HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-29, Page 2•f•. • "." T••••-•-• , ,.. DOMINION VAn.T.414.1STra 'staff that the utemberewhe had done good knowledge of the ;work sedtiee: of the service befoteshould be retained on the: °Trim*, 14,ril 13.—The Virst; lijosOipo of eginntittee; .4 was a painful :roalosoiroa to the Sixth l'arliaMent of Canada Wee oPened aialla tliat.' aft" t"°Y. years of °(ilife4era- . - to -day in the nenatIni„Joner;,The ntoovration it -was jilecesearYtO: WON) Ivory Tiro - 0 the woe of compoott two (mom in vine°rePresented :even On a eenlrolt*Pe,.0f • .. gata were, oaafambieah;00, annae, when at thi,01444. • He behoved in a areellOr rather a .e.olock the Gentielnan: 41.71dier VI the talrg2:4 larger °°1;1141°t"' Ho wall 141!e VI° .,---i,' B100:4 ': Aga Auterock and tunca,IP .i • • .t filigiviand.ftyin rtotee•saweira Mr. 1,1104-4- -13/Willio#0.t*ieiho.popoyiGoverngri., .t• ! e Would be the first to declare were he, • deared 'their ' attendance M the_Senate PreBenti 'Ihnt--tm-lettagF":114`4111Ar -°- -::::-•9 t ;Chan:110r: , The plinpb(irs..proceeded„to the eOramittee, photo& be .dis1aCed. e Beg- ' kleaatei _where Sir William Nit:Olie. en,. geeted a, reeenaideratian of thf0M0t1e11,511d •notoeca: 020 it7 was tho, phepigwo, of tbo. *fonla 7propose, . if this were agreed to, to . finternoe.fleneetil not to Otto the ireasoura 1450e Mr, BoriVer's .Tlerae for "1/0- Xela-. 'tor caning xforuamEinti imt. tbatoter they. tyro a, and axial*. SOinerVill0 (Brant). ' . . had, electedaSPOW,the.POOPPrncteneral ' TO, fiowsu Said those ,,inembers of the • would. Announce the 40,000,for whioh rarlia, COMMittee on the. Conservative elde Who riient had been euggyeened„. The meggwe. .Were displaced were not diaPlenedhenalise. et the, COMmicale the4".xetic41.104. to VI* the G94ernm:e4t had not 0°14-411ce in ,otwohoothor.z,,,,,____..........:;._,,,_,. ,_,,,,, ,, : ., • thoeir,m.iroliveinlice_eliweV4,40.4•iit_lit..goci_t reppireinsenotrfleti.onHoof • .. . sit Jului Xasdunlild; 'agkeusinif )114. • cfork,•1414„.40.$04rjooti. I,• Sao; to. Atovo agreed to the amendment. : ..- • . .. '-'1-- - . :that 0.00304. Awoo, pujmo .a9 too .the i Themotion a8. amended waelleiried, . a ...•-.... choir of ,)hia Oconee ak Speaker. TO Oe. _____ ___,..........,......_ , . .., older MOOlneiff ill-P.Orlianien .,„t•.",kineed-, -gar The itelics of ilCalvarp. , •' ',,obotliing in support bt the. oolempo of co •! A. rouoh writei"diiitribtit09-..the relics: Of ',,:Ouimet... Totlicele.whe liphnOt met ,liim, the oress•and the orecifnilint as follows: ' ' • 'Old .say that he 'bee tepreitented, his • The Wood of the Cross—The largest por-, - '',;.flkinintY• WittentirinteriliPtion: since he was tions are in the basilica of the Holy Crops. AMA eleeted.::•'flie,cOnStitnertts have shown :Of' jernselem, at Rome, and hi the Cathedral, '.."Aeir.'49ifideilea in lilni On nye 'Separate of Paris. polio. . • • -, . . 000losuus. 144.0* is, therefore,..a parliainen.. The Title o. the. Croes,--The tablet on tarieliiip.41goongot lio; is an.ady0Oateof which is weii-kpown inscription.I. N. 1401, :0L141.04Ag1., One. .of,-...„ilet, . ntaientrfi• B. 1. (Jesus. Nazerenns, Rex jamornta—• • 0iiiiiellore. ••":X belfetfaIlieliforlie 'Will beye Jesus Of Nazareth, King of :the; Jews), is ',,greitt.,01easnres Pin giAeoptiag,:.OM‘ Motion preserved. in the baeillei.of , thft. Holy Orops. :•'(,v140,1i`I.nOw make,. . .. : , • , • ' of Jerusalem, at Rome. .:' . .' ' ' „. • Air: Hector 1 Itarkteilti7HI„ .., Oland.. the • • The Crown of .Thoins7--It. 'farms part of • • ! ,, •• ii.)otion.: • •'•,..,: , • c...., , • : •-•'. ,--,••-: • Q ',!,,• ••• , • ••„ the:,treitsive of Our Our Lady of: Paris, but is ,* ' 7 ,11**Klalitor016100,*(C1170"iiiealinlierlil :devoid of 'thorns, which• have been granted ..*prelly.,;. The new SpOr -,-,wit,toonattoted .to. a great rainy ".oliiirobes.This relie, • `totbe &elf anildfit,Oheeis. Before taking with the fragments.of the cross, is borne in ., e Seat he returndtbft1k5, *lolly fort.the triumpli.by twelve canonso cures: of Paris , .flonor clime him, andaestired the Menibore• in:the:Soleil:tit procession. Wilk ill . d 't S ' ' that: he would deallin his power to main- o'.oloolt Geed:Friday night inNetreDeine.' . ,..„....._ ....,..„ :thin the' dignity and privileges of the Houso_ : Chinch int. Serinic "In-Touleirsie, ' and the 'fairness of debates. He spokehoth has afraginent "of the ' crown, -which was in English and in Freneli, saying in ',each given it by Bt. Impale, through, his.brother,. '. 'language eubstantiallythe Same., , • i ' .. Alphonse, Count Of Poitiers ana.Toidoitse. • .' Otrsitt, April ,141.t -At 8: eoloch, this .• The' Nails= -One, history relates, - Wei .fr.fternoon thellovernor4eneralcsanle.doarn thrown by St.' Helenaltito::the:Adriatio to to the Semite, Chamber, iscertedby. a troop calm,a storm;'the 'seecind is in the. firaouS •:of Prineitia.,Leniee DragoonGuards, and iron orOwn of the alieient •Lombard 'tinge ''"fOrreally,",..cfnened' ,Parlie,Ment. :' with the (Used:by Napoleon lin bis coronation);‘ tho 1011,MviOg '' ; , ' ; ' •-'-..,_. .'. '.' third is in the churali. of 'Notre Dame, in; --- ,.:....-4•:' ' ' , : Speech from the Threne. .. ramie. At Monza, near Milan, • ilia nail gen. oentlenien.ef the Senate :.• ' ,, . WhOlie. authenticity.. ,Benedict.• XIV. is said ' . • ClentleMbir of the House.of ConiniOns : to have established: .' . . • . •••• c Ilt Is zolr Pleasing duty On the. opening o a n :The Sponge -'-Is at •Renle; in 'the. basilica ,J t ..,Carlialheittto-congretulate.Yon..„,„on tho ' general .4 .St, -r t, Lateran - ' . ' . . • •Jetospeiritfttfthe„,coupt*Yianvinkit‘f-he'l*Oopeot Of it • ' ''' ' ' ' '.1.• a oa eanongseVon.-Or•peeee andpregiess; • .,•• .,, • . .. he Lance4,-Thevoint:.•js.. atParis • and '' • • • i'linf. Onanorinimin ' • . the rest et Ilorne,'. ;Vow vriii, ; ant Mire. filidlY.:folir Witlilthe '..:teit The Robe -It .was,given to the ciiiioh of 44-thooystiiibissts,ov:fisi'queentin,,Offeking Troves by St, Helene. :(It is known as the , ...get'ilolosty.youtintoeresengnitnlatienft on her Holy.Geat) j”: ,•-• . • - • ':' ' ' , troziaie,,:esttioilioniii .nfo,..tilietixiidemilirigisiniversitryg encoefssnig , • ole irootc,_040• to.:'In" agn• o ,g!,- ye' 4 to ow'. ,. .• • 10 511 ,eernest hope' that silo May be long 'spared monastery of Argenteuil, near Paris, where ,,,4•:, .:,; „f''••."',•to te.lga,Olrer her. vest Dethinions; • . . • ' • his \ sister was „a nun.' , :The Church of In.rciont near the litiv,ate, office of theSpenish ... . • . • . • • . , , 01440, Aa vire, ootomen.ainzerrion., Argenteuil has the relicto ,this day. ' . ' • • Minister Of Fliblic Works. An employee he pronlincint poitition talten by Canada at '. The ,Different. Pieces of • the . 'Winding pluckily quenched the fuse and there Was no 4elondon.has Made the Dominion: mere -widely Sheet, --The largest •iS Pt, • Term' . • • ' The eniPieSien, ' .: •••• . • ' .: . . • . -::, '''.••Iiiind favorably known than.'hefore, e,nd. will, 1 Chni011 of Cadolda„ dePartment: of Der- • : IleavY snow ' Storins. and bitterly . dela e Colonial and-IndiMigthibition recently held • 1,E1V0 110 doubt; contribute largely to inmate/Jet clogne (France), has the,oloth in which the weather are •prevailingin the northern and letogicas bYeeiling.attention to:the advantages head was wranned :‘: • ••' • .eastern Portions,: Of France. , . The.fermers .. py attracting the eapital neceSSerif ' for the:de- '1:tOnoe has the linen •With,Which Veronica are despairing en account Of the unpre- ':ieffered by ournountryt;ir the agriculturist, and - n -- ' ' ' • .: ' ' - ''''' ' ' ..!yelepreent Of its greet natural resources. • . Wiped Christ's face: ' • •• '• - : . . • . „ • cedented severity of the weather., '': • • :: - : ,.: Tn.* manner NEGOTIATIONS. The I.IPP6k part 'of. the ',pillar' Of ' the 'Mr: Rider:Haggard meets the .tiliarge of. . , , , • . . ,• " . .. . .... Negotietione between 'ger -maiestis-povein- scourging is s,t Rome in the Church . of :St: plegiarizing "She" from Moore's 1•,,,Epicn- anent and the.t 'ef 'the, Uinted. 'Mateo on the Tratedes,gince 1223.. The other part laid rean '?,. by the statement that he neVer read ., : (fishery FniestiOn, With: respeoti to. Which my -.• • • • - • • . • . • the Church , of the Holy nor directly or indire ct13, became acquainted 'melted, aro' still .. in Progress and will, 'SepUleher. . . ,. '. with . it single line of "./fie Epicurean" ., • . iGoVernmenthas been fully•infoithect. and tou•• a erusalem, in ' .:*.we.' may. be .permitted to hope, result in. an ' hefere writing “'She.'.' . ' ..' • Aioth....nations. , •Blemiwbilw the necessary pro- • The Papo:. has instructed the bishops of. -,- • . arrangement honorable • ;and 'satisfactory to • ,. Interesting .Bible fitatisties... '. • Vision •nas-biiiiiimnia-do--for-the--protectionat.our_ „__,TheApnerypha has verse's', 7,081. ,, Strasburg and Metz to direct the clergy .of. .' •iinshota.: fisheries. • The pipers on this Subject The. Apooryphilifids--;-oliisplers;123:- - theirdioesses-tetakelno pert in_the anti- ' Wntbe laid before yOu..• . , ... ,,... •• Thehookt of the Old Testament, -39. . German ' agitation ' and .to abstanifiork - - '-• .-,.,- - - -knsw.DEPABTDIEN*. . ,.• - Th„e AnocryPlia, has Words,.152;185: • .' . fostering the • sentiments•displayedduring • Vont attention will • be invited ' to • the ex- Verses in the cid Testailient, 23„241; . . : the, recent election . for • Menibere : of the „, , • , end:. Ciminero° ueo.er.. the suPeritision • or a •The books inthe New Tegtanient, 27. ' 'Reichstag: . ' . - . ''' ; • .. • ' • , . , pediency_of .establishing a Department of Stade ' ..gestionsible hthaister.. You will also be naked, to Verges in the Now Testentent, 7,959: •, The •extra iiillitarydoits. asked by the consider thepreprietytt nialidne each iniprolie- : Words in the old Teittament,592,430. . . .. . Menus 'iir•the ,organisation :of ithe Departments ,Gerictan Governnient amount to104,000,009 :.'. ofOustice,'Custoingend Inland Revenue as Will Wordk in the IsTeir TeStament, 1814253.. marks, 'Of this Odin 40,000,000 marks. is • Jorge (Md. increasing volume • Of. busineas with , Letters in the-IsTOW.Testament, 83S,380: for the ittereak Of the army, 12,000,000. for provide greater fiteilitiea for the despatch Of, the The:chapters, in the Old TeitiCnientt'a:- . • which those departments axe charged. - , ' .. . .I.iettersin the Old Teetement; 2,728,1,00. new equipnielltk.;p.ntl-the-temainder : for . meita sanaTonst m int arroutran. • • ., strategic reilWayd, and: improvements in . -. ,. A Measure Win be .submitted• to iree giving 'The :chaptera in the /New Testeinent, fortroggog; . representation in the 'Senate to 00 Northwest'• Half the town f Pegu ; fifty-eight Miles .. Territories in addition te thatthey now • possess Tbe'. ,. word ; "Jehovah" - Occurs. •6,265 • intne Sense of COMnions. • " . . • . . . northeast of •Rangoon, nits • been destroyed .. Ott, ' and icrTovhetirmboiddie book it. ef.cd.a Testern,n, 'is by #re, preEitimably . Of inCendiary ;origin. • ..0ther measures will be laid •before -li : te' sive • lot among the inhabitants of i •:•v:Alliong theni will be found Bills fer the amend. Upper Tlermeh and the Dagoitd to burn the . , . OTHER YLTBLIO NOMITTRES. • • 'punt of theActsrelating to Government railWays ; , The middle chapter of the Old Testainent • , , , • f that .section. 'Of ' the ;country; tor providnig a. •bettor mode of trial . of °lairds is Job 29. •••• .•, . • • . ' . • massacre" thir•Enropeang and a . • . , - , . ,oFoce4tire in criminal ec.aes, and for the further IS Acts,avii.17... ., , ' ' , •••, •, • •• • . • .., . ,• . ,nOw king; has lieen frustrated by, the Tenet,' against the Crown;. for theicoprovement oi.the ' , The 'middle vase of the "New; TeStament emen.dinent of.the Chinese thimigration Act; • ' 5 ' The ahertest verso in .theNeW Testament'. '-6.4a loyal ,Burmese, who, •after three ,Iftyst ' ., iresnmo oaf! IIETALI)01014. ' . - k , is John xi, 05,, .. . ., .. . . : , .•,, . , • , .. . -.. !fighting, ,captured. .•tho„. leaders in , the Con, You will be • Relied, . in order . to provide 'Chp:Pt°r *ix-' 'of 1:1•• • Eing°' '644 '1311*Eite sfdia°Y' ' • . ' .. .' ' • . • ' • Successftil., experiments .heve, 'leen .made ' • tientlemen cf,the. House Of Ceraroons.,:. . • . • against the posidble interruption of the •navige,-. xxkvii. of Isaiah ere alike. : . •7 ''' • : anon of our great inland waters, for an approprit,. The longest verse in -the 'Old Testament at'Metz with a navigable balloon'prepelled tion in aid of the .construction of a canal to con- is Esther viii; 9,. .. • , • • , • . . , .• by an electric inotor. ' The Angsbutg.Altge- •, Sault Ste. 'Marie. • • .,.• • ., .,.. • , • . ; • The Middle book of '.the Isle* • Testa:if:fent isitine; Ze'ituitij says thetelloon is inykrt-.: • . , . • . • The ,accounts -for the pastPear will be laid is II. Thessaloniane: ', . • , • • . tion. of a. German engineer named Welker' erect the waters .of Lakea Huron and linperior,at ' 'hefore you, as well•ai thepstimatesler the ensu-• '• The word "and” Occurs in , the New Who, for some ,tiine Wafeemployed in . Arne - 'Art Y'ar'' TbeY linYe been KePa*n 'with du° Testament 10,604 tinea.. ''' -' ' • rice, ; where he perfected . his disc,overy., ..public service. . , .... - • • The Middle •chapter tina.' shOrteet. in • the The• Getman Governinent, the paper says, . Hon, Gentlemen:Of the Senate, : , , Bible' is psalm. cutviL. . . • .. ,:„,_ ,he:B bOught 'the : invention,',. paying •for. it • 1,000,000 marks down, and. another 1,000,- xegard tO.eeonomy and the requirements of the ' . • • I commend:, these important eubjeots and 'the Testament 30;543 tithes. .. : • , ,°ict 006 whi"olg.,s ill: be paid :in instalments. Cientlemen of the House of Commons"g ' , . The Word f,' ana" occurs in the • others Which nay be laid•before you to your, best .The shortest verse OM Old Testapient The speed. of the helicon exceede that 'Of it consideration,. with full eonedence . in :Your is I. Chronicles i. 25, ..- . , : railway trope, 'and it May 'be:ittopped and . • . well-being of Canada. •, .. • . • ,• • , The -Middliirerse .of ,tlie Old Testanient directed. et 'Nvill, inovingettgainet,tho wind, • .. .. : • Whatever truth there may be in the report earnest•desire.to prof:note the development and supervisethe offibial, report of the debates . The middle olutpterd of the Now !rests- it 18 certain that •the reiidente of 'Metz' are • - . now nightly startled by an electric illninin, • : ••kr. Rowell moved ,that .4 committee:to. is. iL Chronicles Ini'll• • ' ' 13aker,.0:ReChard„ Charlton, Colby, Devin, Verse 22, &Apter, Vii. of 'Ezra, "has all D.#on hovering. et it greet.. height over their houses ' ' '' : '• ' ' • ' ' : •of • the, Mame' , 'be appointed as • folleWs ; nient are Romans 110: and Li:4;!. -., • Derii,trdins•-, Ellis, Dinios, Atigiityre, Boys; the lettere of the alphabet except: .!-J.'.' , • ...Taylor,. , Tupper', : (Platen); ',and.. 'gelatin •, . • . The president bie appointed III', " Alexi, , (Albert). ' This, he: 13.afia, would Make e .f, oh, Rile," ,..said.,, °lam': _:.' • "". slarp Girl: .!, ander it. Lawton, of Georgia„ te, be Minis- " think LilY ter to Anstrie-HlingirY• • . ' • •• • :with aprinciple which • he :helleirlia a good and her beau:have quarrelled." ' '', • , . A totter from Mr. wait reeeived nomMi.ttee of thirteen, and in accotdanCe .. one, woule•give each Province repreeenta'i. Why,"' replied'Ella, ',` Whitt Maims you • . in New ritlrenhSaturder in which the • . two or iliore representatives: .Well, her patler lias twert biiiiiautly lit ex-PreinifIr. Pasficii .high.",' eulogy on „Bfr, Neecher. • - ' -: ', ,' • , . . tion, and. the mote 'important Ptavittcea . ... , think so ?" •:, • • • ,„ , - • . • '. , attempt viss 'Made intihedirection to Which, , The jury. in the ease. of, John Atensdett„ • Xr.',Bla,ke .expreseed regret that another every eYeiting latelY. ,: • , , he had objected last year. -This was a very •• • . lEdneatiOnal Matters. , ...... , . eharged. .with •: the Murder of. ReV., Geo: C. .ePeoial.comtni,ttee, and tho pOssibility ,of Little Bohols,..4k. why is imart,"' palled a Haddock, at Elieni '.City, - Iowa, diSag'reed. maintaining Hansard depended . largely nonn ?" - • •- and *ere finally discharged. by the court at upon the redogeitien of thaeqval rights of • Elderly Schoolcnifitresa (With acidity).-- ..on, Saturday. The pity stood eleyen both aides'. 1.1p to 1085 this Wat, recognized, " B.etaiise it's the name`pf a' thing.' 1.,.. --New, for acquittal and 'one for eonvietion.• -The ddhlinittee Wati made tip . of nine." the l'ork Sun. •• ' . ' •• :,'" ' • ' - ' . '1: 'Yesterday Meriting ,OttO Of 'the strangest 06v:eminent ataa,, an was fait and proper. ' ,, ' •"--,..--;•----7-7---,--4 • • , aecidente, odeinted at hieW Rochelle, ,N„ J•:,. .having One majority.: In .1884, wheo, the ' A: tvell.kgovm mathematician who lives that heie OVet .been Witnessed by railroad :Oevettaneitt had two to :one in the Hens°, hignePn, 0.0.., ' And. SO a's' published. 1214331. :6:1' willtn°w1a ' m" • YA" ' wa ' g it Wati,:propaled to put seven doveternent series of arithrosties, recently reeeiiied it along . the track *ea' struck •by a freight , , „,„ etipporters On, thatointnittee, and on Objea; letter 'frOm it teacher .asking • bbin• to. send train stid bus body was thrown upon . the • . Cori :beihg l'-e'e.fie tb&OppoSitionwasalloWed him a hey to.the Third ,Grade Arithnietki,, pilot Of the. 'engine, 'Where it lay Until. • •• One additional rcerriber;. making 'flee' to The metheMatiente. Wrote back: ' ".Dear I„arehnient wild readied,. • There it fell to k• , IltiVen. Ile (Elek0) could see,trno ,. eireaa,.. Or • It haft no. koy. 'It 18 it 'gem winder."' ' h ' ro dim(' and both 'feet .Wero' ent Off, stencee now indleating that the Ministetial. , the i'Vele,4 of Neoga:/11,,, publishes the foe ,' Another train oii.th,e opposite track struck - .niajOrity bli 'the. tonnilitt,ee-thOuld-he in.,_ -sheik of 0. totter writtenloto it e taiterby Mrs „1 the Unfortunate roan end oece Mote lie Was •, Creasect,• and yet it, wan now.. ptoposed the : SUsan johnsOn Of that itOWir, Wile' will'ho"•hoisted :Upon the -pilot Etna lay. there: until cOninlittee elloilla stand °Wit Ministerialiattf 10 Years old iii 'aiiile, WISO . nOVer Vent • AO , NeW. .Rociteller was MaChed, *lien thellOdy .. . ... ' to AVO• Opposition. No regretted to observe, Bebe& iti her lite„.aha ik.h,,,, •Atot, began to teuta eg Dina the thy:1k" .1011 under the else, that Bored teelytbet0 of 010 committee learn to Write three • mouths iigo, . Tho.i.tdidel§ a BOdona tithe. ' When. thn t*nin, YliO,..baa ii.ttda •ofilotootly on•the committee writing, is vetY, Plain,' e better•than that " moved oft it Wes 4eell that OOIY thaliehdreaS ill tOririOr ;Steal/Shp .NVOrd lett . di in this Of tlie;treljotity-Of- Women of har age ;,,the #3,Vilt rot611161.. ' . , - • : _.:_nitItion,„ . Ito hallavea' that 111 it detniiilt-tre 'Opening" ie cdtreet, and the only noticeable '-W1.)ile-viewiiig,--the-toa'ak;•tof., a:,friiiglitICeSte money." PL8 , , • -L. .' . ,,. where •efileicaSY • dePOnded"-.*1-rt• .'nuell'illW414:ul:SpaittiincapitalivAtign.gilamootitittioti. tiiiti on the.Chibago it NOrthWestetit 'Rail- ' ciate:tuojelte. ' . . • .. • • . . . , •,• • -1.1•04, A .7^ persOns were killed by the 1)1:Voting' Of a OV,R,IPINT 111QPIC$. . IPEtaigRA-THIQ 8.011431-110M, tvaY. near Palatine. 111.• ." yesterday.n1 • ..4.. • A 800,20 forthe, preveotioo, of orosity*to iires;*,ottg'ytapaittro•ci;aTyhaefaeraCilicaodengit:',70.4,0irtivecli.0. ,- IN the RtollrYteri0:'..lteeleW l'.'lieeiPa. 1 • T) : a4iTrahee.1;leit! Z. bra;;drcg;t701111;e1attglt7iit'i.00 •OPPosea. that 'the:6311 i'dc'•n- al t146:' freight tent," *ViftbcoYlia7;:'.:::17:bit12t•Ci4.411: Bri744ain' '1):C4i7.4031; trams :in the immediate vicinity in the "luso- to send °* ti*alls' 1357' °Ix) °aiiadiati• morning had jarred the tremens° tardt, ow. for it* failure to AP its, aut.by society. ..., .7114P11' Kelly's el4644 146Y1 ' 1344 about 6, 'tw:cohi:i0O1Phtryg. gPapnVepee''pw7aY:erev ';ils:01. "illar:dgiemg'moirlioo°wnirio:of: eWfri6e:lillitelliieseSitiSetef; 'nail I 3 rl ii 1 ' 'e0P)7 )hare*eetttreC*491:9913iliroillial. . pacific! route. . . • • water, and lonsened. cr inacked the 'hoopla, while playing in the eteeln ' grist Mill at POrtivnagl'eaAnk.: Fill:a morning .missed 11.4 nude!. the structure. When it 'collapsed 6710494!•;p723,41:445t4; banged, net long,ago,in. :I::instantly. . ' , Another diViden&of , -5' Per: cut. is fe•- be. wiiiaagennd--weter,---Wwp-hoyEk--0444,, our Oldham, Eneanat for Ow nil:10.er' et, her .. . _ the-liquidators:Of the Exchange men Were 'killed outright, two • ether men -flarighter." -Rear* an auction 5510. . . .. . . ti, d• fell it btuied the: people under the Bank, making a total dividend.of 65' cents were fatally and , a number seriously in, effects. was held. " The . result :Was great • • ' paid' to the oreditOre. .It if, expected that itirea, . ' " ,; „ 4 Ill.:4116a BI•46.00#13m-jbergrairAtereilt attaOli., PEVE.t. *ORSICITXPERS. • : Ing to e.emrdererlareliera added gart unwonted caties now pending, 'before the courts are vein° toberbelonginge, •Alialldresabtought ' „ 48. • . Dancing in a garment onteVined, by, the QOM° will be:eland as.. soon as some . Singular, Story or some ':Wha.,Tweltln an 4/430:tea primiimtiatmexperience deniall eill.rePoal4r6tYharriatt tetleg°4affiera. ..Yal4:'01,30.1ittinegnitroagate'pirnondi9Sint • • • ' ' • ' ?leineeetamla; '• ' to MoSt-peOple'• but, OPPSFentlY,,• w°01- li .„ . character. • Public buildingS, inanding t*°' , Not far from MOIMI,. in Mesopotamia, flood round Puin,'• • ' '' • ' •• . „ . . nevefailwar stationsvinVelliktan, "Pena- there are a few Kurdish villages whore one .. Barone the war the terra " negro" was .,. ture of about • $2,000,000, l': he•erented; Iiiidif neither-Tmilsque-nor-minaret-.--syn, -- , hily-Offehiikre-tathe'dOlOredpeoplain# and private residences. : ...„„..._, . ... - ': •.• : . hoose„ ; xoolotooda.i.ing • at, . ocean:olio 'Stintliern,States; and thein-prejndice against... besidesa large number of haneiis preMiSes ' gigue , nor . raedrash„ church • tor meetingp , . About 10 o'clock oil Saturday forellonn government cfnciel—are rarely Seen there, it has .not wh011y died out, though it is Mid. Armstrong, Wife : of Mr. Wm. : Ar.vo- ,trayelleru-,•AotAirt. all. Ordinarily, says . a Yielding to •the 'influence . of time and , strong, aretired farmer who lives on Queen writer.' in . the • St. drcnne4: -61 die* .,..7 thifttiriff onlightenment.--A,fewyearsageamational. .. - street; fit, Thomas, •,:drepped" dead from nothing in the appearance Of these plaCes-eoir :,,entipn of colored' editors ' was held in heart, disease, •. Deceased, who was in her or the people- to attract • the •.atteritignef St. Louis,. and it WAS agreed' by passing A .58th year, was ' the daughter • of. ;the lets Wayfarers, apart frointhe white armies , of resolution- that the *era : negro :Wes • the TheMes, Weldon, *One Of . the: pioneers, of the woMeil. and.the Vests:of the men. But proper etlMelogioal terns to designate the one day in the. .year the villages asEitene colored taco. The Mate Offensive, terra is quite a holiday aspect in preparation for 0., aleo used in issuing the call for a national': , strange ceremony annually enacted thete, convention of .negroes to be hold • this :year ' • .'• The houses are' -plentifully decked with in Indianapolis, on the 2nd of June. • • ' ' garlands Of'Yellow floweri, and the peciple 'THE` n3antileoture of Carbone for 'electric - .4 spetiesEl gOwna, the men With a twisted lights has become '. an important Inisiness• ' • ' I. • take up positiond cititailithe *onion lit black cord round their necks.. Then a pro- and of the 150,000 burned dailY. In the • •cessioliS.Af some thirty Persons . °Merges ITu f tom thit residence 4,We "Pir " or Priest, Cleveland, eleandtit,'wea0 h 10400•,.0t0120:rere.a.nireen2n0feefturtirneadoeoin;: and beIns slowly to 'perambulate• the -vil.: 'The carbons are Made &lefty ofthe reaiditard ; leg.' in -front march hall a - dozen weird- of oil' after it has been refined, but the'.:. loeking, personages In tine Itlen robes.and' deposit About natural gas wells is also ceill. • - strange blink headgearlr'tlien;coine -hall j a' ing into Use.:-•- The material : as, g,r9una 0-.I. .,. li000 of .. kaWars, „ in yelloty. mantles and, :poarder,e• little pitch is :: edded, and. the .., . ,willte, turbans, chanting keligiene.hYMile.in aubstaiibe hither, placed in Moulds'. ; These •• : an outlandish tongue; and behind the* ad • are packed . in boxes, and the latter plated many More playing an acCenripaPiMent:to in ii, furnace,: where :they are ' subjected:te; the singers On reedy flutes and tainhcirines. 'intensebeet.". The eakbons, are thoroughly • , Following these is 'the 'White -robed :priest„ :burned in fivo. days, andtheceoling process • , . • bearing. upOn his ehouldets a kind:Of %Am' continues Only 24 hours. "T"' . ' • ' ""'r+' lette; and holding aloft thebronail$ figure of , a bird, guarded on, either side: by • a -fierpe-, IN seMe • parte of "'England. itinactice...: looking Kurd, with aPerfectersenalef smell prevails of :Paying: the , waged ofagrunal. antis -Aleut his person, In the Mir rides tural....leborere partly in. .cider, , ' This (ie. .: the White -turbaned. sheikh , ofthe district,. ' rafirks Dlr. Chairles.Acland•in the Preamble,. With a necend. batchof "black heeds " to to his.9Agricultural Laborers "Sill): " is:: an ,-;'-'"' • wind tip the procession. -The petty, makes: encitement to inteMperance .to the greet .• :: .. 'the round . of the village, th'e people raising • bird as it aletriniertir of their . : familiea;, and. it is ...ex,' ... pagges, ' and then:: hand , in , trent or thi3 pedient -to prohibit such practice by. la*:" ' Accordingly , his "'Rill proposes to declare : their lia*ds toward the brazeir'.., priest's hoinge.- Here e. Sheep is in: readi;„ that every English. Or. Irish 'farmer, • or • nese; it is Cut open', and the heart: is torn other ,employek of labor, Who pays to ,any The , • . from it and thrown down at the feet of the :fart:II:laborer or servant in husbandry Wages' black -robed figure. ' ' procedsitin tlien Portions, Of • wages in, beer,: eider: or•• • . re-enters thedw.elling while the. sheep ii 6r other intoxiceting. liquors, Shill, he lieble ' to. a ' madereedy for tha Tot.; and in honor of penalty. net exceeding 20 •Sbillines for the ( the day, the residents`, „afterWard.:„..dine first offence, andnot exceeding 4() shillings together as • soon es their itew ''..is ready'. f Or the second and subsequent offencee.'• The Those Kurdish Villagers are the ".:Yezidif;" restriction Would- not, hoWeVer,', extend to. Or “ devil worshippers" of :Mesopotamia .;. , laborers Who reside or board with their employer. ' Mild be recover - and their.ennualproCession-4moviii.as the . con:colonial of their Mystic cult.. * . . •- *. the . Maly ,able before- ' any bench 'of 'magistrates . on " Showing of the. ',King ..Bird,"'• the. Melik The penalties * Tam* Or "Peacock' King "—is the information of any police :constable.: or • The devil worshippers acceptrieptoselytes: any Other person. ' ::., ' •', ' ' ' ' •• ' ' .... . "A Xesidi," they. Say,. *"must be born a :Tun capability of sea 'Water agapreserva, • "Zezidi ; he cannot be Made.", They have tive is shown by the no ceremonial ablutions, • or ' attach no ' . ' - ' . • '.. : .fect that among the. articles moo:Yore& :frem Vess'Ss Sunkin: t*1 ininOrtance tothein; and are 'allowed to use nothing • Colored. blue. . TheY:•Will ' net sit harnb64456f*Veriegaoc e...BSpPaiinin'e:ning:10'.110120;gtwheorocie',haenyde .; down ' on„ a sofa 'having a bine tassel, or bee enter a morn containing an -article' covered" mahtfany that,reitwithstatindeinnigpstthet,ieriffefAct : LWith.blue cloth. Theirreligionprohibits years' stibinnerairen-,' Are inh * them fronaservinfitiieOldieWthoughthere -state-iif_preservation. Dyers who . WINO appears to Tie nothing to prevent them eitxpiserieinvoetrbeedit Werithfort.haya,T.elinegigrapostsars :Ltiri,litinak.- •,, frorneutting throats on their own account. 'They •:baptise boys• ..sild ' girls;... and; the, wood. now imported,: The Mahogany,. when old .enough, .every member has .to too, id very''fine and solid,: one log.twelve make Choice of a sister or .brotherwho is ,feet long and twenty4wo. by thirty-two to be his or her companion , for 'eternity.' inches' agnate 'being ,subsequently Worked ..:: Adultery, where -Consent is given, is lawful, Up in the shape of furniture and walking and intercourse between the •Seliefi is relit aintiteelitsegate, ,:htewmeveilert,6e.. :Bid' aTillie'adnienta. jpentel...i:' lated by no 'conventional restraints. sheikhs and tbeir fainilies„, as well 'as . the. blecli four andInethalf .feet high and three •: subordinate priests known as •":pere,"; are :feet bread," with font send copper sheaves entirely supported by :the' voluntary gate eighteen inches in ;diameter,' 'tie Of 'solid of the villagers, whom they Visit.: regularly heavy yanda;rtioaleeti prooperableyrouaftendais,len h6Oridttinuge .: three times •:. a • year; such, gifts being 're garded in the jight of Offering to the semi, anchors.. 'The Wood : is perfectly preserved. ' divine prophet : item, whom their. 'rulers bitten, iron bird is eceltpletelY corroded • • claire • descent. : The' le.ii.dis. may y , every. .ewey,1. While the : copper wheels are but . where be distinguished frOin the. •MosleM slightly oxidized. .: . • • . ' ' • - inhabitants Of . the Country by the vests 4N:omit lie iiinde.6:tOgr-rht.gO.:.1g, , ;ii'i-a-•" - certainly . beer a secret Mark upOn. their !1,9'!' l'r_..e.iii!ad'f?,73,.°. "1i' iiiri-,e.lo•e,OrYl'iliii. dcio' they weir . closed up in : the neck, ;Too , Persona, like ;wine jIndian, sectaries, for ,girlmust- be, married. The -patent Who ' they :will xutter -bare' their :•breasts; 'and has an rinniarrieddanghter of ° full age. ' in. •'.... under ne'Cireumstanced will -9. lEezidi ever his •house is net only anoffenderagainst utter the,Word :" shelten "—that is '! devil"' social usage, but is guilty of . a:. religious ' •Eir in any way'refer-to the central object crime, .threatened with piiiiishment :: in.a• : of hit; secret ederation.futtne state, 'aila :one which his „ neigh' , , hors Williiiit'Ve-eatisfied: to leave to its ....1iie, irreneir Giving 17p :Smoltplg. deferred. theological sanction. . Tbe• daugh- ter nittet, therefore, •bb Mairied. to ' some ' .........._... , . . , . . . , . . , :The growing virtue of the Pieniffi, inthe pne' and .'if no ii person is forthcoming, : inatter et: tobacco smoking btaa. fair JO she •niust, be joined' to: some unfit • Immo, S at siati create yet another' difficulty in the arduous . :and thi task of balancing :the budget Of 'the reptill-: tasettle the rattitthe earned' tage possble, so er,' sua m,ake thing 0afe . . lie.. It 443011/11 that the tax:enthis pleframOnat 'fraiNerchieerdiantitlhereir .7,Mthr oYr' 8'HthirtYdetilr,:agniirdi•°`; Chace° ' 7: . vim' produeed lest yelat 6,000,000. lees than in the year 1886. The theory has roarried; there is ne escape **Bible for , •bsuirookalt them,. Wifedom may, he• a revolting' :Beryl- eledestli; letraathrerileagso6nt.'(4tillieitrIthlief; tilde, hut. Widewhood iff a livingdeath,-- The - litheeeliy gradually beepme so • Settlrated with nico- Widew id: an :outeast,• withal() civil rights iocial Standing,' .Her place fot- tine that they"cannot tom anymere. This mia no ' would not,however, exlilair the diminution, no Would haVe been -on ',her ' husband's : seeing that, the place of 0111 'nen is taken by funeral • pile, bet, since stittee has been ter-. , the rising generation. . the theorY "is. bidden,• a fete" more Cruel, :aft' agony more:,, pushed still f tither,. and .• : 4, 400•106 that prohinged; hag been the appointed lot of,the , •• as the proeese cif absorpe ,'. f niccitinegoes .woinon, who curvi4eo.heriord.., ,. . .., , . on troth generation to g • ••• 1.. idni the , sons • • ,,,..„ , • rn,, . „ , . • _ , .• of dinokets'are.not able t :1,Mme so niuch . IN 1:6,0 a corn tenon was appointed in • '1( tobacco as the Childt,.. ,iii ,..,t7i lint,sinilkerS, Getoteny to consider and report; ciii7tbe • ,Oddly enough, the dint, .. of eonsu1nP7 .,auj vo.ntagea and ataaatfantn.gesr! of vaccina - much tiOn is only in amobing`'„:, .,,,' , ,io, While as: tion, and thefolloWilli are aruong, the con - mous Snuff is sold :aelc.,ii, , The enor- just repotted :: • The ' length '.; Of : euin Of 89,000;00C .,,,. •.;..,, :';ilig_tacintinrili3alilvlye. eltie"" time ' • for • Which vaceinatiOn • protects ' spentiflanbinnigtut TnWpitiliki'„ 1.1:,it,',#•:. • ' ,evonktei • oie ageinfit smallpox varies ' greatly in different:: . . habit, 0 one too ina.0,,,,:.;,, i ;. ;11, owo c.t. ,persorie, but in the ' mean it , ut 10 ..yeats. ' i',. Retabeinationis necessary 10 Years after . , 'P°ien6: • i° un•lcit:" It ,..- . ' , • g•lhav''''': theprimary operetien.: Two Well.tiarked. . • , • . ' v 4, ' 4. ''''.' '''• •-'.. - --- ' :..1.-'''---- t .- '•' v'eincles ate itecessaltaiimute a successful . .1 . , • •M.. tee , a 1'04 .0 01,1,,Altei , , , , •pleoictiVe *Waifs, 1011, • . Diem . Is no tised :for 1... • 'Phis . ' , 1. 7 , • Th 0 bovido'co as to Any increasing' special disease, , residence .( ''Ne , ;#:: at pi (ft, l‘roriban A )i, of golierelmorthli.thwhinik :can. be ' con - it regular '• i'....*:., ft) l'imv.-• fl'a, : bell and lti,dOn ared es due to ., .eltra,iption of Vad- . . ineidentg ,• • ; W' 'kali '1). a 4iite: • ideation); kien: t,The nee, If1,`,;:".n.linnal Vaneine • ie ' ptiblie addif • .,1,. Stni lo'',Votiro," rsv.,,p .4.0,141, %. liliedirotiOn ionlaiidflUS Per',; , Mr.; Beecher•Vvb 5: . : r. , A tm,„,,,,e• , ,,,,,,,,r 4,7 ..&',-...,..., ` \ ,,, 'hile •Selftlet : , over; , . measles, , to linpOse PPOP.:', ::.,aimint,. , ..'i.. '. ,0.47.,:),,,,g:.3•:•....., • .4,.. i?:i.11oorig coivii, tsAmil' Or &beet the Country I vf le-. .,• re, 0,01..*:;-, ...,... .;1•,'"11- • tent eillib (*hi:Thin:telly pietifi:'', had his salary of .V.Inttli* eb , • . , i he lcet i.e..E1.-; :t.'1"--;-ghbohood, , lufo.nts • should , I Plythouth Chutes -6 easile:- ,,,)/v, - 14, iiat be • yatearmtha 'befero they • are three / • , .r. ituoai thdi mentha ii.na•nis tfAco striallpet' id, prethilent in , I wid,fAtriiing it tit ' 'Ain ? • That Abe tiofulty, .j. „.,4:4..reittost.„0:76 74.__t_co c)ean. ,n, will p,ppre.. 11 "1 :4 •;•',••ctien of the iiiatiliniente. . ,--= • - ' 3=.4.f. NAt$111.0:re it' SliOtIld ha insistbd Oft.' ti,WIlier ,S vesper's( • 4: Mrs. J. L. White, ofLondon, who recently ran away to Rochester with Alfred Lus- combo and sttbsecinently retrained_ to her home, 'went back again a short , time since. Air. White followed his Wife to Rochester and the two have agreed to the institution of proceedings for a- divorce. . Mrs. DM - combo, it is Understood, also contemplates taking stepirfor sope;ratiOn from her truant 'husband. , • ' TheOrinneef Wales has consented to ant, as.Honorary President of the Melbourne International Exhibition; • , , The Sultan of Morocco has just proinul- gated a deck& prohibiting the importation of ilinerican tabby:Ili under any form into his territory. , • I ; • ' The fire Whichthreatened to destroy the Salvation Army's. headqnarters 'at London On Saturday was extinguished before it had done Serious damage. • • The .Candeliar troops sent to suppress the Ghilzai rising have found the rebels so numerous that they have been compelled to entrench themselves, • ; The former native ruler Of Tongo recently attacked' `the Portuguese garrisen *: there.; His force Was reptileed. He then went to Zanzibar and the ;siattiai ordered -his 'ar- rest. . A large dynamite *nib with a burning fide 'attached:was:1mnd Saturday night in 4