HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-17, Page 2MOTION%
, . •
igatklueTanalits Fighting Tor Theirlgoinei
Pepper, itellinte' Water,
• Bees, *tee Vied as Wenlcris ofWar4le•
A DANIA oaNe sari: The evictions at
RodIk9 Continue, - The tenantii are offering
tal the opposition in their ,power to the
abeilff and his Pelee! 'Pellet& and troops,
• and find various meansto serinuelY annoY.
, the °Moore In sie.eae of 4bit ,houueu from
Which the ocemPante were to be evicted
• cayenne pepper was burned, the filmes of
, whit:linearly ehoked the bailiff; Boiling
vat" walla's° thrown from the windows
upon the evicting Ora). At two home
where evictions, were .effected • collisions
00eurred between the peliee andthe • .Ple
and a number of arrests were made. " en
. the Sheriff's force arrived at the house of
tenant IaatlY and ordered the family to
leave, se:daughter of Mr. Liddy threw an
hen hoopat the bailiff who attempted to
• force the door. Thehoep miesedtke bailiff,
but ettitoVelinliceinipector:-.Thtgiri was
,tarrested.' A brother c•f • the girl was also
arrested for inciting the crowd to violence.
Another daughter of the tenant, who de-
nounced the treatment her family were
receiving, was struck by a 'policeman .and
felled to the ground. Th:is, maddened the
crowd, and they advanced for thelimPose
of atteaking the officers. Michael' Devitt,
who was present at the eviction, pleaded
• with the people net to use Violence and
befearinatieged te) itert-a collision.. After
• , the Liddy family had been evicted, the
police made an attack 'upon the Mese of a
man named Molkirtmars,,,whii3I Was, strongly
fortified. Crowbars. were need, and a hole
was made through the wall... Moblainare'ri
wife and children were. in the how* and
cried piteously until Mr. 1)avitt shouted
words of comfort to them. . MONamara was
•, arrested for‘ peltfig the beg.iffs,With dung,
' The bailiffs inhUshed,the,fu.rnittire,* , the
house out. ofipetie malioo. Thefettoetafter„
leaving the, hot*, proceeded to that moue
• pied by tenant Hussey, for the purpose of
evicting him. It is thought the police have.
extremely warm work beforethem.'
When the evicting fOrce reached -Thuseey's
house they were received with a alienver .of
boiling watet, stones and, bottles and a
swarth of bees were let loose upon theta.
• The tenants ' desisted hoin Pelting 'the
bailiffs only when t,he -troops threatened to
fire. The bailiffs deincilisheda wall and
entered the bonne, but 'were repulsed bleed.
• struggle of two hours and a half. The male
'defenders of the heulie 'were arrested:, A
meeting of tenants was afterwards held,
att _which MiehttelDa:eitt ,kepeeted the. sia-
wicP hfi.ftwo thP134,YeatortiPty. *mint 05,49,!.
9.7iorY *cam, and 'detkna the Go.,
iiiiintentiOarrest him. , ;. 4,- • ..
BodYkii is in county Clam and the, evic-:
nil are on the estateof Col. O'Callaghan.
• • • • . •
York Magnates to Build a ,Grand
Crahedant- "
New Yorkleepatok says: New .York
attestoidelied to -day, to learnethat a pro-
;*•miniunoth Protestant :BOBO° Cathed
tject •was on footto bnild in the Erta:iire pity,
sfSiond Weetminiter Ah Or St:
Cathedral, infaot. Bishop Potter
:etie-efficio,President of the Trustees end
all . the committees. The Board now
eludes , among its. trominent ineMbers
se Di. Morgan- Dix, Dr. Wililam R.
• untington, Rev: E. W. Donald,' Hamilton
Pisb,StepbenP. Nash, George llaoCulloch
Miller; '• Samuel I): Babcock, William W.
Astor, J. Fierpontelfergan Cornenes Tan,'
derbilt end Richard .-Aiichinuty-ntimes
'which themrselvesnre a guarantee that a
'building done under their, 'direction will be
worthy Of the city they represent.. The
.pIan is to erect the grandest church build.'
• Mg in America, and olie of the greatest
eitliedrale in the ,eicirld. It is only set,'
tled-that the- Cathedral Of St. John the
. Divine -as the edifice is to be' knottet.--will
be situated On Manhattan Islarid„ and,•if
possible), on I lofty and conspienous
tient Where its monumental character mill
dominate the entire. island: For this.pnr• -
pose a plcit at least four times the size of
that.en Which St. Patrick's is built will be
needed: 'Bishop POtter,will issue a circular
letterin afew days giving. the' plan Of his
•official sanction, and subscriptions will be
,preporsed • oitthedral, itis eStiniatekWili
.ceist about 66,000;000.
righting,in South America.
Pantinue despatch •says A veritable,.
di funeral party" recently took place near
'Meriden, Yucatan llexico....A general row
•beeke'ont among the guests who had 'ae-
• sembled to celebrt a marriage. ceremony,
And during the t seven persons were
•'tilled, the groom being among the number.
The following cable message addressed to
the Coned' of • Eoundoe at Etantuna from
• Guaquegml.,:under date of Pitay 24th, his
been received : ." A fight took place in Ee-
nieraldas on the 18th instbetween fifty
re*ular soldiers and tivo hundred moun-
taineers under Sandoval. The latter were
defeated. They Iceit twenty...men, had
-several:of-their number , captured and lost
,thirty rifles and a number of carbines." ,
PersOnal Points.
Roe. Dr, McCo h, ?rest entof Pnneoton
;college, is ill with bronchitip. .
liaggerd's hest novel has , had a euriette
„ix enence in an English public library.
,�'King Solomon'e Mines" is Plated among
it works en mineralogy. • • -"„, •
qCalvin S. 'Brice, who was it poor school-
• cher at Lima O.; a few, years ago, has
ned •jarnee Lima,
Bennett's gorgeous
at •Newport for the summer. Mr.
rice has made his: fortune as a railroad
iikilidatot.„ and hie traneactions have the
' 'ref being legitiMat,e. , • •
• 'amusing incident occurred reeently
Mimi. at Beffale Bill's show. Mr.
,:Lopen, was, strolling sheet. th9•.
" e and fell „in with a papoose,
• ti Aimed him
• gentleman was admittedah
g kiwy9r to the bar 'of New Yoric
'Value of the produce ef the fitheries
Dominion for 1886 was.418,679,283;
eine in the video of•the
. .
. _
. Theuitlitter A• caaadian Railway
• Enineg:Driver, ,
. .
Hitlilax, N. S.,. despatch. says: The
reoent. deeth of an -engine driver on the
Interco/Mad- BanwAYe known joseph
McLellan, haa ied to the diseovery -of a
rOmAnee oontieetk4 rith hia lile. He ottnie
to Truitt= from Ealborgbr Boot -
lend, thirty -live year agoHiB
1 'nem& Was^ 44gePli” Moqill. 'Re
deserted hls "wife and seven children
there. On his arrival herehe assumed the
name -of Joseph. McLellan. Shortly lifter,
wards he obtained a potation =the •iilt11.
colonial RO driver, and was engaged on the
rod for. the third. of a century; Hie
deeterted Wife' never
heard: any traceof him., Twenty-
five ' year ago , he was married again,
to it Halifax gir' I named Sarah Tobin,
by whom he had four chi'ldren, who
survive. Last year the aged bigamist, ap-
;parentlystruclelyeremorse in his old age,
revisited. Edinburgh and •Cought ent hie first
wife and children. They were all dead ex-
cept two, a deughter,nowlfre. jane Fraser,
and her sister Sarah. These he told the
story of his shame and crime, and promised
to make provision for them out of property
he had accumulated. He returnedagain
to ?algal, but never revealed his .romance
•to his second wife and family. Recently,
while oiling his engine, he fell off the step
of -the lottomotive- and !Arndt the-.sharp
spent of his oil can, which entered hie head,
above the ear and killed him instantly. A
few- -days-ago his daughter, - Mrs.- Jane
Fraser, arrived here from Scotland, made
affidavit of the facts- of the case' to judge
• Shannon and has obtained administration
of the estate of her late father. Thus she
and her sister will secure his life insurance
andall his property, and the second' wife
'end her -family are left out, in the cold. • ••
'Fi.p.,A***Tor .DIViDED. •
Plaint'. Story of an Aged Couple ' wise
Ohose to:Die .Together.
Jersey City; NZ.; despatch says: Pro-
fessor Charles Sieilhorf and his wife
aged 21 and 92 reire.respectively, tired
of a' long end futile struggle , with. destitu-
tion, committed suited° this afternoon at
Union Hill. Siedhorf, itissaid,. was a
professor, of, chemistry at : One, time at
Heidelberg University.. He tame to Union
.Hillal3oitt_thiety,ilie _years: ago._,Heesup-,
norted hireself by writing fer the newspe:
pers, making translations and occasionally-
lecturitig upon chemistry and '131ectrioity,.
In 1872 he onened's hoarding echool„whiph
prospered forseveral yeitrallint his Vatroils '
gradually deserted hien and the echool*.,was
desed shout eight years ago. An invest.'
ment in a Patent cooking utensil Cost him
several thousand dollars and he gradually
beottme despondent. The colipirS had been
living in poverty for some time; and the
Mithoritiee had decided to remove Siedhorf
to the county hospital. He was :gra,nted a
week to arrange his 'affairs, and to -day
When the ppermaster called at the apart
ments occupied- by the , couple Siedhorf
asked for an hour longer.When the officer
-rilturned he found the couple lying ' on the
floor: The woman:Was. dead and the man.
died befoie medical sidarrived. They had
taken cyanide of potatisinte" .
• Siedhorf left'anu,mberd rainblingletters
bbnioaning his circumstances. Heletties
his scientific hooka to Columbia College;
•, Wearing Apparel, in a Bottle. •„
, PrettyAnnie • Pixley, •New ,',Yrerk
' i
favorite s quite as delightful and dfoll iii
private: life 'ate-elii3-1a. on „the • stage. I
remember crossing the Canadian border
once in cot:tipsily with her and her philoso-
pher husband, to wit, Bob Fulford, whese
presence at my elbow reminds meof it. _
SoniebodY '; had Presented Bob with a
',nettle of Choice 'brandy in liaise of sielden
sickness On the train. With 'Woman's
characteristic thoughtfulness,: +she little
Pixley stored the bottle in her handker.
In colirie an officer of the customs
Caine • alongand spying the hind -hag
asked the mischievous owner what it ' eon-
tained. : ' • .
Withimit an insitint'e hesitation or coe-
fusion die replied: ” Wearing apparel." •
" Vila you open it, please
wasthe ready response, and
givipgit at-fiip,-the---bottle -of-brandy:jos
•brought tO view. : '
'" Call that Wearing apparel? " asked the
istoniehed Official': 1 • '
• " Yes sir," deinniely answeredthe little
woman. It'emy husband's "night-cap."
• No,, My son, the, bottle was not con -
*cited. „ .
'Northwest Food Produets. ,
• At Senator Schultz'a Committee CI
Ertquir' y into the iqorthweet natural food
products, 111,a evidence of Mr. Forget ,•wati
concluded yesterday.He stated that the
Indian tan eat threetiems as_nutch as
whiteman. • Bacon wee unhealthy foodfor
• the Lidians, and in time Of ecareity the
Goirerninept, phould, supply 'fresh • beef,
potatoe9', " • wild' •and barley, • The
Indians should be encouraged to grow
barley, for which a market might beigund.:
Hops might also be Cultivated, as they • etre
easily picked by children and sqgaws:
:the rivera runninginto the 13-askettehewan-
from the Rocky Miiiuttaihe nthan' , with a
pan and a shovel could uteke11.50 per
day washing for gold, with occasional nelt
Free the Second,Iiii d were Too Dear..
• "1 reckat we'll hey to give lip the . idee,
of ptittintrpicturea in ourparlor, Miranda,"
remarked jereninth Turtairrneed, &She threw
the bridle tinder the table. , "Why?" inked
Miranda. "Teo dear. , Why, I priced one
t thebity tO:day; and the ,dealer 13Eili.,, Be..Z
he, •' That's, an, Old , master ; --its price, is
85,0002 Why,' sez. I; 'looks like.a eecoxid-
hand pietur'.' • '' Yes, it is," nen he. • Thee,,
thinks I, ' a seeond-handpectue wets that
mucli, it's o tete to price a ,iitel en. Po,
Mirtindy,, reckon well have to hang .up a
few mottoes, 'God Bless' Our Home,' aid
' -1,1te end let the picture . go."--Pittoburg
wNit , to introduce you -fir.Vtinit
plant' Coeossetti, of the old regim,,„
. Travelling Yankee.: Glad to iiiest yOu,
Connt. I haven't got any
omParedrazors to hone •
c.with 1681- P" remeniber, yOu.-tid,.13,itai •
lice of, p , u you 11 give me your card
• r'••• •LTIgt` .
T'hgegtoinc.661')' enda*T"wpbtPrtial4.0untatthe 11Q3ufie:0300n(Kinr:
excroaive o Ntr,a, CarrOicee, 610,000. • ,
Thoinau, th Z year4ad son. of jentkes
KaVeentgli, ef Kingaton, e wiari
there On Pitturds7 night and was drowned.
rAioedelutotatioolittafroweintoth,e2ayothotrevrgal Be oaur
liter, of Justice thenecessity fee an in-
crease in the !shales of judge!.
The sPeoifieations for the Pilling tothe
boundary hove peen, prepared, andtenders
for its constructiall are being ,called fer by
the Manitoba Government,• '
The wife of 4', W. Belli M. P., has
received a letter from him at the Toronto
A.syluM„ and it speaks of hilt recover of
health and probable early return to his
home- • • • °
The body of Mr- Gillespie, ,a young mar.
lied man who disappeared from his home
at Clpton about a month' age; Was
found in the Niagara River at ,YouUgstOwn
On Friday afternoon.
St Jettn.Raptiste Society Of Ottawa has
adopted an address td the Queen and ' in
the name of the Freneh popnletion
Ottewa-congratulates Her Majesty on at
taming to the fiftieth year of her reign,
meraOrial from Quebec and Montreal
ehippingagents and leading captains of the
St Lawrence urging the desirability of
Previdingterber.„ a...refuge at .Eathee,
Point will shortly.be forwarded to Ottsets.
On Stiturds,taftenioon a farmer named
-Vfm. Kirkpatnell„while-drivingacrose-the
Grand Trunk teadeten miles east Of King-
ston, was struck by an engine and killed.
His body was carried several Miles On the
A biwglar went through four of the
boarders' clothes in lifilik•Grabam's'•board-
ing'hense on Park avenue, London, yester-
day morning, and secured three watches and,
chains, one gold and twosilver. -The back-
door was left unfastened. No clue. . •
In reply to an inquiry whether Lord
Lansdowne could en_cept an invitation_to
visit Montreal on the occamonof the jubilee
'celebration, His Excellency states that
owing •to previoue engagements for the
sante even.t he is unable to leave Ottawa.
On Saturday afternoon the body of a
female' infant was - found buried in the
gravel On the river bed near Kensington
a post mortem made, but owing to the de.
composed condition of'the body it was dif-
ficult to determine whether the child was
horet,o,lise or tTlieriestrpoma
(tAioprned for
:Efforts tweet 'ecaccdet-ty.theNeiteeor
Hull to compel the new Eddy Manufactur-
ing Company to pay the 'Romen.Catholic
Public School tax. Previous to incorpora,,
t '
ion :Mr. Eddy,, who is et Protestant, paid
the Separate or: Protestant school • rate,
amounting to 0809 a year, the Catholic
school .rate amounting to 94,000. • The
company will contest the payment. •
William Enibledoe, aged 21, a resident
of Harvey; York 'County, N B.,Was
•instantly killed on Saturday afterncion' -On
the New Brunswick Railway, near Mega-
guadavic Statimi., He Was coupling oars
loaded with fogs; Standing between the
oars: The doupling link :missed hold And
the cars came ,together, jamming Emble-
don's bead ton jelly between the ends ,of
two logs. • '
•The Greek Government intend. negotiat7
ing foe a pia loan of $30,000,000.
„ •
The final estimate of the victim& of the
Paris Opera Cornique places the number
at 180, :
• Prince Bismarck is anxi.ous for a renewal
.of• the TripleAllianee on e firiner basis than
the last. '
The Hessian. Givernment; are following
the Prussian Government in abandoning
thetonfliot with the Vatican.
Two °Moore said to have belonged t� the
United States ciemy and navy respectively,
have cOmmitted etucideat Monte Carlo:
• Dr: Morell Mackenzie, of London; Will
perform a econc14 operation on Crown
Prince Frederick Willi/till's-1 throat on
Gen. Perron, the flair French Minister of
War, has offered Gen. Boulanger the com-
mand of an army cerps, but Gen. Bonlan,
ger has asked 'for fevernonthie"rest.
Vref..Steln, the eminentpolitical econo-
mist, of %Berlin, has issued a pamphlet
showing the military inaportanca to Greet
Britain of the Canadian Pacific Railway.'
• TheE mpress of G ermany is greatly en-
feebled. She does net venture to walk 'in
the grounds Of the palace any mote; her
dally exercise being limited -to that derived
from being wheeled about in a chair.• ,
King Christian IX; of Denmark has Paid
a visit to hie: daughter; the -Duchess of
Cumberland, at the asylum • at Penzing.
The condition of the Ducheseis nnchanged.,
The ging, passing thieingli. Vienna incog,
rate; eiiitedthe Emperor. ' • •
. , ,
•The AineerOf Bokhara,has dismissed all
the Officials of his Government tonna in-
triguing against Russia. He his informed
the Governor, of Teiheetan that he and his
subject e are, impatiently waiting for the
great link .which wffi conned theircountry
with ' Russia, and • diffuse 'civilization
throughout Central Asia. •
considerable . amount of Centred Asia
produce, especially cottim, is heing Bent to
Russiaover the extension Of the Trans.
Caspian Railway to Samarkand, in Asiatic
Resent. Russia has forbidden that Qhinese
shall acquire land in towns on the 'Pacific
• coast, They will only be allowed to lease
estates entside, of tovree.
The No*. Zealand Government; •
Robert Stout; Premier, was defeated . in a
tat vete taken in the•Colonial Parliament
.on Wednesday. The Ministrymnoe.
resigned, .Parliament was dissolved and
an appeal -to the, country: taken. 1. The
regular electiohe have been set for Septem-
ber next, There has been general die-
satisfactien in the colony for some time
past ever -Sit Julius Vogel's land nationali-
C a keine r
z a ttusi ofrz ?s Frarisam' and hni generalpintntne)n 1, at an:g em or aiftnihnt:
es IleilleeteirtwitilhighLtYrdReRv:IdllphtrtkiCIII:elhi71
apecch atWelverhatapton Fide ' 8
end.ea b, Y tooth* john Bull.seYrfoittgahlyt'.11coanve-
itsoaor halt mond a victory on tte
• rniPg sitTry 1:424ntsiabr..1.0 )214.4!
:inetlo'inowlea$0 acquired. broad, agOrio
in the moat positiVe term e that any Vet
between one Of the treat KnroPea° 26wars
'and England would. Involve a foreign
sion of the 'latter, On the either hand
RandOlpli,"speaking from knowledge
auir' ed,sta Cabinet Minieter,•esserts that
ta, one Of the 'principal stronghold's if
ClreettBritain irtEuropetni not peoirided With
proynnons or ammunition •fer more -than
the weskit.' ' „ • !3/4
, Mr. ;W. -Reid editcir 'of 00 'New Tod(
Tribune, has been dangerimily ill for the
last fete weeks of typhoid teed. • Re will
'ec°veelv—ennttal* eetiee. •
Thof the, American
Medical Association will be held in Chicago
on TtieSday, June -7th, and will continue in
sessien until the Pride" following. From
1,090 to 1.„600 physicians and ,surgeons are
expected to be present.
A New York despatch says thoreport
that Walter P. Phillips, • general manager
of the United'.PreBs, has been drowned in
the Eit.Lawrenoe, is an error. -Mr. Phillips
is atpreesent in New YOrle and in his usual
A Texas & Pacific express train was
robbed by four masked men, eight miles
west of Fort Worth,, 'Peas, , on Saturday
•night, and81,360 wee token from the, ex -
probe oar and three •registered letters from
the mail ear. The passengers were not
molested. ' .• ' •
• Alittiite10 18 10 be given at Rideau Hall
on June 21st in honor of the Qmpen'S Ju.-
• The. License Inspector at Kingston is
prosecuting the -keeper -of a -militia :canteen
for selling liquor on Sunday.,
-Bishop Walsh on Sunday blessed the
tomer stoneatei foundation e of St. Philip's
(R. C.) Church; at Petrone. The huilcling
'Will cost &bent 08,000. • •• ,
•',The GOvernor-Genered and Lady Lane-
downewillg� on a fishingtriptciMetapedis
at the close of the session, afterwards visit -
big the citadel. at Quebec'. •I
,.....Tine..entutal....meeting of -the ',Bank' of
Montreal was held ie Montreal 'yesterday,
the, reporte being unanimously adoptedand
, the Old Board of Directors re-eleeted.
• The London Beard. Of:Aldermen' last
night voted 08,000 toward B the expense of
the -railway; demonstration and, _Queen's
Jubilee celebration on the 201h.• and 2let
Inst. •
The .sChooner 'Alfred,-- Capt. Longniere,
has been 'seized' at Annapolis, U. S.,. for
rsniuggl'ingoil from the United. States, It
follow. '
..41q3ebetlyotanquaileioven Ohildivastound
yesterder morning at the end of Peroy
Street, neer.Stewart's bush; Ottawa. Death
had been recent, and evidences 01 hid play
were evident: • •
y statortaly•-tbe-linualoaa.A0440pii^
unau;Ot the'Aernia Offoroa-breiw,tertauigi',71.
Boom of *how have ,beert evidecr,mithin
the, past fortnight. Oniinouely enoughoha--,-
• tenantry on the Ponsonby estate)! were the,
fliet to adopt the Plan of Campaign. It .
was the priest. the Rev. ?tither
YoUng O'Hanlan was killed. T .
Tor the; Plan ie regarded' As one off the' .
great '
est imPortanee because this landlord
Me been supported by the Landlords' De,
fence Union, and the Orange Clubs ft re,
siding the tenantry. • - •
• The French and Russian ambassadors:,
have lodged the objections of their Govern-
ments to the ratification -by Turkey of the
Anglo-Taddsh Convention relative te
Egypt. M. blended, the Russian Ambit].
Bader, in communicating his Government'$.
objection», hinted'that if the Sultan rati-
fied -the Convention such action might cost
him his throne. He also indirectly charged]
England with bribing the Grand Vizier with
£600,000 sterling and other palace officiate,
with large amounts; to securetheir approval
of the Convention. The Sultan after his
interview •with M. Nelicloff immediately. •
summoned Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, •
'epeciaUlritnth envoy, and questioned him,
as to the truth of the charges. Sir Remy ,
indignantly denied that he or his Govern-
ment had been:. guilty 9f bribery. The
Turkish officials who were said to have re-
ceived bribes also warmly protested their •
innocence. ' •
• It is rumored in Montreal p�litical air -
dee that -Mr. Cowed, M. P. has been
offered a seat in the ,Dominion Cabinet • in.
view of the reported resignation • of' Mr.
• Chapleau, and that Mr. Girouard,' M. P.,
will be asked to &wept it if Mr. Cowie,'
. .
A daring robbery was perpetrated yes-
terdaymorning' hi the Montreal Post -office,
a package containing from twenty-five to
thirty registered letters being--abstraoted
through the wicket of' the registry office
while the clerks' backs 'were momentarily
turned. The thief got safely away with
his booty, and so far no clue has been ob-
• The Department of • Marine at Ottawa
has received advices . that five Newfonnd,
land. fishermen, picked im'at sea in a Small
boat by the barguentine Maria, were landed
at Little Glace Bay; Cape Breton; yester-
day morning. They werealmoit famished
and hadheen adrifton-therocemi for seven
days. ; Their sufferings Were terrible. One
of them had his • toes frozen', which will
.hatie„to be amputated.
The: Germania, admits the: - truth.. of the
report that"Dcille Panl, of ',Meeklenbutg-
Schiverin has . returned to the. Roman
Catholic Church. . ' '
• Entperor Witham' caught a gold during
his visit to -Kiel list Week, and is ceniPelled
to remain in his apartments. There are
no serious Symptoms. •
. The. London Times • Flirt :Gladstone
itudadonely trieraphs in his own Wrong.
His apology. in his speech at Swansea for
the'obsteuction Methods in Parliament of
the opponents of the Goverment Irish
Bill„ it admits, gives the Government a
grave .difficulty to confront . ••
.A. deenateh, from Lagoa says'. that a
rather serious:disptite has arisen between
Ole English and the grenek With reference
to the ownership Of a portion of territory
rthiretilliceh• coils:C. near. ' P4.3rte„ Novo. The Eng.
lieh and ' the natives had hauled. down the
• The King and Queen of Italy Yesterday;
atti3nde1 ' the Ceremony Of unveiling
menunient to the 'Italian soldiers who fell
in the recent :battle at Denison with the
Abyssinians; ,number of • survivors of
the bettlereceived dernoestrations,of -sym-
pathy from. the, people, • . •
A collision , occurred in the St. George's
Channel ' yesterday between the British
baiqueHamburg, fret* Near,. York' ' for
Liverpora,, and the steamer Tern; The
steamer was sunk, sea her captain and
emir seamen • drowned: The Tern was 609
tone bertlien; and was frcart Mediterranean
ports. , . '
The House of Commons re -assembled
yenterday---4110 anniversary of the 'defeat
ef Mr. Gladstone's Governmeht last • year
on the:budget 4'proporsa1s.Business is so
much ;behind, that a . dritetio etep must
soon be adopted. -The House Wont into
committee em.• th• post -office estimates,
'and Mr. Raikes'annowaced a new system
of pettertie poet which Met with pmeral
approval. • , • . •
• A Caloutte cablegram says: It hag been
proved beyond doubt, by the picking up .of
the captaM's &est, that the dean:ter :Sir
Vohn "liawrenee was. lora in the recent
cyclone eff this Oast: The steamier eerried
47 :se: ix Lye an s:see:nus gr6enrriesnnatiVe , et lila; veeteolhoi:eoVh;tilwiht
number were lost, 'The largestnpfrwaieertrtjaisgfvvnintlhitige
g f�r
te-Jee•-•,e,cireg or gfiiefitl-t.tMs,"„sblsat° the
were among the passengers; • .
"• :4•Queerrstown de, e4pabbh.,, says:: -The Plan
• .„
wile warm' careerated,. and on %te victoryie estate
Half e. million 'has already beenrained'
for the purposes of the new Protestant' „
Episcopal -Cathedral it Nevr-York. -
A Chicago despatch aye: Just one ward
declared yesterday in favor of boodle and.
anarchy. Except m Chicago's Sixth ward:
the vote throughout the minty averaged d
to 1 itgainat tbe twill evils. . •'•
Mr. -W. W. Corcoran, the aged million-
aire; 'of Washington, philatithro.piet, Was.
euddenly stricken With pctralysism the left •
arm and left leg yesterday afternoon While
at the dining 'table. His, condition is not
considered seeiotte;"
• . , flirtatious 0Seu,.
•Courteay to fellowpensengers at sea is
imperative. Nevertheless, it lamest unwise
to form-intiiitacies with ship acquairttaneee.
Adventerern of. both -sexes aboend ,cm -the
ocean vessels and unfortunate indeed have- -
been prime Of the complications I have'
known to arise from anindiscreet disole- . •
sure of family affairs to -these -persons -Be
spading the flirtatiOns which are so preva-
lent on shipboard', I wish I could " meet
the eye" of every decent girl. whe is about
tO4hu-srsolthelaPPuuetthd•zwernehereas (she • 7,;:ti„,;;;I:-.7zett?...
Migholatr,,,:10._aaelftitiria.btare. WintAW,
many • faseuravnag., trams roreigners Wtiom
business or pleasure Calle on shipboard, and
who 'are ever Wont to teguile the'tediturrof
the trip by indulging in any anteunt' per, '
witted of flirtatioe, intrigue, or whatever "
you ChOoil'e to call it, with .any nice -looking,
woman who Will lend herself to their wiles:, .
I recently made the trip on a. vessel with's
very' respectable family from one of our •
large Western cities, an niyalicl mother, n
grown daughter and some , small children„-.
A very, hansisome young British officer;
ing out tO join has regiment in Canada, was
'among the passengers,andtheiirl'sinfatua.
tien for.him :was so Marked as .to be at first _
ludicroine'thennffensive to all the '• rest Of ...
the passeegeremi the eessel.: With diffi-
culty she was prevented froth acceptingbis
invitation tojenrhitain his propesed
toNiegara- The purger of the
as lionent a soul as ever lived; took the mat :
ter in his own -hands, and never, lost sight
Of the,girl until he had pet her on beard .
the far west train: tuid 'peen her start, home
with her • Mother , and sisters; and
brothers. -Olive Logan: •
sacrifiee to the Dovil
When the writer, of this article wss
Orson in Yorkshire he had in hislparish
a- blackeinith blessed or afflicted -which -
'shall we say seven daughtersand.„,•:.
not a sOn.: Now theparisle.was a newly
constituted one, and -it • had. a , temporary '
licensed service -room; but in the weele •
before ,the newly -erected church was to be •
cOnseerated the blicksinith's ••:,ivife. pre-
sentCd her husband with a boy -hie first
boy. • Then the blackemith ante tosthe •
parson ' and • the ,folioWing conversation •
• Blacksmith -Please, sir: I've got a little
iadatlain; praised be, and.I want to have.
him baptized on Sunday.
• Parson -Why, Joseph, put it off' to
.Thursday,,when the. new;. chtirdi Will be
tonsecrated ; then yOur little . man will be ..
the first Child christened in the new fent in
the new oherch, - • :••
• Blacksmith (shuffling With hie feet, hitch-
ieg his shoulders, :looking down) -Please, . •
sir, folks say that the t' hist child as is
haptised.i" it nevi church -is boundto dee •
(die.) • ., The old un .(the devilyclaimsit: ,
I've seven lessee and but one lad. •;.*# is
Were a lass agin "1 wouldn't 'a met
but .meit!sii, led --Well, sir, I Won't rink it.
•,7COrriiiill Magazine. •
• Deceived by a Crow.
Metter from Tescolte Ill., Seri A few'
days since, while john Vali Dyke, well.:
knowri.ntirseryinan of this city, together •
with a friend, were riding 'along in a buggy
neer Newman, they heard, as they pegged •
Martin Epley'e barn, whet they took to be
• the pitiful cry of,e, 'child proceeding frore
that bending. "Oh, pa !" "Oh, pa 1"'
the child , seetned to say, ,arid Mr. Van,,,
Dyke, thinking it in distress, gave the lines
to his friend,•leaPed out of the buggy, and
went to its assistance. On opening the
barn -door no child was to he Seen, but
instead a pet crow which the family had
confined during their absence., He wee/ t' l•
satisfied there was e child' around until t e
crow, with 11., peetiliar twist ef 'the head and
neck, wotild bring out the cry, plain and
dietinct, Oh; „pa," several times, 'It is
ettid•to haveleertieci the words from hear- •
ing the, children repeat them, It is also
asserted that, by splitting a crow's tongue,
he can be taught to to.lk Plainer than a
parrot. „
• Just rive altbautei; Too tate;
, ,
It lei related that upon one occasion,'when
dommOdore. .13dkins was in command of.,
as oil hot 804:hiSit tem:: ttlin.81 1%3 xi:sotorfenupssesh8ni lYttah;iel shteei:gn in, c Inea. tri 1,.1 8:8 8k1 was leaving.:
ttai:e4rpg 000ulti aliEni 1: e.h41 thought. the •
arriVe in 'New York upon a
• 1e ",I
sir„ we shall,beYVIU flee 'minutes iQ0, late