HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-15, Page 4a a
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; .••••,••
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Reading o
fillieS Ir ri
planiEws +MAT SPEECT1,
DoNothing liataper.
(Padat0110 cuosols Workt:
last fJburaaay)
:agi;t;s -I;ebiO-r;
despatch says: Lord Hartington, at
is meeting. to -day ot the , Liberal
Alnico tinielbere, of bait Kellam of.
rlsOionfint explained' that the Govern-
' anent • bad made the Orimee' Act
Amendment Bill a question of confidence,
and if the Liberal ljaiOniSta-failed tO sup-
port the. Bill, and in that . way bronght
Obout its defeat, the result. woidd be the
'. • .• • advent of Grladstone to power. It w,as the
• • veut-thiek•--The-me •etellOielded-te
.• ." support the Bill. Several members Were
• • • • absent. The ,meeting hall was 'crowded.
. Among the 'prominent kiersontitreesent
, were 'the Bart of Derby, r. Ch thin
• and• Baron ROthsohild. The meeting with
• . • the exception of two. dissentients, =
' , mouldy adoPted Lord Hertington's proposal
' • that . the Liberal • UM:Mists' ,saPport the
, emend, reading of the Criinea Bill on. condi-
• tion that membere be. allowed to criticise
the mere committee.: Mr. OhaMber-
nptrovt the propeal. ;
v. • tit
theBlitI* Parnell ..COntanded quit the Panetta irt Petting blirreachitterY m
poWera giveA tck the Magistrates would motion, an meetings -stet., beheld hideors
enable them te send politica .opponente to and out. IDensonettations on U. great settle
prison Ur six months -to lank bed, and lill over the I:wintry .are planned.
prison diet. No pert et prevume Ocotillo:1 r —•
Acts heft eVer •exeitedso mach distrust of SIOTED *If in'ITII,
EngliSb juetAelftaktbe *01)0.801 to change , • • —, • .•
,the venue of trial and bring the, triela Ceereaveas, erat Sacco:Brut Conitiat or a
before special Hngthdi juries. The pro- Toting Laity With. a WaYStile iiiisidlant.
pal meant's, reign of judicial murders. .
Secret societies! would sprig up, fostered
by the sufferings. of an oppressed nation,
and 'those who had been ,periiiStent in
Oenneelling the *Pip. to, observe patienee
ena inedoration might 'ccaussel in Vale.
PERRigircl. Xtf. VW' TIvelf..40Xli•
Terrible Axporienoe of Tor. elve-24en. •in
PisketoPe ri9eil---Uene for Neiglilnirk
A Stand, Hine; telegram. eaYs
•TbaYer,. Peillmati flar coudestor Ne
.1slarthetn, Pacifie read, IglYee a graPhle
ivicount of a -perilens trip, of e, party of
a., despatch saYs twelve,
7• Y• ot% iase.n °13'• OrrisrBrid tubwr ne river ert 17°13 Pt I:4 esxxarekt
de returning home
070-71.lad-sgit F9I'vehnauld: '04re'es the river, and he leiteage,..1° to hire
rivermea to take hint. and eix passengers
Ade, of
40.10T tee: 5 loriesetg c:goi about bana i iha ititifbusi netr echeessa att; ui yawl.sit°1:87 ee larrYhiv:e 111'4" dew:at sa:t 19:1
aMar04Ke--F,I Mr. Tbayereny“i • '
in the angry tonent;
rather than
" We left the landing, about 5,e'dock.
looked as thou4Twe yea& wake the trip
to Blamer:1r liefore dark, as the current
was running lei .awiftly that it was only
necesaarY to steer the boat an .keep
bead down Stream. Suddenly
• Warning &squall streak us,,theibestadmost
•eiset, so viblent wee the ehock, and we
shipped a sea that 'completely filled the
borom of our barque and gave rut .0 duck-
But he'vrould still coensel them tip, eebnlit
toinjusties rather than, retaliate or do any-
thinglliatinight-drivelfri-Glealstobe fronr
t,bere aide or increase his difficeitiee or
place them in a. falae positien :with' the
Liberals. ,Their battle 'Wee new won in
Ireland- (Ohearka) The perty which aloae
could, gain by •nolenee„ by the people Pt
Ireland ,going beyond the was the
present` Govetement. • That was the
reesen thie Bill bad, been :brought for -
Ward. its Object was " to stteagthsa the
Government's own ronierals e , boa n
'brnsli. As it was customary. ose
1,44*-anotalbel„-peoplca,-...of.,4relantaw handirtakec----bYWays'inat'sherVente-honi-,
/teller's Oreek,
misalletta Fink, a 1.51
thrilling experience sh
from U0i,ghbortug
The store where ale ha
a snile tram, her herne,
all. countey highways,
lb Ca to n
lorkitetlx_c; /1111Fot`wpoo
of 15, t3tarted liorneward shortly ' after 6
(Meek, having no fear of being molested, ea:
she frequently travelled over the .ssane read
ata laterhour. Slie einesed herself bY °TO'
ing SeAtinratalsOngaM a lowlone of yore?.
.Villientlie reached a part whete the read is
thickly tined en tooth Bides. with tall pmes
sties:SW the forme of two men iieine di
tanceabead does the, road and enter the
into the toils thus set ter them. e_gr
eare t e rel—kiatirifilie-B41.7Vir he would
not cease to tell them that the situatien wee
entirely different from that of, live years
'ago, end that forlhera victory was 'certain.
'The people of Ireland woirldagelirbear the
strain with patience.. 'Mr. GladatoneWould
not findhis action hampered or hie bands
sullied in, the great and gloriout werk he
had undertaken. (Cheers.) He colicladed
by moving that the House resolve itself
into .corninittlie to consider the etate of
In t e onse of Lords to -night Earl
• • CadeganiCon.) presented,S, Bill providing
• ' for the purchase of Irish holdings, or in
.• . • other words for the abOlitien of the eYstem
, ".••• dual ovvnership-oreated by the Act of ,
• , . 1881 It wits proposed he- :laid "to, admit
' • . leaseholders to 'the. benefits,of the Act of
-7-7-77-16111., (cheers.) The leatieholders• *hose
." leases exnired prior to nat.., numbering
• , ' 1.40;000, -were tr,k, adniitted to the benefits
• • • . - t160ketid 1881 'in the 'eturie -Manner. as
, • ' • '• taroks whoseleasee oinked in that year. ,It:
vies, aka .propoted • that a landlord must
• issue 'notice form schedriled it.t the
when be obtains an ejeatnient thit•
, faxen the 'Court.; that he be required to.
' • ' serve the tenant • with . that not -mein, the
• " • • , manlier Prescribed by the 'Comte, either by
- ; Service or by posting, that when the tenant
laxleiveft this 'notice he shallbeaome ipsefacto
• : .•
caretaker of baling for the penod of
''•oix :months, and that the redemPtion shalt
• • • inn from that date... , • .
EarlCa *a. -"G` " tf ' a
.,°gen sea overnmen oun
.• :, • it =passible to adopt the Land 'Commis-
' ' -idenere". recommendation that a period of
' ' : • '1'
Jive years for the fixing of judiciel rents be
' : • Imbstitated for that 44. fifteen years, accord-'
• inglo the present law • The Government
agteedWith Lord•Hertington that. it. was
On a:tether the Itish rents
Ireland. • •
Mr.: Herrington, emid great larigliter,
read letters". frtim .the-VLnight-of--Kerryi-
Lexd'Idonak and others, applying ohbehalf
of friend:: and ' relatives ' for stiPentliary
magistreteships• in.' Ireland. When asked
where he boa obtained the letters, he re-,
plied that he had bought them .aud,
Um. answer Was received -With
shOlitS et laughter. Me.. liarrington.....pga
ceeded to explain that .the principal (malt-
ficatiens urged 'behalf ,at theapplieents
were pOierty aid -large finales: On being
interrupted by Cries ".Divide," be said
he Was not surprised. it ,tbe• impatience
shown by the gentlemen. opposite upon the
exposure of these unpalatable facts; but he:
hada right, he said, to ehow the characters
of tlie Alen at Whose mercy it Was proposed
to place the liberties.of• Irishinert. • •
Labcmhere, MO the disordersin Ireland
r .
'wee not alarmed', hut continuedher jour. -
nay until she passed the spot where the
meneroBsed over, vrhen suddenly a burly.
looking fellow, with. 'slouch hat drawn
deans. over his face, jumped out from the
brush and seized her by the throat at the
same time. tildog to farce :a big red hand-
kerchief into • her mouth; • Failing in this
he keit .fini liana. tightly .' elaettea over her
• mouth, and then .tried to carry:or drag her
off the' road intosthe brush. •
Itlisd.Fink is a rebut girl and battle
with lv,r we:silent with Wonderful etrength
d.es.peritte strugglefollowed, daring whic
the girl'a, •:lething WI:sal:nod torn:from he
body. $lie had dropped ali the' articles sh
had perchased at , the store with „ th
eXceptien . of . email :package o
pepper, Whieh M her -band She, quieMy. , dashed it into the- brute'
• feee,. and bra: supreme effort. *eke fro
his grasp aticl ran lorherlif At-lhe sam
tithe Alai two, menwheatashertatimealiefor
had OXOSaea the road sprang'. eat'. of th
brush as if:to weed the man who made tli
attack. . The young lady reached horn
verYPincli exhausted and, was scarcely ab
to tell her stery, aornewliatrOoverin
from' her,sheekshe related. 'her .kincount
.with :the, Men, whereupon • her fathe
:brothers. and. several neighbors,•armed
the teeth started in per:Mit .of the tri
en open questi, ,
t or whether. exces
, • : • waraexeeeeive or no a
itaits were ea:toted, Therefore it-wird:I be
' • . imeermonable to deal anew with the settle-
• ' -• • ." anent of•rents. fixed by the Act. Of/1881..• If
' ••• • . theta tettleinents, should be distrirbed the
were due to tbe execrable laws se • • White the Mother took flare of the gir
Government's defiance fa the Wishera a the Wbode face ivasterribly braised anclaioll.
People. The'ConstrVatiVea aeraned !unable from the rough treatment :she had Meeive
tn aaderstankl that they are dekilleg ,The whele,neiglibtiihoed Was aroused.an
nation • entitled'. to. make.; its own laws, Many, recruits :seen started out to, join t
notwithistandinginddnala.-Tlie terrorism purr:rang PartY, who.. kept the see,aeh•
ana-Ontrages in the until Midnight without success Dote
SentherieStatendriringakildfeW-leaMem0 -iiiihed-ter•capture-the-garigifpoisibtia---th
time °eased in 1876 when Henna Rule was reetinied-the Mr this mOrmeg, but rip
g,rarited. , The . speaker Aaiinted Bilge= 'a late henr netting I:fetter was heard fro
with ignorance cd. the condition: of Ireland vie= . •
*es and we e • eht-ab
itt -eddiers that :Nati turn the.** around
and make it =manageable even with four
streng men at the oars. Once we canie in
colliron with tin ice -floe with: such .force
that it seemed's!: if we ehoeld. go to the
bottom.. . •
"Wo gradually worked the beat into the
tree -tops that were a few feet above waler
and secured anchereige• The wind had in-
creased in violence and soon after darlx it
began to rain, therChail and finally snow:
Our clothipg.was wet through and finally
froze stiff. One tif the Party bed get his
feet wet and •changed hie atoolrin.ga, but his
shoes' trete and he :vie: so benumbed: that
he could not get them on egain.
He then took a coat from . his satchel,
out the sleeves, out and. *rapped. his feet
in_the sleeve., We stowinp,rin. the,..boat,
stamped, swung our: arms to keep our
blood in eirogle,tion and -resorted t�; every:
form exeraike that our crairipedposition
DneLot, the, ,party- final*
gave tip and declared he did,not ca,re4 if he
did freitzs to death, 'and sank down it the
boat. . 'Inroused hinx„ by, a, sniart slap , in
the tali° that angered, hirca, end lie get flp
and wanted to fight ',The Same 'thing
edeeried.several times 'during 'that awful
On Pridey, April lst, two- Iegereoll, hotel
beeper% named Marsden and MeblerrY
Were each tined OW ler violation of the
Scott Act-• ' •
Win. Keene, ruPg innnigraet WhO
Came Otkt,1M the Paigsian,„While 011143, WaY
to. Londopt Ont., fell off the train near
reinter Cleve enetsined O01000140
fracture 'et. the skell.
I DavidPilie, well known as an hokitler -7
the hotels around attenapted. to
commit .anicideby oatting his throat with •
a"rsixer in bed yesterday Morning at the
CerIenercial. Hotel, Dr. Buchtnan was
called and sewed: aritliegasli.: He -will likely
On Saturday afternoon Mr. Geo. Weir, a
Wealtbylariner living on the, 1,2th Conces-
sion of Ewirlsiissourr, about four ' Miles
from Thamestorcl, hanged lihnself in Jdie
bar* with & leather line, He Wok covered and out down, but the doctor says.
his case is liopelese. '„The muse ie believed
to be the loss of some money and fatillY •
'-rllfea'eatt-IerNef-W(5rth;esirtettirthi_ tr"6"11.ar°1-84--
tseaturatdetv!anbearvainl '.glieRbPeietnal:r bMadol;trebaultruclean
through the binning of 'a railway Cs4.
Northrup bought a thoroughbred hull frona
the Pope Farm, at Compton, (trie., for:
65,060, and Was Ott bis.. way home with. it
when the accident occurred. It is sUppoied
that the car took fire while tome .cine was
smokin- g. The car was totally destroyed
and, the bull, roasted to death. ' ;
. •
A Painfill'aeculentJaappened at St.Pran-
aOie, QUO., on the •Terniscoriata BailwaY- • •
The foreman bad"taken out a short pieced •
fuse for & blast, when: a man named .Caron
took a match aid Set ..fcme to it. The fere-
than ebouted to him to throw it away:
the snow, but he would riot do thinking
hecould' . boasting was. soon •
-panished, fo-trtlivaiwetysto-ding, 'Carried '6
one of hiabandsawhichewild' not be foundt.:
the Other as welreibiglaCa. .
AMPutatien �f bath arms was performed.
Hopes are in that.onis eye- Will lib'.
'landlords nod
• • • , ,• lbelietethat there vats no finality to such a
• sett ement. he Government behoved the
, • • --rime-heatnitiVedito " formulate. a "further.
• ' • , ' measure dealmg wIth„tenantle_purchase
• - • • • holdings, and looked to that snainly for • a
• - settlement of the questionswhieh unhaPpilY
• . , agitated the ceuntry. In that alone they,
, • -
believed would be found the solution of
----- questionia heers.) The Govern-
• • Sea to MI with the qualition in*
tenants' would be.ded to
. a
, en.
hip -
r and
andrisid that' Balleur 'hardly.,eered what ... , ., • _ :: '• . ' ' :',.; .-", . ' . - , • •
he Prepeised.. He done:mood:tile - • etta-h•Ea....tif* Xt&C.*t.-1,4311,
'partisan -Irish judger: for twang exciting '-------,.. - ,, .--......' -" ---'•• • - • -''''''''" 1...'
pelitioat harangues. • Ai regarded the pre- Plit,a51:*enter,e. *Y the .7lieehle PI
lvaid,toMake•the Orinaes pin a permanent , ... . . .. • ,tehmill Herne- .. • . ..,
Mei:sire, if thetWeredOnethe Bill, Would A :Pine Hill,....N.Y., despatch Says': :
never be abrogated, - as & Majority Of ..the here in the Catskills, where3wks-Ortli
meraberti of the"H.oaiseof Lords' Were.palis. thoneand New Yorkers -while away .
bery'il 'eabservient. political slaves.. • inimnier,•is :an •ola heinesteed in, 'which
• . ,'The:Speaker, inter•:posed ana.. Lebo:where larmee'resiileki with his Wilily. The hp
Modifiedlis exPresston *a." the niajeri't-y a: iki quaint and ola,fashioned,not the lead
entirelY in. Lord Salialniryla bands."' , • . 'the attractions being great yarkering •fi
Continuing, be ...paid the Irish cOnsPira- places,. .in. which. iranientie , "back tog
tors . Were n . chiss :of .pri*idegea :10aiorde :traehle and blaZe,:, virile tlae: :kettle, s
'who. were the • perpetual ' Wien:dee cit*the 'merrily on `the. hob. ,..... '. . ' '. : .: ' •
People, and:wile' dedied to dear:tie them • ef' It is still Winter' at. nee Hill indyiein
their civil rights.. .' He taunted, Chi:Saber.; 'Se " back logs" continue ' to be in gr
lain...ivith. having.,madci..an...nffee to. the digne.nd: '.,,_ _:„..l.... ' , • , ... ',.. ': 1,..
Liberate to•Oppose coercion., if theYwould. • When.the sac* ,iiia bait *ere com
accept his.hish. plena., : When' •this offer down lively: last *Sunday, night,, • and
Was refused, Chamberiabi torikIda geode to :Wind:was' I:to:Wei. no." wean'. gUilgt" •
the other side. •,Cheariberlain,only .0 wanted ' feriner,-Mattlieve; ' replenished : the '
his tiiiserablelenity satiefied." The Redij.; around 'which has wife and may Cbsie
eitlewoishinot forgive .0bieriberlain 1,,f, . It a boys and . girla . were.'eoeily . gag:sired:
Voted .forobeicion. • The door or iiiiiiit, the fanner pieced an immense knetty p•
anise was closing . against the Radicals tylics of weed, in whichth.ere vvaan deep hole
were 'affording "the • Tories an. tuntattrak the are 'One of the children rarest:WI
Wks*, end, clikareditable ' support. 4. . This •_. "Hope there.'il Pe little nionsies in th
was the effort . Of the classkie itgalpit dna," • I
the Masao.. . It ' was , a streggle ;between : ". That there ve,s something hi the
platocratstrielt and pleb& linaloidiii- ked 'w,se teen madeevident hY.the lien
-and the Men *h.& 'occupied :the •Iiind and eradding &Ad. liiissing, and fele" pair
Asked' a fair share', Of ' its .fruits. The dilated eyes *etched the hole in the
struggle yeas between.'•a systent, of govern inteatly„ : as-. the. blaze :crept. Closer,
ment by the people and a system ,based aciser tnit. Fresently there .ate,S.:n 'jti
ripen the coenional.the peeple., :TbeEng- in' an .ekurrying of , farmer and
lish,'DemOorati ,Would ' stand•shOulder to. fannlY se a snake slowly but surely it
shoutder.witli thelrish Democire.te. • Apart, teeth from the Woad:. ' It squirmed
from thejustiee of theca:melt Waste their 'temp:ea, and at ,last,' -•by a: violent e
intekeatte 49 ao, heoanao thly line* *hen freed,itiailf.ttoaite,fiteplaeti, • 'Thata
the GlevernMent..had fiaished ivith Ireland arta Elided eon killed the reptile, 'which
the tarn the. Engliali Derdoetats .wetild timed. to, be a Young rattlesnake. .
Come. ,• He ata not ;ear a peinianont Cara, other.amall sinakeii et the :IMO ripecbsa
ElgrAttiVe 011.001390o* . The Rowing tick:Wes crawled out of the.weoci and wire: qn
With the Den:iodate and the ebbing. with' desPatehed . During. the entire lied
the, Conseteatives. • The :, Bill. ' *oda ao ance the farrner's wife Stood On it.ehait
MOre.thatl: anything 'else to &cll./lingo Heine: her ekirte gathered heroicalyabotit'he
Me.- •• • ..... ' : ' - ' . • *Shrieked lustily. ; The next Mornitig,
• • . • , tnerit,propo
' . • • . two' parts. Theat was the Whiehhad
itietheee'deseribed, detiliiig With queetona
• , •
of urgency and, great diffiaulty, arisingfrom
' • ..' : . . the Land. Aat of 1881.. ThisBill,*biehit Weis
••• ' hoped .would rodeo° theinimber Of evictions
• , one-halfrumulirbirtellereit 7by-ii Bill- re-
. • : : lath* to the purchase of Inficlings. 'This
• ' • ' latter•Bilit the • Government : hoped` would
eettle 'the ..difOctiltY,, Th9
• -.Lordships who
• them to makeleavy. sacrifices.
G°vernlaTIOtrdtedI;:lbanl and those con-
.. , The measure strictly regal,,dedd.frtohnle rit:e,lasnofa
tali oruplaintis arisear fairness. 'and
• to rem— e in- a spirit'o!
• - • • leavii, dras47111 proposed te through no fault el`
• • extravagan reposed a the lan •
Government Ph wba___• e geentinedg to
a reasobn.
decided byremovea from titnte the e°1111iiii,
1 ' • ; k ' ' '' ' II" Wwwwit'be Wit 1"IuntitultrtiPtcY
. , G-overal a a judge A" .ttrigiaktiOn. ble
. , property .and.was,-through anearnestdesire
, Judi& reT iZotiont ttremeistertuni.t. Por
ittdP'ah:li be ei4i1Pewen for, ar period to
' • judgmentef execotie .,4,bia 0 tenant m The.
• • . ••,able stay the judge, hoilling;" t ,
• 4‘,Theroaring of the river 'and theereada:
ing.ef, the. ice Were simply eyeful. At times
We could not Make ourselves heard, and ,to
add to our discomfiture we eould hear quite
near us the Screarop two nititintainlionta
probablyin. some tree;top, imprisoned by
• the flood. :At lad it grew lighter, the tide,
suddenly went down, and therauddy rivet:
diminished in size: There was less ice in
the river, too, and with, btimimliedLhands.
we unfastened. war mobrings and drifted
with thellood. down the river "arid ,finafly
Managed to get ashore,.'.!
• ; •
who 7! but 4thrOtig ,tenan s
• • . asaa own, t 0324 improvident -court, the:a
county dia
•.• • • • the ar irridaY) Comoglitonight
•••:•' . • .' •A last , House et a that
" ; • . oight,-the fleeena then
on Tuesday, there •c„,,od read-.
a eok between. the s
'Ike said it
• , . Wad the •et 'that the:
flier decision in Bill, he Sal
• t Mai lie r le of 'the..
the Lan
t ai inc p • .a wa,
" courkiu g ordinal"' L ndon
j• • • int*Y8 vlf SMit A first if a
Mr W.: be res4;mai 'he taken 11P.„,
• - • • , Irish na Nis would
firm, 3 die- be. a -
big and going.rivetatito del/0118o some to
• ,
, • • ' ; maid e w ...to 6seeuttee, _
left to the poor eripple; • a
.c.:11:,:touneeisiart:ertiaiavyed. the...:1c. is.ce, 1.06-. , c,ials•ti.n. d•. '
the.chief English eidoniste at her villa,at ,
' .,Lord Hiedlip„ formerly Sir Henry %Ali- .
fici9, a'meniber of ',, the lire•wiria, fire:a...in .,:
• /the Ituesian Government' hes placed ab '
therdieposatof.the, pcilice.zamoo.to he naea: ' '
in nitravouing,lhtlq_ihiliat ootnioir!toy.,_;..LL.._.—,-:.
dea . He was 76 yearsof age. •,
THE poks.011* CASE.
ChAtch;, Eicupes.the Clot.Ches' Of the *sr
One' Mere. •• '
A last • (Thursday) night's . •Welland
States Express Geo. v.: • Donahue was con -
eluded at the Aesizes to -day, The defence
relied : upon an alibi, the evi-
dimes for which is as 'folic:wee ...Wm..
Buchner, the Captain, of a eavalry troop,
sworethet Within a few days before going
into camp et Niagara, on the 22nd Jane,
1603, borrowed asnm 'Money from
Denahunat Felt •Erie, with wtdeb to pay
expenses. He Was not Positi.ve as how
long_ before_ going to camp he borrowed.the
money, but fixed the dated the departure
of his company as the 22nd June, and three
Menibers of troop, testified to being
present. at the ' interview. abetiYeeh their
captain and Donahue, and all three .stated
that it was about 8 o'clock in the evening,
two days before tbe carap" -Opened; making.
it lune goth.. JamesSpainSwore to taking
it drink With Donahue in Fort Erie • on the
ggild, ;Um!, after the volunteer's had left., It
.would be impossible to -leave Fort Erie
after the time sworn to, by the. volunteers
and go to Srisquelmens in:1=e for the
robbery, Much less .get beck by -:the time
sworn to hy Spain. Mr. Osler, c: power-
ful- 'address, , to the jury, claimed that a
verdict for ths.plaintiff would be believing
the questionable testimony. of thieves. an
detectives against that of the repetable
citiz.eris who hadsWorn to the alibi. • Mr.
Kerr, on the other hind, pointed, out •that
the evidence against Donahue' was . of the
strongest . kind, tied thtthe elibi Witnesses
'Might easily be :mistaken ria,:to dates of
evepte'se longpast. The jury, after. about
arehour'e deliberation, returned' a verdict
for the defendant. His Lordshipreinarked
that. If he were. , the ..jury be wotildhtive
found differently., , • , : , • • , • •
,• Tilt ••• flociitt. -c6a:Mtannke.
Seam Ste, avatie in the thaws or Boomers
and Spetithstors. '
Govern - le t t e an
• • . • ' otlitaUrpritance that. the Geeenitnent
"r- ' • .. .
• .use every e ort to make the measure
, • • ' ' Me: Parnell, upon rising to refiUrne the
' • 'debate "en the Crimes Bill, was kindly
, . • • , cheated. ,Ife said that with the'ProdUction
' Of the Land Bill yesterafty Parliament had
• *been put in possession ofthe e,omglete plan
, • ;. • . ditheneste. 'Phe Land .11111 bad revealed
4. • , ..01 the .Governmerit in its bake nestend
• • • , , the eatent of ' the islet mid the gravity of
• , the coin:piracy' through which the Censer-
• tives and Liberal,Unsts intended to
• . , aild coetee tenante Itelead in e
' • yinent Of impastible 'routs, and 'etiniPtil llr. Gladatiafte rose slid Waakea (loan the
floor ' to the OppositiOn lobby, ' alt. the
D is reported:that E'mperor 'Francira •
joteph, will , go 'to England during the
Queen'S jubilee if political .affeirs permit of.,
his leaving Austria. " • , •
The fine `Roman araatittheatre et Poll; • •
*II—, en tffiiistic, sadenly cad -
lapsed yesterday and fell into airiramense
• chasm which 'Opened on the site., . Orem
thischasni vapors are emi:tted. '
. • • .
.:,The Pope has sent .0 cenfidential
murder:lien. to thakrieasiaraiiishope,invit-
ing suggestions as . to. the .feasibility ;Of :
est,ablishing a • minelature. at' . for
Pruseia, or orie...iirefeintere for theyihole of
• . . • • • • •
..-Satneday brdeglit forth. three gliseitly •
rernindera of the Itichmona Hotel disaster
• Buffalo,. in the shape of three phartc4
bodiesdlig out'of the:, ruins, One,: that of: ,
Lizzie 'n' servant •girl, the other.
Witlion,t reach. 'doubt :that - Robert.8.
Boyd,. at Boeton, Ana the- thiild thought. to
be that: ef Katie' Herit,•:•a servant; The, .
bodies; are so badrf Charred and diefigered•••,-
that identificatioracan wily be partial.
. _
A. Meal:hocking tr,agedY feels ptace. at"
Corisliatta, • Laa-,-,on-"8-ittarday afteriloon;:.
resulting death OfJ. H,,Seheein and '
A. C. Brown, Brown ' had lieconie incensed
'against M. A.....,C-ockerliain, swairillaw• of .
Scheen, on • taco -lint of some bisiiiesir
'tionble,'and had been, seen On the streets
Saturday 'afterpoen buleiring for Ocieliet7:
ham; Finding , him. . Tiolieenrs store,'.',
pistoirs•Were ' drawn and they began tiring -•;••
upon each ether. ..:Scheen reeeived ',shot
m the niouth, whidt passed throughand .
• brae '.hie peek, causing .'instant -death.
Brownreceived a Shot .each inn, tied
after lironciecuotia firing onbOth Wee ;the
men left:the bier& '. Young John &sheen
seized &tilde -barrelled •guti and .'.ftred
•riptin 'the, .retreating. lona of. Brown, who.
ran to a Store chant lot? yarda.diptarif and
expired , • • •• -
donibiars dontinved dieeeeeiee. kaler, Recording to the tarmer'e Story
amid erica of t"DiVide'.'?: wife peinted proudly to the snakes
• htr-T. 1)". :07pennor moved. to adjourn said! ' ; •
the debate. , • . killed them nit Within's half n
Mr, Gladstone,• suPpertifig the motion, didn't we, Williani.?
defended Mr. Paritell's delayihmoving his . Bahmati,ala Oat male._„
amendnieutt and said this was a. grave and ' 1"lyniontit, Mich., despateh,
teriOne :case, dentanding :another, night for A.t.rahani Gorslin • was examined he
discussion: .Withreference to lgr, Parnell's da On 'Ole charge of -obtaining ..1/
epeech; Mr.:Oladatone said he had never Gates! sientiture.to note on :false
known of an • instance in.; which the case tenCes, and .waa bound ever for trial
'made for such Bill had been no dom. Gircuit Court. with bell ' fixed at
pletely tore to rags, 4p:oud eherire.) Gond* iri November, 1885, being
Mr. W.' H', Sinitheoreplained becauee the President of the Behead:in. Oat Com
Parnellities bad not risen aotwer, and said biduced Getes buy thirty
he wise 'Unable to aceede to Mr. 0'0°re:ear's it $10 per bushel on promise that the
recited., 'Party nett year would :sell tWiee
Mr. Pareell. supportecl Mr. O'Connor's .aneniut for him at. the flauld prim
Mr. O'Cbnadrierriotion Was rejected by's, 'arid swears witnesses in cerroboratio
vote of 381 to, 254, „ Cl'orslin told hini•tlie coMpanY had $
hir.. Sinith • petting the '41.leritiOn on deposit with the State Trees::
insure the fulfilment of its beads.,
WatAS; when the coral:any 06 apse
ing delivered only part of the thirty, b
Of oats; Gorslin told Gates he wait gl
'got (nit Of it as he had kpoWri all, a
WAS' a trend, EVideriati was pro
bowing the eompanY 'never haa any
deposited With the State Tro
tjorslin ant his agent LaWretee
that state i -eat. that euela- mettey
deposit was r.k '
said.there Were rcing reeaions for: it.' ' •
pre -
in the
f oats
it that.
rer •to
ad to
long it.
Was on
• motion. • . giving hie note for $300., The latter
. • - exotbitant rates. 11 the Itoisse•'iliould
• • •• • • ovee.giee the GOVerntnen t ow& thusto
• . Caere° the people,,.t e result woula most
• . • oortainv u: Wholesale rephdiatien,
. .• • . • ;immense l6se4to the Britith30Apeyer.
'• Tho'Government weropresting oe'esercion,
• • • . • • "' -with indeeent haste. They Acid refused to
• " ea' Out, the reconimeridatient .of. the
• •• • • , 'Lan COMMission. if *id CoereuM bill cloture decision was received with c eers
• . • ', aaere•paseed, tho.last. deferiee.of the,tenapte and coeuter cheeta, and erietfrora the Par-
, • •••• • . itgaiett. w.holesele fribbery would be re, ef " Tyrtousyl " "'Down With the
' •• ••.' • " moved. in just land prirehaso,lay the onlyr Doitket,,Ir •
•• . • . hope of -settling the land question; . .it 11 the nierribers bri the:11'0A Oppositibe
• ' dote at fait prices 'and ni the absende beetsh, with Xtr„..0 ad tone leading, left the
, - ' • ` thein to purchase their landlords' niteresta
moral:ere Of the Opposition standing and
elieeririg him as he did • •
On returning to thb House he was again
kindly cheered.
The Motion for cloture was earned by it
Vete Of 361 to'253 and,the first. reading of
the Bill Was agreed to Without a division.
The annwiecoment of the result of the
A Mar:vette, Mich., daspatch says. :' 'The
• arniy of .bcioniere, sharks and speculators
Whieh is. 'in possession of everything at
Saillt Ste- Marie contieues, to increase with
every train. Iktot only teem property, but
land abywhete Within two to' :Alai miles. is
gobbled up like hot wakes.... For tliepreseet
the boomers hold the fort and are perfectly
wild with eiditenieht, The mod extrava,
gent storiee are alleat regrinlieg deals and
great 00.1 of' gababling ie- said to be in
progreeka .T,he exeiteraent is increasing,
hourly, and itischained: #1,250,000 ,hav,e
actealtY elianged laiside or ate tied up:
aheritime eptione.. . • •••
lCe�IstaflCO �t ktnowt
An '(:)#atoci' despatch pep:: Coleeel
JIIBILEE ' 'inilirK§oIVING...
Irlieitorda and Commens to, Attencl Wor-
iliip in Eletiairate Chureitegi .
' A laindoe cablegram says.; On May •
22nd, the Sunday after Ascension Day, tho'
Speaker and the: Howie , of ..Conisterfai will"
attend at St:Margiat' a; Westrebst pt.; their'.
tecognized cherch, -at a' ' jubilee tliarike.• ,•-•*•.:7•
gingservice The preacher ',will .be. the -7' • ,
laishopot, Wpm., The. 'last . oceasien ,nn "...,.
Which the, Howie of:,7Comnieris attended. a
'church service in State *as con the 4113, of •
May, 1856„ on the Occasien of the national
thanksgivingtOr: the restoration of . peace:
after the cleesof he Crimean War. Bat' -..: ;: , •
perhaps the moat maiiereble oecasi.ori Was
,the special saireice On the 21s1 of' •March,
1855,• when it fast' .daY mat , appointed by
RoYal preclareation, sad „special prayer
Wait made for a. blessing:on; " the just and.
neoeseery _Wet (eCriretan) ha whiCh We .
are etigaged.!' 'The termerA bn tlint 'eces-
:sion was preached with marvellolui 010.
,quende by Canon MelVill.e. ,.., It will he. '
observed that only the Hotise of Co" 'Mons - •
attend the service at St. Margaret „Whieh
in their parish . chtirch. The ' nee of
Lord8. are supposed to attend: Divi e. 'wet., -
Ship at the more arietOcrittio,Abbey pt.
Westittinsior, , ,plose by.
White% report Of' .hie experiments oh the.
retistaiice of anOw,to bellete, in ekiebeetion
.;trith the recent Nordenfeldt un experi-
mentebefore the (10,4enera1 and Lord
Alexander Itnesell, has jrist lieeti Madepuliio.,
"Bo seys_that *the Martini bullets
flred.iritn e bank of well .po.ckea , snot,/ Were'
coniPletkly trent Laterite:ter:liege: diet:ince
bf not biore than: .font :feetfrom the point
of coiripsetv Snider bullets, in hard.panked
tnow mixed:With ice, but,not hard enough
to prevent digging lute, it with illeet4rOn
ShOVel tild net periettate More than iibent
Zemucl Chute, of Ionia! Mich., lour feet ; perfectly dry FIDOW packed by
confined to 4E -louse with injunee indieted natural drift, but baps le Of bcing easily
by A. big rooster, which flOW at hi:rile:Other crushed in the lona; it ballet penetrated
aay' , knockeerdown,, and felleWed• tin ebetittier feet; alma in iodbe drifted dry
-------------- MA,/ leitS 11101 •itesten feett then& Area
Catadlan Cheese 111 ghtili*nite
A London (Ont.), despatch says „t Prof. '
Roberton, of the Ontario Agricultural,
Cellegd,' who had charge' of the Canadian
cheese exhibit, at the reennt Indian arta.
Colonial mtpooition„ t Louden to -day :
England,. 11n inter*ievi he expressed, ;
-the opinionlhat Canada:II cheese will rale
ecineiderably• higher. this season their for
two Ot threckyoaio past; told that the „
to,tion ettrited by • the (Canadian ,dairies ab
the Indio:1_0m Colonial Exhibition will ,
Atha:1104n Mitch larger. trade id that pre
duct than heretofore. Ile also beheyee that'
Comedian better will be ia great dent:nil in,
Groat tritainlimit year:'
his advantage withP.8J". Lip incott Of Philadelphia Wt An
' tot CIO a e a a c a
' "VC Obligations te the lest lietie.Y. • ' ' M 1 y' OPecell 'eLblit the' prelude' . Xrs..Clutefs &reams" brought' the birea :fret). peinte e413v tt, y Y r P
" ' •• • cOer rA, Irish ten nts wont& fulfil „use,followed by a large be y , a
• , .t0 dieduse,the pt.:09404e of to or.441.eed biehe 'dhertt the girl with a pail of Water and. a iitcrie hebk thStant* • '" estate worth nearly $3",008 000 '
„ ; • , - •
V . .
. ' r
. . I
. .
1 . , • • •••• .
. V
. .
• • ,
. . ,
. .
, ,• ,,