HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-07-15, Page 4• • • r" ni kno roust be kept in. a cleanly state, 4424 not •be' aer crowded ; thesafety oit;ito. employee shall be endangered by the• .inacliinery, nor -hi health put,. pardyr-by bac -sanitary arrangements fire escapes; mast; be provided, and there shall he at hand means of extin.- 1S gu king fire TgE:.LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO: ARGUE• R.REELY ACC ......O .0 OF' CONSOIEtioU'WE •PRIZE ABQ.vE ALL' OTiUZR, LIBERTIES. ••• ACCO T TIIE.1)ICTA7`EB Dress goods. George Kerr is now offering: special inducements in dress good, s. in order tomake roma, for -fall Purchases, •' L1 CknOw, 31.0.1y' 10th, 18$7- . -Luci now is undoubtedly', one, of. healthiest places. in Canada. During the pastsix:, months tile, mortality in' they village was• only one per thousand:. Don't• forget Mclntyre's celebrat- ed 'baking, •. powder with a valuable • wEsr ,BRUCE ELECTION: great deal.of': anxiety, is just now. tieing, displayed by our Conservative contemporaries: in Bruce as to' who shall be the next representative of the: West Riding in tie -`Route: of Coni- mors. Of cpurse, they'knewperfeetly. '`ivel' the protest which was; entered against the return of,the Ilon. Edward • Blake, 'iii West purham, was only done so merely +to keep' this riding open till after the Tate :session of Par liament ',It was' extremely doubtful whether ` Sir John .Would have a;suf= •ficient..majoiaty. when the •House met, to carry on business, and it was. there- . fore 'oniidered better '. to forfeit the ' $iOM deposited -with the protest, than to • run the risk of allowing :another election in :tiff est Bruce, 'until they . 1qur just' IIO%V. • meat d • :Bu ,cliience an election must take place • here in the very , "near.future•' • It would be . ditheu;t;matter.at. present to 'say just, wile shall ',be the member, lint if We were to believe • our Conger - present. A large line of fancy,, g,ass-• ware 'at Mclntyre's, . • • --Cheap lines ofdrygoods at' err s cottoits;lronl--46, towellings-fr-oul 5c,.:' white and. colored n uslins from " 5c, brown. hollandsfrem 10c, Dundas shirt- ings •from '10c and prints from 5c.; • —Cornileal,' oat. Meal, split peas, macaroniecoffee, sago, tapioca, caned corn, caned pease, caned towatoep, caped' -peaches, at Mckntyre's. —Mrs Findlater is not vain enough to think that she has thebest or cheep est goods Tri Lucknovd„' but knows that. they. are -'new' and fashionable • and dtiri g` the next thirty days will '.give convincing proofs that -she cannot be undersold.. ' Ladies prunello' boots_:. No. • 3, a and 5 'for 5U., acid 76e.• 'Mens shoes 0:26 ,; worth $2 and i$2.50.; ' Over -Awls;alk-the Aiew'etylesaof gents Jinn z ltli aI MeI tyrde' •.�- ° ' -iditTer 2f1<3s .s TPADatak..erahiefi dress lawns in white, back anit,eream,. dress good from 10 til. 25e,' all:wool hosiery, in great.,variety end cheap, at Mclntyre's. a , • • M vative•eichanges, there- could possibly. he • no._ doubt in the matter. They, • hayed” already*. Felecti. d "their" vnau but strange to say lie. is• to. sit' on the' `Grit side•of'the house wirhen elected:; • •The gentleman roan whom they have agree. d: upon' is Mr.;. John .Gillis, , of Z'aislhy, and `indeed,' $O:"sincere" are they in ,the s matter that the Walkerton • Herald tactually tells us that has «not Much.respect: for machine )poli °tics. :-If the party convention nomi "aces him, 'W.ell and good:. .If . not, ±" well and good also. • 1-Ie'l1 run any •" "way, .and he.',ll win, tco', Ile l: as. an ••'• awkward habit o f doing such things "• Thisis pretty tall talk, ,coining>ag it .does from .such • a source. That Mr. • Caned:turkey, corn beef, potte• d hani4,-marmalade, salmon, ' lobster and -mackeral;•sardines,' pickles,• chow-chou,' fruit relish, at'11cIntyre's. :•IMPO..RTANT TO ,BALL Who:are bald, or have; thin, Or. Grey Ha.r,, or who are troubled with •2PA�TD R TT 17: i0. •'DORENWEND'S yt;l 1.0.113•,44., Via`' lIViaWI Gillis,. is a',gentlenan of,•iutelligence; ..and high•standing in the county, . and •`•,drat lie' once'"Junipc�d"• a Reform Con ,.vection and was successful, 'there is • - alio denying, but he won't do it in .4 ''Vest' Bruce: ' In, the, 'first place Gt1h is not: a resident. of the•rid ng, end this fact alone`.is sufliicient to place 'hien beyend' 4 the , possibility of even 'being selected -as ,the Convention .candidate,. on: the :Reform ti•lket,. at ld asa s: he. will least,,, But''t1ie.';Hetn y. run, convention . or no convention: `This we do 'not, believe, however,, liut. G43'111s--See''. ht to dO so;•we should Mr. Of no law under ,Beavon to; stop • a he will Ixavo to isbtde by the • � repr s�. ` s IP,est Bruce :will '::be •''`a'icl tna i ''atxe next, .parliament by, olioice of t• y' at' man, shall. be die ONE Ot 'the chief fi • •Tactot�y' .Act recently pass. of• the' Oita►:io rLegislaturc,,. is• the P rt, 1' the,' ,nf chil•dren. hi 1artcq manufactux, (*UNIctri.+`Lrry ' KIYI.o S, weiltres many clilltlt eii of tender' years '' ''-are'•talcelx from. sc1>,001 and set into tlic�se estabLslunents 1ieforE they. have :a chane to , aryuire ail education, 'This . Will be pi v'e`rrt i.'n ,a, great. • .� 4c1,4 Nall be foniid, iiw,aluable fur tlie hair an.l sial:. Tt clauses the,ecalp of .all..laudrnff ;in vigOrates twherethere there airar i theh'e goivili of the h, andiFslightest, signsases of of, riots lett, it will'produceg good ,crop of Bair. It•restrii i {grey )lair ti. ite uridine) •color and i. aiiexcellent dressing.' DQ -Now DELAY,:if your hair is in'a weak condition get a bottie.at once. • V1•or;sa1 byT''W:GRAN`T.dleaF ElRIES Apk fur it. X. 1nORE F\Vi NI;,• S'i 1e'Alanufi�ctnrer. TOl;0NT0, CAN ADA.. • A..Doretiwb iil'iri•the lealiag.' manufacturer of Hair,lxuut s. ui.Uuuada,. ware, ils Na • ret • • • - . ref-ce has Or'received a full:. consisting of a. a oc e : � ,.•. Wire• nothes� flies Chains • Belting , , Engine P.ackiig 'Brushes ,of all Kinds Water Lime PAINTS OILS AND ,VAR�.t1ISSES sr. Putty Razors' •Shovels SPades'. & Y ke t Cutlery Clothes'Wrinaers T bI j Fenct,.''V ire of. all kinds Building Paper (dry tarred)' ' Babbit : Metal ARC lime of .hard- He . p : Rubber -Soap- tie 'and .Aabes toe •sto , Ceraent Paris Plaster Rakes Garden Trowels • a . , � .. hou d"iii oil,Fregati:e�l-partsn alishad;es, 1 tine; Johnsos:Antigne colors g,. ; ,n . White;'�:e d, Turpe >< , )ting n • thee,:marl et. r: use Alal�aatilie for walls ` upeifor 'to anything a •xeatly �� , onp Extractors;.tixid Tnivane of all is:nct Granite and Ja .a`nne�s wares, Perfection Creame%'s,. • ,. y. ttall kil t��. Alar; a stock of `Tin;, Cr P sl ortest•notice•= :1•te .a`iring promptly, a • fu'l • stock. of:Stocps,and Stove :hyare, �Eavetroughin,�, Jolie on the a. • Partes. intendinag buildinb` would,do:Ytogive him' aCelt. before. purehas4nR ev here.' • 4887.: .' IIIST - 1887: • measure by .the •. eri'forcomeiit.of',the Act:` N'o•bay under t.velve' yiars of .,age and no girl u.idPr fourteen is, tO be. •pernmitted to:: work iiia factory io. ohiltiryoung';iri or:woinet . employes a'faetory ig to ke required to 'work lCor'niore :than' ten hours' "iii ode -days tier ;wore than. sixty hem's.: in. :.orae %weelr';"one •hour• shall be',hlJowed to w� ch, child, yours; .t;ir1 ot" .wotiia'n tor y..... „ Child as allowed to • r:lean;any pure of thjn machinery 'whale- wee`' saltieis•pitl liu'otoli .-'a1I" fai�ti5>�iea ••31n 03 OF THE ToWNSIIIP OF' COUNTY OF IfROCE, „' IIEREBY in tile third anti fourth or .Vised As4erisofie4httlilt&:;1„it.:: ttrialenall:1::T8rew •41L'v All tiel'gSiti 'said tor he oil i tied to',vote in: the Assembly, and hi NI.nincipal "idliitive sold list" 'Loaf auk Omissions :or sov 'other ii.810itted 4i; Nt day,. of du, ly ' ' i+oduction into Can Ida ofthe'now well�,known• Only• a'1>ittleover one veer lias.elapsedsince the•int t Spectacle's. .atti yoglasoes , ,. ,•. ' ' .' '1,? ' ;leap , ; .. .'. ,.. • ', � 1713tititeEl m or villa�e:'where an agency: for the sale. of this Celebrated Spectacle his ben A d there is hardly a to n „ • • • The " ALASKA" is not puffed lip by meaningless, would-be scientific, nbrases,,bnt is olferetl to an intelligeit pnblic on' its Merits, 'Tly it' • and 70n will find it to be s•PE111?BOTLY, RELIABLY, AID 1 0 YUMA., sighted' or' fur sighted youth:or old age chu.bv • suited. exactly. The,word f‘ A.1:4Ab'E.A" stninee' d upon every pair. . . • PHOtOGRAPI-1 BINETS, 2,50 PER— DOZEN. For tale 30nITSeast TatrCENOW. lefferis, • ooinbs;„Hair, Clothes, Tooth, Nail 0:Ftacnolisity. ;at ehediells, p..petix.,...61. • We want One httnclted good: then at Once to sell for the lenthill Nursenet . • LARGEST IN . steady tam], ay mea OR SALAitit.' BEST ADVAIITACES: SPLENDID OUTFIT, FURNIOED, Pfighiukg Man Cam saeeeed. fro',41;i)iy fat terms to 694) • .14 1.1EN Ts a guaranteed specific for Ityfitorih., .4, DepresKion, Softening of the litain Ignis Of Power either sex In voltintary 1•11611t:,•V'iltAreir71.171i-v•Iirthe-UX.15 fail' '$5.04 • Ift,X, LI UAW:41171E 3.11 13.0.1t$ Pro' core, all ,caile, With encli ntaef We Win Sofia onr ivritten !ova- • • •