HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-02-25, Page 6TU #io. 'First Se$sioil, :S4th: :.srtytt. rpop0,40.; .10.44itioen J1040:111.10i • • - Jlues:liontk,‘. 144 *Kell* for tbe. ,erection of the: now mental- and Parliament, Buildings, it "syeffnind that the .411ede4- accOm- •Tegl1411 fit IMMOW/tal greater than was expected. To avoid ay, O contract has been, entered into fa,. ftain parts of the work, subject to Pooditi011 requiring .your approval of the contract. Papers relating to the §:Fib- ject will bejaidbefore you.. With i the 'vie* of giving :effect,' to the patriotte sentiment, �f our people, and following in, this respect the example of the neighbotingState of New York, the pre- •dinga 4140444 by the statute of a% fernier eeesion for ascertaining the cost of expropriating the land in the neighborhooO of the,Falle 4,Niagara, have been taken and are nearly completed, -and a measure will be submitted for your coneiderotion dedicating AO the ub1io in pennanenee the land on the Ontario side of the great world, wonder, and oontaining provisions for securing that object without material oast to the Provincial treasury- -A:report from, the Commissioners will contain all useful inforniatiOnbearing on what. is proposed. • • The inblic actounte for the past year will be PrOmptlY.laid before you, and you: will• pleased to learn from them that : the ex, Penditnre,has,been-less-than provided for by the estimates, and that the receipts, have exceeded the amount antioipeted. The estimates- for the current year will, at an earV date, be submitted for your op - prove'. They will be itund to linye been prepared with ail the economy eonsietent. with the demands of the public service., . I trust that: thelegislative labor!' of this first session of the new Parliament may be • "'.1--o--44.; The sie. °eh frolu thov=raue. I have great pleasure in' Welcoming' Yen for the first e to your -leeslative duties as member!". of a nqw Parliament. The year On which we have entereil.is • One of • 'spacial interest thr.oughout. the British empire asbeing thejubilee year of the reign of• Her Moat' Graeione. Majesty; " for lialt a century his so fnlfilled the duties of her exalted Station as to seciiro, the devoted lOyelty" and affeation: of her ; --- 'iregret'that I am unable to announce to you any progress towards the final settle- - ment of the • boundaries of the Province. The legieliti'on advised by their lordships • of the Iniperial Privy. Council for the con- • firraation of their. Oecision has not. yet ••• received the conetrrefice of the Dominion flover,mnent ; and my deepatcbes. of 1804 -Oa the sttbjeWand on '.'the ,Stibject, of °lir Wotthern theindarki• are still unanswered, r 3- :fioCin after tile, last: iteesien,4.0t the Pro - Simnel Legislative the. Cinat of Appeal 'imanianonaly affirmed the .jildgment of the Iphancellor of Onterici negativing the claim of the Dominion Government to the lands .0. -end timber in the. territory within our boundaries as determined by Her .2dajesty. Orme; ...but 'litigation" bae,',,riotvrvith... ding; proceeded' against the Province, a...nubile- expense. ;-...ancl -an-appeal,.-tOs the Supreme Court has been brought; which • beoe,, argued and now stands for jtidg- Parliament' of the l'roYmee ef Ontario. mext4; There has been some recent corree. ' The motion was carried unanimously, • pow ce_between..the... two .Governments and_the :veteran legislatorwaa-d111Y1-m- • . whiObawt.11 be kid hetore,:yon, ducted into office'. •• • „aligioimordnion Government having The Lieutenant,Goverliol." •ivitsl then mi.- Aleelin'eld to agree iiiitny method of putting profited of the' election of Speaker, and beybildFiluestion the proper jurisdiction to returning to the dela delivered the !speech. deal with % tlie subjects! eMbOdied in the The 'address in reply to the, Speech from Pro, Snail Flctory'Act of 1804, I thoiight the Throne will be •mOved :and seconded ; 4.41 ht to'isiitime the jiiiiicliation' withOttf 'this afternoon; • • -• •• • ' er•deltiVainl to. issue a proclamation Premier Mowat, who appeared to 139 in ++-the-Aatint*effect.-• inrther axPelleilt,--health-----and.--spirits=vias- the Mon is found to be needed for t•lie reciPknil man?' *arm. congratulations. Ind and reasonably befewoihing of the The new members aro neayly all .on band 46,t,:ed, will be brought. to your attention. and the. old- ones are ' fraternally looking 0, any plpaged t� ncitice .the prominent after their coinforte: • • • phlme taken by th*Provinea at the Indian C Company School. Of Infantry formed .snd*Colonial Exposition Iasi year by the the guard of honor, and Cel. antra battery magnificent, display there made of the 114124'414 the saluting POO, • mazinfactures and natural products' of the grinr of the Measures to be Brought For- ProVince, as. also . by the attractive and • ; • svfor4+ "s • • much cominended exhibit oftheEduaation ' • The foltoWing•are the titles Of sdineof the liopartment eVidenCing•the . adveneea mere important Bills' to coil° before the' 4 41: THE PLAN fak*PARiN, • Vigorous ,Spheelies by Mr, isedmond and JAM; narnagton OP Tarpon's Aeleall- meet. Air. Redmond, Natienalist,. xesnmed' the debate on Mr. Parnell's amendment this evening in the House, of C•ofnmons. Hesaid he'Opolce as one soon to undergo, in com- pany with John Dillon and others, a trial whieh would in end in imprisonment for assisting in the operations of, the, plan of ealupaign. So far as the plan hitcl, been applied, Mr. Redmond said,. not Imre than twenty estates haantiO date been brought under its operations, and in no case was it proposed to deprive the lendlord of his rent, but the, aim was , simplysi. to. enable -.the tenants to bank their money for protection incases where the landlords refused, to make fair.reduotione. In every instance in, which the plan of campaign had been tried the landlordi were finding it .advisable to Make concessions. ' It Was mainly due to the plan that this. winter there had been: fewer evictions' than for several yeors pr/Wiette, and an almost WA 'absence of outrages. , • • The Marqmsof Hartington said the Plan Harlem, pollee court. Hisezense there -was of Campaign was not the main, uestion plausible ei%ough. He said Jackson's head ,before-tha4MIPP49---v-OiCA. _ranugurther-into4her---hat--7.-thun----110-liad neffir amendment was to vote. virtually supposed, or he would not hake hit, him. want of confidence in the 'Cicivernment. Mrs. Rivers gave, the required. a700 bail for The other questions raised, therefore, ()child her eon's release. . • is, not be discussed on their merits, but or A' LIVING TARGET- • A New Tom 'Box shoots Ahother Boy'i Hat ' with gis Head in it. *New. York deep:tab says: Prank Rivers, 10 fears old, was in the street prac4 tising with long-barrellg& target pistolon Monday, when William Jaokson., a colored heY• came along. YOung•Rivers.wanted to fife at jaeltsorVa, dog for fun, but Jacked% suggested that be try his skill on 'some, of his neighbors' chickens :instead: Rivers prdposed a compromise. "You stand over there*" he said to the colored bojr,, pointing to a tree, "and I'll shoot through your hat. I kin de it, arut won't hurt you: Jack- son is only la year!! old, and agreed to Stand As a target, but Bivere failed in his part of the perforinance. He hit Jackson squarely in the forehead. Tbe•ball Was a small one and had little' force. circled, areunc,I under the scalp without: penetrating the skull, butdisturbed Jackson to ••think ho* nearly he had been . killed, and, ,With blood streaming down his fade, be ser, np moat energetic ,yell. • Rivers ran away and bid in, the cellar of his house tintil Detective Madigan found him .and toOk to " the with referent% to the effect of 'the ame d.. rnent on the fate of the Government.. , Ad- mitting that the relations between the land- lords and tenants in Ireland were far from satisfactory, it was no remedy to suspend characterized by the seine Patriotic ,rcare, or reduce or abolish the payment of rent. andintelligenenas in the ease of proyjoos Such a plan 3vould be found no boon to the Parliaments. • poor tenant.. Continuing,. Lord Harting- Election ioEthieetendin°fg?Q;Ptehlikee•Sr*pe:oh. His ct°i'inSiSaaWidertheetor'blforeumnde' Praviding larger dicis for the agrarian Honor announced that . as soon ;as the Pmanc4ve emPl6Ymegt for ill° neoole. " House had elected a Speaker he manila ilusbarklijklilhe7tirLs' .Wire-ifee ,••• • mane Cries Itself to -Death. A 'Boulder (Col.), •doepateb says: •and Mrs: Wendolin Mott,. a young •couPte living eight miles from here, -to all%appear. mice!' had 'been. Very happy until three Week!' ago, *hen their first child was horn. 'Since then Mott has been very abuSiVe, and 'qukrrelsonie. • On. Monday morning Mott in voluntary emigration conducted and get up early, built a Bre,. ,made some coffee, address them.. His Honor then retized.te. . oupStiyorted by the local authtititiee.. (Cheers.), drank it and cle.t`dOwn'to smoke. .Hiewife F...where-landlords-fAisted-the-laidieewe s ill in bed with her .child, -and had. . men n••• renuer mist be enforced: It would never be poSsi- fallen into a doze, when she was awakened Mowat Meved; •seconded •Iffr..•:Parclee,•• to • geLtid :That•-:Pr."-Idax•tarriiii•-rePre4cntative."*nt: Of eviction. The &line a . :the and fell •to the Rook uncOneciellst 'a ball Haldithand, he the Speaker of the. sixth dovernMent proseouting the authors of having entered her shoulder and poised the plan of campaign was right :and intO,her neck. • •In the Meantime Mat die - straightforward. It MO' the duty nt_thi .appeared.,-..„:When-MtaMott7regained-con- ' Government to attack men eniployedln 801011811880 !he getbitoliedLwith.,:great diffi=, iliegai conspilicify;-tomt. prevent•theif:Ieraff: eulty and sank WO stupor. ,• When she .ing astray tenants who .were their dupes: °One to herself again her..child was !Vying, Mr. Gladstone had declared that the plan but :she, having become , paralyzed, was of campaign resulted from thepOlieY of the finable to reach it: The fire went out and GOvenunent in refusing -to adopt the Bus• the babe oried,untilMidnight, when it died: pension of the Evictions . Could Par- Mrs. Mott's plight vhis.., not known until 'lenient held that, as .0 legitimate Tuesday night, when a • relative called at qttence, the rejection of, any Ineaenre .left._theLlionse,-;•••She-ctinnot-redever:TOfficers the people Morally entitled to take the la*. and a pore of citizens are in pursuit ' Of the into their own hand!! and do. what.Parlia- murderer. '• ' • ' . • . `ment jutfirefused to do? .(Cheera.) • If the • -. •••! position whieli:theProvince holdifinedUca- z• fional science and appliances, To iiicorperate the icavii pkit" Of Thorn - Amongst our agnenitural preaeete the bar)", County Grey. • , • : • i exhibit of cheese•ona butter forwarded .by To amend the Act re the • Gore District the • Ontario - Department of Agriculture .1.futiial Fire Insurance Co. attracted much' attention,. and cannot fair Respecting the' property' aziO ecotrol of to be of great V.alue- tits, this growing..and Weedatock College. • • . ,• • • already important department. of agrma., • To incorporate the • town of Sault. Ste. twat inaustly. For the !morass of this Marie... , • e , exhibit much•oredit is • due' to the zealous TO, incorporate the Village of Tilbury sasietanoe of the officers of the. Provincial Centre and the township of Tilbury West, ' • Dairy Associations. The splendid • exhibit in JIM* and Essex Counties. .of Ontario fruit, collected Mainly by the, • TO Veet the government of the Ottawa • -0filderiabfthe Fruit Growers' Association, City Police mn the'DOminion Government. will do much to remove erroneous impres. To Unite the Toronto -Baptist Collegeand lions' in the mother lend in regard to the: Woodstock College tinder the name Of NO - 'severity et our . Canadian 'climate.. The *aster University. • • . . • ; • Provincial ; Bee -Keepers" Aiseciation. also To incorporate the town of Parry Stand. • was enabled:, through the Rhona 'assistance To incor rate the town of Gravenhuret, Storey .(Raduial) i' H . Fower • Which reflects credit upon the Province., Water-Power.Company:' • . ' • voted last seesten,to-makettlielioneyexhibit Toincorporatethe Niagara Tunnel and irteboraii.:;406 !,favo-inf the. ainen-dm- ent. I • am glad to learn. that. the Mine 1 iesoniCeS the Province areheingsteedily ' • • Late" fewa the eaerthteest• • 4eyeloped ; that, new and • inducible Thellasonie Grand:LOdge Met- 'here 'On novelle!' have been theft Airing the past night, when the • annual reports Were • 'Year, especially in our northern and north- presented: • • •• western districts; and thi4 mining opera.: :The Pe -minion and 'FievincialteYei* tionis have made hopeful progress. • ments ; are to be. appealed t� . to • !immure • TheOommission for c,onsolidating and information relative to the early Settlement ,revising the Public. statutes of the last ten Of the country from old .settlers ere they years have nearly completed their work Pane away. • "• • • „eMbodying the .same in two volumes, ,the Jamas Colljgine a farmer at St. Andrew's, • that of lwhich will . be • laid before You at atticinpted suicide by cutting his throat with Onoe,: and the: second on on early day. These a knife.. ' His recovery is itaprobable. volumes embrace amendments which the Witinirra, Feb. 10. -The two ' rebels, ..judicial .professional experience of the Chief Big Beer Aiaa Big Belly,. recently respective CommissiOnera. has enabled •the released.froni Stoney Mountain, were Sent , •Commisionto suggest; and I intst thatyon on from Regina by Tuesday night's train ' will find it practicable adopt this sos.. to Swift Current, enroute: to Bettleford. A sionthe leyslatien neceisary to give to the 14uPk".•+ --wavary prOisions•wae given to beneilt of.' the yjork during the trOm• • ' - • • • Rev Sam ones. wno- has o to, visit F Verat oars there hal' , been MihneaPglie 'next. #PrIlt moting‘• higher , dike -people, one lecture here. /. plaii 'of campaign was' not. cegai, it Jo . , • . _,__ lipslog Assizel, iss,7;71-:-.--.;•- enfolverneht was net stopped; there would be an end to all relations landlord _, • . ': • 4.30:0;*; J. : ' :'. ' . ..'.' " and tenant, It *mid comae, an internecine Toronto (criminal). ... . ...........Monday, 28th Ire;rch Toronto, (Civil) * ' ..Monday, 14th March war and result in the total destruct- f . Orangeville •• ' : T esday; 5th April •the power ofthe'•landlord •to obta' • milto_n •• • ' - • • - Friday, StB April rent. excepting Whit :the tenant chose to sntrarscarttearina es nosi.,73;e,2. Monday,.. 7 tth, Al.n.ii. pay. .• The suppression of the',." Plan' Ma's • • , . ,. ,. • , --es-ay, P h APril a neopasity, it order was to be preserved., • ' ' • ' Mr. 1:.'arnell had referred to the probable riteuettYlie ' ...Monday, net March , - ' hiondaY; 14th March recurrence ' of dynamite • outrages'. He Napanee, • Monday; 4th April admitted that Parnell was not foe; potation Pi_cton,., • . Thursday, Ith'Aprll to controllynainite crimes, but howasin i'mt,III ' monday; nni April a position 'to: dicioWn :them. (Cheere.) cornWaii- , . ' Monday,'25thA_pril Alonday,18th April They were, net disowned. 'firr. Parnell Condom . • Monday, 2nd May .contented himself with warningrailiiiinent • ,that if &certain' :course 'were: :punned' 'the Bt. Thenias.. • Monday, 14th Mareh dYnamiters• might resume.operations. As sandwich ' MOnday,29th March .tdgome Rule;' there remained ..st 'etedfaeu, solid•barrier .of a hundred votes against Woodstock . _:,. Sarnia Goderibh . • '" .. . . . Mondayillth April 1. . Monday,• Monday, 4th April. Chathan • ' . 'M ll4hAPril Mr. GlOetone'sittahenie. . (Cheers.). Ittias London Walkeyton ' • - ,.. . onday,25thApril Monday 2nd May lish Sad the 11.retell, a a tile Welsh that idle and -useless . for the. Home Riders' to .. . Monday, 9th•May s . • present a resolution to theMouse on . ' ' 'their Parliarnent v, ill continbe.paialy ,z.ed . B‘rcuday, gist mareh tbe 'Irish 'quest ion:. '.1 he• Scotch and Welsh, . BLITh"1./EBBB, Ellow tne Itailans Were Out up in $00mens, • . by Abykislahtus. . A A ' Rome cable saYe'l Geir4 the 'Italian Commander at, MaSsowah, reports:, as fellows : i3orr tti, !,•oronntliding at Sakti!, on January 25th, at 11 'tt`,. in, saw .the • heights peon, pied. by. t"leneands of. AbyeelP-% lane, N.the disappeared 'on the liring of some, shells. Ooretti sent out 4 party ender Lieut. Como, who surprised and' engaged the enemy. The'laittt.ri,edyuiuced intrepidly on all 'Aides to • within 300 yards. of the Italian position.: There was desperate • fighting until 5. o'clock, , When the enemy retreated.- Boretti, appliO. for reinforce- ments„-ahd (loin% Rent eolunni under Col. Decristoforis, The 'colunm was. delayed by .ditficulty% trail snort 1t i' "Dec 'sto- foriaasked for mere men and gone.. ile the latter reinforelunents •tvtve on the Way,.. • it was learned that the liecristoforia party „ • wero.. maseacred after 'forming • a square,.. : defending themselves 176 -the' last xnan and cartridge. The relid party found the bodies lying iftothe order: in which the men fought and °the oneaty retiring. Many corpses were mutilated • ' .• • Tales of gold Weather- • A large cake of ice cut frott the Illinois. . River, near Ottawa, last N'eek, Contained • the body of Joeepli Johnien, of Peru, Ill.; • who imia .aiouv.prea from home several months ago. Miss Cla.ra dray, who ie. teaching school four Miles from Sap citY: lag . boards in 'town and walks i0 4.nci: from her . school "Ph- evorY'moining and 'ifiglit; no Matter hew • deli the snow trutY bc or , how intense the . One,cOlcl Morning last, week an intensely practical, joker of, .A.slitalittia, offered. . little.: school • girl a quarter ." if she would kise 'an iron gate -post •Whion, ,was covered • with•fros ". • • . q-liet.44colgtir was badly lacerated -:in ler. a tteinpts to re:- leae*it. ' • • • - Mrs. John,u 'Lie,• a ,widow of Sargent, County, D.T. •,:atcive. five Mile"' alone one Of the Coldest morning's Of last week; 40 load of straw for her .stodic. •••Onlier. • but • :idle reloaded]; iti--witliiH-tintlinrinotneter; at 25- deir-"-reee. bele* ZOO, • • , .• • , • • .,• & During', the 'prevalence: .ot: blizzerd, in Iliinois three oret.4i..ago..4.:„..atraw Mack on < the farm Of :John. .StraWni',, ricer Orleane,' was hloWn At'. the iame time .a . 'valimble, steer disoppeared from the farm; • ' andeditliLiibtlielonalt.--Last-tweek•-itter haying lain in leppoottlmont dnringthe cold . snip, the steer reappeared .throngh 'the side .of the stack, looking phinep ,-;;Whilti-troins4vereblnekiclid,by the nntivir' .. atid • in, 'Montana:last • Mcintlf, -end, •small • towns fauna their soppliee . out oft,. certain •saloon -keeper •arove - • into, 'Bezerran and ' berried :half a barrel of . Whiskey in his •:. sleigh. ' 'Ai he wo.s Liiiloadin,, it the, barrel slipped, :the • head Was cruslied. in panithe •precious fluid gushed forth . snow, ••, • . bank. • ' A crowd go:al ered an instant and • • the: sweetened ' disappeared:, With •-`. 'alarming ,B tit the 9*xier quietly : • passed the hat, coilectedlialtO dollar from every man 'present am" ',Made :the•best the: miefortune, ' • ' • • ,„. • ohidstopeolt,,tteitoeitUle: , ••• :• •.• Glodstone, writing tn Appo.rt of Mr: , • Slagg;. Candidate •f or :the cparliamentary : • seat fer Btiniley: made ,yacant by the death': Of Peter RilandS, :says: • For;: the list ' we ve months ;have boon. telling the the ground .vaguetat theytbad the oonfidence: Of bay'tige s" Monday, 14th =arch _ • • • • ' 4. and its business be iiefilected until it settleu the Irish people; knowing ;that they must. Berlin • securethe approval of -the 13ritisli nation. Brantford.... . Viscount -$ilcoursie Liberal 'TiLEtannel Sincoe • • . Prb.tit year. • • • • .• , ., • . , muci •• • . dieetarksLi 118%.1".ihest means of pro- eeine On to Winnipeg and ;deliver ' at least • Partiaid,414 in dePertMen Cool is etippoeed to eidet:n Ny,„„,i1,...„,,a the tilavet,ikiee,of the Province; anda. - it is v., be in- made to inovtio,and tests ei -"•"-1 '','1.;'• ' gratifying toxerve that'notwithstan ing the._0.0 . , ;. • some differ : of ' :0Pb:don :as to. .the 4- + prove ittnaoesot.; . , in be formed to :de,.seioP „ the'reac . apt,. • : catch' differen li of eve •:•• • ' • who may • .sakne4ng for the • ti ta, itizen, ill...1, rre, pa., aes ..t"iii.„ • • miry - - ` the epoi3. t,'• • an_p_thods Oracetteal'Infa,,t cuthis7dennt4v,,toilevelalsojeog PanY 'w. , i course of UniversitY ebest 13 'equal 6 , ,af wards; age wish to • avail hung atiaaito fao i,u31 t "wakes, ksthost., sa 2o; joinoa tto ',Salvatiop Arrai tarnished by he last Christmas. He derE100 BrirOPe• thet • Bitier-,9..• p will helik •uf .iu hale , thisobject in view .. ne ore to • • ea • o , . . bliving . : . • • , . ! -, .,, ! going . . t. tii ost earnivasrt ..workere in, ., 04ge' t.,.... the ineatiCiiiTerailiottih:xettlehunlin, 01, it wa. ea. 7me. c: • 7 `PI_ ,,.,• • Li_ nioyetaticrmitnsfro4r/t; . '.,yottit'' .'-,,t,o.yria is a Bili Ole gra . _ . .1 ,,i, ovitee h Atio"oieytyonhdeeetcournred,I7 divit and the local aniet6hollgiealetaierri•fx.Thijea- of the ...,,E3 .Y Be coutinttetabi.atikligtlioilloides ',..',,a9nra:, the Lana TitlesrAct :to the who e. r . . . _me as to von e . A , it'it4%l " Oting.'nieO' to m Army . .14 tine puliii° eidge•ne • .'rept:rt•Of the .liasterof Tittes on -the Opera-. ;ma hen.," ...3. gay vhon'. he 'fell from &ace . ' • - IT nto Will be al , . „ _____ a:" r6, tli° ' 't4i6 sinful ',Nap.; 8.2PaaY 001124 the lid in the county a ISA: Oa .• . • isteeen.ee will:Mao lie eUbliutted for your arra . , „ . t,;,.....4. a . *4' '.10 the;•Stil*tiou.Army city o ere .. I a. before you. : . . eneninglast • . . . ' ' r, t•t, lit i rou 1 lvi le 11 )ocnAv. : , l' 91 ; i: 3;! etre: :11 III Ige .1 E.• tukae-El' oai thingst,,. rf and os irti le tll sl t:ilateeii 11 Igt ia: . ebiaoeiaci • iiwhat l 31 1ed, ssvoarA:1 lassii': fl taken.:(16eYmi - = :::t i'ett b. ' lti,blil is.i.ottah;0;3o(T!, , , ,t:, a. ,y,ti, 0', , et: tmhisel lv 0,0, : ' tigifib60,5419:rotif etret'f.kin,oyt-ihrnefist iipolnii,t;litunolialitritA,Ont trivia., lie `.1 . . , , , , of tbuet. ,•IiitiwngErst.on. • , stlephOl 'and 'AB. '.0'P !. 1' • . 7" At:the lileeting• ... tieciltecd r. Sexton adjourned the debate. . • Parnelps Amendment DefeatedThe, Toe- . • Lerma; Feb. • -- Thomas Sexton, resuming the debate: ..On Parnell's amendment, taunted the Govern- ment on their 'inability to rule Ireland without the asitistance of an army as large as ,the One needed •"in • 'I'arnell's amendment, Sexton contended; raised quest tions of vital and • praatical. importance. The whole. policy . of• the Government, in Ireland--whetlier it was, celled reform of the .tniminal procedure law; or coercion - hinged upon the "relations ' batmen. the Irish landlords and their 'tenants. All offers'on the part,cif the tenants to arbitrate the question of rents had lieen spurned; and the tenants now stood with their backs against the wall 'defying oppression, even the Oppression of the law, because their position Was Morally,' impregnable.' , The tenants everywhere in Ireland were willing, to pay fair rents, but the,. speaker believed it all the deposits banked •;iutdei. the Plan Of Canipaign by the email farmers (and which . represented the . utmost they were !BM tiCOM lltiltto a Comnion fund :the Government.. . Sir William Vernon •Eareonit. Medi a palmy' that had eliement attack upon the . een pitrititea by the: present, Goverment in e rasaid&ment Of Ireland, and supported et 11V th ' Monday, 28th March inlif3vi3d that, kut tlio:Sontlicrit English aia.. .-Menday,uth April -Honolan.stb•April. 'iiot believe it ft.f1(1 ' t110:y stOpped-the ,: way., .mamiiton,......, .... : ...... , Guelph " ' .y Miniclay38th-11-gril 'They: Will laav *kvviIrf0.111.0, aelaY.. •Be- '.:'. • 'Stratford..::: Monday, 2nd May fere :ice reach-. a certain „Cpii4usion...*e.will , ;tiondalt,ethlIfaY• have to pay will thenr,." and after the thing . . , , weonion, a. ' .has been don'elithe Tori cs will begin-te-iay•-- " Barrie " Pellibrolce:.: Owen Sound , Monday, 14th March finj believeithey haVe always been Home • ' --•-'-'11' °MnadnadYs'y28,13h4thMaarpriic;4 - " . • . . P ' . . • . • R era • Costly •plityinh. • With national itir,' • Perth 3r, af for ii. certain' tiine with all great qUestione, . • ' Monday,18th April: . ThMuornsdlary',141tthh AApPrBrii. 'iiewbreiaslitstShe:73ToSr' ii' .13)Lie 5,tt.1.1. 04,13.,11134n have played ,, :, • Afonlay, Ot4 May for .the, last fifty 'Or ••smiy years. 'When. , .,. ,OHApOEBT.• 13..-RIN SITTINGS: • . . .• • ' ' •• •D ,4 ' •' ' '• ' they leavi3 •off: !Playing with one, they seen find.inother with which !to Pley,again. I '' " •Toronto - ' " preudtootiii....7ueiday,26, tn. April , . , hope that Burnley Will give them.. a lesson.' WESTERN CIBC1BT. . .• .. _ .. cap, C. ' . . , : Trazienigwation".of 'Cliok's li..api13. • , . London - wdoadiekriettochn•:, Monday, '14th Mamie A.'34enfi lad i' 1:i11.11:8 ()il16't.hc POseeaaor ' Tuesday,"Hth March ' VVOodStock - wediriesddanyy,,, ]8th mMaarrachh wofhearevlearm7hee:oopeigzionol;2yTbuiOelsiwy..f0140fwoli.oliwitim:',..,, . , Tliureday,.28th Akif Stratford him on -his wiry•in echool; As :soon' ae he • lat.nrias sr.„, ,. • Tuesday, Crd May • . . • . , :, , , ,. house. - , • • : Chathan ' Sandwich... • , WednMeesdnaay7,1i2t9thh ;ea: tsealijett hoite.v.cialiterilif''ilgeltei;b:::"Iiig°"ittsn:w%..:to ''' Fridayacth May After lie had lieen in .sOhool Seine time the ' , . • MIDLAND Ci:BOUIT.: , • . the school-rdonil,. and ilWb.ps, had to ca nOtrnioor' 3 '.' ' the: b,ird home .• a, si,enild .'finio:-HAIng • °wen sound. Monday:Y.1th moron Freemen,. , ' . ; • j,:' . : ,'..Monda,x; 141h Monk : . ' , Brantford. • • .trlday;,18th march' . , • . , The 'To. i'spfble.oth,,,zard . . ; ninon° , ., ' . yvednesday, 28rd March . ..t. • . './..che •:,hlikzaidin, Dtt last week wae Lrigns4". &My - Peterhorol .„. • Barrie whimuilanhienlitilphtcl: , '•vv-n7hd:unnei.dsdaddalat,:yy;,28,c187t3tthilthh7AAAarpppgriel th Id „RP .e . ',severest tun; n ) - ' Brockville ... . .. . .. :, . :. .. .,. . :....wge9dnesaa'y,........ „ foesirora,t8 t. ...hloo rbtl:,,, ii 1..... (I:',1, :. ' r: j,:', -fl: ...,:c11- -; vt.,•t•I :-•0::r:1131,-,. :Is:Sr:h. ,..a.tiorfaso."1 lost . 'Cornwall.. .... . .. ....., .. ....:.......-....:14onday, 3.0th May .. ivil . . Ottawa _,...7,.....,/.................:. ,' 'Thursday. 211. d June • , 2 1 - . . -1 ' _••.-2-- ,OntariO=Bov.vManville;' ,':.`'*: Nalta1x, ' ' RobintIonnalici.nesrt LrienteurouTautsrin6moss..a , .yai,13 unrsaawyonsmo.,71cFciekriestyait:iiiiti:gy,-,vitiszi,orint,,n?;020.aouirr.j,up4ornir3ir%. . '1'. ' I ' - i ' • h n viz : • obsence).--tHello, Brown, where's Jones? ' ' goods; Toroio, ,..1,„,., (1., Nol;ris, .crockery,, .... ' " '' • e c, „Tho all II nbtot: n woollens Brciwit:-Gone into real estate.-. e ., , , BroWn0h,.yes. , , etc, '(fttiled). • -• q atson-,, iven up e mw? q, Cardin, als Gibbw;.. end gle,ethereau err • Itobinsonl-Get a partner? • . rived ; in Boole .0, Sittnday. afternoOn. • Brown, No, by himnelf.. Brotvn-Iii the gr. ,e,.veyard.-..Watlii:ngten rather 0 Cennell,,, iietor Of the. Aint - can received atthe aepOtat II omb wo,ti in ii-, ' Robihson-L•Where.? . . ,•, College; mettlxiiiii sti Genoa and.they re . • ; Critic'. • ' • "• • • ,• • •••• • r!hebiV., file Omit . .... . entialclorical dettitated, • ' aanat;',..t6lnle;biragy-pcifg-igilietto-bkalltlowt SPAT tititi: , . 'Life giirea. this fre103 iliuskntyoavftiosnitoat b'tvatho . 44303 Buyaettoluid Ili: following to say. ' Wfaitshaeorni: of 'the ' :child that . Girl --Ain't that yolif• eOder coming? .,., the eilert bunt tht costs the. MoSt.', .You Boy -No,• it e,yer 'own 1 , . . . . assi,p am sitting 41. it ..n.tilwaY parlor cat• • . ' Gir1L.HoW.can yen tell? . • dovvn inaleineAtiPg a .postal.card to a' ', ' Bides of- they..atro4;•alia mine lies down .la Card to the meIcar, only soVen.car lengths tiler middle. , •• •• _ _....,. ""••-•-••" '. : •• '• ' rl.z..1L Jibes& of riserr4 Government ;will °tarry it '• • B.oy--., sCOkyouf..fkaaoy takes' up •buth, friend in Grego.. • Now, if I c. aii, get, that. ••• Hugh Barnettiof,FdWardSPOrt, ins., was the thort hit, Tbellthe,porter lose!" it on ' thattalks, quite,as well tia any parrot. porter to caregoitt'atohitillaCbP000sttaitItCa;h.sfiviiiattii!ea se minified at 'a tkini 'niada by a neighbor his way Or that , he laughed imnioaerately end•, fell •,shrinkoge,AOkth,e,r.e, YO-ir hii7ve tiif Whole - A resident Of Cheia2101.1.1 has apet crow haul, But itotifs 'cie a .quarter to get the , - ,-----, ' '. 8,000 miles footle cont. „ That is the lent , , . , ,,,,,. , 'ilea.' - • . ,,,,, . . • • . tr,ailaportell'.13t9oloni ilia :nutshell. '* f , Sir •Mioliata HiCks-Beacii repliea, He OW it iniS the duty of the Govermxtent to p. enforce the laviv end this they Would' do. It: wee intended tneXtend the proiiiii'onspf the. Larid •Pilrehatie Act, and measures. NVOgo in 'contemplation f Or the, develop- ment of the industrial reeourees Of Ireland. ' 'The division ',was,. then. taken; and Mr. Parnell's aniendinent wee defeated by a Vete of 11520 246:,...b. - - '.' ' ‘;',"" ' 1 • .-41ii. Wilson Barrett,the aetor,-ia net a Woman-,1Yef he is fe'nilinneaenough to Object to telling his age: A, deliciotiii Weakness I . Jhe.suce.,essor Of, Cardinal, litenbith 'will r•robtibly he:Monsignor ttainpolla, .the Fapiii Nuncio °Alio:arid. ' • . , ., R. V. Siinpson, of St, Elnioe Ind.; ,wijile ' ' . ld boy was bitten Your attention.is in4i ato th, irovort, Baard.cm Thus ity nit " - dysteni, .. . ,•. . . . . ant snbjed of prition Itnor,;nita. t rem to ••• di tic eh laten tO`o the •quention Whether thz. .6,-fent-syliton of 1\14) letting out the labor of p otters ,eonfined. ' in the Central Prison to co, amiss or pri., • ve.te_Pereone by Contract,' nitlat riot, with • adVintege to the' discipline, acq reforma., . toy billtiences Of the prison, . exit without disadvantrigete the public, be aboleben.by: law, to take effect 'upon the expiraqon of , 4:,...0ati8ting contracts. • _ , • .. . ••• ...: Sine,e the last Session of thei Frovintial ' Legislaturei tendere were advertised. f‘r Fublio-Sohools free whose Parents are oAayingmith y admit all Roman the aseedsment, rolls 'ail' 'IMPPerters of the 'the thumb by the ,child. The wonna said schoold. Heretofore 50c: per month ilsery freed -y. a ,,00. the hatia.L.„.na arm Was cha4ea.fOr.eggeh PuPil.sultito lawell, and in a fOca days death re- ' " been left,' by tt,,, 11148ro blond . to Poiabajloka says she will not return e the can de notli• Sir Charles DiIILC wealthy cousin the surf of £146,901).' consin believed Sir Clie.rIcii to be art inno. cfont man, ana changed his will in his favor after the trial'. • ' exlverments t-Oream tille . ' ... ing there' livO bCCiLU 14110 wantainnian, tyranny in so great. activeintcreWo where she can take. an °lent her.' " `‘ whatever is going on s • • • •