Y°111' i'tlitder
iktirabigka kilo* better • than 'titlek :thi , trii tcWii,;er.. n!. • b:e.en...liefore, kt...e.iii:Hit, eti. • , ,
water. alietid ,ef• the 'Aiberta, 44, 8aklit' '•tflircuri=tet)(1•;76.:Igthii•iiiit,.donellilittitt'H'ii"'"Itif ' wait° b:ti 1:'tii.!t:16).eiTt::.• .
".'4lttlg allYaY's, • a l., 61010liga! •,tp:a te8.,kr. tki• ° v.--oii, tui•oliteaa visitors it is said freqUently...
speed-al-all:14. kileti, ,, :many ,.'nf:thitit ' 0;44 it, greatly reseinblesi the..fa*fsitiad • Bay..
frOni, eiperictwe that. to (10 •so . would, .0i.Oliptes.. it is thirty,uillas in, length, . e.ilibk:'
• eikttou 'in .breath. 'Ttitniiiler, bay; Is 'fOrtned ,
by Thunder Cape, snin*Aittieis eariedthe sitig•-;:•• '
lilt gient, en the nod& i. 'which ,lii.,•1450 feet...,
:Manta the- level 44 liake StipertWi•,•-atai: PO, r
/ Illtalid ottiheaoatit. eix salve • Ifitttaut, and
8.5U i‘etiii iii, keii?lit ott . tits to ,. tit"*biah
irnes,iii.y. eseli month. rartiek wishiag to oil fre.sh watoro wbi•ginA 2,40 tens„; the.,,, artably be,followed lty. defeat; - •
hrtvetheir Property instirfidimthistocreasiogly
poptilarCompany, giving noticelbe Iteilpra tveigit 40 tons anYli carry, '4164 Yagstng uP • th! 8(416 .tE'" Mar4°'
tUeiI ; ter, The retsei is caPaille af. iiivolkbovo the rapids the hills on tifo.
moot „by art agent or: by one t4 oe
the 'lliraotorti. llintiness calls in-outittlY,ittr. d . . •
Canada "d b"
,t,„ided. 'withT. a lull earg°) the. rate of 17.1 thi't tlioge below the ii`t)idA lakr it usad ' Itundsr ow 0,4
OfilOe•6tinganoott; Siv,„8;•,Troati.;=,' :4010ts anliiiitroisip0r4ittisn€10441teap,k,. We wss oil..t,14A O. th0 clear mosiontoki amothiflitige);
' .
• • "