HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-15, Page 6•
'Tr a>i ) woa'L npknoW daily . (Sun
daya excepted) als follows.:: ,
Gil)Ii ter rgOl 'I'H. UOl<Ng NOETl .
DrsiC,; 6;13 w ie. Mixed, Z15 p• m.
Xxii.,'1.0"30%..m.. Mail, 3.57 p. m.
• • rf'MiYed,: 6.20 i,.. wi ' .Exp., 10.30 P. m..
Age ata;
Vixxltgar lint Ticinttp a>ewgi..
Womens F M Society •
tars. Leask, of -St,-Helens, ,ars. ate
I�*all.. ars..D.: McD. onald and miss. uc
Kenzie, of this village,. are in Toronto,, .
_• ,, attending the general 'meeting of the
•" lhoinens, F. at. " Society of the Presby-
terlan •'church.. •• • • •.
• Presbytery "Meeting
A special' meeting of the Presbytery
• of 3zaitiaud"was held. in St.: .Andrews
e : . : chin* here; ca -'deaderlast;=wherr-
• the call-•that-•wa,e-reeently-given-byt
is ' : • Luckriow congregation to the Rev.
, Mr. McKay, wars auatained.. ; •
' Assault., •
On, Tuesday :morning last James
• Sandy, jr.; was brought from the cells,
(where he ; hod been •air inmate oyer
1 night;) before Reeve: Tennant; and
'`•- pleaded guilty of cotnaiittinganassault,
1 on Archie McCarrol He ' waste fined
i': , ' $a :aliit costs or 30 days in Walkerton
oal.. ,
fan t.
n tc"de a Wi `ham '
1 ► n
Oue day last week while some child
ren <•Vote .playing •around a building -
1:' ' , adjoiniug;the British Hotel• in•;.
' := ••" 11032, they: discovered the .body of a
4,.-,-->:iewly-.born.-infant which: was perfect
ly nude. (, hief:of ;Police • Pettyprice1
• "who wad notified,. had the body re
,• ' proved to';the town 'hall, and corner
g.'•-'-Iov:ler,enpanehed::jury, -who -viewed •
r ..,,,. th-;remains,erand :thetl-sadjo:untied 'till
' • Tuesday.
Opting Show
The annual apring •show of ,the Kin,
loss. Branch, Agricultural Society will
'be held in this village, on, Wednesday
next,...2Qth, inst., commencing 'at one
o'glocilt. .
• The Very Latest •
a G•• . Edison is on deck with another start-
fins: 'invention.: ' This time it is the
•- "M utricator'," a ' machine with which
rilex purposes: to ; turn out fide" tons of
'• fond.,dailya►y coliecti g the elements
of food :scored in the earth and'pu puling
thew •,through; a , certain 'process„ thus
. doing'
away with the'planting of seeds
and tedious waiting for the harvest;
As necessity is:the •mother of invent-
ion Ediso'n's next scheme will probably
• 1,,e .tiY invent a liver end•`steinaeh to di=
„est the`food
1, 0;0. F, Ser •mon::
_ ..The: members of • the Oddfellows
Lodge in this .' village intend `celebrat=
ing,the 68th. anniversary of the Order
in 'America,.byattendiig the ' Eplsco
pal church in a'body ou Sunday, ' (fie
24c1t inst, ° when a special sermon will;
A l,e preached ' by .the ltev Mr; ' Sliaw.
All Oddfellows are. cordially iut ited to
take part in: the. •ceremony., The;
1 : liretl}ern • will:,asseiiiIle at 'the lodge
:room at..haltpast. ten; and'•'tlie services
• ' '..". in the .church will coinuteiice at eleven
i', clock.:
Gray EagIO . • `
A .magnificent specimen: o% the:gray
eagle: measuring', 8ft, 3 inches from tip.
to tip .of•wing yas sent Wry; Mcerim:
mon ;by Captain Alexander . Carrie, of
Cake chin North ; Bruce.
0 unds:. ' Ile is`a, ver fi�e�a'
and is highly spoken of by horsemen.
The Markets
-Fall wheat, 77 to 70c ;,spring,, 73 to
75c , peas, 48 to 50c ,. oats, 27 to 280;
barley, -35 to 4Pc; potatoes, 60. to TOc;
apples, SQc per bag; hay; $8 per ton ;
flour; aper cwt •
A Good Weight.;
Mr. Donald Clark had' 'his. in ported
shire orae "Oli
ver" weighed on.Thurs-
day�las , an : a tur~—ne3'thesc e'"s"at"19
Pei Y
Vestry -Meeting- '
At the annual vestry meeting of the
Episcopal: church, in, this, village, • held.
on, the evening o£i1th inst, .]Messrs.
Sheppard and• Holmes were appointed
church wardens and . TV' 'J. Grundy,
synod' delegate.
North Victoria,
Mr; D: E Cameron is: at present in
North Victoria assisting, the 'Reform,
Candidate. in the election contest.
Ile `spoke a :`Lindsay on 'Friday even-•
lug to a verr large`audience' and WU
address;a number of rneetings through-:
out the riding during the week:
Money Orders.,
The American.Express Company
are : issuing • inoney orders in Canada
•payableat any of their 5000 cilli^es in
Canada, United States • and Europe
'rhe orders : can be purchased at the",'
ittizce•of the American Company here
from. Mr. W Mellis,. the:..agent, ho.
will be pleased to give full information:
Brick_Yard.. •
We•beliei=.e ' a gentleman • froin Cole-
ourg;;isat present: correspondu>:g with
some of our husiness'unen, With a vie*
of starting a brick yardiii.• this. vicinity.
We know of - -no. better • opening for
such an' institute than in this immedi-
ate .neighborhood,'• arid. We hope the
gentlemani will receive 'sufficient
ducements:t'o come '•
The Ziegler Family `
,:It is s eldorit,:indeed our citlze► s are
afforded .an .opportunity of, `enjoying.
iui ii ,air entertainment as as :thatgiven.
by, those talented vocalists;' il>. -the•
7ili tliudiiit church' on 'siondaj :.eveniil;'
• last,' The chair was'occupied by,,the
' astorRev.'Nu ent• while the
body Of the 'cliurch'was• filled ..with u
, ' ;lirt,e sudlippreciative audlence.:.:.1he
►:u �iopened ;with tate beautiful rarniie .
quartette "Friendship love : and' song"
v(itch. was . rendered . in; a : Pleaaing
manner. '.• This was followed 'by 13ecee
Ziekkir who sang. in a :sreet , contrsilto
yoiee the solo ie Sit acit of Violet, "Sire
also kare re recitation Pock 'et ages
dere for me,"and° b request uest'.Siniting
Y q n..
the Rock" ,ot
i of.which were vett ill
t►xceedit'gl. . good •tit. le' The duet,
, t�Y. Y. .
"1 heard a voice'' by Li4zie and 11.
Ziegler,, •was'`heartily• appreciated,-
ppreciated • as
Was. t "
. S as. the, ` iso *silo . soh). Little•.. bird
here fold thy ' wing," by; Lizzie, Ziegler,
•• who possesses a•.very clear, ,rich voice,
4 and of great. " compass.. 'Li the solo
,'''Elie model Cliurcli" by; Eicell; the
lime trained tenor voirseof C. 1-1 Zi•:gler'.
Was N•
t fully heard to advantage,• aittl
.,,• .11 • (+ileo • i n`.
tluc led'," 1 rle' deep tl.e ` rich
baso •of. b...H. Ziegler i was. '.'t ,ill
e , q a y,,
: •, } el,l npptee,iate;d"I"t:Clic' solos lhei
laziest 'loan itz:' all •the
(unttnttiC to. the .aeep.,.all
• Booe eighteen 'pieces 'we're
given acid
taken as a whole no liner co!icert hes'
t• ...
ter.(,e ern given. iii Clic 'village.: ' bit's.
(1. A.. Siddal"res t at OA ' A oei rg
tin ;eltle matinee aeid'.'.lie as, well :as 'tire
..-.,:singers was tendered a hearty" vote of
ttlt4ttiks at tinct: ;ebbe of••�the program -
ire°. ' 'lie 'ouug , e t
• .,i, ) ,,, ,�c.op�l . of, lie' church,
under whose tits ices the•eoncert was
1'veti cleared, o.er 4. 1, t e enter-
� li
taiiiinent. ,
Great, Syngynge Meeting '
.11: novel ent'ertainnient.'will be given
in.the new, Town;hall here on Tuesday
evening •next This „ "rneetiiig" was
held in Kincardine last'. week and . the'
;hall was peeked. ta, the . 'doors. It is
%oati',and all' $1100/4" go and'hear
It 'represents the, songs, seenes, cus
tonis and styles: of s hundred years'
Picked ap Mere rad There .for Reader*
of Ike $eat/del.,
• ,--The Assizes, opened in Goclerich
this week, •
—'The Dominion; Parliament opened
on Wednesday. -
Leave y.,ur orders ,for_ new spring
millinery, at • Kerr's.
---Several drunken rows occiiri?ect
the village this week.' .
line :of cottonades: and
shirtings are McIntyre.s.
— 1 iss Sophy Mitchell, ,,o Gult, is,'.
visiting at".ltilr. J. ,'l3.' Hunter's.
—J'ust,try. that tea Coi►nell is: • sel-
1ing°3,lbs for $1, it: is good.
1Vebster; •of.' Dorchester,
is visiting friend's in the village,
--Call and,` see .McIizt re's stock
of s ring;dre s:'goods' ane nits.
The• Councl . are • a ' vertlsing or
tenders for leasing,, the tillage weigh
scales,: - M .•'
{--11r. Norman Robertson„ ,of' lin
cardiae, has: leen: elected. County
Treasurer.. •
—Money to loan on real estate.
Mortgages, bought' etc.; Apply to W.
Allin, Luckno.w..; • •
—;To clear out'M6Intyre sells- ladies.
primed() boots No. ' 3;' 4.:.1c 5 for 50c a
s a t'
-=-;11Ir . D. E. eron xC m returned
• last week from a weeks visit to friends
iii f/ heTll;; SSeafovth.t ice other places:
• -Those wishing;'to get clothes -Made
to orc'erca. not to •• better .thaii:;go, to
Connell s
At-the''meetin of the Wirigh n
.Coen lit a resole tion.;was ,passed.regnest„
ing the Or btario Legislature t+o appoint;
a Police agistratrt for • that town. •
—At 1110Intyre's you ''.will get 40
.bars'of soap;fol $1, I8 lbs''brightsugar
.•-for_tii, 4,. lbs good' tea. • for $i„ 'and
other, goods`:equally cheap.
--Applications fen► the offices of con -
`stable, caretaker gf tth �towa hall,.and'
street inspector,, are called' 'for by"the.
tillage council•
w Y 'f•:q�AMw.
In returning thaul- : ci .cilli:; ' ou'st-tmers lad` •the public
general] ,,for the very. liberal. ),atr•tnhagfy' accorded us ttil illi ;
the past year, wee again call , tl .elf uttentl,lii to cur very large
and fine" display of .
arl'or cookand kali $
• , We, leave also in st,ucl;, a, fullsupply of tinware,;,„
a • whieh we are selJ,ilcer at bottom (tees..
in endless variety.,
, Call and see our ,heilutilul designs i><
The finest brands of ,+ ;SOH LSi
• cnnstantly ori hand.'
GrvOis ;r . e ill.
I titch settgi tops; otato onions
i? � ,
. and-. all k -i ids.• ofb
atde'il . e'e;eld. -• at
•114.1ityre's:: 4
ago.` '
Orange Blossoms.
: 1'fr Harry- Days; ,-of the; -firm c f
Copeland,. and Days, druggists, was
United' in ipa "triage on Wednesday -last,:
to Miss. P. Martin, ` daughter of Mr:
Isaac Martin, of this. The.
er 'w 'erformed byRev.
c ren.ouy „asp the
after which the • happy'
couple left ;by. the10 train for: Detroit,
.amid the: svell wishes o .a ,very large
encircle:of friends:
,Big Werk.,
vVzll'i -m Finney idian Ta ;for. and a n
cut one;'cord of haiidwood In the short
trale of. seven inin'utes andi : twenty.
seconds • on •Saturda the 9th ►is, on
South half lot 2'°Con. 12 West Waw:-
enosh with•a lanset saw. It was wit=
uessed by J. ^'tV, Campbell and- C:
tiezi he. can heat tlis,.Mr, • Walls
offered to liuy ; the . wood at' same.
ineas "ren,i
fez t. Where Is • Seat,•er • and
I ir�smeir now l•
—It" d two heitlts si ice
is mow 'Wady ..
t� `� 'tid.tlY11`i','d`f'O
t) a zoundho ;Caine, out end a, l .g ,.
see .his i•liadow and :the weather is
colder than ev.Pr:, ,The. g'reuriclliog is
a bigger liar than the weather herein.
Before• purchasing your spt•ifig
:dresses call and inspect the...largest.
:and best assortment to • be 'found :in
Lucknowat Ueo Kerr's.. •.
-Orchard grass; rye' grassy fall •
.fesciie, grass, —flax seed, ,tares,,,beans;
white Duici►:clover lucerine clover; at'
-L.Since'the 'roceit decision ol,lig ng
li nor sellers to testify°.'agaiiist..•tlleiii-
selves; the Scott A.ct is: being boomed
in Bruce. Lately there hat been thir-
teen cases tried before Messrs, 'John -
sten And Kleist, At illildt,iay, wh on
defendants were. fined 850 stili •.costs,
('xeirts' felt ' hats, straw fiats, ties,;
and tvlii.te shirt$, fat Mcliiryre's.
—Hr's p Lordship . the 13ishe of Heron
intends ' initkill; ' tt tit 'througli the
Huron and Bruce seon of the dio-
cese some time in 1 Iaiy, whew ;be'tGi'1'l.
hold confirmation classes:: ':
�G"aIC and getPt a •aaltti;• P of the
new, Pew Pewder with present.
Call 'and get a Barn ))r ''of M.cIntyre's
tea' *,t illi present. .A large., /lie of
111cI n'tyre's.•
-A wicked t ewSpape pian says
that -a V.4'"-a'lkeltoir woman receiitly4iei
a: pedou►eter to 'liar ch.iY acid discover-,
ea. that she`. talked twenty fou:,• mile's
between bt•eaitf ist•and dinner
=- If you want fiishioiiable millinery.
you must leav'�. your orders with Miss
Chambers' at Geo, .Kere's.
-The• idea is . t actually. - raining.,
grei]nd' that th hest teacliers iin,evNry.
':shoot:s ou.ld be allowed to: instruct-'
he p imary classes.
-vol towels,. table napkins,
quilts, bath: to. els, table coi•ei•s and.
all kieds.ef finitely ;oods;call'at. Mein
Wegive p oirect: solutions, of this. rebus.:':
will ryrre. two rues for first two c
First., correct: solution—l.st prize.'•goods to the value',of $3.CU
Seoord corrpctsolut ion—_nc� prize, goods to the . alue_Qf w 2,(�1.0� w,.,:..•,
Sc,l'ations-to,be opened, exaritined'and iizes-gi •en ou 24:t1Det 183
The I�ev Mr:.Shaw preach a
special. sermon. in the: English'<churclr.
on Sunday evening • next, •iii horror ,Of
"olcleii'weddiug' of Mrandi lis .\V,
Gloves, lioisery, corsets,': ribbon";
l iceis einbroideries in endless variety
.it Geo: Kerr's. • • •'
Something new -Jest arrived at:'
W. Allifi's War .roon slittle:
Maiiwell steel. .biu'dcr-Gal.
il and -see, it.
Williaii►. Baird .whn hes been for
ne time past, 'iii ' Elliott Traver's;
lain•otiice iii this:villgne'.lia•; secured'.a;.
drat class situation iii • the wel;C-known
'1 tw'firm of' MortMore :Clark -4 . Gray, •
, in
=S ec al 1 es at Ieerr s .ra
cottons from 4c,1
prints froni,,.5e aowel-
lings frons 5c, w)tite'and'eolored • mm4 -
lins frons Tc, Our.dress gi nds'.at
cents are `t;he cheapest. `est aur] best. at: the
rico in I.t�cknow,. "'
•Mr. and: Mrs.. •;J:' Sotaerville and•,
Miss • M.• Sonier le; are; at present;in
'Dundas, ,attending the' funeral, of sirs
Somerv'ill:e's. mother, • Whose death 'oc
ctned on Wednesdays
--Faatherl,nne for chess .yctists ..for
•'at (deo. Kerr's. •
Celebtateclfeatherbone,.eersets• at
Cotrnell's', also featherbone.bythe•yatd
fo,r corst,ts:.
"Every season that is agood niaplo
sic al year' is imr Lot wheat,ti says': alt
observa4it farmer. '• The alternate
thawing and. frr�t;zing makes the say
� n
rale• but ;kills o '1 .tile tender' •st ]feat
,trettaqivi : .ONT.
Show' room. opening- 0itr, inllti
crypdepartment uiide'r'the tnanagetnut
of Hiss. Chaunliers is now, ope ti for the
season anti contains All 'the • latest
novelties to he found, itt the. trade and
alpricew,ttl suit the theties,, he styles.
will be fotuirl to equal any sbosvn west
of Toronto ami fate ahead of anythin
fancy, croc:ery and glass ware, at shown in this' • coreiitit'nity. • A 'call
* a.teiiityres,y- rebpectfully solicited at Geo. herr s.
4 v
a osition. to st't,te that it was finall�..and ir.
Weare-in�1 s Y .
revokably decided a few days ago by "the old la -lies ofthis
locality over a cup < of :
.era 's Choicest
�... ` h.':•'t): nt ':TQ%a of the
Tli'at at N el'fii would wc, t e G. y .,
County about to be erected and to include the; toWnsiu ps:
tls;Ud West'ttw:stuosh Ashfield, Kinloss and.' 'urn.bei•1
and they villages cif •Win ►ham, Lu(41glnw and Dungannon.
And in view crf itlre large ii]crease of farmers,' a•nd;busiuess tee •
thef r said.gown • ii and villages to, tralisac+, their.:
trona ao e � . sl• l�s,� Villages, ' .'..
ii p u the :best
business:at the 1-Ztib ' iLncl expend.•tlie>ir. sur. flus• to .• .•
a •:vant tg • r
i s
Oriel -fed out °;t: lar uerii and mere .se1 ct stock' of rash=
>i tialile.s `riiie
i.',00Ods.cthau. ever beau<oht into• Si Helenss:be fore:
oriel, at prices tlit Will ast,Onish theVillar rs when they 3
the' ' .it ,ti they St Herons brane,h Of the C. 1. R.
1ou,M13ER Mt RIMY'S'
prorzas. pToAE.
Balance of.Winter .stock wall be offei'erl' at r'trl.lifttl$ PriCP,s
to 'make room for r orc ilo*'';. goods yet to arrive..
Blacksmith Shop-tcs Let. FARM TO; LET.
Wormbtleloamitl sl'o'b• lately t cctil,i :cl,yby'
orninu Drcilrilli,titt, on the 'c,•rnor of Cttiftp.
•h41l an,i 11 ttyelreck.atreetis, It ii itt. the befit•
1cctttin►i for:s Nh iii in the.villagu,
`ar pttrtieulars
,• A ttt3S f AUAICi
Being ,east :halt of Lot 9, (,lin. 12, -.Aslileld,
Within three utiles of rnickiiow, 'i'iiere is 'iii
fibres i'f fall wheat on the Wade,' arid .20' 'f'
faCl'.pltught`tie. (.46,s1 buil4ling,4 With* stone'
;stables .tinder barn, VI pr terms` :curl' artieulurs• •
iapi td, 'AV ILLIAM'1'.•(1Illt,' •
•4ins•686: , Lnsknew k' •O
ftodd•.._......�._,._ ,.,�...r.ui;lcnnwl'4 "'