HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-18, Page 7• ••.••••-••.• FARM AND GARDEN, „ly‘or,Itiag.the cbarelean-Bpring fieggesthiase-Trao. el • kertinzeia. , rata; may he haetened" by sprouting the, seed in a box of moist sand before planting. ' Do not use fertilizers too lavishly on Petted plants. A small; -quantity applied • freqifently better • than e allowance at One.time.. . • - • Never nat. whitewash in the etablea or -.ben-houses unless carbolic acid is added to • it, as a single application Of the mixture is better than two or three applicatiens of the -whitewash alone. The ver =tank is a rapid -growing tree, 'often -attaining a diameter cin ten inches in ten years. It. also thriees well- on Sandy ' soda, requires but little care, 'and. has; few insect enemies... , • Make your hot -bed frames eue'tions 'so • that they can be stored away when not! in use. • It is much 'better than allowing them tennemain on the ground to become oselef3s. The best place for your wood ashes is a.round your peiteh trees. The effect May be eaeily noticed the' KrElt. 880,80a after the, ,r•r•ea copr.1.13NT Tpvics. fielegraph, Beigiem lista 'passed 'a law „malting ,drunkenness 'crime. h• la be regarded as an anconstitn; thin ,historic "episode, who said to me: We can only yield one, either Bealfort or Metz.. If yon elaim noth, we will not .con - elude peace at presents' At that time, I. Vas nnite anxious about the inter- ferenc,e of neutral Powers,: and head gAnTADX.A.in views' of the•Wife :Of VanK4inni rind.ge in raris.' • (Varia,letter in the nondonlreth.) ••• • a • tional, hard lewnere. It interferes nvith.a The wife ef Cenadian jiidge; who read man's, pleasnre and the inalienable right to been tlunki".ng for :Pine- months what Sir C. TiMPer said nPell the "Truth make a beast of , that we .should. receive, a conimunication eriesiz has Palled to give Me supplemental fin:-Lonis writer says that next year frQm them. I was urgentlY • des4ous that 1141evila, 1.°21' about e Past ILO 1e4ent 1 • • • .1 . • '• ' 'there Will be a triple dinnend for the figure Thiers should not ompelled return to relitesentatives of Her Majesty at Ottawa. nem mope* of the year 1000, This triple Bordeaux in order to retract the peace. I. She Wag in. .hat city Wire the anneinice- nse of figures in the nale of time wil not therefore, discussed the matter with our inent W•af;. Made that the Leni4downes were again oocut, lia'saYs . Mita 1911,• I-099, 2000, ,r'lgitarY atitlinrities, and especially' with my friend Von Moltke, who is now, seated .202z,tehieliu;n2i1t2e2a, s2:402te,:s2le2n:t2e2024. e:actur49,y in n e roofn tt hoof imweo. ? asked,a nwe,aagurde ereceivedt orut 120 ee night, according to the 6671gre"ignat 4*(": answer : Belfort; yes. But Metz is worth Mr. Riddleberger, Will the Senato7a11ow a himdred thousand. men. The question, me_t7iiiks an inquiry ?" Mr; Edmunds, then, is this, whether we are willing „ to be " Certainly." Mr. Riddleberger, " is there any Senator here who has achestnut bell?" , • an coin/ matter to he,ve.e, garden so. arranged as to cultivate. it With a horse- ' hen, but the best remitter. are usually • tamed. on small -plots well min:Aired and • worked by hind. A few boxes in the. house filled with earth, and planted to tomatoes, lettuce and cabbage, will be found 'a cheap Mode of. ' securing early plants. Now is the time to begin, ae• they _ Will not grow • tea rapidly •;whim the seeds have sprouted. • • If potted plante be watered. around the roots with lime -water the angle -worms will be destroyed in the, oil. The- eanstics qua- lities of the lime -water kill all softnkinned *Orris'. Only a small amount of the lime - wisteria necessary. • , • • . Olean out the old !stalks of the carna- • tiOnlinsprinkle-the,Soil,...arid,,,plants with :lirneiwater and clean °filth() space arbilrid ..: them so as to permit of plenty of beatfront • , the sun. ,They ere well worth the • small ' amount of labor required hriVing them ,to perfeetion. ' to get the chateau of Montreal(.) p and. to epend there the coldest menthe of the , year, Whielt are the ones. in which 'tobogoniiing., sledging, enrling, sitatingteer- nainenta and torahnight processions are in hill iimg. caused intense excite, ment and the , Anglo-SP:40i thought it a. hundred thoesand men weaker. e,g rather a phonic, that the Vice -regal cotirt • ,Wmx,rAm Pnixeitrog; the Chicago detec- , Use, whose latest piece of work west*? capture of•the men who murdered Express - messenger Nionols in his ear a year ago and stole .921418,0, elleroulee in build, etand: ing'over six feet and. weighing 230 pounds. Hie...greatest pleo,ture, however, is found in playing With his two little daughters. Ariteros of an old woman being sent to prism:0er one month for telling fortune by thiCiLiorf.arrargiar Gazette--askinif-- Mrs. Ven Renssehaer, who recently. told the fortune of the Duchees of Albany by her hand Oa bazaar in London, for which a charge„offive shillings was made, will. be arrested. • • - • Anensing, Exnerieneee •of the '.$1.nee of ElueAdaSes, Washington -trying Biehop, who has lwalit ELY, bbeet"termsecinhgiiii 13 CVuch " eaBttattitgi7b agb had raeny interesting adventuree and not a few Amusing ones. **While I Waif in Belfast • Mpru.nBnigslithoPe 'egvaevnemegn,eanntertaainn: _ei17Uccess.let. Ulster Hall, which caused a•,greatedeal of ann. mated discussion among these present. ful "performance of several astoniehing mats. temporary 11111 occurred, which v. rich VOICe ill the gallery loudly :called : " Misthex Bishup, Misthtir—n "Well,well what do you mint ?'' in- quired the entertainer. ' " Oi s',pose yez can foind. annething a. man again.' Thereuporn said. 71•Tii 181ailleC).111ligdia"toolfathmetitw'90nuntetrenernrIe Ytoteahr e-Ftc)Pen.9olvh, wtwai18 Lunn' nearlY anytnn-nni,„5,,, thaFrench or.not in case was hreake • There it no advantage in having .young ducks, geese or turkeys too early in the 'season, as,they will not thrive- as well as when hatched April. or litter; A good rtn.inAni4eatliar , enable them to , grow rapidly and entail iletininter; while • dampness is, fetal.. , ' . •. .• • Metz.' ;' . . • take at Montreal. Lord Lanedow , told, Will yez foind somethin' for me, thin , • keeps up a finenshow. ' 'His carriages and vineertus:_tinihey_,,,x0, am. • aay, me ea itvse-n Wa ghraetatmilltiotfhhaisvewbeaeletnh r• • - in din- ' • Li'ving With a ii.eart'Valv*i' 13* urst. hto°4rshees IcIoalvongi Edward If. Pelmer died a the CitY 's ure . • . oike yez to foind me a incaglitY fo . . they Wonder b f his income from .1=3 • , Mr. Bishop authority for the 41,4=00 that the hero on this ncee,sion received "goold" half -sovereign. • " It WaS ?boot the best. adVertisement I ever he'd," said he. ,Heepital this afternoon under peculiar cumetances, writes a Louieville. cerrespOn- dent of the St. Louis. blobe-Demooat. On December 21st• last lie was iadmitted to the hospital, and, owing to , his swarthy `Com- plexion, he vas 'assigaed _ medical . ward: He conversed intelligently with the .officers and nurses and was reecige nized (Le a marl of education and refine- inent. To all. appearance's he was healthy, but an examination proved that his ailment was of a most seriouei nature. At times, he would Omplain of a sudden twitching. of lii heart, but there were syniptonis. and conaplicetions lathe' way which,/ rendered :111161AS STOENS, the bicyclist, in his trip, around the world, found the „roads of the -United. States among the worst of all. For inetance, the roads of , japan were better „ • h h then those of the Unite States, there is but little"use for horses in the land to reach., His appetite was all, thatc,ou of -the rising sun. The roads of France, have been dewed; and. for some time Germany Italy a a England are all far the contradictory syraptoras • were a Irish estates was reduced by a qu reduction wnich was on his side voluntary, and; therefore, to his Amon But there is no burning of enandles'at 13oth :ends". of the Government House. as the nDufferinte telis tha while in inliennAtAbein,cilted.fi1nP.-9-1 nAg4----' ar.9. hinKinEU also NewdeinInearklans oar. • ' and MarohiOrtess de things niagnificently";.- tinn:-an onn - of the .kressfmernv but close econoniSTis the everyday rtilea- 'unusual Powers that he obtained a private' Lord Dufferin not only anent his £10,000 seance. After 'some parleying it wasAicidecl. yearly, but dipped his estates :andsold the that his dusky gigundas hipagen shonld timber off them when he-.-conld gain polite. conceal an. (article which Bishoti was to rho - cal point's by a judicious use of money. 11,1Y visitor assured me that " Lorne and the Prineese ,Lonise . salt away a dollar" When they were,' away in Canada. The $rinoess.. was as beneficent as. could. hp, and was never appeeled, to for money without (when she wan satisfied,. that she had to. deal with honest people) putting her hand in her ..poket or signing a cheque. She was .p,„_•great success until. the sledge' accident befell her. Her nervous system then .got tippet, With the., effect that in speaking,•slie!Was apt to make use Of words. jiiitTtlie-,tontrary- -of--those she Wanted to. eay...•.,:She,..,.:.therefere,inipcited on herself the rale Of silence.. *Air thoderriviiiiiik""iiht aid net Well know. This .13aese& for 'stillen reserire and fityrnitienii, and.catiged a god . . an accurate and complete diagnosis difficult • puzzle • . to the , attending, • physicians. hes the best of all; ' (ineays, "be bonnty on pig iron liaa teen cemplete. failure, for instead of eirceerag- • re nufaeture of. that better then those ofthe Stateinwnile•Franee • . In Canada," the Montreal Trade Billie - . •Freas'' grafting.veax is four pounds of • . • resin, ,one pound of tallow and one. ,pound Of beiiswan. Melt all together Over a • slew. 'fire and when it is Melted turn out into 'a • tub of cold wit er and rill as. •shamakerin wax is made. Mnt:Gallew • has tried 'cold This • Morning, however, the •patient 'complained more than ordinarily, and one of:the physicians, on sounding his ,chest, heard the blond rushing to eha frau .his mg -the- profitable--,..., _ heart with greet epee and- the tele it has cathred•heivi .16elieTT6' %WS -sounds-,,being distinctly audible. tothe listener. annistant d Wned uponthe phYsicia.n. that ote •of th • valves • of the heart had ,burst; Tho patient admitted that lie was affected with heart,ditteese for some years, but until his admissionto the hospital. here had never been treated for it. Firthet examinatiou developed the •fant Soften with hot water. ", of Malden; N. Y., who storage ;•for 'peal:sheen says hatibeena decided success. he time is owning when '. that with him 'This indicates tat t investing capital therein, and it is con- tended that in face of these faits the Gov- ernment came:A consistentlyContinue the system: The bounty, syStent, is wrong in principle; and cannot be tolerated' mach longer in•Canada." • • • 'courage German emigoatio.n have had their that the, auriculer ventricular •valve a Tim efforts, of Prin' ce •Bismarck. to die- . . peaehee may beStored and offered"for' sale, : inthe middle of the winter season. " noveltree "—Offered in garden ,seeds, as • Do not be tempted', with all the new some of them are onlyoldvarieties' with . new names. Before devoting the garden to any new variety, give it a test by procuring a packet of seeds, for experimenting, aa a loss from limn • seed or from an inferior variety cannot be recovered. Time is. an important item in gardening... . • , effect. ...In 1.881;•,'• 210,547 persons; left the heelilnirst for Sevetitl Menthe, and that the Empire; in 1882, 1,93,,8691zin 1883,166,109 ; hissing sounds wei•V; Pranced by • the hut-. In 1884, 143,06; in 1885, .103;642; •and 'in .rieklininterrunted passage of the :bleed: to and fro betwe'en the auricle. and ventricle. .1880 only 76,687. PIA rumors' of War have The Valve . had originally: Seined to allow canoed: an increase 'during „the.last. few the. blood to pass • from the ni auricle to the f.ignteS issued), 2,754; against 2,/17:..for the ventricle, but prevented its return to the auricle, and it is most remarkable that the neenthe; for iinDeceinber, 1886 the lent frenid necessary yet to entirely, •prohibit Mein has lived as long as he' has. Accord; Wile. month in 1885, emigrated. It may be horses. ' :: ; • • : - ' • . ' enilgration, as well. as the 'inipertation •of lug to medical research death. *nag nave been ineyitable .reeult . ee . soCat as -deal-of-resentment among e a . , Place thehothecl int,a Potation. so as to „get, the most sunlight, ancL„coner the Sash at night So as to avoid loss ofifeat by radi*-- .• tion. • Glass permits heat to escape very rapidly, and- it is best, therefore; to use a ,double-glo,zed, Bash; ; as the air spacebe, tween the penes' of glass will servo aa,a pro- ' teetion frdm the cold. • Here is the way .the large strawberries are Produced. , Apply a heavy (Wising of a , mixture of two pants each .of muriate of • potasli-and-isuperphosphate, with one part nitrate of soda. • Keep .the young, plante .oleari; Water .yvhen necessiary, and do not ••• Allow a :single runner to 'start, as they .sheuld be pinched back. Mulch the young • plants in the •fall and remove the mulch . early in Snoring. Then apply another dreier,. ..ing of fertilizer and clean the 'Soil by. stir- ring it about an • inch.- n -When the -young •.13erries aro pinch offal]. but the largest. It requires work; but it will pay.•,; Regarding strawberry rust opinionslliffer. 'Sonic' iiiicribe the (Muse to too muCh mois- ' Cite, other's to excess of reartUre ,on. the plants; While it is also claimed that it is duo to the effects of, ',too much heat from :the sun. What Is known.ienr:ust,-onblight, may, however, be traced to anainete ' 'which does the niischief by-Workiniaround the plants: It is suggested that, the hest • renindyleto burn 'a light cevering of strati, .7'. over the plaTirr.'.."-- • • • Warmth of 13Odies After Death. • C • cover. Mr.. Bishop was taken from e room,. and on the. Maori King's signify- • " ing, his ree,dhless, the mind-reader: was' brought blindfolded, into the kingly presents • and at onto began the 'Search., In a few minutes Mr. Bishop turned to the Mon- arch's:mouth as the place where the article was Concealed. His Highness grunted an emphatie dissent to the place located by • the Professor as containing• thwartiele for ' which he weiTritgaish7-Bilriisteci-----e-,; that it was there; and finally demanded that the; royal mouth should he opened wide. , After considerable refusal and. per- severing _persistence, on. the pert ••of the King and-thir `Ptcsfaison.•'-thenittouth,was ' $lowly and., relnotantly opened. The next'. • 1. tl hich reselted -in a button he g • expelled. been Correctly located; attempted to EtWallOW the button; and thus defeat the determined. nfind;reader. What might have happened to'llishop had the Maoris lost their King, . is one Of those. things we trereitde , to teinPlateePt4600tv'r,fini"»trdiperle fiyr—Morklt. • •money Makers. don'tlet gOl8en 'opportimities pass unimproved ' there ere times in the lives of ineu when more Money ,can be made rapidly and easily than otherwise can be earned by years of %bort Write , • Hallett ,.& Co., Portland; Maine; who will send 2 you, free, full particulars about work that you lived .for few r months .8. eas , can do, and live at home, wherever you are located,. at a profit of at least from$5 . instant, liotrever,,the King began to colt nLorne, was just as •good as he could be,Th KM finding thenplace . had , , andfirst-rate business," said my Iasi or, "but he was "How so ? asked. .1.! was so stand-off in his demeanor. Dufferin knew then Christian - and , pet nein& of . the, chfideen in Ottawa,. read • of then hirtlis th&naperd, and reniembered to congratudete the fathers of new-born babes. , shoolc. hands publicly grocer's wife' who had trip- lets; and one day got out of his carriage to go and admire': them when they , were with their, ;nether and theservant in the Street. If a neyvsboy said • a , smart. ;thing to Win he'd atop to talk ' and Felten Haw him shake bander',With a conductor Of the street Cars Who cilia- f; -him part ef. • valve As it was, ,Falmer 'Dvanos the 7' year • 1886 Austria expelled' • h from her doramient 1558 men • aral 112 women, including one nobleman by birth, .many rieudoaristreinats,, several se13001.: :masters and large number of Merchants; dangerous international &linings and bank note forgers: The expelled Were sent to various- countries, as follotvi Tollungary, 219 ; ,Russia, 131 ; Pruierie„ 101; Bavaria; 106; • Italy, 61; •Saxony, 11; Itournanii, 7; Montenegro, 5 Wiirtemburg,' 5; Baden, 4; Desnia, 4; Switzerland,.1 S iia 2 ankl each to •Africa, ; Denmark, the heartin this condition, and up' to the last. • • h had and e , a • always some thing Some heve made over sse ill 8, shiee . . with all aro 'mi.- bina; remarking to his offishness; a, er•Dufferind chaff end hearti- . • moinent was tble to •converse intelligently • • Ireland, • new. Yon are started free: 'Capital not requiied: bright and. rase,ntto (my. Lorne stand, tither all ages. e • ' 'sister, who )18d arrived s. short while 'before. .ness was aniCY blast the month of. • A Reme, .N.'" Y.,' girl /filled three atone lid felt iiiiithe were fell of blood running.• th - vitt-nand corked. theta , leis death; thathistinie had 'enine,' snail:let • " • • " . , • . " . riotover his body. ; 'When he • died there was not the leitst tremor or exhibition of .pain; and he Merely Closed his eyes, after lobkifig.. an all. around 'him,. never.to open them-egain. From his deter: it Waft *timed . f eole- The Prinbess • Lonite enjoyed beet An Canada the society of the French. She wits very And of getting away frinnOttiwa and going Hie en artiste at the citadel of Quebec -:-an old place that dated 'from,. the Marquis Ifontcalm. (It was built ,by -the. Duke Of Wellingtcan) it became' the thing there te be artistic, • Officers, the beer g tightly, and set them in the oven to heat, so that' she could warm her bed with there,» The heat generated steam frointliewpt sand, • and an explosion followed, Whichnfilled the room with flying .sand and fragments of " beer jugs. The girl and the rest Of the •, • family'vere badly seared; nut,tinl.iurt.. • ' that Palmer was •a men/ e • Herzegovih. a and Turkey., ' family residing in the neighborhoodii NSW: ans that -he had heerigiyen•the beet In'e, Person thinks of Onernitting suicide ifi:New State, it may to his'advan- tage to. take care that .,he shell Seemed: The,attempt is a- crime,.' under New York leW; bit the suerein relieves suicide fromcriminalitY.. ..Such is the effect of a recent decision NeWl(erk'Supreme Court; general terra, 'in , the suit of ,Darrow .vs. Family Fund •Sediety. An alleged life insurance society was the defendant in this Case.' ,Perhaps that -had semething to do withinifiriencing the decision. 'But .,--why should.. " thus he awarded a pros:10nm upon its successfid,commissiOn ?. , . Feinftve yearsthe...pierbibition Ian, his been ;evaded in Pertland; aningeni- oug contriianee, just unearthed.' Three beer barrel(' Were. slink in:thee:ground and connected by tnbes, with a joist inn stable near 14.. On the aide of. the joist. an innocent looking board; apparently nailed, when released by:9: iiressure on a hidden. spring,. turned. on a hinge at thebottqm and disclosed the faucet by which :the beer Was drawn. . The barrels in the • earth had galvanized iron pipes '43xtericling up to near he-autface of the ground. When barrels wereto be replenished thedirt Was removed from these pipes, a fttrinel placed .in. -each and. the 'beer peered in. Afterward_ the pipes were again „covered .and there was .nothing to show theexistence of the hiding place: • : Cases haveof late been frequently reported • in the, newspapers in which, despite Medical. eyideriee to the contrary, bodies .lialre been • keptirbiriburialbeceuSethey,did not becorne colcL.'!Feith-liettlers :and Miracle -workers have been called in , such becasione th •:. reanseitate thesupposednietim of seeperided Almaden," iva -inaogoa•---ur,'aiati7ibes.. at , being ealledin tailate. It ie not generally • -known that there is, as a rule, an elevation • of teraperatere immediately after death, owing to the'blood.no longer being cooled in ite paseege threugh the lungsr and to the stoppage (Atha circulation, and in .Many , cedes where the nervotur eystem bat. been . &Meted, and in eliolere, atoll 'Jo*, ,yellow ; fever and hepatic abscess. The post morteni rise in , temperature is aften very decided: The heat, of an appitrently dead. hady is hence not • conclusive • enidonce of life.-- lliedieetNtandod. • • ' 'educatinn motley could afford, and. ha held, several lucrative positiont ,in • the South. He was, however, never satiened.to remain at home, and would winder aim- lessly over the country, never writing to his.telatines .Unless -taken spoke English, Spanish and Frei:toll fluently. , • A Letter from Ms peed Ninfe•• 'Behjan:tin Harley is a Well-ta.clo resident of Roaring Branch, this county;-. Vvr• . • Lock Haven, Pa., correspondent. .He is an old Men, and is e strong believer in •Spirit- ualism, no thing • having ever' been too mime:dons if done in the name of SPirit, tialisin to 'Weaken his faith or arouse his stispiciar. -111-13i-Ortinamantrone-a-wildand 'ehiftless young ,than named Henry,. the other a thriving citizen: The •latter is a partner of his father's in the mercantile business, • Old Mr: Harleyit a• widower; his wife, who Was also an enthusiastic» 'Spiritualist; haying died only a , :few weeks 'ago. • The other morning Old, Mr. Harley av?,:ike and found lying on his pillow a piece of paper,lbidecl. andaddressed to him: He ,opened it, and found that it was a 1Stter purporting to come from his deed wife, , It was a 1)11E4111M letter. It informed Mr. Harley that the writer was in Mayen,: which was a thoroughly prectioar ' the ites a Tee new German repeating rifle is the Mairter model perfected: - It has just. been distributed ta the soldiers of seven army 4 r • next March, the whole" army will have it in lianKa. it is rather alffiCillt p . to .desaribe this gun tecihnitelly;,Ainit is*- latte-hi •orniturair mear-„hern-soll-ilenry„.a. result of, fitudiet made simultenermely in. house: • :Extravagant end ridiculous as this the State manufactories and at thelfilitany letter wae,:old..112r, Harley did not doubt for .$ohoo.13 and no ,09.1#03te.specifido,tiotiriliivve a moment that it Caine from his wife. • He yet been issued:, The gun is shorter .. t an could not spare 450 thaty, at he wrote that in ese: to -day in the. German itrmY, aletter to his Wife, inclosing 920 and in.- oncl,.although• the stock and the barrel are forming her that he would .send • the re - the seine, the bridges is a little . raised.' ' It =leder hi, a sfeve days. The letter he ideas; has an autoreetia, unloader Which Makes in the stump . as . d1rected.: Young Henry the cartridge fallout air soon as 'the shot Harley long ago, eXhaustddhis. erddit at the is fire& ' The most in/Portant' improVe; tavern and other places; in•Raaring.Inriai-,. t iii the chamber whinh thei soldier. can and his longing for Cohyivialty had beem sane and daughters On judges and of minis- ters; (preachers), successful trades ;.peeple, and no on, Went in for Sketching,. Mepres- eionism; art. furniture and art Unions; to be '5icit en •coure The Prineets used to.• go out on sketeliing „tipeditiOne in 'a bdat. She had- some...narrow: eseapes near rapids eninere*.I. I years with sciatic : rheunia7 tiera.r.-Notreatraent relieyed, me. Mccol-- lomni Rheranatic Repellant cured me, so. , that fcir 2 years have not -had least symp- toms of ilieuraatiern: A. Furteney, Petos- key, Mich.; formerly ef Berlin, Ont. that, however, was not atQuebec, bu .—Barnard's comet is now visible to the . th iver' ' It used•to be said Of her that ' . t thentnias ell radiance to. the. ,French Cana - diens, end had more French than English • • Vi Bit boelts on her- drawing -room e. , independent "`teroper of 'the lidiesOf the 'A.nglo-Sootch. provinces,- and helped to, make things smooth and agreeable; . raheinerai Fathers. estimable lady of the. Nest • Side has had the • f9entnie of :three husbands— two having pissed over to the majority. By.. the first husband there is a, On; by the •seciand it very bright little daughter. ' One day, wbile,tome lady.friends were lunching' with ' the 'thotber the little girl asked , • " Mara.ma, has Jack .; a nape in heaven?" rtes -darling" hush!" replied 'mamma. 'Lady Sophia Maoriamara- understood the so.miICli.so that she a millinery business. She was just, then in 'need of $50 to pet intim business, and 're- quested her litisband to; :inclose lier that %amount. She .••': • instructed:, him , to iit' it ' a • letter emir' place. the naked eye on the eastern •horiwn abp • daybreak,,but low down that it is hot readily' seen unless' One "knows exactly • where to ibak.. wasdiscovered October ' 6th, About •'5 a. M. It makes' a •beautiful object in the telesropen-infinathilo of light .. .1;M -wending a sharp white mails in the centre. It haat 'short nebulous' tail, about 20 inlength,' Its distance frprinthe earth is now about 113,900,060 gave I:13;,•papa in heaven ?". ," Yes, darling; hush I!' repeated mamma. After a naiise hi in fact a sure remedy for a , p and profound thinkirik, ' the little Mies internal and external: Try a 10 Cent added: :1, Pero don't last long, do they sample bottle. . Large bottles only,25 Cents., niarame,?"—Yenenine..isTevis. ;by all druggists and country dealers. „ . With Satisfaction, • Polson's•Nnitylimen, the. new and certain: . , pain cure, is used with satisfaction in every instance. There is • abundant ' reason for for it performs all that. is claimed for:: it. nlerVilnie is a' kleyendilling cure‘for , • cramps, Pains in the side or back, lumbago, • • sore throat, chilblains, toothaclei, Nernfiine. both • . The ininown Mite. • : • , " My friend, we expect- a, Oentriiiiition from you toaidthis good Werk," nI•would be otta. to contriblite," re- • sponded Johnson; "but ern So very poor .that don't believe I can contribute any: • • necessarily tintatisfied fon eonne.time, two exceptional epees, that is to •say„ 'when an ()fader thinks Oita firing at •will or three dayt; ago the tenerinkeeper . • neceseary. • This chamber °aired of • 'a surprised to .see the young Mao w alk in and Steel tube Placed in the barren,under thq, pay lip the hia score Ont. of :a neat roil of t th 'bills » Young IntarlOY paid up 'other.smal eceounte,abont town, an • astonishing' feet that he heel Money Oen 'babel:0411e talk of the villige; :The irdiani Was not long in.reaching old Mr; Harlejeacerg, ;ainnefter ponderieg.oner the Matter for :and. closely examining' the letter from his 'departed:Wife, he etlast releetaritly made pp hie mind that he' knew how • Hairy had got • the matey. This belief . -was Made positive when, e ,business ttainiantient with Charles Gre'en, another. storekeeper, in the pliidel he received the ifenitebin 620 bill. liS ilea hideeea to ,his wifeto help aloha her .etleetial millinery:been-tees. Ile teethed that ' 11 been. elitufeed for young Hoax :,.1,F.,..!Pass It ttp This rvi,rtty. ; Mrs. CleVeland.hae kept strictly to her • ,. Spring arrived and hat regietered on rule of never going out except to the houses' the open rage of nature's book in. her own Of members . of the Cabinet, ,and as they' bright chirography.' Wild violets...6.4a lilies entertain very little, ebee,sions of :her ap• are bloorning,, the green.orass • is growing, peittenee in Washington society have. been the. (Telling buds. are 1)UrStillg, the ' larks 'feve and far between. • - • niovehie breech, and pee Imo , tna weepoo is loaded,: a • spring soites the oat- triao. A hdek thencatehee and' pushes it it -AO the ; the eonnriand to fire at will the soldier has only to pe811 otig ori the left side.of the chamber, • and then 'tight ,ehe.te.een be fired, itha the cartridges, rettioned eutornatially. After these eight' ehete, 04.0h -tier Canereinad with ten. mono shots, eight in the cartridge chamber, one in the pan, and one ,the ,beirel. • • , . • 1 Dinunen tile ..reeent.exeitninglehate on the Army Bill; in the Gernianiperiel • Par. , Bismarck tainated the •1.1 But it is 'ter your own good to • bob.- ti;ilitite. A coritrinfition front yourpoverty *ili win you a credit mark above, The widow's mite is et inbre value than the offer.' ing of the • " Yas';'„' replied jobtreen, ,." you seer, nOt 'amtittinted with any — "Vrtobitrn bpatch... , , • • • • Nilssoft N%;'n,§ aught' by the recent earthquake andreterned to Paris 111 etatanfr greet rieryeils. depressioft: 1.• homer. , foIlbwine,bit of inside »history regarding, the itconsition ofnMetz : ." In 1871,10 ',..,..,1 , • . 'Speak irerdsly, I. WO not iiiSlined to take 1,14t,10Y. , . • • 4 ' Metn, twat'. then for ilielinguittic bhp'. . . --"'---.'-,`"---,:. --11---"r--"r"------, .. , day. But 1 itade iuquitieg of "fhb hilli.... 1., . ,Boths.pe yan ,drave noticed that it is tile tau s.atlioriOes .before I finally 'decided, 'man who shake(' hands the most . that 'is • It was. IA; Thiern, • if yei will perthit me 'the hardest to:shake, .r. ' ••• • nneeinging-their spring•anatins, and' enery.4 thing' 'indicates that • nature is. glad :-to :velooroe„., fipringts early arrival.--...4./ban (Ga.) Nsivs,,,, • ' o Do.itbt 11 Csn 'Jtivenile host Ote entertaining the widower citn3' you:: Walk as well at' yen toed Vv.?"' • • ' " Why; yes, Besge, why,shoulan't ?" . Oh, I heard inammo. say that yOu were on your second legs, but I thbeght they're 'mod es gala asyour'oid • At the 'opera-•-•." 1 can't explain the suc- cess of that silver." Neither can I.! She Sings ,through her nose most atrociously. ;-„,*1 Perhaps that it the reason why,, every one iinwaning a handkerehief at ; — • • simplest and one of the most cen- ventient niethoda Ot tracing and treiuder- ringdesigns is theuse of tarlatan instead of tracing paper. Place thepattern to be copied nponthe drawing.beerd and ofiver it With, the,tarlatan,: arid -pin both tti the horerd *Ali. drawing -tack. Then, With a, medenately oft Ilene% difo,v the pattern carefully. Rertlevdtlie pins and the design Will be found to be quite dear. Then lay tne- terletan neon the 1rtatetia14 pin to the , board as before, anci again go °net the lines with the pencil. The result will be a per- fect Copy of the design uppn the Material (fabric or never) in Minute dote. The tarlatan' ,:design. 111837 46 tlida• gain. • tv.01.111000.:.,'.... Amory.. DISCOVERY , a Wholly unlike Artificial Systems—Cure of Mind Wan- , dering,Any-book learned in ono reading. Heavy re- ductions for postal classes.. Prospectus, with opin- Jena of Mr. PROCTOR, the Astronomer, llica. W. W. MOOR, JVDAti P. BENJAMIN, Drs. filnion, Wool) arid others, seat post rata; by - • ' PROF. LOigETTE, . • . 2b7,Fiftit Avenue . New 'York. • it• 0 Ntioii I Inty 114444 1' do'not mean mere i y. t,, ' lop em fora ; ' tillEtt1111 limn Imie them rettira again, them I Mean a radial., • ii tire, I liave,tuado tile disease of P114', k VI CFN .Y ot FAX.E.;' ' ,....• - VG NICENESS (lo lit-long,etwyy.. 1 wiirra it My remedy ... , . • to cure tho Worst CA$CS. Berrtumo 'otberl I. 'V, tatted le no ' ; reason tor net nowreceiving a Miro. Send et °dee for is treektioll,atwd A Free bottle Ot my Intnitiwe• einefly. .83TO' Express end. Post OMee, -It costs you Illothine-for/A-ttli44'. ...; Ind I :wilt cutou. l.. 1111 aa. IL G. ltOOT, . , Braid Ofice 37 Dile StiTorolitoi , 0 DO ,b1 L.11.87. .K000.1c$13Ep..TTRIE. •6'