HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-05-20, Page 3• NANAIMO CALAMITY: Stang Any Hope of , Saving the Iminisoneti, Miners.. '001I7iNep SCENES ABOVE GROUND, .11. Diiindied: and, r___ifty *41,,,,, .44. the EiettOVG, of the . withal .colvmhla . . '. -No: XiPpe• 9r Safety...-,-Xteart"Aelicifnic ,. Scenes. '. • . A Nanaimo, B. '0.„ despatch says.: A; • terrible -explosion of gee took place on Time-, day evening, in•theNO, tehaft,'..of the Van- • , 'vetiver „Coal 'Company's **mines, in whielt *eke were :Upwards. Of one . Mindred and 'fifty minere at the time,. , ' The:firet. inti- mation tbege. on the so.rface'lle.d of the ex, plosion was a terrific 101004, foucw04 . by: an outburst of thick Week. smoke • through. the air shaft; This was quickly . followed 1 a second onn stronger-thanthe-rat, ing piecetiof wood;Minere' lamps, etc., bun eds. of feet into, the . air. • In alew ' minutes flames. commencedto issue through . the air aloft With 0.1ond,rearingnoiset in •' a abort, time the fardionse caught fire and . ' waif quicklycorisumedi.,;-InAlie-ineantime._ • nine white. men- and four. Chineseivere. - brought .out ' through the hoisting! shaft,. •'Rea-Miiiirparties--attempted. te- reitch-Irtlie. 'entombed men, but have been unable to ..,. resciie Mer1-thati-Tfifteennprt&thishourir • The reamers. were overcenie.With the after - damp and haat() be reamed themselves by • 'Othere.t. Sam Hudson, entiot the rescuing pattY; :•sucaumbed. • to the • effects. of the - deadly after-damP. The. Seezie around the •• 'haft head ia most heartrending, the air •'. '. being filled with the.' laMentations Of the •„. ,,... friends"of those with, :below looking, *-''' 'for themissirk.:. At thishour, 2 p.m., 'but ' little hopes are enterteineid 'fol. 'the safety of. the imprisoned • men, .... The. fire •is Still' . raging, but it 'is :thought it Will soon be got, ' !inder Control. The rescuing .party will •' ... again attempt to go below, • ' , • , • . Our Ottawa ' Correspondent itilegraphs •-‘,-:-.---4,1iis-- •-•(-Tburadizyj-Lafterne_on,i_.,Mr• Port ,. ..,.• .. 'fioili. , X.P.., ' . British. . Columbia,..' -re” . ...' -presents ' r. The -• aleteiet . •.' where. the , - 7: exploaiOn'teek,..place....at-YAROnnyer. Coal •• COmpanY'a Mines, • Every miner in the it. •.11.0 tells me, Wite. a . personal friend ; of , his • 'own,' and consequently he feels, very ill over •• , • the' caltiniltY... •The mine; belonged ' to an '-,•:-..;:Maiglish,. „Company and •• was Worked by a bliatenlimailiftatwO.v,P342.000A01 oo plies 'et-thifiniiinibilfore. '• Vherewere •• - • - 0,,v7;evervil vallglAtialis ''''I't .4r3"Gliderfit00a •.. that •• the Davy ; lamp, . • Only .1, is to be , used but • 'as ': . Minas can', • • ade • better and conseqiientlydO more WO& with .. a• 'naked._ light, • it is justquite possible that Some Chinamandiaregitrded Athe rides and • tinged the eiplosion: . Gibson, the under•-- .,•grmind Manager,. who had so ' narrOW. an .esCaptii was Mayor - of • Vancouver ,: ,.'.. The 'eXplosicineridently took .pie:Ce .in. the air ,• .,,aliaft.,„ thus destroying the Van; so that :-no. .... 7: ',. pure air cetildlid sent into mine:. ' . Ger- dcin lute telegraphed fiiitnitlier particulars. . . . . . .. - , • • ' . .., : - Latest _psirtichlars.. '' • • ' •..4.....cleiipatch Irein •IsIiinaimoi:43.C4•thia afternoon„ sive: .- -0101'200i-eel, Who was. ' jnied in the exPlOsicin M . No. • 1 shaft of e .Vancouver Coal Co 'a *hie, says he • wed' Sitting in the cabin at Slipper in No'.. 2 ,..shot When. he 'felt/Lithe. Concussion: ' All. .earitinbled out,hut b -rin*ritisensiblef". and Only one was sieved .Of' his fon. companions. ,..WhOse dead bodies ..-cariie up in the 'cage. .. .. With him. Several 'could hake* appreciate ' iheiriniraculoileericape, oWingto.the dazed " feeling *Wiz all felt who. carne out from • ' . the deadly pit: HO repreilente the explosion as having been terrific: Eirerythingbecinite ''• : dark.at once: JOhn,Lyn6h,Whe was badly • •injureffabout.the face and. head, lied • -, has hip', friotniedehas been •deinented •:.ever ' since the eiploaioll oceeired:: • Histalk • iii, :- "77060 ivorkin-the-'pit--4tLis4hoiZght• _lie_ • Will notreeoiter; having Inhaled...gas: .The Others were not. •injiireVseriontly; though ' all were badly shaken .up....,Singuel ,• ',1ion'aberoio . death le unaccountable. • . He was • a Miner :•-.0,--• great • ' , experienCe; .. "while those whir Went . down with, hint -to •. • ieseue theit•fellews.We.re comParativelY. in. .experienced. • He. died - from the •effedts,of s. ' 'after, inpr• : Rio' braVe, deed Wes: one Of. i , •the. b ht thing in the carnival Of 1*i:seri. ' ',,All de, • yeeterda : gangs ofmen eudeo.V'ored ; to entinguish the ames in No; 1 shaft; and •. it is .believed ..t . . 'fire'. 'is; •Under; :cOri- -•L trol:• The -,Illerr Weather. steam fire `engine.. 'aia ,. good ' wOrk in ..nnniping ....Water frimithe harbor • dowirthe air Shaft, •. It is abstilutelyimPossi e.to think. Of get- , ".ting.et,thoitoprisoried,n1 n until the fire is • subdued.. "There hi dange . of thergasbeing driven into the fire and. a second' exPlOsien. ' Even nOwlearri : are enterta'ned that the • , . vhdle Place 'wilt be blown ina. 'If it • should -- emnir the. catastrophe would be hp:greatest ' •!• recorded inthelistery of• Osial, Ming, . ; • -. ' ..A.11 hope of rescuing any.one,in he mines had been abandoned: It vole pro • ' . ea' tiy cut iv ditch ti:r• the belt.' Water so ' " tb' i I 1 , tempt taput out the fire in NO. 2 shaft hy turning iv stiemn Of Wittei .filt0 it, but the, achemeWasabitaidoned. The Mines' extend. •. ,out heti the shore more ' than a mile liti, •. , neath the waters of the harbor, and a's One -••-•-•••:----,46ake over the.WaVeti It is hard t� imagine iniaginir , • . that* bidleith, are imprisoned • Many dead ' fathers and sons of this city, .: • . , Aitehhh. imi• sifirT "rut , BCENiB ARE HiltROW. ' • •: . ••ING 'IN `THE. NiCTItEMIL, ; • , . . , , . , M Rdene and Mr. Scott of the ▪ , deliPatbh earOne InOrrheafliaaVean brought up, that of Andrew Hunter, mule driver On No. 1 level. ,Bix otherbodies were seen there, Scott, of Wellington; has been carried,out and is doing well. Samuel Hudrion was buried at 3 p. m by Rev. Mr. GOA; tie Oild-fellQWe and the Masons Per- itu'MP?fi .#1,0„*.ern0nifiet. _Ts40;10.1P$1b9PA„; 91. saving any more of the men. . This is the eaddeiat day ever Imawnin the history :of British Columbia. ,Tliere, are very few people .iii tilo oit'Y dufAllave,not ioet relatives or .friende. Qne lady lost huabandi father and brother, and; is frantic with. grief. All she whiles no* ' is te1300 her dead husband's face once more. He WI/ie.' 4,,,bazvp taken a holiday that day and gone on uncycie nomg, DO/ nein day he postponed hie pleadure trip and went down mto, the fatal pit; never to return alive. One gentleman from Victoria has five brothers, a brother-in-laW. and an !nick imprisoned in.the mine by the deadlY gas. • There are101white men and 00 Chinese 'stffl. in the mine. ' Forty:seven of the ' wbitea are Married ,rnen with fandlies. • Some of the young Wives With small child- ren are frantic with grief, standing &retina the. mouth of the fatal 'shaft. Others are dazed with weary watching and tears, silently watching the cage ascending from the depths below, where their dear °nee' are.. ' Dense volumes of smoke continne to aecend from thie 'shaft. A large gang of -Men,- priliciPially-eailois-----, are- down;this. shaft fighting the fire with desperation. •It is hepell the, fire will soOn bp under control.. One tlioinialiff'llye;--ltendred--feet-morefire lipktare being sent by special train from Victoria, which will lie let clOwnthe cage - shaft and. salt water pumped down. • The bodies of William Campbell and Michael Lyons Were recovered to -day horribly mangled. The latter Was discovered 700 Yardefrorathe shaft. Other bodies were seen a little. 'further in, but •could not be, reaohed. , The men ara working in four hour shifts.- All posible is being done. ' It wmild be madnees .t9 penetrate the Mine., ae another, explosion might occur. ' The mine extends for miles under the harbor, and ,looking at the peaceful water it is diffi- cult to imagine the frig,htfulit atastrophe 4 enacted • few . livildred 'feet4o*. •The worst has yet in coine, when the b odieS are brought 'up,- People: do not yet realize.the, dreadful catastropheAhat has. 'blighted the city. • The Mouth of theshaft is eagerly watchmi-hour.-afterthour2,by_anisiger orewd of Men, women end children, ChMese and 1ndians,: all too , :terrified to talk aboye Whispers.-• Relief is min& needed. and can- , . . . not coin° too soon, as ' the destituticin Will IJ terrible, Many Of the men 'leave' large •o'liTA.T.CM;',Te-AlPtf,X181Praitzti. The Canadtini, Crnisers lyha Tronible 104001t; Aft:er 440-Anaexicanik A gaiiisz.despatch says: T1.10 -Oriniger Triumph, on the etatien ,eccupied, by the• Terror last eummer, called into Barrington reterdiiy. • She has visited within the past e*da:YEEalttEe, _liarlie* and' Venal *worts of fiehing, Craft•netween LiNterpool an#Bar.- ^rington,. and isnowon her way to Pulinic0; SOZWeeterri limit of her beat, Capt. Lor - way ;reports` haying' bearded, and hailed fiftY American schooneri since he assiimed his present cominami,' All these vessels • came in for the purayose Of shelter or re- pairs. The , crews wak nisx.0a01.44, +3111 niefloOnsotiWilltsutzinue ineserys t -g! .0"ihstaPnlYeewitsho thfser.reugl. promptly carried ;out, their instructions. The recent rough weather had caused an unusual number of American fishermen to seekharliore, along the section of the coast, but all took the first opportunity of proceed- ing ta sea.and required no extra warning. AllionterConrse between :such vesiels and the, shore is earried on strictly by day and subject tothe excellent. rules adopted by Capt. LorWaY, of having the boats row elongeide the TriuMPIr and report both gw ing returning. No disititisfactiOn'vfas ever expressed at this plan, which prevents all 'possiliility of violating 'the customs laws. C'apt. Lorway had. seen ne • diaposi- tion On the part of fishermen to create any trOithiel, ,„ l'heltation was a difficult one to oversee, on accatinlidiAirereat extentand numerous harbors: After the cruise to westward if& finished .thelriumph will pro- ceed to prospect the eastern' bohlidify Of -the-patrol,:in-order talooli after vessels in want of bait. • • , .E luDGwAY ....,rx.sugai3,A,pX7.0.•-a1MACA.RT" Axchibald Connell, a farmer of South Dproheeter, en TuesdaY aseaulted bis faMily and destroyed the furniture. Last evening he was arrested on a 'charge, of sanity and. lodged in Elgin jail. 1430 far thitteeirdeliktbOdisit Oftheiffettrei of the British•ColuMbia colliery osion. have brit' 4i0Qverf.34, • 7""" . , • win seek the wOMan•I loved (he seat Long ago in litole fortunam• der ; I a.ro tired,".diecenriged end Sic at , And inYthonghts Weede*.beck.. the rel.:12034404 • wais: To the wercum•I loved in days that are dead, Awlvfq,00,2-0004,4bor She was stun faithhil ankki,n4•114;eaidh heartrand the woreetest eyes, erifmng ni,yer the;. entombed . way mia• era has' been abandoned, andfears are istritiewalinantillidili9Vpiieb lOVareClOwilathers instea4p entertahied of; iffe whole place being blown. And leaveber aloha to despair (he saki). • pp by it second explosion. .• • ill IDITsaa'a:caday night a yomig man named •knd neetheiroWaricl E'er srpatliies. life. . • H_. . The .aclies' parorite. • • The neweet fashion in ladies! 'heti will doubtless cause a flutter 'of pleasurable exciteinent among the fait sex. Ladiee'are alwaye susceptible to the. cliaigeS 'Of' a fashion•plate,1 and. „the' 'more , startling the departure, ;the More earnest the gossip over the new mode. Dr: Pieree's Pavorite . Pre-. 'scription is a positive Mire fortbeill�WbiCli afflict females , and make, their lives miserable. This sovereign; panacea can be relied oniircases o!displacements and ell functi'onal derangenients. It builds up the • Constable cf 13aYheinverog404 14er '12°W' Itt enes,(11.9.k11131), Pne t,he ndted Rayliam --m 8 F. " 119;3::::1 era bare atlast in_ her 12 t g190112- ; haTveliedel4Ci°d114601111 •Grot1614° CkUnIni*tee ilnhlrergdeart'flfitriftir 14eP °n Stah.‘ fest to be built of weed' ' ;uithtuenerfii:alAral''30ttvwilhelVde (ill':°dY,11°°11; on the tapie. • , arrests are ex room, ' mam building 200 b 80 yowers, and laer book " lhomas . ner suspicion of being B1 ed her t,ot fightlA and lef h ' ° - or The -Publisher :14 the _Black Pamphlet Assessed in £500 Damages • .• A last (Tuesday). night's London cable says : The trial. of the suit of Sir ;Phu Brennon againat Wm. Ridgway; the pub- lisher, for libel, in accuaing:the plaintiff of being . a Fenian and a ,former ally of the Invincible°, was continued to -day. •Mr. Ridgway then stated' he was unable hi call witnesses who .could preve his Charges, became the disclosing of the name .0f the writer Of , the Black Pamphlet, in which the", charges were macie,• would, endanger his life. • Neither could he call in the de- tectives from whom he obtained the infor. -mation, •• to substentiate -the.• allegations against' Mr. Brannon ' because it would involve' a disclosure of secrets of the prop fession. The plaintiff iotd. been. brought into. court es a stalking-horse for others, mho. dated zent Grapesx,. Dimpeel ,for ether menibera of •tlte gang await- • AO my heert ,Carnsblno Vta8"14ead' • he jail in St Thomas Other ' eart °2e Pid). trial in Fair Ninth stone founds- Fora lb; s On the ompe ive deiiigns will be oft ed er --ereePtingreleelf 11 g is'ehangedh ear for., The first prize includes 4 per cent on Her voice Me child's viith its sobbing toile, the outlayand the 01I ten,dence- of the But then came a Pause. ahd .4t WbisPered word-. mber h .sEtid) • A 1 -that see ed turning my heart te ' atone;•' • • . The door oipeged wide, and my hopes were fled, • For e..new WO was there, by her side(he said):, • • buildin& The Becen 'Prizels• 0200.. On Wednesday evening four auspicious ,characters, Prank Pearson, W..Arnold, G. Hill and G. Wonds, were arrested for tres- pass' on the Michigan Central property at St. Thomas and placed in the 'cells, In the night they picked, the leek and eecedied; .Notraottg t.11Crit.ho4i Once been seen:, _ , young man gamed Preston,residingat Frankford' Ont:; who had lately rettifoocr . TO BEATH. Bussiau Noble Alleged to' Have 3itirdere• il VS !Parisian Parpehr. • • murder has been -committed in this city by Russian at one ofthe principal hotel fromlfichigin4-where he.haollieen placing • As heliat-ii--yof Priersini; the woman -Who his brother M a lunatic nsylum, cut his throatTwith a razor: on .Tuesday, whilst laboring under a fit of insanity. D. Rock- well, who is in attendance, cOnsidere there is no hope of his recovery. •• aalEadmarelnolaralthat, thp Rjadirl'arsPillet poor, haggard end draggedrout victim, and, gives her:renewed-hope' and.-a-fresh-lease.of life. It is thaonly medicine for • woman's "peculiar weaknesses arid oilmen* a0ld by druggists,. under .epoeitive guarantettfrom the rcutnufacturers, that it will git,e • satis- faction in every ease, or money 'refiinded. Read printed guarantee -on bottle wrapper. •• Modern Newspaper Begulatioris. Editor--You'r spring .poems have not been printed,•,sir, because 'you did not cora- '• ply with our regulations. •• •, kiring poet --May ask where I .'..failed.? " Certainly. The petains were 'signed with anassumed name, Contributors of spring poetry are required: •to ' enclose their real name and address,,birth record, baptisnial recOrd,-police.--contt._•...history.,_. marriage certificate, diVoice„ proceedings, ' if any, together with a full and frank confession of all the evil they ever did in their 10684 " My grade:wit 'DO you need all .that as a, gearantenof goodfaith ?" •; • " No ; Want it for publication." was 'written by:a Feilj011, would be certairiif his name became knoWn. Mr. BrennonNt evidence showed that -hi e,sicidated with and assisted the • worst dyriamiters in Paris. Counsel held Vila te have preyed the case against him: Judge, in charging, the jury, said the de- fendant: boa not proved *dingo:tic:el: , The juiy2awarded the, plaintiff" Z000 damages. • • . .T07.Dises Church, News. • .. .;' •• • •'Wellington tairieis, went dOwn • yesterday • afternochrat the risk 6f' their lives, in an • endeavor ito make an Anvestigaion is to • themanner of proCedure. 'Mr. Chandler, • of the ,Wellington Mines, , has • teen inde- fatigable lir his efforts to- assist in the work ef rescue. Several' phYsicians , are in at- tendance lenderinUall ilietiesistance,411 ; their „ power, The: , business houses are elosed., The .6011ieries are ssliut• ; lip and the . entire population " M gathering at the Beene of the disaster. • 'Wives, terror gtriektin, drying ehiltiren and .sortowiag fathers hover in the vicinity' -•7171d- mourn their terrible affliction. •Oe, • caaional showers' of rain east it dreatineed • Over the glia.stlY Scene. •,•• • • The ircprisoned miners :,wcro old •settlers, their faces Were faniiliar on the ; ;Streets; and •theie will be •a void in Many • honied. The Cause of the explosion is un-, is geneially..stippoSed to have • been ail explesion 'of. . coal dust. The.,tale. • .Will probAbly never bete '• A last (Prido,y) . night's Nanairrim B. O.,. The Gainnt.oi"Theft. • • (Washington. Post.)- Takipg,!$1,000,000 is ce:Iled•Geillus.' •' 100,000 ; • Shortage: " .50,000 •" Litigation. • • 25,000 " Insplveney: 10,000 ." ' Irregularity. • 5,000 • • Defalcation. , 1,000 " • "Corruption: , 500 • " Embezzlement. •100 . " Dishondsty. : • 50 •". • .Stealing. --- • - '25" • " • . Total dePraivity. • • I one ham "• War on society-. • . Rev. Newton,. gradne.te of McMaster .While_Mr.. S. Lindisey, 's, olifk , the Abzonte branch' of the Bank of Montreal, Ernest Stephenson, son of Rev.V. Stephenson; were canoeing at •Alnionte on Wednesday afternoon :;them boat was ca sized at CaldWell's saw r Stephenson was rescued by the Men at the mills, but Mr. Lindsay was drowned, his body bdinereedvered about,an hour after- wards. • itheady repotted •• .11120 000 • is the estimated loss to 'the steamelnp Barcekina and',.'eargity,-through...2.grOur2X.mg. - in the Traverse at, Montreal, caused by neglect on the 'part otthe .marine authorities • in ;not having the lightshipti and .buoys placed in; position, • Captain Williains, of the, • steamship Oregon, the . first. Ocean steamer to ,arrive, never had such *difficulty . in navitting the river for. want of ,signals tend oys.• • sixamtp.F.amvicir • •Ahrtivti.orisiiina4riland=*4.130.0106 4tIroztamt neRriasia,, • • • • . • was the victmi belonged to the frail Bide* hood *hid' abounds in Paris: Had 'she •discoiered. some terriblk, secret of he lover? Up; to the present- there seems no motive for the crime, since...her lover...wits „ man ot. immense wealth :and very high . • sition, both. in social and official rank,...,`; Meyer bethe cause, She was dis49vered in. his reonis at the lintel, her neck showing - indubitable traces that she had bee* strangled. The Lothario waearresteO, hut • was released after a few hours' detention. The reaeon publicly given for not proceed. Log against Win. was' that there wes not sufficient evidence to hold him. The reed • reason, • howeirer, was that iriimediately after his arrest one o,f the. highest offiOiahil bf -the' Riesian- Embassy called on the; •• , Prooureur-General, the, jiide d'/Astructioni°, and•the Prime „Minister. At the present; moment' the Russian allianee is of more . value to France than the life or: a mere • comitte, hence; the murderer, has. been ,allowed.to go scot free and to , Italy;.althoughhis,name and rank and .his ..ezdtpwAtotb$O1 I I 1'. Hall, has accepted the pastorate Of - the Victoria Baptist Church. . • •, The total ainozint paid in to the endow- ment fund of Knox Collegeto date is $152,- 135: 88.• The total arnciuntrnm iseribed is 11108,005.17. ••• , he Evangelical Lutheran 'Clinkbh of Fisherville village willshortly be furnishe4 with 'a new pipe organ; built by Mr. .1hielieer,' of Hamilton. • It will -be 10x6x13, contain- ing 416 pipes, aid will CPA $600• . Aniong the prominent clergynien who are mentioned as likely suceeed Right Rev. Pr. Binney, in the Bishopric 'of Nova' 13cotia the neanerif.Rev.-John Langtry, Motor of: St: Luke's Church, Toronto„appears. Mr. Langtry. was Proloentor of the Lower naiad at the last meeting alba Fravincial Synod, .;' • , 7, was picked up. ton ame pieC� parr -on Which wee Written, in pencil : hea Bea.' John Thompson and I am V1.26th.L-Afloat take. Ontario in a together. •We' will never eee to-inorroW. The ees is too high and we are lost: The latit place We know • of is Pigeon. light. Whoeverfinds this bottle have it copied in the Brookville Recorder. • We will drown before Morning. ,"Ify. (or Wim) B, Rees. John; Thompson." A telegreni from Br:4*We reads , " Know • of no stioli Men b r • The aftair probablYithoai0 • . . . - • • , .• • . •A Birthday' Coniplimerit. jenes-l" This is my birthday'', Smith." Smith-" Indeed Row old :are . yon1" • "Just , 46 to7day.” Wm 1 , Forty? Welt .• there is arcold Baying that every , 'Man. at . 40 is either a fool or a , physician, You ; fire not a physician, I • believe ?"-,Bestott Cannier. ' • arvi • •To Be Settled Later./ , "'Doctor,' said thesiek man; " the other ' -•physicians Who have- been in consultation he Colonial Delegates will ailaress a meeting t� be held in thelondOn Mansion House on; • Monday-on-thequeistion_of 33ritisli.tre,de With the colonies. ••• ' The, steamer 'kale, from :Bareeleint fOr Marseilles, heti been. inmk in weak:don, With the Frew* :steamer' 'Ajaccio, from Cette for Algiers. ,Several passengers. were • The Pope has,iiimnioffed three cardinals to confer with him upon the question of reconciliation with the'Iteliart Government arod-te arrange the conditions upon which the Vatican will consent to negotiate.. • • , ArchbishopCorrigani of New 'York, is one of the. youngeSt prelates in this Conn- W---11sis-novr47-years .33 when made Bish9p of Newark His Man - net ':resembles that of the late Cardinal, McCloskey.. He is an indefatigable worker and is • quidi to niake. decisions' and,put them into execution. • The Vatican at Rome had 25 chief courts, 0 principal iteirwaya;.200` minor stairways and 80,000 windciws in its 11,000 chambers: The librarylias it shelves 26,000 manu- scripts. Of these 16,000 are in Latin, 500 in reek and 3;000 in: Oriental tongues. The printedvoluniee in the library.number about 100,000. .• : ' • over my case seemtodiffer with feu in the - -diegiMins.". • , theydO,P-replied_the. doctor, .• who has great confidence in himself,," but. • the autopsy will shOw,who.was right." .."••••• • She BSA a Motto Too. , • I am very sorry,. Mrs. Hardtack?' said , the new, boarder, "but •I'M a little short this-weekrand-Pllhave to ask you to wait- .. a little for my board, though, my motto is " .• To pay as I go.' ''' • •• • ' • . " Can't da it,"' replied 'Mrs. Hardtack. ' My motto is, • Pay or go.' "-.1sTaw .York, • . ' -A •Ruseien• fanatics:ran aintick 10 '' Odessa. . • • ; ' . , • yeaterday itiO stabbed siX Jews,: kiniiig two ilia Future Career, . . . .. of them ;Ife:1#04rarrefited in a restaiiranti- ,..--...-_," And what do you expect to be When you .. Where.. he attacked and ' injured' a ; Jewishgrow up, /30bkro', .9.aked. •the minister, ; "it • waiter. *mob of Jewii tried to lynclibirnolawyer like your father?" ,. ..-' .. • 9 ° . • EzigliiiiI3oaraRCTiadeTretiniiirfOr" —"--No'-BelibyrePlied ''` ma-eriya „Thi: ;April shoW•that. the emigration from. Great tod min% likestato maks& rinceeesf011aWycr: .'.. • .A."Sovel EatiterEgg.• . The Pope received novel Easter egg. The ".egg Wait Of ivory the interior Mae lined, with, White satin upon which nestled it magnificent rubyand ditimondornament: T4, offering the. value of which is, about '12',000, VOA, made by Lady Herbert, of Lea. •" . • . ' I did think bee, drum major, but !guess Brttain. :reached the enormous total .0 56!955, against 40,719 last year, and a that number , 7,312 Went • to British North .A.Merioe, coinpareclwith 3,963 in 1886. t • akC, • • „ , *Sunday. Scheel tee° _er asked a little girl of her plass if she had bienbaPtized.' "Yes," ,said the little girl, tWo tune's."- ' t, Two times? Why, hownoidd that be ?.'"' "It didn't take the.•fitst time," 'said tbe Mee' girb-•Wide-Aivake. • •:.. • • ' It is eXpected. that Michigan. Central freight triuns •wlli be. running ante , London hY the end Of nextweek. The , Queeh's 'Jubilee was celebrated in Teheran on -Friday .nigh,t• With 'unwonted splendor. The buildings of the ,Britiall° Liegation were splendidly The . total number .of".pertione known to have 'perished in themining. disaster .at Namtime, B.C.;•• 180, of whew $2 weVe Chinamen and 107 whites. More than half •of the white men leaVg fainilies: • . , , • The triennial el'ectionof o, chief and two cotuicillorS. aroMig the' Minic,ey Indians took 'place it the Council Ileum on the Care.doe Reserve on Saturday, Mr. Thos, Gooden,,Indien ;agent, presiding. -Mr., W. 'J.' Weddilove was Chosen' chief next three years by a large Majority, and Messrs: Cliarles Tineithy. and aosiah I. Wilson councillors fOr:a terin, • • ' . The croupiers implicated in the reCent, gambling swindle atalonte Carlo have been, tried in open court and the one Who dealt the cards has been sentenced to 30 months' imPrisonment,the ethers being severely re• - primande - The Prinee and. Princess of Wales and. their daughters,,the Idarquis.of Lorne and the Princess Louise and the CorciteMet of Paris, .eccompatied by. brilliant finites, visited the Wild West show aod the grounds athe Ainerican eithibiticin at London yes- terday. Buffalo' Bill and tiis pompapy gave a special performance for the benefit of his royal guests: • • •I'll he a lion tamer." , • - • Zditer'e Experience. . •• "What is the question that weare asked 'oftenest in life?". demand s 'a writer. The question Most frequently' &sited in life, we should say ". Are you ante that you. lovetie ,--.11Oston' Courter.', , '• Veterans.of the ,arary and navy in Mon. treal-•'.district, about 1,000 in number, are roalsinKarrengenninte to' parade With the volunteers on Jubilee 'Clay. •• • • The magnetic power of aoft•irori is more than twice that of lodeatone and 1000 times that qf ferric:sulphate. . • •, , ViBEi 'N[BorjOrY.''tennedyi, second daugh- ter of the late Scottish vocaliat, Ali now Mrs. Alexander Ytile Fraser. • Mr. Fraser is mathematical Mister in. the Edinburgh Nigh Ochoel. Long life to them! ". ' Yes, my child, yes; dun is the future tense. of due. ' ' • ' The ' case of 'Jones against the Grand 'trunk Railway, triednt the London Maize% On-SittirdnY,,,WaS "an •• eetiOn for atonageo brought by the widbw 'of the, late, a. P. AIMS, w110 was. killed laSt January by shunting engine No. 18 While. crossing the -41iisfRose Elizabeth Cleveland, 'sister' of the Preiddent,-has accepted a place as first assistant in a school for young ladies in Saw York city. . , -The longest contimions rtui On any .railway in the world is that made by the new, Saratoga limited train on the, road from New York to Troy, which' rzins the entire distance -148 miles -without a stop. • • Mr: Joseph. Dennia, • an • engineer' on the Michigan Central, at Si. -Thomas, has in- vented- a' -fire-prOof: and -safety ';stove Lim railway cdaches.a,nd1--ppliedlor a patent for • • Canada, and the United States. The stoye. is se Constructed ' that in case a , occurs hot water passes into the fire box, •extinguishing the fire. • ; „ • IteY Charles' 'W.' Ward the Englewood • • ' zooriomzem. taut., red& accused of attempting to murder his wife, was found aoaa at the home Of , Judge Drew, -his counsel, at Rockland,- NS., yes- terday afternoon. Itis. supposed ;he took an mierdose.of chloral. • • , • She's a dashifig little Student 01 econoiny,.and prudent, „• - In a most.panistaking fashion, . . • I wouldreallY have yoa know ; And !Die looked up with her eyes unglancingo Most bewitchingly entrancing, .• And my thoughts flew heck to courtthip, Many haPPY Yeast ago; • ' Soon ber gaze grew -fond and fonder, And I thembegan todponder •Qtieen Eaniolimi, of Hawaii, and her, suite, esCorted by the representatiies Of the State; .War and Navy bepartnients; aid a visit yesterday . morning. to the Some sweet words I' whisper to her Washing•ton' barracks, where a special • But teisiuded a smile lot.onro • *review . of the troops :was held in their . And she Said in words113oonic : honor. In the afternoon the :held received • "What it splendid lot of carpetrags , Your overcoat would make r , the reptesentatives of foreign",.governmenta in 'Washington. . . . - '. M. Zola', Who held for some years • the • Yesterday morning six negro boys,10.3. to pen of it dramatic critic, always perSistent/y. 17 yeah old,' were it the wharf of the Wil- Maintained" that the stage might to be an , inington, N. C., COmpressprepariug to go exact copy of real life and that it was quite ' across Cape Pear River to shoot rice birds. as possible to he true te nature in e theatre , 'death of four of the boys mud badly 'Art." "' beneficially by swallowing a goblet of tresho 4 : double barrelled gun from a negro . man, One name Grant Best had borrowed as in a• book. *delinitcahl hilebiscabyttsrgheagintilecaNtinP'9Q11:: eft•-1-:4-4.---aCt°1•1-it; cleaned and cooled very comfortably and : llftb-13, est, alone 'escapinginiurY, '- ' ;water, not iced, -.with • a -little-tablei. arilt_,,, it is understood that the. opponents ,of dialsioileVetahiiiieal"e,)3,ed inaarreettieh ,. by the weather people will find their :, systenie • .:-.A medical authority saystliatin warm '' . the sympathizers' of Mr: O'Brien • have , engaged every hill in Ottawa -for the night Greek populatiOn Of Crete against: the Mr. O'Brien ig' hers, with n, vieW of prevent. Porte' S authority has quieted down• - ' hini from speakin . The weather,• ,t ., It iti 'the little things that tell,' Says • PiCot- edged ribbene are the most fashion/ elle..for all sorts:Of tringning. A. writer says: -WSW occasion to, Say. no, nattke,--•it Can't, ; „no is negative. • • Brevity produces some very remarkable specimens of • what the philosophers call nominalism. One of our correspondents lana oc0asion to go into store to inquire for Dr. Abercrombie's woiks, The In- tellectual' Facults," and." The Philosophy of the Moral Feeling's," When "uslied for however, is fine.dna Mr. 'Brion can Speak. ig the openair. •• en 'oa oaago. • Xes.„-espeeiany. the httle • ' *hrothers.“ • , To got the oil out ofit grindstone inek_p_. An to tnan named Jades, who is alleged traek:at eint Eawar4btheplank road 43-0. 22 was „them tne,.00nksefler soletnnly re011ed " I the stone as'het As safety. Will perinit," an ' have wandered away from the London to the urry lanciing. '1 ram F, y, :. • ,.., kt-low I haven't any metal feelings', and I then cover it withit paste of w4iiting Iola • h*itol arid to have suffered greatly 'from'. theroad andthe deceased had to walk a.rou,na the lost two ears mien the line doubt Vhether ah3t intOtlec.tnal, ws,ter. " The Mixture will soon bcCorno filled 'expostire, Owing to his faMily not ha'wing ncroaa '• „ to get past. ,x.t wait NvilN aoing tbit th.hieuitieg "-Christian Advocate. " ' *ith oil; when it may be • Scraped iSff. and !been informed of his escape frOm thatinsti-, teed organist will knew how t*dttine ,the proeesS repeated all the oil lel intionolied lest night. It is . probable Bit • ty.fonrid foe the Plaintiff, and $2,000. ;his re04S dna. read IlliBtUDGB. eitritetqai I ingtterit will be held into the affair. • lie'wes Amok, Altera. lengthy trial thbat k9o• ' . • -.."."7.• • , 4 : • , • 4.