HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-05-20, Page 8•
3i.11.4R14L1Nel nl w (1017-•
says ersibytki u follows t
00104 301411., GOING Noll'ITH.
41.13 m.: Mod; 11;40 p.
Itsp.M.30a. Ss. Mali, 3AS p•
3Riaeii. ( p.;m.t Exp.,.0.31 p. In..
`JOHN BAilt13
.It1z4el4st•iCinit° ew
.-.. Y.B. r.,: •.-- •,. , .,..
Cal l Accepte`-d. ,°.
The Rev 11ir. McKay,, of':. amoea,
has accepted the calf of the•Presby
terian' congregations of this villa¢e,
and the'induction services will • take
place. on. the'” 311sx` inst.
First *impressions �_
The• : first thing that. strangers note
in coaling into a town is the condition
of the streets:. ` If they are straight,
.clean and have teed w ►llcs,.-the.str-ang-
er is favorably impressed;;
Sent to Jail,
Mr.. ' A. Williams. ,of . Slackbnrse.,
viioyforriverly-ke t-bate'1 r his .iflage
' Was last • week -'Dogged Biu „jail %r two
• 'Months in default.,of ?fine. recently im-'
�-. osed. • for isell n Ji 'uD ' esont2'a`r, :to
N, g, q r, 9
theScott Act; '
iH#e's A"Juinper Toe . .
Jo} nr.P:l erson; rof $iutail, " the
stniie ..#0r•,, i blv'ta ,resident of • `vin
t.ipeg, 3+eceritly wen $40. by jumping'
, threes ii uin ' , ` The' mone
gj)� Y
<+as. placed againsthim that he could
not juinip 33 feet in 3 -standing jumps.
Ile-won,by jumping 33• feet 7 inches.:
Gone to his Rest
I,;,ev. John; Turner, formerly of Dun
R�'r}>eLi'rrtt'�'rk'Fs1, !lr.` 3ArV 1. !%! ei) f I1
ilei f c , 4 0tle-t Ys" idei re,
Auburn after a short ':illness The
deceaietki os stricken: with` 'paralysis,a,
:few years ago,' but recovered sufficient
ty, to he ;able to attend to pulpit work,'
which he kept'',at to .the last.:
• Base Bell
:' The li' Cohoys" will- play' the'!•4 roar-
...tied inien". a, garrie'•of • `base ;ball on:the
sirorninr,of Queen's;: birthday in the
"CaledonianPark, ,:bi�pinning' at `'10
o'clo'ck ;•Public admitted :free.The
Your Shamrock's" of ,: this village,
' wil playa match on the square in the
.afternoon, •with a, junior, ,club' from
• Although the fall :wheat presented •
very appearance in theerly
ring;' a great • deal' of • it has •since
!rramd; and ,'.many.' farmers'' are' 'novo
lrioughing it up. • It ;will not, event in
the best; places, yield much more than
Half a chop.... "Bente assert•that it._, was•
of the spring frosts:`. or ice that killed.,
it, but' a ' grub at the roots.
aubilee Parity;: , ; '.
M:esdames:'W , 'UT. +'Little and, James
hindeay intend giving a•grand' jubilee
arclenrparty,_andconcert inthegrounds7.
dlr. Little's residence, of, the even.'
in„ofthe 22nd of June 'As .this
't,.ie date 'selected ~ • to • celebrate IIer
Majesty's jubilee, ' there is. not ':the
:;lightest doubt but thi° entertairiinent
.• will be fully in keepi ig witch the "great
'Cholera Recipe
The followirig'is' a, celebrated cholera
rnxture whichevery:: one in the. sum
a;'Pr • months: should have -at `hand�i
"Take equal parts` of ? tincture' of
(avenin;.titicture of opium tincture of
• , liuharb, • essen . 'of. P RPep erniint, ,and.
spiirits ''of camphor. ,ilii, well, dose''
. ' 1' ,to.30`•drops .in a wine glass of,water, ,
irccordbig to aa and vaolence:of' attack
`:lti•peat.e ry I e�etl' ' gr ♦ wdiity. sirs
iltes until. relief,is'obtained.
Educationally, `
Tiie' Minister • of Pdueation has
circular ,is;:•sued'' a r ul
i ar to .Puril•c School:I►i-.
§l. ectert:., Tile, •circular' „states' ,that
ct as it is d f'sii•ab
t . la,to oti'er ...great facili>
`• 'Mies for perfecting teachersin drawin
itistrad of. classes :formerly taught 'at
ibe.depitrtment,',it ialrroposed to give
a, grant +,o each inspeetoral division in
which •a' class Is formed for instruction
• its elemuntarydrawiug " The circular
• .gees 011 to give •the necessary. infor=
ii;iatidn ' for the formation of these
" .
Tile New and the Old. ,
' Captai a 'J John 11cPltersoii, w,lro "; re,
cr ntly removed, from Lucas ow • to re -
Ode: in
e-Ode:iii our beautiful .•'suhurlrs,' lias'.
t,tt:4'n part, interest in a vessel calle4,.
t:it; (:i'itftsuriii; lai.tely archnstsd•at
1. ii,gston.• Tile Craftsman ` will belt
the Glileago tr'uraa..: The vessel report:
at Colborne, anti:.•.is expected, to l e
1st :incarcl ity, harbor s}ortly. • 11.18
•(.id vessel; thy Garibaidi, iii:as' yet
on '
l'.is tends,riot having found'
;r (t g ourlel aft litr
r •,a'. ",P. ,
r'nt,di>a,te . u'rchii,s , r. '1'1►ti' (x •l : r '
.,Y. .� p 1 aly salYli
itrtt,t e.tl in' (xoltr nth hal of • aiid will.
(fiend Seetetarj+ of
the In ' ;' dant Order of ,Oddfellowe,
ha a• led er of iu atruct on in -'the
Society's .halt '-liere, this (Thursday),
evening. All Odd ollowa should : •try'
and • be present., a ' • • •
Pry Weather '
:.,Vegetation of all kinc's: ,has made
rid growth:since the advent of the
warm spring. weather, but the ahnost
isattnued druth of -the : past -two k
is` beginning tohave a -bad effect: ion
the growing;crreps' . •„
Good Spring.
The farmers say this has been the
most favorable spting, forseeding that
they.. have : had for, several ,. years.
The ground wasin splendid condition, -
being=dry and easily .worked, and the:
weather so cool that the, •teams..could
beTworked • steadily without heating.
Change of Time.; -
According to the new .time table,
Just issued by the G. T. Railway,'sorue
aanges,are.�rnade in" -,the• .arrival •. a nd
departure•of the treiris.in'this village.'
Trains leave for the south at 6.:13 and.
•10:30 a. in: and 6 P. m , and for the
north at 12.40, 3.48, and, • :10.31. p. nr.•.
The Rev.' L. B. .Anderson, colored,'
of , Lonaon,: was in .. the viliage: last
week soliciting aid for the.: 13.. • M. - E, •
church.:` The chu'rch;hasbeen in'finan
tial .difficulties for .somw;"a time, a
they have adopted this; nreansoi pay,
irg off' the,debt. H;e: inbt With con
aiderable success here.'
County,Treasurer. •
The Bruce County' .Treasurer's :sal
An •arrangement for .deposits iii. 'the
':bank •is " raade so that the Treasurer;
will never have : more than "45000 of
the county . funds at his awn credit
:Had this been done ,beforethe county;
would.havea been over $26,000, beta r •
A Junior base all club''. has ' been
organized in the village under• the naive
ofthe :" .Luckiiow "Clippers." The
:following officers have been appointed
.:Hon.- •Pres., J.: •Bryan Hon. Vice. Fres
J Murchison ; ;" vlr.:. ".Chriatie ;
Sec., J. •Jewitt ;Treas.; J..Mathewson;
Capt., C.- Lindsay ; Man. Com.„..
Burgess, A.' Ross • and T. •Thoiiipson.,
Qneen!s Jubilee.
'The . reat event '• of the • Queer's
Jubilee will:be the Jubilee ;number 'of •
the Montreal ''Star;:ti superbly. illus-
trated,.paper, , of twenty:, eight "pales
and" two• artistia_.plate supplements
Those who have' seen the :. advance
copie 3 say it is magnificent.' • Some
thin;: that everybody will Want :and:
few�car► get.. ' It is to be sent by ...Mail
for 25 cents. ,Graham & Go., Mont.
real,,are the publishers. ,
Anniversary Services
The anniversary services'in connect-,
ion. with tbe'Sunday.achool we e con
,ducted in the Methodist .church` • on
S"nnday last. by the Rev." 'Jas • Mc-
Allister ; of Kincardine, • who ;preached
•.two very able and appropriate:serinons
On i tonday •evening a social was 'held
church; ';wheii-a - very,:.lar-ge-. at,';
tendance. of ' sholars' were present
Addresses were delivered', •by the 'Rev.
f •: Campbell, of Dungannon, , and:Rev.•
1Zr McAllister p
;.Bright Prospects
..An exoli hire Says -It will be good
news to the farmers' ito learn .there
,•line•not: been ,such assuring -'prospects•
.uf• a brisk deiiiand for 'Cheese for many,
years as ,there'is at the present time.
Instead of'being 'glutted as they
'the early part ofInst year, the inark'et:
report contirrns: this'staternen't. It is.
to'.l,e..hoped,. that ,the approacl inn,
season :will lie one of the bestthat the
farriers have ever. had in tile' history,;
of the cheese operations:
Horsy Brseding. ,
---We have • received from Hon.•Jolrn
Carling -the copy of a letter respsacting;
horse breeding in Canada, by,' (7olonel:
Ravenhill, R. •A., inspector and pur-
chaser of horsesfor the 'Royal' Horse:
Bea tit ifuI Flowers., ,
The greenhouses of Mr.' R. iGrabani,
of this—Village, just now presents a very
beautiful appearance. Mr. G'ralinni
has about ten thousand- nts'fo - sale
pie; r e 1.
and for a very snhall amount a''i plendid
collection may 'be- had.
Vitilized Air. <•
1V1r..J. S. Jerome, .dentist,,ias •'u
� J.st
placed in his 01E00 at Winghayn a iieiv:
ii strtt,nrent.,for'the ad,ninistration of
Vitilized air to parties .wishing there
teeth extracted_ without , pain.... It is -
perfectly harm less and hasty he taken
by the most delicate patient.
Runaway. •. -
Oti Saturday.,evening last as a son
of Mr. John F Andrew%as oa his may
'home -arid - wlieii •„-rrear''.,the...southerii
liuiits ofthe village, ''the:colt', that •he.
was driving took •fright .' at .sonic boys
who were:' amusing themselves, on the
sidewalk and ran away, throwing, the.
occupants of the rig out.. 'The horse-.
was.utopped before rnuylr claniage was
done: No peraon was' hurt beyond a
few scratches.
'• Died. on.May •lst,-1887, at the'.resi
den .e of his son 'Andrew ' McNabb in
the TO,v,nshi-Sof kaniposa,.:Count. _ of
• Victoria' Oi tario Robert-1V1eN'abb in
the 78th year. of ;his age -Ile was a
native of,Isla,v, Aigyle-shire, Scotland
1 i e' �ainiviratecI to- nada
;••;b3,ier . 50
which the, died. H e left 3 sobs and;.: 3;
daughters,'two of hissons" are in the.
Gospel Miin►stery,•Rev. J M:eNabli of
Lucknow, antat,' i!cNabb, 13' .A ,' :of
.B3eaclibing, Ont.. .:'
Book of'Poems.:.
Washes, Wiinger
Creamery Cans,' .ird & Tinware.C gee,
We,bivo 'aclso in stock' a splendid nssortinentof
is T, �� Vis•,:
a ' cr %' 'l it .. it '11n 1' t er ' 91•
Parties rP dins epi Pty a h>in sl i l l i e n a f all,
as 'we can ,guarantee a F1RT CLASS .JOB . We ;keep
-stock only -...6.V.-1. Materiel:
And -See -W at: 11 a.:Can . ~.C3.
1Ze O bili 1.
- NVe:hav,e been: shown' by the author
a very neat and well-written.!,♦ voluine
of ` poems, cotr'pose dr by
_Young ,of•';Port Albert. • The work is
-•e. ntitled�"Canada" ,aiid` other' poems,
:arid is certainly la credit to,the writer,;
The:Merit referrng•to this book says
-" DJr 'T F. Young,°,of Port'' Albeit°
has coiit-ributod his .quota tot -Canadian
literature by. pnblishing•.a ."hook ;of:
Poems, ruany• of which are very `rneri
tbrious. — Iii --his;--preface the .author
assumes a•►,rodent tone, but with par
• donable 'pride`.assertshis-loyalty `to
•Canada, and a desire. to 'see his fellow;
country. ncn'i-nstructed°and 'elevated.':
The titie of the book is "Canada. and`
•'other—poems,. and it' is produced, in
.creditable style."
Kind o ,Mixed'. Up.
:There -is rio rose in this 'World •with,
out its,.thorn.• :Trout -fishing seines in
now 'as the rose ;: .and • gardening is al-
ready forcing •its way to the frott,as• a,
great bili thorn !• And then ',ve.'. are
gravely and seriously told'that " elean;-
Iiiiess. is next godliriess," and if"1 ioor„,:
persecuted man for one nionient'drops
his natural dignity`. arid assents to this.
saying- Here, you,. ,Joh mast
a. i n.
what etre, ou slcullcut th rr�eii`
all thk-•se' etirpI is want beating, ,this
.,toy e to: lie taken down, • autl those•
stovpipeg put away. -Co 0, stir your-
lazy bnnevfor once in life 1"• This. is.,
the thorn that•cliakes.inaii's'aspiriitioli,
for-r�learilrness, and soinewliat causes
his c7 ve'like-'e es to.blaie with.exci,e-
, U, y k
went' when he: thinks Of the days when.
rlri t ii►erl iappiireas, yve.iit:han l in hand;
arid saint took the late' of the, fashiori-
. lP
able garments, of ',:tto•da ! The °r.'nnd'.
to � �
.... M.♦.. . 4.y1'..L.::.4
o: --
Messrs. Gray, ,Young dt Sparling, ;of.
The IVinghain Sait•Works, •
desire to call :the attention of" ;the
pulilic,'•that=•'they are prep trod to
supply all grades ofbait
at the.
Conie one, •corns all
Grey, Young S Spalding:
lt0 este and: -Lot FerY 'Sale.:
lootEll G J.OT 31 ON THE GOItNER
�f:inglisand' Wheele sti°eets; Lnicknowy
c'ntainiit"''iib. iu'rtbr ofaii oc'rc1.•"!'There titA
,gnod frame' hr,6ae containing 8` large 'rih,nie;,
and, a good µtable'on the }lionises, 'also a gond
Welt. The plaint•i.,will fenced. .For parti;eja=
hint sitply to 4: Cirrtigaii, Lucka.w, or to.
.lin' �i9fi. lCiiilougli •1'.`U.
Court : Of lievisl ii for West
r yr
n ,rli".'Te►wiishi . 1.3.8 .
'1�'dw a d • p .7.'
m'AKE 1\•U1'l(E '1'l1A.T' THE CCUR7'
1, firreyi•ing th.,'Addesstnent •itoll of thb•.
Township of .VedtWaWanosh, Will IA held'' in
the,Towinihip hall on Saturday, May 28th,
1887, cuuritigncing :zt 10 o'c1'ock a. rn.
Whwanoiih,; May 12th, 1887. 'J'p. Clerk.
A3tl6fJ: FOR AL• '
Two fired fartnst Lots 10 and 12, Ont. tY
Itinllrss, god , g f orchard ;' ,
'.ud feiieLrs� buildings gni.. . y ., r., `�. •:
abundant ilup, )yr rri writer, ;and every conven Corsets at . I errs. Ask . for th e
niece. Possession given Mamie 1st, Clear •._' , Y
and airaithttitlf's at a fair rime f. and ur,n ;Totts►, the m'ost..cornfortable corset;
easy toren, will, be given, I"or.;lsarticulars in 'the' trade A guarantt;e •yvitli everye •
Apply personally ,on the, preati1eg+ ui'.'tf 1?y' ., }n.i .r"
luttci• to the' pr.,pri1 for pair, sizes 1! yC tplerli...
Al i raI
W „w
e ill ive two' 'i•izPs for teh., first two orrect solutions ofhis rebus. `•'•
Fir t correct;solutio i -1st prize, goods.to the value o f'` :x:00
Second correct, solusion-2nd. price,; goods•to the value of $2 00
•` Solutions to be opened,. examined and prizes given on 24th Dec. 1887.,
l � �-,� I_...,y , .. : of , . �• :.
M Oz„1 BYA C.^
Lvoicrr ow, OxT.
We n aposition to -state that it" .w.as finnll. -ad r
evokabl decided a'fe .a .;/ p'' • 1d i
y w flays a„o. by the o a�,dies, of this,
locality overa cup. of
Mena s .Cb oiceat - .Tea
T iat'.: St
Helens would be the 'donut T f'tly n le„ new.
'Coint erected,'
about; to he erected and to,iticlude .; tly�:. town;shi sof
East. 814d 'West Wa•wr;tnosh''' A:shfiieldl :in1fi' 'and rurnberry.
c •�
the v lla „Eb••Uf<' Wlyi ha.m r.Lyu,kLyow 'and Dungannon.'
.Dun asses.
And: in, view of•the.larl e increase of farmers and business men,
froth the 1 aforesaid. townshipsand villages,' - . to tratiisact their
bnsiiiess, at the Httb; 'and expend their • surplus to .the best'
Has oeneel out a lar'er tend ) ore select stock of .fash-
iouahle Spring goods than ever broughtlute, St I-Ielens before”'
and at prices that will astonish the ViIlagnrs".~Bell they visit
the Hub,, on the St Helens braneh of the:(;: P. R.
RElV.T M'liE� , •
.�j ,
1ii1 t1W
II a1ance of winter stock will e offered -a
t Iu u.:.s l %,
tomake room for more new goods yet'to arrive.
Blacksrnith Shopto L,ef r:.
.. cin ,
Tho, b1'ack>imit t by
h.,4fti e n
. criri"'. �, ,.
Norpn►n lila,
'' h i r of the,
. , . . ,_ ,.... streets, ,TL in iii th�:;hedt ' .•,
toe 'Anti for ,4111e in the -village..
lrorii.rticula,rs apply to
i • is
• c