HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-29, Page 2•f•.
"." T••••-•-• ,
DOMINION VAn.T.414.1STra 'staff that the utemberewhe had done good
knowledge of the ;work sedtiee: of the
service befoteshould be retained on the:
°Trim*, 14,ril 13.—The Virst; lijosOipo of eginntittee; .4 was a painful :roalosoiroa to
the Sixth l'arliaMent of Canada Wee oPened aialla tliat.' aft" t"°Y. years of °(ilife4era-
. - to -day in the nenatIni„Joner;,The ntoovration it -was jilecesearYtO: WON) Ivory Tiro -
0 the woe of compoott two (mom in vine°rePresented :even On a eenlrolt*Pe,.0f
• .. gata were, oaafambieah;00, annae, when at thi,01444. • He behoved in a areellOr rather
a .e.olock the Gentielnan: 41.71dier VI the talrg2:4 larger °°1;1141°t"' Ho wall 141!e VI°
.,---i,' B100:4 ': Aga Auterock and tunca,IP .i • • .t filigiviand.ftyin rtotee•saweira Mr. 1,1104-4-
-13/Willio#0.t*ieiho.popoyiGoverngri., .t• ! e Would be the first to declare were he,
• deared 'their ' attendance M the_Senate PreBenti 'Ihnt--tm-lettagF":114`4111Ar -°- -::::-•9
;Chan:110r: , The plinpb(irs..proceeded„to the eOramittee, photo& be .dis1aCed. e Beg-
' kleaatei _where Sir William Nit:Olie. en,. geeted a, reeenaideratian of thf0M0t1e11,511d
•notoeca: 020 it7 was tho, phepigwo, of tbo. *fonla 7propose, . if this were agreed to, to
. finternoe.fleneetil not to Otto the ireasoura 1450e Mr, BoriVer's .Tlerae for "1/0- Xela-.
'tor caning xforuamEinti imt. tbatoter they. tyro a, and axial*. SOinerVill0 (Brant). '
. . had, electedaSPOW,the.POOPPrncteneral ' TO, fiowsu Said those ,,inembers of the
would. Announce the 40,000,for whioh rarlia, COMMittee on the. Conservative elde Who
riient had been euggyeened„. The meggwe. .Were displaced were not diaPlenedhenalise.
et the, COMmicale the4".xetic41.104. to VI* the G94ernm:e4t had not 0°14-411ce in
,otwohoothor.z,,,,,____..........:;._,,,_,. ,_,,,,, ,, : ., • thoeir,m.iroliveinlice_eliweV4,40.4•iit_lit..goci_t reppireinsenotrfleti.onHoof
• .. . sit Jului Xasdunlild; 'agkeusinif )114.
• cfork,•1414„.40.$04rjooti. I,• Sao; to. Atovo agreed to the amendment. : ..- • . .. '-'1-- -
. :that 0.00304. Awoo, pujmo .a9 too .the i Themotion a8. amended waelleiried, .
a ...•-.... choir of ,)hia Oconee ak Speaker. TO Oe.
_____ ___,..........,......_ ,
. .., older MOOlneiff ill-P.Orlianien .,„t•.",kineed-, -gar The itelics of ilCalvarp. ,
•' ',,obotliing in support bt the. oolempo of co •! A. rouoh writei"diiitribtit09-..the relics: Of
',,:Ouimet... Totlicele.whe liphnOt met ,liim, the oress•and the orecifnilint as follows:
' ' • 'Old .say that he 'bee tepreitented, his • The Wood of the Cross—The largest por-,
- '',;.flkinintY• WittentirinteriliPtion: since he was tions are in the basilica of the Holy Crops.
AMA eleeted.::•'flie,cOnStitnertts have shown :Of' jernselem, at Rome, and hi the Cathedral,
'.."Aeir.'49ifideilea in lilni On nye 'Separate of Paris. polio. . • • -, .
. 000losuus. 144.0* is, therefore,..a parliainen.. The Title o. the. Croes,--The tablet on
tarieliiip.41goongot lio; is an.ady0Oateof which is weii-kpown inscription.I. N.
1401, :0L141.04Ag1., One. .of,-...„ilet, . ntaientrfi• B. 1. (Jesus. Nazerenns, Rex jamornta—•
• 0iiiiiellore. ••":X belfetfaIlieliforlie 'Will beye Jesus Of Nazareth, King of :the; Jews), is
',,greitt.,01easnres Pin giAeoptiag,:.OM‘ Motion preserved. in the baeillei.of , thft. Holy Orops.
:•'(,v140,1i`I.nOw make,. . .. : , • , • ' of Jerusalem, at Rome. .:' . .' ' '
„. • Air: Hector 1 Itarkteilti7HI„ .., Oland.. the • • The Crown of .Thoins7--It. 'farms part of
• • ! ,, •• ii.)otion.: • •'•,..,: , • c...., , • : •-•'. ,--,••-: • Q ',!,,• ••• , • ••„ the:,treitsive of Our Our Lady of: Paris, but is
,* ' 7 ,11**Klalitor016100,*(C1170"iiiealinlierlil :devoid of 'thorns, which• have been granted
..*prelly.,;. The new SpOr -,-,wit,toonattoted .to. a great rainy ".oliiirobes.This relie,
`totbe &elf anildfit,Oheeis. Before taking with the fragments.of the cross, is borne in
., e Seat he returndtbft1k5, *lolly fort.the triumpli.by twelve canonso cures: of Paris
, .flonor clime him, andaestired the Menibore• in:the:Soleil:tit procession. Wilk ill . d 't S
' ' that: he would deallin his power to main- o'.oloolt Geed:Friday night inNetreDeine.'
. ,..„....._ ....,..„
:thin the' dignity and privileges of the Houso_ : Chinch int. Serinic "In-Touleirsie,
' and the 'fairness of debates. He spokehoth has afraginent "of the ' crown, -which was
in English and in Freneli, saying in ',each given it by Bt. Impale, through, his.brother,.
'. 'language eubstantiallythe Same., , • i ' .. Alphonse, Count Of Poitiers ana.Toidoitse.
• .' Otrsitt, April ,141.t -At 8: eoloch, this .• The' Nails= -One, history relates, - Wei
.fr.fternoon thellovernor4eneralcsanle.doarn thrown by St.' Helenaltito::the:Adriatio to
to the Semite, Chamber, iscertedby. a troop calm,a storm;'the 'seecind is in the. firaouS
•:of Prineitia.,Leniee DragoonGuards, and iron orOwn of the alieient •Lombard 'tinge
''"fOrreally,",..cfnened' ,Parlie,Ment. :' with the (Used:by Napoleon lin bis coronation);‘ tho
1011,MviOg '' ; , ' ; ' •-'-..,_. .'. '.' third is in the churali. of 'Notre Dame, in;
--- ,.:....-4•:' ' ' , : Speech from the Threne. .. ramie. At Monza, near Milan, • ilia nail
gen. oentlenien.ef the Senate :.• ' ,, . WhOlie. authenticity.. ,Benedict.• XIV. is said
' . • ClentleMbir of the House.of ConiniOns : to have established: .' . . • . ••••
c Ilt Is zolr Pleasing duty On the. opening o a n :The Sponge -'-Is at •Renle; in 'the. basilica
,J t ..,Carlialheittto-congretulate.Yon..„,„on tho ' general .4 .St, -r t, Lateran - ' . '
. .
•Jetospeiritfttfthe„,coupt*Yianvinkit‘f-he'l*Oopeot Of it • ' ''' ' ' ' '.1.• a
oa eanongseVon.-Or•peeee andpregiess; • .,•• .,, • . .. he Lance4,-Thevoint:.•js.. atParis • and
'' • • • i'linf. Onanorinimin ' • . the rest et Ilorne,'.
;Vow vriii, ; ant Mire. filidlY.:folir Witlilthe '..:teit The Robe -It .was,given to the ciiiioh of
44-thooystiiibissts,ov:fisi'queentin,,Offeking Troves by St, Helene. :(It is known as the
, ...get'ilolosty.youtintoeresengnitnlatienft on her Holy.Geat) j”: ,•-• . • - • ':' ' '
, troziaie,,:esttioilioniii .nfo,..tilietixiidemilirigisiniversitryg encoefssnig , • ole irootc,_040• to.:'In" agn• o ,g!,- ye' 4 to ow'.
,. .• • 10 511 ,eernest hope' that silo May be long 'spared monastery of Argenteuil, near Paris, where
,,,4•:, .:,; „f''••."',•to te.lga,Olrer her. vest Dethinions; • . . • ' • his \ sister was „a nun.' , :The Church of In.rciont near the litiv,ate, office of theSpenish
... . • . • . • • .
, , 01440, Aa vire, ootomen.ainzerrion., Argenteuil has the relicto ,this day. ' . '
• • Minister Of Fliblic Works. An employee
he pronlincint poitition talten by Canada at '. The ,Different. Pieces of • the . 'Winding pluckily quenched the fuse and there Was no
4elondon.has Made the Dominion: mere -widely Sheet, --The largest •iS Pt, • Term' . • • ' The eniPieSien, ' .: •••• . • ' .: .
. •
-::, '''.••Iiiind favorably known than.'hefore, e,nd. will, 1 Chni011 of Cadolda„ dePartment: of Der- • : IleavY snow ' Storins. and bitterly . dela
e Colonial and-IndiMigthibition recently held
1,E1V0 110 doubt; contribute largely to inmate/Jet clogne (France), has the,oloth in which the weather are •prevailingin the northern and
letogicas bYeeiling.attention to:the advantages head was wranned :‘: • ••' • .eastern Portions,: Of France. , . The.fermers
.. py attracting the eapital neceSSerif ' for the:de- '1:tOnoe has the linen •With,Which Veronica are despairing en account Of the unpre-
':ieffered by ournountryt;ir the agriculturist, and - n -- ' ' ' • .: ' ' - ''''' ' '
..!yelepreent Of its greet natural resources. • . Wiped Christ's face: ' • •• '• - : . . • . „ • cedented severity of the weather., '': • •
:: - : ,.: Tn.* manner NEGOTIATIONS. The I.IPP6k part 'of. the ',pillar' Of ' the 'Mr: Rider:Haggard meets the .tiliarge of.
. , ,
, • . . ,• " . .. .
.... Negotietione between 'ger -maiestis-povein- scourging is s,t Rome in the Church . of :St: plegiarizing "She" from Moore's 1•,,,Epicn-
anent and the.t 'ef 'the, Uinted. 'Mateo on the Tratedes,gince 1223.. The other part laid rean '?,. by the statement that he neVer read
., : (fishery FniestiOn, With: respeoti to. Which my -.• • • • - • • . • .
• the Church , of the Holy nor directly or indire ct13, became acquainted
'melted, aro' still .. in Progress and will, 'SepUleher. . . ,. '. with . it single line of "./fie Epicurean"
., • . iGoVernmenthas been fully•infoithect. and tou•• a erusalem, in
' .:*.we.' may. be .permitted to hope, result in. an ' hefere writing “'She.'.' . ' ..' •
Aioth....nations. , •Blemiwbilw the necessary pro- • The Papo:. has instructed the bishops of.
-,- • . arrangement honorable • ;and 'satisfactory to • ,. Interesting .Bible fitatisties... '. •
Vision •nas-biiiiiimnia-do--for-the--protectionat.our_ „__,TheApnerypha has verse's', 7,081. ,, Strasburg and Metz to direct the clergy .of.
.' •iinshota.: fisheries. • The pipers on this Subject The. Apooryphilifids--;-oliisplers;123:- - theirdioesses-tetakelno pert in_the anti-
' Wntbe laid before yOu..• . , ... ,,... •• Thehookt of the Old Testament, -39. . German ' agitation ' and .to abstanifiork
- - '-• .-,.,- - - -knsw.DEPABTDIEN*. . ,.•
- Th„e AnocryPlia, has Words,.152;185: • .' . fostering the • sentiments•displayedduring
• Vont attention will • be invited ' to • the ex- Verses in the cid Testailient, 23„241; . . : the, recent election . for • Menibere : of the
„, , •
, end:. Ciminero° ueo.er.. the suPeritision • or a •The books inthe New Tegtanient, 27. ' 'Reichstag: . ' . - . ''' ; • .. • '
• , .
, pediency_of .establishing a Department of Stade '
..gestionsible hthaister.. You will also be naked, to Verges in the Now Testentent, 7,959: •, The •extra iiillitarydoits. asked by the
consider thepreprietytt nialidne each iniprolie- : Words in the old Teittament,592,430. . . .. .
Menus 'iir•the ,organisation :of ithe Departments ,Gerictan Governnient amount to104,000,009
:.'. ofOustice,'Custoingend Inland Revenue as Will Wordk in the IsTeir TeStament, 1814253.. marks, 'Of this Odin 40,000,000 marks. is
• Jorge (Md. increasing volume • Of. busineas with , Letters in the-IsTOW.Testament, 83S,380: for the ittereak Of the army, 12,000,000. for
provide greater fiteilitiea for the despatch Of, the The:chapters, in the Old TeitiCnientt'a:-
. • which those departments axe charged. - , '
.. . .I.iettersin the Old Teetement; 2,728,1,00. new equipnielltk.;p.ntl-the-temainder : for
. meita sanaTonst m int arroutran. • • ., strategic reilWayd, and: improvements in
. -. ,. A Measure Win be .submitted• to iree giving 'The :chaptera in the /New Testeinent, fortroggog; .
representation in the 'Senate to 00 Northwest'• Half the town f Pegu ; fifty-eight Miles
.. Territories in addition te thatthey now • possess Tbe'. ,. word ; "Jehovah" - Occurs. •6,265
• intne Sense of COMnions. • " . . • . . . northeast of •Rangoon, nits • been destroyed
.. Ott, ' and icrTovhetirmboiddie book it. ef.cd.a Testern,n, 'is by #re, preEitimably . Of inCendiary ;origin.
• ..0ther measures will be laid •before -li : te' sive • lot among the inhabitants of
i •:•v:Alliong theni will be found Bills fer the amend. Upper Tlermeh and the Dagoitd to burn the
• 'punt of theActsrelating to Government railWays ; , The middle chapter of the Old Testainent •
, , , • f that .section. 'Of ' the ;country;
tor providnig a. •bettor mode of trial . of °lairds is Job 29. •••• .•, . • • . ' . • massacre" thir•Enropeang and a
. • . , - , .
,oFoce4tire in criminal ec.aes, and for the further IS Acts,avii.17... ., , ' '
, •••, •, • ••
• . • .., . ,• . ,nOw king; has lieen frustrated by, the Tenet,'
against the Crown;. for theicoprovement oi.the ' , The 'middle vase of the "New; TeStament
emen.dinent of.the Chinese thimigration Act; • '
5 ' The ahertest verso in .theNeW Testament'. '-6.4a loyal ,Burmese, who, •after three ,Iftyst
' ., iresnmo oaf! IIETALI)01014. ' . - k , is John xi, 05,, .. . ., .. . . : , .•,, . , • , .. . -.. !fighting, ,captured. .•tho„. leaders in , the Con,
You will be • Relied, . in order . to provide 'Chp:Pt°r *ix-' 'of 1:1•• • Eing°' '644 '1311*Eite sfdia°Y' ' • . ' .. .' ' • . • '
• Successftil., experiments .heve, 'leen .made
' • tientlemen cf,the. House Of Ceraroons.,:. . • .
• against the posidble interruption of the •navige,-. xxkvii. of Isaiah ere alike. : . •7 ''' • :
anon of our great inland waters, for an approprit,. The longest verse in -the 'Old Testament at'Metz with a navigable balloon'prepelled
tion in aid of the .construction of a canal to con- is Esther viii; 9,. .. • , • • , • . . , .• by an electric inotor. ' The Angsbutg.Altge-
•, Sault Ste. 'Marie. • • .,.• • ., .,.. • , • . ; • The Middle book of '.the Isle* • Testa:if:fent isitine; Ze'ituitij says thetelloon is inykrt-.:
• . , . •
. • The ,accounts -for the pastPear will be laid is II. Thessaloniane: ', . • , • • . tion. of a. German engineer named Welker'
erect the waters .of Lakea Huron and linperior,at
' 'hefore you, as well•ai thepstimatesler the ensu-• '• The word "and” Occurs in , the New Who, for some ,tiine Wafeemployed in . Arne -
'Art Y'ar'' TbeY linYe been KePa*n 'with du° Testament 10,604 tinea.. ''' -' ' • rice, ; where he perfected . his disc,overy.,
..public service. . , .... - • • The Middle •chapter tina.' shOrteet. in • the The• Getman Governinent, the paper says,
. Hon, Gentlemen:Of the Senate, : , , Bible' is psalm. cutviL. . . • .. ,:„,_ ,he:B bOught 'the : invention,',. paying •for. it
1,000,000 marks down, and. another 1,000,-
xegard tO.eeonomy and the requirements of the
' . • • I commend:, these important eubjeots and 'the Testament 30;543 tithes. .. : • , ,°ict 006 whi"olg.,s ill: be paid :in instalments.
Cientlemen of the House of Commons"g ' , . The Word f,' ana" occurs in the •
others Which nay be laid•before you to your, best .The shortest verse OM Old Testapient The speed. of the helicon exceede that 'Of it
consideration,. with full eonedence . in :Your is I. Chronicles i. 25, ..- . , : railway trope, 'and it May 'be:ittopped and
. •
. well-being of Canada. •, .. • . • ,• • , The -Middliirerse .of ,tlie Old Testanient directed. et 'Nvill, inovingettgainet,tho wind,
• .. .. : • Whatever truth there may be in the report
earnest•desire.to prof:note the development and
supervisethe offibial, report of the debates . The middle olutpterd of the Now !rests- it 18 certain that •the reiidente of 'Metz' are
• - . now nightly startled by an electric illninin,
: ••kr. Rowell moved ,that .4 committee:to. is. iL Chronicles Ini'll• • '
' 13aker,.0:ReChard„ Charlton, Colby, Devin, Verse 22, &Apter, Vii. of 'Ezra, "has all D.#on hovering. et it greet.. height over their
' ' '' : '• ' ' • ' '
: •of • the, Mame' , 'be appointed as • folleWs ; nient are Romans 110: and Li:4;!. -.,
• Derii,trdins•-, Ellis, Dinios, Atigiityre, Boys; the lettere of the alphabet except: .!-J.'.' ,
• ...Taylor,. , Tupper', : (Platen); ',and.. 'gelatin •, . • .
The president bie appointed III', " Alexi,
, (Albert). ' This, he: 13.afia, would Make e
.f, oh, Rile," ,..said.,, °lam':
_:.' • "". slarp Girl: .!, ander it. Lawton, of Georgia„ te, be Minis-
" think LilY ter to Anstrie-HlingirY• • . ' •
•• • :with aprinciple which • he :helleirlia a good and her beau:have quarrelled." ' '', • , .
A totter from Mr. wait reeeived
nomMi.ttee of thirteen, and in accotdanCe ..
one, woule•give each Province repreeenta'i. Why,"' replied'Ella, ',` Whitt Maims you
• . in New ritlrenhSaturder in which the
two or iliore representatives: .Well, her patler lias twert biiiiiautly lit ex-PreinifIr. Pasficii .high.",' eulogy on „Bfr,
Neecher. • - ' -: ', ,' • , .
. tion, and. the mote 'important Ptavittcea
. ... , think so ?" •:, • • • ,„ , - • . • '.
, attempt viss 'Made intihedirection to Which, , The jury. in the ease. of, John Atensdett„
• Xr.',Bla,ke .expreseed regret that another every eYeiting latelY. ,: • ,
, he had objected last year. -This was a very •• • . lEdneatiOnal Matters. ,
, . eharged. .with •: the Murder of. ReV., Geo: C.
.ePeoial.comtni,ttee, and tho pOssibility ,of Little Bohols,..4k. why is imart,"' palled a Haddock, at Elieni '.City, - Iowa, diSag'reed.
maintaining Hansard depended . largely nonn ?" - • •- and *ere finally discharged. by the court at
upon the redogeitien of thaeqval rights of • Elderly Schoolcnifitresa (With acidity).-- ..on, Saturday. The pity stood eleyen
both aides'. 1.1p to 1085 this Wat, recognized, " B.etaiise it's the name`pf a' thing.' 1.,.. --New, for acquittal and 'one for eonvietion.•
-The ddhlinittee Wati made tip . of nine." the l'ork Sun. •• ' . ' •• :,'" ' • ' - ' . '1: 'Yesterday Meriting ,OttO Of 'the strangest
06v:eminent ataa,, an was fait and proper. ' ,, ' •"--,..--;•----7-7---,--4 • • , aecidente, odeinted at hieW Rochelle, ,N„ J•:,.
.having One majority.: In .1884, wheo, the ' A: tvell.kgovm mathematician who lives that heie OVet .been Witnessed by railroad
:Oevettaneitt had two to :one in the Hens°, hignePn, 0.0.., ' And. SO a's' published. 1214331. :6:1' willtn°w1a ' m" • YA" ' wa ' g
it Wati,:propaled to put seven doveternent series of arithrosties, recently reeeiiied it along . the track *ea' struck •by a freight
, , „,„ etipporters On, thatointnittee, and on Objea; letter 'frOm it teacher .asking • bbin• to. send train stid bus body was thrown upon . the
• . Cori :beihg l'-e'e.fie tb&OppoSitionwasalloWed him a hey to.the Third ,Grade Arithnietki,, pilot Of the. 'engine, 'Where it lay Until.
•• One additional rcerriber;. making 'flee' to The metheMatiente. Wrote back: ' ".Dear I„arehnient wild readied,. • There it fell to
k• , IltiVen. Ile (Elek0) could see,trno ,. eireaa,.. Or • It haft no. koy. 'It 18 it 'gem winder."' ' h ' ro dim(' and both 'feet .Wero' ent Off,
stencee now indleating that the Ministetial. , the i'Vele,4 of Neoga:/11,,, publishes the foe ,' Another train oii.th,e opposite track struck
- .niajOrity bli 'the. tonnilitt,ee-thOuld-he in.,_ -sheik of 0. totter writtenloto it e taiterby Mrs „1 the Unfortunate roan end oece Mote lie Was
•, Creasect,• and yet it, wan now.. ptoposed the : SUsan johnsOn Of that itOWir, Wile' will'ho"•hoisted :Upon the -pilot Etna lay. there: until
cOninlittee elloilla stand °Wit Ministerialiattf 10 Years old iii 'aiiile, WISO . nOVer Vent • AO , NeW. .Rociteller was MaChed, *lien thellOdy
.. . ...
' to AVO• Opposition. No regretted to observe, Bebe& iti her lite„.aha ik.h,,,, •Atot, began to teuta eg Dina the thy:1k" .1011 under the
else, that Bored teelytbet0 of 010 committee learn to Write three • mouths iigo, . Tho.i.tdidel§ a BOdona tithe. ' When. thn t*nin,
YliO,..baa ii.ttda •ofilotootly on•the committee writing, is vetY, Plain,' e better•than that " moved oft it Wes 4eell that OOIY thaliehdreaS
ill tOririOr ;Steal/Shp .NVOrd lett . di in this Of tlie;treljotity-Of- Women of har age ;,,the #3,Vilt rot611161.. ' . , - • :
_.:_nitItion,„ . Ito hallavea' that 111 it detniiilt-tre 'Opening" ie cdtreet, and the only noticeable '-W1.)ile-viewiiig,--the-toa'ak;•tof., a:,friiiglitICeSte money." PL8 ,
, • -L. .' . ,,.
where •efileicaSY • dePOnded"-.*1-rt• .'nuell'illW414:ul:SpaittiincapitalivAtign.gilamootitittioti. tiiiti on the.Chibago it NOrthWestetit 'Rail- ' ciate:tuojelte. '
. . • .. • • . .
. , •,•
persOns were killed by the 1)1:Voting' Of a OV,R,IPINT 111QPIC$. .
IPEtaigRA-THIQ 8.011431-110M, tvaY. near Palatine. 111.• ." yesterday.n1
• ..4..
A 800,20 forthe, preveotioo, of orosity*to iires;*,ottg'ytapaittro•ci;aTyhaefaeraCilicaodengit:',70.4,0irtivecli.0. ,- IN the RtollrYteri0:'..lteeleW l'.'lieeiPa. 1 • T) :
a4iTrahee.1;leit! Z. bra;;drcg;t701111;e1attglt7iit'i.00 •OPPosea. that 'the:6311 i'dc'•n- al t146:' freight tent," *ViftbcoYlia7;:'.:::17:bit12t•Ci4.411: Bri744ain' '1):C4i7.4031;
trams :in the immediate vicinity in the
"luso- to send °* ti*alls' 1357' °Ix) °aiiadiati• morning had jarred the tremens° tardt, ow. for it* failure to AP its, aut.by society. ...,
.7114P11' Kelly's
el4644 146Y1 ' 1344 about 6,
'tw:cohi:i0O1Phtryg. gPapnVepee''pw7aY:erev ';ils:01. "illar:dgiemg'moirlioo°wnirio:of: eWfri6e:lillitelliieseSitiSetef; 'nail I 3 rl ii 1 ' 'e0P)7 )hare*eetttreC*491:9913iliroillial. .
pacific! route. . . • •
water, and lonsened. cr inacked the 'hoopla,
while playing in the eteeln ' grist Mill at
POrtivnagl'eaAnk.: Fill:a morning .missed 11.4 nude!. the structure. When it 'collapsed 6710494!•;p723,41:445t4; banged, net long,ago,in.
:I::instantly. . '
, Another diViden&of , -5' Per: cut. is fe•- be. wiiiaagennd--weter,---Wwp-hoyEk--0444,, our Oldham, Eneanat for Ow nil:10.er' et, her .. . _
the-liquidators:Of the Exchange men Were 'killed outright, two • ether men -flarighter." -Rear* an auction 5510.
. . .. . .
ti, d• fell it btuied the: people under the
Bank, making a total dividend.of 65' cents were fatally and , a number seriously in, effects. was held. " The . result :Was great • • '
paid' to the oreditOre. .It if, expected that itirea, . ' " ,; „ 4 Ill.:4116a BI•46.00#13m-jbergrairAtereilt attaOli.,
: Ing to e.emrdererlareliera added gart unwonted
caties now pending, 'before the courts are vein° toberbelonginge, •Alialldresabtought ' „
48. • . Dancing in a garment onteVined, by,
the QOM° will be:eland as.. soon as some .
Singular, Story or some ':Wha.,Tweltln an 4/430:tea primiimtiatmexperience deniall
eill.rePoal4r6tYharriatt tetleg°4affiera. ..Yal4:'01,30.1ittinegnitroagate'pirnondi9Sint • • • ' ' • ' ?leineeetamla; '• ' to MoSt-peOple'• but, OPPSFentlY,,• w°01- li
.„ .
character. • Public buildingS, inanding t*°' , Not far from MOIMI,. in Mesopotamia, flood round Puin,'• • ' '' • ' ••
. „ . .
nevefailwar stationsvinVelliktan, "Pena- there are a few Kurdish villages whore one .. Barone the war the terra " negro" was .,.
ture of about • $2,000,000, l': he•erented; Iiiidif neither-Tmilsque-nor-minaret-.--syn,
-- , hily-Offehiikre-tathe'dOlOredpeoplain#
and private residences. : ...„„..._, .
... - ': •.• : . hoose„ ; xoolotooda.i.ing • at, . ocean:olio 'Stintliern,States; and thein-prejndice against...
besidesa large number of haneiis preMiSes ' gigue , nor . raedrash„ church • tor meetingp
. About 10 o'clock oil Saturday forellonn government cfnciel—are rarely Seen there, it has .not wh011y died out, though it is
Mid. Armstrong, Wife : of Mr. Wm. : Ar.vo- ,trayelleru-,•AotAirt. all. Ordinarily, says . a Yielding to •the 'influence . of time and ,
strong, aretired farmer who lives on Queen writer.' in . the • St. drcnne4: -61 die* .,..7 thifttiriff onlightenment.--A,fewyearsageamational. .. -
street; fit, Thomas, •,:drepped" dead from nothing in the appearance Of these plaCes-eoir :,,entipn of colored' editors ' was held in
heart, disease, •. Deceased, who was in her or the people- to attract • the •.atteritignef St. Louis,. and it WAS agreed' by passing A
.58th year, was ' the daughter • of. ;the lets Wayfarers, apart frointhe white armies , of resolution- that the *era : negro :Wes • the
TheMes, Weldon, *One Of . the: pioneers, of the woMeil. and.the Vests:of the men. But proper etlMelogioal terns to designate the
one day in the. .year the villages asEitene colored taco. The Mate Offensive, terra is
quite a holiday aspect in preparation for 0., aleo used in issuing the call for a national': ,
strange ceremony annually enacted thete, convention of .negroes to be hold • this :year ' • .'•
The houses are' -plentifully decked with in Indianapolis, on the 2nd of June. • • ' '
garlands Of'Yellow floweri, and the peciple 'THE` n3antileoture of Carbone for 'electric - .4
spetiesEl gOwna, the men With a twisted lights has become '. an important Inisiness• ' • ' I. •
take up positiond cititailithe *onion lit
black cord round their necks.. Then a pro- and of the 150,000 burned dailY. In the •
•cessioliS.Af some thirty Persons . °Merges
f tom thit residence 4,We "Pir " or Priest, Cleveland, eleandtit,'wea0
and beIns slowly to 'perambulate• the -vil.: 'The carbons are Made &lefty ofthe reaiditard ;
leg.' in -front march hall a - dozen weird- of oil' after it has been refined, but the'.:.
loeking, personages In tine Itlen robes.and' deposit About natural gas wells is also ceill. • -
strange blink headgearlr'tlien;coine -hall j a' ing into Use.:-•- The material : as, g,r9una 0-.I. .,.
li000 of .. kaWars, „ in yelloty. mantles and, :poarder,e• little pitch is :: edded, and. the .., .
,willte, turbans, chanting keligiene.hYMile.in aubstaiibe hither, placed in Moulds'. ; These •• :
an outlandish tongue; and behind the* ad • are packed . in boxes, and the latter plated
many More playing an acCenripaPiMent:to in ii, furnace,: where :they are ' subjected:te;
the singers On reedy flutes and tainhcirines. 'intensebeet.". The eakbons, are thoroughly • ,
Following these is 'the 'White -robed :priest„ :burned in fivo. days, andtheceoling process • , .
• bearing. upOn his ehouldets a kind:Of %Am' continues Only 24 hours. "T"'
. ' • ' ""'r+'
lette; and holding aloft thebronail$ figure of ,
a bird, guarded on, either side: by • a -fierpe-, IN seMe • parte of "'England. itinactice...:
looking Kurd, with aPerfectersenalef smell prevails of :Paying: the , waged ofagrunal.
antis -Aleut his person, In the Mir rides tural....leborere partly in. .cider, , ' This (ie. .:
the White -turbaned. sheikh , ofthe district,. '
rafirks Dlr. Chairles.Acland•in the Preamble,.
With a necend. batchof "black heeds " to to his.9Agricultural Laborers "Sill): " is:: an ,-;'-'"' •
wind tip the procession. -The petty, makes: encitement to inteMperance .to the greet .• :: ..
'the round . of the village, th'e people raising •
bird as it
aletriniertir of their . : familiea;, and. it is ...ex,' ...
pagges, ' and then:: hand , in , trent or thi3 pedient -to prohibit such practice by. la*:" '
Accordingly , his "'Rill proposes to declare :
their lia*ds toward the brazeir'..,
priest's hoinge.- Here e. Sheep is in: readi;„ that every English. Or. Irish 'farmer, • or •
nese; it is Cut open', and the heart: is torn other ,employek of labor, Who pays to ,any
The , • .
it and thrown down at the feet of the :fart:II:laborer or servant in husbandry Wages'
black -robed figure. ' ' procedsitin tlien Portions, Of • wages in, beer,: eider: or•• • .
re-enters thedw.elling while the. sheep ii 6r other
intoxiceting. liquors, Shill, he lieble ' to. a '
madereedy for tha Tot.; and in honor of penalty. net exceeding 20 •Sbillines for the
the day, the residents`, „afterWard.:„..dine first offence, andnot exceeding 4() shillings
together as • soon es their itew ''..is ready'.
f Or the second and subsequent offencee.'• The
Those Kurdish Villagers are the ".:Yezidif;"
restriction Would- not, hoWeVer,', extend to.
Or “ devil worshippers" of :Mesopotamia .;. ,
laborers Who reside or board with their
employer. ' Mild be recover -
and their.ennualproCession-4moviii.as the .
con:colonial of their Mystic cult.. * . . •- *.
the . Maly ,able before- ' any bench 'of 'magistrates . on
" Showing of the. ',King ..Bird,"'• the. Melik The penalties *
Tam* Or "Peacock' King "—is the information of any police :constable.: or •
The devil worshippers acceptrieptoselytes: any Other person. ' ::., ' •', ' ' ' ' •• ' ' .... .
"A Xesidi," they. Say,. *"must be born a :Tun capability of sea 'Water agapreserva, •
"Zezidi ; he cannot be Made.", They have
tive is shown by the
no ceremonial ablutions, • or ' attach no ' . ' - ' . • '..
: .fect that among the.
articles moo:Yore& :frem Vess'Ss Sunkin: t*1
ininOrtance tothein; and are 'allowed to use
nothing • Colored. blue. . TheY:•Will ' net sit harnb64456f*Veriegaoc
e...BSpPaiinin'e:ning:10'.110120;gtwheorocie',haenyde .;
down ' on„ a sofa 'having a bine tassel, or bee
enter a morn containing an -article' covered" mahtfany that,reitwithstatindeinnigpstthet,ieriffefAct :
LWith.blue cloth. Theirreligionprohibits years' stibinnerairen-,' Are inh
them fronaservinfitiieOldieWthoughthere -state-iif_preservation. Dyers who . WINO
appears to Tie nothing to prevent them eitxpiserieinvoetrbeedit Werithfort.haya,T.elinegigrapostsars :Ltiri,litinak.- •,,
frorneutting throats on their own account.
'They •:baptise boys• ..sild ' girls;... and; the, wood. now imported,: The Mahogany,.
when old .enough, .every member has .to too, id very''fine and solid,: one log.twelve
make Choice of a sister or .brotherwho is ,feet long and twenty4wo. by thirty-two
to be his or her companion , for 'eternity.' inches' agnate 'being ,subsequently Worked ..::
Adultery, where -Consent is given, is lawful, Up in the shape of furniture and walking
and intercourse between the •Seliefi is relit
aintiteelitsegate, ,:htewmeveilert,6e.. :Bid' aTillie'adnienta. jpentel...i:'
lated by no 'conventional restraints.
sheikhs and tbeir fainilies„, as well 'as . the. blecli four andInethalf .feet high and three •:
subordinate priests known as •":pere,"; are :feet bread," with font send copper sheaves
entirely supported by :the' voluntary gate eighteen inches in ;diameter,' 'tie Of 'solid
of the villagers, whom they Visit.: regularly heavy
yanda;rtioaleeti prooperableyrouaftendais,len h6Oridttinuge .:
three times •:. a • year; such, gifts being 're
garded in the jight of Offering to the semi, anchors.. 'The Wood : is perfectly preserved. '
divine prophet : item, whom their. 'rulers bitten, iron bird is eceltpletelY corroded • •
claire • descent. : The' le.ii.dis. may y , every. .ewey,1. While the : copper wheels are but .
where be distinguished frOin the. •MosleM slightly oxidized. .: . • • . ' ' • -
inhabitants Of . the Country by the vests 4N:omit lie iiinde.6:tOgr-rht.gO.:.1g, , ;ii'i-a-•" -
certainly . beer a secret Mark upOn. their !1,9'!' l'r_..e.iii!ad'f?,73,.°. "1i' iiiri-,e.lo•e,OrYl'iliii. dcio'
they weir . closed up in : the neck, ;Too
Persona, like ;wine jIndian, sectaries, for ,girlmust- be, married. The -patent Who '
they :will xutter -bare' their :•breasts; 'and has an rinniarrieddanghter of ° full age. ' in. •'....
under ne'Cireumstanced will -9. lEezidi ever his •house is net only anoffenderagainst
utter the,Word :" shelten "—that is '! devil"' social usage, but is guilty of . a:. religious '
•Eir in any way'refer-to the central object crime, .threatened with piiiiishment :: in.a• :
of hit; secret ederation.futtne state, 'aila :one which his „ neigh'
, ,
hors Williiiit'Ve-eatisfied: to leave to its
....1iie, irreneir Giving 17p :Smoltplg. deferred. theological sanction. . Tbe• daugh-
ter nittet, therefore, •bb Mairied. to ' some '
.........._... , . . , . .
. , . . ,
:The growing virtue of the Pieniffi, inthe pne' and .'if no ii person is forthcoming, :
inatter et: tobacco smoking btaa. fair JO she •niust, be joined' to: some unfit • Immo,
S at siati
create yet another' difficulty in the arduous . :and thi
task of balancing :the budget Of 'the reptill-: tasettle the rattitthe earned' tage possble, so
er,' sua m,ake thing 0afe . .
lie.. It 443011/11 that the tax:enthis pleframOnat
'fraiNerchieerdiantitlhereir .7,Mthr oYr' 8'HthirtYdetilr,:agniirdi•°`; Chace° ' 7: .
vim' produeed lest yelat 6,000,000.
lees than in the year 1886. The theory has roarried; there is ne escape **Bible for ,
•bsuirookalt them,. Wifedom may, he• a revolting' :Beryl-
eledestli; letraathrerileagso6nt.'(4tillieitrIthlief; tilde, hut. Widewhood iff a livingdeath,-- The -
gradually beepme so • Settlrated with nico- Widew id: an :outeast,• withal() civil rights
iocial Standing,' .Her place fot-
tine that they"cannot tom anymere. This mia no
' would not,however, exlilair the diminution, no
Would haVe been -on ',her ' husband's :
seeing that, the place of 0111 'nen is taken by funeral • pile, bet, since stittee has been ter-. ,
the rising generation. . the theorY "is. bidden,• a fete" more Cruel, :aft' agony more:,,
pushed still f tither,. and .• : 4, 400•106 that prohinged; hag been the appointed lot of,the , ••
as the proeese cif absorpe ,'. f niccitinegoes .woinon, who curvi4eo.heriord.., ,. . .., , .
on troth generation to g • ••• 1.. idni the , sons • • ,,,..„ , • rn,, . „ , . • _ , .•
of dinokets'are.not able t :1,Mme so niuch . IN 1:6,0 a corn tenon was appointed in • '1(
tobacco as the Childt,.. ,iii ,..,t7i lint,sinilkerS, Getoteny to consider and report; ciii7tbe •
,Oddly enough, the dint, .. of eonsu1nP7 .,auj
vo.ntagea and ataaatfantn.gesr! of vaccina -
tiOn is only in amobing`'„:, .,,,' , ,io, While as:
tion, and thefolloWilli are aruong, the con -
mous Snuff is sold :aelc.,ii, , The enor- just repotted :: • The ' length '.; Of :
euin Of 89,000;00C .,,,. •.;..,, :';ilig_tacintinrili3alilvlye. eltie""
time ' • for • Which vaceinatiOn • protects
spentiflanbinnigtut TnWpitiliki'„ 1.1:,it,',#•:. • ' ,evonktei • oie ageinfit smallpox varies ' greatly in different:: . .
habit, 0 one too ina.0,,,,:.;,, i ;. ;11, owo c.t. ,persorie, but in the ' mean it , ut 10 ..yeats. '
i',. Retabeinationis necessary 10 Years after . ,
'P°ien6: • i° un•lcit:" It ,..- . ' , • g•lhav''''': theprimary operetien.: Two Well.tiarked. . • ,
• . ' v 4, '
4. ''''.' '''• •-'.. - --- ' :..1.-'''---- t .- '•' v'eincles ate itecessaltaiimute a successful . .1
. ,
• •M.. tee , a 1'04 .0 01,1,,Altei , , , , •pleoictiVe *Waifs, 1011, • . Diem . Is no
tised :for 1... • 'Phis . ' , 1. 7 , • Th 0 bovido'co as to Any increasing' special disease, ,
residence .( ''Ne , ;#:: at pi (ft, l‘roriban A )i, of golierelmorthli.thwhinik :can. be ' con -
it regular '• i'....*:., ft) l'imv.-• fl'a, : bell and lti,dOn
ared es due to ., .eltra,iption of Vad- . .
ineidentg ,• • ; W' 'kali '1). a 4iite: • ideation); kien: t,The nee, If1,`,;:".n.linnal Vaneine • ie '
ptiblie addif • .,1,. Stni lo'',Votiro," rsv.,,p .4.0,141, %. liliedirotiOn ionlaiidflUS Per',; ,
Mr.; Beecher•Vvb 5: . : r. , A tm,„,,,,e• , ,,,,,,,,r 4,7 ..&',-...,..., ` \ ,,, 'hile •Selftlet : , over; , . measles,
, to linpOse PPOP.:', ::.,aimint,. , ..'i.. '. ,0.47.,:),,,,g:.3•:•....., • .4,.. i?:i.11oorig coivii, tsAmil' Or
&beet the Country I vf le-. .,• re, 0,01..*:;-, ...,... .;1•,'"11- • tent eillib (*hi:Thin:telly pietifi:'',
had his salary of .V.Inttli* eb , • . , i he lcet i.e..E1.-; :t.'1"--;-ghbohood, , lufo.nts • should ,
Plythouth Chutes -6 easile:- ,,,)/v, - 14, iiat be • yatearmtha 'befero they • are three /
• ,
.r. ituoai thdi mentha ii.na•nis tfAco striallpet' id, prethilent in ,
I wid,fAtriiing it tit ' 'Ain ? • That Abe tiofulty, .j. „.,4:4..reittost.„0:76 74.__t_co c)ean.
,n, will p,ppre.. 11 "1 :4 •;•',••ctien of the iiiatiliniente. .
,--= • - ' 3=.4.f. NAt$111.0:re it' SliOtIld ha insistbd Oft.'
ti,WIlier ,S vesper's(
• 4:
Mrs. J. L. White, ofLondon, who recently
ran away to Rochester with Alfred Lus-
combo and sttbsecinently retrained_ to her
home, 'went back again a short , time since.
Air. White followed his Wife to Rochester
and the two have agreed to the institution
of proceedings for a- divorce. . Mrs. DM -
combo, it is Understood, also contemplates
taking stepirfor sope;ratiOn from her
truant 'husband. , • '
TheOrinneef Wales has consented to ant,
as.Honorary President of the Melbourne
International Exhibition; • , ,
The Sultan of Morocco has just proinul-
gated a deck& prohibiting the importation
of ilinerican tabby:Ili under any form into
his territory. , • I ; •
' The fire Whichthreatened to destroy the
Salvation Army's. headqnarters 'at London
On Saturday was extinguished before it had
done Serious damage. • •
The .Candeliar troops sent to suppress the
Ghilzai rising have found the rebels so
numerous that they have been compelled to
entrench themselves, • ;
The former native ruler Of Tongo recently
attacked' `the Portuguese garrisen *: there.;
His force Was reptileed. He then went to
Zanzibar and the ;siattiai ordered -his 'ar-
rest. .
A large dynamite *nib with a burning
fide 'attached:was:1mnd Saturday night in