HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-03, Page 5.d :4 M' WiT7 :F.,firiw a -y pails;. tvash•lf"oards, b!I•ooits, market 4144. 419:,he Baskets, butter d3shx�s, butter ladles,,, at 4eIntyl•e's: ThO Provincial .Booed of Health .re- conusraucl. to the'"local Boards a system; sof public: milk :inspection,;•particularly' ilk ..the tart*centres of popul ttiolr, ' in �fiew ,of ,the, existing and yearly it.- creasing-pres•al,cnce. of such d seastss•as' _: dip1itlirriu°4.1, tubr'ri;ulosir. lt! - Salt • 11lre0rs• Gray, Young S:. Spark ng,, of Tlie Wiughatel140lt,Works, desire to call -the att „ltion of :the ,`. pubic;: that they ars epared to' supply all grades of salt LOWEST CASH PRICE. • ['Cone one, come all. 4r• LUQkntOW' HES :. REPOT Haf,,o'now in stocic the largest aucl,lrest display of LICA ,AND HEAVY NARNES* ever tiho%vu • tu 'Luokuow. Si.ecial .iuduo • "menta in• $UFPALO and GOAT ROS• % norso Slanksts, etc, My stock of rrtmlcs, Valdes, Hand Satcit+ll.. etc is now complete„ and includes all th. latest styles,' and makes, • f Asap the above articles • the beet makers, an"d, atthe luweet cant... a prices, X am prepared to sell $ eheay • as any other•housein the::traffa. „ ' Dun't fail to call and see b.y► . stock before purchaaiu. • "- lsewher.• "Grey,. Yuj wg ' k tiuhiing, • 696, `V i.nghaui, • House and Lot For EIN(4' LOT 34 ON THE CORNER of Inglis and;%Vheele streets, l.ucknow,,. Corntaiiung;one.quarter (of tie Ocre.• There is A. t; �o•i•frauie house containing 8 ,large..'rooms,• aiid a good stable on the premises, also a gond ° rverll- The place is 'well fenced. For p:Lrticu- aaraapply. to M. Corrigan,- Luueknow,`.or to SIMON CORI2.IGANr • Kiitlough .:440 -690, FARM FOR SALE. ,.Ttvo gi'o4 fa -ms,. iota 10 'and •12, ('on. Hiitilusa good 'fencesbuildings-and—or"ehard . bundant'suphly of water, and every'.conven✓ once.-, Pi'asesaion given' March lit. • Clear and straight titles at a fair price ; and 'upon a.y terms, will be .given.. 'For ,particulars. .aplidv personally Oh. the preuiiseu, or if by of stertu:tike prc,prirtofi. _, • WM VALENS• • 4iaa•695 • Box 32 Lucknew•P. ;Q BULL FOR, SEEV'It The undersigned begs leave to 'inform' the •farmers of this. •eecti+,n that'..:he will:keep- af+iraervic+- this eeason,..at Cun 12 Ash- '6altl,• his':well bred ••shorthorn` hull, ` :I.onis •' Napoleuin" Pedigi.,e-Louis Napuleoa, roan. e I ed Sept --10th 1882, theproper:ty'7if J 4 rt - ,MiQui.en-Salem, Ont.,.gut•byAthol477::dam "i.41.4;L i, by Over l+'ritz 458 ; Princess Louis by :C.anrad 5478'; 4th dant Red Lily by John. o'- • ;t4raut2nd-1i089.;''5th:.datn Eed.Lily by,;a�t . . 4tnpol 15'416 ; rith data Red Rose:'•id•Lamb+ro. _r ,hi th• edam 7 ed Rosearcs' Al ert.5086 • � b 8;h Cinderella hy.Cicerco.3334 ; 9th' dam :meet • `Flora byCalebs 349 , lOth; dean Flora bred by lir:.:MxSon;" 'of :,Qhett'e, :Durham, Eti g.land. :Terms $1.50 for the se icon ;•Thorough:breels $ , JO'ANF ANDREWS. S •, 4igs694 I i,-k+anw;PO �ea�e, `�rOilr;'O�[1'E:rSP:'foi' 1L U . D (�f•S . , � ... At''the Planln :Mill g :v 0 711147,t,414 -,.COUNTRY,, .;E��rdl tr�r'o 6.t'vfJ le: BULL, FOR : SER.lIOE. •`. TUE LNUI 1 SI •G '1;D` WILL KEEP ; for'sQrvieo,•this seasu0 at Lot 5, • COIL .8, Unless,LiJ ,,u thorghbred� shorthorn bull • ''Gorden '(Xoi•.tl:,n,' 'r,l,ut, i• t::alvetI .i't!b, l'it', 188.3, bred by ;brines Latillaw 4';ui4il1;• (),nt,, got .hy.' rulcan:476,• diem 1,ittls 1Cate, Cid' 14oi+1:.-Aburclrien 2nd': 30(1 , g'danl • Biddy, l,y liatterfl•y.4th 1.60 g g dam Straw berry, 1,v tlri Morten ])nice u22(1 ; g g dune ,Wlnte, by Prince 'of the '�Nerth 2080' ; t r y,,� :5, g rr 3 u9l11 � h _ g �, ,,, i�t Beauty, lin N A l t 1 , )'g g k' 4 •, dun811. v,ll•(,p, tiv Iriirhaut 1488; t,•: g• Crg :i .01 nom, 1, by %Vellii»Ktot1(t3987) g g g g` e; g g dein Vict ira b'y Agoicola ,11,614)'; l'' 6" +r: F'. g g };'.,darn Beauty (imp), by S+,owbtil 261 ) .)+v. itawnaleove:+ (365) , iy. ;l'laarks (1'27, ''.I'191tM 1•'Eor the season $1, `116 austit'e $t'50, 1 ayalile.the 1st of,No vernber,. ` • •.,118,11•P1ii ,Prupi fetor FARM: Fig R SALE. • Being Loi 4, in the ird,(,on. of the teatnship Of Huron c�,iiitainigy� 1U0 acres mare or 111144 ii1>oiit 45 acres elearerl,fenced', and fit for •ettltivat nn. There is a log house and a new fraine 1 ' i,k.'barn, 60 x 40 ,on the place, There' , 'is a good or'charcl, a idis well •watered'•4by,.-a t+�prrinl;. c•reek•rrinuitigthroug the fartit. It is • about• fie° and a half . miles fraunr Lucknnw • ,and satire •dietaries' froin • Ripley, • chi soil is .i4plcndid clay loafs. 1+,or' further partic,Lilars , . apply to WM,1IENDERSON Iincknhw, or to « : ' L CIL` NDE1ttSON i On the premised. • 1,1-694". a.. • • 44. The public and: ►11 Town's, of • 0 an, now be supplied at as ' Having completed hip arrangements for t season is; In a position furnish SPRING. OLOTHIN, • 4 n ,of ever • descry tio T PRICE kindly .invites :all intend ng; rchasere •-•-of borders, t• o' CALL ` AT HIS WARERUUMS, ON CAMPHELL•,j'TREET* • — and carof all?' examine Watson's :AL's STEEL, TWO. NORSE`. BINDER. It is just`.what its earns ivaplies,` ITIS -II ADE. OF: •STEEL ll , andnotlike some binders in the market a bundle of'wood 'with .a ie e' , piede or two. of Steel, and are called steel hinders... _ . -694.- LORD LOV. ELL Will be kept fnr service' at Lai 17, Con: lit -West Wawanosh;-• Terws to. insi+ Thoro bceds,' .$8.00 ; Urades,, $3.O0. Cuwn, must be' _returned threru tones if nettessary, if not will . be�'ycharged, whether with ;calf or not. "' PEstaass—:Lo1•d Lovell (10151}man, calved Nov 14. '1881, bred by J,.:dt W. Watt, Salem. "()nt , gut`'by ranif tun gem"f(i fI t)"' dri+n, DSI, atchless of E;linhurot 2n,1. by-Baim► Taiwan 3rd (25617). Matebless of' Kinellar• 2nd;: by: 'Cambrid'ge Duke 2iid (4723) 'Matchless 19th, by. , Statesman (32607)' blatehtss '16t14', ,by, .by, Senater (27441)" Matchless` 10th;, by Lord Stan1 •16454 etc bardb$ok, , lord Lovel han°taken. six ▪ een first' ' ri gen, : . and sweepstakes.wheneverthey. hate .been coffin ed,•fo thebel+t bull af any ago iii -breed. 'Cows from' a ''dintai+ise can be pastured at reasonable'. rates`. •at owners; risk`,' : •Visitors. welcome. ; E. G:A¢NT :&'SONS;-. - ' 'St,•I3elens, DO'Ni'T , FORGET' ' THE -SICN • tf-686 1IIE: UNDERSIGNED WISHES to inform' the .inhabitants of Lucknow.and 'Surrounding couary that he has the largest stock' of 4 'orkmanship, ;Are Ot ur. a,s .first-class •• � ' ?cls � p ,sed by ._.:first -eras city -house where < the .ch for: REAP 4 - as any other grgwer, • Those ordering for window,parlor, or44 bedding out,, wail b'e,hberally;desalt with • , R. GRAHAM'S, Greenhouses,: Lucknow- - PEART& CORRIGAN Are eelling•many lines of boots Llose to: .- coat for catch: and mage ether lines at ... cost for cash. This, ssalee. Iastd fur -c a.'1 E` MONTH. • • As the spring it close: at hand the pnblc' will do `ia ell to' - prices aro much higher. M. Cam pbelY s orsted.' •g . . p sult>tnas and.troWserrngs are the • most ' choice, both as regards MATER►T.�►-�L,COt�VT . , .1� A,ND :STYLE A special line of stylish •bhek.' tv,eds �a.Il woof which_Ialit. making.t : 0 Order for .ten ',dollars—per� ' 'suit:- rat!: c] guaranteed in every case. 1 Case nglish felt an Nobby bb _. t. • � s raw days. • ase: ats t,. 0 open ina few uo cULI IRA . MAR. ER OQ LZ'=- GENERAL . DEALER' 1N ASr culturgl Impleiuen s, SewiugMachiues and-si sical Instruments HEAVY AND LICNT •IIARNE:SS To be found in'aty shop in the village: which he is able to/ sell •' at :prices to Quit the ,,pockets of purchasers All,. Collars' warranted to give;'satisfaction. \\'hips,.'1•runl s and `" alises 'always ,01) )land. Call 'arid" see our stock before pircbasing elsewhere. Repairing done with-'noatness and ,•despatch. All,woriz warranted A.: 1:Ri OSS_ eaith - le Wealth. pa, 11,i..(: 1Vh,.1i'si�'k11,VE rND' nItntN Tit HA ! ,111'W.41! a ;guaranteed specific for liysterta ,1toz- • tierts,'Convnlsinns; fits, NervolieiNetiralgia, 1•ieadachy. Nervrirts x rO:4tr ttitrtt,.ca'isedbytlhe woe of alat.ticd. r".'tsibacen,• •Wakefulness, tel 1)e iressiou'. So'f'tening r f the- Brain result- ing in insnuity and leading to :mjsery, ; decay, .att(1 death, Premature Old Age, 13arreu fess Loss of rower,' in 't=,cruet sex,, Inviilut'ttary •f,o,ses and Spermatsirrho a cansecl by ever- ex; exiled of the Brain, self abuse. or.' over-indal getico. 161c1) box containit one Month's treat-. meat. $L00 a 'box, nor dix, boxes for 65.00, ;sent by mail prepaid on :receipt of price., WR, (.T UA:RANTEs'A'•SfX BOXES • To cure any. (ase. With eacli order received by us for six boxes, aecnmpanied with, $5:00, we, will send the purchaser our. written, guar . • ., skate to refund the looney,if''the treatment Pure ' nnlht, Mixed 1i��Y1111hiit',Ol' �A,X.-1�351fi► for rices,,, (thee not.' effect ,• a dire. ,Guttrantecs issued JY33 .9 Ga SOlin_it:arl "only by •COPELAr4T)` & DAYS, Dreg -,A ekat •671 HEADQUARTERS' F OW Organs; • •N 4z a 158+1" Machina . it. CF. . • econd Hand Organs S• econd Hand Machines mit heaping ; M:�chines;:: 3te0l Danders, , , Second Hand Binders 33.0. econd:: Hand Mowers. .cEcond f1vid:IIea ers C:Oro.)44ed rrai+ri s., D cable `Crearect..$ s feel Pra• - �ie.,• .0t003: r'esh 'l� A e h g lach��es,• See(41 11 n(1 'TIireslrer Steel . `V'alkiit .104 -hs • S corer Ila11d P1ouglrs steel.; St1 I'iou `hs: O:sly Steel & Iron I aarrows L.. mbo Wa ons, ; '001:patent 1 r lass rod Li ht Wa : ops; • -:Second Hand Harrows eient -Styles,' Second 3Eand Wag ns �erent , Styles Second 'Hand Wagons. L ® n1 . r1 e 0 ToyBuggies •�des • Second• "fluid Bllbl eS • pro -seated open or, Top : Carria es... . '01.1.1y ;a tZ or' m s •. t e a s L est a est p A , fu1 11ssortrne it ; of repairs for above> : always in stock. BINDING TW • BALL k D SEE our assortmentof y , SPRINC AND 'SUMMER COODS•- - before purchasing elsewhere.: We have many new linee'in ladies'• id 8z Don ora - BOOTS, I;ACED axe BU1.'i'ON0),; Our, stock ip Misses:and Obildrens ,::�• , OOMP T . • I r NITS A[ADE:TO ORDER'. s ;.,;,' .A11, past due'acci+unts must be settled by note S� ? or cash. �' -•PE rRT•&;CORRI040111 sic G;o.FORF,EIT I • HavingRtivjgr'tlifsintmost confidence' in itstitpor-. iority over air• •rihers,`and after thousands of tests of .the ;>ri,. rt complicated' and severest .0a.es:'we could +,i+ 1. we feel jt stified.in' offer inia to. forfeit O. a Thousand ,Dollars for 4 n ra's e cough, cof sore throets anal ' uenzs hoarseness, b..tocLitis,. constin.ption 'in its • ,:.early stages whooping-cough„andall diseased'. of throat and lungs, except asthma, for which we only claim relief, that'' we can't .cure- with - West's Cough .Syrup.; when taken .according : to, directions; . Sample, bottles 25c and 50. Darg ,bottles .$1- •Genuine.-•wrapp-ed.-only tri '" "blue ;Sold .by all; druggists; or sant by eapre s on receipt'of.price''. JO•HN'C. WES'1 •&'CO, 'Toronto, Ont, '' , • .A,VE Ycm'FELT THE''' It shaking the town and eininty 'from centre to circumference, and completely pulver izing and.paralyzing; all competition,. we are all bound for T. Reed's, to find out'the .cause ofisuch a commotio]. '1t is getter - supposed to have been created by ,' outrageously ,. 0W - l'RIC • ;; .At which Tom. is selling - the immense stock of :. a ` HOLIDAY PRESENTS,;: which he has just received- He bas goorlls that will, ,gladden the hearts of the young, thq,. 'the rich, and the•poiir ; in fact everybody, . and the gladdening, process don't„cost Muck either. •Hehas .nuw:du,`stoclt 000 lbs. c} oa.ce ootifection®r•` 600 I'b's misted toys, Soft • shelled almonds, filberts. war. nuts': ' ea uts, Persian /dates t a, ; :4laga grapes, oranges,, Leinon Jams, „allies. Canned ,goods :kinds.,; Everything' in a '.firt;1 c,,fi confectionery:' TEA PARTIES SUPPLIED.; Bride capias .made'and neatly' orl.;ia— minted at reasonable' rate.'. The, best: rolled flour alwnya vn nate; at lowest prices. Brany'Shorts xt.liw:'.'. chop' •Cox MEMBERS TORONTO; .STOCK E'XGII STOCKS; DO:NDS,i .GRAIN, PORK, LARD} AND OIL,. - BOUGH &. O ..1.19,11OAS'I-t i1R ON M'AI ,G 1:11 .'1)TRECT WIRES WIT1{ rfew : Tork Chioa , Oil Csty, • L.', Montreal and, Toronto. Office above the POST OFtliCE.,' ° LUCEislOW . 1*BL1:,Jlit. Meat: 6) li