HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-04-01, Page 7••••
OTIRRENT TOPICS: takeplace until more than At.„.yeer,Jeter;
Aterecit years ago; according* the Lon -
den Eceeemeit, at .leat 'ene-helf of the
wheat consumed in the United Kingdom
was ratsea there. At present the propor-
tion has Shrunk to 30 per cent. while 70
per cen impor_e_., _e animal average
't ' t Th
• 2000.800
A lianTrono.dePpateh to. the New Xerk
Post -saps that lefts, ,,Idareiet Iteeeher
7,8towe'e heelth ;remains „in the same con-:
• dition ih which it has been for the Past
year. She shows the effect of her age, but
ableto- attend church and visit
is uel-ghhore.. it was thought heat that she consumption of wheat per calutitet 'the or
. . mer date was 343 pounds, valued at 47,12i.
should net attend the funeral of her. brother.
At.Present the consumption is 337 .pounda,
valued at $4.80. The authority .quoted
says that bread has „decreased. in .value in
that period 4,0• Per cent. Notwithstanding
the cheapening of the staple product, it
will be learned With surprise that the con-
sumption has decreased it per cent, The
cense of this apparent infringement of
'economic laws is to be found in the increas-
ed consumption of vegetable food, sugh as
potatoes and Other garden predocts, thus
indieating a deeded change m the charac-
ter of the toed Pateir;- ')3sead- was -formerly
ahapst the sole food of inept factory opera-
tives and the, agricultural classes. Free
imports of foreign meats" and; vegetables,
added t� the fact that much lana formerly
devoted to cereals is now devoted to raising
garden products, has enabled consumers' to
diversify their bill of fare. .
During, the last visit of Henry Ward
Beecher last autumn he tola Mr. Stowe
'that he was expecting death, ,and. that
apoplexy walla he the cause. .
Asherena aStronoMers Who are ambitious
to lead a fOrtern•hor with the chocoo
„covering theinecives with. glory. would do
well to watch the sun tomorrow. - On thett
- • day, according • to the caloilations of
•Opnolzer, the mysterious planet Vulcan, if
there is any such body, may be Seen crose-
ing the faced the sun. As there are no
spotsk upon the 'Bun, the appearance Of a,
.firnall black' object. .upon its desk, *par-
. • ticularly. if it were perfectly rouna; would
), • be. - ana, if the Motion of this
•C: ti4. °beset were such as to "carry it across the
, sun in a few hours; the -fortunate • obeerver
might have reason '01:tope he had' at last
caught sight of the; long sought and mneli-,
mistrusted Vulcan.. , • .,
C. E. SAuneseg„.writing in the, Sani-
NA,X4/5:.11X,Y,T144.170. .=
4,11. oung Man'e, Terrible Adventure
There passed thrOugh St. Paul Bonday
en route to the mist a Man whose appearance
was loathsome in the extreme,:ana whose
life in the future will be a burdento him,
A.s a reporter was 'walking aloorit, the,Vnion
depot he °erne upon a Maio with .hislace
wrappedup so that nothing but his eyes
were visible. Thinking perhaps that some
accident had befallea the reporter,'
accosting him, ,was told that es soon as an
eaptern train could be boarded. he would
let the reporter ascertain. for himself as to
.whether an accident had occurred. As
seen ap the theeper was reached the man
toek from his, head' the many bandages,
and the sight that met the reporter's gaze
was a shocking one. The nose and left ear
wereentirely one and the other ear looked
itoniiduelt Cart Be Dreamt In Five Seconds
tar--.Recor-44/tAlik,pvacktjon of eivere, I was sittmg.with a police officio. . 19
; . sitate's that it is his firm belief- aid lib halliaa "Olfre'eTiraidWri*eiredleFussffigitoinisitantastie
, 01
1 4
n Tititst ExtraordliM0 .140111'1.424110e0 OfS
ample opportunities for. observation.during story, when an employee came, in,itna at
• the past two years -.hat diphtheria fledis an down beside us leaning with hie elbows on
• especially congenial' habitat in sewage the table. looked up and said. to him,
ditches ; that it is; in fact, as it usedlo be e You have forgotten • to make the soup."
considered; a filth disease; and that the "N�, no; come with ine.". We "went out
cases which bailie, discoVery of the cause, in. together, ping' across long corridors, I
isolated; well drained, well watered houses, walking behind him, at the college where
frequently owe their source of infection to had been brought up. ;He went into ,the
•Es. neiehboring sewage' ditch along which wing of the house which,I. knew -Well, and
Ward in Chancery fr9n1 PahlIn•
Dublin bas been ranch, excited. during the
'petit week, over' the dieeppearanee .of, a'
youthful ward of tiv • English. Churl, of
Chancery named Ethel flee, a girl aged
about 14 y, ears, , who resided. with her
granaMother at 27 Pembroke road: On
Saturday morning, February "1.9th,' the
little, girl's room wag. fowl. oloptx, her
clothe8 being, left on a ehair Wide the bed,
The hall door was found open and it was
SaPeOtied that ;the ehtld *est have been
kidnapped, and that. „tittrooticenrnst havq
been ,used. The, police made every effort to
tree° the missing .thoilrl„bot wfsthout BUC-
cese Yesterday the Freeman's journal pub-
lishea an explanetioa which, appears to he
alreest as MYsterious as the original rayst
tery itself. A': letter has been received here
es , it it had been alit with a !knife in
demi pliCie Gieat .pieces' of fleali had
been tern from eadli cheek; and taken, all
together the man's lege little, resembled,
the features of a -human being.. -The -man
'geye his name as John C.: Jilazzard,. arid
his. stery, width' wii•ti.tolaryvitli many pain--
.ful halts; Was, tollewe": • . • .
'" If yei.warit it will give,..youthe oir-
ournstanceti, of an adveriture whion has left,
me in this tcondition. I am a young rnan
of'2,considerable. means, and eamerfropa
Dakota lands., I wee in St, .PAIO, about
the lst of December, and left over' the
Northern Pacific for Knife Mime, Morton
eouhty, 'Dakota. After reaching there
learned that an old friend: of, Mine was
living BOUM „twenty-five. Miles .feem there,
'and started to pay hilt a visit. Tahirig
horse I started out early 'One morning,.
thinking .I tiotaa &t there eking in the
afternoon. ' I had travelled probably fifteen'
Miles 'When one of those terrible.blizzards,
set in. It turned cold ineidenlY, • and the
Wind °tit like a knife. The 'Show fell go
fait. that- it- Wee- iintitheSibie7te'lesirlint•
shori aista,nce. gaol losing MY bearings I
was soon riding around the. epee. prairie,
coMpletely *lost:. - did not Stop for ,a..
'methent, hoping to .cOme 'heroes. at house or
et -least, SOME- pleee •wheie shelter could be: since. Ethel, . staid. tO have. been most
"folifid.-Irdidneirtake.rdifg-tebdtheroirghly hafnii-and-contehted4 :Oher-loOrae,: ana t0
Chilled, end' -my heiress began to' havetaken the greateet deligtotin eindying
'Signe ' of , exhatistion: Night :canoe On, the Scriptai.e6„,and hex' uncle denies, theit
arid I had made op my • raina to kill lhe she .was titught-to'-eteceate,anyhteeni
heree,' arid seek shelter by his carcass,. tiliee. of • - Our -: Nationalist- z4oriteni.7.
heard: a hound which did not by any :notary gives; some explanatiOne: Of a
• naeine , raise .inkspirffez- . It., Was nothing, rather startling' kihd, and f rom"these, it
less, then a' p'ack • of wellies fallowing the wonla appear that " a plam :working Man
Scent Of OUr nertiallYrievered trackg.: 'The, lioteonnected withtheplan at• atiked It. was trimmed with a,groop of red row'
Storni had:* b,y. tine' fillip :partially abated, .the : child 'whether 'she 'desired' to be freer:Air pepples. The eariringg were '-very
The„-"liorse-lieara. the. .howl_ofthemolves.; from "the throldonf,"„ana regain:ed.:in her . and v,ery eld-tailiioned,: but theY• were of ,'
' • ' mother ' She replied it is said, the diarriOnds and 'pearled the rarest. •:•A. short.- ;' '
ruby -velvet,.. mantle; triiiiineci with sable ;" •
teils;juithootelied theflOwers the bon- ..
net. Two sisters in lialf-reonrning„.ergt.'
beautifully., dressea4ohe -in. Meek velvet
innthried. with bonnet in •
match ; the' other algoln hie.* Velvet, With
trimmings of rithr, .finely.,. eat • Steel. A • '
handsOnielout raorotie4ciiiking worrian• had •
no lose then ;three diamond. stars her . •.: ,
honnist strings. A blondewlio wee,preeent: '
could not. reek ht Whit. it was, " so' decided -
lied, somethin$,-113thack „in_ her hair, :
that she had teottled • her hair aaarefiesh7 •
ing novelty..-Lbving' Cousin --Madge Lon-.
don Trittk-:,' • • ' '
.:.' !fusions ma7 have. paSsed. unoonsoiously,.or, :which Jo. the class rooms..:,,, -Under the.
, 'over which they may have reached to pluck 'Stairs he ehOwed the, a stove on Which steed
• -flowers from the edges -Or ha,ve otheriense
_ heenbreught withinlithebenefid influence
of sear sewage ethane:timid:. 'There isi
• •Esearcely a village in the coentey•which does
not in some feria or other pollute water-
cOurses, and hot .few in which such pollu-
", tion is direct anatagrant. •
. _ • •
Drineri.hadaloigfe.11,Init it Wasi
. as nothing to the fell of King Chtistish,:bf
' • Denmark, the other night. It happenea'at
topenhagem,, :King Christian was net play-
• ing--;7" Copenhagen," Lhovrever, though he
:eras. dancing with,the'kiseable Mies Estrup,
„and that was next thing to the gains afore-..
'Said. In front of the Queen's the
• Waxed floor Wei as slip,pery as ice,. Down.
. acouple in, the waltz, and a; inoment
later•the heelif of His Majestylkickea at the
heavens._ King;_Christian • fell flat on his
anoyster 41011 with Et little white paint•m
it (I . had been mixing water the
evening before). rant; you' have forgotten,
the Vegetables: Go to the porter :at the
other end of the courtyard; you will find
them there on a table." I waited fer
:IOng tirne; at last Isaw him making signs
t�,me that he had' folio& nothing: "It igt
hina cross. the yard., coniing beck with an
immenitecablosge,:, I took %knife from my
pocket, which I always kepf • there; end .at
the (mont-Nerl enl. was *going to out the
vegetable r was awakened by the •rioise of ,a
bowl of soup being, put bee:AV . op the
marble top" Of 'the table next to my bed.
appears to me thet the idea of soup
Wag: .sniggested' to Me • by the Smell at the
monieht When ;the door was opened:by. the•
Servant lorieging-in the stinp :Waci
asleep 'nada tikes five secends at the rued
t� walk trona •tie door to the bed. -Revue
, bank at full length. head struck the,
eokiier a a step to. the throne. •He was
atinined and-•lity as still.' as death.; Miss
.Esteip was throwri. ittul. 'slightly cut.. Great
was thehabbali. ,deriotesse.,ReVeritlow was
' seized with a Moe de oafs and some . ladies
. fainted. By and by Xing Christian:canoe
•to' arid Wags pit to bed. Held op and Out
• 'now,: and is down on dancing.
• Pierinex Pungssa, Whese father Was 4.
-.bookseller in bUndee, Seotland, fifty years
• . ago, hats been. arguing ,befOre erniomittees:
and the Publio`for twenty years in. defence
.of his .clanin thathiefather Was the origi-.
nater of the adhesive pOstage stamp
. 4 • .
Never Believed nim
, • s. ' • •
• •••• •
ftelnielpokite4 Been $4. a wedding In Tem,
Oen.-Curreut Vara% ralthew
There was ph& a very prettY, wedding
at Bt. Knighteloridge on Saturday
that we did wish for you tote there to Bee
it. •The bride was letaY Adele an4
she looked charmirig in her marriage gown
of white moire, with a small 'wreath: of
orange blossoms fastened on With muIt
todinous aiamona stars, and a magnificent,
beaciuef of Mises and other white flowers.
The bouquet, am glad to say, vies net
Cumbrously lai•ge, as somebridee' bonquets
have been of late, and: the arrangement
lovely booms was perfect. The train et '
the wedding •dresa was carried by •two of
the very tiniest -pages I have ever, peen;
They were dressed in white satin: rrhe
bridesmaid's wore really' tasteful dresses Of
some pale blue br eau -de -Nil material, re-, •
the child herself; dated. Metz,yeloruery lieved With brown. velvet, Their hate had.
!26th -and this -document :states- that, she -high.crownsoleithe etrave or hrown-yelyetic.,.
left Of her °WA free will, as a c very.
naturally and rightly wishes' tibe ith her
mother- The composition of, the 1 er is in
itself noticeable, in view of the age of the
'child, Who, however, is stated' to have been,
highly educatea She ivrites "-I there-
fore profitedOf the first opportunity afforded
me to escepe, and was accompanied by a
faithful friend.to my present destinatien. I
need not add how 'delighted I arn to be in
but the brims. were hie. Their bouque a
were azaleas, in, lovely tones of pink and
coral •intermingled. •This, attire looked
warm and conifertable. •I 'always think • •
that, •whiteor cream -colored dresses' for.
bridesinataii, look cola and chilling at any
time eave'surainer and early' ontiunn. '
have, never. ffeen such berinets those„
worn by the, innext people in the cengregaw
tion. One lady appeared in a very
s .
brothers, whonir--for the pint four and a a high bunch of Nailed violets. . -
half years,. I eaeheitly longed to join. ; I cluster of similar flowers was tucked irt the
shall also express a hope that all advocatee bosom of her dark heliotrope -velvet bodice.
of liberty of conscience will approve. of the A necket of cut arnber 14' upon. folds
step I have now taken,-asilt Will afford ine. 'of White lees', which down • in points
en. oppertunity Of practising the Roman upon, the sornbre velvet. The ear rings
Caththic in which I have always were amethyst, jest a little too blue.in
believed, and whioli, of late years,,. I have tone to • assort conifortably with the pals
been always taught to eXecrate." , mauve: of the Yiolets. -This lady carried if,
Tini:es showed the letter to the friends of deliciOue little.wrap :made of , tiger &ba-
the girl" in Doihin, and received from her just the fiort of •thing that a very. wealthy' '
uncle a ' letter in whichhe states lti*poxl-, woman dare buy; for it could not pciseiloTy •
viotion that she Wrote at the.dictation; and be worn more than half e dbasin times in
moetprobablynnderthe .compelsiop,;•..otthe the year, -being ;, too. corieptcumig.: .
person stated to be her faithful friend. banddertie brunette had a riihy; vetVet ja-cketT
states that the mother gave her up volun7 quite tight -fitting, edged with beaver: Her -
'tartly to .the grandmother hi ,t eptember. hOimet was red and so: was : her gown, ...-
1882 and never asiked to have her back but the former WRI3 :velvet, the latter
silk A, tall and • Apiendid :blonde, with .4.,,,..-
gleriooacoild.of....pale. hreySii, glossy •
wore a ' bodice • and ;overdress . •
•coloredottonain Ovei• a skirt and 'Plastron .
'of- brightlytstripeasillt.. :The collar iitid
cuffewerenf_th.estriees. • The' sriall lien. • '
net was embroidered and edged with-7Cd'ar;
of ink jotit a ,shade 'darker: and •
tone Helier than the putty tint of the silk,.
I attended the BeecherTilton trial froni•
first to last,,and: wed incoakt both 'when the
first juror wee called and' when the' final*
verdiet wasrendered half ,e year afterwards.
I' heerd the testimony' ()Levity witness
and all the Other•evideneethaf.witi, intro
awed. liatened .to..the Whole. of -every .
speech of all thehtwyers on both sides Week
after week.' I ' pei•esimally , acquainted
.• in eeneral Use. The credit. of thoe usefol. 'Oth a)1 ,the Pirtiee in the:case, freni Beecher
,device has hitherto been AISUBRY '0114,T11B91VtOMOIllt0Ilithe."alit1181Frilnid:11
fernier. It,now appears from let Ore- 0 • that were publishedtreni day to day: , And
beth. and the Scotch bookseller that
the latter broiight his plan to.Hill's notice.
The defence of his father's Claims to the
honor -for twentY.yeats and its final tscithies-
.' lecIgnient . by the--*Eitglish, DietienarY:pf
. -Notional Biography is a singular instance.
of Persistency.. The junior Clialiners has
been, elected., ie member of ,ee'Veral historical
shcietied •in aCkhOWledginent of his •peoet
'of his father's' thafins.
Sir Rowland the en:anent postal ',Made: notes of all the feetures of the triitl
A.• Lentos; cM•tespinident learns from ;a;
iptivate letter'reCeiyed from Vienna that a
; magnificent ()honer sierviCe-of ' the' DresdeA
. brightyellow ware, 'only Used for royel
presents,abeingnialle there by Order of- the'
;Emperor William.for the, ginien for presenw
tails:lion the occasion Of.' her jubilee.' Each
:plate 'will have five -medallions,' havitignn
them either allegorical .pietures • 'iticalling
rcieniorable hi9idents of the•Vittorn enter
portraits of celebrities,of the Qiieeres reign7.
:There ate tobe in , all., 2$8 large -and 120
small plates, and 72' dishes of all sizes; be-
, :thdes tureens, siatice-boats and frit'dishes.
The centre 'pitiee for towers. and fruit
be surmounted by a statuette of the Queen;
;pottraitis••in relief-,
, white on : gold -df the inerthiefis of the
fatnily. Of: England.' 7, • , .•
Yet,' Whin all Was Over„I left the courtrooni
:wholly uncenvincea that Beechee was guilty
(Attie charge brought ageirist•hinr. I stated
•this 'fact often in print when he, We's' alive,
and I repeat it now that' he-iSdead.H.Tehn
Sieintbies:"Paper.. .s.
I tell, you, Mike, the men who have no
Other ambitionin this world but to aecu-
Mutate Millions:: Of , dollarsare. thewOrat
enemies to liberty and national peeps. . Let
a Man siert but epee tebeceine a million-
aire' . arid long' before he .hagreathiecl the
coveted Wealthhe has lost all 'hoed. for his
fellow man and fear of God.; :The misery
anddistrees of the lower classes nom him:
no , more thah the hrsot of the night OWl;
and•he will crush the pave, jciy. and -prog-
peritY of a Whole State togain his endatid.
buya seat -bathe' 'Senate. It takes More
brute than brains. to Make a Million ef dol.;
lttrti.7.-COrrespondenc.e New York Standard.
- •
°named° a struggle to increase his pace ,
but:it was no good, ter theibee.st hadheeome
so chilled 'and tired that he could scarcely,
MOVe Coming' to a little rise bathe Prairie
I saw, a 'short distance, away, a, light shin-
ing through: theivinddw of a ,shantY, and I
thought :1•• was gee. ' I heard he we1ve4
coming 'nearer. and • nearer,. and ,Was•con-
• gratulatirig. niyaelftliat 1 Vieuld not be the
:assii.nst of "giving • the a 'Acidare
.when my horse- ' stumbled • ntid fell;
With me. • partly under hinor MY' head
striking : Some' hard, :substatice. That'
is the la.st I remeraber until this next , day.
I ,was afterwards 'toldby. the. Man who
lived in the shanty which•I wag trying tO
reach, snil to whom owed. my .rescue,
'thatihe hol.c.,f the wolves had ' attracted
the • attention of - the 'dogs; and 'together
they:had :driven,the beasts .off, 'but hot.
until,I , had been almost skilled.' . Was
'within ten rode of,the shanty • when feulid,
I Will stop in Chicego o see if -something
CarMatlie done for me; and if not. Willgo,
to Europe. _At first I feared; hydrophobia,
but -the Wean& are heeling and 1. may
eseape :that .• , have had the. Wounds
fienteriied. I have heard heera • of Instances
Where .an artificial nosehas been made from
-flesh.taken from some p`fittion a PersOn'e,
body,and this is the relief • I, Will_try. to
. ..• , • ;
' The catkin& doubt will . attract 'consider.
able intereet amonginedicel men Where the,
O.Peratien. will b, , performed. -St. Pau
Pioneer Press. '
- •
• Reethirs,froueRrance indicate that if
'Wer should 'seen- break out, he future
:.strategist Of the French' "army 'would,be
"Gen. Saussier; a. Man .of whom very little
,-- beard, for the reason that- he keeps his
inouth shut, arid does not rniii very largely
with:the representatives of the kiodil• And
•:,pbtitiCal world hi Peris. 'Bet for • Years,'
' t Gen Saussier has been preparing
. plans for a Possihle, campaign, ageamit Gee-
: ,, many; arid hence, if .hostilities, begin, his
conhtrymen Will act moiler Much noire
•telligent guidance than that Whielrairected
-their Ceuta° Seventeen .yea.rrs ago. At,that
\tithe Gen, von Meltke Was the Mily" man
W,ho had a d,efieits plah; and:there Were
'no ,steetegieat mavements on the Toren&
Sidethat were worth the name. But this
• One thegteit German strategist Will find
' • thaeths,lesesin ofthe past 'has'. not been
lost, and 4that..there are others; who0can
..praetise the methods that !hove ;preyed ge'
serviceable to . •
Kteo ,IV. died 'about 2'O'Clock. in
now,yeta.eiepeae. 0,t, WOO:
• OnialieGirt-Engaged to Mr. be Lovel i
. . „ . , ,
Dear km 17 Hoa do, you -widows 'Menage:
tO sten in among Us, yottrig'• girldahil carry
6.ff our nicest heetix., ; : " •
Young WidoviWalOrt.the first plebe if
we 'realiy like a man, we deh't act as if We,,
hate the.: eery sight. of WM. ".' •
• .".You don't -:---•'•
and ithi,forgete hiniself:and haP-
Ipenstotriuelt our heads; We • don't, jtinip: as
if he Were a reptile.":-,4./suiha 'Wor/d:
' - - - - ' ' "
; „
, • .
• 'brnirley (ire.tely)." IunThrstand, RObiiit
gen, that YoU.have• Said that I look' like a'
itiOnkey.." '•. • .2 • .; •:' •••
Robinsiori7" 1 believe • I did Bay seme
thirigef ,the'sort, Darnley." • • 16
'Darnley (threatentngly)-" Welt, Yeirwill
hav.e.to applOgiZe" ' •
Ronineon--‘ All eight,,Deniley: :The first
qui° I gee a men,key. I'll epolegize.", '
the'moreing ef Onne 2fith. fifty years ago,
affirmative,' and; in aceorditned with an
e.greenieht, Walked out et the house on the
Saturday mOrniiigon which she was
miseed, met the plain: working Man, vvith
Whose :assistance and that of "a faithful
weingh seryant," those/setaken,. disguised.
ad a boy, and with her hair out offoo 'Bel-
fast, thence toGreenock; from Greenock to
Edinburgh', from Edihburgli:to Leith and
from , Leith by steamer to ;France,' where
thegirl;it is atated., is happy inia contented,
with,.her mother, her brothers and sistere
The •tWo " poor humble working people "
'who , aided, in sate escape are said to have
haa no 'other motive in thig Matter but
ode of pity-tot:the • child'Tiiid e-a.--ffeiiire to
rescue a humansoul."' The ehild!s 'grab&
mother. wits, of course,P,rrotestatit. •The
whole story is a most .extriorainary One,
and the mystery seems to be by raj means
•solved by the explanation offeyed.7:-Belfast
Whig,. March bal. '
arid ast he left iMAildren VS succeed to the
throne the Crinenpassed,t6 the daiighterbt
,hrother, ' the cued Duke • Of Kent,
Alextirldrina •Victoria, than only a little
• . mere than 18 years Of age. Vitoria ; there-.
' tote beanie Qopeo on the .20th of ante.
• '••Imniediately ,ripori the, death: of the; King
.tife Arehbisheli ofClinterlatry,Dr. Hawley,
, arid the Marilee; . Of' Cenynghani • started..
Lor Rensington l'eltice itiforna the g•irl:
18. that she was the inter of ' the 'grab
British „ people:. They • arrived '-ithortt,:
-o'clock in 'the lhernirig;70fdr:uPoir their
sending wOrathat their businessleee uegent,
Victoria came dOWinto them in lite -white
nightdress, With a•ghawl thrown Over her
theyeldete, Slippers Upon her feet and ,her'„
hairtaltir4 down her back, .but° perfectly
eellected .and 'dignified. Victoria Met the •
Cabinet at 11 o'clock the sanie nobinieg; arid
presided with adinuch digeity dem-
pours as Mrs...CleVelariainahifogted ather
'first , reception. The deirmetioe did net
d.Nourthoits Retort:
'Loving .'-"-"&baIrig Wife•Yonforg.ot ray birth-
day. Stick,. •
A ltifOdern Bridal
Not -long : singe: a Spanish cavalier was:
married in Periato a; youig lady of iodate -
erotic birth, On the daybeforethe Wedding
the bridegroom went in company With some
of his friendatoinepect-the trousgeau, which
was on,vie' 1 -Amid:, a • 'prefusisin of
earls lace' and other precithis, articles he
:noticed a, lecke Casket. ' After much press- of Waterl000n4kontlay, Dec.
the bride't a t . ..t . a . for the• battle
nig e c.onsen e , o openi ; an there
lay; pillowed on a layer of pink wadding, a 18th, 180, -the news having arrived ft few
days before: 'Nowadays,' sporting 'rieeh do:
six -barrelled revolyer, a poienar
. Spanish .,d.
and a large bottle.of .vitriol. "That is for not leave the club at Alla,habadfor bed.
you;,g ever -You „cease to love eae,e eaid, before they hailheard, what' horse won the
with a bewitching Odle, the hopeful.Young -1).---erh*,'1hat afterneom-London 104d.
' * ' .
. What 10 Cents Will.Do.
„ , . ,
,r • •
". A: IQ cent., bottle of',Polsoies Neevirasie
Will:cure neuralgia 'or •-heedachs,.. -A 10
eent bottle:Of Nerviline 'will Cure toothache
or. faceaChe:'..A.10 .essnt easample ;bottle of
Verviline . is - Sufficient ' to cure aside;
diairlo'ree 'spasms, dysentery, 'etc., Nerei-,
line is jusit the thing:to . 'more all pains,
Whether.internal Or exteenth. 'Buy at your
druggist a',10• eent saniple" Of ',•,Nerviliiie,
" the.greitt. pairi:cure." 'Safe, prompt and
always. effectual. Large bottlee at „any
dru-g-etOrsiOnlY-25 cents. • '
'How Space is Annihilated.
: Nothing, perliaPsyThould givea. better
idea of the distance India was from Eog,
land. betweenieVenty and eighty years ago
than the, fact that George. IILis 3u,bilee was.
'celebrated...out there the year after its
celebratirni at Wane: It • yeas" kept in the
summer of 1810; Calcutta wait illuminated
• .
Coel Husbend--1 theeght it' oecurred oil
,the 1st of
Wife -:-Other people nifght think so after
,seeine husbend.-Chieago ' .
';‘• Je arly'lltra.
*.3`011.0E3 iuttl,aSko4 to' be called et 6 a.
Say, bogs, are yon within
t,here ?" .
jones--" What's the row ? It can't be
‚o'clock."• ' • ', •
No, yet. honer ;, just slitoppea
to till yez that ye've get , only two funirs
moreto shlape.' ---.1togtotiBeae.em 5
, Something New •
and most iippostant. Hallett di Portland. •
Maine, can fun:11810,0u ‘vork,that you can o at ..
great profit aloe live at home, Wherever you' at*
located: Either" sex ; all. ages. • Asa, P. Rand. •
WeStboro',Ide.ss., writes Us that he toad° $60 "
profit in a single day. , Every' worker -can -make.
fronf$S to.$25 and upwards per day.' Allis new. .
.Capital not re4hiked ; yea are started. free. Fiat .
particulaxe free. Send your address at enee.
• .
brid6 to ler luttire hitsband.. 7 El :D'
• V •
. Some 'Old Men,
Tithe Does, Much. , •Mr john Blue, Beni; OefOrd, who is in,
his 100th year„:walked pearly a mile. to
ziote.at the late election. • :*
remarked the thergymen, laying 'doWit the- ,A lar ortioh. Of the world is itt the
"PeopleTirerfFiffiliffir*icked to fiddle
'" So I have heard," replied a,n auditor;
Years ReCt if iny congregation had heard,
me play they Would have censidered me
beyond redemption: -But they don't -mind
it now:''' • '
"I stippose, resppndcd the other speaker„
e they have become used to it'." „
And then the minister looked interrOga-
tic* pthiite, but paid. 'nothing,--Pittgbere
Dispatch, '
• curnseitiee of the Far West.
Thete are placein thieState WherSsoda
they be taken out , in selid blocks as ice is
„out of 'a pond, tiiia tome of it is almost 'as
transparent ..iii ',tee', The finding, Of • •thie
stolid soda by the immigrants who , crossed
the plains in 1859 anc11852.‘gaVe tise.to the
viiaely, circulated story , that . ileac? 'ilie
• , .
Sands of some of our degerts were solid, Pine Old,I1Iaplo Sweetenfag.
tnasSeS Of ice of unithOWU. thiclmess M -This is ge cl. maple 'sugar w ethei The
' ' ' old .)''' ' a f all st d t .
. same 6 recipc,is gee , or a eas ns -7- en
extentiA'Peniten (N v )2i -cies -Reporter ',.
. ' potinds'Ot.glucOso duet 'One peund Of amide
ifinng ()twins" Own peath Sigmild . . # .
'present time gOVerned,,by,,verYolcl men.
Vie, 'Emperor of:Germany is 90 "1-1-el-x's Of,
age,Von Moltke is 86Prinee Bismarck is
trileM. Greve is 76 and Mr: Gladstone is 77.
County, claims • he is the oldest printer in
Canada. Ile is 89• years of age, and worked
aS comliotiterr in. Spotittad for OVer forty
Fannie Itasche, 'abeggar well. known on
. ,
the streets•of New Orleang for years past,
diearizi.her miserable hovel the other, day,
and,hidden in het mem *ere a bank ,hook
and. secut—Viart-VOM' ting 14;500; • 6.'
N. 0: Slielnutt, of Xickson county,
was hanged twice brain:tot? in Janta,ry last -
,ana te tell the tale. Ete /38.*Ei that '
it is a great noista,ke to thitik that sleath.hy
hmabajb:ughtitnyigfiia,istihye.7,asianytsult a‘,.p4.:(3.T.ht"ermee:ins ncionPady:
• :.A fact is astubborn thin and 'so, was
iheirinatisin iscever3F-Of.
•lom's'Rheumatio:Reeellant, Which is taken
,internally and chres 'thoroughly:7-80d .by
druggists at .$1., .and trial.bottlei 25 cents
.1' Therawas eirepOrt thatoluting last:Week •
the Snowfall in the Selkirkewas already "
over 1,9 feet.--.:„.
A fewelays' ago Wm. Mary Pitts,of Deny
Ark., wee bitten by a mad dog. - A Mad...
Stone. Was procured ' and applied' to her .;
wounds. .It reriaiined.upon'each sornetitne;
and was, repeatedly . Hope ' is
expreste. that cure . has been effeeted
Mrs Pitts is the fourth pergenbitten there
recently,;:all of whom ,have been treated
with a .madstone. • ;
'Some Snow lit DrarPli; ,
Don't yeti forget it, yohng man, and be
s'iore -arid ffialie receraof it, for threescore
Years from now When YOU tthl the story they
will mot believe it, :that on the 10th day :of
March; in.the year of ,piir. Lord 180, thc
ground throughout Thistern Maine „was coy-
etea with snow to the depth of seven feet:777
Itangor (Me.) Commercial. • •
1 .
. It is -said that a ehafitNaiV.' used On small.
bundles of Cerhstallts is-ri coneethent Mead
of catthig there' into short lengths.
„ • .••
. A:Notary Peblie of 'Newark, 'N, 3.j, had
occasion recently to wear a man:min
but doUldn't find Ono in any of the offices Of
the bitilaieg., He went to the public library;
aria while looking for a 13ihiti there sat.v
copy- of the.:Korsit, • an& taking itrhurried.
bit& tiria swore his client on it. .'""
ci,apo 7 -Peoria l'rdtuseeipt. '
An Olean, NiY.; despatch says':
Wee found today on the , door of the resi- • • • • "
elerk in a 8t6 Louis store fell ahd
dence of an old man pained • George; Wood. .was. • likely to,: die; and • a telegroAA was ,
lIe'wad found in the boa sweltering le blood;
grit to hie relations in Springfield, 111.,,say-
..rItvoiviiegr:shout61.1.pillnasce6laf itiohetleieriltii)ceado.'n ltli anciaoyr:
14-ig -1).11t he was not expected to live long.
, • ; • ' • Th6 answer that came 'hack was "gan't
befora•Shooting himself
dome at prbsent. AThen,he diea_thip body
'4 letter frOn-i' Paiuttea' says cholera iss tO.
-ng the ,Whole course of • 4 t•TeNV YOrIc ph'ysician has inforrned r
playing havoe alo
se, Clara the Worat eaten Beettuto othera haw railed 14 no
ING.S10ENFS '1163.16ng ettnly. 1 warrant tn.\ ;vine
the Aeonealua' River, Chili. Xn,Lovc .6'010ek tea t th ' • b
_ alinirvoio S Olt riles LaapOtS r.ohtbrArt heir receiving' a getant once tor' a
Chill, a gmall tOW11, frnhi 16' to 20 jeatild, generate it very pone:mons ';gulOstanee,, and Erg% :no ig:MR01-.."'7,1,",,'„%inrr"''''''' r"mmi• ("Ye
wereocehreitig..daily, and thspeoele ,sociiety lutareoriehicled togfrit their use of
' end I will cure 'P501: Addreta Dtit.Ttlatii)ii1;•t° 4
o positive iteilietly the atairetilseaae ; ita use
or the worst hind aini along standing
11104340(1411 haVe Wen cured. Indeed. so otrong is my faith4tr
effirticy, that 1 will send 'TWO borri.cs PREE, together
/With a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any
sufferer. Give eirresi and P. 0, address. .,
Watch OfIldti 37 Tongan, TOW°,
D C 13„. 87
F.I n
when Deny' Ore do not 'menu 'mere I y to ta..0 thein for it'
time and 'then' haVo them return IIiienn A radical' '
cure. I 1140 niade the illaease of PITS, EPELV.PST or PALE...
arnica plade.„ tthan ' .'brese to-doorkivelters thltigt,t Bratetelog :37Yotigitt: trot,.
, •
• 4 •
4. •
4 .