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Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-02-25, Page 1
r• sy. 1. .. • 4,707 •r. • 10 11140.4. 'ntinit r� . a(1i',bed *eery F1 Way ;it,t'ti,t• 1ptiliNLL • Block, Nurth }east ('urpk, :•f' /atmio and Cain pliel. S%r,,rtw, L v01( NOW • OA TA R110. bit • 1144 I AN, EDITOf A ND'l'(f bsrriptioln: per Year i'io •,#4 airier 1 All ut,, 1,1.4 )B PRI ING RSYCCTRi) WrVH---. �`Ei113` fo'spa'1c•: p G EA114 RA L,,, it t"OUNNIIS GTT..4 VI, • , Ai v; n14c1, ' • tX-U 1+;•lel'.,-{. � ' ES/PA . a t R E ASO7\ A.BVE � 'Rates, on 'retina Of • Payulet,,t 'to rail 11 ,I(3oi• 0W�16: � � - •- f' f+ .)''t;►`I' 1.44,vg'% ''f 1'Iclt;nO.W ori ) FEFST L'f,,AS* 1 irli 7'GAGES AT 7• cunt. t ►t.it,t .. C t p,�y;cble yea4Y, - Charges va,;y.Modern te. ;Applyhtro R(?1tI u -r Rii:u.AY, St,. ffelen's i: y I.int,,'nt 1 trios for Sale -in On; t*t•iofea well a.a:Allinitnba : I'al tiey;desirnuir to,. •ie1I ..hint. will ronsuIt their iutrrezte'by •in- • enacting Y,It.; ar(vertiriitis( fa ilities of Subscriher t.n•'�rreari3 pit';tut�jr,.iidl Ireland end.Continent of ' • Lamle fR t Sake AN.G tS` STEWART, ; 1.and' Valuator; Locket*, Ont. ENO:V & C.AM?t[t Cam a 1� .. 1, -� b Street • `a.i• p t ucknoW MONEY..,",r ,- O ILOA N �t R' t(gced-ltatpa ; 1 thein ors:: Loans lin Murtg;Lges.ps Low ar•, 6_pet-crtit otos O.&' 2RCort „ era. Sou t gam' , g'�i ;fir Drafts and Clterixies on all i'oints (::fished. 4. Pel • • rf,Q1C111 w n tI , �. .. .... ...—tea, •— ,SOCIETIES. LUC1i'ivoiv ; '• L4Vog,7 Olaf' No. 112,' :•r- - ') . Moets every Friday evetrintgtlat ci}cht •r'olockin their tall, Ceinphellbtreet, Ail` • 13rethern cordiallY i nt'•t ted . MAAR:'BU7liGESS, ,J0uuN "E ....HITT., Noble Grand, ..._t3mr j' ITCKNOW ,OfG r OF THE AN-C'i, _RJ ent Ordt'r crf URited Worknw,i, avert in: tba 0ttdfell,.w;►; Hall, on the 'eeirnd •srrl: last: Mrreriry eveningw of• eecb bianth,. akt 8+)'oluck. Visitilli: Br•thrrn are c. rdi:di3' inxlted-:. JOHN P !•A1• T,• • " • A.. AfAcIN'i'Y''RF, :Iliaster Workman. Rec,n•der. •I NO. 7S;,r .,.'. LT& ra,lay on or•befnt•v:f oil mnoii of each mantis at,klebt .•bi. :"Viiitibg,Bi-athet.n cordially h,vit•d:N . .JNO. e_P. 1SON., WM,•A�(F A.L•- >... Saeretal:y MEDICAL,. G. E1LION.Z,• 0: P.- d 1. ;11if{: Edinburgh. s,(1FFICE—,That• formit er occupied by )r Mac,Klit;•ove Ir'.•0ritndy', ;atone; w•here'1 will be fiiuod' night and day J:S.,TEn 11T y OIre;=llfedical Hall., L'it:b-nm •' � .c1 al ' ac P ten`" 410 ., 4 i al d to d. 1 i9 0 : vvo ' a,. a t met"' t a nd children. SW -Cells promptly to 1 •g �' night or Y , D. T' . A. 1�%LAcC1. I IhMY1�01�,�-: 111.,D., C. lkf;,, M.'C:•P; s. o• L. R. C. .p., •L R. C. S., and 'L.•• i , E�1inLur h. • Coroner Couutyof Bruce. Licentiate 'of Midwifery;. Royal College Physicians arid.$tirgeons; Edinburgh: A®-Offree , : One door east of the Pest Orbe, L• ncknow, Oat. CLAM. ;WA,Lli It , (' i.- ; Next duo,- o tht•Bat bet'• IIC`11O . OW UKN' .�° _.. STT,; f ll'si 1pply of iedcin•a — - isiwaya on haul. --•-Calla-both-n htat d day ''roYwptl.attr;ide' to C •Charge$ nu deratu Cao be funnd•'da and night Y ghtJat iiia. '$pe,.1.,,1: and Prolni,t Attention Pahl .to 'the: Collection of Totes, Acct)unte, Mentis; ete. . nyrDrafte• Payalile'°at Per `Issued; :on tl • .Prineipal Cities and l'own< ,f t , Canada •itin d..o •41taT.Tti i t ted States -and l.rtat Britailt Pattie Reinittiilg• will 'fin4.tbik the Cheapebt;•:Safrrs sad triont• Cutts:enQnt �1ethUd. Graduate :of t 'e ti : b Oliturio .Yaternru•y Col 1 e r T,o' r - F, r nt, . and •re .. '• 8ter a dme .� rd bar•. of the' V c't ' crui a ;� l ler ' 11c Y alA , • Ya ICia1.iUt1` ' 'Call �' ' . n c ,. w fouiid"hrerir red; to treat all dfsea$cs,i.(: the dein; • mantic _animals it,the lata$ ,and' must acteuti: •'fie Manner. r. Calle either mail tit :elr+gri,tn promptly .attettdu,il t, 9...• Charges 'moderate: i•u Unice, torriia u's' dill •Iesidtnce, Pascoet,1, Luo>cno iNTIERE4T hive per. cent. 'allowed", ohl)epogita;fn the Ytatvings 13i,;nk 1:)er: trill,-nt.'Ftinds,itivp teen .for Private Parties.: W,ere'lrre ,$red to of4r to C,u:,toiner, every f(tuility `ati riled' by,' a :OL,arteredL:•tuk,ant1 oil egitaliyfaroralileteams •. CONVEYANCI N ba *Alia Clt anelits tr)`F`re and 1 ifs, Insure •wove 13eatCompanies lte'p enented:. Ql IF1C(Vi: ei 0 kgs.. :`L;l Diu to'?l o;tat. GAME & , CAMPBELL • LuoKaici N. • L GAL • )' n, 7"1) ( Ito Y r At . t l,tow; •r.,; it; • r hannee t20uuni,,,;i4ri,' G'. r+ vev4(1,•11) ,t:: hitckilnW #J•t UJin iry itee l",,,911.( ice, , t, 1tOf,Iq; l i;' ,Tti$Ti;l.., Pl1►f:16fli. 1'. •( ' .. • t � dt t••'r•' . 1 t, ( u e gat?u luet't,r i ",.f:tlr,e r onii 11Q,rIt mid (>Yutwrgq, 4,;; or-; i ', i.rh 111•,11r•y tu; ltai�t ,a,t l,wuet'rtitr i,t tuturreat IMO:�YOORRC(,.A.1\ A in LSU. a.,!{ialnuuhI. +U., (habil• °, , A Tr). FI.t()un)FooT, rta;4-kHdurieh':()at .x �`.. txAliR()� '. ; WM. P1,.Ot11).P.('),11 ,earn .. • LL Io,c T Rr1v:'' R°. a'rirotlxs - 1'AT- 1,.1ty,S,,lin(tar,• iw G'hau••ry, 6luryor• aaliair. `etc. Office newt 'diet, I, tin ]fist Office, ;Lucian ow,• CO, _ .....7 AXTo,l': r,ONV • midai,iilc!r iii : H. (✓'. J., d. Iht•:sy to' Loan at per ° att. :� s.. tr+aYli1'Nice ri. Yvlailor for thi .1)ns.n0a 8w► nil ' IF rristmofit ' /Dirt I t,e ss•, 3Aieioii h P. O. ': Mtii1/o; • DE N9'rI►A i .. —S. ])L. or,nf t as r , T ,f rti„al 'Sur, ' A ery,,hae_ien,naril t, \'S'in iian.; *where hal will 'arnt•,v on the7)Pntristy linsiness • b, i b.. :btinformbegto lag .•patrnrir;,that :'lie wi11":visit `1.4icicnowan tlit: 'rat and third htirniiRya ;and Tuesdays nf•ea'ch: • HMonlh,. Office in otel 'Cain's •m' D M (O0'S:1'M,Itlt(I\.•.j a'1'PRE LL. ) • � lIvIIC.. �i. Imrgrnia's)r,ner in. •n. 'P,.; C,onveyaucert'ete. ' L.UC O'\V Gonveyat.ciuq i, :41 its htanc.hey, : DZ•elle,?1,foi•t a ser: , . g,li, r }3an ls, .1:rrdunicute,l.kaFe etc.,. pis uyptly and ca..-fnilyOrci :►red, a; and curt°ectne,ttaitArrtnteirt�' • Spe,'iiel and insnept attautinn' pail• tri the searclrng of l''iUeitand to all mattersenuniv-t• ed with the tr}►usfctr of Icril"Lttatel. Cl1 t.. :�1r , .Y >l S } .R 1, „ '•AWL � ' ST,pWkWANO£ia.' u al r M Insuraoce a� :.. . Co ' m,, ()Alt]) of DIRlt•CTO11S•MEE'L'a.lrtoit` :the transaction of bciuli*s6.hn•..the file akent y, iii' each month, Pa 'er; :Wishingt have. their. )t1 ihiy Y._ property in this i"ii'a`iiwn(nol'Y popular Company, •trill by' ;iv pir notice be Ballad upon by the'ande#srgh•d er by ono 'of Ws. hire' Cto baidtrii;.ta lltuinerr calls primp* AS-, •R T B$iCt • I$t.S,lw1'a P. oke • ai Small M43•o t fo . the. opposjton, AS FtiR AS HEARD FROM • The following i,) a list of the elec. trorra`l I' o '1'uescray�lasi, s far as heard Froin and a•t h.. , .� �....� _...:�.. r hon tli S . e Liber-als< �are slightly in -the -lead: 'thus far, it . is: ..altoget}tar Biedl ''w 'e •, y �iert lila full rQturrls _arei L_alti'..(;ove -timent - r wrll�haefl-`-a ilkAltirfalority: ' Out of the 204• con: stitiiencies given below the: Reformers •havesecti.'twnurod-102, >! wit}' 1(1 0 'Ctlrisej••va ' ti es uii.dal ie .arcleai fl: `REFOH MER • oNTAnxo. ,• Ridii' g r t1lgorna '•,'' fothwe}}.-' • *gut:.1V.ortl, l3ratlt.5(iutll' Bi-uCe" Weit 1 >urttam West iJji, Beast West fs'sex South Glt:iigarry' Grey•5outli .Grey. East •IHni:litnand Halton har Iiastdi)• ngEasts .East Tinton, South •')4,6n)°tiier .}ills Sor#t'erville Pattefson Blaket .a e . • Blake W Ilsozi • 'Casey Brien Pu reel l' Landerkin.• Colter. Waldie:'. Burnette Macdonald 3'10-NIYllan-' • Kc nt • Oam bell• Lau#bton West Lister x: Lanark North s: =ilifldleseai:South--Armstroii Muskoka. oka M wA�tieru.r Norfolk-North---0farlton Northuniberl i and <Ial gory::• Ontario North:. Ontario • West Edgar oxford North.. ,Sutherland' Oxford SouthnthYe• • Cartw,.i ch,t ' x ,yr i3, ..,ow..••,.•r"). :Peterbot o East • Lona' Pcnret'Ed•w.ar(l` .Platt` North, P! 1� Renfrew ort11 Renfrew RSouth Campbell ussell ... . P .:llwttirds � •• :Sinicoe. East , '.Cook Prescott, ''•Labrosse e;iincoe South' •L. Victoria Nor'th Barron ,Waterloo South: ' Waterloo Voi-t'h • I3owwan WPllnigton C, VelliLig ton N T.171, c111,u11eri \•Vellingtoii ' . S' hiuHs' Wentworth'. N 3ruin , oc •-1 3 0 ' 1'9 498 Montmorency. Lenglier 11•,1 ontreal .,East. 'Cou rsal, ' Napievil le ". St. Marie. Nicolet Gaudett Portii,✓ui -St.: George Quebec 'Centre . ' Langelier Quehec hast • Laurier Rouvidu, o llig suit Ilin,ouski—" "" ' i`se St; Byaeinthe ` Bernier'F. St. John Bourassa St. Maurice Verche,•es' (Ieoff. rin;a Yamaska ' Qladeu'. • NOVA gcoTIA., Cape Briton �Turray'. 'Guysborough. Kirk Lunenhurg•.. Gclu( eras •. Rich hood .ShcII.lour;.•lae a Vic oria . ' xuth,': • Albert„ -Carleton Charlott w Gloucester' Kent • Kin �S Nor:tl oinberland ,: Queens 781361• !-t Baty StJ liri cit' .an'd Y .eau ikty , Victoria \Vestnaorelanc1' Borden F,,Isenhauer' f'lynn' :: • 400 =-•-R,•trl,r;rtscia "; , . 31c AlcCurdy'' • • 45. ,Loi•:. ,. -i t. ..�OIfI •1 70 Cliarnpllai Acct Ohicoutiln 219 Compton , . Laval .. 300'x' Montecali#: 19 ,`Montreal 'C.. 1, (10 Montmorency. AccLi(iticea .VV 400 Ottawa Co. Pontiac : • B. 287. Quebec ;Co, Ca, QuAbec West..Aic I 140, d 400. 100' NEW miuNSw3CK �• Hal�� (aillunr 311%ihe)'t'. Alis ' Skinner. Weldon' PI.I VDI; EF.WAIi» ISL �NIY 5"yg1 ; 3'3' ; 0 •Arc T Int_ r in Y e 119 K Ss Robertson 140" Welsh Queens • 9 :Davies P.•• -•`;a-' Pr' ,V,• 206 ;lice • .. 1'flrrp' ifr itANITO,n.I •Lisgar ' Ross;(T)'' : Marquette: Watson .A�TI� E • 3S„ 9 6,1 80 330 ; 25 400 ,Brock Ville' • • Wood liru(?a3"Ncirth' .111cNeill 50 B"nuc . e Eases •Carsild•._..' _ 67 GOrnwall t `Storniorit ergin 300 . Carleto ii i4.lcDortald. Car�l�•vell �A'hite '.`. Dundas . Hicks • ,350: 1)arh ln' + y a Last Ward. ,1,100' Essex' North- Patterson 800 • Fronrenac . Kirk. ti ri .. p t ck '.• 100" GrenvilleSouthSl ianle 4.• I7 >(xrey.South Sproule ,' • 1,71 Grey`�l'4'orth ;: , 'Masson°' 30, 'Otey"East , 1-Iauiilton Bron '100 Has.,' , trrtgs V,.e. t 4tobc�rtsoii. 75. lIastings No •t'll '13o Vell.: fluye .1' i 1 estY,� I'ort��r ,'200 'Iiut;atou' Me1i'onnlcl. L'alikltton East il'li,i;rc t u tf: •L'itic�irltr N• Jtiniit'::t,h • • , G anal I:.•So_ nail 11 a),,at t LPecls ,South ; 'l.'}i°y,lor l.�eeds .sit ', 1;re `d,lrrtil:villf, Nor tli .illi i,t k us oi' �V.i f si.fi •Outlin••'• CONFER V ONTARIO Addington - Ile:1 'AlgQhta' 4;;`238 d 450 ,135 York teat, 150York • • 66, QUI:III c. •Bagot . T3,eati ce 13ea tflartioie` ,13efecllt sse • l3et tlii(ai'; 11i owie•' Ci(ttn h]y Charlevoix •CI)ateauguuy' 1 for cluPuler 1)runlMin ni)1d A # thal•)aSCa Huntiiigtloti • •Iber villa Hochclagri .,;ailette �Tucus• Cartier I'.iinotii-aslca o ilpt(Ull Lprairie• >Lf+w is , L'isiet • r,Casgraiii Lot'biti(er0 '"11;i(if, ri,t Me'gantie• - '1'ur& - otta • Mask' 1#i an ge Desaulicrs • ' Mieeirs(luoi Clayati Montcalm Ment& iagay • •Qhoc1ngi� Dupont, C:.adbird •:_Berger a0 Ariiyot 'Peons() eil,, Ir'i: hoc•. Pte:. tot 1fau e ' ▪ (iill'IdIL D 2116s.11(.1 • and.` • I;avergne' • `�A;ccl Serivci Accl.. • 1 eclittrcl T)esj�lidine 200 Chsu'l,onneau `200 Jessaint •`rCi6' .Lennox,, :L1IICr)i'I1 London iA•Iicdiesex.! 1Fari h1t11 4 ir1dlesex • [test Roothe Mid cuesea',Nor„lt (:u(;%I►liu' A/00''6k • 13ovlc.. 1%3,m:folk' Soitllt:natal() ;tO• Nurtl►l.tnibei•l,yi,cl 1 2. (J . ,, N'ot la,1 V17. : Guillet ,: •4 0 :Ontario S. ',Sinitic ' 100 .,.,.� ,, ' . OntifioN J41:tlill P' .. rlr ' Orta va Cert , y ` Y t 11 !Plot' tllard' I'tta,l 'Ire(lull a. a. ) Peat!' •xoi th l.fasSoil .Peterlrur•o W.S.tevo ...u ,(►�e Itetifrety N. • IVhite SinicQ,e• .N. 11l c(arthy Slated() S.'. • ; Tyi•whitt. Toronto 0. C cliburii ri .10i• ... 11 'onto L 5)i1,1,11. • • t . ',Cot'out© i1 •. ' "l grit tii'sdti' ' Vi;,�toriaS IItids stili. 'Welland • ,e.. r s _ .� ci'b,nSof1 1Veilington'0.:'Ortoii ' •lieiit'th S. Carpenter', ' , Yo x' ,. rlt West ' AIIA ca Are i >1J euill' , � ' V g Wil tion.. t► 8 l)bffvtiaturr Ilaop.L :. l Can thi er :,' Doyon (,tray 20, 30 100• 75: Bichniond•and Wolfe Ives' Richilieu Le Be Slietibrd' , :.Andet .S'herbrok® StMa,urice ,D, sauli Stalrstea4 Colby Soulaiiges Bain •Tliree:Sivers. Lange in Tecaiscou p4'it,04,40is. erre Chadleati . - Tw o b9ts�;;, ,._.,I)asust �,�- .:. Vaudr.'!uil' • MG�illan •'• ;OVA SCOTIA. 11a>ra _olid p �-Mi ,ls rick lase- ' and 4, and • Pacific ,t, Fang! • , • intended • er to paw. • mediately UU A!Iti;ontish _ , .Thompson ,. Colchester .J11e L(aii • 'Cumberland Sir' `C T t. er :50, , ..Ep 0 Cape Breton ''141c 1 Keen Digb Fhuits: , Putman. fir% rlxft's�`_ _ •Cameron . X00 Pic Mcl)ou ail lou' g 1�7zw' rI31tU'NS1vlcIC. Albert . •\'�eldoli Gloucester Iiui-ns giant Iandr.: y, 17 S ,...,foster:';. Northuntberland :Sunbury •:. W y ...ilhuot.t :Restigouche k. 1Iollttt • :Vittoria -Costicari •`Westmorland .Wood York' Tetriple • 300 151D 100. 500;' 300' 49'' 111ANIfiABA:' Pro enolier Ro a • `e1l.iik 'DalyY l 1Viuttipc� ' Scarth O'Brien : (Con.) '•twelie ahead -Lie- , in.Completei".' head=ie-yin.complete" TORONTO �•--_. •1270 70.., I. .TbP •t D aly d: t S Cast - ca n der-� .�..:. 1 foreac;h dat�,N;eie as;ollwC:. TY,Pst 'loironto` 200 Denison;' 390 ',.S ,•:- ' 2.00 .erns Dill. ",.f',r,,•:Uenisoii 476. .: J,. Toronto—rCocl;'hurrl, 2.279 Harwi' , C ' 42sR 1,831 ; mu'ori't 'for: 200East rororito-:eniall,'2,859 Jury • • •:.'00 : ... .. 1:a c, ilo n • Inde::.0o)P1dflt .164,ns'OilrY.forSmaT. 56. , • 51 • M • $ f,ON.TR E1:L. 171-1'ialorlty for •Sinttl;,140 . D lor:, tieal1est-LSlr.D 11ald 'Smith 2•::'(Col:').9'..Vard".Lil, e `35;3 Cel ztre- -Curran (Con.), 3,106 41: , ;'Clota li • r.'JL1I`;165;;majority for On 'Tan te 100• 13IiC:t.PIT'ULATION, . cO.s1'•i•: ' ' Ontario ro .,.•400 '( uefi't 24, •:, ., Nova iScot'ia)10'• ..' , .:00)tic; v 1 > i ` uir�t� •• tiii;k 9 • ' P E. 14-J:I I ,. • ',tl sill 1 a j.' 'rat 1 ti,h Ocilu mbi't 1 ,. 'p, -7.770• The e 1te ti riits for i3rijish„ Coli#rara,` 60North wcstr1l11ttorics, 'Gaspe and Al,:.: .39 .i00of 1 � to do not .occur til} nett. 'lii'onth:- .4)10 Sir;,Donald Sritith, Aloutreal" es "20' ' e,'a4Secl , West, i3- . ay;';Indt. ncnd.cnt•Atr"rl', liar iticl.0 - ed in above eapitula..tion• 40 1 Ab` o'vP, , ,i , � lePorts orc, •frilm 204 con.; : '21 U " ••t s sti'tu<.11 cl . K,c,s and are ItlAlty of ,ti1l'In'• i1t ' '• Y,coal letP . They Show r 1Oo 1. efo rrnrab36Consert•atives, and. _1one 'IdePoil• 7331 dent; e1egy 'cTi(ra are'•alesenaltc ,1)0 .. :.. Hous yet', to be held, naineI Igomr 200,• held, 'i i i A a 1"- C e h Gtt n )i3 ,, .. '.)OU 1 .a .. rttish (,olutnbia, and.. • )ui in tbt Not'thwe t Territories: .350. - y - A- l1•rt ,n , of Pert E l • , , liaq 1JOUalcti'uufacIibitogt)iritbelde fyorllath7eouCot u(natyuicol£l • •X90 7G 13rtire; Vol is -� 100 sLa(,laroy ' Woalottt'asec. haco►o)dtui notioryisr ' th( • ' 5° Ill! I:ybf 15Q , , 280' , An old,wiseltei►d has:1~ 1# 'list. ri J. veil tt"The '. Pran" co; i0rho followiria; • t'Ttro-igiiu trho •cannot a(Ford •hi.- fanny . the lux- ' ury of a local ilewitpaper, at thotate.•of 100 itwo: c•tlls•w}ter . *teak. 'htllp ao'..bu-,tate s 4116 '•wiilli r► ti►atil�r:�'; •