HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-25, Page 3•
% P7
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.. ' dthee.itylueViol*nor%it 44: D.'ii'le not prepared
•. . , ,...... , _ . . . , - , but Wonatie„ a4 to - •ficilitttte .i.he disetei:
- ' ...." • ' • ^ . --. r‘ 'Wit "tif"t110 letegjentr '41ECelittped it the
------1`, ----'. . .rhole question WO*1 he.ftWgoe9431 0.• '..:
T4e.'1:°119wing Bine were 0'4°4°4 elia .' Mr. ' Oibstill (liiiiiiitoe) ee.ia'. that he.
' ree4'sk-Arat time: ,- •••: ..r' ' „. :voila illi'fil to •00941; briefiY On the question,
. • ; To oonsolicleAe the Oben:Wire debt .or the having a very 'strong sympathy
' ' teOwn.ehiP of fiewlek.-73,1r.•oibeenlifuren)•• Mover of the, resolution. He e thoughf. that.
., , • Respecting the driving of sawlogs and this toll -gate neitetnee" betpg, Omitted to be
Other thriller aii lakes and rivers. -Mr: a ,serloas, evil, and members having 04
MuxoatiapeYseting the '.,ort George maeinvy, to •previeus. oocamons declared' themselves
be "moonlit known aa.. the Niagara Aa..; against it, it west" matter for the. Govern-
ment: to deal •with. The district :free:I
seinblye-Mr, Gatson. •.s, „ which he came vfee-very seriously Minted
nesteeting: tbo Gore District Fire by thie;nniSance. It °Wes true. that this wee
--bileirance-Ce..4---Mr4.-Gibson gfamllt00)-----:-. -Adiffidult-questien.-.,ILtheerighielsowners
' To amend the charter :Of the • Toronto of the roads were ea thelownemifie qii-E4S-•
. lichool of Medicine. • • central tion would be more eaeily settled, but the.,
' To l'incorperate the'. Soutlaer4 stook having changed hands and nowrepre-
' 'Mal", Ce'•'-'2i.T.IrellaY.• • •• wanting eniaie fat Ai advance. of the cost of
• ". '
To :en/end the Act inoprpeiating tbe,f3M-. the roads ,the..countis, if they hen& ' tha.
-*sari° ez Sault. Ste, IOW BiallWs4 294-7-14r4 ' reads,mnet payjor whetwas in tactsimPly
lois. : :' • • •• ' ' :watered a00k: The county slicield net, as
' BesilectfOg Xnet,Ohureh Cemetery, A-34 the MoVerof•thie sreeOltition ' had said, .be
-Mr.. Gibson (taraltoe) for Mr. Me.' called upon to buy the rOadS as the enIY
Master' ' r ' ••• ' . • • _ means Of settlement because there Were
•--.--To-,:ainend-_,--412. . . eeee-W.A. t!'"-etr---.91r',. part:DA-A e counties ni every. case which
• 4:„ . -
-Wipe', ' - ' ' ' •s "•• , were not Iii-fetefite . in : heleirchase:-Aplan
0 incorporate the Thames Valley Bitil"; might be proyidea under which. the par -
way Co. -Mr. Tooley. • ' ' 'chase donldhe accompanied by concessions
. 'To. anima the 4Besei4eet "0 --lir.' 6,ib.!: .to, those Parts Of the emnitiee which got
P.64. alarailtwi). • '''i: • • .adiltntages than 6therS•in proportion to the
• To incorporate the ;International. Ferry, amoinat they conttibuted to the. purchase,
Railway Ce' -'-'14r* .Atore' ' . '•''' • ' ' Mr. Meredith 'suggested that the metion
• To allow the corporation Of the eitY of bereferred, to the Municipal Committee; .
• . London. to borrow Certain mOney.s for school' mon. C. F. Fraser said that the hoe., gen-
purposes-Mr.Meredith. , .„, • .. .tlemen• who had Moved the resolution
• 'lir. wood (frostings) Moved for an order „might introduce a Bill. • , • _,
. of the House for A return Of the number of Mr. Meredith said that, this would :be
:standard legit cut by local mill owners by pasting' ona private Member e, duty Which.
' . entliciritY of the Crown Lands Departrneet abouabe perromed„ by, . the Government.
- from the timber of limit dingJhQ have, devoted to
• Year 1086: Such retinn to give the loeation this subject O. little of nig ' time • they had
. . a mills,. names of Mill -owners with the, given . to the• Dominion elections. The
' 4 amount each paid by Way of dues ,to, the matter had been ender ' 'coneideration. for
• • Department,. and to •the OW* ;Of limits, miters1. years,. and it :was. admitted that
, .• ..•*/-ith'.0,LOoPY: og the; •DetaTtrnental :Regina. gide was, a gfievehee.- He thought that
tions affectieg'41i-e'lame.'-'1U-gaidthete- ihirth-exterwatia-ho....refeited_either,L404,
were no cemPlainteso far isle' hem as to select COrinnittee or to the Municipal 'gem-
•'. • the idininistration of this. rule, but there,' mittee; • • : . , . , . , : ,... .. , ,
Were,copeplainti of the Prineiple and terin---,...e. . .-Hon..0:. Mowat said that the leader 'of
':qiipon which' they Were granted. • ,. .••t• the Opposition had beetrim-the.:-Hordie for
' • _, Mon.. Mr:" Pardee said he Was, glad to fifteen' 'years*: he- thought ...there was, a,
•'• hatie, the hon. gentleinan • eeY ' that there grievance; ad yet 4 with .01 his ability and•
was no complaint made respecting the ("1- astuteness he was Unable • to : suggest a
• ,Iiiiiistridion of this 'sYstem---the, objection reniedy.:. He (Mr. *Wet) wasnotnrepared
. •being.. simply 10 the Price-. ' The lumbermen to say that there was a ternedyl the gen,
.seaid450,44AhOuSand:_feet On the l'unlher. OUt.,_, erslaPprelieneignieeMed....te be that ' they
• The local mill ' Owner • Paid -•$1..5°, *lieu' Could not byliny general. Measure get. rid
,•:, Povered'Ahe, 75c. that had to be Pal4't6 of toll -gates. ' Anythifigthat it weepossible
• . the Government, and . 75C ' for liiiit• for a Government to do they were in the
.. ' VA/410 1341oelfi 1E4 Mi. Ps4,110e). theutht. habit:of cleing.."".•• .. , .. : 41 • 'i:',• ,•• ,' „ ,
.• . ;the mOver, sit this resolution could hardly . . Mr. Gilmour said that although he - was
haVe i examined the question .fully, or ,he deeply anxious to .see...eoine system devised
•• *Mild have found that •.the . sum ,.paid_ to for getting rid of the toll -gates, he ohjected,
• the lirnit own,* Was as low As .possible. strongly tes..lhe oclieme.' proposed 'by, Mr.
:-..,•-' Ont Of that .75 cents the limit owner had to 'Gibson, namely; that: the municipalities
.• meet the ' bonne,' 'ground rent, interest on' adjacent tq,the read. should bo tteseesed". In
; 'invetitinent, etc. . While' the IA.': gentle- West Yorit„ for: instariee, the effect . of Such,
Man was ..tngink, ei reduction, the . limit An'arten ement would be that the Muniei.:
• ' - owners were urging an inereise,.*viiieh was nalitieg lyiii0 near Toronto end. hiving. the
• pretty .good eirldencethat , the Government. rente*,4804.0sirents 7iettg.„. iieve to; pay an
:had, struck the happy Meditiro• '. Thebonusunduly-large share. :. He •Wita•felly ways; to:
in some .1P:wee :axe . n . the .grievance..• • . His opininti,...was that
' ' • Ou ted to 75' cents a ' • . • . • . .... ...... -
: thousand feet. Would it • he right to say they retarded the progrpsatiddevehipinent•
that the local imill. oVirier sheizld be. allowed of the. country,. • ,.: . ...
7', 4
Ontario. -Mr. Willoughby..
To consolidate the debt of , the city of
q.R.4,11,ocl.,1ot -etheroirposee.-..Mr:
To • amend tbe• Act incorporating the
Horne of the Friendless. -Mr. Gibson
Moollftoo). '
To change the name of the Thunder Bay
Colonization Co. -Mr. Harcourt, '
Reepecting landlords, tenants and dis-
tress,--Mr.Clarke (Toronto) for bir.FreiTeh.
Respecting a certain agreement, between
4Phe D. Ronald and the village of liftu*
sele.-Mr. Gibson.(Huron.); •
To amend the' Act to incorporate the
Trinity Medical Schpol.-Mr. McAndrew.
To incorporate the Township of Keewa-
tin; •--L-11-i---.*Gibislon (Hamilton).
Hon. Mr: Howat, in nievmg the adjourn-
ment of the House, ' announced that the
Treasurer would probably make his finan
cial statement on Tuesdaynext. • :
. Aftter a thief dismission. on question
asked by Mr. Meredith as to the time of
chlling thrtublid Accounts,Committee,, •
'Hon." Mr. Clarke announced that a -meet-
ing of the committee would be called for
Tuesday morning next.: ' •
• SHE woui....DN'T. 'WEAR. TIGHTS.'
Beretta tifiltAltiithe ts 'ten'
-Heel conapany--She Will vet Do • on
the Stage' what she Would Wet .Do in
A Parier.
'The celebrated Boston Ideal Opera Com-
pany is blown to pieces by, an explosion of
jealousiee. Its career will end' with the
season, Bareabee; Toni -Kea% W. M. Mc-
Donald and his wife (Marie Stone) and
• ,1041800em
Rochester hes' signed- Troy, of Jest •see-
son'e 13ingliAmtons, to play Second base;
Place et McKean. ' '
The Metropolitan Club management „. s •
have been Werldue all winter to prevent* - ' •,4
Samuel L. Studley, the lea er,, ave given .cpaloniantlititilstoawftihsaafeantecLY:thhgth:°1404:W. 7hs 12*41311tho 4Cavia \i'
'Manager W. H. Pester notice that they will adopted a- schedule that upset -alt. their
only complete the present contract. Bar- leas and gave them about tWenty-t
nabee, Karl and two or three others will coeffieting• dates. . •
fore a new compaey. Foster will have " Sam Bittle, the ex.phoilist 0-VoiOn 4
• another, retaining Zeno de Lussan. , She 'is •,,,,o.a now baseball pitcher, was trimmed: or '
At a Meeting of the Board •of JArecrito_l •
by the,Mobile Club atMobile .
the prime factor male - olition..Pf what' ir hits
on Monday. . . _ ,,•
., • _.
of the American Baseball Association, soc
in Cleveland, Section 83 of the eonstitut 11.
Was emended by this • addition :' "Andhi "
case any player Under reserve shall wilfully
.hold effund refuse to sign a' regular con-
tract with. the club which has him reserved,' ,, •
for the purpose of „liarrassing the club or
coinpelling it. to . increase his salary, orebai
11 by:any. means, directly or indirectly,
en eavorto-ittenipt-Willff-atiittie-n-71rote -
principally to., a diorite, over the reason tulle. clubWhich has him reserved, he shall, ,•
why zelie• de Lussan.„ the prima donna, beInngefoulnrifilsahlenat haYntdhesallshfascala°grYgrieevviede'nbe:
&alines. teeppear in tights. She • has re- -plaged upon the hlaoldist. by, the president
fused to take any role requiring the absence and Secretary, and notices issued ' to all '
or immodest shortening of her shirts, acl-` clubs, as provided by this eoestitiltion And
vancing the „theory that no woman ls the National Agreement." osItsonh;fmiauttiurooxne stop ,
justified in .doing on the stage What she
would not do in a polite parlor. Somebody taleertsO°tfaktelieWhAmat'seroiffeaeuredA
in the comPanY• sent to a theatrical journal playing ball.
an anonymous letter charging that her real . The League clubs will open the season
motive was the concealment eflmockipees. Mee ttis. East and Vest VB. Wed indeed; Of
This insinuation was obscurely published, East vs, West, as in former years., New :
and it brought the internal troubles of the york Opens at home Aith Philadelphia,
Ideals to such an earthquake that only Boston opens at was,hingtoii,chipawropens •
the. pieces are kept,44,:-..trigether.: •with at Pittiihnrg and Detroitit Iediananolitkon •)
difficultyl to the close of the tour in Marco. April 28th. . . . • 1.
Zelie de • Lussan, who has ennead • the :, ., ' T•o j Mp the Fene.7- . ,
-daughtertrouble, f ri otellpaYovulega,4,.,,uslow_fitt,aida1214gge3rilltrititre, lime 1440,,../L7giee • ..lisdialletholinwsevelfoSign,thefr,
musically with the PtutoE.;t•eare hare and in world; Ira° at• 14' Cat4irmes '°11 Monday • '
Europe... Her home is with her mother in I st'artinging to jump . Ewer .. the Niagara
was born inBrooklyn, and was educated
a plessEint flat West Fortrninth street bli°artleoPnlj•oefetrell.Q•'nellena,saa.'riltaaet.,_°.meetyb,e_2"gtihe:
he Will.encitcle himself. with „ bladders an
a thin inflated rubber suit, sail . down the
riVer from Chippewa and 'make the trip.
After he has , done. with the. cataract -lio • '
avows his intention of jumping fromi. the -,--
ditutilnlier•or Suspension Bridge,...and_Wilt: _ ..., •
go through the rapids to Lewiston. •` ' ' •
•A. Slighted. Somnambulist Shocks a Card
, • Party Like a Ohost.„
A progressive euchre party at Mts.
Kernble's private boarding house on
Nsudain street, Philadelphia, ; was brokei.
up i very unceremoniously one evening last
week. All the boarders except. one had
been invited to be present; and a number
of outside friends of the family had also
reeeived and accepted invitations, , The
guestErhad had a very eiajOyable time and
were about to go into the supper room .for
refreshments when an apparition Appeared.*
The alighted boarder; •Nfr. Henry'. Cheese-
brough; tvhd is a clerk in the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company's employ, came dancing
modestly described as :undress • uniform.
Besides his nightcap only a single gerinent
clothed his -pereon.. • The -ladies were
startled-and-sereamedrandbefere the gee7.
tlemen could arrest the, intruder -a panic
had ensued. One young. woman fainted
and two or three others. received scratches'
and bruises in their efforts to itn*e an exit
through e tear:window into the yard. Mr:
_Cheesebrough was seized by Mrs. Kemble'e
sew and one Of the visitors and hEirtied out
of sight, being carried bodily . upstairs to
his room. Though his eyes were wide
ppen, stoutly declares that he.wasasleep;
and nays that be is subject to these fits_,:of
somnambulism. There is a suspicion in
the boarding-house that, his, action was e
-tricilerto reVengthlmself• for the ;Slight of
Mitfairoring him with in invitation to the,
party. • •: • „,
•'/Why 'the. iii:kiTgroom Wept. •
Hon. Chauncey Mite4311liepew delivered.
at Cinajoharie, N.Y4the.other.daY
a -lec-
ture on. Glinipsee of •Life 'Abroad.", In
the cOurse of his travel e in Scotland Mir,
Depew had this little experience :.-
the.berilis of the Doon ,X..carne across the
h.:04,We American tourist doinpany.; It
N.;iis,i,•-bridal party; She: was young aha
he yes, past middle life, and with' them: was
his friend. The. bridegroom was sobbing
.and wipingtehis eyes, and his bride was
,vainly trying to comfort him. Finally, his
friend led him to one side, , and near '„me;
'and said ; • Don't take on so, old ma;
'cheer bp.'. 'Y011,1103 makilig your wife Ifeel.
'bad and spoiling the trip. '' What on eitan
is the matter?' th-le
whole thing reminds me so 'of ely. second
wife She was so fend Of burns.'" • •.
was once the most harmonious an collec-
tively utrongest light opera company in
„this countiy.' The 'trouble began when
Agnes Huntington MIA faided to withdraw
'from the Ideals; it culminated when
Barnabee, who had. held a financial
interest. in*- the -trip, managed- to clear
himself. Practically, there Will
Boston Ideals next season, even though
Foster retains the title and though Karl
and the others form A similar troupe. ,Ilnt
the immediate
'not commercial ; it is artistic, and relates
• ;
, • .
•She sandhi concerts .occesionally,. but her
•firbt-Work on the opera stage? was at • the
cOmmencement•of the present. season with
the Ideals.; She has been a success. All
accounts from 'inside the, company agree.
-that Manager .-Fosfer..-,,fell--,,iiiimediately.
love With her; &hid the opinion is that the
pair ' are engaged .•"tia merry, Every
evening •'• ... enormous quantity : of ,
flowers are his gift across the •footlight, Eq. BenianJelegraphed yesterday to his.
and the daily 'cast of this efferinpge Boston boat builder to hurry forward the
estimated . at $100. The other soprano; completion of his shells, .ait he pkOpose*.
Miss Stone, , demurred at •this forcing.of,..lea,ving Torento ' next week ' to conimence
'attention Miss de Lussan, and the- training on the Charlee. River course.
rim began.' Miss 'de , Lussan' refusal. to. 'rho Turk. ;•••
den any 'other than seemly ‘ferninine :Coe- The•announcem,eet in the New York 'Bun •
Wines was indorsed by her ,mOther, but Of a Week. 'ago ,that the great • English-.: • .,
was ridiculed by her fellow -artists as stallionOrmondelad turned rester appeern•
foolish prndery. During:a ' Whole month, *appe. fully frithelatest English papers. It
it bit said, the other principals of the party seems , during • the *inter, that OrMonde, .
never exchanged. a 'single :Word. with her, amongether herpes trained a- Avaciere,.
(ixseept in the mimicry .of the play; and Was seized with sttangles,..:VvIneli Caedle- ".
theme& devotiorr:ofXearl, as her. operatic maa:was:amosed to have2brbught into the ,
..' ''ttake it for lees? . ' Of course there. ris 40 ,•. Hen, A.• N. Rose. suggested that the hon.•.
• obieetiOA P:' the • return,' and it *691'4.. ' be .gentlemen should Move for e. retutnshOW...
brought doVm. '. ,; • ,' •• ... .• „: .. ;,, , , iiv the toiLotee.oco in existence ..els the
:Mr. wood. spoke • hrieflY, in ..eiplenation, revenibi derived therefrom..• . : . ......, • ,
. „ . 'stating :that he . did' net prePoSe thettthe, ..Mr. Weod, aid -ho thought then:W*4M'.
'-'-''---..10cal-milloWner. should be given united: 'ouity.in. the Purchase Of these roads Weir in
•ifili' Teeple, who ' Wanted .to• buy theni: ' in,
- - . allOeSn' tri. outside . markets', but that ' er. -
,prePOr reatrietiOnefhe ilionld:lae •tilloyied:: HaStings,,. Where he believed they had, the
realize on :lumber outs; eVenif. he had 116.-g° 'longest lines of gravel road in the Province
..7 ;mond the bounds at present allowed him. the county and the• , city • ref BelleVille had
ein it; Instad, 'Of an:, arbitrary Pric;e -of agreed Witheht diifiotay. to the4iurehase.ot
atandaid...log.'the. Value to, the -therciad, and had extended „tlieni into: tlie.
't• hinder should. •13e. :ascertained Mid A is ' et; inere distant•,•And, less; :Wealthy,'
. fair Enini..enly:dernanded. 'limn •••lhe tow & -300ities; ....if hi, ethei:eifies the,„3002...
• owner. •:He was' making iieeharges agitinet .1
V Olwa extend. the iettds•tlie grestet part
.• . :the' 'Minister, for SO far. tulle :.(Mr..Wo,Od) t ' joifdeolty woiiid dieeptlear..„ .
:'.• Iniew• the Order -in -Council: was : adur,4ls- .`Alti.',.31,01(h. .hen-, eirreeseal s pleasaie,, :at
ter with ,faimess. - •:. . ' : ...... •• ' • .. having this matter 'brought forward. . The
' s..The're.Bohition:wswiaotitia. .... • •• • ... . .. . . .. • ,I • • .
_____.•.. .,... .., ,,. : . , . .. , . • .. fault,.An his opinion, lay.. o .agreatextent.
• ', '. ::' .Noticks 0 2,10*ION. . ..;, ' ' .. , with the County Venecile: He mentioned
,, .. Dr. Villoughbyn Friday next -Bill ihemise of the Dundee and Waterloo road,
„lot the 'improvement, : of live stock. in .which was sold by the Dominion Govern.-
-Ontario.. ''. ..„ ; , . •': . : „ ' :: •'. . ' .' •: ' meet to -it private individual,lhe county
••,. 1St.' Prgeton--OrilFiilifiy next -Bill iii:- not tendering it. . ae thought that if . e
'.. titled in Act to .Bitend• te all TJandholgerS'.' :con -mission Were ',..alipOinted .infotniatiOn
.. Sons the Municipal Franchise. . ; ..,.. . .' ' voeia :be elicited Which would , be of Ser.:
. • Mr."LT,renth- On Friday • next -7...., Act Vice in the eettleinent of the diffictiltr. • , •,
.respecting • landholders .,end 't,09,34s: ilea . Mr. Waters said he could see ian diffienity
., , , : , ,In this question, theso companies owM g,
• distress.
. elollewin.4 Baia aVere'in' 'trodu'oed 'ane'foade operated finder the Road Companies''
• 1.riedia. -the': first tiniet. ' ,.. ' , , •• • : . ": ..'•ii; v '•t,',:the provisions Of which Were clear.; It.
.-; .. Respecting the . city Of. Stratford--LIK,T. :, 'cud.. that .. for tWenty!One years the
Atitibison-(HarailtOr). : -,. . .: .. ' s • .: 7.` *lies' Might, , hold .,the made: ,undis.
''• : • • To authorize W. pi :Pea - to practice 04 .tiii,lied, After that : the County Couecile,
a dental. surgeon. in Cuitatio.Mt.. Gibson lap authorized to :bay out the,• roads it e
.,(Haniiitoe). , ' '4:', •:' . • .: . ..; .., ...• ' .' ,, , *mato be agreed .,upc.h, aha if t•liey could
Mr. Lees .iiiOved-r..'' t .in ., vietv•of the not agree settlernent was to be hy.arbi ,
Arcing feeling through'the Province in .tration. If the iloyetninent•shettened.thits.
.• Win of having the ttol • abolished on road e term Of twentY-.Onct. , years the companies
,.held ' by joint , . steels,' OnipanieS, .it.,, id, the ,weiild ; hive. an !equitable 'claim for cense.
opinions:4 thie Mamie ' 't, the 011OVeriaineet i, *Mile. da'ratiges. Ile thought tlie,Ooverif.
shoidalake fife mittett,-into•cotiteiaeiittioil ' Ant would 'net' be "justified in interfering
, ,p
and introdtictiich le*Slittibik'ita,*111 lead thentaittit, as the 'cage was already pre-'
to theabolit n of snob:Ulla; .• ,,..• -4. , , .:: • vi, listfot,Ander ' this .Act; and the Con*
7•". - ,r' He said tilos hehadt;broughrt•tiu; atter: 11.(iiiiiiiii had,fuli power to deal with it. ... •„.•
:up in the ferea.cif e teribliatio,10 ins ait of `..;,...*t.• Meredith said in the county of Mid-
-Introducing 'e!' Bill, .beeautte• lib 'ho d thii! '..dleStizt ail. the reads, . With one exception,
'4 ' • GOir '',. , 111 ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 . y 0 • ' ' - '
• • ,• • . :-. ernment'wo d ta tliff!', matt tip,•, ; were owned the countf. . n these toads
' .. -mid, •2' thaf.:,:thoe.: * :liettoe-- sii,ce- lliettesllaIitta.been„..,i'atiolisheat,,:,.b*.::iiV the
guilt' •,,...; ", ' '..-•.. of . is ehjeCt • .. lie,n ,teisinship.of LondenthereWas an important
. . . . ,
• .. ,attajnee. 7 ''' i V,Ititn.te: Asiniii, in tqt;yogue road' owned by a, private :corporation on
" Baal sr : ,es. ' lied • at af tini§j.when :Which' tells' were, still. charged.' The • 10.10
,it watt, 'Illettb f' ,kidt.',' made btailtand kept. speaker said the.County Council had full
• ••:•1 lia repAiii lirikt,•,.. Mptinies 'were -Mined for • power in the matter... That Was just •• the
•' the purpose end. allOW64 to chargatolle..: It ' difficulty.• •Tho township Of ' I:Peden . Was
- Wat1 tinie now. that :it . Wenn& heaboliahod; ,still living under the inedioaval Syeteni of
, ae it Wail quite behind the age. He was tollewhile the teet of the' county' had free
net in favor of .abolislatng toll-go:toe with.. roads. • He hOped.thatoWitbout quarrelling
,• ,04tpoinpensating thesitockhOlder in theed tie to the terms the House Wonis:1' tecegliiie,
• Aljinfinisies:f SeVerial'Aiethodeo ::tieropen-. this ite an...iniportant.evestion . to be -mot
.. ratibii, had 'been euggtiiited i, dne 'Nine that with, and Would agree to the 'aniondment
the payments to • be. :Made te, thk. Stook-. 'PerSons•Coneeeted with these roads could
. . headers shoinct be 0014 over ' a number Of . then •be•subpeenited.arid the 'facts' 'brought
.• • years. __'L , _. • , ' 0 . . . • '-. out. . He hopedthe Mover '*otird not press
. Hon. -Mr;•Fritier. said. the hon. gentleman :hie rdSolotiorn• as .it • Was evident from
•, hednot,for the .first dine; introduced thiS what had beini,fito.tea that ;the Grovernnie.,bt
' tion baying evidently' given . it, gkeitt, ;notia:voteit loWu aha some practical
good wehia be achieved through the enamel-
ment.' "Ai.' .., •
Mr....FMndh ""• 'formally • &Malted ' his
artiendnient, Which provided for the app,oirit-
Merit Of a donamittee ,consisting of Hen.
Mti•Praset,•.Messets.Leee,Wocid (Hastings).,
Balfour: . : . ••;;, ,.; ..
•:•Mou. Mr. Fraser eala that continittee
would bp toe when. • The Miinicipal Conte.
I nattee would he tee large... ' Ffer'suggested a
postpetenient of. the, , question, so that as
toniutiittee, eenia be greedupoix 'tial'a nioyed •
the adiournment of the debate. . , ••
•The regehition Wee itdoptea., , 0, .• -
, The &Besting ;Wiz Were preiented . ilia
• ,0; Matter Of' inuilleiPal, regniatinn, •the. 1 • '• To athena the. , Aot . iplating • t� the LOng. .-'ertunatorY1 ona. I.w..044,,' (),,, 1.00.0if I , 13.0.$
' ooehties 4having '110*er; 'tO Aleal with the peint.,,,tioinpitilY;*4Ir, Monk, ,....„ , , , ' . • ljeett, WeePthd over the rignturn,:for the.1attli
. *bele 'matter by purehese. 'of the roSte4' For the. ithproverheht.of live ittedk in niter; yett.i.S..-Adeqetst goo,
lover, ;• though accompanied by the stipn- stable after visiting Derby races in Novem-
lateds=Aareesee, thinly overlaid a .inut4.1al ber'.• and, although for weeks beak- thero.
hatred which Would; have apPropriately had dein hill •of , health in Porter'e
been expreesed, by bites rather than kissed. establishment, and the majority of the
In this way the taut of the Ideals nears its heirles.. were getting into • work ,
cnrioueend.--New YOrit'Sun. Orrrionde seems fo have 'gone wrong in his
• will not injnrehis
-..staniey an iff'S Own Oprtve• ;don.. • - *jaunt pPerorsinkpantesnttitLI'ghlt.
Down on the ,
L_At repent meeting of the Medipal Conn-
cil'OI.Ontario,'Dr. H. H. Wkight, of !tor-
opto, predident of the Council; Dr: Day; of
Trenton; Orelkiei of Toronto; and Dr.
Husband, of • Hanailton, •were appointed a
committee to wait upon the Government
and lay before the Ministers,the.;_principtil
amendments which Were being asked for.
The nioseimportent,one,,and that. which is
likely to aroniethe greatest discussion,. is a
provision under which the Council shall
have authority to erase a ,doctor's name
from the roll, aria thus nut. short his right
to practice, when he shall have :been fpued
guilty of infamous or unprofessional con.
duct, appeal being allowed from the Conndeeision to 'a Superior Court Jude. • •
• Jones ilnits OtaJournallitie Haft%
Sani.Jones :"ri I Wanted to get'
godd square judgment on something I had
done I had rather go to a newspaper•ofdee
for it than itriy other court of justice. I
beew the.justice of journals, their integrity
and purity of their mdtives.„ rknoW:that
they • probe into ,.nien's charactereo„ No
man whosocharaeter is; pure need -feet all
.the press in Arnerica. 'The way to be safe
from 'so -galled newspaper attacks is to be a
Christian. The ' .revarters . are 'the best
detective force in this country.. They have
brought : *ore criminals to justice and
rincterer thail'all"agendies•
combined." --New York Herald
• "I' have been been in Africa for seventeen . . 1010'. Bing. '
piers and 1 have never. met:E4 nian who A 364ound lighttook piece lest night in
would kill Me if I -folded rer, bands. •What a hell in Westerly, EX', between Ike' Weir,
I wanted An& What I have beeit endeavering the se Belfast Spider," and : Jack Willie:les,
to ask -for the peer •Africans ,has been the both Boston, the former being the•Victor.,
good offices of Christians; Pier since Liv- Thellght was for a purse 'Of $400 and an
ingstone taught me during these outside purse of #500A side/ •• • • • •.
• „
Months that .I was with hmi., •In,•1871 I , t '• r•
atheist iii, London. I was. out there away
The fanions Scotch athlete,Ponald Din!
tint to hint, as prejudiced as the biggest
from a worldly wOrld. I saw this solitary.
old min there and -Asked Myself, Why on
earth .does he stop. here?' • For monthEi
after we met I found myself • listening ; to
him and wondering at theold mencatrying
Out all that was •said in the Bible. Little-
by„little • his sympathy for ethers hecame.,,
contagions. Mine was 'aroused. S'eeing
hie, pity," ,his gentleness, his zeal, his
:earnestness and .hew he :went quietly 'about
his business, :was converted by him,
although he had not tried to. do
a Ettervietv.,
• atittitti#, Yet the hen. gentleman ad-
; mitted that theAutetion was hedged about
With manifest diffieulties; So 'great and 50
humeri:m(1'6st he (Uri Leah) himself had
not °ewe to any ronehisiohupon it which
he was able to put in the ' form of a mea-
sure.• to "'be presented to. the House. Ile
(Mon, Mt. Rrtitiet).4ia not suppoge thet, the
gentleynoh* sought to call'; Upon the
'Items to 'pliae ,thg responsibility upon the
•••• Clovernment,of introducing a Bill Withontrog.
e.rd to the Governinent'Avieive bii the
tion. Whiit, the hon. gentleinan do-
ted, tohote the wetter die.
tweed with a vieW to enabling to pre.
*ethodist Church Notes,'
• ,
,-4.1he: Transfer !" Committee, . under the
arrangement ; of the :General " Conferenc:e,
Will ineet. -Thursday, April 7th, at 11
ce,aleek a. M., in the parlorpf thebietiOpolit
tan Chinch, Toronto.. • ,• • • , •
Tho British Columbus, Conference will
net for organization • and business
Weiner -Church, • Victoria, B. C.,,onyratries..
day morning;-1.-lth-May,"it 1.0 o'enock:' • ,
The eXeminatien .:of pr4tieners and
candidates for the minis,,tty in •connection
with the. Niagara pow"Irence will take place
in the MethoN,St Chit -eh; • Paris, on
WednesdayvAliril:Oth • at 9 a. in.
PIOT Be.rtn.f.e
"And a64bu 4-Ouht. rey. love?" ho askcd,
paSsioliately: • • _
9 No, George„' she answered with admit -
'able poise, " bet when you say;that.the day
you call me yours will usher in an era of
lifelong devotion and tender ,solicitude, you
-pardon me, 'dear -you put it On a trifle
too thick. You seem to forget, George, that
I ani widow."--Nedi York. Syn. '
laic, has, become proprietor, of a 44:p:tor store
in a town in Victoria,
The -following paragraph frorna Melbourne. : •
paper shows he finds the law' in•Aus-
tralia to be. quite as dekle as be found it by i
hard experience to be in Scotland: Poor
Donald Dinnie's reputation for canniness,
based upon his wen -known caution intik
scattering of small :sillertis itrettievabl)
'ruined. Don ald kept , possession of som. •
,body's horse for a disputed • debt. .•Tf
fiery eteed, grazed in a paddoOk attached!
Donald's ruralpublie house, at 'AlPhine
and for a thee, •the braw Sea sodded,
• have the best of the deal. Thencomule.
a: 104 .wrestle between Donald a Tilb"
mmorseleit law. • After about trif
sundry executions and • h few st.unnWs.
for Assaulting bailiffs, Donald ha.4/14-
with £40 odd of accumulated, Isti
keep himself out of jai). • Aislatt?',.
Wa10,011"gdailinfOle'se.,,b,011°0 of 6'1
Oonstitnte the '
trial was pending. The
sat £13.".
•„ , Paying,lBusineais. .
He h4a been saying; heWouldelike to get
int6.Sdine paying business ,w4iCh required
only a small capital, when ,,ne squint-eyed
man beckoned him aide ar said;
You seeni to be a pur, • 'goad sort of. a
:man; and put you on • fo. a, good thing,
Move out to Dakota r sell your Wife.” '
" Do what l" • ; • •
• ;
. • ,". Pact. s, t31.114hreeandam oast
it fourth .o.n,d not one of Ihein "fetched • kes
than $400, 'Go tiff like hot cakes out there,
and climate agreee with'"etn.,"• ' • •
' How it Works. •
A statesman? Yesterday asked a pionii.
nerit railroad man for., El, light for his ;cigar
aha was handed. a tardo?ii vvhich' the • fol-
io -Wing words Were printed ;Would be
plpised to c,omply With your request', but
cannot do BO on account Of the inter -state
ceinnierce bill." It seems. that statesmen_
retelile,n6 favors from railroads. '-.L.New
sOritons Picayune.
•• A lianger of Crenlatfon.
Maditual--Did-yOuvish to inquired& the
spirits, Madam ? ' " ' •
Vi dow-Wel1, you see, I lastve„alWayEr
pare a 'fti." s•the-eub3eet., -Tina waS..reed_the. Amt., time 1, • euspected, that•they mixed the Intus at the
'1' - . •
' . .
,. •
, Why Shoes are iThrawn*iLL
The custoni of throwing o
shoos atter the :bride and •%.4,.. A.11,
*lien they go•ta church to. be
Whenthey start on their weddi
is so old that the memory of ma
not back le, its beginning:- ' SO -
'represents an assault, • and is ,
trae,e'd the eustoni among 813ATit.b.,..i..
Of: Oarrying away the bride by viol
others think•that it isnielic of the an
lew of exchange or , purchase and t
fterinerly iniplieds 'the surrender b
parents of all dominion authorit .e
their, daughter.. It has :,a
, Jeviish dusteni...thentioned in the
Yoiing: man Ovine leg to jeweller). thebrother Of a dead, Man refused to Mit
, Waise,T .114Axisiiii.:! , I Thee.; in Deuteronomy we read that,
.. ...
that engageinent : ring. I bought of /y0h his widow She asset:dealer independent
him by" looising.hiS shoe." Also in R
when the i(ineman Of 'Boaz `gave
claim to the' inheritance of Ruth, a 1.
Ruth insole indicated his assent by ,
Mg off his slide and , giving it to Bo '4.?
was also the eustom of the middle "A,./
trade theliusband's shoe on the head Of, th'
,nuptial couch. in,token • of • his doininatlint
1-41sietiC0URegitttOr.: ' , f3•
.. . '
yeSteadity- • -
SeWeller-:-What's• the Metter with 'it ;
•didn'f it 'fit. •,
Young mitt (cantiouslyy,--Sh ,It 'aiatet
have chance. Girame Cellar • buttons
A '
ivoinhrt isbound to have the last word.
Whet, the editor Of the Pea :ine rernenstritted
With the principal contributor to the Poet's
Corner of hiayaleable *feet for writing 011
both sides ofher paper, She quietly retorted:
.! Well, and dont yon print On both sides
•df yonrsr-Doston Transcript'.
She Mode the Most of It.
(At: • &Afar t"
4 Wlierefthat;laitV. , dollar t gave you, ?"
" I thenihti'told you, 'to znake
it go ,eirtfai !n oi COIllaet)
4, Doesn't:leek. „ 414.:;
sent it iltbeWiii `hateathela.!!-Juage.
. Very Easily Anaweritil.
Mrs. Hawkins -4' Well, Mary, is in
bath ready 1" • Mary-" What iet:40„,i
matter with Abe hot*titer;
What is tbe matter with the hot wg •
It is cowld,Aviim '?"--:-St. Lords Cloi.
It is edfisidcred almost Certiiin•
Toronto will be chosen as the headque- .•
of the new cavalry sehoOl to be,establit
• There is re dangler of the young
who gties.,te See hie, girl Striking for t
• " ' •