HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-03-11, Page 1R." FT OiN I "A #F 4, Awl' r MOLE -Ra 6- jQKNOW', '015TTA RIO RIDAT W O, 11 7 un kno C LOUAL, 0111, -PHAT. VC ParamG I t egI irteActs up mer anit rhere, oir 1- 1. . :k IkORTULIr' XXA A1:iHa r i 1, FICB" A�, ff I be I thig -II k tit tBit) k tc I)IS�iol.4 Pl a ilpers P' U1311 Parti 3 worth ever. ay event t Wht-004ckii@ ttl e's, itore: t h, 10, 0 14TAR10 tage "#.tain froln, 8, L gild goetF. v ri u Ail E)�Jpg* jOI the second f iI rujoying a v it ornting. his nds Ann �a I week _tfiirik C as or iallyinvited. v tlli� be r , t t -ig ass "Ounty, net epor e acq"aill Allovs herw�, R pqrpopeli. MA A) sprit KL .191IN LLTOTT. .,iz a for, the 'go4l h IR� dil NJ?,T.01,11 tim, 19th of' 'lay ithie S45 - in, justWo, Gilt -Bid H2; 14 Wil;,ill, :41 ,,D. llboulkty, pr e. will* 4 rInteIiI I:z, taiI h. If 316 - 1). Th, tupsint g t e, WID k1oii Prices 0111 per T, T(, AWT- Reinein4erc the aa e at Al' In Adt""Ce"' or we ent Ordt,r fir 1j1IittA WO 3 b�I4 L ' on,�t. Lfo last all Ind f Donald's auctlon inart ou Sfliturda�r. 6blasilluo. 300 A bleflityi All kin Is of v,tite ell"W"Ir If -olclqck gowerin�, 288 - 'J in ingot (of efteb vivifitil at ., -Indry III 281 ; ts Of' , , A., agodly Ptj oIed guI grease may tie Most Vi firgithero are eprilially "Vitejj�S lintin. itidtile- a8SVIlIbled at, 0 79 - 273. W, I ee, of.11r litilly rpin ved firoull the Ili at eliII 2 AN IP V4. A R.1,11, A. WwTNTI jo attv -0 INTINO '. . I' dry buek- '2ti9 - F P reolif 211 V�, MatilieuvoL - NI III R61,piji,�ovi, .,oil 'alonday Ili ht in R.:'PR or malt. 11g;6tiv4er., fabric tiI application of. iLvoliidy, 1261,; X Masker W k J d S1, "Agiaw 261 e a ,v o r Y, ell I dy P 4S Ihalbogini ngat prqsen 0'r:to-VII u )ry oL 4icGrt Rol inson Cr cloth -H Me Ut 1 1.1 11 0"ot, 6. go 'i 4"orit andTolI I dl 011t �§,e F or 23u W'Stevalt,, "iPtioikS:ar'e'oytr.a," BatiIote la-w-ji. in coloiI iiattietis, M''US111I ss61 -k 'in hand Thd,* In in 5TH. Cla at d "t 1*W hip war. et, are, 0: , ie es prints i. it. t .1 MUlliti, L uitAierT ar ful I I blast, log -i and I at Melni L TH. in CLASH, �h4. illsve Th tilen 4 A 'Xu 1, IIATo ., it. 0ft III L A 11liclkli &lid roinpar enta N got%toget le to sitpl) v tie'd ndg.,OfLth*A--' CUN Rirr �P.Auj, Q HA34 y fo, R PrI tl frozen.' ground of v-iCb.Uiei6t1j itt W Greer, G gollith Ok t autpue FIRE AW D' M A-RINE' J Y%iie'vV 'Mille Ifical paper, ff V, —All'wool pint a f6i $ 1. 1'5 wo 1r,, J Y. RII GeiI 6i ATE Ll �th $4. , C kjo, ii inart 11'.041111pion, d I hands, _�'L . AMC (10, 1 '0 1K kli pro - R T*LawrencIe. .11 ;�v r is, lila lilg� Did" dine. 7', 81). CLA139. .Stioliff.of thq('�L' quo ed- wpek' with. 6 I�Iading lip.., . . % 11I , , I., , . 40 N*BL vp Hill teps are a . b t Terms got payalekat A u cotiiq 64-forni0d. 'A P )T -T s, arainoun iti. orrowers. A t -lid" wo 0 O.."M M; CII 0-L 1-Y., Ir. a -a is e an ton m� f ell Avi tion, j Ad" -it y, fe el, urniture fin 'Arow 10c, tj flarn P, P ?1q � "_­;� . , L 1, . - .. on,cre' r ally r V ofthe late iv, V one, L til�'ppwpr�q, af,'Aicfn yres. 7, to,4, Ott w .,eL In 7 jj rp'.JCV, .,hat y (io.4 .0 Of 410 jbom -to 7?j ptir inturei5t, pWvubte�y#4x- Y. AjLgj(jj in r a 10' P, e ry obtaill-, Itit 'I' o U k vi�iy AloderaI Aiml -be f B�i It �A sq. ht tlori�se ens tv� jy0'o4 I .9 tit, 1 .1, b wmd),Di)� the beiiefit,of t4i, I et o1rieers reOxving r e ion A NA'NT 14 Acc0)nt o Ahe-bodneil r Boyd, t A full reports,,otc." w el -ec Digs Cii C111011 �fl on, on Fri day� March an. k i1iialater, L Arm. L01 Office Jfedkal ffall, Luc "60z .2- nt.10 3'OL.0, 0*4 -tiD �joe.k.a. i -tiI MtirallooLlo, J Astitw, the evening �of the 28th' histi, 21 W -em kltbm,� !rO 20 ii�atid ebildi —Don't JjLtjy'�'IJhLt"il. 'you a,ve scen RookLidX.0 'Irwin WiM6 h af .1yu-in ) r 'of the. niany frieAiOs.; K Ij V � AlLDoi,tild. 1: Barber, J r., mid. AI rs., Smith, niet it t air rest, Shle, in On Ag�-Cetlls'prt)lnptly's6ttendod.tq,l�i . : , h ay.. . ., j Its d bidt' new 'stock, ale PRrPoSe Partl�iw&4ircpus to d ND. CLASH., It wil em, orSb6t-- 2'' FrtrtiI will coLvistilt their -ititelI by itt­ f iio f0'tl -T T' speetibi. the, adye. III Yul v e.. ea% 4� alle taretwell as they.'ar . -Ing I �this' pa ;oride. Y 8tcwaiI ito. GiI Britin ailddrela,�d. itud.Couti lie llt.,6f . Cornle Of the countryand iaendLI.i.ving 61 P A.NGVS S!rEWLA `e. neve�..- had'in stock -so' fine a QIi.aig"'M Al i ­ rig riolk 8, 0'. till. I :r I ., auds f RT-�. G rNiio-I th 4.uur iw;:.the f B h 7- LeL a teacher'i Dull F...0Avidso 1C Edy9g. Ont. tw�edsjorspfhig and, range of' at) in In er, Ann yaluI P & BC )III :liere, hi, 6aetlt -as. now.' '4TH' are. reaso)17 able. C kokint; A ear, nd jilopect our AT NTi Bit. CLABL. DFFA Pit, ed, hill, ividv'a lhandsoiIne' hunil with -it W4 W Yiiiie, J L rs till h I UdinbUrgi it t 1,16*ing, address. Oile east t4e�. tyrt., I . .. . 'Figiod, P Rooklikgo fo AIM 10, 1)t�uglio N 8 4L�h .-�-The annual *pring '146w of tile, W Porcy, Njil. 'or opoils 'of' it Wo the es -idi W Tftivav"U,I: d ArtuuilI I ultow R . A for ent JR;4 CL NI n, S. elaI taike, the obI J M(iff�t, E Swith,.g.-NeNabb, misloit'-ph I Th* III Pi e 146knowi, I!. I oil Stio t jrai wi I 'T ZQLAI 4 Diillllity'4 P 11311 you with -b h-ift ra ay, reIii W-befilt'r, i P.iiiibk, A Baird, ble as- a sinall Wken of,pbr a hetiolli . ONM kh ;.Lgoon W"LeiIpIh T April 4t,. 'on for the,inter. TO �',LIOAJV Ou r" Aj�ew, t 47ak yoiii',� ng�w fiat, ihitt, 00 u lk4_X� ell, it Wel WII kur soir, e t otoll &.11 re XCA94984 Ou -'his goill". ja v -s own, ing -us: r this - 'I. - : 18 Mortga,,eii as Lo Sig 6 d' hajIgas �and Comiell" Ord iI as SII and see. OT t al, YL. life -I ti. - poI great battle ttthe ientimoI of'the:vbhool your`*ind prampt. Attenti an d0fiequesionall Chas. netb f Not�ii, Agicotiut City" N M ullitiliV Ai., Stewart, J W, korui�fly f Bruste a, asT it URI GEDDE6g-VI Ivice ise' Colin K 00 It its and sel. was the I that the. iqh�ticin Aft welcome,, a so lop r4d of on existed between: u's for. t OrDrifts P1 and G Usti -narr .. . Ci�iad . 0 ift,re. to. l i�� Nicholson,.:, 4 Ltick. . 7 logti, roronti t.. said III telittion, call toxw.. bo litSt %,W Astio0i t PartlogaL VgotjjrjtjayL��t� k -d Sta I (Ijesl e t Seven Years moy a P A,vinditting W�11 f tes, ail (I Gi find ods go.. igI 6pliio rtuiiity. enion t-Slethod. trivI A�nitilfds-il. t out' ietit lVe also ony i NN 'A i, I i ic, e. our I. maninfor.. * 1 ­ 7 0 " : " lRerith -All' 5ell 111" JoI prolooptl' LQW Calle elt er 6y vakil In he i1i fdctory cotton .1 . . . I v -��Sp . I I p our, rspec .-i 1MVE kF_ ST. -ell Cforh'r. ie. as a W,Lees, -A NL Qrtokiie Jl� , 1 9 "' .� ; L w leat6n, ur' t allowed 6n.�Dggpoeitio' in a piece, EL 430 er yi�u and'yo par aor 'cen Fillids knfi--�- BII ell ri, Lue kv ishi all.d. Y6 re( to o. er 'f�. . , t . e are.1 r 1,0111 i 06 UN 3 w. P ligiti" Iloiohli6rs ng Y',bu urw evejy, facilit)'r -ous W N 'at Nic htyres-1; e ew lid pfbspe*i no. wore mr- t-ar 1 nlay._ W(k n we a ider..anA a tp f -AVO ENT-ALI d sh'.a 'ki 0.0 K gr, :r, . . . ., . , ::,. - W6 giul tl,l(,,. Sigliedi in behalf of slip, al;d 'jawip it. io A) (I Life Iniour- till -alid S14, - we w'adq ail Be bool �Mq thiPUA Bill ded d, et I duel'; tIng.feet (6 Worst, Ill) volft e- a ve FI,CF �jj erv,.. ago reloioyed'tis WinKhitiii -Oil Fri(.av ag a84AV - it. lki, 1110 to; -be, ill i,,14 we (ivvr' jpaf� 1 1- -camv oll'tbe -a loAN ti) :1 totle ling rb0t he w I lip 0 e ru hy. ge�g- io infown him J�oil�r)ljs 61rio'. tre, will.- VUit, soak' tl kj)b 1, , fkr fo if t fiti, iiiI 'ILO atimi Alm, 1 4141, -CA �oo f .10 �ents At MOT, %k, IL ell (in in%r a011I n d' -GAMER0 ress,g stirf)fiseII, 1're 'thaulted tl c. MPBELL tt 1W a b.6 t left f4ji-4 to :LU01KNOW. -JIL' a, SU W Lhaw,'. out your as hehd a it %vy e i� I s 4,, said- he - had Mipil 7wigh to lie wonimpressed 41th-thoithoug, o -it I I littli. difli'lulty till a ilia' 1. Thti- in 0� A u t lie, a Is d sai I it lead tulio.d6vti 111.14 CAMI 110t. �VatL tit 0jjglI..,t, P , , :season 7 the ietihnd-,potir Or tlidt"-Ijrote�.tloll IS 0f; a J'jo 0 a ati greafer k B ri. LA k) ai(l gif,ji folile t -its Composed of litt-16, )Ut I OW belieft trIttdo 0 to Its Colin 1. a T 'it. %peakets oil t I' lh0n-' thiI ar yotipg wonien; he fe'] t t h a C Ott Wieit"r i1o, I haneery, t ATfORWEV A V07 Y.- . y t tile tdp., hot B. water fulls lit o"ice on. th, Luckilow, y P!, kfe, Ca -*!Ag- Con t I d 6 ii for. tile Ill 0 nit$11#it 0a ry 0 rain, LETC11KNOW 0 NIT .—You ill only num lt oneb, ro , Y, 0 iAg and eWrnril. we a e ere %I all its b h Asonlif-you fail to He(,, Culbert- 'd --w hat, t 4 , I t 1-� *' 'I'theLlitkitt goo ry 19 d' U I :1N) c F T. lott a to then 1�t- P-6 6 v jb d �j k e h h CLC�rj,�', 11 trie 9� ly,6f t� �-p A0 L ke.,. ntl �sov# '1patir. o'k A Rd '(-0I in iwa -fully livit A and %WAn �oods 0 14AU r"gi, "If itgII siod aj�r -61,digll f loth IR' c y had been.apiritu I*& ial s6d W)mpt st"iI Paid id S1141. tid'hy living I Ili . ii hg4htitri. i . th oeas.mW ni We ar6 Botry t( th. of: I ae tia"fiff Vlore is nothing, M t a-Aft.iIii EiII piortin�. ­ , thankgid, thio, b Atidre%v kbit)vindey,w i(qusieu:46-way Iathatj a it bi o a Wall' Ill '114rd' tit' In 'Ird !list e , IJC -it the llesw,�Would liot'.hoon'. be en aftee. Of CloLtho )IIntill of forgott w , *4to call I t. -you - 9* ltailor hich, nAND kEtoifDrOOT fthe of - latto t tiderigI o t Suit., squ z And' his be r. -half "jib estiI in his M 6t. IL r p3ppy- ere lall NY. 0 'lave ere ad, rTbe, t0T "OL 6rth, advottising. to III A DL 0 MIU011110 Dungannon jig aturdayi LAWO osWitotitol ill oioloaiwy. Q"Vqiy- P .yo, .8�6L th oso w It 6 t the traijoatitiotil tit Iiiififibas'ou the flitit, Ing P, advertis' PoI . A of"go � 11 (64W the e lem owl out. VS pe"ifti "Itinit' to ' i ' itiour We see also sorry P41 inter 09' 11 will, by 40 T"TiogigiAlAy ift"okiteli lrotlrith' "Of in4,y Wpa way (I Isind ay al*ays P�'.PAXTOX In'by,the Ulliltil t'beir ell% r " 11(ibet 1 '11 601,1 by publici litultion, a qIilantitf W01LIN CON.- t1l'it 4A 140 up 00 Ing "7 towe Hi say sa-fakto w I -eldtiligillk. to W In H, C, J A, D1644ii. Dsin .14 Ir by 0 jejo All of O.'etc b 1 hiiI been . UAW winter A g6ttlilg: no et fT - Iltl' - U. jh � - L"' ' LItiol" UAL oil do. ill -00 "M 10 j1dogitil at 11, poof iienit effl an go a In t lit ire i 'two ypu a no I vi th _'T malrok We $Mli oli :Friaty, k ... . .... ...