HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-02-25, Page 3•
An Investiinitor Who flaVi Mae Xfaa Nat*
lug to Po With Intelligence,
A tall„ broad -shouldered man, • writeri
New. York correspondent, witj. jar hai
4014. whisker SranIrthe'''generst r '70f.
• worldly innocence that. charaetetisea, the
• scientific person, visited , the Aztec Eatri..
• • The matador'swords and eaballere'e apprs• .
failed to attract his attention, and he was
. net interested in the ftying of tOrtillati by•
buxom female descendants; of . the Monts:,
• zumas. Adjusting: his spectacles across
his nose and taking. a 'brief survey of the
• hell, with his beaming blueeyes, he rubbed
his palms together, And in a gratified. way
•.' softly murrnurod, " Oh: t this saves._ Me.
• quito a., journey," and drew a -notebook
an4 84011 steel too. 'frOni. his pocket,.
Bfeehing. Op to.th$7:nearest hombre, Who,
• wfi,4.- indOstrieuel• fashioning silver wire.
into delicate jewellery, the tall Man gently
but „firmly drew the. tape -line :around the
40044bed. greaser's head, carefully noting,
the measurement, and: made an entry in
his note book. . blandly • and
reassuringly • !men the,. exhibit he pr'o-
• vat eUts-WAyWand Make notes.; Before the'
• bewildered fellow:could collecthis wits the
• tall rtioonr•bad•,Inove4 around to the next
booth and slipped his tape around anothet,
serenely oblividus to the sensation lie
was creating among the puzzled Mexicans.
At last he taokied a vaquerowho could
• talk English aifd. Wanted te know,•the pur-
• pose of the measurements. • The investi-
gator explained that he •devoted his v hole
time to travelling over .the Worldnieesurin• g
peePle'a'heads.. mg egmb clay . he mould
write a book. about it, ,showing Whet folks
had the biggest heads of 'the lot, not count-
ing pii
romsng young aotors or newl-peIeeted-
.-Congretisinen.; The 'vaquero .was -disspr
• pointed to learn that thetall man was not
• An ecceittrie4Mgrioan,...philantlitopfst4ith,
. an :aniiiible 'desire to"presentMaw sombreros
to the whole oroVid_;The -gentleman wits
Dr. SiMe,'Whetleragratir faired' fTem
. • • . . • . . •
• ": prac-
In reply to my questions the decter, said
Thede 02041)9, I :find;havel !fry small heads
• ••-•-•:-;--..•AndoonsequentlfifiiiiilliirairiS.,Theliirenot
• - • ' . Aztecs of Oourse: but 'belong to Mixed
•...Spanish and Indian race '.of Mexico The•
feet that their beadle aniall•isOOly• another
•,'preof. of my theory,or: rather of mY.gehe-•
•• reliXation. from 'long observation,. that • the:
bigest heads'Are in, the .coldeatinttiesi.and•
:the size of the', &till and Weight diminish..
'mw. you get „nearet,;-theeqiiatot• 'II
• measured- heads • front Lapland to Egypt;
And from India, to New Zealand, and the
Stilts prove the truth of the general state-
ment. The, Laplandere •Itayothe, largest
' heacle and.thelfq-iirstOrial races the smallest..
•,. But the Laplander Is .by.'..no means ..a:
• prodigy of mental- activity. In Mot, he is•
to be rather stupid. Now, 1 have
7 discovered that the brain has nothingtedo
With, the, .operation • Of 'the 'thought. .The
• mind,is it is called, is not legated in the• brain.,
'• • The brain is a Niter organ liko the
heart;and suppliesheatto the.badytlitengh
• the nerves. ' • Sever the...neives in a:eheep's
• . 'neck and theheat: Of the.,.body diminishes
.. in regniar? piepertion S0. niany.,degkeeii• a
‘....•mintite. • The experience of Arctic explorers
has • ShoWn', that .• :men,' With big heads
endure the.epld •bet. is.a :life-
:.givingOrgan.. :,'It. is the dynanie that send§
beat and electricity along the nerves to all
.parta Of the body. gold :climates more•
044. heart and brains are
'larger than in Wapner: climates. : ' • People
• living:pear:the equatetreqUire little body
heatand their be.adsirre. ennalL.:-Butthe
intellect isnot .iffected:by.' the., the
Big nien have,' big heads, but the
'-'oniart Menet(' by big- •
•-geat brainthatMasoVek:Weifii ed:•Aves that
...,Wee that of, Ived Tofitgieneiff„ The latter
Hnesiani.afta the :Russians have big
.] heads because. their country is cold." I
could:.cite factsby th hour to prove nmy
. -•theory, • and seine clay the ilia:tan:data will• .
all'agree With Mo'. that the' old : notion : of
power is entirely erroneous." *•The
,.. doctor sighted another • foreign head across
,•'''thehall, and, Whipping Out his tape -line,
• he .disappeared in the erOWd, walking' over
jraell people : without. ..noticing their. pro-
tests in hieanxiety not to lose sight of the
... new spccimen. • ., • : • "
, •,
• •• • • 'dohnuyitt sneRing.',
••• "."HOW de you sPellkililS; matarita?". said•
• small boy, lOOking,tiP from hikslitte, • ,
' • "K-nree;• Johnny." . • '
• Silence for. \seYeral *eremite, , 'while/ the
letters Werp going down :laboriously' : And
thenbeasked „ • , •
" 14 HOW do yonspell'groto.-•
• . • •
• `‘; ' • • • . ••
More scratching With the ,
Now I've got it r- Johnny., exclaimed:.
kln-ot•e; ,ne,••
Youth's - ••• •
, The Mnn rex. the4o,1);• ,
SinipsonLiVell „Mugging, how's business.
. •
• , uggins. (our artist) --Oh, yipping ! Get
acomnrfsjon this intuiting from at clergy;
401i6.144.. • vf"
, .
. • ' • •••01.stbsttura t.tio• •
* ;4n
*It•..aez : ..site,a'4, go . eITT'd O•
nituisitioo ettanoy,,wir.a.As.
to;•;40 cat st?0:110O•ria nett*• %rfylIa
. • 7 •• tot&t•-1 .4„Tcr-fit e45.
, • 7„taz0.0-.•co477: tft.t.tocl,....icrs SO 0000
,i5t;,1 4 ita
• *ttlit AC,T, VAII1S.07,
„., • it jpg, tlic.
stag,'•oft ••,:•xd t'•
scal••• t.",• • • ,
•144rwitigkresoted brick • efit,
. ertseted frittio•.,
.,• 1•• (1);;114 11.„'", ted tits high
;tiny', tik.(•?::4•• '
.io • ti,'„ • , 1 A i,/...1 'Art :ills 'saidvitran; .1.
. ,
l'et• tiquis et!''st0e,..ak 4% 4i' *- '
44141 i V; 4 ;:,1,1 ,o.r kl,i)). ,,t • .0tkLier .parileclark
8olik ii,' (lo(Nric111 'kat P.Grvt,I,41401.124;:
gr the iilathififfeg lititg . .• .
' ilLtrOT l'llA Vit111, -1.k(4,,,f,oili.Aisoll
70)4ii,i :(44. t4rilic,ii8r; the aster 86.4.1§deriali
t... „Ifeteel, tkiii 44$ day ,4,,( liar;
' ' . ?"•
, .
• A Great Orator Reduced to MS 101.• Ahna
1!4 (-•44
A remarkable and even pathetic incident
-gO,gnXrsdaftXala•Maaeorin4hiS.-'-State,: the
latter part' of last:. week,:, Bays' a, 03.troit
despatch. A very eldman past 80 years
appeared in -the offibe of the Superinten-
dent of the Poor to solicitimbligassietancer
He had no overcoat and was ateesed. in a
-thin, threadbare suit' of black.. The silk
hat on. his head; like:the 'whitebait beneath
it, had Bean the storms of 'many winters.
He carried a small parcel and two canes
With which to support his dep. It- was
with ditAimilty that the offlcial,. after the
aged man had told his name„ recognized in
him the famous Augustus Littlejohn, an
orator of such splendid ability in his
prime, forty years ago, that no one
who heard him ever forgot the ahnost irre-
aistible magnetism of his eloquence. Arriv-
ing from Niles Mr. Littlejohn had applied
to time poor authorities for "assistance to
enable' him to. reach . Schooloraft; which
place hedesired to visit. The assistance
was instantly •furnished him, e4s one whose
alents4andr pasti-s,-services --to •-na-ankint'
entitled him to something better than
iniserable poverty in his old age, and armed
with a. pauper's tickethe left for Sehool-
craft that afternoon: • •
Augustus Littlejohn Was A great man
among a generation now passed Away.. He
was the Gough of the forties.. Old settlers
who have heard him repeatedly say that* he
surpassed Gough in the vividnessof his
descriptions and the wonderful and alto-
getherindescribable dramatic force of his
utterances. He lecturedrepeatedly all
through Michigan and Indiana on tem•.er-
ance, with enormous 'crowds attending his
-lectures everywhere. He was known also,
throughout the cast as well as in the west.'
Thousands all over the country • wpre re-
Was of the noted Littlejohn family; of:Hisr:
talent.. Bishop Littlejohn, of .Long Island,
and the late Hon. De Witt_ C. '.Littlejohn,
of Oswego,, N. Y., were nephews of his.
NOW ;.in ...,picturesque;•-bfft -nevertheleis.
-miserable,=tpovert3rthe'•-eM Man ifrabliged
to ask for public alms. It will be startling
news to most of those who line*him in his
prime, or those' who are 'onlyaacqnainted
with his splendid ,reputation, to hear that
the matchless . orator Of nearly half .a• cen-
tury ago is still alive, so long has the been
hiddenaWay.: from public observation and
knowledge. • •
Mraifinceing- in Children.
At its Meeting recently 'the Nineteenth,
Century Club listened- to. a discussion on
"Brain -forcing the • Education of
Children.".' • • '. ' .
; William A. , HatninOnd: said that, a
:little girl was broughtto himwith St. Vitus'
dance. . In her school satchel .were books
On English grammar, arithmetic geograp,hy,
history, primary, 'astronomy, temperance,
physiology and hygiene (" whatever that
may mean," he interjected), French gram-
mar,. French . reader, and a book ori
" Science." 0.64oUnd the 1 Child had •six:
and.e half hours t� study nine subjects; it
was using *brain capital - faster than its
receipts; it had .,intellectual ;banktuptCy
staring it in theface. It: a :child shouldnott
look at a. book until was ick"aara. Old, it
would read better at 11 than a child who...
had Studied its lettere when it was 3. yeara
old. "it would be Much better •if a child'
studied tWO . dr. 'three subjects instead of
twelve; grammarshould be banished • until
the seiner year Of to. university .course; rid
child ever learned - good English, front, '
grammar, Grammar is the moist ingenious
'device ever known for driVing.. poor' httle
brains into_psirmatture_dgerepittide..±-The oppose
only reason Wh.,Y it does not do '.13:Pore harm
isbeeaiise nintrtenths. of th.e. people.' don't •
know anything.abont it:" • , t
• Miss Mary E. Tate, Principal. of .Gtani-
mar School, No. `40, defended, the • present
system in this city. She said that "
work" was due • largely ,to mothers and 8
thiCtore: • .• ".
doctor kno*s. there is no way to
reach, a ,inother's heart," she said so t
soon as by saying; Your' Child's brain is fi
too actiVe.t, A physician saidthat of Me, o
and my mother told' Of it . with pride,"•-•
New York Slot: •b
EGBA RIO Ilr;f3y001A.7171,
There were 3e' deaths in Kingston last
month, eight of which weit frefin-consurnp:
tion. •
Owing to a rumor that Dr; Abbott, PI
who died.tuiddeulY recently, had
'come to life, an sinvestigation showed that
his 'remain@ are still in the vault there.
, Ottawa is likely to prove a . formidable
competitor with Kington for the pof3session
of the proposed School of Practical Science
for Eastern 9,nterio,
Mr. W. Peters and his family, of Kings,-.,
ton, Came near hieing their lives on Thms-
day night by suffecation from coal gas.
Themembers of the family are confinedto
bed. " •
' TWO Cjvil Service- employees got well
thrashed in the Windsor Hotel,' Ottawa; on
Thursday night, by.o• stranger,, whom they
insulted because he would not shout for the
Tory party, • , •
A special, meeting of the Tororto• City
Dimincil was held yesterday afternoon, when
the legislation to be Asked fromtheOntari
- Atainesent:sesaion•----was,eon
ildered and adRpted, .
AO BOWS; •Pewstorm ef loot Friday, an
paSse,nger,treins have suffered considerab
dela .
The Montreal whiter .cornival was
brought. to a siterceitsfifl close on. Saturday
. • ,
Thitty-two, cases are inscribed for hear-
ing by the Supreme OM" pihich 'Meets
to -morrow for its OW seesion thieriat
The old settlers of Manitoba 'hale
warded to Ottawa a petition forty-nine feet
long regarding . the settlement of land
claims. -- •
to TherPrtnenleedir4 tTetbkeibrniteciorael:tantbae4i4lrnisa,
and I*.lianBibibAtion were received by th
Department of AgriOnittite at Ottawa,o
„Saturday. ' • • ' -
:on St. Catherine street,'Montreal,' died..
few days ago by the falling ice from a. root
• Mrs. Nforse.t.: lady who was: mierea a
terday morning at • her home, Burnside
An interesting dehate. on -the subject of
Iniperial Federation was :held in Kingston'
ca•-_St_t_ d ght.:Jietween.;students-of
, letter arguing in fa:vor Of and the Toronto
'men opposing the idea. The judges doided
in favor of federation. .
A.'young man •nanted. Arnold, just re.r
• leased from the 'Central 'Prison,. tiprang,
upon a sower, who carries' the -Mail to . the
Royal- Military- College, Itingstoti,4 on
Saturday, on the principal street,' and
seizing the ebeek with his teeth
took a piece out.. The, soldier Wad pasiiing
: quietly along the street at the time: •
Two. or three girls helonging' to the Sal-
vation -Army Were brutally attacked on St.
John street, Quebec; yesterday afternoon
by a crest,d of respectably:dressed rowdies,:
who pelted thein withlitra of o and
:1-cerklidblin.7- --one.: young Woman tO, the
ground. : : The •• victim Might ''have been
,police. No streets, were made, though the
street Was full of people at the time. „
7,.1710.za.,t:4wy.:,a!S•wasattending_to her
.: On Saturday
usual work Of thn, Asylum • cottages
at London doviti. . the
house and fractured from the
effecte of which she died 111 short • time.
She had been in•the institution. about ten
yeatsanclbelOnged in the neighborhood of
Stratford, • Aninqueet was held at.4 o'clock
Ando, verdict of agoidentaLdepth-teturned;
Daniel Cook, of *.(oL9'oa C4( -.4t, Saw'
miiers,'TeesWater, Watt ettished • to death
whiletudotiding :saw- logs. :at the. mill 'On:
Saturday afternoon. Nobody : was in the
.yard at the time, And When •the body. was
found life had been extinct for some time.
Death Moat have been instantaneotiii,:ati he
was lying beneath the paw logs •Vety,, badly
ctOshed.and spine broken. It is °Sup-
posed that he slipped andiell, palling the
logs on tOp•Of•hint: • Be leaVes . wife f and:
O77sag.f7na:;,„,i".:1;#.4!i .11(;.
The Limerick hint had to be abandoned
poisoning of .th
foxiirsinds. , • ' •
The :British troops in. Lithe; . will ;•be.
armed With repeating rifles, and the Mar-
rifles will be transferred to the Sepoye.
'the British Admiralty Deftartment has
rdeted two additional to Halite*,
to Protect the Canadian fisheries.. . • ,
• , • • •
The Peris'PlIttwers annotinees that. the
Penal Mingle it Madrid, -Mgr, itempoll4
del Tinder°, has been appointed Poritifieel,
Secretary, .sriceeedingcarclinal--4COhini. •
• A Russian lady, said to thedivor4ed
Wife of a consular' offigiallat Philadelphia,
has eornniitted Suiaide. •Eft ••WieSbaderi.bY
shooting herself in a Cab. ' •• • : • , • '
.4 'Lyons 7firrn has received Aut :Order for
twenty thousand givii&of .white' Silk hand-
kerchiefs; attiniPed tlie.Oneen'i
t� bo sent to Indiallse•Jubilee .presenta,
• • The ecItitrt of Appeal .baS reri- •
deted a decision phidding.the.validity Of
the. •T,.viand-Edisein:Clieesbore patent for
carbon•.fil elite for incandescent leniPa.L
. project on foot in London to sen
0,000 jewish;celenists to: MinticO tet
tributed among the ‘agricultural districts,
The proposed colonists are the viCtims. 'of
Mission persecution. : ••• : • •
• The electiOnliNerth Antrim to 'fill: the
Parliamentary vacancy Canoed •by the
resignation of E. MaCnagliten /Confiervative)
resulted in the tetnto Of . E. Lewis (CO-
setvatiVo.) : • • •
Refetting to the Herne Rule question,
Gladstone says he is desirous of retein,
ingthe:Preeent 'number of Irish representa-
tives in.f.'arliaMent to deal. With Imperial'
to advaneethewholeaftlepriCe Of anthracite
le :coal fifty cents a ton. '
,.Oflfitattirday niglirfft aInaitel *belt
;Wilson, aged :17,.of Corning, N. Y, shot
and killed George Wood, Rol 21.
Thomas. M. Joseph, of Galveston, Trea8-
u rea
ex r ,a
Ithe Grand
accounts. • '
Wm. yeed, aged 14 years; :gugene Gritz,
nger, aged 141 and Henry - P. NinTight,
13, were Cdrowned in Garden City Lake„
L. I., yesterday afternoon by breaking
13, krough e ice. I
113 .saY:5PablevNer.aY.4
1 arin7iney so' Washingtonfficerswiindoe8ePaPatesth
n few months have daplicatea.theii .pay ,ac-
' ,
counts but settlements have been effected
:without disagreeable notoriety. •
*Oil Saturday evening, during the absence
of his wife, John Jacobson, of Omaha
Neb., strangled his infant child' to death
And then hanged liiraseM Temporary
mer'a'divorced wife, tben abet himself end
sanity was the cause. •••
George -Messmer,
will die. Muller is fatally wounded; and
Muller and Mrs. Muller, the sister Of Ness-:
On rridey night, at San Francisco,
seriously.0fte NorthP.1;2.:.1;a6ific:
Railways • are having . built at St. Paul,
Minn an experiniental iron cat intended .
to,sepply heat, light and pure water to Os-
senger trains. • The car .is to immediately
follow the Ogine, • ••,
Queen'a • Universities, th
Miles Demptiey, who lived neer Demorest
ville, Prince EdWard County, was instantly
killed on Thursday by a hick from a yottrig
horse which vbe was breaking. Deceased
was p, years of age and. married. . • '
An old gateman n of the Grand Trunk
Railway nained John Woods Jost his life at
Montreal yesterday, Morning, being •run
down by a ,leesMotive during' thebOavY
snowstorm. He was an old employee, and
attended. the switches and semaphoresMcGill '
Graduates' Society • Executive
Committee offer a Prize, Of 450 for the best
ocle in honor:of he Queen's Jubilee,. to be
read at the Annual University dinner,stthe
'eni 0 • Araz.,:4,,Tlie,conpet4iciiv*-111b&ope
to all Her Majesty's subjeCtii; manuscripts
to be in before the
Jani-Ws-Pg-gt;'. who as taken from
the second story :window of hisheuse at
:St Themes 111 a boat ' during the reeeht
_floods, while suffering from.akeevere-'-attack-
raniffinirmation-Of-thelungs7-died yestie:
" •
y., from the effects of -.- the ',exposure.
Deceased was 71 years of Age, , and had
been a resident of that eity .for ..the Past
fifty. years.. . ,
• : •
?Sit.' '3411 -.I:43410; of Aniherst • Island,.
whiledriving home to Ainberst
accompanied by Miss Wilson, :hrekii
throttgli, the ice. Ile Managed to out
upon the ice, after which, with Minh difd-
celtY, he seized the young ladyby the hair
and •,retticited her.... The valuable team of
horses were ,drowned. Miss. Wilson is very
ill from the effects of her Wetting.'
. • • , •
:Edwin Sales, . a liotel keeper at Court-
land, .a few miles from Ayliner,hag.' been
inpoor•hea•lth and also financial difficul-
ties/ for 09mq:time past, and on Thursday
night 'hii-m,ede a Most determined and suc-
cessful attempt at suicide. ' Taking
loaded' shot gun and locking himself in his
bedroom, he Placed the muzzle to his fore:
head and ' fired. ' The whole. tOp of his
head was blown off, Iola.his brains
spattered over thewails ; and., floor.. The.:
report of the gunwasheard by thefainily,.
and When .the door . was forced h3, wasfound. lying, on 'the, floor • dead, A • razor
was found 10 MS 000St., He was 0..)?0Ut 40
Yearsof, age, and . d. reaves e wifeand four
children; • • • .'
The Anarchists , threaten a' .dynamite
cfii:Rino 9:::ritigiihaunnigniiprPoeurcla.hneocfi.eie48 047::
The proposition which has been tit for
, .
Ward, that the Pope- shell ' be accepted as
in BnigarisnAispute,isetrengly
, •
'A detipatela from •St. .- Petersburg states
hat the Husinatt Mediterranean 'fleet .has
been ordered to . rendezvous • in. Japanese
waters, where Ressia intends, at the earliest
eseible moment to assemble a considerable
quadron. • , • : •
. „ ••.
.The Prince of .Waleir7hirsnOtified the
overnorsof New South Wales and Vic-
otia that both , himself and the, Princess.
nd itiiedessary to recall their •acceptance
f an invitation' to .."' visit ;Australia this
ear on the Occasion of the centeriereeele-
ration of the two Provinces." • Tholetter
04:13 it will be impessiblefor the Prince and
Princess to leave England tinting the nest
tvielie•reontlis, • • • '
• The Judge"`wasi
Police Magistrate -Prisoner at the her,
• have ' you any children? ••
Prisoner—NO,"-Your Reber.
P. M.• --Why. not? • •
, Prisoner—Well,ASM not Married. .
P. M. (who' hates a giggle it his expense):
very fortunate for, YOut,
'Holton Beacon. „.
An.Thimistakable Synaptean.1 '
A new baby had •arrived at littleJohnny's
residence, and'the youngster was admitted
to talehis first look at :the little. stranger.
Ilestirveyed. it (saintly for a moment, and
'then looking up eichiltried enthusiastically:
‘`.., His &eels just like the color of Uncle
George's Gosh, but be ',must be:, a herd
• 4.4.,,,tegg Pilm%teik: ' '
• , • ,
111 .„1 L., •,, 41 gtu..m slnaa':e3g40 • W. fl
„Is ,ttrattiny, 01 fiaNge 110 pi s4;0.i isamst.
incibut sst.t.,10 litortlapiry ws..t(1'.gt,,,uto4,,t4txt,v
1$01.r41; 1)1.11)A
lit Oodvd '4(tIadst(0,t; p4 ;gull Aisix
"' ° —0 • W.
yon :want . A, Neat: and ph,:
akile singie or ppli)to mfototh,s
go. 10. . •.. '17"' •". ,' .
Wit ,§ON'S
rozirkitit nAkiiimis slioi.:.
, , .
si,10.4. le4444-1.-81-444 ' 4itzeiiitak
aft., 40,.. tii hs howl * ' 4$' Altriittk
"WA .0141111010,114. ' ' k, • '
Michael. Hicks -Beech, Chief Secre-
tary for Ireland, in the Heinle Of Comb:ions
last evening, in • answer' to: inquiries,
'affirmed the truth of 'reports thet."MoOn-
lighters had attacked the houses: Of „three
farmers in Mill Street, 'county Cork; and
put. off tho. hair of every woman met in the
honses. The Only reason given for theout-
rage, said the Chief Secretary, was that
the Women had been seenspeaking; to the
pollee, Sit Michael also said the „Govern:
naent Would' not 'release the Crossmaglen
convicts.: , • • -, •
Omit 'circles are in a state of .enthusiaS-
tic expectancy with regard to the coining
celebration of Queen Victoria:a coronation.
The -greatest social •feature of the:: jubilee
14.4.11 ortatmilri1A.
Aft 40111.MIME to: "mai 110041,0111;
• •
The Spanish Government has assented
the financial • autonomy of the ' Basque
ratinces ' on, , the, basis of their 'cOntri:
ution of '50 .per, cent. extra to the exl
hequet. • • .• •
Advices from Mandalay Say the rebel
Slider Tho,-nbwa, of Woontho, -refuses. to
urrender,',and'is destroying village§ whose,
habitants are suspected of -inelining
ovvard the British. •
At midnight on SatildaY t/gaiigri ;of
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The Use of Words. .
A Canadian says the word " toboggan"
should be pronounced With/ the second '0
long, as in open.:
Citizens of Depere,Wis., are about tetake:
thefr cityshall. be spelledwith a inialinx
...With a capital P., •
AstudentOf:Indian tenguisti declares that '
the word "Chicago" was used by the Potta- •
watomie Indians long ago to designate a .`
• place • where wilitoniens_aboundek—liter.,!-
Ally_,-an,onion.patch, • ,
The Word polyg " is in -constant ',Use
among thepeciple 'Of IAA in conversation
and in print to designate a Mormon. 4.Qta-
bib ',' is applied to a person, playlets* of • •
unlawful :cohabitation and less frequently
to a persoirOf infproPet habits. , , • "
The verb " to'jounce " and • the subtitan-,
five, 4.!_joancer," • are becoming-- current in ---
certain society circles as terms by\ which to
denote respectively ' "mash" and
"masher." , The ideainvolved is, that W.
thsrednetion of the Actin' to the :condition
Of `jolting :helplessness tpyified. by, the jelly:.
• The term "pigeon English," Wiled 'to
designate the lingua franca which pawns' ,
current between English-speaking people, • .
and the.phinese; is said 03 be a corruption :
of "business English?" the word "
being the neatest approach that: China-
man can. make to the pronunciation of the
English word business." : r.; •
, •
Miss ,F,orteactie, •the told reti-
es:go 'reporter the other day that the adjec-
tive." elegant " never used in London in
cultivated conversation. Over here a
rightly, - and I notice frequently, used,"
said she; "but in gngland we nee it but ..
for One.thingin the Whole world, and *hat,
de you. *ink that is'? advertisements
of flats; 44(3ga/A nets flate. te, let;; you •
It , is the ',toper thing, in St. Paul And
Minneapolis now to call a dude of a certain
class a "fade." Td. come , strictly underthis designation a dude must be not toe old
tier too stout, and his Most promineritchat
abteristics niust be a melancholy mien and
a habit of profound ---speechls
not absolutely necessary.. He should smile
only rarely, and in taking leave, ofa,person
should vanish gently as if fading away.- '
Meatink•threeMpnms with One Steve.
4 correspondent in Indiana, who favors the readere eifthe New York ' Metal Worker.
With an !occasional 'letter, sends it the lel-
lowing commtinication containing sugges-
tions which may. . be of vales:. to _
of our readers having similar work to.
execute and which .we ' gladly reproduce :
A doctor had anew office built last sumnaet,-
With three rooms on ground floor. These ' •
he was desirous of 'heating,' with 011e stave
and sheetiren drums. I told him I wozild
do the work under his directions, lie being •
eponsible for the results, which he agiee.„
. The sieve is a baseleatingxoculbtirner,
wbich.was placed, in the waiting -room... A
pipe was run from ;the stove hi the. vit..,
ipg roomi through the partition into .the
consultation rocun,and connected With,,the
drum therein. A. pipe also cOnnected the
drum in the Consultation room Veith:the '
•drnin in the study, and • from thence was
• (singed into the chimney near the ceiling.
In the pipe running from the stove 'to:the '
Consultation room was a "T," from which
was • run a pipp to the chimney,. .`
in ' the • •waiting roona. ' This pipe "gall • ,
provided with a 'clone damper just Plided
above the T. To my amazement and surpriiiii
he reports it works nicely even With,;theln-
direct:shaft on the etove: The drutos were
of Ordinary pattern, having a division'
A no 0 r:teritdki vs/A •$,,voiriOlith sttituati.
-00 •:tri! 31oole,o ouij qo pun quo u
11.8i,e(t PAteae. 0111 slip .mtt
, , 7, „II,
4:'• tits noyv ih itsek
, .4r,s.est stia' best'clis
1.00' Lttektiow'. •
40. 4ha 0425 ZCAktik.'
Olt° ilittifliztieg;, °tit.
11(V.:e0.1t;01.Nte'• toi!*# ,
J• ',a
all tit" 4b,,re.4.4attli4tel.......,.. _or wsio,patelit8t.d
Midair I" ani prApa-ktql 66 40,11 Ali iltf•tt1P'
be•it task tini„ stui a t lowgrt
Steak beforgitorgiginigit
Don't fail to.eitll aid sag g
atty. other h,ougg. is ill's arms.,
. • .
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. .