HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-18, Page 3464 -.40, P
TtticiAg 00,:re of the Conipleition in
Cold Weatlier,
, •
..bad by hatilini them in oat Lila Water.
A handful -or salt to o gallon Of water is the
right proportion. Have the Water ashot
M. corr.1-APmfoXtab1Y, he -.1kiene4f,...4connroa
the feet and throw the water over the legs
as far as the kliegs witb, the/2E0M Whin
the water hecontee too cool, ,rtila brieliky
With a fresh towel. This; methOdi; if .Itioa
night and morning,, will 'cure .neuralgia of
the feet.
To preVent, the juice of pies soaking into
treser•ving theComplexion.
, 10
the under crust, beat the white of an egg
cola weather LB the ruination of, oom. and'brnsh the crust with it. If tbe oven. *
plexion, and there is. absolutely )1O way. .of ct600ld"Wawtehrenirbiakiitn.g' place i stmilitatileddiibheda- in such a place as a burn germs milt rive
. preeervi4g, a .go,,,,a one or improving,a sinn rooms wilt prevent ,Morning headaches; and abundantly and preve moat detrimental,
.,..otnegatiye,phalm,.., if: 'much washing 113 Per- that the utnioat care' is. 'necessary.
sisted in: It may ohmic theneattd LL it lossitude. -Powdered rice, sprinkled upon s°
lint and skilled- to'ffetilfivounds-i-vvilnitop 'Then_ the.; roised= enticle , shoola ' be
bleeding. A. tallow candle or piece of tallow pressed 4aWil to the trite • skin,- and
wrapped in tissue paper and laid among' :covered with a large • quantity of clean
furs, or ether garments will .prevent the cotton. woel to prevent the, access • of
xavages of meths.., , • , , air; as free exposuretends to increase 8119.0k
• CURE../P110 oAttr OP owt.rs. .
Advice to Those :whis. Have. suffered: From
04•1334%**Plk •
In all burns great pare Should be taken
to 'oeye the.' enticle--the raised portion of
the ;skin that forms the blister. Clothing,'
eto.,should:be MipoYerl with the utmost
gentleness. Blisters; ,should he carefully
punctured with a Clean" needle. ...„The, best
way to be pure that a needle is eleaa when
required for such service le to. heat it red
hot, aliew.it to mei, and then use it. It
willthus be freed, from any organisme,.for
• 'but 0Ni:idles who, know how to treat their
face; ae not apply water to it more than
'Pnceis day,nor anew map to, touch it oftener
. than once a week. An ablutioii is made in
. the Morning., and that ends' the matter.
Jusd, the temperature of the water depends
• entirely on the nature, and texture of tile
skin, and each bather is the bestjudge of
the matter. Some complexhins:would• be
• •
• .• • tepid. sponging, and sfill .other. 1 -T1144. -ng t..a°-ggY•4.--!:TL2, n.Vir t'es!" ,"_ - but for the ist few days it is hest to wrap
dash of Water.. • _, tfrrmuilithInt 'Crn rasii-Y°ouldt *e tbn-PTailln-e°
eft A and: all chamber avr. s . pleyed, to Pertie;wenotQ itBe'il. ffistie,ki;irachil:. b.eTinhgre
. faces that glovr and thrive under a regular
• Pretty Miss . Gertrude Griswold, of xe., .cleaned. in cold water. kite lead -will ,an1dressings once put on must not be removed
• 00.11's ' Opera. Company, sense% her face content broker's crockery, if' 10 cent bottle
hefote ami after, rising with wider as hot. as IsaheetnIdg bo used
cracks.A.,:anll painter'ev'iee brush
s'.'laa ' 'while havers 6bz4e43n . lessened bythe discharge or be- •
days --not, indeed, Until. they
she can bear it, following the bon with a dusting a room. . .„. _ COMB offensive.' The constant removal of
dressing of nisewater and glycerine.. This. dressings is disturbing; painful and copse-
bartoless wash is dried n13. With fane rice A-siroPle way 91 loosening a mated saraw ,qUently injurious; and to obviate any neces-
` powder rubbed .on with a, fine cambric is tO apPly heat -to the head of it.. ' When 'lay for it extrbolio„ oil, as a. disinfectant, jo
: handkerchief. The face is kept dean 'by, the burners of lamps become clogged w_ith. _ used in the' proportion of 'Mae to ten or
. wiping off the dust or. soil and applying char, boil them ,in strong soapsuds. By more -sro-ell .bIrkes, ,or ,eoajde rosy be
' using soda Water 9s; a wash you. ogai Olean :treated by waterdiessing lead lotion, chalk
• b •
and water, collodion o; Friar's" haleam.
Two parts of collodion to one of ' castor oil
is an et eelleAt application. The • patient
, an salvo y . • should be kept in a warm atmosphere, well
e leading. lady in Barrett's 'company; cidemdtip, and some .Wine or brandy and
:bun; fezel, lope furnace -or largestoVa_EL-MY il l• • ter ma - he.....adroinistered.---'The:
.. • Rarity between -her fade end' water; argu- accumulation of clinkers. To glearbraSS Fami4 Doetor.
, .. Miss.. Eastlitlie,, allows Very
• Iligliffitellieeldn-ill',.too delleatet4to-endure.«hiri-Itgis uso a:tablesneonful .ol seltond a. ... . , '
• way . the • grain rons, 'and all: rUbbing is a Piece of flannel and rub t dr.
Bent whalebones can be restored ea!a
used again soaking in water a
few drying them. :7TO-IIllit-ctre-
&nailed velvet hold it over the whit of the
teakettle andlet it well, then •Conab
lip. the nap. Ilkoonits dipped Joi. a few
minutes in boiling suds onee' a. week will
last pinch, longer than they ether**
• wcsuld, • .1I,id shoes may • he *Pt soft and
free from by rubbing 'them - once a
Week withalittle :pure glyeerine hi castor
oil. A piece of zing placed the 'coals of
a•hot stove will dean o the....sttiye-pipe.
The produced carries offtlie soot by
• «, P . . '' . '
. Chetaleal 4:1CoraliOSAjOris : , • ' . .'' ' ; '
Spidertiond.'..Telegrapheie. , , .
• ....
. „ .
soda will dean tarnished tin. Vinegar and pain. Equal parts of lime water and
Bememr 1:1;770;411.E :*21::iblit•ibC:77; rayon
viiiiism the Vint got a, bruise from his horse,.
' .
Death* eg fliCiish Boverelsos.
.V.rerelna *Veteran to Veil WirerfltitOr 444444PtSIIVIII"Vil° **fir 4"1"'
War Story. . • . . . . .BsteenprYlietoheJE1 loeisrdion . oaywe 1 zed:
Henry the Second of grief broke his heart;
- ed quietly in bed •
" Tobacco! It's a blessing to mankind," Cceur de'f.iion got killed by a dart;
laden; it Comforts the despondent ; it lends, John, by the fover-and nobody !sighed,
Said the Old. veteran, as he hitched a little
nearer the sawdust box- ." It ' cheers the Harry of Winchester naturally died':
Edward -the First died marching to fight:
sad; it consoles the weary. ema heavy.. Edward the second was murdered at night;
hope to the hepeiees ; it nie*ea the yiresent The warrior Edward no.ssed.eilnaly away, .
Hichard, deposed, was staxved put of the way; .
enjoyable and theluture rosy; it egularetes ITHeenarly'ttilhe FilthInigIrcTs$3uxeceeesesil : •
the rich and makes the poor content: Yes, lieury.thet3ixtli diekof grief in thegower ;. ,
and ogoasionally it saves a life, Did, .;,pyer 'Twbaeo•ulruti brought Edward„the FOurth:hrlest•
tell You of the time it, saved; mine? No? Edward the Fifth in the'Tower--1,00;,was. killed,
uovir did. I overlook tbat reminionence,* I By 'Richard the Third -slain at Bosworth Fwd.:
iwikoendeptrn'aW4tiecillu, it tarts t, 0, ff faergoo: Ittepal... BEdenwraY,rdthtehof3esVilthdieewdeas:eilatuthratoi death, e: txt.,,
Disorders untold put hinuarnesake to rout; . •
versed when ---1 „was. in T.ibby • prison. Mary, in quietness, exhaled her last breath; ' • ,.,
Don't run: away 1 I'm not going to 'Queen -Bess -closed uinnSuish an-iMsPent.,Teiflao,„ **0
Scot,* James the First passed, away .without,
tell '. you how ' *Inch and sugh a pain ; • . ,, • • •„„
battle. ulp,s won or how another Pallid have The First King:Oho-0es died iinder;the knife, .
heenVon, like the ma,gazineti are aoipg. MY eytin:rsleee,0°,hliitakboen:Vjeoatesedes,Offdiweditheexiatie.cistriffre9;in . vs
itc.rrY:a is about
.aLbiobub:t. 5313.7cwghasn1;t wha:x: iangPr- issuenh"el. QueenAotph:Aentnei en. ovehrtYs sentlid deKingy. Geonon e to .;the tool, h:; .
and lolling in luxury as. all the boys William the. Tbial hreke his right collar bone; •.• .
..w . -' .
.E.ing•George the Second: turned out in a rage, .
His iong-reigried,successor slipped off in old ag.e;,
The Fourth Bing 9edrge, and. William; Ms
brother, -
,Witi_ini_ossecius heart left this life for a.nother ; • .
and ,salt Will Olean 'copper. Butter isthe‘,Ifoonitaiaoeodwct'001-aiPisPlaied;a,ovoolriintet arnednictiodvye,reib:,a with
bentl'Uliah to Put into starch. under the 'name Of carron-pilvoi the blister
put en burn will take out the heat. A co,vered with, wheaten:Ili:nit,
ruined with hot water; ethers reqmre a heated' kiiife. Will
Oil f d re death
cid hot bread without may be
Lately Powdered cloy has . been employed,
powder when necessary. Speaking about
powder, Miss Griswold said:"Myr only ceilings. that have been sm
amusements nisi). powdering and rocking,' . kerosene lamp. . If you drop „. soot on the
and she has &Complexion that is as fiesh carpet cover thick with salt, and.fit'may be
• • EMPept up without blackening the carpet.
terribletirne of it, though,, forlhad. two
big Plugs Of, hie& tobacco, and Iliad a, chum
who didn't chew,- . You sea there's Rich a
h s the nicest, fellow. -1--Ovel--knew.-
We were captured from the same company.
and. had kept together by good hick. -He
didn't have fun at all, though in Prison.
He was the, most temperate man in the
'Company -neither smoked, chewed, drank
net OUBSea.. lie was simodel• Still he was
a prisoner just like any common every -day
chap, and it was:about on even thing for a
good while as to our living through our
prism:anent or dying there, as scores of the
boys were doing'. right along. .
"One day the news got abroad among,
the %Heim that the :Union. forces Were
pushing on toward Ilichniond, And,theY
*ere 'abont,to plioutfor joy When another
rumor swept tlitoughthe prison that the
rebvwerealiouttoehip alot Of us to Salis-
bury for .• sate=keepingA. death-cliill
. ;
fe* oyster Shells mixed with the coal. used
through ranch washing, She • knOws the- teacupfu -131
We had celled, Jennie and I, on o ,bright
r Heal -Pride, -
Ypting bride, and very bright`she, was; with
, Mimi en Terry,-..-us----one-Lo the daily sparkling,. eyes and labghiug, lips,' and ti,
. .faoe.Washers,. but consumes rose-witer and. 'ptbtty,--gttliish-Wa:y---,witlr''-hei;--half-timid,
•• glycerine:by the quart, and :confesses 'that hell defiant, ' -a mixture of girlishness and
°- she literallybreathes throughthe fumes of self-will that always looke pretty -when
' Englifili,hreitkfast tea and clonds, of rice. Yon, don'i, see -tog. much of it; then " it
bkomes momitonone. . Her husband was
. - •
him, of course,
heedf-' ''' .- • :-' .: • ;-. .. T. • •
Ladies Who visit Paris for the purpose of 1V9ELlit'sn we eltilinPet hawal.arVla:Ida' s'eaeidi h8'-lust6 itt..S.
• ' 'oil iseerally irritating to the face.:
, •
studying fisshionalde life' invariably return Pretty bride Cousin H'arrylaa's 1' • .. .: .
..addicted to the use of -creani, of eihnimber,, : ."-But.I'm•sorrylor him," :iota jenniei ."
which • prevails - among the fair sex Of that ‘13orry.,..1" said I, in surprise. : - • .
city. • There are AS Pony 'creams and °int-. : "Yes," .ittia Jennie., *". I 'Om sorry for
, Men%s Pd. keeping the ;skin • smooth • and any. 'man whose .wife has no pride inter
' • thongh all rney not be valuable, Ony one 2S3 , Sliders' are One of the great' obstacles to husband's'. business. Sorry :Rd any Man
liealthy,asi there are mannfecttirers, and; . . . .
lgoodthat ban be dependedon to ward Off telegraphers . hi Japan.. Filling thetstrees whOse Wife, bY her tindisguisedOnntem• Pt'
along the lines, these insects spin their webti
betweenethes earth; the wires, the post, the
insulators and the treet When these Webs
Conductor,- and the•lines are Vilma to be in,
'Emma . Abliott: 'has it • heintifully "white lid in. We. inquired for
skin, which' she keeps %so by, bathing in and she answered, with a pretty•tossof the
strong glycerine, an fininnal _habit, as the •
Vietlikiiirreignso7f0-triffd'o-Wieer----- -''''-, ----1,4-4,--1,-:,.-.
And she'll ibe greatly nissed whenever she dies- • • '
.1 IN EPSOM) • BOW: .
The' Way sigonie Girls Keep Rows In
'Down (On MiTlichieglarnahMeneinse.-aie six houses
. .••,, .
known as "Rosebud , Row." There are -. • ,,
from two to 'four girls • in each house; and • - ',
are -ill i society. They constitute a clique. ,
of the nelyes, and are sci conspicuously
inseparable as to give 'foundation to the
report ,that they:have One big. dining-rooni .
in -the -Mar-. of the houses Wherein they eat.
together. "When one hag thesmeaileithof -
all hafte it," is a comnion expression 7for.'
the rapidity With whiali the breaking out ,
seernektopeize everybody, for o - y the or
knew that i if 414_ ogOn get to Salisbury morn'
there would be no chance them. ' It.,:wap roseh
had enough in Libby, but all reports • pro= ring a
nounced Salisbury, infinitely more horrible. follo
I didn't Care about juhirnirgout-Of-theiry;-'
ing-pan =lest; I knew I could escape:the
fire, se I thought I would fix up a, ;scheme
to stay there.... I called My chum and,
told hire that our only chance ofliving was
in staying Whore we were. 'Now,' says I';.,
'if we , can get'. illek Tanen& to get :into
the hospital :they, can't - rooie-.'ns.-1'sroi
going to eat this plug :of - lishaeco and
get dick on it if I eau.' . I , gave WM
the other One and ' told him to do :the.
,eainie. He tried' it, but couldn't ,swallow
the first bite, try how heinight"--Hersniiled
in a patient hind of way, and said thathe'd
have to take his.chances.' I ate. My 'plug,
thougfiLL-sviallowed.., every i'bit : of it -Land
May I be blessed if ' it mode Medicleit hit.
I waited for effects; and When I ' Saw the
doctor coming my Way I tried to play sick,
buthe was too smart for me • and ,wouldn't
loVis it:; I was disgusted With My attempt,
and thought .1 would just take, chanc,es,
Same as ray chum. I had aonie.•;.;.
crusts, and I ',Awned them bleak and made'
scene cOffee from them -we called it Coffee
' and drank a lot of ' that, Wondering, al!
thu-tima•Whyniy, stomach hadn't , rebe ea i
,.. . , „
when I ate that. plug of -tolzaceo.',.; Bat _as wanted to know if •I'disln't think she ha& •
soon as I had. ...swallowed • that t. hot los about 25 pofinde,, ana the thin girl left
Coffee I heard. from the tobacco right the ir=hag•to tell me that she couldn't be-
sway.. There was a row. in 'my , stomach :gin to get into her hest black silk and. :
that -
equal to a.- Mexican revolution, . and the. scams could not - be let out without.
I ' began ' to roll. and „ kick • and showing. "There Wail a time when you:
delible up' with such energy that One- cola • play, hide and seek behind my ,
*deity mefrom 9 distance and :mane. ilia shophler .‘hht400,. count.i.righ, 'Mani poor .
examined Me. _.Redidn't notice that I was man; beggar • man, thief': on •my .. ribs, and
the mune fellow that his had caught :sham- hang a hat On either knee: , But; bless •
d he knew . it a glance that I me i this exercise has. put so. muoli 'flesh',
on Mei yOu couldn't 'clo it "no.w.".--:Chleagc,
an e -member-sPreads.through „
wa. Waiting in her parlor the other
ug for •thetappearence of one of the._ .
de my cariosity wos•excitaby
natant tramp and' occoSional thuds • '
d by' ihrieks .Of mirth the room '
overhirliiid.,---Bertha_estme in • qtute on O. .
for 'what ought to be her husband' pride
• ehapphig.anO dry skin.,"-- ' • , , •.. and arabition, OOM what she can to make it a
,: After summing- up the cost, vexation and drndgery for biin:,IfshelOolts at his officeor
risk o, novel preparations, pure glycerine :hieestore or his factory as a thorrirl3 place,
-c diluted With half the quantity of water is Useful only ici make Money , in,; What must
' at least O reliable remedy againtat Maness. he the•Msult ? • Zither his joy in it. will be
and. , eruption.. ifi the plan shoWs a ten- ' h -a r he Will: collie . to look on her
:dewy to darken•Wealreirthe oil, but ' don't
.hoPe to Weather a Chicago , whiter '*.ith"..d.
, face wash of bold water and. beep. One
'Washing a•day is 'enough for Any beardless
. face, and in justi'm to the owner . it should
' not precede expesure to the Outer air. -'7:
- ellicago,P4er-Ocean: •
become wet with devit ey constitute a good
connection.with the - , Y,
• method
of obviating this inconvenience • as by, ‘i
with that pity which it dangerously akin
employing brooms of bamboo, tobrush away
:to cOntempt. If, on . the. Other' hand, she
the webs. -Good Cheer.. • ,
• •Daisy Dean *HMS Wonder why it hi
-.3 • • •
that every one -the newspapers m whim-
lar -should be so " down ' , upon bangs- ;
hae it wifely pride , law, or his trade,
or theology,. Or his practice, whatever it
May be, he will Catch inspiration from her
high' thoughts about it; and his will
become to him an instrument Of justice,
and his trade a' 'means of doing good to
humanity, and.. his ;.theologY.a • spiritual
experience; for she will
illumine and 1e-
vate everything. by her womanly ,aipirs.=
tion." • , . • :'•
"And what"' said if it be a business
that a *Oman Cannot have a pride in 2 7 ;
Then," said Jennie, "the sooner ho.
leaves it the better.; for no man oughtto
do what a true wife 'Might to be ashamed
to have him do.":.• . . • .
And rather think Jennie is right... She
generally is-.,L,Speetator, in .Clolitian•TInion:
inept , and I at 011e4 asked " What in'the.
minae -01°Colianlen •sienee, are the
giris doing
upetnire3-". . come- .04f. ,
answered. .' ' What saw was eight girls( _
dressed in White: composed .., • ; •
: blouse ...Short **iris • and....
triansersi,__MorChing,., the•:".sroont.• •
With' 'great of sand On -the,. beadi . •
r.vo-ev% °It :; 4,13irillr from oti et h !kilg 0**ifit‘ 4:1. a*. O. 11 it et, ;
and "thud" would go the eanObag:•Aninfgini was swingiilg Indian li
ebrag&in wlldaml..
reckless •suggentive,Of .the..seientifin".;
way Still •
.another *aeon -a ;rowing .,,machine; Offingand working. .
And, still' another Was vigor-
princlaing . it an airthag;.whiCh.nOW-::.
.elasi,hit and Maw she didn't. As 1 entered
the room the prObeessionhalteO 'and', 'tnia,.
.breath they Ma me they were going for
graceful -carriagew, "•Joet...• see nir ,gaite•••:
estid&giOdylittlehlondei.,stenPitag.:eff 'ter.
inaPeotion. ,Thegirl withtheIndianclighl:
eilMe tip for me feel' of„ -her • :.misecie:
.took granted.it.WM there-4cOuldn't..
feel 't :The fat girlen the rowing *aching
• . • .
An Editorial Disclaimer. .
:If ft *line or. °two appear in the local
columns . saying, "Go •to • Tom Brown's
salooe,inid take a snifter Othis 'beet," hitt
Toni Brown„nottlieEzpress, that making
the appeal, . If Jinilonesi "'sets the finest
free lunchinthe city," it is Jim Jones who
, .
• , have waited in Silent indignation for some stands; responsible for the quality of the
.• of my sistilt women to sipeak up in:defence lunch afaresaid.--,11uston, (Tex.) Express.
. of4the_style, thoughthey:have clung to ToboganiUg•
• "Will you • go • tobogganing ?" asked'
-good reasOn,-
• • nonehesdared - lift.. Upher VoiCelsgainst:
Public(autecUliaiiloPinion. ' New, tdeclaie
the fashion:was both': tensible and bec9m=
• " big:though,. ef Midge, like all :Other good
things', capable of ,being carried . to on ex-
treme. : yo -Wand.. pretty girl was post-
tivelybeWitohing with her fluffy -or straight
'hair shading her smooth brow; while:to
women not as young as they would e to • '
' • • A Hint to Railroad Compon ;
, Pie-Dese hes*. keeps oni Mighty danger=
ems; and hits Meetly,- de •las keir What's
• don't leave, off •de las
combed smoothly ,hack, • while to the,kestr den? •
:majority of women the Pompadour 13 y
gives an unpleasantly bold look. Besides, • 'Unpleasant Facts. .
I Can't for thelifeof 'see WbY Women, • Aistory diless'nof record' •:single .instruage
Should:net be allowed to comb their hair of • roan of heinty :being a Mon Of brains
as theY, please without spell- a • fuss being or fordo' of character. It is thereon ,with
. made over.it. • When' Men. 'took a notion. the pig , eye, the: mule je.W;thehig• mouth
to have their heads Shaitid as 14.aia' a• and:a wart on his nose 'wise MOVes. the
baby's, ailO displaying :every bump; as Star. ••• • •"'
: •
they had just come from phrenologist's,,
We all knew it!'wasuglYs,,..yet • you ' net • , tittle pielipt,n XeldoinidO, seven-year-:
hear us 'ranting about it in the. newspapers,
„Or..denying .' them religious privileges en_ ing•abekut the yard with his father's,
'that acebutitt7iiruPPorie l'Adeen't•"-M-itittst. • • • • ncl, of - the • -.halter • .:,atonnd
tench ahout men's lee only, one likes, his•own ankle. • Then he and --the horse
•• , .
trotted . oround,. oj, , by the
horse threw the bey, under his ,heels and
:frightened. him, so • that he set Off; on a
rile flip:high the open.'gate, dragging •his
little:play.fellow after him.. Ile,. ran ;,two:
miles; withoid stopping; and little Felippe
was alive then, fait urieOttsCious. Fle• died
,soon after.' ; , • •
L-A -gentlerean..the, 44.. odic& a
friend noted fcsrher ready. wit: Wlip.t
the first aid to the injured'?" Without
hesitation she. re.plieO .." An apology, is
it not 1" • ' *, ' ;
A. 14 eke. Michigan gaptain ,saYt . that O
"I'm afraid you, -want to let Me slide,"
'replied Clara archly. • • • , • .
"Well, if you go you Will be sure to win'
a•breach-of-pronuse suit: ' Yon will have, so
many witnesses" to prove twidr after you,"
be,. it, was a perfect boon to , ave. e
softening effect of • the drooping ' hair,.
• and the lines of the forehead, :so Prettily
hidden.- It must needs • be a young- and
pretty face that looks well with 'the hair
, San That Winks.
: Gould heir recently discovered a new
winking snn, resembling in the rapidity of
its Changes the famous Algol, which the
Arainiregorded asert,of demon. in the
sky. The theory most hr vogue t° acriouiit
for the varisitions of the light , of these
uniteadystars is that an enerinous planet,
or rather:an extingessun, is whirling at dose
quarterearound thena;'tind partially echps-.
ing'them when comes between them apd
us,--7..Wciv York Sun.. • ,
. .
AL:There Were_ but •fevi .1111D1diera:thO
o4 Spanish boy of Los Angeles, while play-
' fair play, especially in: a f ee country. :
:• .
' ' • -, iiiinuiisheid liAnts. • ' '
' •• . • • . •
. • Cranberry mixed with .cold- water
• .,:mekes a refreshing drink for the sick, ,
' • Silver should be washed With a ehaniois•
.: ,-• . : sk' saturated 'with rsilver 'soap, bull time
' . ' '''• after use, thus avoiding o general,cieening...
WinflOWt should ',never be' Washed while
the • sun shines Upon ' them,. as it ' is ini-
possible , to polish them without 'leaving
• bide' streaks. . , - :. ,4 : ' • •
PreeetVing lap; should be stand ,on.'illeir
' 'heads for at ' least an • hour :after steeling,
- when the liquor Will eteape4f the jar con- .,
.. tains air, • • • • • • „ . • .. long course of obse„rva ion .
. - .., huh that veetele- named after. weinen are
In ventilating.a icelli'repen'the widows tenaarkehly„iinInc.ILY, MS cOmpared ..with
at top and bottom., . The fresh •.:Air Xualiee thogo bearing the name of Men. Ile OPP
• in one way, while the . foul : air. makes its Bon that he 'never kneW.a boat namca the
exit the Other ; . thus, yon.let in a friend and': '"'MityflOWer "Allot woe unluCky, '. ,, -
.• itn a 0 .. . ' a .a a
.'.' ' el n next ' • ' ..., 6 • .... ' Seine iilt: Paill investigatorehave eci e .
„Lace May ,he washed, Winding. It that the word "toboggan " it from the•
' around hottleS:or.seWing. it miglittilin and ojibWa, word. 41. odahan,"'• which Means S.
' poiji. i.' It.Should be, rinsed in Soft water sled ot any Vehicle ,on which anything is
boiling it impOft water With white eastile
after rernoviiIg it from . the goo: . , drawn Or,: 't may he: iron! the , verb,
' .',.. A tiainp °Ali enveloPing the brogna hectil 'sleigh.' , ', . ....: • „ ,r. ' ..
.' Will be found desirable iutemovingt,he dust ,:. - A foolish Wonian sttl tidier, Gs" buried
obabanigo," which means' " I ride in a
°Tlet'e. four .atsIithiergt-'11 lietkionly .
from o oartiot .in , Er rooiri wfierc there: rii..y lila in finis in the Wood yaNt for safchee13- .of Madison c 'ountYs-' „, .,. . . ' 118 Ililn6likile;, 1.al.,,,neikr:_eldi:tu 0-.:: eee,.11; on, to,e,Ia.,hasiiiventeece,
'be many email articles to: catch the airt lpg, an when h du' thein •UP" for ince-.-ofciriown dreaseenint other. -clething, ind,
To clean kid glevee ruts "tihern. with very Woodlice as to render them almost, .°Y.°.n •, tried.ci from, ravt do on a
intend by On ordinary sweePinge.. , found t.lit.a.trt, t.h, had, 'Won., s.,°.h...a. d, lYeabinS, d, splir:a4d '47•1 Ave' the cloth" Of'whidh .they,ii;j46, ,. fuel. wlneh Inas fair t(t. tOothe Pi
of coal 'M the prairie countries. [[0 grinds
eirlifig y dainpollea • °MIAs., of • bread: , Or recogrn ip . .,, ' • gin 03,a rich mai, t r. t and
wool., , Mr‘ 11001g0;
a ed woitfi: .$5(1, ' cornstalks and coarse' prairiegratrtogether.
' rape 'French chalk, -upon them while Ott . AdcOrding to Prof. pakeiritmr-htEr 'ma: .-0-a-lild 4Eitiptert4-41.,te•.*ettStr.,,,nlionigey,t, .'nnd intsistenethem.. Thia.Pulto. gt, ilresasned,
- riG bands and Wash than in ..8° basin cow: maturity, and there IS luatial in to iutvent and acconiphStied. 'Tfiey live Inxurios Yd "it(51j1:61cB''.6°""'elva.---1n4116. long .7it .1.
;• ' ithainingdiliated'ePirits-qhitniiii, thilii. .$6*0 it -from Ifititfg indefinite y aPind. - rotwisals' inate•ae ililayndsormAiouse, --expensi-vely -...an fenr.inclieS thick -anaarie(1, Onobloe -,,wil
gloves ean be ,Clearied,Wath Milk,: With. .ti.ed contin_ualitly.t A pike. living :III. '`give aniiiiitif etendY7hont.'''' This 'fber,Onn
• pulp or With turpentine. dates b a c 111 -ago to the Mt, midi_ rgrintntflj'rg i ii i tth eft xf al it h. fetitnr r' ail il ii, nithlb.4,ty.', .; all, nt A° wr.dthleiiiIt. girlw:1S..,,v.:sell! It:e.htibbi, :Iii bbeole,i•trtior, 87 sodiuthco 0:_tdalift(,),t,ii.r 12 ;stir t4iaeilet;1,..0:.tel3oningvetotthdre
long 4110%lid" .6efiarldipg.,:gfat-tellOt.dan,f,lifikt.114!.. h,E'talVaStl_beeri-uar, 71tin' ' :1 7e r°4. a.' s ''. 1 0 . •ia; :ybi e e a • r- 0.- , 0 ., . ..,..• W9.61U11.ff,MI:alte.... 1'.: . ,t,.
f ti e feet are tender or 'painful after , In the rdy
• • .
-wasn't -putting_tt.ssathis time, so, he.
• wer," said Captain Canhalaell,.".Whia Were
net ceril-Playersi:nnd: they, nearly alt liked
to own a: deck, but they had. o .dread Of
being killed With a. deck on ',their ,person.
Whenever we heard :the canumillegin to
boom and :the.ginie of the pieketinen be-
gin to °letter we itnetv that st. battle -was
• . .
coming and 'yon.`Wolifd----sce-,-Meh-larthe
hundrededrawing,theit cards from their its gl •
pockets and ;throwing „thera along the fiftieth a"iveltarY 22x14' •
:, :The 'dells :ref' the famous ,"Marche* du
road."i-Indianapolie Jo -urea: :
'Temple" at Paris, ' Where great, sales :of.
a Thisre rentcd
jeo.,.a. :.great Baia at an .tainuear chlnagrgapreoTa•:4e0;1;114
.'-gq/eitl/to,the CiceeeiatiZ , second -band an4 the
. ,
giandileqUellt Critter 'can yon nanie ,a reaaltista lor' e°"Ch °°°143ant' aro siga to
• • • average betWeen 1i8.000. and • 111.0,000 a year
ovieredpie. to -the hospital.. ' . ' -Lid r. ; •
"'The very:next day they sent etrainload cr. .
: he nonsernaid Carrielihe Feint: ' • ,
of-our;fellows-Ons-tO;Salisbury;] and_ifictong_
theni. Wos. my .chuM. 000. two Weeks ' • . Apropos of the rno F'n-•C'nt-Oiltcicit'ut-F-7-77
afterthat I Was exchangeO With . a..lot •• Of sent' t9 .eficonrage American ;girls ' to Miter .. ; ". ' :••
others, tend . got back in . the Union, lines. Aonipstic".'seivice is told in amueing. story.. ••
Bnt.naY choOn' ;felt sieh, in Salisbiiry '. add 'A lady whose consideration forher servants • .
died there. :That's tree-LeVery .WOrd of. it-.= iednly. equalled by her kindness and.Charity • • 1 ,.
toward the'..reet: of. the world, took an
an • .
:which. is liable than you can Say ' for: the
majority of War stories nowadays. T figure ArcieriCad girl into, her. . service.; .Both
it that I eWe my existence at . Preeent to "mnitiess Ond.rn aid tot .on Well'until it conle.... -
that bighlitcirplug of tobacco,. • axid it .will to a question of piirl papers. ,, The mead,
take ,a reginient;o# toacord,philbsOPhere to gently :rebelled when ' admonished "about
niakinie believe anything else., ' Gi . me i opening the door to guests in the morning - -
ehOw• littrUel," •and the "vet".' threw his with her hair -done up in papers, her orgrw
worn-out quid at Maltese eat Ander the rout being thissomewhat astonishing,one: :
Stove...Chicagb News: ' ' . , ,' ' ,."14e4inie, something' ninat be •sacrificed if..:i •
. . • • • the Cant* of beauty:' ••• It is superfluous ' to
;Current Facts and Unrions'Figtire.s. • . Ada. 'that, the mem triumphed and etm
. there are Mrx,..16,00•0. colored teachers- 'in Wears the* curl pepers.'until nocn...13,solton ,
the United States-. 7 ,-.':,-tH' ' . : :.: • ' .?11°St'. • . ' .• . • 1 .
rice for peaches receiVed,
by the Delaware growers, in 1856 was
cents,per.bishet. ' . •
The Barnstead, N. 11., break -band;
which clainas •to•be the Oldest band in the
tinted States n'ow actIve; service. ina
Rev. Bird Wilkins, ol St: Paul, one of
. • „
the leading : celored divines of North- '
West, preached at Bethesda BapfittCluirch,,'
last • Sunday, He is inodeled somewhat
after the Sam jones andet the even -
•"wilt eelebrateits only--tbe-chow-7-00.
qnartette-took part in the singing, he
said : • " Myhrethree'and Slaters, this' "
never do: ••=pingingls a part of the worship,
sind I desire that all of you engage in, it.
Do you suppose that only iota of the angels
in heaven the singing? This church is •
*model of the Upper church. • They all :
sing up there and I would like, to have yen. .•
all sing 'here: Now sine They
sang. .„ '•
greater „ • Two men of Bidnett,,Wis,-, have trapped
of the audience, a -small poy piped up: - ma,ish.this'winter: TheY.aie void 11 cents
ink at Hbricors
He paused for effect, and, te,: horror. 6,
° : 3,000 •MllskratP an
"1 can thistet, riutmeg-grater.-7Detrost
apiece for the muskrat skins.; „Last 881741
Fra Press. ' • ' their tralipin receipta. ismounted te $ots
Death_ of lepnyson's Sister.
The death at Margate, Eiigland,' is ' an. . d" Alb, c and Jeff.
. ,
nounc,ed, of Mts. -Jesse, wife of. Captain • An 91d colored woman stood at the' *station
Jesse,,Boyal NaVy,',..who, when Miss' Emily: lesterdaY, waiting for.;,,,,the Jacksonville
Teonysoni,,would have been -married, but train,. Beside her stood two little pickanin-
fbr hip death, to .Arthur* Hallam; iirinio-r:..._ ties With &eon:as blaelvan the • inside, ,Of .'•tt
allied by/. Tennys6Ws " In Mernornina.".••?- stovepipe.. When the old m
aninia's• train,
.46ston Post. .. •• • arrived 'idle exolniined i ii ilreno de Lor' 1'
' • ,- •,---,--.:-.--, ..--* .
, .. , . apa then looking down at, ber children, ray.:
'Sir A. B. Walker, the •fontder: of the Marked : " Here, you Abialiana Lincoln..
Welker Art Gallery,. Liverpeol,. hasgWen take hold Of Jeff Davis's .hand,,9nd ,paMe
E10,000 towlirds- the building of the Liver- alOng:heah,- qiiiek 1"-"Aiid" the namesakes
pool' Cathedral, mid suggests that the of the. •two 4, great stateareen of the War
Queen's: jubilee would be an appropriate . joined hands and Walked stWay together as
oceasitin, for the layinm, of the foundation though their -names lut11 . not expressedsneh
• d'esimiladty 'of purpose.: -Palatka (Pla:).
•• A Place fOr snrpies.
' Lawyor-YOU'areentitled,to apension? • '
Applicant -Yes, sir. •••• • • • •
LaWyeiLLWhist battles Wereybn in .i•O. ; •
' 4pplidant=1. Wasn't in ;'any: bettlee... 1
stayed at home end .yipped and yelled ,for
the ; grand "old • flag, :and ° idelted.' after ,defenceles woincn and children. -N. • .
Y. "„,
•Countrynaiiiiii the'gallery of the stock -
•exchange) -How much does it cost, mister, '
to do Inirlittestf down there? '
sleets, 1 thinks, --are worth
.abont $3t1;000.••,• • • • • •
-Conntiyman,(fetching.hia breath)LL' .deoll,• • --
:don't Wonder 33nost ef :ate stand
Gentletnan--iloOking. at ilat)-" 1 ana
afraid lily wife woet .want to cothe bp •nw
high its this. les the tenth story,*ien'.t itT'
Lanaiora:•----frlaitteiith etoryOncluding tlic:
baSeinent: T think • yetir: Wife -will like. poi -
here; sit The filthily; who occupied it lost •
suninter tohl me that they preferred it 'to.
ihe White Moinitains.''=.11•artfora JVIllet.,
air •