HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-01, Page 8�r.
kl 1 •wnt
p )L ar t dllowtr • •
r)l1JTg� � t}OIl`YGi'>l�fli3t!J�i.
P]1, ^:awe a!� Mixed `.x15 p s4:
fl, e4, +) ' ' &ilitr, 3,5i D. &n.: •
0201,. tut:E;xp., 10.SU p• rn.
xw '.
# •trf t 444 47 1 t cwv
Hovsa titrOaking,.
. :On Saturday night est some three
,or feiur,parties: '.Broke in thea, doors sad,
"!'vki,rdou.s, 4,44,, andy Eraser'sdwell',
tl on -Outraer street. ` 'They . also:
•• „aultrsheA the fgrniture,. - s.
;pring ;ShoVv.•
. 'he animal spring show of he' i -
loss .Branch Agricultural. Society will
held .in'•thrs village on 'Wednesday,
' Aprid'20th. Among the new additions'
°4 ,,the list willbe a• iirstt...andsecond'
prize° for ,Heft -ford .bulls..'
The long l,romised QOtnet,' Nhes at
• l:ast'.ulade }'ts appearance, and may now
44e4,„ 14`tbe Western. 'heavens: on' a•
lclear ,e0.4ilg. It looks about three
times as large, as ,a• good sized star, ;but
rho•;ail is apt 'yet visible .without' at
• glass
Paying Horses. -
: *A, John lxe.,ntles,• of Iircardln
+u used eight s•:ery'fine 1lorses here.'
' »an"d:`
is4y last.
Jurl,?isligvhere`a;lt , ; Iti•s'
they an`
unals come
froth. that:sole soul; ; to, buyers 'le ' this:
vill►e:.. horsemen say Lucknow •: r- this,
oile'of the best purchasing markets::in'
ihis'secttlo•n,'o•f the'Prov"nice.,
Egg;;' forHatchin,°.
EcQ(n,pu:r' bred, strains-of'.`Patridg
-: Peclrius and•BrewnLeghorns. '.' These
birds ate all ;firstic'lass and hive' ukOff
:prizes at, •Listowe'I and -other'places.-
Ceehilieggs,; Per 13...$2,7; taeglorlls dl:
cents per 13,. First cone tirstserved,
-":ti`I obey inu'st 7 attompany, ,`orders.`, 'T: •
n.1AttniE, LUcI iqw,
Sons'of Temperance, E
the toilet -4144S a list''of the oilicer s•'
•.elected tor,`otlie cuireitit ,quarter •i,i.
UnFuir ISa4}tl Lod% ,$6,. ;24, of, the
tiuu$, eaf..;e:. ipe►atice W.'Y , I3ro•R .
ilai•ray , �V;^ A ;'f34s; l4Jeiy Soutert illi,
'Sth ii I3u r et• . , 'F 5.,;"I3r o., • • .1-1.
:Suute6=111e ;, Treas., 'Bro. John Al.4Bain
(leap.,; -,13 ow Geo--lbl;A th 4e5titx ; P. - •\V;
Y Bin. T ; "Coin., ;Bio. A.
'cCoinell i A Coin,, Sig;•
P 1.. S ; r --is, llol dens Ctutterou ; O.' 'S.,
• 1.;t•u. Gc e 11u rgess'. :•. •
1'e rhaps Sona people ere, not p;ware
• tturt• the Pro •tneial.' IPgis'ature has
t:t )Npetl ro, protect ^'triose' po Oi •4>u us
peOtih4':ivho: aro not''thornul;hly sup irx
oft -tie•arts,of `•the., maple: sugar thn-
•ititte6 ,• . Aeccirditrt; to the. law';low•
rail partips Curring nraplr� su' ar for say
.Itle eot spelled to label it'as, such ; and
i,lte sawn or woniti,n wl►o :iii futut sells •
,ua':r.r a t 15 cents A:.po1nclt..1s,:;'maple
ti at which; they nave purohased at 15:
tiouuds' fur a dollar fn a groeery, store,
l'+ItrAhj• to tt'fine aril, the seizure Of
1115'gOOds. •
Death of" Mrs.,: Meyer.
(lilt of the;. kacJe.tt. 'events that has
fallen to •out lob fo chronicle; acid:.one•
,p •,
bleb' has caste a deep,:;loom. Over: the
Ftrrir�z eernmunity . ig, the death: of £wJrs.
w . 'l ;`ie
eyet, .wife of,our resp• •
ted Mayor, at. the 'c,arty-age of 33.y0ary
vlrr� h s+d went; occurred at about 11
o'clock in
TUescty '
i ight. • ' h
e deceits-
'tai'was r.1Uyillg(1,C ,U.4Ual on11raItis
tissturdav morning ,last wheil
+t11tr tcas:'stl icke l with, .pai•a:iys>'q. '
.._._: •i►eytuled> `.. 1
a, ales was at c►uc4sttlit;iiloned_,
n e
and 'al erery thing 4 -that- Wes
,I)ttill,l!'.,was done s :;
l .. tU save. icer • 11 P ''
•, f ,she
a1Ht rr rt C(,%rlsil'.coiiscic u[tiess from the
tititet,Iit- vagitake,i ill Uutil:lier
The ciec44atied:was o'f }t•Icindatid char• .••
disposition' and in her the pont: of
toWii have lost a true and sincere
fri t'
el d, ati'shc tvztis G?ver toady t�'' help
•tli«; needy and gladly s •when there' was :a• call
ter•aid sl'te:'rvlwa dl
Y b Y i'espoucded
She was a: kind' itut l Teet,ii i
la?;.. :Wife
and snot,} et•, and a warns •and. true
rieucl to: those enjoyed the1 .,. iii•ilege'of
lits• fi'iciidsliip and .',Was possessed, .
f,nin dftlio4efiItquaaities to
a noble ivoivau, .,Deceased was
the eldest. daughter of ILo,i: A
ILri: s Provil'iwial:T'reasu'tey, and up to
tirite'of her n►arriagespent ►not
/.4 are r life "in .Guderi'f1'i, since: a which
..1.1 been i resiilciit of 1V;rii�r�
haat. She lejaveis,a,liesliandaiidthree
l'i,tclt girls!tn lilourll Iter•: sea' and . sud-
den de
su'cl-dern.de ini'aeand ivh'o' lia),Ve the lief}t.t-
tart ;svtt pathy of. the, entire coininutiity
.in tl►iiii•' horeavei'itetlt ��V rt rluaiit'
ri ri,
1 r v►i� •.._l lip gli, e cised ;vlts a sister'. r. "•of .
's�r t ,tae '•''
t a t
1 �
of •tl
!a1t'wheat, • 74 ; ,spin$,. 73
r*/ i' °A—2-Rittimitka, 48c;
li!]vy, $5 to 45c ; apt* 6 per.bag;
plotatoes, •60 tip 75o,••.iour ;i2"per ewt;
hay, 48 to $9 per ton,
Char rn
We see that a large nuinber� f
ekchan es have. adopted $ , o
g opted the ;syste% of
chargin'g'•for 01 local notices .of parlor
concerts, • church pr'; parlor• .socials.
leeturos, or ilnything to which: a charge
is made, or a collection taken' up..
,Queens. ,Jubilee.
"i The Dominion. Government hasde-
didecl tokrocrai►n the • 21.s_t slay of June
,as:the, -day on on which the celebration of •
the, Queen's Jubilee will be' held
This is the same day the British
Governs ent hits proclaimed for .Eng-
land. 1 a4 i37•
County•eaaurei•; • .g:
.. • Reeve Tennant who •was' in Walk-
erton oh Tuesday ~last,. says the audi,
tors-hafirdiSboverediio' fartller ,.bort=
arses in the county treasurer's; aeeou nts..
J{e has, however, foi,nd a few small
errors in the, ad�titioris,ltut they were
hi Mr. Cooper's favor.
Musical Concert. '
• The Zeigler family of vocalists, from
Berlin, will give a emicert in the Meth:
olist church here on the 1lth of April.
(Ea'ster. Monday) in aid of •tho Young
People's Association, The members:
of this family are all first:class' Musi-
cians ' and the entertainment will in all
like]ihooda,e,a'rare treat. •
Horse Tracing;. , •
A.bt11; has, been introduced :its the
Provincial ' 'Legislation 'to . prevent
frauds and periu.t les, irroomieetio l w i41i;
the -sale o1':horsea;and cattle:- I' 'this`
matte • can " be• •put down -by. Act of
'arl.iaiigent it will^be a' good :thing for
the morals of the country.. ' There are
thousands Of ,people who saw .to.,t ink
it no bar in to lie to and •chiral`, "their;.
fellows oil ar'''horset rale.• '' •.1
c.r t
leat Br-uce..+ • / ••
At, the nominations for the. House
ouiinons for E•,tst Btuse, at 'Walk.
on,, un Saturday last, gr. R. Truax ,''
nominated by the Reformers, and
H:' Cargill, by the. Conservatives
Truax,. who is;,Reeve;of Walker
iS considered ,v;ery. strong ca di-
; a
and the will make a•
rd' fight to, 'redeem .the 'riding
•Remitting,Taxes • •
-A.' rood.deal of complaint , is made'
over the actior *of `. the council' in re-'
,rlrtting taxes of a' couple of ii draidulals;;.
ata recent ineetirig.'. The; ratepayers
claim; and with, s. great deal of force
too, that, these; parties are just as:cap
'able of :paytn'g'taxes as any 'other labor-..
ing' inel in ths village, and they ::have
eo right whatever. to he exempt, ,while
many, poor widow women,+rwho have to
',earn their living by: washing, are corn
pellyd to pay'fnto the village treasury','
The Law of Libel,
Not 'before time, it is announced
that -the _Otata,rio Legislature -will' be
called upon, during the present session, •
to amend t'ile laws`relat'ing' to• libel.'
The bill provides that in.ordrii•. to get,
a' conviction:' 'there ': must, be presum-
ptive e'vide'i)co of malice,• that a: plain
inust give seeut•ity for costs or Lei
ni.tde- to plead: r,a' .leie iilc r�rjti1ie, c,,, 'find
procePdin7s' shall be
privileged... Tlie'experleuce ofthe est
few years.has proved that the, amend -
Monts' of the Jitw .in'this' direction are
absolutely necessary."
The Truth' in a .Nutshell:
If country newspaper; propretors
re e tai
p , I .., thenames of the sub
scribers' who take; read' and'eijoyr'and
,file gratified. by . yet' `refuse • to'pay for
their' home''': a Y
'Papers; .01103 rc` utatiorr of:
sonic• .:colrllnurnties for moral li'onesty.
>tuu,e] depreciate tweet •.YP
' er'eent
Splendid Entertainment
The concert . =ivei
►, i it. the • Teal er..
anse hall on l edtiesday evening r last,
"by, Alias. Jean .'G: Murray, :the pupil's
of her music 'class, and• other leading
talent, was beyond a doubt - the most
'enjoyable entertaininen:t ' held' in the
Vi11a,,g e this • Season 'The
hall was.
.beautifully decorated with, :liaedsonle
'pictures •for theoccasion, and although
the audience was not: as large as the
in rits of the eittertaiiilzietit Yleserved,
these who were `resent' speak p p .pearx very
hi li pa .1 , alga of the different parties k'il'n'
who took .part in the programrne,.and
many encores wereiven. 'Uiifor
l; tali-;
ately for ourselves, we ;were unable to
1s, 'present, and are. therefore' 'unable
togive'a' full' reports; of -the. doircert.
lite chair Was occupied' by Drift:•
Crtutiion,. who' ,filled, the position, in
Ir}s •usual,: able' and, plefishig mann'
lite whole
o re.tn
it very a1ilenaiiner and teonly v
expressed was that • t�re were'not
. more lk
oar citizens' pi`egent. "
'Mk '
•t,OoAL'CWIT.. o1.14T..
Asked 'np AeteIliad Iere
fir Kinkier*
Tovvellings from 'Sc at Ker
--Get; your sale bilis pri_}ited
SENT1rrEt ptiicEr:•
Mrs. 1J alter•' Treleaven
friends -at Pungannoti,
lCrs ., d Hie
a . Bryan an 1s yi
frien.h in Seaforth
--Saler on Saturday; positive
reserve, at A. D. 2dacdonald's.
P. E. Cameron. is ass
the ReturFn ea,ndcla'te in fast B
• 11 ear x t ion hollairda from
•at •Ke1•r•'s.
• •= -Miss; Mellis, of, Kip ' "' } .'is -visit
ing at the residence of he br, uthe
T .
Mr, iti . �1re111,.., r
=Nobby spring hats in hard and .'
Stift `felts;at •Coninell's. ' { .
—Owing to the illness •of :lIr P.
,ilidtlkater�-�.tlrer;�•� no�'�schooI�}"'ii'Thy
second department,
—Extra value .in prints from 5c 8,t
I erg's.
I: Il;]' l'et1u niter iia . ,, , , ,
., � for
�t 11.s, fp • out cr.I,sw�n)er.s .incl' tI>!e;:• public
a the ' ennol.rtlly fur_ti') veiny libel• a . tr •
,, , . • x' �i l)r1t1 C►llclG' at:1;0114A lla ' :dlli,llly
tallied pas '•car, we'- butt n ..a ' `
.. ; ,0t. l t �.11,1hei ntteht;t,in to curs eery larc;e.
Isrtrng and brie tli5Zillty of
ltlllg r
r 'r
y;no We have also in stock ¢a #lilt stl > )ly c► til ��va1!e
istirrg. a 41'03 sellii' 'at bc•t•tt,►nr prices.
lU(. `
r_.,1 , LAMP:- 'GLASSES
• ea.�.
hi' ei diess -variety.
C<t1I and see-inir:lrc,ltutit,i
The hilest brttlids ' O f ' k
sopsta i'tIu'c it 1)•1I)
TAYLOR & E•e:ti.ti tiTa
• Miss, Clara'. Berry, of Goclerich,
itl'1 spending a few days • among old
friends in tliis village. .
--The piety who 'lost :a 'white
.shawl, can have it by applying .at
R•o'ia's hrlrne'i►i
P. Gainer Of Kinloss • last
week 'sold teain of colts 'risin two
years old; .off "Oliver;".'for $300: •
lonpy .to' loan, on; real
bought etc. Apply to W:
Akin, Luckiinw
Mlle whole stock Must;be• 41iq
posed'of this niontll: at .'D, Macdon..
cheap storit.. _
—A hea.'vy ••show storrn•struck: this
' place oil Monday : ast, and sleighing is
again' good.r'
7,7:the gents faarnishiug 4dopan:tni nt .:
is now bui►►plete,: =with a1.1 -the 'latest':
novelties of -the pease i at (r, „Ken's.
Several. of -our sutlac'rrbers,' who•
pron►isi:.d Airing' iia' .waocl lrliv .•riot
yet deme
-=table' linens fram 25c at Kerr'$.•,
A writ of attaehmetit has beeir is
sneer :hy the county councilagaiiist,all.;
t'lli;'property ,uf _air. Cooper „the. late
t•; easu i•er,
If you went'ti suit made to order
go to Connell'. There's where' :you
get :rheum eheii;p.
Mt Ja;, Bailie, i►as :: for sale a
number of .Very/ fine glades, of seed
corn.. For 'particulars- apply 'at his
residence nests the station.
L►' tno hR r, coluirr i twill be found'
the al;stt,,u; of receipts, eicpenclitu'rds,
a.bsets'and liabilities,. of the 'Township;
of )4S,itrlo s for the 'year ending
.Tuhilee•.goods in`dress oods,''Ines
lins, laces, enib,;ortl-,ries; 'curtains.„and
curtainsetts,''p1 ants,, ri bbonS A,nd' fanev'
-goods' ai t G ;Ii err's. •Ro ,
' So,nethitig nc�ty-<I,tist,.,ari•i-wc±d-a-t-�
V • Alliu's 1Vaterooms,. they. -little
Maxwell ateel binder ---Call and see it..
�tfilliuery. Our choice.'• Stock' of
millinery surpasses , everything. See
'the leading styles with all the newest
jubilee tri'nniiegs in.silks '"and ;satins':
Straw deeds;'�ribbons. and laces; gauzes'
plumes• and flowers at 0: :Keri's,
—lulari,l r evi nue''o iters' are search-:
ing''for`aii illicit still wrier► is
said 'to
be .'
in o
peratiori:; in a^• swaiiip' In' .Brrice
county..., So far they have been unable.
•to locate it,, although, ,satisfied that
wliislcey' to Lin:illy- beuig"manufactur-.
ed, in that rie:i;;�blorhood
--Wanner•-laut s
1 r N , 5U' candle, peer,
V. •'
ui K
. Nochimney,-
o sl
n no
t'o oder. C1rea est, ' . ,b t ana.'Most
durable.' •p
Geo. Be 1, who has
'Winter with trifled:4.1)07e forthe benefit
of his health, left tliis week, for Itis
-Tr a pair of thole '
feather ,
bone corsets.f,r;sale•.at G'. Kerr's.•
Auctionsal es:vsill bet
held•>` gh
It th.,,t•,ouut'rw at tot• 1, Co �.9, Ash-
field, ou.'ree sclay, April
• 5th,'•th
e pro-
perty of Ai•ciibal Johtston,
• At tot
15, Con. 7; West i1'awanosh, bn
IesdaY, AprilfillstleofDAiiel Fowler.'
-- 31111,.1 ne, ”y ta
ppre?rl{;'fieri wanted;
ply to es. Chambers at G, 'Kerr 's
-As tl�e snow disappears,
the acctinaulated' dirt and rubbish of
•• months, .it' will tie the duty of. ..every
citizen to cjean'•and'tid uphisprem-
ises;' and reit ; Y
. toy a .the unsightly andante-.
healthy; heaps of offensive refuse; ..A,.
little attention. id this ,matter at'' the'
proper., season may, be the means of
pieveuting the oecurrenco of, disease',
and perhaps death..
The biggest and hest' assortment..
` w1e is to Choose from in ' Luckn o
rs. at• Comfier l s Ca11 tt'nd. aeo.h im t
W-- rallies, .jerseys grasp at Kerr's. ft
We will tvo two prizes for' th' first tw•o
col rect.solutions. of this 7ehusE:
t tt correct solution -1st price: ncod' to the:value'
Second correct solution --211c1 piise, 0
eed.to :.tho salu.4; of $2.00
Solution to be opened, exaali'ne•
cl andpruos ' e
... - _ aii en oi'o2-ll.)>: De��. 1S$7:
4 u erv'ys '
6:11[�t1IlISTK 'A;i'11 ` DCp1PrltTS, `
Luoit:NoW, :''
We are in 'a position �:-.,
to• St3,t
etltlt: it';ivaJ.� .fin ; •
'reall 1nc1'ir•=.
evul:'�t•l',ly decided ,a few3
dn3 s ' ago .0 'the old'•llaie
iocalit.-.:. over s Uf tl>is;
.y. errticuZ��.�of' ..
°antra Choicest: Tea►
Tliat St Helens *oiild k e th • , : e ..,
County�; :. - •, erected, • , of rile llejv ..
e bout. to be and'to include.
: t
�,, , nclirele..-tile :, -
�.a5t aid. tti�vilshr'�s'`of�:
est }.
�(1 VV
oS ;• , ;
Ashfield • , s field�''I�Inlc�s 'anti 1'ur•l;th�rrj'';
the, vitj oet., of e1.. •
tiVm 1)am tjuici
Anel in wie� : '" •� , .. �1v etat>• :Dungannon.,
large increase of farnners gild hu ,.
fi tela the aforesaid townshipssillless n�cit
and villa
4s ttti t , .
brlsir):eSs� At the Hub, ; .t,. ralrs,lcr, #hr~'il` •• ;'
anti' pen.tl t. heir the
a'ch ante ere1� s to tyle =.u'es�
>._ b
•:I'l'ls •.. •. •''�'
..p ah
larger and Ill •• ri
loll � �ore'. se'1.,c,t st:,t�lc :of .f�� �
sill •' rl• • • � ill
e spr rho. ;tots ;than ey`er brouf ht",into ,
and at `�� k-lt,.l�ar:��'taGfot�i•�� d
' , :price,; •than"Fill astoriislt the ' awls is ,.
the•� V�rlhi�, r,. wl)eii• they
UN on 't.lD St 1:Iel en s . �., i, t :of they
EEMEMB1 E Mt Rita.'►
Balance of iter stoci. •will. be•offcrecl alt ruinous
n1tl;l,e room f'' r , . �. � .,. n� lis. I,,ric��.°
-to ti . more new e►aods yet to arrive..
Blacksmith !'1'lltilShO,
Shop ,to L� .
The blacksmith: h j, '., - a . ' : ��,
• . .: , • i nee our i!aat.lir, ` .
n MCMillr u on the ,. r .., . ;Y b if
ti , e c i•no � .. w' :: ..
r of La ltllln•-thr h ,
t ere-rrn
n lY,
Fl ,liC -
a u,
k etreetb• It rs, m Herr, r , .. • 1 V -re. is il'4r ..•
1 occ
Y I'1
bell' ailrl til r
oeat`ii ., a Uitat ) f fat. tvl sat u,
1nf r t
or tri
a era i
p ra the, villa ,, • , ll lhee i►1Yri 20
Se sta171'1'rn,id rij; . Fi buflciillg7'witll t---
te>b:t t
r rlmr b,
wh'u.. ..
rr '
at •
• Y+eYrparticutarat Apply t
Sao, .AXGIYS`Afrogi aro
u w, x., (3.
, , hart r u ur
r Y 1vrr.f,r'AM I UAItr)lvrlt•
4irra3:t t;