HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-11, Page 5• •.1 +4- • • FOR SALE ,,1'• it undersigned-nffere for rale his borne and toot) lute, being lents, No. 209 210, t1n %tapbt a'street in the village of Lucknuw. posits McCarron's taw ui1 i, . WSi, J414N141:Ul'1 41sa 686 • LOICkaoowe . 0., $HORTNUN R'OR ..011. A'' One yearling bull: andsn no young heifcrti; itiiregistertid iii, 1). 8, 1f. B. ct vtitiootea Ala! • t%,e imported clydei4ile home fur *islet No. 1136:in clydendsle mend book. I will also keel* ;for seryrce at Lot 6. Ion 6, Aehfisld, they purtedv'"Hichlaud'Claief,(1; (.&.) Ruin, 'noised, A.tird'i,.i. 1982 bred by Mr„ Alex. title rtuut, Arhitt,h 11140 16erli 14 Sc,,tland, leap tied by t lip,A rr}tra M tu,outrh ..t'»ti tw;, ` (hut., K• t 1.3, Arvriittu4ii' flet.. (,1941)' t am • Lady , li tidy.• by Prince F rderick of Cam litil1..n, (`'JJ)1) Mar the 3rd. vol 25, 'P 415, IT: Il by 131ronet, (24,164) May t'1-t,,ver, by • '.or.r~ Bit ki,—ighaD : (1 I j, M iirlkna—bv Alderluan (1.5569) Medtr . by Alexander til; direst 16129. Medura..by I'tilee ilrtvr G .rsi:►- .t i 13515, 1,1,yrtlit by Reposery. 74114, by Cor , dor»I.68I•►.: by !lemma '4 79, . by 1tufun 2576, Si;. Mentor 426. 'Certiset-'lhoroughbretits, ,.616. Grades $3. *est bt returnee' three times if necetsijery err • Will; be obatgsui•; PAUL BITE LI, ; Obsent.' Belfast P. O. 7FARM`FQR SALE. ?AIR.11'G omen imimeasiopoodamoTomISW • E>Gt`ti LOT 4,'IN 1'fill "POItItTNLCi . Townsbiu of •I:.iulus,e• cs,ttta iuing 100 'Ores. Eighty five, aereeare ,:leared and Mader, iOsltivalittn ; belsicu well'; timbered. • •The trite' 15- eltuate the-vtilnws•4f.a i1cknow. There two "pend dwelling houses •sti--the pause ; )me,•, b »iusg, orchtard ; 1ar b Wirus, kts°lilea. shells, anil drzt+ving.house. apart flout the :barna. ''ll'here:aare two good wend' Mid' puns ,v. while o pev*r;fufli•,lg . lepri.g creek t � • ns through the farm.weutq'twi acres +riunder fill wheat. luisurdtata• Penseailiuu +tR =equir. • W • p. FATTE SSON, *AO ' Lualcsn►w; P..O._l 'tint nr.derriilrind offgts' for •sale two .1 his,' .upvrter yearling short horn`bulla• "Both are: roltiooterea in the Dominion herd book.,', )fin bap edea fni ,isle;t' few good '.b rthorn c.ws, sad'Leiferi. all of •which are registered in the ,lade herd -book. . rue further particulars THOliAS A\DTitSe'N, 41t(e-1183 i)unipinno • ' MEMJ3ER :GHAN •L.ai STOCKS ; IONDS,:;GRAIN POltK;:LAID AND OIL, G Sl) OR.CASI ' �?Ii ON ILRtMN DIRECT WIRES WITg tew;York, Chicago, 00; .0017,1 hMontrea'1:an . Torcato... Office above tliek ST 'O FICE L1TCKNOW NI.L'111I'w, Agent: + either, )is, has nolo stock • 1000113s. choice •con Qsooner .: ,,.t� $1700 TORIPLITI: 1 E UNDEUSIGNED " w><41 r>a. ., • •to inform the inhabitants.: c►t' Lueklat,ti+•• 111111' StI rt11111 in,g; c;I)IIib ry.timt he has.thee,' angst. ti i k of @IEAVY• AND. •LICHT . H lRpNE S 'l'o be found in any shop in the village ' iii h ire is able ' to sel.l-•-at---priceF-to. 1 quit th's pockets; ' of purchasers All Col'iat. warranted to give satisfaction. Whips, 'trunks and. Valises always'on hand Call.rand see our, •stock before purchasing elsewhere: Repairing .done withneatness and' despatch. A11 work w»rranted:;, ' a ,•P,OBS 'Having the tituinst ouufi4enoe in *tan titter rnrity'-over*all-,•there awl-aftelr tl,tt.,,,t,uttiar-itf te+tn of ' thfa • most •cni,riplio iteil arid;, severest cineesw.e cnubt fiii-1, we feel' justi6'd'. stn offer- itii(>tu furfeitOise.T,hatieai,d 1)t liars for .auyj tzta cgKv of i±iiugh, ,cc�lsi, sore..:._thrtsat;,linflt en_, � _ h inrseneeM,., br,inchitrs, ' coniuml,tion P1 • its: corlvt•t,itres; whooping c•m .,roti all dii si,ies of tiuost.and lunge; except•aethtna, fur,wh ch we nnl! uli►i 're it . that:ivir• can't cue: with i't's Cough Svrtip,',wheri ••tak'eit arconling tia•dtrsotit,n., 13airple bottles • 25c. acid• 'Large bottles$I. •: •.Grentline: vrri►Pped •4t.iy' . to ;S,.id by tti11'tlr i iets;atr✓sent by ra ti:r '$ ..n receipt of •pries J0 {N•C. W ef3T•& CO , ".'i;oront,,,,.Oat �.. • :HAVE•: YOU :FELT',THl~: ods •,r OR E F'! W /' - .. We have this SPring added a number' • , . .of _new l,n eta.af,.ur. former' Lar 8e !tock, a ocall eciaatnn. , ' tont our 'variety .of,.' fine .goods for a;. x x� ' Itis shaking the town at.d countyfrn,n centre to circ uatertnice, and citnlpletely pnlvur isiiis.and lieralysii>g' rill conyieRltu.tt, we >are all viitutii Inc T. 'Reed's; •to . find out:the cause of 'such*. ,.'eotriinotio.t:,.1It us Reiser • telly sitpent}ed tohave been created by > ' .outrageficila IC At which Tom. is selling the iinmentie steels of HOLIDAY PRESENTS, which' be has'ljust received lit is as good ' • that will gladden the .Hearts ttf-the yestog the.,, ',.ld the rich,' and the p.iir'; iri fact everyl:otiy, pied the. :gladdening, prcrcts€ d.in''t •Coot' inuoh • 1487: '. The 'new' planing �n ill in.. Luck'now is .fart'. "'malting . ateelf popular by, idoiiig.work which cannot be' -equalled 'in this eountry. ' Thnnking:,the l u'liht .'for their past' eupport, Wt,wish to' iitforni tht4`tirbirc-. havennambition to%'C Premier ,iq • Canada, :tor ReevA• of .the • village of LuCknow,' ; ,,nor jet' Counci IIOC. .110 .ifi '.'onstable, or yet Pound keeper ; our •,MRinbition is,:.to wake UPL1 IL.- THE MOS• T PO UT.A.h Snit 'shelled.almotds, filberts Brazil - waltlllts, peanuts, Perslh:ii; slates; ;•figs. -- Mala,a • grapes,.. ,—Oranges, 'lemons, Jams, •L flies. Gannet, god( o£ kinds; Everything,• in: a• first ° class cotifeettoneiy. . '.' ` u: the country. We meatnufucture everything in: the Phniriit¢ hill lice 4ine' and ''see *Work ands, gtk Nctfore,�ou let your work: .�� ':3,.'Chis is thea stlwm sh p '('huiitlerer )+ltit`fi jrott•, saw tiayelliug att�iofl,1( the_emuctry last summer. RtsritemUer Our.. •stand. --ilea*• 'Cnrdirig 1►1i11: t..;RlOKLIDCE'':8c.SOMERVILLE . ProprietOr PARTIES 8JPPLIMa,.:! Pride cakes made: and neatly orna- `tlrrltess at re&.s(tlal)le rates . • best` rolled flout•always on'hand,, at lowest prices.• 'Brain'Shorts •and • • • We have=re,ecei.ved and. are opening aithoice lot, 0 :GO ILLI. fBR�CiN(i . t. limiest% aA. Stith. &mod.' and Svttoned. • We have also:a eine line of Which *6 1106.10tight be ‘aftervoqu and .everunsz until further notice. We have 1)4, .'..1'., tidtir'ii. 'OttYlit•A.N15 1,.,IAIN i •L•ti 1 1'Rtf'111, 1)ie ..''. )titer, ti gunrautuc.d 6ihecific f+tr g` r(ie'H, t''fihVtatd,01I•t,41'1'P, NerSims.Netlt:ai ill.. 11;,sctcIaclte, P,ervosis i'irlwt::tti rl1,co'ldu.i by tin. aSe .,f aic'h1'l or titlia oo Wakefsilni µt•, 31eit- tar rhpressien, Softening ,rs1 the luaus result. 4eg in lnnatiityand leading to misery. detilty,. i.tid dt•ath. Pten' stlite Old' Ago; .11strenness, 1;,,,84 of Py�im ur ill, either set, Tit olutat;iry •1`,rt,tivS tlni1 ti l,. 11111 tttrtllct i cattµrcl' 11;v ,11r'ei• xrtiou of tile 131.Iit,,-Nelf•alois isr oyl t iniltil- ,+;YI1Ge3. $1..00 a 1fit ).% fir'Rix' ) 0,X1 ii' for $5,00. wait by matt prepaid '.+n receipt cfI3)riee. • 171% O tfil it, I NTJ Iij SIX lf(l I.13,V,, To etre nn3 ,' ,i.5.• With well ,,rtlrr r4 Cti ed' lip 11}I'.fttri:r1 boles... tet ilii'piatilei1with$at , 'we Will send •'... )iux'tlnt ur' rriirt written goer,' �eass notcein', t1 lire *sones if tli'e trCuburni rftet:t r► .gt�re; (xtiaraiitess, ltduscl �..,..^.,-., .. _... y by c3(Ji''1 :�• ,1) yet 1 Yui, •- - -' Ow, A eel iri lit for s hi lad ist "�efer'j�uiktjgtt/i'. ,.. , 13100r1 PliTifier, Tonic, •Iiinretlit Less of A p pot it e, 1)4311131)811iL: Rite assist iron, nli ,111austse4, Set oi u19,` ARNES.S lf, you vraOt ,a Neat and Our t. • SI en 'and yWaking Soo CUSTOM WORK A.SPECIALT ,CRE P.AC--- Hog in stock a• tither Of BIX CUTTER • Made from • the best material; whisk , will lie, sold as; eheap ea thOse .4., ntanufactitreeby any ether • second-hand ditters, he . • will, exchange for' !Umber or • Wood,. reasonable . prides. Worth of 'tioods•to=Offer by auction andilriVatp.'sale apd. 'Everybody *ill get; bargains, iii';fact• gocid. at yoiir,,ONit1/4 prices, and 'loiver 'than ever offered :in, LucknoNy. ye are • 1. ;And cverY 'article tiyhe cssld at EST. •befdre buying. ON '4•• latest styles end 'instals, ' 4.6 SAY lather house in tbe trissted: is • •