HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-25, Page 1i! 77.7;i7.77,,77
VOlf XIV -4-12
.441te` lt41011/11:04,Cli
7 :Publidi* e'yery, ihiday of the SfintNEL
lltritik North East Corner of Ontrain
and Campbell Stiests
4; • • .. 4' '
• „B A 1$7 ,E.1).11`9' RAND- Rt113-11SHE:R
Subscription P,rieel, $1 per Year
IU A.divance.
ltinis of
.0 13:: ,PitiNTING
eiltAesw. Dempatal
_,. • 4 . . ,
, •. . •
• .,-...-..„.„-ROBERTL.CEN,N,INGI-i
4 • ' • INSURANCE, /
on.ey to Loan
iN 1EA:11.4 ESTAT,14,10it itEliti$0114RLE.
-,fitotes,;••ott ler,urs;:in Psaymetit. tci Mnt
' • ._:.' •• • ' •
• ." E. L TO'lifkAt.11 ff,7Luekliolv;
• . _ .
,,TJPaiirl'. I
to 7•11 per cent- interett, paYahle4earlY„
rges vel7y.hloderato.' • APPISt to
:4101tERTi NitHfRAIr; St: Helen's:
IkaCKNOINt ONTARIO, FRIDA.Y, -11k12011 25;1887.,.
NO, 112
Metsevery Feiday eveningat eight l'olochiti
thtlitirall,QttinPhellStrast• All
Bret hem) ciithiI1y inidted
$oble Secretary
•"I" .tOKI1OW b01)(4.141 OF ANCI-
_kJ ant Order of United Work anon, ineet ill
the Qiidfellw's Hall, (pn the eccond and last
Morulpytevetilnit',)f eecb at:3 o'cluck.
Visitiug•Brethvrn are cordially invit441.
JOHN PRART,' •• • .A.
Madter Workina.ii . • Recorder
oney to. Loan
A.T ,• FROM 2 TO 26
years: Jit s lif-Farins for: $ile in OnJ...
Attrio as.well•at Manitaba'. Partit4.desirous to
Farinl:witl. their. interests by in-
s pootin tb e vertisi f atilitics (if Subscriber
111 G-reat Brititin apd Irelatidand'Osintinent iif
1 tan& for Sale'. • "
. • • •44, • • • ' ANGUS•sTgwA.RT,
• . •Land
Yaluat"or,,Luelenow, Ont.'
arnpbeli Sire'et;'
' *r, t Reduced' Rates to,Siiitthe Times. Loans
•on Kortgagett at d per Cent. .
,sco- Draf ti and Chectue's on all Points,Cattlied.
• SPeviial: and Attentic pit Paid to. the-
, (.ollection of -Notes; Anconnts,, Rents; etc: .; •
• 0371)4fts: Payable at Pae Issued .on
TriticiPa4 Citiet arid Town-, of c.',:atilp.da and on
..thu F1.0d Ureat Britain. Parties
-.1keinitting will lind plikthe Chreapest, Safest
and most Convenient Method.
. •
•;Five per 6'nt. allowed Deposits the
• Savings Sauk Department. • Fain& Investe'd
for Private Parties. We are Prepared to,offer
• to Oustotnerit'every facility 1411(40(s:1 by a
Chartered Baidtand ou eq Rally fayorahleterms'
, .
. aii Bran6hes. ad Life Insur-
ance.: 1)est Compa.nies 4 et)resented; '
•.14 -
, I.:UCKNOVift
• tiolit .6
• . •
ivroRaig9/1; • AtFORNI,V at
asal..4.*.!!1•Ir.A. /. chancery,
Commis:tit wrier; VA eigeyancer, etc., ..1..aicknoW
• 04t. ()Mee eye); the Post Office,
ROSS,..,:']3A.R.RISTEH,, SO:-
• licitiw,.0 olvevancer, etc .,•iatu It part ner
of the (ion c ' 0.1therao. di 0 Micron,
i• • , • ,
(4oCierten, foney at',1(rwost tic of
•"interest, •" •"
,r111:0N .0„011,11, I t A.1N:,00,11'NtISSLO PiR
in IL: C. .f.',..Klitlough 0.. ()itatio.
• rtAill,11(),t A ND` Pit Otr 1Y100511'.
1.4.11 4r4"; Ont
T. ; ' rttOlzr1)1f00.1.',..
• TilLLIO1'''1111.4071414.' ArroatvP,v;.,S,Nr
44:-1 Law, $oliCit(Ivin Chancery, Ootivext...
••-i•Per. eter 011ico ;text door. MI 'the
itEce, Lucknow, Ont 4: (08
14 .II •J . , etc
Ignitt 4t pbr'dent,,.:itrAight in, tor• '
pt. Valuator for the Dominion SI vings and
: Society.- et.,ge
,4Onsineed‘Iplougli P., .04 Out •
O. It &
E !I7 , H11 '
, (fit
Or be•
()re roll Ili non 'uns.tttlf at eight P.'in,TlKjtIIlg ••
Brethei•n iittuted.
J:c%.10.; 14,TiOPitt(lRSON.; :WM. 1.:14'7-(1-rIS
•W. M. • • , Secretary.
.. • .
- -
• •-•.,
,Gr. -ELIA()
M. • e: Ar.c. P. S. O. T. S.
• C.P. :and fr. M., Edinburgh:
hlacKid, over P.Orundy!isttirer•
•. 0 FprqR_ThEit forinerly ebr •w'Dil
be foindplight. and clay. ' '• ••- .
.Srl'ENN.A.N.'1% r!
• -0.911.e icaZ Hal I, Zifekatito.
veSpecial attention Paid to diteatos of
women and children. • • • .
-.44-0-0al1s Promptly attended to 1 y.night or
day.: , ••
M. C. M.; S.
.°00'n Comity of Bruce,
, • . • • .
of Midwifery;,
Val:C.0161;e. Ytieitin t and 6 argeons
' . .• •• , .
srl )ffiejf- One door eatt of:the :.?0,4 0.ffice,.
Luekniptc, Out.: ' ' •
, ...:11i0'#''do?6.,P
- -ONT.
• A.:•full suPply of medicines always puha:lid.
, , •
Otills both night and day promptlyitt6iided
"to":".-,Olreharges-moderate, ,
(lin be found day and at bis
. 2, V.S.• •
• Orradiiate •tbe Orttiao, 'Veterinary 00
'Voronto, .and regitterud„Meinber of the
....yotointty illedical Association; Call-no:v. be,
found prepared to treat all diseases:Ad-the. do-
me,Stira-Aiimitlaht "the lateit aud *est scienti
fic mariner.' , '•. •
•04,11ti either by mail, iti promtitly
'attended to; Chatglitt tri.odelite.‘• •
4.01-fice,..0orrigan%; • 4
IteSideitne; pascoe Hotel, Lu.ckini • '
rAcontiate of
, Pental
,‘ery,, has remMied to' , where he will.
"Carry on'tholViitrittf ; but he would.
beg to inform hitt' 'patent's, Mist be. will .visit
Luckoow on the' first 'Alia 011,41,Mon lays •"ftrol
Tuesdays of etteh hiehth.: Office in Vaitekr
'•' • •
(oii,f1.A• ' 0 A MP BE: LL.i.•
(.3oihniimione't in B. 11...0oilveyanCer,,etc,
:convey...Ng tn,m11
De u, • ozeif,•13onrls; Ait&eirtniiifts,Leit".ses,.
,• e4trefolly).Prelpured,
• and dArreptine, guaranteed: • •
, 81)e-lal and pt,ointit 'atteulAoir paid to the
'•searelling of t all (patters con nea.-
ed wi the transfer. 'A14:1(4(441 '..h...4tat,s, ,
' AS()NAD,V.rt
\irtilST INTA \11',/l.NO;:411.
Mi I I
• ,A Parting..ealute.
Ad!Ihres11 aka reezelitsitAPH 40 CliPt. John
Captain, blot, Mapiterson,' who hits
resided,: in this village ,and
for ov ,§sk...,,untr,s4haS,purchased-a,
property adjacent to the town of Kin-
cardisne, whitherhe removed this Week'
with •his fatnily and aleCtsi and .where
he will henceforth reside.. The., mom-
ent itbecarne known: that ..the Captain
was about to leave us his f;iends. de-
tertined, t)110 they could not allow
huii tO n without testifying in.. some
taiigib1 ay. their high ,regard and
eatenfor hint. Accordingly the m0t-
ier. vas 'taken in 'hand by -an• influen-
tial Com tuit:teeof citizens, and otaMati-.
day evening•lst a hapm.ompany. me
atheresithrn le Of Dr, Jlictirinune
„ • •
when. the captain was presented wit
'the folloWing:addreas which. We:slain-
somely-franied together • with a. purs
of $60. in go0.
To CAPTAINJOIIN 11:(CP-iiip, Raopt,„
_ '
arsztr44,,-..Y.•our,--atany driant9s •••-i11
akriq.*,41. eartling-'4.--.P011,1.-41.4.artum
from this ,place, where' you have irti
sided f°",!llOritYeal:st 1-113 Y°.1.31 -
abode in Icitrardiney desire to express.
to you the'-higli-eateeni which you
. , • .
are held 'by the Citizens' •rretterally
• ,
his : villafp arid yicinty, wel:1' a's the
regret .tliat Is. universally' feit ti
lesS of such eatiniable friend. an
neighbor. • .•
..•.W.110•14•No 688
-Wedding': :13e.lis.1.,
• Aiery haPpY event took 'irtacst at,
the residence of Mr. John Nixon, Aih.
field;_on the 9th of earch; where:Mr,
Geotge, E. Bakkr,e Wawanosh, and
Allis. Mary Nixon. ..vireii,'"Joined in mat,
rummy y ey. .
v a
now 1.*. bride and bridesmaid were
dressed in brown trimmed with
plush of the same color hoth wore
the usual orange blossoms. There were;
about seventy-five guests present to
congratulate the newly tgarYied,couplej.'
ProminentAiming wee 41.1r. M.
J. Baker,- of London, Mr. E. B. 13en-
son, of St. Thomas, ,Mr. Johnson!
Of -Winnipeg', and My, J. G. Baler, of
The:Presents were .ritanit and costly
among .V1Iieh were the following :--:-
Silver butter dishes, Silvereake stand).
,naplci2trings.; • sitver
silver card receiver, Ivory' 'handled'
11 whisk and. whisk holder Olade of Pqii11-•
ed cow .liortig- and trimmed With' plush
6 3 sets of crystal, tea -tre.y, 'hand paint-.
ed rack; 2 ' &anted, niettoes,
(thus' Water -pitchers 4 large
et .4 • • •, r) •Vases,
fitfully oible and'Ityltifi_book two toilet
.sets, •oryet. "" ,-,disheey 414 6,d•Oz:eia
lar, • high, cake siand, • esel dish
Bfkr.ttler fautilY 'pertrait, frame . • 5- CYYS
trl ptatei,..leathei .tr vel
• . , ,
Valise, anti last but net , :least a land
, ,
seine tiolcl Watch ,troin the • and
f ' -gold chant front the tyraoinstnati The.
:,,.coinpanY'disped after. haying: spent
, an enjoyable .eyeiting.L.7-Cn1*,.. •
. . .
As 'qtcitizen you liaye eve.r..: beef
public spirited, as. at friend true And
steadfast; as a neighbor kind and •ol.;
- •
AS:a tlight token of good Will and
-esteem, we ask you- on •behalf, of the
.eitizenS and; subscribers,10• aucept the
• accompanying Icfnoe. • '
That, happines, and prOsperty may
attend you -end, yours „wherever 'your
'lot May:be east is.the earnest. wiSh:of
•your litany friendgjit'LuelF'now".,..''.
'1,The.14.:rd bless the;'and.keeit•titSitE.::
"irithe. his goo ihine upon thee,
ind be onalitats tint() thue,.;
;Lord :lift uP his'countenande upnn thee,
.. • .1111d givethee UACC.' • • .:4•4'4., • ;
. "
Dated "at LucknowMarch 21„St, 1887.
1411 beh al f E, the coin •.
•JoiiN 3.q1j4c41U50./..:T..'
'Chairman, • '
The addressikas 'read by ;Dr.. Ale,•
C;riniiiton; whointroduced the busitieiS
. , .
of .the evening in a happy .and approp-
riate speech.' (:131,,tcreti,t4lating Speeches
,ere also aite.de.hf *Messrs .pamp,,
1411, 14 D. darneroir, 1.)r:
'Tennant and ethers The captain replied
. a feeling , manlier eicpressing his
ratittlde atthis unekfectecl::niark of
9Steetif.Tretn" bis citizens, among
wholn.,he had 'reSided :so long, and
• claring,that 110,inatter. Whe",•;e• let• .
infolit cat • LuelinoW ••where•he had
:spent se many': liapPy sloyg. Would eYer...
oteupit, the rilfst Olio; jp.h4:ittli*kpiii'. •
haVe.Sel do hi legt 9 citizijii. whose de,
pa:retire was wore gett6;1•411y,, ;regretted
than is captain ..MCP1tersoll-...;,
out.' heartiest: iffid 'best WislieS for the
fotpre succe§ of..,:hlmicif and family,.
. • • . . .
Pat -amount items
Mr. EfOliekt iAlnrdock is Spending•a
.keiweeks izt Toronto ••
Mis...,C11hrft d1tc.A1 lister returned:. ;to
lier'lleme 'in Clinton on' '111ondayl1St.'
• , Airs. Br, S. (I,Ortlon is sttlFering.froni:
:a:s6vere attack of the , •
•••• R.ev. iij r I3ai171lof ey; occupied '
1140 pulpit in t,lit!. Methodist, .elturch
14i11.0- on, piunday
Wait fold ..hre
tting It now, sa.W into. their 141111, tlfo
olo ono having • beeoule to sin,til 'for'
Isaac Lnsign s wlfe , • fanally left
Thursday. for • London -where tiny
ri)ose resi(inp. for. the ',futurefie
s rented lila Farm Item to „Jelin, L.
rr. • ; . •
' 11) 1) 0 le D1111,BOT0105 'Atfc; Firs yOit: On
ILO° the transaction of hit-iness cni the first pfi
l'iietulay in elicit Month. ,Vai•tiet wishing to' 11
keret:heir lo ta.rf,y 111811refi in this.incee4,1A1,1413* .
faumlair'Comottily, will by giiing notice bii Ca
(called • 'Il 41447 by Ail, 1-1 01` 1:6r 11110 of
the ,Direetont.• ilu)tinTA cans promptly at , •
tended to • :444 lat
M, itOgt•ftlis:
Head Oillee, Dungannon Sec. Treasurer Oh
-i-Laclies.1 If You wish, to gecitte the '
est styles in new. spring millinOry,
ta .tnust leave, you • r _orders ,With Mho :
mu• tters • at • George Kerr'S • •
• ••1
.1 ^
• 1f,
rs°.' ,sityla rson has .returned; • from
Landoll' nitieh- intpreyed.
• Mr.:J. ,MeDenald i home. again
after 'COinpleting hi, ,SesSio in
• . . .
Tbe girls Of the
London .Medical t")le,Aolsilid :vpugr'o'gal
tier" have s'011eeted, about e70: for.. the.
Bible...Society FuIld God . bless, the,
effort to _make the,heatheli.his inherj
r Mail.ty re Inis 'not been.' well'
.sinc.e•his return fret", attencliiiree: upon
1)11 Swk ,
MOther, Nevertheless Ile 'and
bis ,
n•ooewife Were stnTi•isecl tIteotlier
evening. When,. •ro,presontative ,:body of
thi Co ngreg, ttion--earile to their
and preSented them With 14 beautiful
Sofa, a-.Sto all 're Wo rd for 'services 1..,11
cleited .theln 'in. behalf .o.i..the Churcli'.
aid but a shght inanifestatioti, ot the
esteetti ili.Whicli they are 'held 'here:
: tbe airctiltv saw '...has ....been broken.
in Our saw inill. 4. tie ,v,;olie IS 00111-
from Galt 'encl.:soon'. the whistle'
Will be blowing again. • • ,'•
••'• The scriptiire .selectioias haVe been
, , • .,
pat,vat 'of one 's01/11.41t3ou414
•reliale Strife and the bible rehiStatecl.
,1,..anes, News
-11fiss...11/01)ohnld, from:near Seaferth
has 1144-11 v isi t at Ale, Scotts, -.th ig
.COoper, Of • Glen wi Wants,: is
. .
the' guest of Al r Witt. Kick Lev
ing friends.: 'tirOttnit
14"awkins' .fortn'ell§ teacher •
• ourschool this Seclitin, but' "lateLy
littending ttollog'e. in 'tile 'domain . of,
• Uncle, Sam,: bits been' payi, • g • ispld
•ocituitititances.a visit latel.V, , •
7 . Mr. J. Murdock last
NV. • •
Mr E. IlayncSi. of 'Pork; ,Artkittr,' is
1)04440 �4 a visit and 61.1:1.!.. US it frien0,.
on Friday last:- • • ' •
pUblishers of • tha.,.Prpshyteritio
c:RetleW.:are.surely 'fir. most . generous
lot, of to. lie finfiffl.%. 11 711(1
ctiho,.$ from
thQi st. of January to lva've the •papet:
stotiped tut :still' ts being sent every
week and.rentalits ',Om...Optic as no
onp win' taker i The'
postmaster's ,Assistaith i'itutt to
have it stopped repeatedly,•but.61i11: it
wileat-,17..-to 79, :,.80111g 75d
to ; 'Dem, 48c ;11:!ieidy, .85 to ' • 45c •';
oats, 27 to 28C Itoi $7 to $tY. per ton
, r, .
appie.s,.0.(1) :60o .p'9r
60 015 • fi •
The regular meetini"; of the.IFityrood
Literary': and cDebating: Society was
in the schoo1. heaseon Friday':
!evening li,Ith inst.;
Owing to the very interesting sult.1
1:0:0t:-.PrTilartitil7thei-school room was
crowded to full „extent with.'eager'
listners. the tinie appointed the
13reaident cal the It:meting. to order
and 'afte.r announcing the sUbject, of •
the debate lleiolved that tlie N. P.
). „ ,
as a benehtto the,country..: Mr. James •
Sutherland., Who had' previeusly been
appointed to t!ie position), took _the
chair for the eYening, The , debate:"
litus. opened by W. .V0ens, captain et,
the affirmative,' ..followed Joh'''.
Nicholls, Captain of the at VC,
tpor;srlitie J. 1-1.
of the negative;." P."',,,POryizgan,'s "R.
-Stet-1'6'4.-9nd 1C--1111cifeti;ie;--'Thelitt-'
ter two being .absent, the: :affirniative',
:Aide isttibboriily contested '
.1‘"1044•14; Nicholls..and_COrrigan., ' After •,
the 'Subject'. wits, 'discussed' at • a eon,
siderable length .thedhEtirinan gave hi
decision in favor' 'of the negative.' '
The -debate .tta instruCtiVe: and •
anterestinft one •• there.: being man • •
,*pighltk:ifpadxawaricing ,atim molts .;
‘yoxteed by both parties,.. it pnerr.
allY:COusidered:that -Valens' twtdi,
P.. that has.' ever this
the ablest speech 10 favor of 'the, lit
vicinity, .4a4 itjtotIbeett hie: the heayV
artillery otr ther: opposition lie
dolibtlesS have traited; the day.
••• We understand -that Mr. J. 1-luglies;
.an enterprising yonng...carpenter, has -
:purchased the work shop of Thos.....
F. and is.koipg tit'. permanently - :settle
*--the inintediate'•
Potibtless' this' is tile result 'of a .
meditated resolve. to "giVe all; :his,
Wandetin,rs .6'er,and'.do all that •
.in power'to.,light.n. the burdens Of
another Ey entering-. into the marriage
relationWp. : '
. . . .
The above:c..atrieil filet. Miireh 8th,
when: all. the' --ro e,n I were present.: •
'The Reeie:::lit the chair. aPpli,
/cation; the. 4-teeve. Ayes .instructed 'to! ,
act. in cortjuncti‘i:11:.With..thecotincil-
I'CSt.N.V,ti:walieslt, to have 'John, Pob-f.
re:tifoyeil.,i0;the." 4411;10i'
titi acres:Of lot 29,..:Cott:. .
oslt,' be. retnoveci,',fron,
Section No.; 16, IZ.iiileaa; and ,
tesChool,.edtiOn; No.. 14, E. "
. . , •
sash.: • The itfitlitars report -.vas proStnik-
;••td- - tind-;.adopted by rhe • ;
14.ved: Ntelittosh . and 'seconded by
that the treasurer •", be
•,strueted to, bOilect frotn...491*.Y.419dg."-,
of .$5, the. same haviug;',.
been on :,PeeeMber 604: •
1886 011.6'1,41i error iniastil tag an ordec.
Oarried. , 41;ite Treita.ufet
edito.placo the stitti•of $1.103 to Credit
•rciatts fitider.said .,11y.:144.1V
.1floylt):"Iv7ag• icon tided "one dollar
wince error .ilt-'doe, Aleved • by
Stettitosh seconded by .",Stew.art,:-•
Ina the •CoUttcil'., do , pay ell' 'order for
111 Treagn rer t chargehiinielt
'4!.ottitt,with. 4,:.5; :being. the
iitottit*'reqn.kred to 'initk0.4 p. the, short-
ge.:Of the total aftfOrnit: of '64 • Poly,
tfct"ors' reit. for ,,.1.885,- .aiad - credit
linself with '42449 and $l'.8.40
• •
'Att:$42.97. Of uncollected taxes,. "nadir • :',,
By -Law 5,1,188:3. for . the year 886.
darried. • MoVed ith(kecoticl-
,K1.• by .,1/61c..il'uleit that rile Deputy-
:Ile:eke 'be appointed 'an arbitrator, to
meet the inspeetoft pf•INst and' West.
• 'Brtteo;:to arhitratc ,on •School.
hotween •Vortidus; of. 'Grcentick •.
\vac, •
paid ln1.86". salary tikl, Co ](Cor, and ' *
pitid,by' Ilia. fin` assesFonertts. of Town,: .
Ship rolida ',..ttnder 1.1y.LaW • No .• .34, *
accottnt, .of A. DaVistini
'coflitt'for Mrs, Ale KaY',, .Olfdi)rt,`cl tohe
14)iticl. 'Cheques...were issued . for the
anditor&serViees for, ,ticcounts of 18e6. •
' $1 • oadit;., ti,n'd-; ter ,excita,..sfep000s..,.$3
each Ten clotars" Weill granted ag tiit •
,lief to 'Ar. and Als.cLu ye, , the' fel:
lowhig pfteties optioititdd,A. Board':
of,Unalth,'ZVEit'S :iJititiei Gaunt, T.
4*, 2!stskittitAtt nit! deitt,1
• • so perbushelour, $2 per stab
• 4..44,4
"•:.• •