Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-01-07, Page 4l adat t#Iie► ;Oda- lrsaguage. 1 1t ru •quite a willing to'ieeknowledge that as far as' Ali,. ,l arrtes. Souiervtilor is concerned it perfectly consistent with • bis ch r "_.7'� --.- aster, and,.rbuils. hi •n adrnirtibly. WiJI r f'a'tty one coine forward on his oath, and 6W- !p ��..,yy make•a Simtier statem!irit about, '; • .Unntpbeli. Mt. ;C7ampbell, lilts "aTl F,.Cottservat.ive Protestants, and very t�frt; LlIneR'rY T( UTTERI *NO. TO: A5G uit• many cori:sisterrt`Prote;staht ld.eforrn(•rs,;' ACCUtt6INo To T11oILTsiss;: 'a'r' ge,ttirts; frrglttenrd at ;the tk reason,, p" t:ONSCIRrfot lira t'R1Za AmovI Ar,& • able aid urltarr• :artvane Ps' andM.peefer otunn LIti>,RTIarr ` , rr?ere's.gireo to the cfl.trroh •of' ..L1 Mme, , to :genre}+.r1'ticluu$ power and Ration- , atron- s thus t0 be &h a tv retain: „thee'.: att r.' c�urrte.ra iris • sulrporta sun,: idea , a•nd the parties that propagate therm, /7/- ifainireon Penes .says ,that' z lawrit stir 4 0 Iir regtird to hiesluyalty I"ha,•takes a gat.er Kap #n' roe.,alto rt:, Meir recent tour thrqu,bM}t, the i'ra•rinatr p Yott are•,a;wt►rr ,lir. Edita,r, that Trhekt," . 'jth the object of influencing the Cott , •' , ..... -�-• ... ..�. the vote of crnyitre, or >x tantanrourtt ari ••elections, lair;J het -Mc' o tstt �►11. ' 1,itf )vers taker,"a si io7R,'rdi ?tis .1i•aig(ters rnytda their ,graced 44,1)4 the' action •of the presentDoiej. GOY.' .111' Httron i)oritil.y, They “argutird.' i'' hsnking that miscreant;,• .for many hours in Goderich, an, Just and proper reward, for his, rases).- �dtU;l, Clinton and.otheir ct.ritres:tsf ,�• lt:y, atid•rn.urder; „Mr. Dawes pop, vilic ,v'oted.u. inat the: pr+mlett. t Govern elation. The mtv,t.i e far, troth, liter.4, arid, endorsed the • North' Wet,'"... • s 'ilisiteartening to'the Liiierals in, that..' -Rirliteiliors as being perfectly correct 44,0,00,3.4w.) district:. for, it, is g[ears<.ti-•' lie was, ori' the a1de, •not:•of his play from the .oil� iu[ returns; that "' the vein '. biped ma•jorities foo--- thi.--.can.riiihate�s_ •auflporttny'. the.. 1fovvat. Giivernrnent • , -are 94 1• Irl 8Kc 9'i of t ie, tt�t:�r "ta%isa�arit yes of the 1883 elections,. It 'wif Spay • `Mr - M C; 0:t ncirott• to.. rexon age tee 'troupe to••'coarse to `hlackguard hitn; TJIE 'Linden • S01001, liourd y. a'-vSte of.`./':thirty , t0 fifte?en; refused .'to '•al olisli• fogging in 'the. school3 ' but.; decided: that' tli'is' potter' ahi%ild be ' restricted to: the ' .Bead -Inas tors vltu (:ere alsq. told• tliaZ • t:i rnstro: :thoroughlq, s•, qualified" arid ' skilled a 'teacher is the leas necessary will it/be, • ,ter"hitn to, resort to corporal pun`ie-, ' *clot mThe idea that fluggiu; . brealra the°average boy's:spirit, of humiliates• tun. in sucli" a'degreo• as to Injure .silo: la•se ,moderti Am•erican' ''nainhy-ppmby. • iotien. :;.Boys, as.,a genAral::rule, take, • flriggl�tl} they take any Wee. puri-: ishir ent brought upon :him' by their •r►ina as sort 41f•' purgation a,' the paid• of which they`8hould bear manfully.. '1^hey • take th•eir •' licking as th•ey wo•uld pay;a, debt, .wituout; t swiss of .shame • •er. disgrace ;except .that ;whish is caused Y by ow—offence., • J.ucrknoir°, Monday.3rd Jars;, :1881. MR EA'11'o1•-_Enclosed inthe issue •ef t1ief SENTINL.,` .dated; .Use. ,3 ,et; 4&&3 AIt J'.ariies,Soinervilie I a ^ixssced another; of :his rett_iarkable• addiessesc X .have. no' intention. at ° present of die punas the correctness of his- t?„lireb.; O t. f they are,on.aap.r wi h A'il's usual' - n•ath•esses':"and staterneeiiks,, they are asi(.t tis be, :relied' oir. r. • S,oinei"resille r ivi ie3 1I:i`: C7a;rnp,1ell as a I3,eforrner•, and lie•;truly .'.says that '''tho:,geneirai pal lic are. bo.ter able and qualified t.o' Judge) of.' . their " re ative consi8teuoy •_ sand labor: '` t :dont let irieve''ther Ate-.. firrm p-lrt?urej ti c�7s� -over'hirn 'r as hatinga 1i. d himself •mitts: Lite ,'I'oi ies. ;int' lit rpuae.''' Mr. Sot' ervtlit `4 1i,(c,;utt;irce is ei•tkter'a' wit ally:11 1t:.: 6(`, 'cit •u fie,°(i11rd lit, ,knows rt;) oi' is .tlIC••� pr uil,.)..tion of a m'i'ld ber,det•iti,'dn ,in. s'1nrty ;;ir; the :•ltefortrmers tire' riot' isul ru,tirrr�; '.tritt't'' '11t.•: 11, .',u11(1 tla tut', sty many now,. utterdisniste(t' with , the ,.tvos:t' I,oJ.etriluiiit:: Personal,.• , 1';, kilo iv. m,ttry wli( .itve. 'either •not voted ar trait last eteet'ron at. -till, ^or 'who have. :.t;iv .n their votes for-.M11r; lac• e;liodr;li' be, in 'preferariee tq air; • C) {�utt'ttor ;' blr.:l omei•v lie' throws'.:a hitt t".itt 113 Oo11servatitie3,• wki.eii t':llt; 141 it vij. " over' :M1lr:. (Jatra(ibe1I fo.r: • tl r . ti r . 11 irrtul,r, }t)Id•iti lrr3 ,optnlgit, do dnut�t,.. aim tat �' d abltr,sin: of allying Iiijin.• ••"..kielt to loyal ".parted geittleaten,, wh ,eta, So.u'a'rvillti'S:ppsiturn ,-%,ire ,lrrrhtzc;estitnation.. Talk'',<,f..cota� sia,;t!(:ey.ruid .try lty.at such a man ay lll.� Ylas. t omerville;- Ire has *~('thee till/ one n 1r'the other. artd iiever had, bat (1 U in 1 ha does iot, ag.ee• wire his igito.eiimeo, • iniolt,ncf; and personal• ! e.,;,rUirtirr to 11 lily' 'rye ,`,crime;,' You` r_11, ;1"r" alar".:iter, szs: I'teforirn r , reSpire't-' •;(1 ,tl.t,, late ,froitora ler4 fe'orge Browtn's ..; iiroitory, N;„ w;i,l',r Iit'.L1'e1" jil - ,lets as Reformers, but on ''that: of half; breed murder and: revenge ,Perhap�s�f(•, !;e --'will deny this, as' a wiifut tint]' malicious.' ' lie," on the part of Dr. ( trrlier ';IYohodr.' wotilaI;' •he-the.least aatc►rrsehe*d-it.-he: ejid 1 s: Capable,r of 1i' .greet.. many. 'tJh.gs- Now con tract. the.t ares•crowd:lrith-the E. 'Blake' 'tie leader,• 'with tit' ' n•oble condu't of; the Hoii AA.:Kc Ke zie the !we Wader of the ,R form party, And a consistent Ri'iforiner, as gr. .'(7riirtpbel l' Is today: , :rte Said he 'would -'rete, , to•. support lavi•and'order,. and :the' 'con, stitution of.'Canada;-and would .lay _down' his Iife for 'it, ,raid • would •not. aiid .could oof vet, aygattat the just acts; -of,:qhe-chirerr rrrtsn:t. ltl-r;-Sc r,ar c%fle i, doubt iernerotrera the ovation givt'n .to - Mr.. Mckenzie on that night' .fir M;cKeriiiewas in a very,woaak.'state•,,of health and'.: refused 'to retire ':tilt :he endorsed the action of 'Sir John .Mc- •Donald' and' his •nninratry.-- When tike:' volurtteera iii .Luck low'wore called out and • "shouldered 'their ,rifles :for the North Vt• t- st', both_ Mr. SoinervilIQ and h.M`r.'Cant_pbeil had sorts in our`: Coco-: pant'.' ..Thiie young -Men Went with the full a piov,fel'of their fathers arid enothe'rs and.thr.•.tears'of• their sisters,; • and. 'arty a manly :graipi ,,•of honest. •friends; and from -my personal '•know- ledge of the boys, there were . no tow ard's hearts there and they 'nevi r learned, nor -could •tihey .be taught to.. heat :a:. retreat it: they 'had ;:'tet 'Klebs then and they £ai:erz, it would: have. been with .their', fear . to their foes;`° They • are ev&ry : ou. :.of.'• :therm'` right ]oval „boeys <' Let .meriow ask' what that rebel sympathiser, Mr. Souieri•ille,' 'thinks of his :'.vote. - Vas it any -credit to 'his. two : gallant Sons to vote asa -rebel sympathiser." '.1 'think the. beat thin] he''can clo is' 6' john his frie sols Laurier and `:'needier: 14io.wat a' the half: breeds, and.begin anew I ow about .B:ttoch iol the .of •htnlrelf and his canoe: ''Tie -•pahlic would: have' ,sight ,to se'r hn tsar rvitt,;•'a musket ou, the befell sive,;a'nd h t'nry humble 'self have r"itis ut 200"yardi:, :It' hot ..new ;•wh- i't'was ,l don't ,tlii;nk'. there' would b .any; dari;;er'"' of the . ; ,trrtttenlark'being allot, itt the front: ',lr, itlii)erville�"Tial lrl-rc+ed' pini-e'lf `oil i pper...y--a;i d icy.: ground and, ''let it b sr'., aril Sir• r..ete SOHOOL •T,iltJSr:ES. Tb 1110 Edatir.of I1•u tont pct 1Jt'1irt•#tiu1,�-Owing• to an unfol't,u'n-•' s,te' i1Sit,tidi'rtandiit, part of many electors, as ;tO• :00 r:',tiritn;l)iir 6f. ;;trusters for whoa) they shotild vote, a considrrablc.:11urt)bt•'r' ofb.�illnts t+Fre. sphiled by being marked' ,tor 'more 'than three, candidates '°'I"fat, iv`.; to•rsc rt grett<.d, as. itsits aside :the peokin's: c.futce,' and: eh eta a. ctilts h: to .woo• r't e ved 'a niitt'or itv vote. °1t seef.e; tno printed ir.I5truetions ',fide T) suet' for ,tlie; gti.illanc, of, .:elector's• in' :,Juiticilral as weH, ;tis Ptitintn%°tit'at'.y' elections. (:4rtaiuly' the renltt4 is./nest annoying, t0 ie ,actiunfing tet 11. edballos;,Iuidoubfk4Iy receive(.s larger puri her of `•votes.', than dlr. I,s'w'rettce, ''.w•ho ` 'has been 'd'clttr-d eiec1>vd== , anti 1, challenge' hire . to .ail' eKatn riatimt ;Of the, lets. to make good. what I.'say. , Althorlbh'the choice of ...the people, I ern` not. ,,.pur:initted. to 'O,cc,ipv the `posit on•th~oy:de's,ired toes •to fill., tivli'j e 1'I Itt tar% lllt antrs;lg .(1 lttr', ' of ` tc g eifl.lctnntn ivhp. t.b ,'r .1e b� t e-' . ,. fi l'� .y Irrri:rlt, s,tt' :° T lou,':Ute life(}rn•cr• 1331`'w . 'v0te (1PC;'Iat f+ ,.-••, » C C r. Y, ..,,� d tl od' til y .:clic. tint ivritat,, r,. • 4.1 a. .tau,. d -µ , ,liir•nibu., '. Shortly. permitted,, 0w'i") •tt , a', Iii`': t • _ �. y p ,. ,,,, tat tr(xt+rl€,tarl:. .dmfs X •happ,eney(l' t r It ,r t' ii'perao t avl: •,tri„; cin the,„par f. Crf'.'th( (:foko,Ors, . tO 1'o• • . buer lf. tt were trite Vit+<yrds that o t erf thtist than: Oh dirt,selsool board, ttnc' 'hise�:liet10§Averwits; .Peiha s this t•i'rr•rait<t lit called ttittturi"ty; 1 �r' ors f ; dint d:»=.• him.' ,f:'x glias 'r I'}pire861'1 ati,on:• :U ,Mr. (,ti.t lczrti•60 .fs• :[,rue» ietio1lteut, ei.14t•. Editor, I,' ttui epttte,ritJto'retain +the stat' hillier •thee troparod tip,trf►,fit, 'raysoath of the-, cot..' °ciruatn,tanceR 1 s111a'll trot ee (.plain; l:otitei •,of sib► s:atrlltuwit, •,....1 hieard'' • • • • • ott,i:>i Ji otS nt.ti,D. •, •• 1 A' ,r . er •, .1 ,q • • 4441, 1,44 • • r ' I W:vy?w' , so: W" • , •`-f�--"`d--- -"Wn ©:- • T..L wrence `b(g ' to. .aianouiice that :he has III' stC)CIt: St(')VeS; til>l'. a:.nci . `1iardw arp,. ,,1li ild' cars supplies 'etc. l%ou- Ststinj,; Of .-- Axes, Saws, cif .all 1�ln ts' <. nest nia1ze, G!.;,ts .°I`•titty,�`Irai ttii ,4 .C.aiii, •• Rope C' 'w:•tics. `, 1:,' 1. f !nal() La -flip%. •alai Th.:v.(1.44 h: :;. ',hirer.:.; rS et Jt, ° 1..a1,1 • tca its. jj ki E'i'ttLt FT, .,:aue.,, 1.1‘,.?1::Itt.a.7:;;:•,,,,,: ari's, ..(!,ic, 1-t/ jUt'' quid. (1t 'i'i'i '.•Jal)a.p r. G3 .)lit( :21ge(, ly az. :b. LOT Olf' 11'i3L'i CLtiSS von SALE: ao a p i4 for .Etie4e, 'w•h:oprt; . •^.fir....... . TE 'V1[.t ENa t.�:P§13 A RTIO 4/LL. J.}yt�l, .ylh�y:l- •r Ito$1'1,e!iir11++•IU. ()i 1rt st(. k 1"410,0# Ki'd".trit,r Fr`t,r<'iI`z �r't • L. ',rove utlni,ary t I Ff ltd ; ' Elie ,rtie.mi,tlx,•n,l'cl 1,r And l'<at,/nwat,aKlA ►ihv. 'Ann roe;,•I.veei. ;trust 4 i ;4'reniticnt#,Vjoc• Plop i(le st }'rf"Rirl,t,t.w,..046;\ice•Preaidetrfr,f'tlr.'3#1c-')01,\np,rci.tii''11, (aPxdtr t,l;e'1IP'idrri e,toll e` of 11a #iutals,t an(1 ur'„,rtia orf t:au of tri. 1fir+, t of tine •v..etc . %, 1, (1i1e1sk.r; tk'r1.! val.filtr blip Pra►t(ila1 sn0 tipPrtitriittir „f tLo.1k"ieesi97►1 '(;u ittsal livausey-,'f „ aro►, i,l.m1 �f Noi!i►��6uti.1rc� i4.•►. "co ttil t•41 ie''» fHica -*,oars 0140 ti404idfu JIadli 4444.,1111 sit " • , err tr►r'n f it ‘,TO .. b' . • • • IV 9,44iiitiEW x td Jti tilker, • 01 rid.' rn'�fntf r�,.rklnry l lIe' ��'blM 'of :tr,eti tirl asti4r Nino' rri' - my • . .E 1); fAYJ',» W;f`l` w. . �!-woUl.i(ltl.NPtlt d ,.:er: k a xt t� ¢ i fur