HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-08, Page 57 IIIJUDKIAL, 'ALE111111, IApi 0( t 6 )T.1 T ION P LILA S D I TS 140N, n 'CA' M' Tll:p all, �brcrs,of t its. cme, jutilginent niado. in iS, R, totic. 1, will loeep. .'o V-7 inf irll�g k1lik y of 0 ai�h A�;4)` b at 1,,-)t p_-eted o. (L WHITPELY'S HOTEL., .9 jl1i -f *1101 _1-1 I - for the. arran "ements.' kill Carl'i-to I i I thme vi I I crio All lie supp a t a& ,ot )y II21: V' in the afterno(Ion, o- III, ny e iA., Ty It. D A 8,7 sea;3on.- 0 tell fi.xefk t fur (201 IieVv Al� .as, all tj bV Pliltet4 A g) --1 ai . i c Ira 1 I 140 tow, lop I..., I, T )l for pador. -oi- 2279 b 11 if,ii ti)rty-iiilu� tile Sol LL e. more or whjoh parct-A beddiii, ok, ivill pil . d" tl*,tot Cif land UlItyL . 1) ally eAlt with; $1'0, Crtll -jr), be other;v1se knoiIiril as of, 'every --de'scriptio 71illot bt three ti;.V. wIlCuell ('r ohim-ti, ibat ill Soy ; being fit th� R. 'H b6 ot noun byr.ele v,il i6, the PATY, 4, tile , irowl"'jit. ip of 'Lucknimv , 0fal o- ol that pqrt of 'r PP 1E ERY 10WES' .dC -ig . I . . . . . 't n. PE -FA: ART& 00. 'FOR SALE'' Of! V I , , '-a � I -P, cAlitaill - . 11, . . ... ". . . ., . . ... :1 . . I . . I ' .. . 4 . . . . , . . .. 11 ink nnt� acre, being , nlany'linoo�a (if 110 -OLS, close. io Are a6flint FOU ',TIT CON, ulmleing 6t the lifil-th Iiiest anglil.of said L0, �W, Cast, -foi.ca:ih and manv, tither lines at er tile 'wotfern- 1mi t (if Cos# f or cagh' This, salo, 1'�Iits for Ice ;;aid L(it, a disuitte -uf� jjvd thel lsl�,hty tive HitkmtiolItl .4: miles 11 I ti tivii,114ill ; 1);j, 110 to tile no,rtbtl Hiltit illf sai wit unlier ..ithol . 4 . I . , : . ON '.timl)ered, :The .. V W., fri �eof iid maid 14, a disial the ltpg too thp. I ce two gnoid, divellin , hoiitf ive AlOug "Ile. north: 4 . oll the spri g, 011. t e, On . 0 eiii 4 iii 'tirchar I it ; Ai1d t n 'is eh, 'the rs city. .46 00 Vh er IM .. ..., e �wl Fdd well to ILIJAI t V Ill 1) Of oil' Well ctl till t- TQ4 piolierty fr;,in tile U Ig cri lo, 'Of of Lucktjil aiiii T Ins th'k-tiough ihos water,. iat, aI11114jel- f6611 be , U1141 kithin il-ho;,)lsandstor�s.' Theploil-is our assortment 'of . tire c.1mraboi4i mll, g0W ,(111a lty;, S C '101 W- P. FATTEjtsox-,,' 4 Ims 683- &t�jj as,rec -SPRING AN0,31IMMERA0003 lo-, P.: 0 6(illsist pof tw limall. frame.houRes .and a lo�;, tabit il nd the abubt,foity before purell �Wiog, el8ewhere.". M -ND -S fiJUA TYL L Col d114114 ill �f the ish W11 h t &,ti 'Kid ific Ai ii(� . 46 6 -der for Wit nu onfil: innfith U1 rs ',If Q44 citagol 4 h' t6h doild ass It jr .mol %vilick th6'purchaser wilf e entitled to. -BUT O.N i61 T I "ta be hl in r t�6 e Cais,e' Eli. e ry.11 EXCHA d w. Tile will not b4 O;lr stock in pff C 0010PLETE, STOCKSPIONDS1111:41RAIA iitit;, (It4er. than much And the ptircliaor. W-111 piepare the* miglibb, -1 -i�� PORK VIL _6fIIvvYAtji hi eki -Ir4 1), ismelit, LARDA" 0 Ir nllt�� . ILI14 1, to the matnei fo t e Nvi I0 TO T roill alit, c-lditions tsf :iIiI I "I -ITS MADE t, r, ,' S.t'rl aWr of -b o e n a the telr Nibb Ot A, d ue accounts tifu -s I it be ett; ea by itate nii�v; be' �biliijijiqi olm. .ja V X 0 R 0 A S. it .01 R - ON M 41�14 IN Wa1keA;tj,.ati&from the.Vtll�dprl .4 s C RICAN., y of.A.arcb,. 0- A - k I( Q00 OU li T_j liz-:1 V­� r� il W) X6!Ii* Toimitdii ior. 1iloste'Llit Walikertlitm' HaVifig the utihost super. it- tho P OffiCe ov' tll'e ed ai4itj, 6ver till 6theirs, anil'aftieir LUM cases we equid'find, we fol jitt.koitipt V1 rin ink y to'birfelt On F .0 F1,CEii; thrOi - - t-- - -its hoarsen6 I. Ii i tit, -a onsuitip jou ill- le I)o -P ARI AGR At W IF L thro'Lt. 1.1 11 fill fm. IT I- , f . - , W-Af EL 0 -A-01t. a OwI Ill Ali' T Y 1: _T cuze Witt) t sIii 0 Iv;, and lj�airg�e bili I., ii only oen. 4 A'a �f JOAN T 4� Cr. his t hiakiii.—Y i jw. liltift: ;I oroiiito, 0 tit.' itlt 'A -RT- SL -F- R --H A-, p1h ILI I tITMi -E- li(ji.ththijif I , D d 6 I hie -cannot' be .0 ill the I MI" Am IIIsttim u Valliftbl 71 . k . in!- lillc� fo r th ei 14 past neW frame, FARM" ec .0 I Id xi.�" i'd H support, V.e VII, to !rh� fArm 9). Mil 4 0 THE, FIRST 'ti n:, f) l0j Cori. oft � il4il"QI7. "If RIII tivatiolf. .12, hot f Canada. nor ot' tl'ii . _ vill4ge:- f i',abaut �J,: ta)1q. f Vho IV iitoreor-less.' Thereis6ver �0 60 i cleared And iillrii,fil Cjjj.tjVa.ti,)jj'.:bjjl S66:011d, IT n�(t, Alf *.�.� �. '; , ;� tyet P undlkee hta6l� 1-16r. yet 0 po r, o q r th "b daiv -line half ten (layg If �t.?jth6k'. immey to be pald ii.tAll illle� njubit be paid"imtbiv the 611ti�e Luck.tiowi' The.farcu. cont rIa lid,ir's are.., W.atered..nd.m niA bound to) acc�pvihv. hh,beil or: any, bid. 11111111k, AP reit are -a Wlie"t -P LA t )resent �under .fall efc.il.rinol well. vin4jectire'd by Jvloitgage. , 'I'll Vl glrioidslwelliiig-hou :bArntl stable,` `h aN1 4, a .4, . . L, as to th titl� on ftirtbor`�arti601apj sl�pI4 Alln the� I reference ti, the undertAigned or to y prem mes, r 0 POLPIJT THE MOST -0,411140.1l "Scoliettoro for, 'Sioe- ond, Vehfilon At. orich.. :Reapers X .'I*fc A 1416,R W AtAXUO. ry, X ROBT, TVIARTIN n f.jejilljr eV# Y't'jiliflig ill L .r e . 111it n 24. M Kill 111111111106 mg. F I-AVE.YoK r T I-?-F.0R-'SALE- Come all Pee �ork. and '90 .priOr F ARMS ecorill ire yoli. c -t your -EA HQUA X 10 I'LYOU roperti "'I CA11818 Ing dul X� OFFEM' tT t 01. i coulitry. &V sU in it, er. Of Soliti, lot, 5 kinlotis, and C, irough, the W It, 4, olid'11'alid Pf9iiglis: It is wit art coun rdon centre 10t our. s�hnd�ubit. hit I j Aoj'j� A A '0 pir6imiference, and..'couiplete1j. pit tl 1341 t -,izilng and paralyzing all ;cimipetitioln -ner" (if Allmice clear lky Ca'difig. MiD, eld ion. Fen(ieg 'S - IWe arli,all-bound. fo T. lt�-e&A with good nev r find (;iittfie; alluse 'of -1 lir,. Itis 'A.&SOMERVIL-LI. failit;g. supply, '�l Water; ypill KLIM do IL4 4, (14).nL. 6 Can. LL yin pes MifT -pinall f hut: � �ji" lllpo�ed tobive., 4A of gfi�1(11 6alifice welf,clear.- 10 . at, eated by'. bts been to graAs had4well past- 4 OdAnd fencedi AID A ill boond Iland:11arrows, s4ppl, f t ll(')U-' ItIinAt which Tdm. is gelling. the fillinense Am& o LO altub lher;o tertn�,, except Dif . f t * ttiRYE Pct. ie LIDA PiMS.ENT's Apply pers,); l I;y leiteil�'4 W le 1 (3, its jimt, ril h' I �'h 'll L ht—T., that Will A f t is t 014f t le .11, Anti t C( (V and )n Ol IIt itber': I llT A Ill U d t fAt oervice at T.,ot .1 7, Oml, I Ie fl (I ffill-I 801 t Shelled allnolid,gi fi oil"41Iql Itysteria,I)i wel Wilwim; I'Lernis to iwi 10ro Pet t! 00.13 ' I Voidm, $9.00 m. Gr r. 'Open. r T if not wil) ;�! I0" Myn' �OjjjVr fofteiling of the ,11mill i6silrf. t I A oft aild T% Ist, J)y if, & NVr. IlIll Olit. ot. by 0 'on -d Y Matebless of 1;V hiroll LS caugeit bk ES SUPP "I"Ek-PARI rl td i oss 19th, by 10 - I . . I . . . B*,,d6 C�jtil,. M Lit st" Afi 13260 'At,00 Ii * fo 8, 0O.'' 'tl ify inail jire oil receipt (If'priee, (16464) etc* etd",_g6p"b��d b6ok. -irateg. . C66 . It' 'Wy, PA XT -R9 81�y B OXE$ 1,ord Lovell Iiis taken, 0 le foe the bpi Ar ilreed,, a114 :C 0 "VI i P" Sd I)y nils for six boxeg# coompah'ied With $5ioo d Ri b411 f'Anth N Will $011(l the, ImIkoliagee (All, N 'it fnii�i it distanro oinij )6� IjAilijililogd a giiar or if the tr(pattilent'r reasonal rat �t 'owi FIs, �A or Flat.—Asl "t tile moinej 1 le '*u� �ffecb .,6:, ditto. Otimantoos �issuait. Woldo*ol 'L-tg jDjL Q P9 DA A tYNl Ic i egatt ou tho jr& It iWi bild We'. AL Ig wil (itv GO 0 C T li