HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-11, Page 3•••
reetty 'PO143 Iilventhoe. •
Whe• 9404%1'
• in her own largaheart ancrOr gm I 'We'.3i
hags invented an additional emcee at ker
moot •delightful ladieelanehes by
dueingatter the' deafert k platter of treat
Parma violets, frein• which each guelithel.Pri
• herielt to- a hiscious bunch of fragrance
.. and hemitY. A eiae, dish of qjlver Pins
accenVaines this course of sweets: ' Before
heing,•served tothe guests these game beau-
tifu3 did duty as a centrepiece ere
which the glierffe: feasted their eY091-08-1.
ton Post.
, . -
psassed as Flowers.
The wild imagination of ma.nteanialcers
bas taken a new flight ; they are dressing
• people to personate; flower. young girl
appeared at a reeent ball in kwhite silk and
#• tulle sprinkled Ovezwith white and purple
•. violets; the; corsage was • covered with a
• network of heavy gold cord, which formed
r a mplete basket, and in this receptacle
' , cite were strewn. The straps over the
shoulders Were a violet ribbon, tiedin bows
to represent the handles of the basket L•the
Wobiell'0 Work kofl Ways.
The Nebraska girl is by Jew her own
" boss," at the age of 18, •
Dr. LauraWeld, a graduate te0M'a nes-.
ton medical Beheld, has hung Out her
ehingleir;•PresdeneflermaeuYe- 0, 44.1-4.,',044
Miss A.nlia Siegel enjoys the distinction
of being the only wOOlati in the *States who
PleYs the trengv.ne, gibe wag OdkOkted. in
Vienna. - •
The, Iowa Agricultural College has a new
degree, M. D. E. (Master of Domestic Econ-
omy.) It has alreedy been bestowed upon
two women,
There are about Wenien employed in
Berlin making rosettes for ehoee and -Slip-
pere. AbOut1,000,000 of these are eipin'ted
to belie; countries each year: .
Prussia pays women from sixpence to
tenpence a day to act as 'guard% etrailway
crossings. The work is mainly to open
and close the bare and light sweep the
crossings. ' '
„The Rockwood- Pottery at Cincinnati,
founded: by Mrs. Bellamy -Storer, is cele-
brated for itweoliirs and glaze,.•than which
none, are finer outside of China and Japan,
and for the beauty of form: and.finigh gen-
erally. -TheoinitutP• experiments . which
have lee to th, is perfection avelleen
• stockings were embroidered with eiplets, conducted by women.' • • '
and leaves- she wore green satin slipp
Add° 'Another' Franciscor--has-14 novelttiii;Air
young woman wore A skirt of pink poulte
de soie, with a garniture of pink rosebuds
and fern leaves, placed over a drapery on
moss -green crepeewitli •pocket of 1110SS
rosebuds andfringes of grass that fell to
the bottom of the skirt. One shoulder was
'adorned with mese to,sesAnd ferns, and the
oorsage was of pink -moire antique trimmed
with bands of out crystal. These eptogifeli-
: lug cestinnes , appeared at a' private, not a
fancy, bale -Neu/ York Letter. "
' Fashion Notes.
Old.NerMindi laces are again in use.
T14-lillrereeve- gathered at the eff1,004 is
mare aca- nierC• Popular with evening
dresses of transparent material.
, of patent leatherand
' loxed with thick soft kidareetiffpreferree
--for-carriageand-hoese-wercit and vea;lking'
• Shoes reaintain,the, patent leather tipped
Corsets are made very high oyer the
, in the „waist for litirefirear-
•'.,,,tO inereasalhe.kiig,,waisted effect aimed at
• in all Frerich gowns, but •for 'evening wear'
:they are cut very low to provide for the
Serydecolletegewns that -argeleshionable-
• Stockings:in eilk,.and Lisle thread repeat,
- Taff the itegeeetie and shades of heliotrope.
For . wear with ' evening, eines ire silk
Stockings with blacilt ,'feet' and black . half
• :way Up the leg, the rest figisli colored. This
••• gives a curious, appearance as if only half
**Ai: ii00)4ere. worn: • ' •
Large shell Ornaments .fOr the -hair grow
, nwee and more popular Oul in the shape of
long daggers, stilettos, two.thandleclswoids,
• tridents, etc., are thrust : through *he
.: elaborate long Miffs. A prettY one. wore
' by a: wonien with light brown hair' :heetfied
in silky'falde'on the erowu.'t of her /114,4a,
•witii of darkreddish shell In ther'' shape Of
etiesceet, three inches across , from • tip to
. ,
, In line Of the. new. fancy. for ribbons
tratindthetheoet andWrists are new collars
• Roden& With small loops of lieenelengthe
• per edge, through which; rierrow; - picot,.
ed ribbon of diffetent colors is rim And
• • in a bow Of Many long loops, under the
"'chin and on the outside of the sleeves.
Another fancy ferrefilesof crimped hese; Strange as 11.1114' Seem' "'Mater' is e4e of
the greatest obstacles 'to the successful pule
. setthick with innumerable' loops of Marrow tare of window e plants, in giving ,too Much
"-White or colored ' • '
. With the approach of sliriagMitay iteW ae Well as in giving too little. Flints want
water and in-nth:the eight amount. What
black Iftee gowiliS make their • appearance. is the right amount can • be learned by The prettiest hiv° Plahi %skirts : of *narrow ' in,g-a pot With soil to within. an inch of its
stripes of satin and moire,' finished around top. Pour on water; and when whet will
' the loot With u narrow plaitingof the same. has drained Offend . it he kingek drips, :the
' The drapery is ,beet made of ..:Very Wide soil will contain Jag -the right quantity of
flouncing, which lends itself ' readily to the water. .But alLsoils will not let the excess
'-preeentTroodent- pline4ellz-felde,:-and age of Water deein off thus; when filled' With
deep the skirt. -Ari economy. ie. to have *Ater they hem and remain as lima, in
An extra pair of ,,,lace sleeves made with Which no plant; wive an aquatic, can grow.
Iiiiing;•:whicli can be easily substituted and If it inferred that such an iiimertiona
worn in the evening. :•. soirean be made irito'a porous one by add.
To those who ceri • stand the. 'severity Of
ing,a sufficient quantity of sane, , a good
. the style the' Greek knot is the mast becom- conclneion Will have reeched., A close
.ing style of weaking. the hair., The hair son may be made a porcine one by Adding
alicieild be Waved; with ti few, light cririsein- slifficient sand; The writer was Once called
the middle Of the forehead; bit -dm -Ina** upon to jeepect.: scone Mildew :planter
'from the temples And twisted close that -was growing .in thn. wrong direction,
on'the buck the heed, immediately in spite eaieful, watering. We found a
below the 'crown •not allowing it to drag large' plant stand in which Was callectien,
downward towards the nape. ' of plants, in porcelain and 'other imPervi-
Misses wear tailor-made suits of dark ousPota, each, Of them filled with liquid.
wileftghe,a°hriat°uf stripedoreitt-e!lashidorht erreaspPeanwii mild.," The owner, -•though a ,fairly
gent map, was testnished to learn :Unit it
'With postillion hasque with.Veleet revees was pOssible to Water tree "much, , and . that
. eiandA vest •gay . watered or striped silk, he was killing hie ',plants' with kindness.
Dark. edge .serge, With red: .watered ',silk. Pots with ample deamage :glitede
• eiest and blue velvet reeers. Makes a pretty porous with sufficient sand .will prevent
frOCII: The high collar of 'bine Velvekhes- ,the eieel•of too much • Water.. Still, plants
• me god watered ribbon inside with e email may suffer from a leek of. water.. .The
hew cin one side, and the cuffs are eitnilarly , finished. -- window: gardener, finding that the surface
of tim,soil in the pots. rooke moist, infers
that no more water is needed and gives
none, .heriee the: plants suffer. The Cause;
of this trouble is the same as that Of 'oier-
watering '; impervious 'sell prevents the
passage of water -thrOugh it, Water is
given, but it -wets-only-a slight layer it the
serface • it cannot ass downward and the
, • liketho. full epen •sleeves, are hung with ' .• • • • • • 4
roots may oe• suffering and urY; While the
' ihe :Chdnille'balls., The inside and train '
,...„ • . d ..1 t, • . • surface looks well. Theremedy, its in the
• ,of the gown ine with e pa es pink • • ‘• • ;• . .
. other case, -1$ an open sou., --4 mermen
rant female button adjuster; who stands
at the street corner with her box of buttons
(the mechanicil self -fastening kind) ready
to repair the accidents of the day. •
Jenny Lint is described 88 being white-
haired, plain, severe and extremely pious;
intolerant toward •young singers, sneering
at their voices and their vocation :alike,
and regretful of the days when she was
Sinful enough to appear on the stage. . She
sharply rebukes any one Who **ventures to
address her as Jenny Lind. She left the
name behind her With her sinful youth,
and will'net tolerateany allusion to it.
•.. • . - •
tovin't6, the Value eI.the Holy Serlp:•••
The 'public learned with some diettp-
pointment from a letter written,' it is
tinderstood; by' Sir Henry Ponsonby that
to a heathen prince with the words,This'
is the secret of England's greatness,' was
irteorrect.: eeeine, however, that the
-intereiting-stOriiie-Inot- Without ::very solid
foundation. It would .ax•Pear that stone
tithe age, a' present 'hieing been Mede to
Her Majesty by -'the chiefs of Abbisokuta;
the Earl of 'Chichester was :antliorized to
write the foliciwing letter': The Queen
and the pecipleof England are very glad to
know that fiaghtia and the chiefs think as
they 'do urion: the subject commerce.
But commerce alone Will not mikes nation
greet and happy,: like England. • England
has become great and happy by the 1.4hNoW.:
ledge -of the true God and &Kids Christ.
The Queen is, therefore, very,. glad to hear.
that Seglinagted the chiefs so kindly
received the •ixiiersionarles • who carry with
thein the Ward'Of God; and that so , Many
of the people are willing to hear it. • In
order to show how much the Queen Values
•God's Weird sends with this, as •et
•present to,Saghtia, • e. co& of this Word in
two languages -one the Arabic, the other
the English." ' 7' . !• - •
H011ifie.PlailtS and 'Water.
A pretty tea peel has a petticoat of
ieldy gathered' lace flotinces sewn With
; dark red chenilleballs. The gowie-Of
iteetesienere With a long train, buttons
to the waist, from Which it is • open, show-
ing pettifibet-;:aildturned back with broad
• revers of red, velvet, the' edges of Which,
, 4orase
Faehlons in litohtn,n1F.. , • .0 - •
In 13rittaey wf o s cap re made one Hundred and. Forty 'Fiel'iliants -Clip-
' yellow material. • ' •
„ , • • • tiered at price. , • • .
; In. England it is still , customary to wear • ;gr. Sandeison Superintendent:Of gov-
er • lk at -hands for. the unmarried. erement qheddahs, ,seeceeded on the.14th
--GruYishxbrown ; the , color e used in in capturing an Immense' herd, of elep antee,
Ethiopia -the color' of the earth to which.' numbering no fewertha 1.4d: :,This in the
thecieted...kettirn, . " • • • ; • largest- Capture on record, • and represents,
South See Islanders expreess mourning by it is estimated, about a lalth- of rupees.
, eaeh of stiiiied":"White and black cloth,. The scene of the capture is only six miles
. Tina signifies mingled sorrow and hope. frOm the Tent headquarters station 'of the
Tho Rankaaa doringtocitititihiiowore" Garo The stockade in which thet
elephants are enelosed,is iinmensely strong;
• clerk blue' for niqurning,taia pm.* and but is being further 'strengthened .agitinst
let to express royakyeee kings and priest§
.,t0,064.1/ , • , presinire of so many powt3rfni , arifinals by
•••,. , • • ' ' • beirig backed -up with ' powerful timber
'Wade -it the emblem othope, and still slipper* while an extra :stocked° is being:
Frevailse•fev *thoOiniag %in prepared, into which some Of the elephants.
England' arid this 'country it need for :may. be • 9,8tnittoa, before • the tytnk
- •ehild,ren to denote purity. . „ _ :--procesewith tame elepliatite.'eoinmenees.
In:reedit pale -brown is (uSed. 'while sky, -.The main stOckade . tightly
: blue, to express the • asSuratice that., the. packed with elephants of all sizes. ,Cbl.
efeeeesed has gone to lieeeyein, is the' col,* (4riehtem Swath, Veniniiiseary.-Geziercil, Who
used in ,Syritt, Crippedocia, .Arreeina: and ; is paying an official visit tathe Zehadahs'i
,:•••'4. TOW*. ' '. • ' I was, with Mit. GrithaM f3mith, foetenate.
The Cerdinels and Kings of Peinee have" .enOtigh to be present. at this mast • axeiting:
eilwaen to mourned or by the Ilse of, capture, (mato witness a scene uneipialled
ourplei,:una. obi nee Of the color has been .Kheddith • operations., ; Unfortunately
he,naed down, to the present time4-It ..ie„.; during the drive, one 'elephant, breaking
said that thei purple eignillea the backoiscaped, andindoing,kC
6.60,64,,,tid blood -of 00 decog4a, • • the hunterii.-4Wouttigitgliplzmant,
• •
Mies BrO,Wei Peelthar ManneZ Of rennking
• ' WIlhinkif4ancl. nifiCiVntIV*
AISMbeTS, Pet)* Ireat POSSO Aar°, the
'Dszk ;Ling
r 4
;etaffreVelles. ''-
''•••1444; e
. :
. . • 1
O ,
• THE DEAD v4vg, .' :IPN4E' TOMAIT,STETOire. , ; • • • .'''' ' '. . '':
' ; ,•
dt. Nra,,, who tv,4 Brownee-fe, ArreSed for The igneband: or kiveWlves and Father of
Supt. Cornish, of Pinkeiton's: .detectiee lair of l'.twheen:49ileTteZilldiree7esharacteell'
Conspiring to A:Pei:rand an ' instirence
' i'llikar.1001-"Thilialrat '''irithe&in 0111107311ThlT14404m4M°4; Sterett,writes"rWlifill*tee 0 4
(*ported to.policaheedquertere. et. Men:Who, Hamilton, 0.,COITeppORdent, of the Cemin, ,, ' •
ACP:Wiling to tlie. eerthicilte of `death, . Wee zing. Conner0441:4,400R,, rs,•...7th of this
drowned More than teer Melithe ago, says. month ent,, oolobseetv 4tIn eetb, bA2,,180,x
The.Atlantamedium, NOBS 4afda Brown, i' '144ntol4 despatch of r4413/447 9°4 to t-tle. *aaalveraarYir' '40 'OW - 4PPearaneeB-4V111" ' •
New York 'Hun. At headquarters he met live te celebrate. Many 'mere. He was iv*, .
how: the fort: again at flpiritnalieitee Hall, the 1P3Lig "w110. had . sworn to 'Peeing him neer Venice, on the, Miami. His &BO .
94 SOFA 04'0414a night. Miss Brown is!
4„ tqxont•yclu4g woman' of 2% with a ready' a; and who was Se Mad that, he • ex' work -was for Isaac Anderson, with whora.
. . .. •
, - - .
oommand..of langsage. .sud..etrong lungo. Olaireetli,."71i toall, • If you got•Pilt et the , et . ved_. as a ,..farm, en i receiving S3 aa
She was ,iloensd... to.bs, a large swiende, Women, with WAY •W4Y, didn't yon.. Any out r ,, These . meetlefer ehe fleet year. Mr. •.gfter0 .11e0 * - .. - •
moo. of wboni . were ,beilnyets.in her ann.., 'ONO others, WPM. arreeted :ontnvo fnur,wives, and now lives in hap;.,. ,
trines- The lady elaireed• to he cootrelled f" "Piringt° 4tralid:'°e United 'Stales '*Pioess• with 'Jlis 'fifth* He Oat• married. •
by mediumistic rower in the address,X.Uttiat Aecident Association Pitt of 10.,00.9.. , Mary Wells •orKentuoky • the coupleetart- , . •, '
which Wee Well received.. At the coeeheeion °ne'nf tlinennePiFatnre tnnit out a' PnlieY 'ing in life together" ii*, a: log -cabin *Web. • • • ', .
Onto lecture Xiiiii.nro*a• gave il:0e. .0.4.qr, et!or etetheeteaftr ervtet'reLseeTieWn.'efettvilleareaphwer made of .mnil .and,.. stinks. • Thp... . 0
feet square with dirt, floor and a Cliinmvi:efy . • 7 '}
peculiar ki4a. of 4eate; :W4fOh7PPP:tillit " of' %no Ny4011104 for the insurance money, but ' waved- and • pureheeed. , flenre - While
telling all ab. but: . seine dead "pe; efionleo. iii .
some trinket Or memento worn ni lifo,•., She
the''censpiraterfiniede One'oe two blunder/0; ' the husband 'mauled 'rails' in • OXebang0 . . • ..'
also gave 'a history: of the wearer of the and failed to get the. cash,'",' l' The. • story of , for . moat; ..: By. his 4, gist, ...,4fe • wo.,
f9r, applicants /ph° .sy4sheci. ick ,hear fred4.,_ .taletewf*)nne7L1.9447,e'19-.4801691snfe'15"4:- bY t•lie' !u•PP°'"' a •llft•••"' Sterett's second wife 'Wee •• Isabel
ornament; When the, young woman called „ • . . . Sterett was, the father of eighteen children., • , ; -., ° ...
7."'i,Early laetiennmer -Hen* 4., -.Thomas, Of .BrOni-or;•by iilzon he -haa.one„ehihi,,,,, . The -. • . . • .
beireap;:fi:tds, farniednde, :theea was a rkiSli of Mee
and *omen to...the • pIbiorni . with rings, .Cambridgel. Charles' : ; - Prost; Of Norte 'old Man skid,. he :could' not remeinber the- . •
otbor. unto of je*eldery,. Andover, and Walter ' E, prey and Eugene idates when he married his different wives,
Mise "Brown remarked!. • as ' they, Mier- 1:41..13nundel.e'• of CII-eleeit' Were dieenenial as his nigsheXY' Was Peer, and 144 " °4141(13,1,. -14 . „...,:.' ,.:.- . _..::
eeemearh*InekingeneneY,--11:bet'deeidew 'IreTeilreiCtheSe"littlelliirige,"-"7"After-liviiig, . .....7.,.• ' . .- , .'• :.
l'ilbeligle4:11-er*Wilie-Enun-106-1,1W:articlea ; ' to try a plan for defrauding. the 'United ' 'eine orfive Years babeldied,andlarioalarth*. •• ' . . . ••, . , . ;
p"10,0iiinee.dattb'aat ttiMe *,:inl. !aPkieeaSteh‘ei'' ie'skitshe•sue.aelseoudexui" 'States Mutual Accident . Association, of ' lNicholatoOk her plaCe. ' Thiswas alOng :
they must he hanneddieectly to her by the alkl•bewianYeerakotpit°0:tijounn,ClaentabsTabtrdearee!),AnourAnd
wearer. . '
'The AKIO person to receive attention Was the necessary '' answers to interrogatories
a• room „ who handed the ixechum. a. iiilig„. AoonrcoeayinogflIzi5e,ohoeoal goantad4geenn :flat! coonnadxitiaorny. , without leaving. any
Mise Bron pressed her hand. tightly on 'ail ren.. • Uncle . : :," . • . ..
the treasure as . she. ' Staid; ' "The :pereon 4ilijefeser •w107,mhnadPet-istere7 ba:4Telginlar4y,8'..initte7 wde:s.. ,i TerPreY's present wife was the widow at' :. • • •:. ..' . • , • , . :
Williedirf .Smith. One • child=johnniE4 ' , .,• , • ..-••,.... ... .,
wiihheWi6:IntespitectAnloe'wtaiiin Ilhael...;•gli''isat4sLehtha:nge• if4p. liaderSteed'•that Thomas Was to die at • a , aged 10., -is the last addition'to the Sterett ,. ;...,. : . ' ., .•.. .• ...
she has a &tie.. foe, with. certain tinie, and that the money Would be' 'family,and hit:cow:14004 the-eeen quarter oe ...,,,,L ... . .
grayulide kbarirCi.d .- She IS about five .
foot seven or equally • .411,1(10.. among ' the. conspirators;
Two assessments were paid; and then the ' as their lather. These -children have grown .". • • • •
a 'Modred children who claim the old man • , , •'. • •.,',,' ,
. .
64* in°1108. in height, and hail.' dn*'' eyes. Men' thought it was time t� act. On • the 1 the -therried, and 'emigrated, gmd. many of. •i ... ...,, : .7. ,.. . :.•
She always imilied into things impulsively,
but earnest and sineere,fited' went' 'mit of
.1.ikeether eeddenlY. ' This Plan. must have remeoteUhlintg..elleSeetipteirBekee:004thi4etahe34:teoeUideemd etnesii, ____x4,x:.ihheorni g to -day. ill parts unknown to • • • . • .
.. . .
. ..,
:his own wa: and: was SA. :119.p.401,,,, T 471740.,Thier011"naon'ne-atiiiBew*eonrItttpy Harinkerbn%142-040-10; Hamilton'maagreeee* di i*.e*Pi ig hitrt 0% e eh e. X. le „ , : s a . 1 i,er,eSteretteibears,j j; 71. ,e 2 ea naine_., . , :::. .,!:-::.-.1.:',....,. ,'...:, ,,,....•,.!
• 004 gPethee:. ' likwent ON* 't -e: the 000r packed all bis_thingo..an4 Oa them - fee'ey... 'thee% deer, :wild turkeys, hikes wee .woveu .. . ,• • : . ,,,...• :,
riueil.,,•,*h'irileall,,,qthtainiveikaist'sv c4Tvihne,Se.,rist,setr-oefiLthhte; ,.FThieeent,..11...e;stehenyt.7.teop.-eRnitmerlY•1941.-MetX.ra,Yancl .in'the."-roacisrand-Riowling'aboritlhe'",i0Mtin'''!.'..:!.7':''''::
. ''. , ,, •''
which 7tros. unintelligible to the rest of the. :discussing who ii-hotilcr*a9Viltitt.Tiehetejimat . iii.;; 'lle V" always.been . a Democrat, •alivays • : : ;•• • ' _ . . .• ..
expects to begand first . Toted. for. Andreve.
spectators,•winfoorrect, . -. • • ' -.. '. .' ; • , ..,:
' ' his voluntary sacrifice. . FPO Waco chosen,
',The'next individual accommodated .by 'Jackson . for President. - When he war •;. „ i*: •.! - . .. .,.
:roisill' e and: :ThoreasLweet',..to-tiezi-deekle liroketitit-fivo-of-hie'70Wn---tronsa and ' four -
the ''', '' • ''' •': ' •
=,hit4` ni.. ,e,dTiOgihisH'I';:iaii.sgwiti)aiieli.S.413grue' wii6u7oietti°10dOmki, j3u7(ihdia-; 7:00:::::,:heo:t4hse•Ofijoehnati,vtwojo; htionuarsstbiiitient-, 'etep:sons wattle the limit and served untie : „: : . .•. • . ..... . ,
bracelet, which amininithe yablit•MaylloWee,• which "'lay. ,thcw.: became veterans. • The old tami......
/Very amiable, Of :IMMO OrienOt•lelOSely QS*, Wantedicego,'but the boys -thought--there :. ., -.: • -`, • :
neeited.-Therecorne ta teethe names Of gucc down they went to the raiiroad.bridge_iunct. 7:06te„entstigh-nnt-or-cmelanlibr-; and that he ". • ''.. • . :',. .".•
And Williene Theposseeseraftliteurticlehas hired a beitt-7Trejt-was the last that was. 'awl !better stay borne c;oa too ;Oarenf the --A- :r•,.26.,;! • .
seen.";31 theniWntilt6-day. :latifithat night children, trhpelbey'ate• oil fighting. The ' . 4: -4-..,....:-. •
lately: buried something, , whether .inthe' Treat . ,..
grave or riot:feta:enable tosay.. 1
;/ 4-13.0!3613,, peete4yrith every appearanceof griief,. that a trip to,Lonieville to ses his, boye..'dering • . '..‘:: . .•..
returned the.bridge alone itrid re.,, farthest he was ever away frone•hemeNlial-, ' f ... • • ,.. , . :.1:_:,
a: lady, xathershort,' With'.dark-heur. Aman Abe, boat ha.d'eepsieed and. that. has coin- ''therebelliOn... Although a bitter Democrat, -; - : :
panion Was drowned.. rfelaid he .eearched And from Butler county; too,the old • 'man . ..• ..,;''.. ., • :. ,
for the body, but without success. All he was • loyal;" and opposed, to thecendect. of ' ... ' • , '• . • • .-• • .,
could find was his friend's hat, Whieh. :wee ...the •South. , Haa•lic-hca . more . seas fit for . :• - •. :::' d .., • ••.. -;
in . the beet. ' ,''After telling ',the :boatman duty. theY;'. teci,', should . have gone; Mr. : • • :' .... : „. , ';:::
IV: !rfereim° 1!;ohlii4145Vretihti.::P1306e4kYal.l.aendje' W'Pet-thie-' ring .: days.: Uncle : Tommy... has been 'a., .,. , . .. • • ,.. : • '..
Sterett asserted, he 'recalled „those stir.; ; • y • .. .' , ,.... •. ..
Man with: a note
The bciatinen. cliddthottnohtsiedeltheits .ibe.eiripilet***aentt; tiehhe!PrfiergetWaalleald ,18'tiliresetli-gfiten g'!flio4r wiiintit13,ytretri....:;.*:•:::.•''..::..,'..1' •..'*:,
the past few 3:eonths.' • There was '. a feelie
t .;fact tintilidter Fred's departure, •"... • • ' To,ecey:he fit able to walk to his datighterte '' • -: . '''',..• .:' ;• • ' • ..
of a child dying, arid twinfinenne of u.two,.. The::ii: :peelers ..announced the deith. of hello, .. fourteen :. oilon away, in. less than . :• , ,;.. „..:.:.; .. .:
ines; and on.Oeteber'2nd'MaryLeOnerd four. hours, ' teed.. none 7 can Iwork . harder • • .• ...: , .••• ...' • •:•
,Ntitooniryi'inhrilekaiihniogueOevcarrid •Iii e A' reeni: Was 'a* :then. he. :. ,Efo• .hom.nried the weed since his ' :,: • '• , .....1..„: ..:.. '
innameso0 2 • e„fand Che ha rel i we e as ne IS 0‘. ' vjbeti ndi ghhe:asie.;:teC it. The.4. et en et " ' policy.;taezklemeg 11Tcompanyet,o:‘getelhaner secretaryvlingot,eamount oft tmho' F: thetuhr e''. . lith year, and Worked; fee"' half a eentiiry,,' • •,'.:- • ,' .; , .. .,•,,
on the' Street. • .-Thiliedy.whii.eilbmittedthe, rant at No. 86 Dever street.. ' • He 'asked:her'
usual inquiries, and found her aee' restett- trouble; ' bid:. its . at . present 'strong • 'And ; : ,•......,;•:.. ., '•• ;.... .:
seeing nothing but hard knocks and -fritieh ......, :.• .,:F , ::z . :.. ,.
.. .
ringknew nothing about the hnsi.sho-.had.leatned ,of ,,the•, accident, and
sPoken.of .by 'Mari Brown -except the name
of Charlie, which Was :rather remarkable she PkoinIftlY replied that she had peen the
because Charlie is en& a, rare nanie. ''. . ' ' raChTor *t ii,Itathxeenteeg7nlaikelgYbiltthhee'pjr°OuPiliclel•-;
notS?bfeaer;it 1*-. cen' Peffortsic I ieV' 4Y 7 silAtlantacesagii.71, • Thoha‘.:1• it oeribeTphireopergieeet ;h.' a!iiadri
eastheeede n :forit, litt eli e;vipaper.ent
next 'tiler was on a.' ring. The ,Y.00hg' The•man said beam not:take it: ' •The giel's
Woman said she was influenced • by A feel. ..confeirionMeicle the. Agent suspicious, and
Iliga• ithi)ettiOsitir. • The.. personWAS die:
lmet to: rush intiethirige,and Wee inclined An investigation was bgigun:.. After patient
answereds44dIwT-t*arh:tl3.,Iheto regret it afterward.An element of description c4:Ao;rras.seovisitng
travel entered ,inte.„ the impression. . She
regretted,to say . it, but .:-tlie ‘YOUng gentle- the woman, :and Wes,. traced to Teiiaton,
and se
man Of i:darkeyes , sallow complexion where he went by the name of Thompson,
Wile' • was -.brought out -,:," in-" the. " test 'Ile xecently moved to CaMbridge, and: ',the 1
he. :P041,ice went thereto,nrreatimpetcecley.....
influence .of a.. storm; .the thunder rolled min Well:' yon aro are lijail*-Pre0$!'• "111°r 4''
and lightning gashed, 'And, •the additional' aa'iactiCiefhiStS8 Ilepetriit,drrraxisee4ofm6.4!: '111;.9, n.t4s;''
•influence of something lost., , She revealed- Thoines recegnieed_Hanecein and turned
he names of Jimmie
Matter Was 'me& still . Mote • cortipleXhy ii ea though to run, lint thi3' inspector stopped
large brick -: building . which fell in aila, him. • He preteeded he didn't know • What
killed 4,00. ..A. lush also appeared.. 111 the the inspector meant. ..' He . denied ',being
.. - T.ie' Wee 40, leak dark.' heir. and eTehthoine as and stoutly 'Maintained that his
was Thompson, but when • Detective
greate-Yn;‘j.:jalyn!tneine7Yer.aa'a.1,; Thorlhill.PrOdtced.a.picture:ethimitakeulo:oeOf.nnn,Tnnanthaovhe4.b.
ring • said; that ,Ilfise Brown's disclosures before his alleged•_IdepartUre..frOm; this
were correct. . ,. . . , . . .,... *mid he confessed. He said thathe and
' •'
..The ,. next , ,:. , Bo j.;e0.t . .*Wp*,.8 ' .ti, :: .. * *ia* . ' Frost rowed around ilie': harbor- Until ' a
man • Who - surrendered e ' ring, tei!. theshore
specified Mille,. Then : they .retvect:. : .the
'mediude. She took it and at once brought, share atid begot out and .met:Biliy. Prod'
then jumped overboard in Water
up•in her spiritualistic way two young girls, . up to has
Tillie and 'Mary.. Tho •fornier• was :Very ;Nereid, and careened the boat • nntilseveral•
pretty,,With light hair and blue Ode,. end buckets of waterhad :been shipped. ' .Then
of ratherslender build...mies
, ...,.,,tvu eoul..,,. he got:. 'in ,again end rowed. back to the
.pliniented the.ownek.ef the ring by sexing, .hridFrgoestwvittlneciadAellem.....„.
arrested; in,•:14orth',Andever
.if ***wall liot.. a lawyer' 11S' alight tobeeal-O;' teteciey, and protested entil confronted with
He was skeptieal' to bp: religions'. :The pass-mnster in ..,the :best eociety; All• -•Are . ":• ' :,,,, : v• . ','..„' I ' .:
young,maii. Was given kits . of .. taffY,,•.and :Thome in feePeeiter'',Ileriecorreei • office.
during the course Of the teirefffe. Me:limn The Med Stared' at each ;other without a 'clicieen in view :Of • individual. aptitude far .....'''. ';', • ' •. ;41 : ' • '
lidm Whom ehedeseribeitanutely. When to ..Thoinits, touched his .face;; ' and eel „ • officialism neabmit the legit of : whish there A : ;: : •.,. • ,'.,.' ':, .,'. • '
Pertem.: itInde • Of ..NOrk, ..The ....stamp: of .: .`:.' •.'.,-',. : .... . (,.;•..
brought up the et -.Oateid .and Wi sign of recognition. Then Frost .',Werit, tio. '
11431:A4Z f the tid• ' . ' . - -
. ei, ene : o ' e a nines • that he didn't es, m alive,"was Thenink aie dry retort:. .. • . . , . , : • • 1 , : . . • : • '
•nate,e- je any: trace.' • Keeping. si;i0Oft0 as mieille. ' '. • .,"':,, • r. • : • , ..
is possible the Chamois.' Of 'prOnipt •detec- .," ... , .. •
.facetiously ::....•' e Hes.. aliVe . that's
. „ .. 'shed the 'eming Mem stated or..4 1, ., in. t' '
The Vie 'an' heeled - of 'Thortitite• ariest"- and tlen are inal-tiPhek "Crooks" ICre Calm.
recognize any One spoken of, but' everything " afraid of ' their shadOws • • great , robberies ' ••• ' ''• ' -
cam aboet hineself weistrue. Beyond Other . , ,,, . .
indiyidnele Bubmitted •ftetielee upat :Which' ' Tou•ofF"rtine,•Sweeithigc .
. over eight! per cent. Detectives More or '. . . , . • : • :- ,
helve ceased and minor crime b. eeiiirfed_tui:idr :.• •. • ,,....,, '
• .;
' less elope y mutate the. eXemple o . . . ., • , . ., ....
• n
eboet 1852, find -nye children resulted fro* • , • •. ,
thiwnnion.... Mrs..: Italiert Pierce became • •. , • ' .
:the fetirth Moe Thomas Sterett, aod. she • '
' died - about ..twelve -yea re • re- °An ' •• .
is also connected with this in 'some wise -
countable way.". . ••••• '• • ' '• •
• The lady who, put' her faith in Miss
Browns powers. cl,eclared that William was
her husband, was ,silent sole the other
persons whose •first names were suggested.
The medium teceived. another ring and
told how it 'brought visions' of lady lady Who
had passed throne startling ehariges . in
Alow Bo Menages to Corrail Thievei, ' .
Markedly' individualized. and inds3Pend
ent;-Inspector Byrerie in mealier is very" e'm e. .1 '
gentlemanly/insinuating, and infitiee of : , • ' •.•
confidence.; :13e knows the thmights, plane;
Ways andeliarecteristies of ".crrooks and • •
readily infers any one of the category
will proceed in the projection and execution -
of crime, and what: he .will do to eover his . • .
tracks.. Charles 'Wade's advice to_..” put
yoUrdeltiii his place he follows in prac, ' : .• •
liee-01-47frefeifsicin fo-srrelv iteh pre-eminent • . •
fitness rather than choice has called him, • • .• , •
Like,e'vezy genuine "sleuth honed," of jest
government, he exhibits rare ceelae., self- •• • . „:. • "•*':
possession and bravery, pereistence.'4M-.
wearying,: sagacity almost • unerring, and
and ' , • .
the fine scent that sniff% the 'slightest Odor' ; : :. •
Of the. quarry. Kind as 'keen, and ire- ; • " • •
partialas imperturbable, .he has ternied a• ' , "',' •
class of police officers equal to the needed, ,
e; municipality go fees to ingress and egress • • ' ' " .
that itisthe Most difficult ,' of all to guard ' • .. '-
against criminals " Honoeamong thieves!' , , • •
is one of the time -worn' lies that he de.: . ' • '
nounces, With oxiphatie scorn.' He says: ; • .
never met al . in o my • life, pro- . • •• ' • . •
vided . he could- benefit by , pectiching on • • .. •.
confederates, from Whom I could not
• • ' .
find Out anythingI was desirous to know. , • '
.Theee is no, such thing as 'honor among 1 • . ,
thieves." ' * Some the men rePnr#Pg
to him are said to he collegAhred, and can . .
MiesBroWnctestithoroscope. Shepleesedthe icqe.Pri.day night • butcher who Sax
believers butt skeptics were inchned to
he she ' '1 tions -A. ale asked Night Inspector Whelan d I
doubt the efficacy of her dee ara. . ,nann
Ctilernee4-EneUirer• ' ' " 1" • es Which • had been doing
' a lot o prunes aw'sy 11 " ht fOrhire to bny, and take '11;ebbletinent:0 sf etheirs aesar:nfriends, "Everyfmanclhf eveningewmthl ee isthe, tat hmiew'en eaarkirenee-
plies Meat to the British steamship c ef, he
:t point" to meet , some 0 . h • 4 ,
Y '11'
lt-waa a rig k c ( uence enera y
d' '•InaP"ter Whelan inveati- this way°In,keecerp°peo ,°111insediknow
• Aclitat.rinilontals' ff ed him by officere el the steamer at 4 01
knows what other geed 'me° arc °in &what ,
.. ..: A. 6inein: nati newspaper 'inatietrwhO re- gated cents r•itlip9cunmmi, .2.1 .
matrimonial career the , proud..; • ' be the' stveging ..
eently led a blushinemaiden. 1 Hymen's had . , a len. erne, dtlia,t. the s. teateee ,
altar, is said tnhaVe started out upon i
neasessar of earage'elteer
area for her outward„ , - (Ape are. ...........,..,. . y ,
•efetvre,.., The pruneewere send .to ”. ,
" • f ' ' : f 'ailed fruits'
, trip wit--h-s Riti,t Of trthe country all the sharp. men are. .
the following hOtisekeepieg outfit .., . s 0 a caro o . ,
f the vessel. &Mee .
prison, ...sow. libe: rs.A.ed_ from the 0 Shi.t...e..,.,.•
I foll their tracks in this wa ..
t • maybe the spiee Of life; but, •
•,•. • , , . , .
1.tpktgvn‘itil:". ir '77 .., .. "' ' '25 terday on aelierge against.. h
25. befOre a beard at •the Cuetoin noes:sea.. yeeesa-:
newspeperd the bread and utter of the '. •
tThheeo,object Of this:article ;is to: eecourage taptatn Of vidittifigysedlOti.4,36§,
6 Who are eoptempletuig e or . ,, so, tit.lettetdre.teet.„ Tho: cust,oj*!•,',1,!.nlif.iiiai.:1..ef..sOrti.rre,thiy9.••.,.
Journalistic. :ing goods": en 'hoard and not On the inenifest 7. ^`Lii.lit.,_
citeeer . by' ebewieg, them w.liet, :nen: b;`. or dote list.•• , The. cePtetie • setisiled: the. d.:"., . qrailr'iii4li "aaYa • ' •'* ' It a -,.
tiecornplithed in that peofeasion by industr. e board. that; he ' lied: no ,knolledge,•,of the iscovered the, anthor of, !, The 't re d
sobrietyand ed9I1•11!C;(?1OrCZ,710 concealment of the prunes or at their het g W1P0.6rO*1 . It ,fil "..lon • /fah • as heti. hie,en'...
.: .7-.‘'ketilrig Woman, listen to this : %Tom ,..
Illaere begedi to write
' " ' • • ' ' • . .. , . ; • • T
Will! le !Ably be: slightly reclueed' l;'re hCietT.41,1f• T:elanY,,..1:7
need' the emneidence to:3 One of the dead- . •
dgin • 'In . •
laiuJd in
ew Yorkbe ore , u Vane y •
. ;•••:.• . . •••/ .. ... . ..... ....,.„,$_ around here to load.- The case came P advertising is the pepper Anal; salt of a •
finhei4of.,;$a,1000,.t.itin addition penalty
the toefiecatieon• na,„ine. of °fd.t In the heeh' ' Well,
• • '•, ' on board. ,...but h.e•WaS cendeninecl to payna: teaertea' Yt3u reme•th- berthe Pinecairrii•oafr...:,
ere sa-. .,
1 . ;he wash of thngooda, which eighed nearly a t; n. '
' affixed in section ill' t naine appears in the early-ohopt • . f
'bey of 14. Sonthey'wgr!ocr 117s.i.efillreit V,eitsei.anocfelnt Lelii,ii,
thee bie
p :ill:
fni 4,868; but
poethe 70,o Keats. Was a success
t at 18 Leigh, Hunt talked r y
If rne of -6 of the captain.- d .tte,t1 on beet pressed ard, hat e
t editors of the ,mafte, andhocount tee inPimeefntch Treasury
ac. ret h taiked.abo
1•••,. " Secretary o r tan
at la, Chaucer a12, and Milton, ,when ie, . , te tner eau.
Ethel ? Bart" P 4 i • •___.
10 And where are they row. . . . . .
wash`thefiik Off your-tfium tend help -your ut novel.'
13".w......asere.arethey now? ,,Theg gyre dead. Go in the upper • jethee 1},learbiliwtetr:Letweedinytg_,e.myaer -have triei.th ce dip
,. 1X
Ethel rf yen viilleyllecidd that 1511e, Wane. tanning
lot= • A Dakota woman
t a a fur clotahke, menthe, ' S'econ'd eLliaindey"--1Wn litahteticatetth:
s Moe These eent
St. Paul, where
-facttheir pareetheepoteteee. -filmy have -been. niadeintt a. Matadi' &Ate
-,-Y3tii•dette., '. ' " . ' " . , i for 'which she was offered $126.
mother' pare` the: pntate,e!, ,
'She began trapping mutt and
Would live leek• I'll write the poetry;.
don't &ere liy() any longer. P.she
• setvintreaChine 'agents are, an t they?
Pirs,t 40y-1:Pests ? Why). if it wese't ter".
tem o *
V • •
Agin should have had t bey a machine,
; • •