HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-25, Page 5a 1e • T ... ' ■ O_. LETT; T The shop formerly occupied by Chas 7 Rood - Terms kewasonable. Aiipiy to Milk E. Murray,. 686. m SHORTHORNS FOR SALE., Otte yearling bull and young heifers.. oll registered in 1). S. H. B. certiticates. A`lao the imported•clyrlerrlale Lorin, fopsale No. 91;3311: in clydendale stud book. :1 alar', furJservrte at Lot 6, CM). 9, Asell 'tho•lietiei. rifted 0 HhAlaud (,hief,"'••Nu, (1 1180) Roan; . Olthed, April rod; 11384, bred by Mr. Alex. Euchauan, Whitnk,,nse Sterlitig..1i; aldol imported boy r, .falnes•MeDuii ugn, Ca'arlitw lf Uttt., got by Mountain Hent, (31914) dein: )rally Haddo by Prince •Fr'rderick, ill (Jai)•' •Itrirign, .(29601) Muv' the 3rd, vo.1. r '1 H'.,. ' ,b- _ ttreget,r(2. 504), 131 -iv_ P. 411, • J,orri Boo •iiigliam (29151), Madi.line, by • Alderman (L5569) Medrra by Alexander the Great 16129, Medora. by Prince Mavroeorda to 13515, Myrtle by Recovery 7404,; by Catr vora[ 6890, by Normpu• 2279 by'Rufus 2570, ° by Mentor 426. Teruis—Thoronghbrede, "$10, 'Grades $3,, rn+rat bt returned three times" if Ltecessary or will be charged' , •' . . 4ints084.•.. • 1PAUTT REED, •' Belfast P. O. FARM FQR•SAL•E. • TEING LOT 4•,: INT• $!, FOURTH CON. Township. of. Kinloss! chntaining • 100. aacres.. Eighty five acresaresleartd and unifier r•ultiv•ttiun; .balance well timbered ''['h.e ftirw is situated 4.- .rnl/ea .frim th err- l,ni:kii'u w:-° Phere'tivi►: good., wel Ing hloc�iu£1 • n thea place ; one •bearin nrcli,erri; large- barns, stables. shed+,.'and driving. house/Apart. from the barns. ' There • are: two g acrd , iv:elld ault.4uimps.-while -a-never failing'sprisrg Creek' runt;, through'the• faro,: Pittway two acres' • are:under, fall wheat. Immediate: ptty3tessitin • if requirtd, 1r4.�L� F PAT1'ERSON. . 4ina683 , ° 1� •Lucke o v, P. O • • cox Oa' ME%IBRR8 TORONTO OCK ._EXCI ANC STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN, POiiK,.LARD AND Oft, FO:ft OASfl[ PR ON • M .ROIN nia. cT WIRES WI'1Hf Tow `fork, Chicago .Oil Czt . �f Mos><treai and •Torotlto Office abote the .686tf.r (5-W; W•4`:MMLLIl,Agent. ent.; • .1887. x 1881. ';The new planing mill in ..Luckno'w. is fast ' makiing itself popular by doin; :work wllich-.-ca,niut:be • equalled iii this awuitry, • Thanking the pubttir for • their past s Ort w sht :•. U o iraf rn , it1L 1r a li ' '� A. oPhc that we have xioarn.lrition.tobe YreIHLer. of Canada, nor Reeve of this `village. of Luck now, nor ,yet C uncillor. nor 4ortstii,' le; nor jet Pound` keeper; •our ainbition is to iriaike: __. OURPLANINC. T4E ¥OST P,4JPUL It Jn the ootflitry, 'We ivanufacturein ` e4Plaiai,. Milk ]line; . Lorne uiltd, see 'wort{ .'and n et „Lrices, I)efore'you let your; 'WOOL - lie li• ..S• This ,'is` the :,iite4M ship. Thuiiderer, which'you saw.'tra'elliiuj through the eountry.;lapt summon' • t "Retnernber.--our stand -.;—;near Carding Mill. 11100KLIDGE & SOMERVILLE - '""Proprietor ..; • ealth ..fie 1.r�$t 4)117.0, r: 'WgsT'HNI:IIVE AND B:.AIN I.'Iu:.t-- itr i, a guaranteed s,(r,,ecific for.,Hyst(•rin, 'Diz. Jtnt:ftN, ( 'ori vnlsions, ,N•1`s, Nerv' uti Neuralgia, lit ndache. Na rvntis Prostration, caused by the use itf alcoih, I or tnliat eo, Virakeftilnels, Aiitn- tai l)epregyiim. Si,ftening.of the ,13'rain i•sstilt.• • in in insanity and leading:to. misery, ilecsy,, 111111 death, I'i haters Old ;Age; j3.trtrunetss, i;oras of i'nwer' In' either .0ex, Involuntary 'Y,o'ilea and Sttt r'litatorrhw i..'eatrsed by over`oic , ertiuii of the. Brain, self.LLhiise otr over -in -4101- 14e1164- cuntallls:one,•nlernth'ts trent. Went $1.00 a box, or six'. b ire fo, �i;lyb • sent by mail jrrepuid on receipt of itrwl .. " • IP.R a (7A RAIT,TRE SPX I3OXES To rt. ` t cu a anyt•�s With catch order received. •Iiy t'is"for i1c be iii •accoi panieil 'with• tve.will satin the ptirclrtiser wtur<' written guar antes du refund the tnoncytiif the; treatment leech not effect a: cure, Gitnrantees' b';ued '9u1,3 byC.OPg4tkIr u k DA VS Dr'ig.* 'dints, • Are selling many linea, of br,(4 close :to cost for cash and•manv, otberlines at cost for cash. ,This salts lasts. for 14.ONTI-T 'AS the's n!d is close at handl the public. will do well to• lLiLL4IJ ' Ai11) our aesortutient of. SPRING AND SUMMER: 0000$ beforeiturchasing elsewhere. M./Mire'many new, linea in ladies. Kid & -Don Viola, . I30OTS, .1rACT) nNv BUTTUN4IL• •Our,stock in Misses and Childress .00M PL.ETE. `MITS. MADE To •'ORDER All past dne: accounts crust -be settled bynote or cash..; ' PEART & CORR,CAN ' leaving the iitiiinst cltufI e'nce ru its super- . iority Over .alt other's,. and!:afterIper- testis of ,this. "li,o t , compliitetand a veret t cases we could find, we fet'I justified in differ- inti to forfeit One Thousand .I)bllars for an rise nf cnughy Cold sore : throat,. influeiizii hoarrenetut,, :bronchitis, cnnsun,l,tion in its early, stages, whoi►ping-.cotigli.; and ail diseases, of throat and lungs, excel.t asthma, foir•which•; we Only clairri relief,that we. can't cure with, 'Vset's Cough, Syru; when 'taken 'according • to directions.' Sample.bnttlefi:;25c..and •50c.. Large_'liottles$L Genulnp wrapped• only inLL t>iu«, Sold by, all drugg1, ntts,nr sent ,bt' express on receipt ttf price. JOHN C. W -.EST & CO'•, !'orentu. Ont. . . AVE •YOU FELT THE ° x ' X• It is ahaking•the tnwu and county frrnn,centre to circumference, and"complete pulyer_v - iziug and:jmrtivztiig`ali conipetrtutn, we are all boirud for :T: Reed's, to .• , flint.outthe.'caruse •of.'sdeha'` ;.1 citrrnnuti,x:i;` : It isener alIv'suppgsed Who've.: btu created by • •outtogecitsly' 4 w wr�r tV At which Torn; is selling the riense sto k of 1.1�LID1( Y • PRESENTS, which: ht+ has ust. reterrw�ed 'He bas:goods''I that • wilt laddeii the •heartKofhe yriuug,. the t1f,1, the: rc,h, and the p.s r; in fact everybody, and,the'•�rladdeiiing process„ didn't .coat moo. either.• : , ,`-He hate now in stock I.100Q.1•b3,: choice cafectsoaery, • 5031bS sni 0d-.tO S ;• Soft ,s1ie11ed :a1Liiot ds,• `ttailiu'tsr;p'eanuts, Persian dates, figs .11ala„a grapes,' .Oran es .heinous, darns, i.IILes. 'Canned ;,roods of all: kltrds Ever t11ii , 1 1L7 a.fll y first . � class eoltif etioiiery: ' • TEA,::, PARTIESRYIES SUPP:LIED.. !;rifle c tkAs made and' neatly Grua,= !'Ilrllted. at i eaAo11able rates. • •' • The Pest rolled tiotir aliwnys.on at . lotve'st Teretes �,'.flrai, •Shorts'alid. chop - . „Infallible •Blood; Purifier, Tonic,'. Diurelio'"- Loss of Appetite. • Indigestion, 1)i spepyia, . 13iltouyni•a 4 Jituuoltco , ' Ja' et' Uotigtluint Ithuunt tor ut ell.' Kuluoi 1)i casos', ,crul'nin,, 1)inuCtiry i�,tttit,tt' to Vet rtes, Salt Ithenni, • Eczi to t' and, t.(' : tit t:+t ses, . IIendtiC1le I tilpitntitai of ti,o, 1lt �+t hn„r Stoinaclt 4214. . I1i,att. L ,: •, i .,.,•'1 I •‘riiulc. Jut , l ,. 1r'Wii w Zq Toronto ltiit. • y•. If, yon *alit: a Nea�...n i:I DiitC.,_ able' Bingle: Or foubIa A#•>erit<ess' go`,' tt► POrIILA$t `' • HthNf sS•; Trtinitp, Velises,;Iaalt.l3,(tga, ,1ittt44r,l�iflstcrs etc., ete.,;;to be bad at rtrasun4bl' Iigilreii h . Ltseknow,, fi7L �' A i2all solicittSd • :c- • Having completed }i arrcalgeYn'el.ts for the, season in. _si�to ur. nes} PRING CLO O:f ewer � �ry•� . , description,, at t .. ;lams PRICES, rich for ralty °a 1�I' `UNDiERSIGNED• WISHE to Worm theinhabitants� of a knoir• ands!!! P _..__, , caull��lin��,�, ._.. country.that he has the Jargest stock -of HEAVY AND 'LIGHT HARNESS To be. found in any shop in the village' which he is able . td ..,sell at prices .duet the' pockets of purchasers., All Collars warranted: to gine satisfaction.' I Whips, ¶Trunks and Valisesalways oat.' hand Can, and seas our stock before . . purchasing elsewhere ..Repairing done with neatness and despatch. All work' warranted: • 0.. 3,0 lZS}rg. Are;not 'surpassed + p b first class Clt hoi1SA:' whe'r. the prices are 1ntch: higher: e1T s wolf �" ,. and at��ci'�eeltlin nr ost, -etl:oi ior.r-b )th. as regards • A special•..11ne of sf, llsli` check'" tweeds (all wool,) which;:Z anj •making to: order for ten idolla•rs pert; suit. A first: class.••,fit guarant�oed, I•n. every..'ease. ase b r ngils_ Std` a, felt and l_Ta ats to open in :few FROM • FOR EVER YB ..11 J Tae:ba`�� ,hiss Spring atlde�l a+':uunibeii:, .• : of new lines to our former Large , Stock, 'and. cull special attr,,n • tion to our variety of, fine' goods for EMDRACING : 'FREIgC$ 'Ria' - iii t370! grades;' POLISHED CALF •three grades. ; Sots .'•Laced aid; Bit tottor :. • �.:.Wehavealsoa • fine' line of=.• Slippers _aid: Walkin�. Se o • CUSTOM WORK A'SPECIALTY elf avc e r ec 1 eat I aI da re GOODS l/IT• . TT, S & :S.I3. ;. . .OSS,, JE Dice` ldt� •.o Thic;h we'''have'bo�lght c` t lo'w p lceS for ::cash a ' pry argil' to offer : ,: ,,; . •, y.. ►,. and: well -. be pour entire' stock 1..!y. public' auctuan-cliff :Cornmencing at one o'clock p m , and will contin•tte•e ` aftelno0.n :and venin until `flli't !lei' notice.... , .:_ . l }sly' Worth of goods to offer by 'auctioti �i and >'ri • 1 !sate sale and our prices will, be at least • 50" ser c t. below icg llarplices.Evervbutywge:balaains,. In fact groods at your own pence's ,and lower than ever "offered in Lucknow. We are' malkliicr (oods,that this Week •we cannot g:et.tit a toxiuote our NoT■ ,•'NQ,,. IAN ha Anctevel y article to be sold at 111,1 ear.. .. �d e .C o�,7itoo.. . 0.ei Qk.tt °stat d a. p os1'te th ba ,fi �,'Mc:DONALD' • . 1 G1OENACHE • TT ,eJ . •�G STAUPE'ER STDEE'T :0 r . Has Lii stock'.a number of • PORTLAND SND ` B9X . PIANO' ' UTTE.Material;R `'„1ade front the Lest w • will ; be sold as.:.'cheap as those ' • • Manufactured• by any other:- • • IA,ST-GLAss :He. also has in stock. �—y a nmber. uo.£ good' seronil hand cotters, *Moll •he. • will exchange for!luLi ber o>L. wood, ; at reasonable . . prices• REPAIRING: AND •1O11B .i of, ah: kinds proraptiy: deriek, Re=painting andre-trirnmirlr,' u s°p& eialty:' . Call and . inspeet my "stoei. before., buying elsewh.ere.. • ,.+ ... LUOkNOW • HARNESSDEPOT: 3 Has ow in stock the Iargestt,aird !Seat display LIGHT ` AND HEAVY lAfN'ERH ever choivn itt L.ucknow•- tpitad• iutil c . mentdap BUFFALO aid GOAT R01.17/4 • IIOrse I�1aakot , coo. hi ; stock: of Sato/3;4f Prot: k Yll9 ac.t Ifinnri r ' .• t etc:.,is'hoivcotyleteiMalin plod eistill lh ' •latest Otyleri.and ntakes, . • As all the aboV rt icles Were rurelasltfie ti} the beset rnakore; mitt at the luivtlt eto t 4` peltas; am prepared tit sell s :hese► M ant athet house in the trade D.'n't fail to call ands a•dies. ,«.., • ....' .. ,stook 'before purchatiii bl�eiuhYirkt:, • ' •