HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1886-12-24, Page 7vs - •(Vivito% Nottim What'a the tom tiut oviopitu tit%tutuov, tkututu14 wttouv, gm . Wbon 1 -take illy ItttUt-bVilMn- • Awl go Oustitig thret0 the t trIV ,14/A% t/W00111 MKT Whoa 1 00 tik to,utali4E Ttiou titi4V Clltttti‘.t tttiPt4t t V4141 ONO RAVV, who% t itrogit. every Ow, ir Wtisemis.; thou titcy say: vccti-i- tAtteAt 441914 poetxt " nat. they teiti,art bad as - Vitliai it routs,. for titou . 4 'wimp! AViVti 1- yilJairt , --Priteill II -146400i 4/401-$411141044.31% ft4/10141' P4Ipo1ai- motouvo 44kArk- tt roitortod that at- Protat0. the expert, went lute 1200ii triott. at plAoing . Pit a huilditt44, The 4(11106- tatiott rIaliooti for tltia tuotal are that, being - non-earrtolible, it will litot loiwr than:iron hod • win %Lao lietlp th-opotutn - *Weh. litttOr la vory oaeoittial to tho Mt1. pilloy t roda mind notora otolootrioity, Tho t bird "ti opieal . Amoriott h -1104 four and ono. intiV itioliva long; Tito eirolo Otito tipa- of the lege 'tali • tliaittottw of seven twitted.. It is ow -named huoattnwitteditle ito twat -to.capttare email bixda. lisardo . The• itoata • _ita_ (tally ;lot .to 1000 ()gip; '111.6113. aro 01 titiooloti t thlu.fortnitiattlo igoat ere. tl•ermait pltotograpiwks have ait000Oded • In photographing a projootliO oonrso • itotno tho pltotographti tlio Wyatt tit ootolettotai air wilielt _pro, oodoe every -allot; tido " head " provolita oven eitliftil ritletnott from hitting- --an tintptY oggealioll whu iiur oit ilong thrquL Tito air blown the atoll -out of the witvO tito butiotg • • . • :rho oarthia intorttal • bog- le note.. boin•g Weed into praetteal oervico at: Peoth, whom tho doopost arteoian ;welt In the WOVItt1 unk to aupply liot wait* for -pokily) tattheattil other. intrAloaeo, A dopth 14190 foot 'had Nen roachod, and tho \volt .170000 Whom'. of 'water %tato(' to -•151 iOgroott Yalironholt; bitting la to bo multihued malt tho tomporiv • tare of••tho water In valued to 170 (legroom; 'rho dewed:ion Whig becot:toOde thot • ,kite lattition of petrolooto %oho may onto, • thhea be tioeuedby .uporite trout the; rolo of ' thttudeezyiontiat moue lotereeting ,reattite . otitoittett with Ott old plopeufopintrottto hOvo been- eolleti to Watt, • IA thew) e*.peti. - Ittenttl eivetrottletmi ohotrod titatt tho iosommimmums - - --milimiliiroliii-' 14)4448$1f4W VON :I4(41;n41; ' ii114eitiimont-Att lith Ilationothit OtOr the OK -: (tottetVii lutitttotodv* taxtputtitli; - , ,. • - 4 Berlin eablegram .41 Naturds.e4 date totyka The gloomy hiltte • threWn ont A1Y the Ckertnen - Miniater kr- War': in ,the Iteteltatag yeaterday were •tneant tO make and Wave et deep itnpreagion. /lad they Mood alone -they -might Itave been enjoined by titetleal ettiteett,--.441aY howituff, they' were f011oWed *by oi- .doolarhtion of -the• veteran Yon Moltke, uttered with *ow omplutaia threly Aged'.except at great eriti. eta:momenta.... - . • _ - - . • - . * - The sepe in the-IteiehataK wee striking, :Herr to liVindltOri41- tipottkitigju the name Ot the Oentre.-hati proteated.that hiefollow. era Were patriots tilled With deVotioni and though .-deelaritta-le thought the -Miniater. few War took tott dark it vieW of tlus Mina. tion, inui ideelitred -Ida willitUnteeS fo!give toe • Army- Bill fair onsideration, when- the old Vieldlittroltal Aloe. . -- ,- '-- Btatuling in the A1kl(1(11014 thOlitkem#.1i.0. turned tOWard: 'tho. Tittle AiltrivinotivanO tettdori while -tint 1/01-nitiOk4- orowdod thiekly round hint, and holding si. roll. otpapor in Ida -hand began to .opealt„ , :'• _ • - 7 - -- 11toro, wita 'iload ". si1ent-3e ' for a;times-bOt ohOorifran :•out when,- referring. to- From*: he -Nit -hi i lit- o long *a pettlie 'opinion there. olat.noro - w $ tit unvarying; And - stiff.neeked •bitterttetie for the. .1, eotitution of the •pro. vineeit-regained with- go mut+ bloodehod, Re long alituit (lemony. repedlhaf She Will aliettherlitot drop of blood ht.:14(110w and dofending her .00ttqtiotito, -.. • - 44..tiot tut-. not -L --fOmet,"- eontinttod ilte. „veteran.. entittbreethless oxeitement. 11that •theeeeurity---evon the • oxiotetieoot great- :nationa ilepeaulit on . their- might a that'll abote all, -the greateet - rettoureeo tor the wholo eafety.df-Oermatty -lie :in..the eXeel. :leneestat hoe army.' ,• • - - . ilStlittilatortal• oriole in Fleneol. ()doting. ht Vila inoinoliti la naterally -whtoliod hoyo wit -1%41w IwoneHt interest :Alio. advont .of Vleinotteettu to pqwer-juot now' might have - • - • pity() eonsequenons, .•- .;,- - -- -,• ---,--,-- .,. .• .. •• rietty.mteittingtott Ceotuntes. , . • . . • - , .. . attent - have attraeted tile -ionf tho f 'No ooetontog which.have'been. 471 hero 1Ately ladloe, .The - first waS that -worn . y.Mieg- ltillielittgtie, tho- idece or. millionairo end illanthrophif eoreoran..Upon the OoohitiOn. - of Itor malting oallo -upoittho ladleo_of tho __Cabinet. - Miss, thistle la sodoOided blondo, and,will probably formally ontor.Washing. ton - Notlity .thiti whiter, ..',..: The. costnnte 4, tit § %WV reforrbd to Willi a tato •ItIortation itoni 11,1"1210t. 4- (10"41-th,ilukt ushoimer ' it„r40 otilloPti,t- AVorth, - Om 6. full plain sk rt. of oluthloim atwaywhitieo or ion isottrgeW wan oieetri*itotott; elty,„ toid that it la only totiallrithotinV dilr.,--r- in lOeeti -draPings Woe an. overtikirt ot doWettf eotor.- A niOnlegettitt otdark. log foggyotoist tlays and lonaltortieu The ! '41414 '1160 -with . a darluir,•Shado- hung. ' Amu egt ehmetleit• wtsto • '1dittvitA011-- 11044 ' down the. -book -Olt: tho ehOrt.beited,pleite-E • Minh( or-atort. al -hut tho air armlets'. givon in front- on .0.1thor -to, oxtondhig -from ""v- intiteathate ott %atonally- of wit eleetrioalnod& tato dn.& old 1 ottoy.knittett 4efiogi ' 0• :(t withutt ot fitil q ralit. - •• - . • . tho choet were • broad -goad -mete of the - ,-, • - • • . , on the.hortiterit elope of gni Alpa the ohatuoitteliith AttisIvoti attho bottom With gone of -pitepetuat wow. reaohea down to a__.-ohtetor of _ large ifidosoent -hoods 'in about t4,000 foot - above- the level. -of" etratuta,; The hot wag, a goft„.round felt of Om - -tica,- and- on. the _ eolith gide dark browk•itlity.brito trimmed ail around . i -1.40e foot.-. ,-Lit the Vyrenetta Wit ettOW of ti: lighter shati. . At the batik -the brim' -1100 la at it intight of- about 0,9604 - - in '.wits, - slightly .wirod 'Mid for'h-Abil : hi-• three. • um 01,llettaiiti'i inioott to•11;000. feekt on ---tlie Indontationo, ' - .- Ott : 'the - . loft - side - twattitiolde of thealitualaytte, le•,tetn liiet.• . The - - brim. -:- watt . ftened, ._- :high- .- -• (M- • aud 011tlemterth. 1M0fro I in 'Dolly* -.tsit. he - li....with. ' ..a '.. largo • - elttetor - :.ef:, 111,MM feet In tho- AVeaterwAtordlllera - and IiIngligh iparrows„ The •.goeond - eostatine -. 1a,190. ht the. tiatitorn t. In Atexleo;- MOW woo that worn by ICIrti.*-tiecretary. Whitney•, -foot!, in Mit hear -Santiago,: .18,14111A lit itt.lier kat. reitelitloh,:- . ',The - diva --Arai4.:• it it,- •U0() feeLia ita-mitiale portion bettittifulloilet Of -Avititt4 :atilt . grehadthei- • mid 9,300 foot at itif northe-rit extremity .1- lehg 130ft:twit Onde ilititilting the drapiege tit Kttuteltatka, 14900 foot, end Alaska,. 800- -t-if,tini: tottrttere oe the right gitlei -..The • foot. • - -. ; • . -- , _ _ .., . - - Ali:Aire front of gown -who .for hod of -a. white eitii timotiotoil hut ritigiti ovation tillitillual6n:with the stripes of goett1_ pottage. . • .• . ,.. .„. hich tho-t,".-Brititilt_antithdottial brattulatu. - hotween--whielt wore intricato patterukout. -1 Inte--to.ittielf in tliginteging.. tho ilvath of 0113 littiqt itferystat bee log, Alto illugion wag - - -young %%Villain itil ,Thtektaiir"tioder .eiretith4- oilltred ath 4- "'Al *4trmIng --4 full vemb• ntaintea in whieh- KoathIgNi.- hiseet-- powdo :und -fellfrotn them •teascadps• to -:the. odgo. " imply gmillitt, An - tlit; tidwitor . miliewriii, oftlie, altirt,-11eyteal'eardier-tiorifopo.i.titoiti" hylJr, Thiykaexporittionk : to ho -tiorlootly . - - :-- -. -- - H-4;;;:•,: ---:- -_.-i,H-- - • - , Jiarittletto, thu-auggitation iaimt unifaturittly . 7' toitk- Otit ret. r our --'-i-Vattates-.7.- ...ittatio-that the d000amoth vivo watt. Aipiiallily: 'Phil ehanoes* tif - I itijtiry to wittehoM:714 Of it hytiterivel, highly 1Lottglitative7- ttirn,ot Magnetisation -have beettoetttly.thultiplied • think.. took' tito . menhir Iii- the full holiefby the dovelopttient of the dynareo malts that :4 Re :mama -tier death Might exteneito applioation, to Oloctrie: lighting lit' - •aviiiniplieltod, • ** Tito- writer". .., of and other-purptitiog,_ so that it is: very -cont. •: thtt -tkrtivio - ,lit" • .tior.- Aitqftiatipueittyimint' to find_ titagetttitiod; -watches -- in tie- . -,wit. think, wetitutly . litinge forward halide of - pergoini-luttiew -no •tionilection • two reinarkalde -linttattrog of what they -.*be. whatever with.elootrical-ntattersi. -A *Molt logarilitti it Practical joltre • With - :melon. !readily. inieutheri • thillieletitily Magilittlookth, (+off terhillitithniti. • in • qui ram 'of- the deraoge: ite- atition-••atid.rondor it reAtirel - Ketvlot delivered up tolIto iteleittiat for the unreliable, • ' Proximity to it dynamo it ptiriiiiiwof a payehologlealtaperlitieht Oho: , iteeendatty to ttetiouipliait- illA • The -rethetly inaiii %vim Atiatippit to a titble and. Wad. is • ittlittinisteretVion T: the , htniiteopitthie • .L foltli41, otitentdbly to 'be- bled to .- death I it OfneiplA it(littlitt :Maintain- vareepir,•-- •if the ityithoit tiotttalulog wittei wait* plumed 'hear whttli 0 )1Uffetthil froth 411.-tiAtitek :of -Mag - i& headauti titti fluid watt allowed to nothim, magnetism Must -_effeett the .ente.. Wel& Mull* into it vowel helOw.it;:•at tito .110,: wtitith b. -tolia . to -ttineedttlit lit. thoL * •.•-ftittlit thintihat it, trilliM urrit0 with it _ iltetrphitie• whether if ig tuttgoeticed and • in Reptile wag inillototi ott tlio.ittlpriVe neelt-•*t hoed Of troatittent, ittitt.tattittiatrd tiN. deter; - It -la gala that death: • mamma at tint end of mine Witethor the treatment .*Walt offeetted ." tit% itiluntefil, fitartnintrliave- pittyethio loby protiontitigitg different lag -to •:r.tt istilW,' .ronitiderable- Mare In tho fatal reatilt; 'and pasS needle, or, bettor, 'an ordinary. oOlubilti • . wtt. do not know whether all thovitid intone: netttile..initonetised Timid: chapentied . by a twill in it tiontid roinlitiOn, though- titer tiingle.libre of.fdlit attathet.: tit . itic•-boifttc. t petttitttitahty Ilth Tho old giorv kif tiw The attratiltio ot the maid ti by the"--wateh. u le a tqllitititt portitt-ift aloo.titio in Volta' Iti litit Vtidt-VI) OV10-1443 'tit 118 itiOitOrtZtt' att. nightt n ilitittli intoil.ry witt.i -hold,- twit the attriteteit bt ouu ultk ut titg Avatuit lila le._ pintiah:itittitt ilf:tioittli -by' devapitatiott -tip. .pollod by the tither gaol. It iiitilowg..t.tita_ orocit.for 1114 Whitt tit Vtitiflitlethtitiii th Mit .thb wattiltie itittgitotle„--tiltrotrf.ratliottiltr. itiiiilitiita. It la aitittil wilitiktr tlittt, tiittler • , - - - tliti dottiltiltut of' ttittr. anti bulk in. tlie .- . - -- 11W. 110iiii.iit AVIIIttf WIN:: • titi4t'hi;tlthtigtt a itittititithAlttlii_f4k tilt* gii4lit ,t.tf• - 'rite th'ilititt lleparttiteitt at • liegiiiit. littte , -att ittit Mid tiltivit, With, ailbstsittent- blind-. . revolted ittatittetiotta to ittutitity titu *Hu ut - tuititild atitt ttoomatLy Routtlitititutt. tt nittort --the tudiati t.11tief !lig beak( lin* .. it telit,Itit rittt with it wet 1U1 t1 tilt' the havk ; itf- hitt at Pltility litottotalit 1311 -Moon -11%61 iiht-iltd4 iitatik glititilti have britii folittiVett by the lieetliiit With the tetie lett. • t le Olalliica plokitig- tilt tif,tt otirtigo. -- - - .. • . thitt olio_ ht- a W. ite_Wbrotti; iltlittief. 61 - tint- it-bllitor tiblibtiallulti - ' - pitted Witt Jiliii Mil titii.-* ern It, e Fitt vtiti• ore - Ul yearti44ild, , att- yftok daiiite-tl a youitg-bainitof -lidlittlit . ittlititOlt4 tVeittitt;r'','" - •A, - : ' • • -her frottOttittfe-- a ni geld -.1)-- te, .64 liiiliall ' • ." 'fitg, that I tut* i, u4 it'lg "titt iht. billet lh the ,t4yi,t tWeitt. hi' toitipti ilaVe. - tittya It'l tit* old ettittigli ttir gotitiotoottV ••itt ilttaT Kit eit.Vil, lig 0 fn iiikki:At 011ie. u• Atetiettto etttrotiptiti him fah-. ei Allah [bill ha It hiih a the flee hi 14- A --t11114TIM : &OYU*: Atteinnte.tenttteltee Mt* Girt and- .. • - • ieettatetRivat.- . qu.4rrel that nearly., reitulte tragedy .Ooeutrett in 'M :Low'. off Opt* ou. W night about holf,patit 11, Welook, th being .a.n enraged lov WM- fair • inattioritai: Bode _and gueeettsful OVAL*. Willie4M- hottrue. **T It. OP eerie tho&forlotne t the Iteliaithe. - been.paying Ida a &Irene* to WKS t %sate, whilat iiret,.sitOwesi 6. 'prefer. enco:fOr hteeompany, but latterly.d. splayed a marked coldate40.- toward...14M.-- .- hieren. raged the impetuous lover. /roil - the. :Runny tiouthi. --tvini•-:stuipeeting-• that . there .•wee another wan, lit.thO-lichnih 1101)14(3°d hinnielf on V.0-604,- _ .1.4ite-lit0 :.night Ito --vieitedi the helite intr:fOttaidNWinbOtirne.there, ..... A- tow hot-v-amiu:wetcomiututodi.-alid - thinli-_' it ts• alleged- .the ' Italian -.are* from- under his 4ioat ei..large oarVing.ltdifeWith-a blade .thir• teettineheeliong, :and. -Made ii. elitelt. .t..Switit... .hourne,itt•the genie- %line. iannonti• ng- hie.. -attention- of. earvintr • iip..- the:, Whol: hold, .(lenstablellart woe eallod 1 and 110-. iarreated ...the- Itttliatta. -afterw.arde..7eeettring the Mite, lu:the row: tiw.iubOutue iveoeived u -ea..: in :•-the --hand,- . and ... in' . 000 :Vitooli-wae.ehar_ged.With,.feloniOusi At .411g: Police .0ourt he,.iile 0.4110 an4 wau vemando4--ta _Thee r-Tototyo .Nototi -. -.. - . .• • : •. . %once wound. (led nut ay next,- , -..ilthinnWit.teatint`etiteg,. - , •_ • .1104. Whipple'g eanatent eOmpitni n atiltie hotne Wag *.-Bitytf , terrier (log t: he _used. to: volt I 111M- I( bekutittillY ugly,' Ile Wait quite' a large -:-- animal -:.--Of . that. brood, .and :had-. e.: _lame. - had, .. 'with. an. uneommonl• - broad. 'brow and klavieh -growth. of Wall .ir,,that ooralittdo.wetl the.tuotit IttetrOuo- -.a la vita.. -•psithOtia• air ot oyoa-ever•oeon'in a dog,: it was a do. ht....14 . ace hint- r om . -• 1th:this- 7 pet, who. ad..6.4 oWOOChild -a. (tot °Otto _ it .nottiro ati:a_ny -hitnutilbeing,---• &short ttnio :before Mr, Iiintipple'e death' the ant .. al Wat. tout into. tho.00nntry toiei. atutiwo , -outiu -1. and :whew ho. returned, fu ---the uut ut0,6n ". whaled -Ilia. mitator- the dog • boos,* . -sad. and • sitik. •i- • lie wee :.seitt • to the Veterinar --dePart. moiit of-Ilarvard P011oge for troat ent, -.110- oatnelt.ome, on:,•-•.Matititt ,•• last.:1s, gulehin. -. .antlninolt ountolated, to . io,: • • Be was plat* . - Iwo box awl -buried •at_itiO eurnanOrhoine-•by 41-- °An:111111°1;4ms' 0. lit'itt'o'-Wililero.':i: tho•do*h's-1:ieft• fOr-,tho etunanorthere- -.Wait OW iiih igh .-00-6( .dot-whioli .vao:a. greet itavorito, an \ nianya: Iv .day ibit. loot eihnutortlioy have op • rtpa.ovor .-turtitioullik togotitet„,. As SoOn ae Mr.-. .1tipple'e fo*orite- Woo ogirtiett_eut for:hotrittt. -.the noglish .--Ottg_ 4 -teemed : .to. -*tow ... ih: .60.111.0 mygterious: -Aver • that '...hie,. -old -•ft. end- . 6.nd companion was in. the box, kitd--ho --etip0.4 on the bot and 11010 'ond7Wailed and-showod .-otlier- signs...of: great.grief,:- and. ho.,hod--to . be -f-oreibly takini - Off' bofore ' his -,Ooniponion eotild. be i blified .in- Itho corner - o.f -the Orden,• . ..where ihis..... bright- -ond...anlinatect.--Tbit ,. of: aninial"life iii,-. such- . iiiii3orabilhda tv.o.pirlte- oportejl lit " frill'. oijuy.mom : of -lit • tho loot •tittninier-fieste!---Triteetter.. :-• •• -•::- ootttort ago artlet ettgonly tittfav- Inolty IVA inn old ior thillg,.-ittitit -boon thtuttgh • t liteiir Wight a' litt,t- mined t_11.kf?'itii Allot Isokt tit Apti tifo b(-1 tgitt - -• - t a %OA_ Whig plotting thtl lee. hit Italie t' Oki tib. Atitbi4 tit tlin.iftitioki tiva limit it and ptittlittitt. ittitttit heeit tWii " _ %lathed and kali) t aliltbliN 4 - :.ftAtItt 111' and igospootive44 10 low tA0A1 . - itWity and all throo Miro ttrbwnoit.- - titittitty; 11-413 abt ttuttult uttittli hill thit titan %tint fritipleitht theitaWithrokeito loft liV•alelatie in ,t-il, ey wit - 'I iti Ithititill geitehilly giteit hitt. hit three haltm. , . la jittIjettitil :half a Hill Leib - - .. . • Thh4ihrti ikrifitathilf` trelaiitik ill'i --ititik;" &(tiiiivfotitig qtatilittitit 1i114 Nit Jibe . : haft Sod liocit protitattott titli it gator match litlh lialbil - •Ntilfita liti :.., 11(13- ilftigb§ii • ti biAttthOtc with it t'litlitt tirkrillt kt4 ii teitiii., Ilitit iiiihri-Ill, lien tut uttliiitiiii ttle---i *Intuited front -litt, i;,lorgy ant laitV nt- 1 inivn. Miitliii. 11 .,=-1.1i)g t Otto. .fi-.Olt 111Ai i - mut I toottiot u t- ittotwovi ot, kvhi(itt iiiiittql 1. giltitA g kff011iot• 1 iliiitltefil Mit. 0;4 'A 11. -it Iliolitit* tr thirtk-goVeit. itirell Might-W.1'h; • i4Ail tilef afg. hitt g tilt:wear, Ile lite 111 Attaitt Lipti Met etti, ;Anted , hd diism voitgratithithill-this. tiff, Pitt II tttetbrk tweiity.uitglit t itt 1''1tti {fit 130 ti ttt1. atti titti 'Hat Alavi ott't With it 1111 Alirot 4't t 41 thafb *1.0. teeth i1,i; the IittLI eirk thRe - Walt oidiM itt t,ti!tttitutt tu titt4 itkie t Otte 130 gvgo. in 1 ef - - .• , .;.,,...„.,.........4.4.......-.. li.entii of the oldest ivotnott in s .etiquit, 'Sir Outioati Canipboll write to tliollterri. tag **Pest. tilr follows! ii At almally, Argyllshire, on Qtitobertleth;lif the ersou of Anti Marquis°, thore-diedperhaps thu oldeet woman in • stAtiotland, • Tho dee itsed Avos reputed in tho district to hove attained the grout uge; of 117 Yearq, mitt ih consequence Wee tth oblect of Ithieh, ititereette !the .11100Y 81-111111-1er visitors who Oath° th-1,4011miteside ittid Paltnally. Prior to some thtoe • weeks boforelier death 103 was apparently in god health, arid up to that otinio Was able,. fie ha tioeu her iiiitaTettstoitt to walk _.0. Aletanee (if Iwo milos every. 0 tr ondayaten . an errand. ' Site hoe paseessod re 4t 64,1th allthroug_li htl, 16hg lifel itnd - ob i d it *ttya eat heartily and Otijoy with yottill ttl rells0 a liftoff or a droll of mottotaiti dow1' M1io- wttg born in tho parish of Glenorelt , 41111 14. had fah-. 411,100 _ travelled. et . ative tteeorditig to her own .- state billy been doe itight ottt of the pit lier.-IJirtlii mid haili.iii .ftteti neve more- than -fifteet.. miles trona. I plaue, and,' etitiltiusty"etiottgli, Alt . o' ttg gli,e.. lived within sight of Iitioliawo tut- althotigh. the lodoittotive had been :tt tlitily..1. visitibt!*- at: llo baltitally foe some yearg, olio. as, • never - either it ill boot t* it tautvoy earl, age, .116r. sister ifottit,.-who regided witititei, all& who, is said.to be- Rhine' VO' yeiqe Yoling014,- .1e7a, .widoW, and- nearly lilted.," •'.- •- ...-Wnsti, VONV : •StRcOSit: ti1014%._ . 1. - .. - • „„.„..,,, _ _ 'AO Illiiitteatei.in AlA0 •Itittblanda.,-A Van! 1,14-Vattage and a #evaiitesit omoy..j - it Vali- 'a *Oy--- -w4t . i-4terticion, .--Ntrites AndreW- Zataitt-irt-.1.(lionginen'e-Alegeatee and _ I •-wes- walking along in eonvereetion with e; charming old -Highlander. . Re wet carrying My rod kid ' met (empty) but. hie eonvereation' wet as good.-. AC any : one, is likely to thid- anywhere.. Ite epoko Of Idoiltit. totie'e. ware, end -Was "not on -tito side- of- the Argyllet* tie - spoke- . of thti Taislitarigh, I think lie °ailed it, or geeond eight. -11Xlvory man: eeeg three eighte.1-in- hie.lifetinie,they sat," he remarked, end %%fooled that he had nOt Gym seett`'0116 " Itight 0 41111tit there iit.e, Men at Fort William Who sees el/60'01.1410.'60 ',is* going*: to liappen-," 1 stiggettedlitat ..this gentleman" might make. a ,apid tortune-if .lie Would. turn bit(in. red -gaze onthe British turf, bnt at that In anent we notieed 4 groat br4wri • tenoke. -hanging in • the- -wet :air. „It- was an evio. Oen.. Tho sight was- -..hot ;at - the ettper..- nattaral .. -kind-. : whieli* - the gillio spoke 'oft. bUt it Watt - tit to - Mak° it mark, .on, the inomory., . Beyond- tho rivev-. there wai a .higit, wOoded b11, o11 blue in the rain, %last this--tho emoke &ram whito_t and the midst.ot the deer . red -tlamO. the -hitt* gable.c.of 'the burning- -eottago -stood-1M Clear.-- - There ••.wore • some. - sappy_, :Iron' intneltokof treos by the gable -i (1111 the grass_ nearthe rciadeide - a woman was trying to 0.0tir • her property--airi,- table .and an old dolt dinner Ker./ice, all vory. acetit fur. titture. The old gillto--Wao very mneli. ex.; cited,. end full of =anger and. pity. *-Po*Y .140it it," he ieuid, 41 this. itt what the' pday am" ' Ile referred -to kinisdemeanor of -our potty, whioli: :had ehiettviolently ae• we drove down the road - in tho Morning, - Tone, it *tented 'that the horn Wm elevated by iv big theop..whieli had: bounded up under iti.nose_l butmyfriond or -edited -4110 rpony. with the. Talelitaragth. - 11 -The. beaat .- moos- •things.W0 can't Soleil°. told:ine. This ilift is 'YOry litorOating-1:bitt It *Odd *hot - °out.- -fOrt me to havo - my nook- brolem ,by it:prok phetiO quadreped,; became° it farattor l' did nOt. know wail going to ho :Oviet0(1.: ; The °alto" d• tile farmer, if it • was corrootly ro. ported,- eoettied .t0- i illnetrate. • the "Titania -COt".Oltio". tempor --IVRY - woll, He had -not a pointy •of ront for. fdur yOars, ihe vont- hhky. hate . boon _high., but he 'sorely might. have -paid gotno of it. • Yot, -though Ito •bad aeoticeitisod in rOnt,..lio woe unable to py hie other (.3rOditors, and:hitt gtook oOd %Otte:have-boon sold .11P.- An tinglielimaii would.havo perhapo thought it 'woll•to-leaVettlartn which- ho ()QUM, not inkko .proliteible; whoa lio 'had inetiOy,ithd otoolt• But . the:- Coltio: tenant gintply de.- olined•-to Wave,. in" spite at hleitiy roquosto anti warnings, - ,Thoi burning of hie bonito, it *RH Heidi -wag aff-exantple of trop-dit:-sela on. theipart . of -the inessengepitt.arins-,. who r exceedod Ws instruc ' inip. It. witwoortainly -Mtlinioitabioniul ill ' blood action-, -, -nut,. as we alOwly ()limbo the_ hill, and saw :the siOlte clinging toAlle Valley, and saW tho. blaekoned. boOnis • of- ah:014- felt ityhome, we seemed- to digoertt the. iliffereocee'bettveett our -raw and the Cottle peoplos, . We •have I et the old.: poithial.beliels, the !liaishtara,gh a d . tho rest orit, .• IsIOUngliSli,:beater her tihderAlteePei (oxeopt Ringsley'a :-poot : of, ganiekeePing life) could have itillted as -..that - old gillie loiked, 'ow Unsellooled 'man,- to WhoM.Ungliiii'was it foreign tongue, half learned, . Histork: wok tradition- to him,- e.-. living orittlogend, - Out:. YO eau. recognieo the nattiro. apil :Pressurti of foots, withotit whieli sod Itifowledge° ,soeloty'. Would' revert into -barbarism in o fortnight.: - .---, ---.----.-. • -.-77-:------- '- ----- • Are tite:Stortit- relipled • t.. • : Prilfessor • Proctor - iSaye•-: . 4113 -is almOst- inipotigible to --:Say i hhtlek .*-11itt bohditioa .10e. •ie- .-PONilible: ' tir- ..iiiipossiblo-..- Men- of. .-seionile have- latoly Iveri ittught this. •iti a 'Aioty :. etkiking ltithliet .:11.0?; -Ititiglitg -b- hat they 4011:JW of the stato of thingg .4 t :6 bottom. of the deep-. heal. they eiveltide that...there etittld be he livitigeroattire there, - Itey .rettiojheti that. tho prOgatire omitted by: t -6- Water wotild L 60.00 the lite out -of- any -ititoWit Oesituro, which was mitt iieetionably' trtie,_ A 'piece of tho intrilost -iiiid doiisost- wood •snillt to -,those depths. hits . tilb -, -watei. iliterttily brood into ; ita latthgtaitee, .., mid the tremendous- malt Of. the .-etoeoditei 'ot -the* thiek -akin , of :the-, ritiooeetOtiaj _would -be totahie to ,teaiet -.a: tithe it the inOtigouR reHalite - ekekteil :hy the- . witteii - . at.;:the tittoht Of " tith -.tint" Nettit . /et.. iii Di- itow Inlown that eteatorei not - oftly Wet ttOwn- thete, -but.thati- libtirith6lathillilit the glint a ielp, a - H. life i t Otbi . beet it.h. OMR aril tirtitIdedWith t 0 inOfilihrufieditg;.- titi elflike am. they: to . till .0thetAtiie atuteHi ith*okieki:thitit.tifefarti" I it *iii th liVe rithl of their it tive de". Wei- ali • w eh drii ged if . -is - thtf redgeg itey atu batiot mutt. utc att - t b.:kitiuti lutig bgfutest eaultiA0 thit Wittuf811 hies HhokilEleaoh-tie that although it ill* 0 -titOkta::t3,atviii 'tom - luaeoessible. -Wort ; ikti. Veittigi tit .041.03t hOttislioW:tihittelgi the Wit iloii0 whit*: feVitil itri3;• tit Atitilt OH WOO be. titiliVetibil totOftggtkitt - kettiittegi Oil itke- giiettogittili Itg MO kitiffitittbk .. ittkiiiil tig.:60tilttgiititite Okqi_fd.P it lekii.iiiiiiitteth ite ili= - ileVettlie 1,461i ',Odell; :rttliiiiitiloolli iti bpi; itb1. tertitiii.t lat. if tiiefti be thin ere& liP6.6- Ili eittlil +44.10. MY tilkill 141 tile. d6lilitli Malt ailiting.ilittee ore titteg t ete he Ray. whielt, oeHeoHfeitlinhillif .nWOO Siiiiil itli Wife: (Will i Di! het! 66 eePi itil ltr.Mliiii itliiihafitti•iiiikeli P agoillitlybellidg •.iii- Wittig: at -ktiottao ottitgit t to tuttIOPota.itel, itow gaf_ tattit gait bkiglitt ited; ttawg li. CIA to BOA- oeiVO what hat i '0 ot ettaitiieiit ey illitieli Willii11 Oillit 111 eillikW • i . .... - ' '. . -44.14084-1i illittittlik t uloi ottyg-ti- at i.ligittivkit bu wit§ tittPuz tittuu .ta a-tfiglitt . Matt alto! flits loittgE !.ge 110(17 tu tkVg-lito.-:istio iittiottifotii aft taviiiir ttitti, tlie-•-galit - tO lib& _OW1h 00 tiged• a Atte iti eft wit • hiillt -no. gar -itto Otto at% • guY_ofg Witt • Nato -rig 'a g glit.ifighthill li 8 • iito. Hit ; - tattigy a ottittutio A tiga•-tttuot .- g ' Eittitg iltillitiftlligegtiii Oiebgt: .---.: -.,. - . •:•-: .• - - • - • • 14 • -A 14tebtitti lit a bOW414 litl:iiiiii , _ Ow -Thursday of. last *oak a,tiot, belong. liij to T-, It tiotatia,-terukti wittittaig, -wag ittiton, Mehl .0;011 tielltlhiiiiid til gisti**tiiiitii Li Isivatiyi,ur IfOlitidllei *IA Bet f -6k, , NearyAvitg not able too twined ately, :. tit Eitkili batik ,soittc. medluitio wititth'-',, 41,4 given to, tiiii-no* witlititit doing het' ;tit good, Next _. day Other ilditlitifi • *BA 14 it ltild attittifitotoutt . [tad :rille til•e A 6 lit) guudt autt -tot a .4 ort 11( 1113 lie'h petite nitwit better. . tAtill ay ittg- it'14. t • 13(k13 heil -.. 8.tgaPy Weitt tIOWit _hit Uttlay hilt futnt the -0.Wag lihilibilliill *I13i1 Wiiiii -the .iteattiAth -.that 6 kiiiilld 6 ii011Uii tti litiVe tug guiv,o 1ifi bti Mutt a ' IIIUII13 1t13113. gEl* laki ttt6td titi,flli_ tgE. g"yli'fkiel.iiI Ptg14.01l1tV ittittli !lite -t7e at; U1113 66htii 6 i6a16 13131(111%oil. bu ialed •!nt gtoiiielt ilii theiettrt. .1Eillegt libeHthlbiltie-MO,M 134 bile tiat h -ad belt itfilitliKeille 11 1311(113 iSHto the y lttAttik- Wat ell AlVttill; ieiMtifellifr ." gad Uik6li r fial e itt quitdtut1 agu41111.11eet6 13iillaitet4 i` - • - Tu:ptlibigt _ -A11iO1 havg -tutt -Nutai 110(1.Ye , ;. • Aliteitlijnil At 111-1- Ittlii With ati . stipitfo eur, - to now :bad tuz liati;;)-pitswtt; . • A, 111o111(u( to ig 130 'Mod to ity g tiVik -114-• ttAig li iAit wit hit ith t 'tl-iltii litikiiiii le Hite ill : POT64111 b 6 althlith tit lid 60 lig 1 itVilliiilfe th itlit OP il tt iitf# ali 1 y ityittittizii.: - sta, ' tt)p.oli-vga •O wog tlig 13I11.1 ; Vagiti bittgt . Itit(t• kit --iti j016 . 1110 li113i 4113. trilltilltbWili ' iiii titlitl. Eilly t ug iga -wag titt14* :up hOIII -titg wpggii.4 H. gig Altki •itt - -. -:" 1)elitli tiiii, 13131)101'U *103 Well te• .. 6 .6 I' 013 (0111 Ittitilielltly Ali W 11311. (13 *1113 . , • 0114lfra:et. Stuutry.-. - The LogiolatOroot A1ab40,.! hkkti • a- Woman- for •enzolling •an hut •*hubOulleuth.o -bOoll-Atith elt0.414 . _The Ohiuose Uwe:own" . .• 1Wrat- Watches,- Aliso.. if 44.40 awl dio,. other ve.4 • '"1 A littlegirl iceently entet.14 ilemilton gist .with•f.'3r .Whielx.read.a .*ete sell. . pint of tupta.-.,* to0-. • „The *(litor • -ot. o aeor lib.erty-. al*,ye. .pletu- 4 beeanee libotty."-.ta survive a* -0 and thege•ia-nd blind eidotoisr • • • • 11A man sal- to -mo -the a marked. -a elergymen,•_ " 1.1- missed your, sernoil to*' 5O the plato•was. I -.egad:round - irt-a penny11, . (*Angelo btll.Pcietet. 0(111 of eu per - gays, V.Nig'w= omen. night Id not haye- d yety-wIti man put • Nara EtitOWn With .% feveri e -doily saying t said to her dig another year," A Buffalo la Sii a witiiege an Ow thno•at *fa oh somothin 1 when he- woe sharply examtning attt or' to bo 11 Yon ought to-, yuow,-: . itt. WV yon eolleoted wy toe awl kept -the npney‘". wue. ot Owen' urtieki her by -41 at She tow • ion *Vho Wetly a 41T .,t; mit live nor ItiondiiIimilievO Kora; , "KoninatiOn li"hdwaattia-utoud (4.'i.,rowpaatireditztreolis. onvothdoietti,niitioi; i;i .13o1 by :411: • A 'nowt made of deeidik, WM recently adopted by -two - Crete, Nob1, who had it tie t4.til, Logisla ture, Ring and Fighburn tho, partit, interested, and they ()est 1 i to sOe r000lvod the oertilleate, biirn after,. altOuld Ocoupy- the Seat I! won ail' ward exilrogeed dissatisfaiihbi with the Ot the OM( the oortiflowtoi and another draw wee had, an(1l? ably to Fighltum, who reeeP #oate of,pleotion, an q dideitee it iti4 Surrendered - ial eonsont tied- favor. the corti. 'It is said 'that *believe . erupt -foe J.,. , . , the Biome Ydletwe, aepails';5t place,. nativog, iti soon ma the fire(, molten 14 ' ha -doubt is na antl;etnues k- the mouu, taut kindle at it t o wood woo ale fnel - for • ooOliing;,- - Jho* Ito° , .',", o' Ato -tin* - made for -y0a001 and w (Oa Or it goes Out through -.0egloot or- for. 4 'Other Veathin they never *intik' - it anow4,.tni matehogi . neighbore, whOge ilre walginally • obi, but they got .a °light ;v04, imir menet . ,,, tuinect from, Op velem°, - - fires- irt up:to the1itie0. outburst hi[oliellitttive. ()wk.' -ing.plaues -were all obtaiiiaf the-Bionis? . eruption of 180. _ - , ------'':-t-r4----0.7.: whoit 1.61:ros7tr:inWptiroonrattlrt11::ft.h.0.0:::.;' *ft,uileol.i.,..tri,... .....„ mony intelleetual nuissinee. r ' the world, to bo --defielent- in tile (10: -of htimon, One of them,- -some -years a .0 commOnded" , ,_. thot ••.o townie ..dead relit should bo • _butted at the:Corners of thei bets, to gave gag.litmps 1 another, not .: ••• years .ago, - lectured -oh •tlitt: Ali1ioh1t1i0 of boote in boa:row:list atid-Mr. Atanserti . the close of it imbst -sensible address V.. 1 o Sanitary Congress on vAter supply,. iigh13 hi hiti. vioits on toototalisin th the ifq ot Atiay. Ito 9. told hie -,atiditmce that c' - etuatio -hot- • " ,lie deNtrhotive of t iptioAtitf moorie4 to -• Witter driniting had boon --aleohol," ", WO entirely belt 1 im and if. he extended liho destructive, , oet sto the oppetite for ithittolfohoptil tri: • or Wheat( n hread, wo should- believe in, .. ' elso:'.- but *hy: limit tier- to hot -*e,teLt.11when. tartar emotie , -ipeettettanha - unreitnett -Ood liver .- • oil, an porltapn tWen y• oth' t1rngit Would re:11141113'. o' °lifertlelt4ahrittlithaTitilaill•,, . se -111pue-ehii:Joge' a:11 yila - be- at- lettot .eqiially. potat effebtiVe . Kg thhg fie it_rintl tate& -The -di n unity 0 tiwtettipertab..1 ot to leavo• _..- tiff aloolioll- hot to belie, , - the Atae *of leavilig-_ it ioffi- ..They. do l•Ovt nd tlittif thti illeetipertetit • ligtoitterg .itt i,:i)v Worldi: life tionvietg, 'bee me butter • $pectator, ••• . , , e,--44iaidett • -_ • ettgoA g:lig-fyg ittattuigytitoiittavtitabl, i tuit lie ytiik: WlIt tit : - o-itaw • to ttaatok tgfioittiiellgtaiti giwiig tonoilgto Kultlb OW Witt Mit 4111(13113 i0 ibind 1 e 100 g; lika 411114111 . hilt 6 y atot apt ll114iOtuif1a13110(0.(i *AlayTvgitey"it .it ea bet L!131 (1131(13 alitl: tlittigtit igtIt .to ((1 (1313 k 6iiitltlilit Wit - a111I1ei01il lt ft1i1341t 1)1 1U013 aui•alit ti 1(1 (1'(134111 lllil Mil 0110 fillgti-t110,t4 UI' I dfilitii bilt. (Cilhetiteliitill-81 illi1111011 6.13 , ittirely lea It tilwityg best to btf•!; lied with 1J*0 - yoting lady reeently, • "Ito Marry iitteh 11 very plaint_ man ag father.i11" 11 if 1. he.„. hie dattgliteettotild ever httA,,,;' (411(3141311311 1 1)4013:ant0 t titted;",. "1h ' itto k' Rot." eittirel inogt Ofis" :Said it %IttttO Ytiti .130 • - PkOttiiitibhe. Sited ...swift .it have . heal. --gatisiled V". lilt': that our - rd dattphteke'iiitI been ahl. it ilL-4-to PegI • ' • - • • A teat A444- t1tititonier 1 to • tAitittightt thiiik the.piettire doeli i(1e jt Photograillio-Aty duak gta hy did -itiatitle 1313litoky Oici ON taken the ttrif Diiiiiiirtki-Itopetikk &loth -•- • •• Vito tilfii3een -City-omit* (at ;a.balli , stable (iiitetellew 41 111311 Itt 11113ututttyvtoi gi _ tiont.;;;A! lio 11113y hitt •uitilou-,tiii .uvuly patto; - • • _ kitiotiliabig4! - M311411313(1 113111L11 - 111' 11 dOit)t ktlit.tiittut into). pullt, jtI1311113L 111itemit tuoott,: bg 1L .tUtff, r).4 ;If- photo. WWito hag Itia tth life*. tin.- • • • • i-v tiolAt ., ttzttrivtot a viL - • t 'i WO. ili_tillf - • Itr iqa " 13411(1 t thk- 1113* lip\ ll1i0 11 otlit tt 1-1 (111111 1 11 PNv'ioitt;€1110i Ilene tlf ykilif (AM omit§ \i 1io 4i011 af th,at *11113131 1U th att8 t Mite"; 68 Will b6 111114 0 1.0 - ita cktiokitg _ideltut of a gigjuti what 11 l 1 138Wii tb tlitavg tity t igh ilygit t411:: rill et IA jtitow titgaipitabot Daiwa you -!. ev,Rvkss,-.* - r. • ,r