HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-07-15, Page 6scame4t,.....,as:a_�-m.-.p.^^��a.�.p,�tx�•yG.r•n5..�ary"'„'#+..=-�x.rnc'�lc+ �:;
.Trains leave. Lueknowr -daily (Stn. For Bale. • •
4aya excepted) as. follows.:':"
Usil, 6.13 n. in Mixed, 12.40 p. m.
xh., lO, O a. m. ' Mill, 348 p• -m,
Mixel',.6.00 p: tut 1r.zp., 10. 1, p.m,
1OHZsi B.%IRp
iii jjfxtt litA1TO..
• ;,Gospel Meeting. ' .
A Gospel meeting will be held , in
the' new town hall here at three o'clock
•iin :Sunday. afternoon (D.`Y.) by J. M.
. 7 (,frti : P es o` f all deniom nar,tions are
cordially invited., •
'The •Gold Medal. '"
We are please`l: to learn that Mr. K.
icholson, of Kinloss,;who• has just
, completed, a ..-:Course at. the Landon
Business College, succeeded in:car"rying
on' the gold medal •.for 'general. ami ci•
Sudden Death,
"A rnan. nabs to tailor fix
trade, and: who ras•..Iieen :.working in•
the •village for the past,.-twd.or tl iaeye
• Months; diectev,ei'y, suddenly at Cain's
hotel on - -:j1pnday last from rnflarn-'.
ation of the °stomach. ;i'he . deceased
volit about, 3fi years of age. ' The body
' as ered hie the Kinloss . Ceiuetery.
Voters. ,Lists '
,Towniship..Clerks , in preps}ring.
V ters' Lists will do well .,
o to rememhe'r'
Pt' '
that tinder the O fano
n .Act:_.khe.farm-
era' sols' f ranchlse ''is continue•fo.`
Municipat'-purposes just as .• before the'
la rd holders'• sons franchi a was adept:.
ed, 1'Vlere a person is fanciers' son
e, We ..;.at_a I,aci:dholde s!!..son-`the
lessor is to insert in tho • Assessnient
Roll: instead•,of the letters "L. S.') the
lttiers•'°L. and F. 8.H • '• •
45sgoot1 sIJ•ari11, •i voi tc plait 'we+elr
In the case of• Queen • vs. •Lee,, it was
/decided ty the Ilolumon Pleas:Div ision
thit Mr. ,Grace, the police magistrate:
'tot- the county of Brant, has,tl)e right:.
' to - sit -iii the pity .of Brantford' to :dis=
pose: of offences comiiiitted ; in: '•the
county This was an appeal' a
recent decision. by Judge O'Oennor,;`
who claimed that'ta Police Magistrate,
appvinted.',for.•the county had ,no right
to ti -y cases in towns or cities.
• Base Ball:: ,
I iiiatice by bast weeks "Review" that
the Kinacardine •club :felt certain that
t hey, wouldhave had an easy ,-victory
over , the " Vlrppere" on, the 21st '.'of
.1 bre. ' `Veli, '1 think 'they. are a little
i' the hasty•i,n coming, to that conclusion,
for tt.
must:: be 'remembered that:
- Lucknow can get•up.a Junior'baseball.
pine, that is not to be" smiled. at. If
the Krncarehne club are sure of defeat-'
the' "(:uppers•" their . chances:'sire;'
o xiocl and" they can have a "gave any.
tini'e that is convenient, I hope that.
ino the (yr it of a match the .Kincardine-
c t'ul, will send tumors to play ;and not
a nine from the , senior' club as was
• rnti,ded: Oa in�e, 21st "of•dune.-r1.
His First Sermon.,
The l incardine Rwiern , Gaya ;ti e
Princess „'street methodist eh:urch whh
wet u f t' ort unday' et ening last;
Two, secdnd hand democrat'wago,ls,
one bob -sleigh (single) and one set.
single harness.-Apply.to R. D. Cain-
.,eron; Lucknow.:
Union Plcnic.
The members of the Sons' of Temper"`,
ague and, Oddfellows Lodges' in this
village intend holding a grand tlniou,
picnic at the lake, near the Lighthouse,
on Wednesday next, 20th inst., when
ai, big tiine i9 expected.
Murder at: Allenford.•.
A great sensation was: created at
-All enford;July- 9th- •by •the colic blood
ed murder of, Carrie McDougall, . wid-
ow of the late Archibald McDougall.
The murder. was committed, about 2
m:: bey a mall named Samuel. Hughes;
a neighbor. Two bullets entered her
'breast causingin death almost
stantl ., �u h,.shot himself; but
fatally. - He is nou' lodged in 'Walker-
ton jail. ' Therverdict-of the • coroner's'
jury is ".Premeditated, murder by:
Samuel Hughel:"' Jettiou ly is alleged.
to have been the cause of the rash act.'
Lecture. '
Rev. Ghost! (Branch) 41. Howle. M.
A.; will give wiecture in Knox church.
Lucknow, on Monday •evening at .8
o'clock, subject "From Jerusalem to
Bethlehem," • •• Mr. Howie• who is now
totally blind enjoyed the blessing of
sight years:age, • when, by the growth
cataract ,,he Was .left sightless.
He: is a native' Of Mount,Lebanon,
studied in, Edon ,ti" r "'h: 'T:Tiiiversit itnd
Wad received •as' a:minister •of the.
Presbyterian church in Canada by the
;general eraI asse*n1a1v held at'Hamilton
Ont., in Jane 1086. laving. lrved
-for-a'nurnber-of-yearscin--the East -he •i
well • able to: give a 'popular' exposition
of Easterii life ' and cu`stoins with.
special bearing on the A col
wit War�Tsee o
h'e . lueta, e
The Glorious Twelfth.
The .Orangemen of this district•cel
ebrated they anniversary :of the battle
of the Boyne,' by attending the'demon-
strati.tn at 'Goderich,'`on' Tuesday, :in
Which over...: seventy lodges from Mid
dlesex, Peh th, Bruce • and -Hui on had;
gathered There.*Ore.., four 'special:
train's besides the ordinary servige, and.
it is ;estimated that between ten anc�
twelve tliotisand. strangers visited the
town: At two , o'clock ,a: tnanimoth
procession was'.formed' and'proceeded
to the li.eautiful`. town park,: whieh:
Overlooks the • harbor, and here 'an,
address of ' welcornr was ,deli Bred .by
Mayor • Seager.: Stirring orange•
speeeheii, were made by: Grand: Master
o1 Ontario lI'est Fitzgerald, and Orou-
hyatekha,of London, and,•Major H A.
I:,'W'Vhitew; • of. St. Mary's.County Master
Floody beep pied, the chair, in a:highly
satisfaciaiiy manner.
There' died, at . the residence of•s lir.
George fennel, in the township of
is inloss; oar Sandayilast, iron • rnflatn
atiorl Of 'the lungs,':one of. the': oldest
�sett1ers of the section, in the' person, of
Eli,• Stau f%er;: aged 77 years, .Peceased
carie to Kinloss. in the, year 1552, 'and
eftled near the .Durham line, :'where
he erected -a. saw mill.: After carr i is•
1 1 d S i on business there f. •r •' some tithe he
- .•Na,ri•Mr Whiter Treleaven, Rev_. 111 r, tliar: purch'aseca ;f-r`7o`m the Government
1-fiteil.11's assistant iii' his labors 'heli, t 01) acres of -rand -1%11 ,whicli ..the:
delivered his first sermon tors Kincar . village of Lucknow '11".:stairds,' and.
dine ai,o` k..: .nae look h'is: -' 'here. he: also. erected, a null :which in
# , ptext #mil►
,Colossiilns:I:.11, and the.latter•clause 1858 he sold to.11r..TamesSonhervill-e,:;
n ' v "Christ
H,3'th.en removed to tho st te` .f Midi-
f -the pr,e.. (Jh1 1st is all and in all a
.1)i wirlrrin•his treatment into three ire ads snag, H`IIerii he' •,rehiained for :''a few.
he silo Wed that:'.. 'Christ is 'sill `iii the years, but eventually•.returned to I in
bi•hie," ' h'oa! ` "Christ ; is,: all in .the , l'SS,•Where he rernained_';eontiiiuously
• Scheele of redemption„” and h • 'Christ up..t9 the' :tune of ''is d'eatli. ''He
is all in tlre•tl,ee of sorra-w." 'He de- .eIuimed,'.We;helreVe, to`•be: : the first
eve • through
1k'e ed a'•very able aittl• eleiq Hilt ilis olaite.ri,SOn that,' crossed
•ilii ie;. owns ►i ••
rse, and made a favorable rinpres- •tl t p
, Aran;. I.rr closin , •1re . ti r"ecl ,Iver one . .. , . , •
, ..,,� Y -The" neW, Catholic Church . at
to .'1 C iris a all an i lio. thorn.- 'IKingsbrrd e was-.dedic ted -1 -••Bi ho::-
rvl i . , ., � , a ay s n
ssionar Society. Walsh,. •of London on Sunday last,
y c ety Y Y
• ,By tlra an.1u 1l•re ort of ale'erai;Tiickliowi•tes•were ,present .on
P the Worn-
•, en's , tf i •
e n' . ltoreien• '� issioit SOC1(?ty, inn pon_ le occab on. ,
I e'etion with the P►'esl;vte: an: churdr:
At; Hiss Chanrlaers reaves for her
for ,the /.Division, vt'ltich eta holirlays about the end of the .present
braces th'e Province of Oiitario, We : month any 1ersoii Ger uirinn ' an awthlll
not.ica that for tlie:year .ending.. April, in 's'tylish n lli ierywi i o v ell to•,g e
1,$o7, the ve""'i'y liberal'stilli of $21w 2
.. .53 hera•i:ail ltefore she'le yes.' All "odds
was raised tor the spread Of the Uospel_ her great4
at a 'reduction-fn..
, i,i toreigan'lands. : Of' this: amount the ✓ . p •
k1rtron Pifechvterial Societvcontribute: 1�eri �. b:.'.':, N
div'ideti.as follows: Blyth, $415 Tlie': 11Titchel ii.i nr'tn•
l*rucefieltl,. $60' CI"inton, $154 •,(:loder. married and "single ladies from town
a go bathing 5
Grit �+74 i'.[{illpet,: $;t0 .`Kii•kton $17, ,,. in the river' near Cox's"
.OrlIforth) $1133, and;=-'f=lianres -Ra ail•-`•-•I:ridge in. broad daylight, th. "should;,
1t�?allrihiaE•,'$55.,','The'?!aitland Sneret ' for carers decency'q ttke, if'- nothing'
i y ,for Y: ,.,.
ri iatrilaute.d•$6•I5.76;,clivfriedas folio W is nnore, wear ' :►otirr overin'Y ahtl not.
aa, •
$22; Iliteyrde. $s
8.10 .Brussels a ear
as .Adait and .dEv,
first did ill'
$l 1. ; itheed9 1_luioi, '$56 the garden. It• the two 'young lads
' J1i3.66 Langsrde, $21 ;Luck. Who' were watchingthem frohn behind
• now, $K."B$l •10, and St. lel_ .a;,tee •hacl drtven,..usy,.;:, vtr.;.tlr$r5. This $ociely is' managed clotiin
they would not, Piave been
entirely by the l•aditts,' ah;"t1 the, good much to blame,"
v.or'1, whey ,are' dating gild the very -=-Petr 'thirtrda s (n1' hfrrs:' F.iii 1
anti str;lilatic and efficient mannyerltn later will ..a'er her entire stock of tnii-
vv`htclt tli y se in,to..cjcs.•rt, IA creditable lnie•r iirid fanc goods at and below
alike t fe
`� Y Y goods.
to heads and hearts • cost,.
Picked up lQearg•, aau There for,, Iteaderl,
of the sentinel.
Air. Ed, Rooklidae,; of IIi .,getown,
is home on It visit.
--Teas and .Sugars .cheap at . Hei'r's_
J,$, lbs good"sugar: for'$1,
•:\{rs B;: L. Edwards is visiting'
friends in. 1I rriston,
-Mrs C, .A.. Sb'pherc is, vision;
fiiiirlcls in 1Yt'nnhaw.
=A 1 siiinglew>at McIntyre's.
-Tire -Key. -Mr. McKay :•is away
enjoying a'thlee µseeks vacation..
• -Try a pound! • of:: the celebrated
iioialaya; tea, forrsale, ati ,Ke1•r's. •
-111r. John l41cKay and' John Cam:
eron left' on Thursday for` Algoma
is..Win. Treleaven is spending
a few days with friends in Goderrch,
llis, ..9.ncdexst n,.:.0f- Piingnn r,., -a
Visiting . at ally. W. Treleawen's tit
week. 4
-Mr. D. E. Cameron returned `.
home from his Algoma, trip en lvlon-'
day hist
•-Dir W. McDonald intends prose
�utir,m, all boys found .bathing in his
mill dant. '
-1Vir J., D. Murray, of'Detroit, is
apencling a. few weeks with • friends in.
the'• village:.. '
Prints, innslins, gttnlrarns, Iaces;
parasols,, gloves, lioi-cry, u goodassort
meat to select'Emig at Kerr's
-.1Na11ztrtoIL Girls sit; on the side-\`
walk. in .the evenings ands wait fear,
heir youn ;,;men
business • arelike 'eggs.
One in a "cr'iwd s'';as good as a lotlier
until one gets broke . •: • .. •
=-Alr. A 'Mullin! of Belfast; brought
` fllli fc st.ifli g
141 ass -'Susie $teveirson, of; rd ge
town;••and forinei'ly of Luckriow,• is'
visiting friend's in. tins: vicinity..
---Bustles:15 to 20c corsets for 25
and 50c, cents colored--aucl-.'hite shirts
for 50e. at 2lerutyre's ••
l'Irs ,Peter _.IcLaren and •,Miss..
Kate, McLaren ,were vrsltiug,,frie#ids in •
• Joderieh
Gents ;and ltovs straw hats: fr•oni,
•,5cup. A la ge ins 'of :hats fat and
below cost to a 1Par . out• at' \J eIrityr e's.:
=Farriers' are now busy at their.
haying. The crop'Wilibe`an. abundant
:one in section; - • '
-There are 'several 'lunatics ,in.
Walk'ertoii jail at .'.prescn'., owing to
the ; want' : ,of accomrr,odation• 'in •the
asyluri, 1_. , .;
Mr ,..F.;E. Nugent,: wife,of the;
Nugent,'' of this' village,. is
visiting her mother rn•'." Caveirvil_le,•
Peterboro County:,
-Jfrs R:. Proctor, who; has been
attending a water cure '• institute at
Elfinira.,'New 'York, arrived hoine on-
• -Mr :War Anilerson •liar, just had'. •
a very handsome ..verandah erected. in"
front of , bis' residence • on Clampb'ell::
street, ..
,Georgie•• Kerr has :received .arid
opened out one ,.case heavy, salla wool,
grey flanirels, plain' or twilled at • 25e
.per yard: Extra, value.`.
-The Actin 1', r'. '•Press has been
enlarged• and 'tzthervuise`",. "improved. •.
The L,•�e Pr�ea;•e is one of. the best local •
papers in ilio Pro'viuce.- " .
• lllrs. Vin. Murdoch and her•"`son,
.Mr...John Murdoch, of Lochalsh, left
on . Wednesd,.y for: Manitobta; having• •
been'sunrinotied there by the serious
rlltiess,•of Alta,. •And'rew Dryden.'' "'
='0 bars, of soap';for $1', .18 lbs
•bright sugar for $t. 44lbs'tea black, or,
Brien for $1 • The -best value `in the'
Dominion at .Mclr tyre's.
Cream:cozy 04215,..
• We Nve -also in Stock a rsp)endid i
• _ST
Pa ties requit'i g eaa etzJuglling should le us a call;
S° We'cali .. bar e . ,...y ? + G
a . �.►�ralltee a.FII►,.�7.. pi ,t�,.;� �'t�l�:.' W_e: 1>.4rv:1' zix'„
stock' only .A;,1. Material.
so•rt'tnent of
-And See Wha
,e Cap'
TAYLOR&` Gil. E .
We will givre:two,; prizes. she first. two;.. ,
:? p. for,the _.. cQrrPct~ 5o1•atigrrs o� 1tls rebars.
Firstr' ct�sol ite; _ _.
coc e utorr.-Gist �r�tze; goeds value -of $3.:00: ,• ,
Second •'
correct solui.i ion-12nd prize, o0
2nd goods to the 1alare of'$2::0�'. �
: Solutions Vibe :'given
e 8N'.
__.. _ . - __.. 4 e o .. gird � .examined and viz : ; ' � 24th . - .
.. ... . � • n prizes glw en on I)f?1,; 1 SS•r ..
l:1IC11i'1STs : AND DI IrGGISTS,
-We; are ,n' a position •..
r -
ro.lt on to state it, was... fin,Rll;y.. and • lI'�.'
revolt ab1 decided a ew.da .s :ago'. b • 'the old •
y . .•� y ago y. � lad>_�sUl"'tly�s •
locality over a cup of° •
7.'lie prize list for the Provinciatl
Exhibition, Which will bt; held' at .Ot=
tawa'tliis vear`froir Sept, • 19 to'tt4.'
can be hat! on'.iappiication to Secretary.
. Wade, Toronto.
-•--Here is� one t f tte :late . HIenry
„jVarl�:.. lleecher's pulpit • proverbs:
"Newspapers:are'` the seli$olmasters of
the ''cornnion people. -That <• endless
book, the ►reWSpa��er, is our ''national'
-Those intending tit 13nrchsase
linery•shbulri not 'fail to call and ex-
amine Mrs Find ln.iersstock during ;her
clearing sale, as bargains '}dill be offer-
ed sefiloui, heard' of in 'the 'millinery
line. •
-illi. Janine Howey has :' teeri.
awarded the ,.euntract:of 'wideningi the
road in front .of. i11>. • ,Iohii Stewarts
arm. on. Stauffer • street.:`'
--Gents 'shirts' ; colored` 50c, • 'gents•
unrlerclothin;, in shirts and drawers;_
gents braces extra, goods for 20e, 300 tutr aaal(t ea
different styles,of gents tips. front 20c i cera et :Very cow' prions;.
.. . . .� ])iltner sets• corrkista•. •of i .
up,:gents stiff' hats , for 50c at dciri 65s 10 aiacl
tre's, `103 Nieces,. at Kew's.,
chairs ' s C
hoices�t: �e
;'That: $t-Ielens:•,would be the 'Count 'Tom n of the new
Count. . -townships
v about to be. erected and toI
� include ..the € .•
Last and West T wi,nosh;,1:A:sh etc Kinloss n r +
,... , �. act .1 urnbci t y >.
and the'•. villages: of 'VVingllarn 'L itcknow' and Dungannon.
And i, view of the large increase of farmers' ' business
, . � ,. . .ens and n) e•1�•
frons the• aforesaid' townships and; villages,: to trair;sncti their •
business at the 1-lub arid expend their ._
. , � n Lear •sLelrlSlus�.tc, tltebc..s_.r..
.advaita<re' g
Has- opened out' a• larger, a i Dior e '
. n . • b c1. e, 'select stud of ftSlT
ionab]e spring• goods than .ever•brought into- St..1:101011s: ltefol'ct
and at -prices tinct will ,astonish, the'Villag-rs when the -visa
the klub: on t is �St Ifs . a, ,, y. .
, • ) �IeIIS bl'dT1C�l •Ot the C. P. �.
�.. Balan'c'e;of winter, stock - is ; ,
viii be offered �t z uln�u� �t 1cc�s.
to make room 'for yet to arrive. w. `
: OBERT..t111 'Y
----Crockery and glassware at Kerr's.: Bl ac ks m it 'l Shop -to Let
't<he. lilac la crri th, a1h1r Intel ncru' ai..I la` '
N.,rmaa;i 1%10 i113nn.i;aa the c' rne,r eof•.(-.rnir
bell aa;irt ifinveln-k 8trg:'els,, 1t if( in. `tile 'best
•l•ocatinti foe n.ghnp intaie village. •
,1'orpurticulatra apply to
• r;.
ai; la�
haairt :
p ;site