HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-01-07, Page 7As•, !'•'" • t • - STONEY"iIEIC . , . ";., iai-Taliro. • IpAii0,fitspipqc43•if pf th.o.yatue 144 it13. ,,,, , ,a4;l4 9inFIAPaluIng, megt • Were ehohin Tuba' ,i.f., ow,...66.4.7fitwi,ub.wojigUtaf:littfrg.,4"POnt-. ih:c.-*Itfrti „slid= .. Iv:140.444o: pi -o4.1, , . . ' 01.4,-.0 yo*,Will- f alio, M6 with th-altaa Of 1361311IP1111:443,9Y11,747134;g4arY4eCYta;whhOeWit PjuicItOdh°: '.. Ti* (511''71149-4;:i:ere4Ystab1:34:44:1rciti;e:8"4;n: .7YQ11r, 1/41411491i4M-"fin! A f OW innlillieeeiietie to the 044)0411)0r, t/in.$, it il$; better imOWn: ,Woelatost an estrioh'sdigestioA. . • - of ,one of this votel;a4, of the mu; (41.8129424 as 1,, the 014, .1,400.dio meting4,5„0,,,. . IlitY Weeded . toys for ").,00r children: 1,81a, who tt)*;Kit H,ottyg, v,4,rt ih the hatje, by the young shout winiam,Gree4. I have When they are broken next'. week they wOn't Of :13tOne$'' Creek, I•will beigrateful,• to you. already Stated that the fourth ` try who be entirely. melees. They can at least be .' rha..lre read NV1 th interest ttl.eiv,,. ex atutieki. i.o. was etandino, mat 010 doorof the 4mi.* mied,a6 firewood. • , ' . , • • . . .„ . . „ , . , , , yOUr Paper r4 you ofirro.4pon.d.o4t .11ans-13. raised, the alarm ))5,.1 .discharging ....his 4. •9,11Tistiliaa aatii°4 ' but once it ').-ear; 4414. it A, E-: 11011040W YOU tina your many musket, .1?ot the .poor fellow ' had to pay 4 very 1004Y for the, mailwith ' a' liaiga readerg how tho.Brithih..gPt possession Qt ,the penhlty. for: that act -by having -a. family that he has fifty-two weeks to, catch :b4ihett.4.1-iPalklit'trii07-40iteerlZi g tuh 074ttilil e • covfe. :oof Juno, hetbhaey.°:etiVr46alattotal7°444.1,111040illy?tbidrey2i . TY:o14y7 before-4?Y•14gln4le 1.1e next.7:WiC °-h4s!:;41.0X.pil ;lens e!)..flel; .o. V er -. , I.813: ; how Ii4134 Corolkul got it,*frOrq: One 0, Lord God l'' and threw Uri his hands 04 0 4make a rill" for ClIristhl'a87 will , . of the. Aneeri4i can ,ocep, whao, he *as, - a,, 444 tell he,chwe4.4eode4d, The oast being take notice that the new Eastern weather Droner in cliarge of the Amerigaila ; how .clear- they surregmle,cf the. charShr Alla iPur°4-15atentslit.P.,1,4. "s th° it V:1')ill.1:7 very' 'ePla On: hie ' way limns after,' his releawfroin ea:Oared. 'thirty .1kincricalis who, - were — . „ 1 . Am/4;4404,4a he met the gellant, .3,0t41# wvoeekedin the church fast'. asleep. The trove Christmas comes with much good cheer t . : I4et. avnow fellew Allis gallant: young hero, : - ocinrauni4ted the American eeunteraign, into the valley umapra elondOf fire burst • , .':, They...11 swear that Christmas .was %bore.. izig: from an iinimen;enemy., The men Ileict day,'4with heads. both dun and sore, .• . . ., SOO, Williani Greeifiktewboriill/r.Corman Main boay. at "• the double" pressed on ' vi,th soine.twilf ho a day of boor ; - . • - ' . Who, had net Yet reached his 18th year. of then prepared to : adjust their *lints, It ' v.v- 9Tohlden'tiab4o,iPsn:ubpopYis:"!nstoic'ekiconrgl ot.9,..04a . . age,. es lie dashee away with ibo fleetness' waetret, "handle cartridge .prinae, load, mat, • Ms. motherad thageg it up or : of an lOdian through the . wood* . to his draw, ramrods, rani down cartridge, retnr; 4 him and o'ehe the ,. present also silo, will home at blormy 0reolis yhere he procures ramrods (air this had to bedonewith the gwe',ys have :that boy to supper.L .4; horse; ineunts it, ' and..rides with' all: 'old niuske0i.-then, ready -fire l'' . Volley: Girls; 4f' Yea want. to.discover your iiiture? 'PPeeible baste to QoPered Vincent e head- after volley followed, but with littlCoiceea-. husband, • • , quarter g:at ' 1,1urlington lleights... 'General tion, as they, fired iutO the'darkuees, not see-. ttbove t h e poloaQT:tli.let wy ioS,13. hhaovnee iloof tithtei r ktue yr haeny . .' V1ncent'8:pos.44m; „or, .044-„Ipgter1 Heights ini..,t the , 'Oaelny. Paring this operation cm btipkie will do just aa well. Grab tbfi, ' F' ' - d : . was a 1004 Critical Ori6,-.:.lerk on one. side a heavy volley :frorOthTii'ebenly cut down a first 'Well who: miters and P.m. -1p heavily'. 'oti and ortCleofge On the other haboth - • iiiinaher Of our men, -but fortunately they his toes,. , .If he swears, you havee't.hOld of fallen ; his, • anianiaition, ivhieh :he was' Were.on low .gromid and tile level firs Of the right Man. ' '''' ' .. . - • . .. , . ,. . . Obliged '.te abandon O'.,it,• xlestroy before the' enemy passed over then:L. Harvey • The aweetesitlay in all the year - ., '.. oVaictiating*Ort George,. was now :reduced' ordered tw.�. companies' of the gallant • 49th....: _______IsRlrititmgo.4.6y,,,606,uyi.„.„,,,,,,,,:,.,,,,,.. •te .• ninety . ' .rounda..1411,oirtitago., Reg-itneritto,the;fig.Wth attack,,eri'li,Wr —WhOlileiletiries come frourfai„and near 'fOelimk"IlIC were. be forced to to throw into 004asien.# thelettnaud owl" ''. i •`'I.Ilance'ber'f"th -ie 14°113r. -. oontinAs• llis, • retreat; unless the British tre of the enemy Those 'flank inovemeots • Are. you Mad' at your .neighbor:Z Well,. : . . ., . „ . . „ . fleet, under Sir james 'Yee, cold reach the of the. 49th threw the enemy intoterribto don't" kill hie chiekerte nor stone his cat, . anchorage • near the Brant- • 11011f3e, ' few, 'conlUsion, 'Three of their 'guns pested'in because • that's - silly milli, Ohildigh. . Just miles .. from' hisposition aridearryieff obis the centre on the main road were. eaptiired ; make hit. boy, a,„4,c.bfriithjaeiresent Of an: small fore°, he would lave . to "continue it scarcely a gunner eseapea, ` The' late Vol. accorcleon art4 ,you have heaped coals of ' fire : • by way or rork (Toronto), thence to,10ogsz Fraser, i?£ 'Perth, Oot • then serving as -a Oa hie; bead Wbiell Will soothe and singe his. . ton. over 200 mileil 'of hard emiutry: roads sergeant in the 49th, 'having twelve Inoi devoted scalp till the laid iuliarinoniens,dis- , -not euch roads as we litok, at the present with hire, . Was one Of thefirst arcong;the• cord. , has been yanked out ' of, the: -641 a..),..; .'..V4o reader will remember that York guns, -;.bayoneting seven' the gunners machine.. ' ..„.„... •4 - -, ...- • ..... • was :•,•the.*,...,iitthe.:ioorey of. the:American witlr---hiCOWli-litilicia: ii -.3 wa.„.: present_ at: _ .....,..nl......„_,... , . .• :Oki ...'. Vincent'e position, asWe, eel& before, : the: capture of the two. Anier•G ican enerals,. . , A New Train Genie. , . • a • ' „. Was '‘most, Qritiral0/1"qhaving a CoMpara. :Chandler and Winder, neer thogung.: The • • A. druramer, frpeh from: a. southerntrip tively powerfnlarmy in full pursuit, seven :yOung Canadilent militia- being 'go familiar sat in a Boston liquor .dielenSary, the other ' Miles distant (4 Stoney (lreek),.follOWirig :with' the Indians that ,they couidlinitate. day and said : "'Boys, I've struck a new . closely on his •traelts,:he had to ehoosa he- their warvirhoop to •perfectiOn,„ they -knew game 'since X sawyon hist, and itiekeing to -, • tokeen . inakii*,.-ii, Most desperate stand that the Aniericans. dreaded 'the Indians be '• oklaragre ,.,onCngl,..,.....Citridi;lire-414, ' Ihere • ....1, idianden ..hispeat-with; all -its* initiretliali,Ahe---whites.."-':Theiti'WeElfeitrffil rig :tin a, emokingear with. the 'boys, and tares, elc., and: continue ..hiii *treat to contusioo in, the. 'American campl ,Being *hat a fellow waits is somethingthat, 'Will. • Kingsteo, Such. of. 'oor seatiels.,,aisaikve.' igOorint.'ofthe-,etrength-.-of-the-attadkihg. lieeP.-..hie'liiiii-d7o'r'frohi,•:the*. ritiguti of IntvellePoterlicelialii Vincent's . retreat 'party, • they,. 411 ' back . in ,great disorder, travelling, ... and at the same time give him -itimi Fort- George to Burlington . Heights' Hundreds bt thenl. adtarabled to the heightEisome ainasement„,::: 'Well; , when we ,' left - .. • .. 4 will reineinber and:gait to ..nund that 'Mir- on 'their *.: left.' ' Colonel .Burns, . on Whom Atlanta ,I. ran tip against: another drummer • few , neck Of "Jaid ., between • ' the Barton the command of-,:.-, the..--Americana,now ' whohnevraffeboutlhiii iieVegimie,and we , '.. }bights alai the head, waters of Iiiirlington. devolved; was among -the first-to:wilt& his - hadn't been at.,,it more than. an hour before . I Lay, on ,Wbieli the British force Stood that horse,' and start eastward •With his -250 .the,Wbole train,' Men, women • and children, *. Saturday night;..thh, '5.th. of June,' 184brave cavalry, • reaching ;the. -Forty•niile were playing at . it. •.•-Now,,, the: modus ' • : 061'0 were many young Canadians seirViiig Creek , in few hours, on their witY tciFOrt •OPorendi : Was . abincthing 'like- tills : , The in that..littte British ,.foreet-pluckyboys, GeOite.''' .It' is, not '01.11. :, intention to par: ,garhe;fs'to cella' 1,000 pointii. .. My 'Mend , *hue *lines :1siiill:ever. livereherished 'air tiqiilitriie of chronicle : the many. daring 'Sat ononeside of • the car and :I• on the ii.lnAaehold 4' ords" "in z4ny. 6....0anadiai feats: and :haod-tohand encounters during Other.. ' 'A bey, :dog,- cow, - sheep or horse Qhone. :adine of them afterWarcts.roseingh' the ddriniese of that 'ever memorable 'blew- counted le oulli,a-Taitn,l,vizoiliail-20, lit at„the:431*-re,n..the-Benehl-liv.t4 legislative .dairilorniii0;:the' 'fith Of June, 181J -Su:- girl 2'5. .' and, a eat 36.." A. red; headed '.. girl. . , lialis,;•or as. oedonel.C.Of the Opper,-Cantida, fice,it to day that gatirey's *surprise' was cOnnted 400. We watched the ear swindow, •','"Oilitia..: We niay ' here note . thatat a most stiocessfUl and sempletet Causing the Attitilt Nya ,' reached,...Alesandria, : Va.- His: ' - i'liteenston, Heights Annhal-Dinner;"..oVer breaking ',hp- Of ,. the American opainp, and 'seer& was .$75; and I, sawahat :. in.,: teo, thrtY years ago Sir -Allan MaeNahgaye as their:en Sequent retreat:- snnanytdorning. Minuteehe was likely to ,.inlireille 1,000C • •itf,teast, ...4 The :Fighting JUdges' of Upper before break of day the now abarttereci par,„ I' had 730. and1 feltpretty, certain: that I 7 04.0.44:.') . There' were at that .time..fiVe ties' ; of :this faitiOru hope loll'back, .49 *odd:have to :pay for ,that ' box of 'dors, • .. of .tkose. judges . still ..living, — who.. return • by - 'the ',Mid .:'• .6Ver N4ich Well, the train drew into Alexandria and liiii 'served:. through •the:whole. war they they. had % advanced. ;, They had: ini.V there Were three:reLheaded.girls :standing -T1s,young Canadianrbader May thusforni„ .•feredlearfullyia: . They, Were not nOW .:the. on the platform, and .I ran . the. game. out •Iiiiestimate Of the.Men' who 'idoott in: the ,iieeVeii }Modred and four" of the previous on htin thei.e.!' ...; . : ;,. , , .', • :.: ..;:. reolts - of , our ,Niagara frontier army in night! -. Over . .00ehundred and .fifty of ... . ; , - ' '' :. .. :. ' : " • ' - ' • .:• ', : 18) 13, doing battle 'for their :king •and Iheni,hetween..killea, wounded and Missing; . •••Perhaps Tiireare'0141iS an,--6,11i!PS-•'' ... *.e41try,. : We will now retniti. to thift-eVer-.. did! not 'answer ,the toll call that Morning, 2 ..,I used 7 to ;think 'that Men' had -tin; .: .i.inieuniableslay„.$ettiriley,theeth or 41:Me; Let ... lig take a peep at the shattered reiti•• 'avail* .eaSY, 'time,' said .1Irs, Franks; • ' -1.81.• TbeadYs'aide guard;'' or :rather rear nant of this' forlorn lope as they '‘,13itt.rve.bhallged my ixiiiixt •ajid. hereafter .. :gmlid,,of the British that afternoon was ti.)ia reform : Or their returhraai.oh to . Bni- :PM going' to take all the care off Charlet; -, 'Statnedtweirailes• in •• rear-.' Of . the,- en.: ;lingtort4leighis.• They., are gathering aha 1 possibly Can.. You see the . other moni.: .treilied 'Oainp,- hear the , Present ;Court'0012141g in from all parted the held,. ' Seine irtg :. r told -Charlee We wanted some Weed .114 and square in tlie..eitY or oo,-o,iion, in small :13sPacti,, some in twos, some in and tobe. sure . and order. some. Well; I • FEM,lton was. then nowhere -not 'wren a. 'three, . others singly, some bearing and Waited 4 day, and that wood didn't come; ; villi.' - :On that,egoti:half.an•hoiir before carrying off wounded'comrades.: . .ver one and l Was aim:tat .angry,- for, , said ti;°' he - 'iniAht,:lheattadking.party of 704 : nieh hundred and fiftyof them are.thissing ;Apt baifergetter it, as tantaw.: ebariea.: &tun. *Wok:reed and took up its line (if • March :they have eWelling their ianks two 4rneri- denie home nntil. les, .,log-, after I had on S.iley:' Creek,' nulaer. Colonel Harvey. can Generals,chandler and Winder,. seven keth;e4. He had to go to his 'Oink:, and it: 'Duro the • daySaturday,:,,the . ,,6th -'of Officers -and .one hundred:god sixteen, Men, seethe he was 7.flotiiiiied,' Until ' aftei: iruid,' ':.J'aniii,81S-.,Celeiiel Ilarvey .(afterWardS prisoners, -' With their guns as trophies of :12idlit.!..tte WaseVvIdly refs:tieing...and kept. Elir 'en Harvey, . Governor . of ' New Watplacing their. blood,stitinedlaydnetar tailing in: hia sleep, . Saying eVery'once-in- a ' '• Ilkinlik;k,.)...haa acquainted' himself:Willi' Iling 'tendering' Steney'ereek'the Inbst gi,l.„, *Wier ." ii Give me another dollar's worth of *thejegrk, position... Some:atty.-that he 'ant affair for theBritish arose doring. the OAPS.' ' .So you het J line*: that ..his. '.iiiied '! had d: their • camp at .Stony ;Creek war of 18f2...- There :Was only one Mistake was troubled about that wood --How Wachs . '• :cliiriOg .404,•diaguiatid 'fte.tic fernier on his made that night4a fatal one -that Of our it most have worried him, to thus 'disturb Way to. Work.. Be this Si it may, Harvey men 'plaCing _themselves in „front .. of • the his rest I. ilereafter4*gOiog to attend to ; madd.h if t49MiighlY.,:eaciaairttee With: camp fires 9.0 living targets or the ballets, all ,heuge :Matters :,myself. *Poor Man! ihe ' the; A. , an pOsitionp•and, . haming, . got of the imerrinrArnericiiii' rifle i '• ' ' ' '''''' ' has enough to bother hint ;. without • (Ionia, P0880881 of the : Amerfeari , dOunter.: This ends our; 1sketch Of the tattle. of bdmethiign,;1.1c.....Portsn Tian:seri*, , sign fro' e heroin yenng.William. Green; Sternly Creell..'• : ' . :. :, : . '• ' ..- . . ' `•'• - .• .. . , :., he PrOPP :night attack,. Which-Geeierat • And now as nearly' alLef .those. gallant' . ° : ' Female' Horse,..'phief,'„. ', ; ' . • Vincent_ ved•of. -,.1•44. Ili . now toilet men who fought e,u4 bled to , Maintain ' otkr .Hotietta Phelps, a. young .WoMart Irani: -•-:°: 'this: bray 6 -artay,,With their,„104 ; un- tights and liberties as well as theirs 'have. Gainsbordt,aged, 23, recentlyplead loaded ri. it afyLgiptlik18 .1Cieks; on Their- 'passed. away, the est thing 'OM of thepres: before aildgp Daxtor ottLizi aline od,guilty kito.si,, . e . 'rnispion 1.- he . jaws of , 'aeohpefoes ow can do to ceinnienicirate thatTfie.:04,‘ hid.. p, totso: .f.tom:., Divid::,11,,sexleabougho starting;" • and was 'given for ' every Avill' be to erect asnitalle inenuthent On near Attercliffe,and .*ge sente dint to he,. Ont. of their. iiniskets :and that ..old battle field near Stoney. Creek:, ::•,,,,,,,- .../1011tthehe:in,,,.,:.2codiew Mercer Reforms 4eforced to six inh. . 'n het ;to .ev„ 'bisper, se. ..,:s fo.:preverit - ' ' ' :Toni/ W.- GREEN, "Steney Creek.' '' ,tOry. '.. She. *ibis that :,.e. -'. man named . •• i the .POssibi •i an hecidental . alarm, .Beelian, With. 'whom she ...had lived at one tiverYman ever, had bis . WO Ailed ....' . •ibe XiiLii.e.1.3erGift.;i • • . ..•... . • . time, had forced her ' to ;pi . with hitnand ,.... ' 'oartendlc b. Malting sixty'. rOundet Of, 1 havea "brae story'which' iti , well rwortil _et eaLth e ,horse, : that he .-Iyent with her to :•ball-baririag _ his- trusty'hayonet ;bi-- the-tellifiVinia-Sunday a piing clergy, part calborne,,:, atia,#ats: silo. drove ,gone. ate . Of. "-Upper ! Canada, niunlilinirtryoung congregatiep.. preached,: from that Plop° to ;•W•illonghby; where she anceeSsid.fallute•oilhis by exchange; to a Congregation which is: one sold the horse to ' Mr, 'Montag. `•Wells for . , , entry: they moved, not a Of.. the ,serene,, old fashioned, Undisturbed $85/ - that she ,returned. to ROA Colborne ' :there was.silenbe deep sortwheretherisniggeneration'sundOubted and &Are Buchan $6,0, keeping the balance, e.daring that Micinighthuman nature. is allow-ea:Tor in a:quiet and: She says Iiiidnin threatened to Shoot her if Fes'. 'On and :On they Sensible' . Wity,....' the ..,visiting clergyman she id riOgo with him to steali -dense- Joked.. in the remained tothelgundaY Scheol,and after .. . . ' • • : .. • • . his side. • depended npo night surprie whisper was h as death i11 th : of Bev tread throngh , ooleran- hooyfi.: 0 thpytiVetha a Bound to quell prevailed, saye n I, of a stray dryibr aionaliplittib of Whh-makes piiS ho howl of 'W3 , ••°' 'night ;owl, or Man& Ifo,ye yen, night along a donut in.the oldtime, the narrow' trail:and:So, yeat"hand before trees of Oak, 'elnli wa langing, adding tO t have you'can pieture ; this forlorn • hope ha emerging from. the, thi • taidlitght•:tranip, ; the enerny's,earrip :halting • their ;early; uiteitpecte vistt?" said 4 4. limp, thelate,judge oil thein 1" Tn an insta tWo , Of ,x the 'loading ni • isentry-tlio second fate. Yr One • a them Waa •, against balt tree, •with his ttinis "felcled at the seoiit, •advance oloSo by Ilarvey of, the J3att1o4o1ated tO xis sword he B;lenced,' one; as ,Lmie; Who . wrta .i the act Tliefouttli espapod, •„gun and siarving, the .c to ' the Irdot WOre the' ight So, Silently 'did ound WAS heard, not Medd silence that, then the'pracking nder'•foet, an icci. unfortunate -fellow Aquae. mud hole, r • the !Mot of the, red' word Of °cunt oder,: . walked: at of UplierCanada ten -tithes only a, it 'you could not great *ing- ne, etc.,. over- • l. ec 7 ” YOU the exercises .were alt half. iloished he rose to -:inaltea spe arelan enterprising Sunday Sehborliesaid; betionnie I see Yen have so many neW books.: -X know that.yonareehappy f3utiday 86°61,, -benanSa POe. Ho nitioy.Spiiiing .fades around Mee 4. I,knoW that you are .genetous •iinday.Sehool; because that little boy :Over there/Ay the, long pew _deer offered mea pea, init,p3 I' Came , The rettentioo Of .the assabiiibly 1 wee, instantly; , directed to the. lit tubby, who 7 began to snicker iinteri. t •• Ms Little Joke ' . • ,. • • "Fye. begeme ciiiit0 interested in' that: -poor mare,"...said a 'philanthropic 'old lady to tile sheriff, as she pointedlo orie of the prisoners. "E tells inel wotild be sur-. .prised if r knew all lieWerit through." t - "1 guessyou. w_ould, nium,' said. the sheriff, ;' "that, fellow' Is the r.nost expert pickpocket in the country.',. -!1!4c,-judge. • • Wolin Craig, Whose, home lain Indiana, near IndianaPelle, is Six, feet 'four and oiably to himself. " *ffirt's :the a half :inches in height,' and weighs 836 atter; my little man .?"' asked ,the clergy- 130tuniu. txe theasures, .eight feeti two an: • " 'You're not sorry'you offered me •;,.,„hss. 111,6 y , una the ' hips and eighteen ese? If you , the peanutgite'yoli ?": " Dia You .11411znk. irleles around the ankle -;„"Ite Was both 0. 'ever Which that was a peannt I gave, you ?" asked. the volthirty yoara ago,, and; then „weighed -but ess of thei, .' Then60 little 19y, istill snickering..yitolon, tlytwa,,„" ''VhY, eleven pounds: " l'wo years , later he took a yes f wasn't it ?" "'No‘o-o 1 s only ,a, prize at one of, Barnum's bab '6110W8 to ': face a ' shell l" -Foston Post. • . ' . one to ,gre ' y.,:foOrni. d - a -yo 11,,,We ayeliet d the; .- . • -7'4'1' -1-Deopit:e tisp j1riddofnusourn reiks vilti their own ,p`eculieritieSt the living slide, „I'd'. ten -leeks inivionsly: un -no, _fat women 4'. when it coined to a Matter' of harigihgup - vet the ChriStreag steckinge... e • The Orogen, from ' Liverpool', •:'with the g les Ag_wesikly mails and nine cabin; three inter-, sloe dog Mediate and thirty-five steerage Passengers., inui)J.5t,• arrived at rfalifax o',ClOck. yesterday 8 18. the • morning, , ; * • ' Yilining • Charles Harrison -was arrested ijs 'Ottawa, guim, •bavo.selit petition 00 Govern.: ing It with chains amt :bars managed,the ith hig an Saturday tor passing Qonte.detitte bilis., Plant as' king that thd' ancient oitudelii, hear deeperately," flying at 'them; all .the owis' is known td have disposed of a quinbity, these places delutAislied. The peti- while; to drag tlitr••cago from. the fire jest feting and spveral were,fenod in Volt He tionoit ..ay that in the event of an•iirVaskiii hoforp ths..walla of the burning bnilding's • ..itkila'id..10..lutve hoeu supplied by an Amori., them litadels:.woul6 „fiinish a.. pretext for)tt in with a 4,.,iAra'sliZ fThe 'reSmie Of the aged quite a stock 'to Canada, ilea 'can dealer-- in these ,.goods',. "Nib° ha's sent beinbarthrienewhile they would be tiseiefis " • defence. bear wasVtneald-tby-tiitmiliancla of people •.• Wo.tOitIF OF E14,0,.-„,. Ve..0.31tteit VhslA izi LQdoii Vrater, •Where PrxiTbeY1.Velner;v4f, Vhe 4babitahts, of thib east .end,Of \ don oe now Buffering from, a plague of\ which cozie to. tbe111 in tseit WiltOr an . says. the Londen, Rest The. :fish Which git4Londoo Company are dititrilmtiii their cuStomere' are easily "Visible to t ''- •tisoketl eye,: for some javebeeie .found less. than .eighteen inchealong ;:and the main abounde;With :themlo such an eittera" that the Locaj Board -of .3Vostbaahheit pore- plainectiO the 1.4oca1 Government Depart-, 'went With the Trim of having, enprAe renieiy areit is trh4„. toOthsome dainty, ..wbether spatOhcoetted, steWed, fried or in .the, 'form- known to- diners' at OrefieWiell !AB niisigeh.a fa Tozifoime•-but those in East-liondon,,-inetead- of fuliiiijng their destiny by heiog legitimately caught,: skinned and cooked, have a fashion of •,cOnairtittiog s,uiekle n step -cocks and taps. There they -decompose, with the 'result,. as illustiatedIately, of causing, the water to become 'horribly ptitrid, and • *Of " giving something very' ike tYpItiid7f-e-Ver to -the unlucky,.consornerg... 4 whole family has ust been laid:prostrate; in this way, and one or' two ef its, meinbers are stilL seriously 41L The 'Company have been appealed to with little 'result. They say that. three years agd'sorne 'of their' filter, beds Inirst and thia".. the unfiltered' Watermithatp.ecationnuide... its -way -14th' the mains, parrying with it 'a • number . of ' minute eeland Other:. fistr,,'• which'.hatre since spawned andenlirtiplied in the pipes. Themains have been repeatedly 'flushed with the obieet • Of getting -rid of the in - trotters, but Without' success, and the- com- pany's engineeris Only able to tell the sani- tary anthority that .he does: not cerisider that the Water is injured: by the eele as'. long as.. they gre.alive, theughlie gdoiits;that dangerous ituisande may arise from them: when dead.- - There is One • cOnsideraticin. Which does: not. Seeut-tohii,kre, °courted -either-O.-the-X.400ml Board Or • to the corn, pany,,andithat is whether water that: can, under the cOoditibos of. its diStribution here; support the life offish, is.fit'f9Y. ,19-1- 1tasm-continifiptiligran'T the eel's feed ?; Clearly , not.. Oki weeds . or. other. .;segetable,stibstancesriorIbe-rviater fined' in ,ii.tet mains. however,, they •Mid eriough a1cal in the Water kW, en- abiethem to llito.areigrow te. 'a consider. able size, is,,it.Leertaiw that -what- is eel's; food- maYhe Mart'spOison encl.:how. is it that the official analysts and . are periodically ecitifying that the Water is: -ree from. anyinipnrity of the kind?it 'hnc : •••. tar.. 5farti • 'Wonien. ." .111,1872'am Apt Was pa sea int -tended therights' of property 'of married, women:- .1t. placed 'under the.. control Of a woMati after .Marriage any real estate own- ed. byher -at the time of :Marriage Ot acquired afterward, and inade ler liable On any • contract !respeeting Oetate. It placed :Under aniarried•;wOman's own con trol, not inetely %all het personal .,_parnings piihr to mar,rutge,: all": proceeds and profits from any.trade at Occupation Which she .carries on separately from.; .hr..hne-- band, Or derived from her Iiterary,•: artistic or 'scientific :skill:" • and freed her per- sonal property; even When 'in-her.husband's possession, froralialfility for her husband's debts. • ..,•It authorized her to inspre.her Own.. Or her huaband'S life for.lier benefit :Or that of hdrobildreo; to bedenici a shargg.Older. in any AnanCiat coinpenY;.., to: deposit 'Money in :bank and Withdraw it by her own cheque; and to institute either civil or cnmlnal pro ceeclingeinceurts Of law for the,protection: (Jf her property.-; And, lastly; 'it freedhet • husbandfromell •hability" for, debts 'dem- 'traded by his befbre inarriage,.as well fOr.debteContracted Marriage.' in .respect'of-anY.eniployment . or business in. wAlielk she is engaged on' her. own behalf or respect of anyofler.otyp c,ontracts. , •The Oecuttons of. Great Men The Medical .eige• 'has ,been. investigating this 'subject, and says .::that thelather of, Deniesthenes.was:ahlackeinith ;" Of Eurip- ides, a. dealer in .%'egetabies.; of . Secretes; a mediocre sotilpthr, r of :Epicorizi,.:••e• •shep- herd ;. of .:Virgil,':•an inokeeper;,•••'Coluinbus Wes the son: of:awciol Carder •Shakopeare, of: ...boteherl Luther, of a...miner.; dr�rn.- ell of ',a: .brewer; Sixtus; V...of. a Swine. herd Iliinoteus, of, a poOr. conntry,ininister Vranklin, of a soap,hoiler t.. Ronaseau„ of a:: Watchinithee,", -end Murat; "of .air innkeeper.. Writercenehides that the...mothers.. Of. these • nien ,may, have been the source from .Which•their.genius was derived, and, indeed; it is known .thatsOnac.of them. were *Omen of More -thanordinary excellence. • - , No Wait of fititting. . ilitele Jack .(frem Boh'has''.eiiPee- .tatiOns)-4Very enjoyable, Bob. ,ryitish .1 didn't -live so fer•UwaY, so that reould halt°, the pleasure of dropping hOo-have•a'snitek, with. you and 1'14y:oftener.: . • • But then; My 'dear uncle, the less .frequent •yetir 'visits are the More we enjoy them: ' •' , Civilizin$ Influeuees., • •Littie tliels; why. don't your imininia•gitie you doll .?" • Little Diek--" I don't want 'a dollir No Matter, she Might to give, .you One all Bartle, ate guess I'll tell herte.w What for?",,• ' ' "Cause L.tliink if 'yen had the bility childreni haVe, you'd boa better bo's,."-Poito Transcript. ' •;T11,0-464811OVeiliftlealt: COO'S 463,000 franc* or abont,$.90,00Q, an hour. ' it is said that siitty-five, Varieties of let. .tiice are kiloWn to hortibuOnrista. , • .•'Wh' e h "a a ' ii' :.' • . .,..n the firenien. had Secure - atm con • trig of theilaniee • at. the fire ib Liverpod egguee• he •weighed,:2pCpbsods, ., App4. eat' dav., at • "Lewin di . Co.'s stores • and iYinni gerip aS to be able to.; Confine 'thein to :entry hehtni: beemgraringever•since, - • ' Prim; the Official: reperts just published the burning prernikeei, it was noticed that; the large polar boar; in - the Menagerie was on', the. COO of wiecination in London, it i Still: alive and: cOMpatatively tinhurty 'appeitii that the'.whole. eXpenfie is not less although suri.outka hyflahuiu, A down, the -1'46°000 a Year`/' th.:18g6 the fees:abtl mined effort was Ait.onteniadis to resenellie* attendant expenses rec4c4ed .$450,00&? The fine" brute.- A peWerfol. strewn . of Water cost of'',". Calf -lymph .factory alone ie;oVer was ii,,tt in hilt play on „..ow, .01:g00, .and „a $.15;000, per eniniiiri4, ., the inspletors and, hhhibt-ii,rot dtitihg, men made -thoit :way . The townS - of 'Liege' an,d. lilt/hitt:: bet; Nvitikohed. fpni im fastenings, arid grappl- othei• ufaeas 'fill out the '6600,00g.-. • ' under the„current to the Cage. This they s. „ • -••. • and greet with great cheering.; • 0. ' . , • • .! mea liPto L the copi merchant: It wrid the , , • • a- " " • iiidetreeti • • ,... , of a. New. ' ' , , •,,,ian`wus honest, his hu0.. nes wasflourishing, a.ria that his: • ored0\ was Al, However, it wOund• with_ ,tb04.,\ suggesti*e renAark, .g But hu. has ,a fdmily .of children.' -1 thotight. that . 4 over,an„4aW that the -inference was. that • the large, fti,tnily'of children ..wag :draining 'his .Pocket.boOk,.and•thi.),t it Might be held •up .against hiui. Now, Ihave, about ten ' • • - P1,01401;1 inYaelf. and Pt, want thy hnsineee • Madang ...g,nostionqd.. 1. at °nog - • • went•''.',hpine and drewned font of ;them, Good-bye;','' : • • .. , -Mr Reelqn, ,it, may,,,be" remarked, la Wtiarg4ti Vtaar-StOr•. ' • .0 The Ideal BOO. for Women. • The Christnias shopping ,is fairly tinder way, and. scores,.of shoppers 'are plodding through the deep 'Ilush '„and snow 91 the streets with what patience theyeari router. ;Women. Can't legislate on the cleaning of the streets, indignation is of little use,"and only one thing can be done in ths..WaY- Of -- Self-defence, End* that is to wear rub boots. I3ut 'rubber boots are Such ungainly things„" urges the prejudiced person. : womankind are 13 ' waiting eagerly PittsSr6guagglyaki'af.Oartheilof promised beautiful boot which is to • fietlie feet, CA lace up Over• a rubber, and be .erally-gpc**TlOok•-•::atraeW;II as g . keep the feet dry. and waria. The ideal . hod ,hassnot.yet.appeated,---iiiiheinarke4-- but when it doek come, if itis to come, if'it be not a chimera, it willbe welcomed warinlY.-4-Rostott Record: . , s• :will Yon wry Nerviline For all kinds Of pain? litrthe 'most efficient and . prompt remedy in existence for neuralgia, lumbago and head- ache. 'For:Intel:ma .it Jaen Relief infivc minutes may be obtained from Neraline in • any of ' the following corn- . plaints, in 'the7;steinach, ;flatulent pains, •Buy a 1.0 cent sample bottle of Nerilline,-at any dreg ' '- store and test the:grl,St, remedy, Large. • bottles :05 cents . ; ' ' Of the lifinietry, Sir Trilirt Macdonald* HeotorLangevin, exander OamP. • bell, an4 Messrs ; 'Pope,.. 1119Lelarrr Fester' and:Costigan ih1 spend Christmas • in Ottawa-, SirAdolphe Caron at. .Quebec,, Mr. Chaldean at Sherbrooke, Mr: 'Carling : at London, Mr. Thonipson in Nova: Scot* anclair. BOWell in Den4ville. ' • . • Holy, SaVe.Arcziefi` ' ' Wherever you live mon sheuld write to Hallett, cd.,•Portland, Bla.N..e, and learn, about 'work that:you can do wtheliving at • yOur.Own 'home . at a profit of at'least from $5 to $25 and upwards • daily.. Seine have made over. 00' in a. day. 'An • is new, Hither sex. All ages. Hallett. & co. Will start you. • Capital not 'needed. All particulars free. send along your addreshat once and 1414:if tlig above will be proved to..yeu. Nothing like tt aver known, tR,Worldngmen., The German newspapers publish a 114 . Greniiiii merchants engaged • in . traderin. BOrdeaux*hoin -the*i1U.veille,.. of that clty, • ; demands 'shall be zgzdly boycotted ...and driven gut. of France., • ' . . • • Lord 'Colin Campbell's solicitors . have applied for anew. 'trial of 'his .counter.enit for diVorce againethig wife, On the ;grchnid that *he:verdict Of•the jury Was up:float the weight of the evidence. • Later intelligenee concerning the oellision1 •hetween• the British ironclad. • Sultan faiid the steaMer til1ede Vfototia. Shows that • 'most of • the, Crew assl .passengers • Of the latter were; drowne,d, •••It,..tet..atee..learned. that • both vessels; were at'.:Anchor.,,_•at „the time of *4(i:collision, :-The Sultan dragged her anchors and 'drifted.against. the Vilks •• 'de. `Victoria.' ' ' ' Best Watch in Ameri Or the Piic Mtn 18eS, turqt do notInean tn.ateky to stag Uteth feta, time sod then 111114 them return foottOf. l• Weenie, ratlfea1,, cure:1 have made the ttIfteaseOt /011:8,1thipPSY erPALT., . bioKkrEss &lire -106g studY, viartt`t''rnprelledir ' to CIIIii the went ease. Because. otheillf.hoveta led .- who' '. *taloa tor Dot no*, iecelvffig,a cure.:,Send Oortee for tieatfee 'and. a Free Sofia of iny tenfedy. Glob , .13:d 1' pm mire yea. • Addteat DR. gOOT; . , prese,enel Peat Office. It coat ro'll nothing forI4.1 • BragekOince .31 Tongat; Toroilto 1., . " . . , n 0 1.4 L. 31.. 87. ' " ' • .1ru, r