HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-06-03, Page 3.•
,1•17ra, .• „,
7111-$111%111). OV 'PIE' 'SALT' Scotty; pliarniiihiahead Ina *Cabled WaY. ObeeP camped i).; .999. 'corner of the bli
Iv won't lead to any :geed., VW.I.diel.441. yards Attra9ted)1..er attentiOn: fora Moppet, • sti'•••;.k.•10 •.,:-.4:-. .
-*.i: • :
have •done it." . • , but. her gaae Wandere4•Aiwayjto. the perk. Itou0414 :*4-,001' °f•P'°:.");17 *the'*44:14
, .
leifiar4. sarnaoWri..'t.lift- '00 Iiielitpa.'" tilenO , . OirstOS, 01:0,71,0011 talk° IP", to the . -Comity nvionens. • .
Made their Way back 0. thei,:iceing at tli0 h t :•11- , 4 e.0 POO 001 Ohd apple hefint• Edward Heritage writes to the,- Leedeli
- tail of the eleNdrullov.ii* deck, The PAW t,e. the aiiii 099 of the OW and tall pep- Dopy ;Nos.:: . The conecrt glyanit yintoriei
1.1•4.1...... ..* ' . ofte.TErs .ti. 1., ,,, going down at: the far end of the Salt Le permint twat VA to thered Mika. ridges. ' Halt; Waterlect road,. VA; Maith 7th; laSii
.:r •. . . Caere blindhigiglarehver thetrefileSs Waste. At last her wandering glanee. rooted on •the proYea. a -sticeese. We cleared -.S20: fia..
.The, mulga, ridges' round the Salt Laite-' The salty merndations • spread,in Balt Lalta-silent, lif01000,. gleaming white therefreta, **ether With; 210 eelleete4j.
*tore sail Ealent•-,reSonadea, with the ring 'dirty white Patches. over ite surface flaohocl. and initnished,, She gazed at it for a me,: making o total . of goo, ,which, 'by the
of the axe, the -thud of the .iiieWl, the crimson; as though the earth; were stained onent. in silence; and thee She. ..810a :with 'authority of the committee,. I took over to
metalliC clink of :barmuoiea wedges, and :with blood; the B4,141040 1*W04.04a. the strange quietness . ' . „ . ' Gleribeigh. I visited the fonr villages and
the dull gratingOI the. crosscut saw. Fallen .darker ti -tree beehea twit ' a **Age) 134 • • 0"X'd altionernta by the got T,Auke,tAtbee' the ooboosi, qmootet, coonutobornt, RIM -
trees marked the line. of fencing ; then the natural brilliahoy ; even the , ' afo• Th a naltt. day e fencers. took their . ',.. ,• 'alagane, .1001nahrack and others whose
.soinarapost-hoies, dug out at *Oar _inter- colored limestone rooks at the: edge be- parthre, leaving little Lizzie. under Sootty'e 'inn:nes:I de not mention. • In those
vale, showed a krther• e/tege, Of regieee ;. 044,De eubliniated;, by the: otiraeon. "glanlor. Pare. Aarly in 040 .14011i420:01e*We 11%.00: planes tlinpeopk were in a /at woree, oon-
--'itnalhon-the sheFt7poststhemeelves,sprang, Slowly,the_bleatieg..flock made its . way were harneesed to: the dray; one in the •dition than I was prepared to, -expect, .In
into existence : Art: a.' long.., Straight - line, homeward overthiiMUlga• ridges, •tho man load, one 'between, t9 diafte: - Mother And ,Glertheigh X . found . wee of `..thefie• he
which very every day was added to '44 length- and the child following with the dog at their father erninaCced their ' daughter ' for the !which were :burned were still in; tne•sanae
pied. ' . • . • , ' 13•eele• The .(410wing sunshine transfused last. time - then Larry :creaked his long :condition.. but house from which. that,
• ••° During tViD IRQDthl* Qt, bOti ellaXaXX. 1)401011a .aveiDDR3 of 01.0 IclUf3)3, with a Kitt. whip .lustily; the. haPess *glee ; . _.• poor woman who WA in 'a 'bring. cemaitien
;14,c 'weather:the. work was carried on bravely); radiance" the birds and insects, rousing : heavy wimple creaked glowly roma., And, was. brought has been repaired, as well; as
and Scotty's solitude Was shared by the themselves After the heat of thedeyrfilled, :Scotty And•Iiii,little,• che,zge_were left .to some oth•ere: which were only leveled, but
reticent and the mother and child. .The the air with sound; the spicy Odors sato- ow solitude of thel-Balf,leke, " - • ' . they-wereiir hourly- expectation-pfasisit,
104 Bummer days, odorous with the breath 'tilled 'by the heat from 'tree ,, and flower ' " Oh, mother 1 mother 1" . gobbed 1.4zZie, . • from the:- 'bailiff, • They have till latterly
• ..of the hope and. wattle, •blossem, :fled by.; made. the air iangoorous, and heavy; foul, as the dray moved off, burying, her face.* adopted the plan- of _blowing a horn, and
lho. miaga• ridges lost.' their green, • and the: dried herbage, erudied. ,hy : the. feet, of her hands. "-I wish I'd gone :tOo." ' .. warn the ople t� . come out of their houses
spurned a sober' brown 'lltie 14.9.re. in bar- the moving. sheep, arose a fe.inter_pergume, 4_,`1,107, he," 'eala Scotty, holdinehor hema before tho authorities .' arrive; the. ,able again; .sozne o . , e w
raony with a dark red soil; the dark -hued . 00 Ohl" sighed' the.. • (Milk halU uncoil. tig9t in bis, "you will stop. with Me -and ,praotical 'result has been 110 • ne • trespaes.: baemies.Are Mit. In a ti like the widdcoata • ,b• • •,.. .
whip, trees dropped listlessly before • the adouely.,,aa the -White gleam of the tent vies the sheeP, • We shall be nappy together. But the landlord hagaltered his c •,; a
. 0.•'..r0e-, en...'shoar pleated linen . bosoms iii, . " "-
: temoreelese heat; he giant bo x tree ex- Been in the .00, what a:: king, long? And they'll be back soon -very semi.'" 13nt teed* •He - • cornea . at °night ' when which are set tiny pearl studs. Cuffs are. •
• ;tided a dark ;crimson gem that hung in beautiful clay 1 .The , gen% nearly down P•nder.biP beurd he Mettered,_. to binitflt.; he Can't be seen 0.PProaching; • They then .worn•with all street dresses, and fastened
. eenh,tratispereet ••droprlikeeletaht thick How JP* beautiful it alibi V;Oh, I widAit opeld "She emilan't go. • Ne,. ne•i, the Salt Lake 74eute°,17.copur°700140:00.iltott:ttoh,esi.1::Y.tlx.`°:saltaalirad. linked
it,acss:ogined:utton, n:..(:,s... t. he.. elee, fee are' too• •••
ened blood; andistill the white teht. Ott* •go On-likeTtligtiii,Werarna--everl, ----.7,---:•-- -haxgot_bothe fame fie me.: film can't: got tp.arch the tenant off to jail, .. , •h * in harrew to Admit, of buttoningtheeuffs with • '
• - 'fencers end the hut cil the. shepherd steed • • That sante evening; as old . Scotty oto ..aivey fro* it.". -. ,,, .. . . . . . ,
,snowtogetw hytthe-e.dge-Of-theidelt -Lake._ .0,1oneut '1“oa.itrY 'hearth, .t* twOloteg° • • ' 4; (To be renthla°0 labor.. The tenants tell. me •that owing . to Pretty and inexpensive Werlding.dresees.
, , And the long days had not lied by with. entered thehut. • . : : - - . ., • . reek rent and the poorness of the soil they are of White. crepe de:•chine. - • These are '
. ent: bringing ',ether changes in their. train,' 'We've just been putting'ilittte' Lis to ., • • Bits Abe* Nainea. ' '.
: . , . are at at presentunableludqanYthing.-TherA .1.,vroimry_714,:cpwiitrutpinaienis 0,36,_9.44,:iwe, ..eiroittipit._ . _.
-; We the lonely life of . vier old Scotty they bed,", said Dnke."" She was Ahat7tired,,
. Angle -Saxons appear to have Ailit given nor could they "use one, as•-the-doneeares.e. -0-,-04-0-1.00,00wvanci: 7Toops,*,ivicW,ivory_.
, •--,.._, . • . • •is•buf• one horse In cilenbeig , no p ,
• • • , •
: 04/063‘ • He teamed Id love the little.- being up." .. " • : : • . • , • • • auXnaMos indkattfifi:0301ne '1211Oral er mental thick in some parts of the -land ita cabbages.
satin ribbon: These. lend "thenuielv.es,
, brought. a. fres'h interesta • new expe!ri- happy -like, She cola hardly hold her bead'
..: who had come and awakened him by her- "She do enjoy..herself all 'daylong," said attributes, as, i.ir . instance,: Wide . Good, I walked a distance of ten Miles, from i11-
readily 0 the .rehltitudinous draperies sp. ••
.. childish and her young grief from hid. Mate,: "It",e wonderful What Olefin& Swift, Jolly,' Kerry, Meek, Gay, GOOdinan, of
to. Roesbeigh, and I flaw" tboneenda
of aoree of land were : cOverea' with 5t0 The.scintillating white of ' the crepe with
feeliknable and have. a soft, clingnigeffect.
• his. long lethargy. • , He came to love the to amuse her, She Wes eiiikin'. away like a Xahelxleme, :etc:. • Then' we have : names
figure, tlie 40°41: Oilier U0114. Alulo stringe; • ‘ Yes ? " said. Scotty, ...eagerly, ”. She's 0°P20 animal, . °nal as 136"' 'iT49'i; W°1t,' .1,10w; las 0 : the houses. ' It, hie shame to otha.74;4elal 1°1, 4! 44: t•11. !. 1.1,til, 18 very .131. 11, (3.12,.'
Wind of her voice', the eight. O. her. thin •young• chirrepralmOst until she went Off." indicating real, or ` %Mika resemblance to, Taxying from.. fifty pt*Aap :to several terio,
'to say, tho little girl returned Ilia liking.. asi0o13, is oho?" . •.: .. • ' • .• . . Hogg ' Hart end 'Hare. From &Ye"' use such a - term about Oa in thirtirthat • . • .
charaderietfidd or peduharities. must ' :flr . A useful waietTof Velvet, to _Wear with: • .
` She was .heVek tired est watiaoritiewitb likii -.'48Ourid as a hell," ''' • ' . - ' ' has PO 'mere than One, cemparthient • 0• , O.- '
... behind the . straggling rook; talking in a' 1. dt„A.h, that's it, .that's it," he mtwinnred. originated' such `-narnee• as . Long, --Short are about • twelve feet by ten .feet. , Earth different AIM, A pretty • one :Vial.; shOWn. •
by a French modiste -' of .clull. pike -green • . ..
..4naint, way to the quiet She01),•whO greW to ;04 Obeli be awake and bright. to-niorrow;" Mat-Ot• Br°10110 NiThit•e* 1/41i0ead° C---rnikr 'enlevel. fleor„ no windows; . for the . most •
_ • ' know her. Ofteatilhee ehe *Oki . peso the ' " Seebere, SchttY,"•aaidpuke; 'thought. 'Phank,.Stroi:igt..Armatrong,), Longfellow and velvet, With puffed sleevaii andlichuOf pale- •
••work but she aid. nut.. like the noise of the We'v.e .80Metbillg t� toll you. ,. We're goini 'fer.a, generation or two becomes a Patron
Y- of wood lea.t;gleit7.17,11.1:47::::ttheeneiis. Iii•slia°78:7 33t1117aalaaPaeii*t.h43.4haelaalilitabasaWcaajal•oeliret4hall..thath4Ci'..•:.
'day With her father and • Larry at their: billy, '' Larry and ' Me have come beeause :0-Mathes:xi. :: A ilicknarne kept in A ferh4. sqiutto;te be stopped up with.aequare piece
' :chopping. and •hainknering. It Made her away." .. ' •. „ •• . , ' • .' -- ink:* .3143,0O0 such ' eenlea ' •as .' lEfoPPer; 'twenty people who lad. 7tcf pig fu • 'besides Itelr1.0 the left. breast Was Pet OR, R:palei blue • '
, hood 0,0be,.aniehe 'wee: always.. glad to get • . "What? . aping 'away 7 "• he. cried, letting 'Jun1P.eri Springer, Daa•aYS-nmtni ',• Poor,: d. that there were. Iwo! .dOnkeYs, .,. -In Another inottirreat igbittail lyvaeninatolwineir octhtote'ar;saisosea•. , ..
lobar ,:dig.t4e„.s.4uparA)4)001401000t0134100004 idioutoy. 4, Nol. no; you're .net . going
to . ,: • The Ike and 0 of theIrish and the' • 3Itte 86 feet ooperfiefe,L. : • gi,--if& except by, the. fittlie, right, giving :..a. PlOttlireaq.. ae• short-
. away from it. . - She . likell watching her his PiPe: faille the ground 'hi .his. Sodden .244° • '" '•.:* • ••• " ' • '''',----- ---• - :-- -f---- -Placathe.ground.wOuld.JJ-shapeabout 32. to
• - Many SA hour; counting•' the .flealge 1100til: Vike-tho:Ohild:•----VOI17,70017-tehe-lier-fro* •of.theldeote.h. iudicate aerscent• aliere. is 'door. Thathitato.sufdoe for a window, : a . .
Waisted effect. . .. , ' ,
. .. . . . • . ••
-, •andtaking long gleneeenver their thpain hie." ' • • • • • '•• • •• . ' • • ....'.._ Any:4°r w°7•P*7,ht°11 th°-:°"*°--thing40::. •baby-a:lew--manths-oldr-another ' yeas,' • Cray he* is Venally dressed..with a. goo , .
. seo,. if they. Were quite in. a straight : lihe.• - ""Wemust.go,--1-Liestwayri. I must, and • slieWn : 'Adam's :. see becomes.. •Adaraeon,...aq:an cid man, the. •grandiather, about 80 "ditirefelaboratetosse.7-:,The•threi37-puffe-on--44,.., ,
. . %She liked 'being with her mother, too,when it's he .good Larry . Stepping alone. MY- lia4ter° son Davidson; 1•ThOnillson• Wilson,. years. .,. Theworami was ainiost naked, and the siae. are .410111nm* liked, for slender
-. he,dnalicyLinaLtahor, do •lessons, and When. mieses.has been. ailin'. 0 geed bit • since -*le ,WillisiotIonis..':D.onaldSoni . AndorgoW: ond. looked ' bewildered. . 1-:OidereaTt-ivo ' petti; - •faces and for.women wholuive pretIYI ea
' 512.6`vias. not a ' But it °wag. •nalwayircer catieherei-andlihe'41.2eleie•_-: -...ortiier• Yaenfin& -manyother. =Mien are similarly.. derived.' Oats and aisliawl. to be • giYon hor, out of and the hair !still( abundant" • it . to parted, . .. .
...thfug.or the abor ,. • , ,' : . , . • ' • •• • : .• , •• . 'heist. -• 1. Won't risk it Witliont 0 doctor this 110oulitisEror"Pluo"--esiaen. es-="timillYi --itbouvourchOnatieliikei htuthiolittOok Oaf :•nteivadtfroM the fOreluisor. and wound in a . .
: . ,. . ,. . .
Dale, ontof.nly own pocket Next - • . . '• .alongbralab&coll-,ori-`theback,ofthelieadoigget',
would invariably Set . her . to. spelling an . through well enthigh,•but she ain't; •• X'iri- Wood, Green, •Greenwooa, Heath,: Rivers, .1.
0 1. - g ', . Waters and'Parks:. • Seel]. nahles aeWeleb thought • WO • on 2'evieted boo:Se,. when '•• a French twist Oa row loops. on top of the .:
pli.O. road, 'and went; ,to!"eitaraine 'whit • far deWai• .en 'the, nape of lbe.' nook.% The
• 'When her Mother was ,well' enough . she. time. : If she'd ben tight she'd have got • gave Mo.' to such, names as .0111,...
. '.' lYing in bed,, it •Wae So . 4114---lin:--the-Ient: w,here-iihe oan,lwattended to: It wouldn't French, Irish, IrelawL'oEilglieh and Scott Soibe,came Iron's A hut like some you ,isee nit head, bald in place by small ehelLtnchiiig.... ,
1: little tizzie.We•ii alw5ySglacl toot out into liii anY. goOd' Larry stopping . alone -he may perhaps be traced book to the nation-• the railway With-taith-,roef.' • There was a Oorablvis.extremely becoming to siiMe, • :. '
reading;•. and then, when gibe 'Was. ,ill and: going to lake her 14 the- dray.
.• .7.* the fresh 046remoir. :: Yes. she '-liest 'couldn't damfoilt,•00 he'9:099ung alone ality Of Blaine remote ancestor... , . .. •sick Meal there.. to Window,. nO fireplace :.
• ..: or all to accoMPOY 01a Seetttia bie 01°4 '." " .But' the Shildt".. . - • .. . • . • • • .. 'some of the•PermaYlvania Putch '. names' !omexe bad*, 00020 out at door. . . The. poor • 'A Woman's Sweet:win.
. • • .. ..
,.. wanderings With his fl withlira . " Welli it's this Way,"1 said Duke thoright. 'which haveheen partiy trandorraed '
Englidi aro queer enotigh. ,Iii..Armetreht
bito‘ fellow •liad •:bemi• there, four years. At , •-• •• • . : . • - .. • •• .
• :-••---.., - ' • in theeliade,30.1king.to the. shed , •
listening' ftiully:. . "'It'll be' a,. rough. jeUrneY tO! the Itansattgane. there are a ft* 000kled, atia .. 'She iii PretnaturelY . deprived.. . of. • her, .
Story m %rare.
• Latest Sag**
°The beireSt.0,040#.0.00/ftlor"ka'
shades of ',rob* •green. itched with
green, and old pink stitched with White.
, Cohrent eloth'has a erape-hkeweaVe,
atu be used* .44fea in and out of mourn-
;. while armure effects are seen in the
silk warp featlfeSw10011.wbiob•4 very
but not quite so delicate as the gypsy cloth.
Basques are out very much longer upon
the hips than formerly, and Parisian bodies
have an extremely long,. ;sharp point
front, and ..the edges. Are finished. with a •
double cord. When3heT are made in this
way they hook, instead of buttoning up the
front, as the peii0 is ted Sharp to admit Of
button -holes.` • - - .
Caps are•little used by old ladies Who
have abundant WO, but for morning there ,
are little round crown -caps of mull; with
Oriental lace in two falai:dill-gathered beWS •
lying flat on the head. . For dress cape,
point d'Alencon is made up with, (hie net. 1.
and harrow:Moire- ribbon loops of -whiter; --
pale blue, Mauve orpompelien red.
Striped and colored lingerie's are fashion:. '
t f the
• to-his_ranililiinvhich ,s ,
dth re -ain't a track till we get in the'
river road, you know. -, She's, a dehki e
little thingis Liz, and I .don't much like
• 'the idea .cd her hitvin' to 'rough it. We
'mean coining back, of course, and finishing
the contract; so, seein' you've•grown
fond of her, and she having , a.- liking for
you, I thought,. if you wanted her, as you
might take care of her till "• we come
back. But the • raisees • don't like .to part
with her, Bald SO we're in a bit of a taking
hardly understan ; .w
strange fascination ever her, for they ,were
all of the old convict days. That Was what• .
• she lilted best; for they were day,s fell .of
• :nikel 'experiences for her. •At first; aroused
• • by,•the now element that: had 'entered into
his life, the old shepherd had thrown off in
some measure the apathy ' and supineness
that chs,racterizedhim, his companion.,
. ship with the little' girl he became mere
•• apirciated than he had been for years. He
,•tried to amine her to the best of •his powers
He puzzled his failing, memory for repotleCtiOns of past experiences to tell her;
' get her bush flowers and ;pretty heaths;
dug up ediblerpote for her; took her • to•
where.' quandorig,. and checkychticklee
grew, and helpedliorlryfill her apron with
the priceless ' fruits. He had acquired,
• during • former •years of . his lonely life,'
something More than ••. ordinary skill
in carving with his c knife, ol
returried‘to; after many Years of -died% toetop,X se
cutting out. for her all manner Of, Chriotts "Don't take her awa
toys and kniCk-khe.Oks.- He even .deftly Cake don't take her away,
• • carved the quaridongs; ones and made a • Well, I'm for •leavin• g
• necklace of them' for her -ft task • of!' the Duke, "though the Anis
htmost delicacy, that took . him alniost .been.talking over it, and
Month to accomplish. It Was. no wonder Minds -if you. were willin
•• little Lizzie liked being with Scotty and of the child--Lto leave it
. hie sheep. Nobody was tio kind to, her as, self. If she Wants to sto
• ' the old shepherd ; hobcidy 'kneiv how te wants to come with us, w
;when they are fortunate . they may get as cha me p face and form, and made en
County, Pentrylvams,, there., ar.e. ',eve
-Ittimilies-bY-4110--neme--,Of-,Sebreekehgetsik -many as, Lexl in a' ay and they attraetivebY tliewSting effects of ailnienta .
hk114-signifiea..-in-1-Germari 0' ghost or have to boil prepare"-iiirlako • tlion'tu and
,rregulftr1t1e8P051 to her sex To
3.0n,„,e0mrgilleins: te,natradheres'Q-ird%riitevaalderY6'twenty ssea. -two Ihneacktb,Iloiasitdbraibut upon her aimable •
young erio who stood. away ,,fror.a •ae.. qualities as well, is her first duty. This is
They could net approach us as they had safely b aof ccomplished by a -
not. enough.to_eptirely, cover their naked.
Dr. Pierce's
nese.: Many instances -hill*. case of grown Favorite Pr"e-APtkali a na°1aa "Ind "Ii4
Mee, as well aewomert,in feet, I could give of • , :wonderful. effiroeYi ona ' prepared
them by the (mere, but I fear I:shall tree: einspgeflaomlly“fearratgligine tillg.patawiltio,h! suffer-
too far.-. Kerry. ie,,unfortunately, not
the only county Where', dire diOrese•eliete', ti°11.0 Of haeilea,, and wealmesa 41614ent t.,1)
.wopien-7tt boon to her Bel, ` Druggists; ,
but at •present that is all r ,have to deal
••• t:•aber,ir.pst.. •
He had taken hole hear Patti it .$7 A' •
seat, and afterwards to Delinonico's,,Where
the two together ate up $9.75 worth'. As he
reheaeoshaeidpor,hieliat later that same
" I -am sorry, tar. Sarapsonrif iny refusal
will cause Yon pain. 'I esteem you :highly
aeon escort, . and in. that ,capacity, I Will •
Always be a diderto you; but yourge •
catinetTliii.7:1-eir Take: too extravagant." -
spectre of terrible appearance..-- Cone would
think the hank 'could be made no worse,.
but isome of the people have succeeded in
transfOiming it into Shriekingghost., Mill:
iron; 11florriMgetar; Bedheffer and Peril -
dollar are other' German hames which have.
been partly tratielated. - . ' • '
The inns of ' old England. are probably
responsible kr ,inany names. For instenee :
John or the Bose became • John Rose;
about it."
"'Leave her with Me," 'exelaimed Scotty, Thomas of •the Bell, Tom Bell; Itiohard Of
eagerly. "I'll take care of her. .She shan't the Hawk Richard • Hawk; Henry .of the
.. .
.want for nothing." . • ' • • , : .4.4 Greaillotuse?' :became Henry Greathouse, :. • • . , ,
" That'a what ISaid," interjected Larry. :and op on, until there is scarcely a bird; , There Were 29 came of stritillnox reported
4 These inulga ridges is very.healiliY, and animal -or otherLdevice. that ever figured on in New Yea' city last week: '
they're doing Liz a trenienjis lot of good. a signboard Viet ,is not 'Perlietilatedas a ' '•
There's no' Ilse 'araggin her , to the town- family name. , ...•,, • , , •
Ship: It's A bad-plOce•forchildren;:and the .:. There are, "PerhaPs, as InePLYi queer Vhe /?0,012elo s loksopiratinsill sad, ; • . ,
joitreey'd knock her hp. We'd be back in ,Oanies among the English as among any •.ii:
. Jae hasn't a Wife ateake•lniheitit glad,
a month or six weeks most like, and so,•if people on earth, Dickens' stories abound He doesn't kROW ROW. he'd bn blest if he had;
' " - • He conbeiie what it is he has lost;
th ra et ' very' ' few Of his names were • ' ' , , Nor bin •
' hinks he has billy °see, ed " being bossed
y, -Fp-r-lieiketee. •mantfactured,......Stich names ae Slaughter,
AL 1.49 er- _ • t
!' cried •Scetty. •- Startup, Gotobea;' Deadman, ,Churcliyard - - - -
_we made up our ' The Itomane had double, triple, or 'even
found in iP E r i ' ' • - ' "Pee'r man- - - - -- • --
He 'OW'S he can never kno*.joy any More,,,
indeed3 - ,
'her" answered .Dogherriahd Fudge are . ng 18 : .. '
STIE3. isn't. . We've' diPtionaries: •••• ,. . • . : , : ' Ob, the bachelor% heart is sorry and sore,
0 to take charge quadruple names; as, for . example, Cairns Ancifie looks up? mese a terrible bore, .
to little Liz her. Julius Caesar, . TarqUinius. Superbtis - d ' '
• With the crosier git life doesn%Iiity;:-
p shecan. If slie Quintus Fabius •gaximtui... ' Frequently ail And to all thoughtlesi; lovers itapatient. to say -
ell, then, we'lltake honorary hame,wasadded to corareeniorate • • -' • .: , Take heed!
• : , sotne, :Warlike sehievemeht ; rabble was
Teefthe bachelor's lot is it cicsole.te'one,"
riot go: rif 0;10 called Cruictator;and SOPio'Airioantas• • . Andyet • • ,• •
'care Of her. .1sTO harm shall come to her. • Sometimes the . very qiieerest of names There are giriewhothink it Would really*nd inn
I'll look after her morning and night. See •get coupled together as the title Q a rna. To sharp it rithro, offer iillliediir OTifdleile ;
aranse. her so well. . ' •• • '• • •her elotg." • • •. •
:here. give you this yen. Wave her:With 14 re •a"few' specernene Hoole& Keqh,. 2,„
,u11 uuseries MR' arid pl•z;ast.iree so few;
me," he Cried, fumbling'ainid the blankets Cobb & Hay; Peacock & Sparrow,.• Fox knew lets of giris 'o•wonid do jt -don't you?
on the bunk: . •":It"S•all have. But here; •Crine, Sieger & Hooter; 'Drake ',lb. Gander, bet! • • •
"you: ihall•haVe it yen'll•leive her." - Fisher & Fowler, kkoSlinh. Pena,1Wild' &
"Put yottr cheque, man," -returned Free; ''
Duke, with With good nature: "..1,dont want it.:
If the :child likes? she • shall 'stop with you.
•I'llleave. you plenty., of ••rations for her,
and you eair look after our • caMPferee,
for we'll leave, the tent Standieg. and the
toble.". , • " , • ,
• "
Yes, Only 'leave: the' child 'with
and•X.. will do anything you went." •
, The okt thepykerd passed a sleeplessnight„
The.fear Of •iOsing: the child worked., uppil
his feebleraind. to such an extent that dor:
ho welkea rostiessly,to and fro in the but
And so the days fled; and the golden "No,no. she must "
' wattle and the hep blossoms began' to fill,
1 • breaking out a sweet4 fregrancein dying;.
• and the pepperniint trberi, and the.rennous
• pines, and the bleaching gum leaves, loaded
- the euramerair_with a, puhgerit redolence.
Ihe,epidy air of the ,raulga, ridges 'had
brought something like a flush of health to
•: little tizzies pale -cheeks dnring those two
• Months ; the evening breezes, . sweeping
across the the •Salt Laket•-and--,ladenLwith its
• saline emanationS; had not carried a blight
• with them, but had strengthened the
weakly chili and benefited her. '
Pni not • frightened' Of the Salt Lake
now," she said one'day to old Scotty; when
both 4i*O reposing solider. a clump of Othil-
bush near its edge., idly Watehirig the camp-
• ing sheep. • 'don't , think there's a blight
on it Pow. Perhaps At is..gone away. • ,
" No, he,'" be aiis*ered, shaking hiii.head.
• It's here, sere enough." • ; • ".
: “But ' mother says • We reeking ,
' • ' '
-P.opular ;Science. "
• Susie -Ohl Mamma, Ill never disobey
You again. • .1 • •
Mamrea-Why, Susie; what have you .
Susie -L -Well, I drank my Milk at lunch - •
and then. I ate -it pickle; and the milk said
to the pickle, " Get out ;" and the pickle
said, 0 I won't ;" and' they are having,, au
awful Aim '•• .
, "Yesterday afternoon .a • party 'of 'eight , .
40*,ays Reival1/4:11i4. .
.in a row boat for, a. ride on the DelaViare • .',Whini any, one is missing in Chicago the - ..:: .,•.,
people' started 'out from : Port Kiehtilehtl :.
• : iiiinseith 'Thins Il.ne, . •
On ,•' thei retire trip, *. wberi; hear iititheritiee go fishing in 'the. river. . They. •-• .
.A min Mimed 8;J% thuiseith,. who. was Alexkot street Whii•rf,. the. ' heat, •capsized. .aou'velways Wa-the•mari they are afterr, '
lately 'said Id have been drOwned off a ferry
heat at Detroit; Fink whose ,beneflOieries The names of • 'those . drOwned are:. 'Nate but :the, ys'ate,. 70mre..t...:Er.ecp;:gr au•.. body of .00mo, . •
MutPhy,..aged . 21,, the Wife:..of• :Timothy kindereoriu •otz.) Tratiimipt. • ' . :, . "
stiiire'ftohbri4ns:Ourfn-iWeeliinign4tyhtliO8.,116t .i,:brieoort.tiluotuun,aal ,
tliottilit3'1,. .tieurlipk;,43.hgeYa..:*"gle4;:D%iinanititi . . •
Alive and JA, a •,, good 'state of preservation. Cleniene; aged :25, and Maggie. Haney, 'pitilt she came into out "'pump;
Say that, the authorities will ,teke.inesetires, • The other three • inchiding. Timothy- Mur- Toming.tun and hid,. , . •
An' Emily . all'. Bob an' me •
. . „. .
not far from that city. , It is needless to
for his' further preservation So that ho Can: 'phy, were saV.ed'by actiig, , All' WOIQ flag to
Wye' been aornewhet hAld'er :the infleence. • - When ktother diecl-an' 'WE' all said
, . We cried ins' like we did ., _,. ...,•. . .• •
'nig the whole Of that Warm .smiainer• night net repeat the eveximent..,:, • :. • . .Qt 1400r., . • :., : - • . ,, . . .. •,, ,,
:' .. • , •, .
. . . : - . 'At we all viiithWat W:e was dead! '
, . .
, -Wails itandirtg on - the platfernra.• eleya, . . - - '
in. a feVer'' of hope and , fear. With the. A buta4ionaoa Ashen ande. red:headed ,,,,Itl: 1T1 V: ho8v itbdt'ivgit u , ; . . ..
We e sobbed an, ehdbk, and wouldn't, lobli; ,
etirlieet streak 'of dawn he Was out, waiting negro Were: aniong• tne. •Ctirioeitnis in , an °:13, :afterittgehri,,o,g0.°0atf7teati.I;f0sPhapat i•.°3il• yesterday stone, . . , ..,.. . • • • ...„ . inc • • •'..- impatieritlY outside the tent of the fehcers. AlbanY•PoliCeeourt 0 few claYe Age. ; - ... afternoon• by the ' conductor Of ,,the cat, • ,Iittit Only eried an cried I. ' , • . . •
i4.0Ainuitijunoe:iwithSermtvle, ,oftsuest7ryi; tiev:rostpdor!si.uuse..!.. .
. • • , ... . •
.. :".!Aye ; it ata inc good at . •
first, •too.
But An hour biter Dilite emerged:front it, • ••• The :Indienepolis• grand jury has returned Zanies English, cripple. Maekey's brother
..: it got hold Of inc midhroke ires down' after-
: "The child 1"•• eXclaimed Scotty fever-
' Ythl'r° -"AY:0'f h° said. • • : ' ..:'. . ' dietnients itgamet thirteen politicians, slid Wait recently discharged by, the 'Street Car
eledien officers irregularities in °ohne .... ',Omega*, for calling gnghs a c . .
. : Her aringekound es all• ••• , '
, •The.ehild looked 61401181y et •
hini; '. tion with the counting of the Vete last fall, ierdaY • afterhopti, in. 'retaliation English , • ger Noin.slid aeuu:The: --bste
. "i,i Mother eafa ',,I Witiail to helleVeitall;" " " Well,l•I'A bean taibiog it • over eget. .EleVen.of tho parties inaictoa• are Denle••- .Waiaasatilted by NIAL,4hey,'r, and k;mckeli off An, Veeked in from the hall !
,-ward." :. • • . . • .•
, , .. , ., . .
.. ohe .0iia,. atter , a PE‘ileff t , 193he says its With. ',the this4us, .ana. oho•ogre& to lciaVoi' data' and' to are Iteptihlidana, ' the cat , English . ougo-a- 'a reVOIVet ' and .An' vie all love'ber. teo;•beciiise ' ' - . 4
Eihti'S Vert nigh goodasMother WSW!
My be,' be,": • ho ' answ'ered, • 'choking 'his as :. •• ...Capt. L. WA:1610-yeisterday-Amik• a party fired at.Mitokey, "Whip, was in the,: Midst:of:
wicked to talk like that". • • • . •.' ' Lie hereitehe wantsto stop,. ', SO we'llioSt . - ' --.1.4itse WistrColite littet. •
' heads seeoratirae. ' "I don't know. . tut. ' -The girl, bright and'..roey. from her long
the tem 041,,,that,me_ ,,T.)19 yiicht wae• !NEM 'by a squall•ahd cap- ..k. V.vila seemlier to ,vahate the Cenveye,nce ., , •---W. ihhipegOr.,_ity•-•tbAnts_ne,issete,h`itiniag legis.
, f 'friends,fora tail on Traverse Bay, Mioh, a groop of passengers on the hitiVitig car.
latiort to , euab e i - elect• e• Apo,:
but on.that,orie point" nething could •Inake ' aieliere, little'Iii?,".' 'Said' till fatho Pre0; Cele and. Marion Trip, 'of Herber
• • • .. •graVelY, ' "1 want to eeli Yee eemethilig... .BIAPvreiti48. a, ..T/13roe a:6*, "a. :.• ,.,71te, e7,tt.1...417*.et.• 7. .t*.h9eTriggAerti, 3.:ktienr-•r.icklekgleiy8h tlEtapill1131c1Peado
inzed, -D..G,• Stark, Geo: Ni13,,,,Q01:4•Coleo, .ensued i.e whick, 111ackeyt though having :setitt,:triii,a0::::.b: i.110.7p,010vo.t.e. ; •,
your profeseibh?"' "A- lawyer," " Well,
• -Magistrate to a wItness-,4 What . is. •
. , , . . ,.. .. .
Ho geVe way to the ahild-•in--eVerything,, mint. • . . / .. . ... • • • ; • : ' -, ,, reeeirds, billet in the alidenien,:endefivere
• • there's ti .Ouree,Oh it kr all that 3". . . . • sleep, enierged from
tilin•-•speak differently. Engliehserrent try to. forget tt; while you:ere giv,ing •yout...
• • +., i'm, not • frightelled of it then, ' seis,," Mother and 'me'li going for a tintie-
.. . . . :••
.e0Wrilaa 11.016' Liziie: And, rising from going . a long way all through the bush. . in Chesterfieldcounty; trginia,• -recently shot through- the..: beck,
'•,-• . ran dOtyfi tOWatd, AC lakc. . ', , , take her to the doctor's. • 8013. Were eeniing. be0Atiso he ii./Ote a 'white shirt, It was the A peculiar ,storm. • edearred. at ,Bedford, -w• . 6,11,1t itt,A5tvOloOnt oatiiiyadisitoiil'ia're'4zttnititail ..•...
defeated; aere huna°Y•
. 6lier ehatlYieet tinder the emu-lhiell,,':'sho Mother's ill, you know ; ana I'm going ;to a eoiored cendidate for °like, wag
.,•••*•.,,,k, No,. nOv,don't go there,".he cried.. ' hack agaiti 'goer', Weald You like •10 -go-, anly•immaonlate rag of that ),,ina in lho Pa., One day ram
week. .. For
'• , •.)3nt the ohild•• "Meek her head .incrrily, I with us; or day here along Scotty and district, but it was tee ranch for hie fellow- ides; hail, rain :ao4 .grittmilAPPeis tell tege. ditto Pacific, The'.. neat ' heaviest, je the
' ' - d followed by tho Old. shepherd's , dog ., the sheep r' , , : . . • • • • ,.. ., • citizens, and they',, scratched" him. . : • . tho, and in ouch quatititten that the.earth,
Wee. eovevea tot, neatly a 'Mile Squere:, • : tC1.11-..:fellig11)1147;11409 iii.55'11?Pit'ittl,g111,t .
',.a.....•.g joyoneiy, walked' out on to t le A :. •:'101Z7le'S"*.. gleno viandebred ,freut • her , - • ' ... • °' • •• •
St• art' ! a ne 'ro Woraiteof • 'Talia, . georte107vb,:itiPg•itieniAoei;4:04.Artiorsi.,i•owitr 't, he. • :„
. expanee, ,A. Mao. erOilic• of mug Add pleb.: father'sface to tho.o/ashoper,01 , ....ddifs•PC, , . ' 4iiines M4111116g'li tulaale4gea liti•tii.t.*tie
Mar -6f the ,killed by the atidintradidatieh train' on the fer.ro- county, Ga., has invented a. car coupler
• at every footstep, and she eon . . • t h r• i fdyertshly,. tremblingly. 'poop mit . Grand Triiiik . Railway, five miles West, 0 that ie said to sitaple and about petfect, •.
6. .. 0 she. tiais OA the ides to her like a' 'MaidetOne,.. • gtigland,. a, few days • gO
Ali Eayear.Old bOY, While flying a WS near .,
••.. . • ,--• , „
. is Art 1'
aiikloon the. light, 'perviene. eciit As 'She &Oiling' apewers. with , snob a look ,
Chatham yosterday . forenoon. . .
•witikoa ea further," She went'. till deeper, treaty in,hie Oyee that•her gam' Was for the .00o;11ting On the track and; tuned to hear the argent andshe Made ti 'ilielte4. according to • stepped backward 'IMO a oarfvforty. ' -Mei., .
andeVeil tho ditig, betthding ahead Of heti-, niOnlerit-arrestea, , HO ' Seeitied about to
Whistle. - Papers fotthil; on the body show her vision; out of old J., oyster inipe,•": • M. dediVo iltid the. passers-by expected • to gee
Eilt the string of the
•light Weight as he Was, N•alik up to its knees • PPealt, but no sound clinic' f rein." hith, Only
• : • • StoWart was the firet,filaVeherrito Alexander fibil.. dashed to tloath.
in the ylo•dmg- blotad? • , . ,,. : ; hiehre nieVed .corivuleively, T ot child a tlii't Ile hOlOilgod to. Detroit. ` . .
kite as %tonna his waiik at the time, and,
. 44 :ThaQ, Y011 flee;$ elle' Odd, totOrriihg glance wanaefed from tho aliepheaa faoe The Queen" of Denteark is Visiting her H. ttevens.' • ' ' -'• - ' ' .. • • . J.
• . 131.6,6itiket; ' with the, ..exertieri? ,"•,.Pra not to the- golden' Wattle gleeining in tho early -daughter, the D11011684 of cardbisrloa; at . A *lotto said tebni30 years old ie eWned the kite,,•ceting as a paraehute SO r0 „e is '
' friglitened of it a.bit' • • • • ' Snrilight 'mid, the bops cri'•thoir pendent: the asyhun at Doblitig, The"Diichese 'by' LOtile DetrOW, Of 'Franklin . county; tiiOlehee•Off slightly bruised.aeseent. that she as only : • , : • . • • , • , • :
Voir'• shontali'thave aonsit,",answered branches iva*ing ? a mnto , greeting. . The pregUaneS; dattyi her reetoration to sanity, ' PonnsYlvania4 - '
'- -7 - --- ., ,• .
. ,
- :-.....„. .. . ,