HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-17, Page 5Ellis S It $ �`": DERKSH1RES. •T KB—Rimy 11•IS1.7O E=.I).4% 1, thanks u 6 fur ` w b r9 _ the n•,rre,ul,du, �( t. '► ttgiu agtl others „P tl►e' , s; • )ochry for their Jil,eral lratr,.it- ty,e since 1 bets wy torsi of lierkeAte*,awl at,inform tli in. t' at 1 Ueve now lt,r *Lie six lrtfi't ' br..el boars and 1,,•nlr mows All 46,4u 1',li l>c e b►arti"ntnek ;Lott which I will >;eh. .t the lok et i,tr'•cible price- Parties, wishing • t , obtain p airy enc haute thein, not in Any way -relator. - 111ie two Ir•ara (The Cuptait•] and (Y'he (.haupell.,.) b nth put chewed. frokim, lquell tsrr,thetr,; of ,1.',luv,i,t,,ts, are • still iet'1)teJforr ttdrvtce TER..)ld ta.vot as last season (.!:ypt Cain s1.59 Chance leis j31.00 :Prices. sats ap• Y)ljeat.iirn stats' quGinfuu ►t F uat'a►treeel• , Inas .Y, 0 , IL 1: LANK;. Proprietor • env. your orders for E.7ASw .1DOORS. ES JNG '_. . hOULDIN( S, A a At' the; iSl an ing • VHF o I E NOS ,8E [QUA[t 111 rs.YounGlrii , 1 g iC • Sparlin$i of 4 Tie itingLnni Nalt IVorks; 0(3511 a to c;1.11 he t►ttElistioti . of the pu b1 e, that they use p'rjpared to bup01y-t41 +rades•t halt: ' . at the • . t4 • °nom ass •i ran a i an 4a •k><.• 1� , LOWEST CASH :PRICE. +r'Goltie one, cotne"aU Grey, Young' & NI/aiding, Winshaui. ) 696: -c UCKN; "ItEND•. , . RS WANTED. rl1E:+'DERS WII L BE' Ial:0EIvE1,41jp 1. till 12 n cluck moon, on 1'Iturr ayy 3Ot1i T ane; for the erect'imr^of a''1'ewt'isLip Hull, .at 7ii,lyronrl . For plana .inrl spectficattontr", ) rAb ve *only to; Gl:® aI rN"foSEl, • • Ultaerman_pi 1G2n1.. ;699, N 1N THE COUN;TRY.' pl rkage Somerville. l'. e._ LeeRATen :;>R CHASES ._aatu RA If vrimatuott Having �= �" com pleted :his arrangements for the season is in a•position to furnish -, SPRING QLOTHING. every desoripti on, R ' LOWEST .a CORR1QAP,I Are'selling Many lines of bun; a close to• c(ist' forcanh and'.many other lines at cost for case. This-na1e• lasts for ONE MONTH, AAs e pring clo is se•at band,tbe ?public. will do thwellsto• •• " GALT A,SE. our aasortrpe,•it o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS- 1 , LIVER CURE r ,HAVE' YOU Liver Compp_laint, yspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Headache,Dizziness, ,Pa-ta in the Bsck,. •Co"stiveness or any disease arising from a derange¢ liver Da. •CNAsles LIVER Cults unit -be found A ,sure ;' „ certain remedy • • NATURE'S' REMEDY The unqualifi-ed sgccess o f••Dr. Chase s.l iver Gure jn•:, Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact. that ,it is :compdunded from natute's ivel! known liver'regufast Manond ICRL`ANI) DANDELION, combined witu many. -tither invaluable roots barks andherbs ' having.,a onserfii e(1sct.onst ekidueys;.stomaeh,,iho i betrind• ct'',„,__‘":“.''150911)13"0 ISOM).s.-••; •+:'!.` :.1arA4't3t A r igiors 7.'.•S akcatt`4,1Cr e r zia'hsf,' we're said in Canada alone., 'We want ere woman anti child Who is Iroribled•with Liver' Coin plaint to by llus exeellint remedy." . •It is•a well knownfact that 'an inactive :liver: causes a dull, sallow coaiplexion, liver spots pimples •etc.,;;. Chases •Liver •Cure is the only, remedy that will must positively, cure these complaints. - • • `SOME'TNINO NEW ,GIVEN AWAY.FREE Wrapped around every bottle of Dr Chase's Liver Cure sla.;a valuable 'Household Medical Guide and. Recipe .Book (8; ages),' containing over aon•useful Pronounced by medical men and druggists as limitu able, and worth ten dmes the price of the medicine., T. EDVANSON & CO.; Sole Agents, Bradford.. Be. :On Your., Guard.. Don't allow aacold• in :the head to slowly Uel sarr+lr•'i uuint) Catarrah • whenyou can e'out•ed• for Vic, "by using Dr•'. chase's Cut- 'arrh Cure, A few, appl'icatiuns;cure iiisipieut "catarrh ; 1 to 2'heave curesordinary catarrh ; 2 'i.n 7 _bores is 'guaranteed to cure chriuiiic ciitarrli;' Try . it:.. 'Only 25e •alid sure :care. ,Sold by CU,P'ELAND it' I)A•YS' r ucktiaw. • The Atilt' ip `m w In,fnil working ortjer, and eaptible Of rrietetinf . till Ola Wants of• sty. patrons: , 11MQRE '' DELA]X�Illi�1 G.Rif tz '•' ' I+ aruiers fionrtl' li well tntiring th it wheat. )tt) the ,twill, whoa"c1Jk bibla,eet paslr.pvg ? 'will • c;Haid, CtIIOPPING 1 01)NE...1 A USUAL. 1 he best grade• cif ROher Flour `only $2',OG loolbs i • iif'a1111)lo' I},(ooil, T'rirififr.r. ou c "3) itrotio la,Q1) ws yctitt''„ 7iui},;US I,O i,, :Jly'spi psiai, ". iiI114inwumi, ‘alpi►'uliic 1.,,,y0• ./,ontplaiht, xt11eanat:ILi:en) A01 11cialirny l r j)jxv�iul s,• iofula.. 7)ist i•,es' lace ri j it to ' "en)tiid! Sitit Rheum _Eczema ' pled at l ' i! tic ,,i ,ecst Iso ul the ; p1iittinii of. ti' :ale art, 5ui'i' atpniaelt ilti43'' ea1N'L 'Ztttuf.t1 CO„'Iorniitb'lsnt. ie fly aiiiother of- our ,:babies thatthcv spogk of tliir20WO; tho,,QtliattnivOtlavtof the tae is ,lulnlee.. They iue41i!y ddttl)tle;.fin, for to Ilcr ;1iules y)s a^,r sioii ' tcl tl e throne; which t.QOk; 01x 4 �n tine {>ft?rn lug of Tussah s;rr•Wine , 1' e eros lie!!civowuecl 'foal •Biu1'adAy,, 11110e. 'tar 44,001,1'ie *Altan -',iA'lr(iiary.i.tl 1, �' "'lea r. ich 'for or m,an ship, Q ltyata Finish, Are not strpassed by first-class city house where the prices are.:much higher. M, Cunpbel"lrs''worsted• sr most choice,..both its regard'b. befure'purchaain .We have many new lines; in Lichee Kid ,&' : Dosgola, 3f10'1'S, ,LACED, AND $UTi VN}. D, Our stock -is Misses and Childrens IS 00 BVI I? rTE,. • 1N`ITIg . '111A11/8.1r0 A1tWEIt All past due accounts rdusl. be n ettled by note or cash, : _.._ PEART•& CORRIGAN SSOOO PO]gl iTi Having the Utmost coufdettce in'ite eupor- iority over ;:others, and at'te-r Thousands of 'tests of the most complicab o and seve1 a .t cases we could rind. we' feel j: a ,eel in coffer= log to forfeit One Thousand i hdlars for•an. ease of; cough; cold, sore. th, :at, influenza, . • ' hnarseneie, bronchitis; '•msec LI ption in its ,early stages. whooping,eo1Ii t�, :.i•,iull diseadeii .' 'of -throat -and lungs, except"ii-. bu.ta, fo>—rwla`ei We only claim relief, that •wtch.', t cure with. ` • •' • �M. •v • "�• :•a. , e• ,I W� �•• lI1Ch';I �_n'` 1: ., w est..sCough •Sy:iuj: w hruo1token nkei N)b;y'1 .:ce_&uxrprci.eC is R E $ SClal. lineosty,shchecktr es v0olSTYLE Large betties -$1••Genutir• airlq;d only inR, 1to dirrctu,ns, Sam le bade:. -tc.and 50. ToUnlourreoe.0cteSi� n,ltdoobunrlileed,ri;gi JOHKN", YYaIIllg h•order• doffar1er��.first ' ft • e guaranted :i _ .. ' 11 every 'HAVE YOtT 3E)E;E'1':THI✓ O straw ats too . pen in a few �uc►cNaw HA.RNE88 L Ras now ''..stock the largest • and beat.displa, of T'D-HEAVY`-HARNE ever shown in. Lupltntiw. Special• meats to 3 '' aIO and GOAiIT`RoB Horse Blanketo,•. etc:, Aly atnck of trunks, Valises; Hants Satcbels'.r etc , u noty complete, and includeball kb". :latest styles and 'niakes, As all the ahnve'artiefes were purehSited itr;r• tha. best makers, arid at the lowest coat • �rloori; j ►tpi prepared to sell , s chest, as auy,.other house in the trate Don't fail to oral and'eee trip 'ateele • (itifi•re" purcbasfu • . 1dewher" • .. . PE QP .:E GENERAL ' DEALER IN °. Ag'riicu)Gturul innoplenIets, Seiriitiriliachi Cs:Ind IIusical Instrui!nents HE:• 'DI e Qrgas, ewing'Mach nes,.. J f. a • SecondHil,•' a• nda dines RM AC 2320S• Second Hand Mowers Second tT+laid Reapers Second Hand Binders Single &: Combsed .Grassir'11' .. 1 's, oub1e Leaped Steel: Pae. Steam,, Threshing. (achi .es, q S`ec nil Hand ,Thresh'ers:. Seeon'd bland Ploughs` :r Steel idin &. S121ky.� 1913,g « . Steel I. PR.00TO1, DON'T "FORGET 'HE SIGP r Lis 1JT1y . itl�iltL.[t fe�itil,T) «'iSH1" ,O' It o'il1 •Nli,enll:ibitclnts if/1440)0w .and ;S11i1To'tllldillr t�=plipt3ry;that 110 bass 11.la,:l•nlg'.esit' Hr`AVY ^AND 41RHY •HARNESS foutici iii•ATS slia iii aha+ vi.iI( e y . P i ,�. wbi h he• is ILT)li3 to :sell at prices 1 ,lalit:the •linr,lfets..p! Ilnreliuserb 11.'11 :Pf4lars'w, rnntc: ` ',r- tasatetzz t i i s. fi1±s 'I' 'iw .r a se a sort ' A ,, . nn ��� f •air 9tl•11ff. , 11 noel seo p t) ~zstoelt{ i?efore' rash i • sow1 ' ato .air" d ne Gtl Avl i 1}�A�f:$rj'i711}(1 llllj� tl�ot}tIC�, ';j�,ll �vA�`l warrori S:F nd ''viand •Organs•: capias teel E act inders, • ' d ;rod I arrows. ' S:ecoz d fIand FIiarrotrs'' .Lumber �W"aos,frexit St les; with patent trust rdd Second Haul. 1. \ olls ' ag � s � ,YY c b fight argons, Different .Strlesl :03.ngle, 013et poi ' Ta l3u ' lee;.. Second ktand Buggies ti o ..seated op°e ,:pTo. Carriages, Only; Only •Seco,1ii<1 `aillid .Wagorns panzer, L 21st a s Latest.: 'fest' p A.fig! <tssoi tineilt . of . l� re p albs for above !1.1«astock. $ in stOC TN r, BIA.�- r l�`NG ' T�T�1T Pure'Minil'ls MZited,ltlinillia or •,.,..•ee .. . •. • ., , Flax.. �A' l�-for • aces. A. call ui><uY � ed • • :.J 44'0 ir • • It is shaking the'towu and county from centre to circun !eeyunce, and 'completely •pul'ver • izing,ai,af lntraly zing'; all competition, we'tiL1t• all bound fir' T. Reed's ,.to!'• fintr:lrr,'; cause of•such. a • coole,•tion it is gelier u1l3• siappnaeil tobsive. 1r 4111 cre:)ted by uutiagtaaausly, PMCES ', '.At which Tush, i. stalling the imtnense,ttw;l. of, -i HOLID•AY PRESE•NTS,:• whidh lie Ass 'j not received. lit heaved, that will latldei,:. the:hearts of the you., , the', old, the rich', and.the'p,.ior in fact everyl,tsdv, • ` -aril the gladdening process dou't.•cost iuueh `either. He hais'now in;,stuelc • 000 .lbs. Choice h ce 500 lbs. biked ;toys, Soft • shelled almonds, 'Filberts . .waliuts,'peanuts,..Persian `dates,' ani: _Malaga, ., grapes Oranges,, 'Lemont Jams, ,Bellies ' ..Panned goods of • kinds •: Everything, in a; 'lir u,,,.r confectionery. TEA• . PARTIES , SUPPLIED» .Bride cakes 'inade:and neatly.:orni4. liill ted at' reasonable rates.: , The best rolled dour altvaya oil tietrtfy . 4 a ' owest prices, Bran, Shorts an.i Chop.'•• WE •trill pay the above'Beward' fez". n. case of Dyspepsta;•.Liver Complain Sick Headache, Indigestion or Costiveness' we ' cannot , Cure with WEST'S LIVET •PILLS',when, the' Directions are strietl complied 'with. ' Large Boxes, containiri. 30 ,Pills .25 Cents 5 ,Boxes"$l.O Soy icy all Druggists.', Aly spring and::summer stink is :now cpmplete,ancd it•embraiies N.Iens omens•, . Misses., AND: SLIPPER' . ' . Which I wiil sell at ri; hf '.pticeg; . . stock at►cl: finish being ravels intdi consideration '` . • t iiderstand x Handle ' 'NO SHODDY GOODS.' : 't. iy ` s oek is warranted . all' cel id - leather, ; 1 also warrant still seams in :� hgiit,'gaddg ' ' beiteied viOrt "'Eggs fatten in 1171 r p • 9 r •