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Lucknow Sentinel, 1886-12-10, Page 8
• I LJflJtl itliti11••i•Lueittauttv Owlly (Now _ . flays otteeptti(t). At 1411011 1- - tifitN4 licivrol, • t4()1M-4• NORTH, 111 fl tl• '14 IV'Ikea lin 11, 141(th itulta at.m, . ff ,i ut uti ail•1414)6 uti- 1.1(N ANttat, 3 ..... • !" V.• tiottut for - j1111 -0 41)1140 411(1 la 1101U.A.111g.t0 141111111114 A1ticieV41totoh. 6 hie furl:1.44! ttoly_tti 5•Iri; T1itunt14 -Mtittitlo, • -16 Tidarn PurphAtiodi. M 1 loud Al oT4itrtiti1 _ 1t tt% tittitti.lkvp totrolatotql, thItwestki 411.111141 -.141114.1f ilf itt- OW -Milli lit. titt,ott• ltnittlrod (Litt Ittr, • • rittIOAInt- oncl' • :Thi annutil ahoW'of-Chrlet mos eattle ftIId pOultry, under the 'attiplee*:- of tho.. Woat -11kIlog of iforOil.Agrletilturol wlli be held, the .toorket . bootie, :Ootterleb, On .Wooneeiloy.ho :Doefonbory,-- - ..Ottoirlog. Mote, • _ Soteriloyilliixt•gout. .inietiee-4.1tergreot. -Oltiftring of loll I loopy, OA MO:1 pee- ottnt: below the oiefm :tip! I fog ,-priett of OtiittO..14Oodg, Wow -tater the , dote, klatitrde4 :limo, • I lilt • •.$0.11811.0.itio-NOS10,01.-• - ...4,1k .,,... _-_',:,•::....,:. :-.• , Doi. yo.ur tiOrileti.0.1-.01C1C00041;' r.t7Tito.iiii..an1lOY.a •.ostoreottte : °hoop ot _-(4.o.t4-- terris,H ::- :.i'4'4•-'.. - .. ' ' • .. .1.. ripquentitif.";.-4:•-• tiOlory fO) . *Ole:oil iW, Vorleysiii.,. -. - ',-- • .. ' . •-...--Ilii‘itoot litetrttinento.,:of.' ill. kintle) ot. Co 144.1.0d.:&,..:Pity4,--... _ . . . - • • :...,..t.....o.o .40.r .oliongo- of :.Odror-tliootent Ithlti .-'weel(,:.i'llitAnto. ,Lo;Wrotiee,- . --• -I . . . ..-•,..-A •tititi. Of ot"ory: t1uotitiip41)0. et- rOolt.... ':Uo(toot.polooti .0,t,qoo,- it.oriol, • . -Olttltr"..Ottt.,L...Ittki- AM litig•-:-JilditikiT• tormilimirearrhohnot,ommi*K-4ticlog . i.Wittfit .1:S .14-04:oprowoN : PPI411 4111.4,110064:14-V4.0,. .00, 7.0,-,..60, notl.: • -.Will y6.11.. bo,_ -146.(441...• (,i.iftgAt.).(.t•p•-•-f.itAto. -$4 O'-:.#1 -.4.--.tto.tt 5. ttt ...1I:el:gyro:1m. ',-... ' -- tio"'•.‘1: t4i ) ' for ' Ow ,..-ltoi1to:11•6: --ort•-00-. :114110-.11t.r.illif.01''- A.•., L-1-7--_,,, i..iiirgti-_-..tittittit4t •tif -.0.10,1 '- fop-.: '-- foin.11-•_',.,01)) •wilati..- 14,.*1.10-w.ovi:-: :-.011-9: kitiii0:.-t..Wi.l.tionty--0.„.: : .. • -ItioopoWOr. •Itt 14.0-01..t.,110.W101144.- *111.•11(I.411.- -4.-461),. KOMI- 1,4 ii6ttott 14-)r uttlittlit -dr-Y * gawg: uhol.t.11,_ . . .. .._. , .. . .. ,_ .. . ‘.0ii 6.. 1.11111.-,L-.1:ietti.it:11:tititli,;gi .(.....t?Iii.,i, 1)1,14i t.„9 tiVil. 1- • 3144 In'ilill.(114..-011,4;.1,0I-0-110411.-por....-ut hp.- - . - . ..-........- . ... - ... -. . • . : _. • '-• -1- • - ---•• - - •..- -- • • _ . - • -T • -;•-----7- lit,v-o.-puoi.,Tit tite-biRti_tiful--..ht9git _i,_ • • ' _)•- • - - . .- • . • lil.10),-41. - lite tir nap itottmlii'. pi-tit...kiloof41," . -.1alliii --IN.:Q.00U 111.10(i..,roPoftc:...-A:114rAtt- Oalk*. ll 1Y (it Nv0.-.1;01-(1.i.i:.i.rii.4 .iit ,.1 04; :44;4! otilliTlt..1.i.i.1 . r.ut).1?.!i•Istt .;v1;11.V.-, -7, .41 . ,.8. -lit In) --.filitl - litt. i-(ixtio'tiott,;))owvit..1.11.,.-. tlibplit; gl-N.---110-up 4ltitycifutio wto• tlityit cylirli. ill .oifi-t-*- 'millet, „..--• .t.icitil -.- . ..-- -,.. - _ ,: . _ ': 41•11.1i.: 911.11 Ili 4.1.1tti...). : (IT . .#0'ai .11.i..w-t.iit it• i 1.111.iiiveit4tilt...04.1ik .W0pli:-.iit. .4,;6.:, nitint, 1044 ri.ttitillittfri '-'''•4A%•,:ttillgo .1 ...-' .. . .- '' - • •• ' -. - ow • 1 tit li.. Ifittilu-• ti4•••.itt4otqi•---frout's ' to-. . atag ,_ .- p•-•-• s ../, • , • - ( )7 170- .. ,.., J..... . _, ..,__._. . . ., _: . . .. olio 1..iti,( 4....mt,y14....-: - _ --.Tho- rift:trket§..4 - - - , . ... .1Vt-‘111'i:wi'll.I,.80.,i ii.).:•.it. t -)i.. it :11 li141H12 vit--itmi 7,....t.o• .7.ao 1 .i.ittritit cv-Itetiti- 01#4: n : Off -.ttit4' -Ill 4411i: •••.- . : -:,.klilli .•,:rti.timitt • -.plot ttmi. tiltildor• liitriTy;717-0...t.ti. ,iftit J.- liti,tAt•ciiiti.„- -.(iiii.t.*-„„:41ti _istii4._ 4-116.-...-h.tti4 44iti-yttilecL.ctir ..-tlit;• -.A-Itict.',.= 01. t,to,:tpivillit..,4:1461..)-(1#1 ...0160iti thitil ..010.- .:\i,H.ttl•. 7-1 iti rtaj tt. •itik1ii' 414:tolikr 1. 0..4.tkt'i 1184... I -.- 01•04011-1:. .k110.111-(1 lto. w.eAtPlifii-1-' ill ifoill' Illittut.0•01-,•-. ititotio°411oltatii:. ttlii1:.•oll .-klittlit- NvItiviiN e till Liti ilia•C'-. • _. ....-.00h.t.i.,10,11:1104„,:. Fm,,,,,,o, poiltir,titt:1:-Iu.ks, w:,41,.1.,• Rio litiii...410(t - 4. bi-,. „tii.rowil...mk.,,11. ,1111,14.1,......„;:,-11,:•14-,..itiii.,:.ti.t.o.,.,•14,4,:•,‘„ ,;.,..v. ' Ahvoi:i . ilto tft. ft: pot, „vt.. •,, • .,...01t• -tiff fil pot. out. fiti-- t,-)4.0.--.0.tri«,Jq -.. limiritcl 6f.,:iltii[11•••11,-4t_ - . 4 • .w.,m_, . oii„.„0--.. 14411 ..• fop . • .(.0., . -4kil'. • ' I. '•)..'• '•-. y ...' • -- -• - -Ji) 111'441:Ott, - ' 1,te-111).-11,1_(__.)11.0.10t4141•••ot. • 114 s\ - --4!‘. • . • , ilit._ • y11(11001 0.4i qui.-9.1.110:1.1‘ittintilit 111.•041.- Nyily:. , Ns, I I I_ . (•.:,i1.1 it.”( kt.)• 'illy' Iii •Ritior .fittlift•n•-_. ti.ify.tt•Jiiitil- it_ticl.,-tfilitiltro4ittritig..41.o...44m::. .titk,..t.tt.til -04.01..ititetituttitt.tiott - 61' -ittipi1it1.tt.11.:. .11110.14,14.4100.. ,I:trY01-114 •11.-141,-•:f41•1•(-0, PlioW: toy •11•4: till. 00,0 titt'Offi•- 4114, 1,0 op wal 41;4t - 4- s . . Plooriptituiti,;‘. 441t411? - 11,414titor0 ttir ittir0 • - • • .It'ttr.r.r....Teret2 ro; It; (4(11(41 qvititetti tItt,4Ntir.f; . . Stett.ki 111041111011111i-fibiltAAisit- Ca aviti47 2riiIittt ?Milo Spec -tholes.. - I Id ntichnntral 10* ryes.... iMin 4,0 Olf!' • ;1.411OffilOOPOVIS:161441!ROOOValgs,..000.111141144.111 1. S •c.16.1 tR- egg i_t wopt.ti, , i, voiil i1100191 -for 4tikti TU. 1.411.1o14 It»o 4t1ir4444 :W.011(4. 1.44. 'pod. -ftir 'foe •itttti4lt -ti1t„(1 tyro • •• •:- boht oho.v.01'ATIo.:-toyni Thou. tut : - A14111141it -111 trottoo mtit- plonk ,tror' ‘11- 14116144f 14141 1,11114-,(1044,1•il4tg, '6011 II Ii IOY IIPLLJII4i4-.040444d - )41' yon goy-, -vlkoesti ..1 NV I 14; no tvo owa(1- t4. t litinti y nod 4.110411 ttoijk •• of- 1lio..0-111th 4tnU It i4eollittg• ••-.• :t.. y(11,1111 --ft Iil 1#1-Paltill_IP II)IIIII'I'.' 11140 kk(i‘'Y tti! -44014 got • cifoill 1,0 tei.tottitg. licttuio of 14utiletit4c,i . • _ • , oft..vor.tittytUI'k('it11 0(0 41(.104. Rt. "447100i, „..rho.trititt LgW11.11140 ttiO'titrkttiti- 111..kit.1411 --- • . • to. 111 1111 i)ctillett-.. to .ogitoo ond (olto ti loot 11t4,.1114' uI1 13140.-• of. -4in04 t.111)t•Ail, 14.4 14 -(:1111t4(141410 fol, ogos) :pttrOittiffooti- sA)opolornti-k . • loro, -ituttoloti 1teittttifol lekigttttli.t‘ Ato, 14844 •• - • • . -7fl.fl.116kbOWlodgod 'Mot • tlitit - 41Aftt, •-14-6rr imJ41-11,-r1.44..Ilio 1)6-01 filo ivy -1111, Unoiir.tif Atiti(4iti tiry ,•:-goOtikt to 1441 tow, - :A Qtjut, .14.1i00.yott- of • : - - 1 It'I'I'1 14f nl,OuipOr1(4'. . " t .) tt - Mt a tity. 1i4 tt vt-ittitic. 111411 OW t. twin' f cum t•lut t4itttcl- .itf- IV,* ....M•iimly 1 I 41 ', ' 111i i vtilthid •ti 1 ,-0411,{.4 (4 (mow W„, .io 1,,,r_ ...JIM() -•• -1111010'. 0.11.111t "A4. aiti.11/4011t104.14111-4 rib1 VOTT 1 [WWII it4 - Illik4 §10.0.111111 it .11"11 . . , - - . , 4. -1r1.1 -1111V :if 1)6 Otottlit • rotorti itiAtt-- - t..1116-, A word 4.0 till! 111444 -14 011111.01t1441h• fioittb :Dell', - -•Dtiving out out w.m.iik mei- .00-44it4o4' 11.10 .1411:111k*MA4'Y Paln‘kitIgill 00111;00-' '4114(1. i1lik'1rk444114 linVti- 11441. 11:114"Vtliiil (11 • - . , . , -- 'tail. Wit it' t Ito -:-Alittluit6t, elittri;14.•• wtOt 111,C'ilt1-140 lii,j,111 ,,w mit ''''''sw ruilt-'-*°1:q."''''' n't-" ' kohl Oit Ktnilliy ilthltit -. MUM_ Vory 0.11(1. W1 -1.11,.i" Mi.”.0Wilit4:1-1,0:1MI-A .111 itt gilliftt, VIC.. &, lig. : 'mot tworoptilto frioputong Tivfiro dttavervii. ( bil,IVI#11Ve I it Wittteell mit 944- Tlitil'ii-: . . a t .• iirt V tift,ttentutti, :Mi., (Vaulti_tor Awl Alp, • . by t Ito itt:tv,•.•11,4,Y,..-110-iliogt-Pf 94101)91 ti-:1.111:Cliijnorou titiolti`J,- tillit Olt; flillittilt • • •-.- , It) litrittt'tiittiO'gRtiottiquitistionlitiv-e,c.-- - _li I t -.L I- .I. 11,41th,ktititi(441 --. it lit_Nit : :utti.iitiqyci r t Itic.. ... . A, . 111i11w 0,mutual tow -tneottng W1414 h''' - • -. -1-00 tiv.or 11'r41 reitliml, ' • • n1vo.r4ary•tilfievioug, 4 • - itt tito • it'ejittly (1 'I Al (Vciottitor 44. --1K1B101141t1 • Cititioyort lU.11 utt :ON ooilott moo (Atilt (It 14.4ttguiciO, itCituft11h orocctitl. 4(4 11 f4tr,11C 'Mitt *.talk 14h(414f1 tito. ( tit Atytiiilitprf jOtift, ft)r--AroveriN.i, • A Walt% wttkt TooTtivutor,•.:-.--Titit..-• rot tie. twwilf tttigit-e.:IttIaltett .frottt htiLp 11411 wwt- •• Oro W'cletl.• •witgitti Mar .E1.11!.4'o4,t ftilo tvt, ttiottt : .•11oftly•tti: .Tho fttrinctr 1)(trif. ttl(1 filitlart• 041111- .(1('I1v(1l'((t Ly Afti,-.7 crO41ttliti4',.-.1‘1 Itint ttuyti t14inti7-hoit-Ittliltitiott.1411(1• .Logon, • • . . btatitlt tvocl -4::(1, .1( trot ts:ott, -Ott -‘ -.11 t1tlng tho Unwiscii _ „ „ t"'W fitWinCti# 1ITIviii,porpotrittod 014 11111 -furutortt, TWO' MPH (114%,(1* •-• 11404 illtrolosod oramitry hglt.isith i41W- 1111111014 motor ontop-, atA.,. prop. 4414to ttiotporatIore.00- INN -11114y '-N-1.41.g.- • (frolii!fitid ..olootioit •_ :y4olyti()9(1, Al TY: ' "1"ittl". "A: Ifilv -11471t .-•,PloiriallYr• 14(44 11 -*.k. (4)1(Joitittieititlitis 141-4** 000Opiti(i In •.()tttitt.4. 'nolo ttro. min 01(4 ulnautorittot • oit, (,,v4101.4n.- part, -tlf itt4i-114.„ „ . tito Altortit -it . 0141 \• 11.4401,1ii-c,t4 1,6.1 tote • t11i4t0411(I, 111114 fetttlf-sivireiti (34f4 oil, 414 fri' 100114111' f11J11 t • tivAtylvt,v -wtittti dti-wtt tti tcc*,ititt 1,2t.ow 0UtI, \V twit gotli dowki otodo tit .-6ww.(14, (tot= Roy 444 R'0 4 itt yottr • oun..crt,:t. _A -01.1.1111 -mtfloot I11 141' •ivi 144 Out ,4,141ot tro-t6i6,- :lit • , ;At. Agit • tit lilt 14tietiirt: trfptii. • .1 4114 tyttit .1-41c11411.6.w., wild_ 1_10(4144 1:1"(111 ,1,-,,•tit-oi1 tor tlio I.-, t •tt I 4.; - 11P(1(100(14 .1 C.- cy' pr14it **1 t Ito ellitlyieti-• I )tioryt opott 441, Pc;lit. Co-11111qt . fi Ahvi-Rt. tii• , 411';`• tt 1111.1-fkIty 11111r11 I. ptitti Airrwcto - Vt. ..tr()111 1116 oi • k. i 1 NTINt .4N4* 10-4 • Ttlir - it ri-fity t •tr. !'"ilitiv—A11011- "15- Nil t Writ 1.4(xtili.4 V 440 r4ll4it44,t[1011 • (11. Altilti4Vitlit hitt 1,14 lAYL.f'ririlk1i111-11j • t litI yeiti, • •_ 1(1114-i•-•;11-1,(1 t II ('t.oltii14- • (.11!11:qi`ttill IVO • 4114.114'410 . 11114We, • • tii4. tv. ,K tit tritot i•v(glit. I kiiitly will cviott 1 Itoti ct • 11.34.1"1 itt Mitt till! ler:IA(1* ,tivolt- ilitaiitl, . tit, la et itt4tiVilft ILIUY •I!II illttl • 14-4-itit• tit ••.• q layao . Lit tij tti.;lty14;•oorttylit,*- • , . . . 4.4- -.44,,,•• LOu414,-,:a-171.1titoytier. M* �141 1141c • 41110 M4141001 -I • 1-•• - - firw 03 • wijoitor: 04•4411144-3.:(147,:: ,t4tinoriii)w." •14 liCtiltk..N111111•441.1tIlei, t4iiittg tviCtlet . willoultimphoo• . •• .. • . . .:(1.Y1111t4(1..filV0:1` 44411(4 ((4 bo •.Nit.toRg t.1.11114 tivo_titivito 1 took •11111L1oi In 001-0(1.11,Y, 41Itti.14 01111- (te )i1116(•,10.11, :41111" • . • 0 4. fri44d41 444 t4 vi • . • 1•.,. „,, 1.4 , t ott.ri,o111,-tNNT, .0.11,47.3•1.to oftiottoo-. 01(1-.sotti, i4ot.11-itt.4 :-to..tt-O‘ci oits NN'jI. pit V 011 iii)W 1'(111 I40/01 YttiVIS • T1 tt/- Vat ii016t11.11 .(thkft i.qt‘ i tic% - - • • - . *-0141, of T I it)mitttittor.- • 101( tho of, ilittiottqc _ - • • •' •-• • -.11timitt(t*AA tt.i4 b.14L 4.141' 04041 .wlio. , fig4'f;g74i44ii rally :got; 44 .• . t • : . glvlo::,,f..-rltte.:Of;wfty • fttotit :(-14oritt4444t4o,. tlut -../t), 11 v .4111110.44i ot(Jilo'),;- for ithO 41(4,114 4 (3l1 4,1itt4lo.....-(40:1,1011- JO: ail. ,Aati(1•11-yi I.• .4t4iti at:46101y* • 1:41-1*(,(1(1.11(mAA"1111lOttkil-4110 (410 • a• a c)oftiettiotis to 'ad • . . - 11011-t11 t.It11411..tv lit,t4(.ttY :lv1144 isthl. 4tiotr g1alo*-14404 •;iti•g-s: Jut Lii. •411 4\1101311(41101 6.111114011 '014 1VM,111(qi• 11001 Tito. ottitte- • :! • t• hi•!-PEA--,'IStr4 Otilo 1114 In- 4i.•1 Julitt-ttorilvti i 1.114 •I trite tAg1i-it14-.41E4i1411 Nouk'I y' • ite, 4111 111410401i0j 1-1111011.4 . itk.f t or. tip, -14,10E044 - t put r tJ,-).. tito: ftlftt italitorit -11106141A I„ sottiktiAity,--(titliti Ti-gti roe, t 14. lit a 4 opoit.1141,114 • it ( I )14, i.tpt 'AC .°10. MC_ II. p 11 ail t:(14 AtiL„ ._.. ot ittotittv -111g.-yetlitotticitt •-ittiCv :0011. • iw 4 lio ytittr.. wto.. illo..tiittl-ut *144I07..800911. Ill.' -till 4:11: tit this.mootlog. -I oltin •• •-Itotirt - • gecittfil 1141110(14 ' 4.3 t04, 4414 ti our •• :N1110440. Itietvitectit foittimitt. oyeey -day %Fatal tlio..rowti4.1160aitoo--.-:0O44 - of.,,t lot _60:4444'iii I1Ot4hol-(4 -, 1)4'11 044, Otto-oliticottl4tIti,4114-- 1114 .114.00 4010414 • - , •'1-1,i10,: 04%. I4l4ilgiti11g:114:1400di --t14044(* (4iLIttk'4194-(%1411 44,4L14 totloWia _:to opt 'hod 11:01-1:!444Ipo1l - 7battor ootbrottotln oppo rtti t11ty J tr will:bob .144. ti.11fi.iflitio • • , .. . -. ,- , , . -111111:111141.-t 001411N 0 :19.11'1 1411glit (114r14;,: -,114 >i, 4.1114.11 1.1.$ _ :(11•11f4i --- .1170 -Wit : :11-011.011(1k4: ttkW11 11.0.(1.- tOW-01110ggi 14111c4L1.1110114.114t1 .. 11.4-P1)111A .1)it -tilt' vtAlt.:10wci.f4' 1r.1901e.. •nit I.4011 -1 -K (weir , : . . • ' ' - ,. - , - • • . . - •- -W0,1t,ovaA,A'Aory" 141146 tobtort civil t of 44 yit in- wooclop nail tit9clito to-Fuiroot 114,01i) rii 006.4'0 toilk .to)., -.:y.ourbtol.vOR . 1,0fok - -.141111,14wi1t1i,,t altlawhoro,.. Otip-o•.7.' - toott IV-.1)hp,k. _• . .' '. _ :- ' . ..' :: • : ; .-: ; -•: 7, , ( an t160: 0.01411 -0411110(1 -1401iNi.0411.11.04, lfi14O1401%;.. iilt1t.31(0,1111 4144,li1141,11; 4)0.1101.1q0.1: -p6-ttik,:•-fittilt 1o1t-411i. 1)101(1084 - AR(4M) hita 491 I ltula ---of -totioe. -.-giti)port.,,A, i Totittig. - t.11-.10 ' tti witito 4.11t1 pink 14 .NIO-ToOtiti3o, .: Var ,httrggti.ti. Itt tittwo.iro '.00,11 'Ott . llicillitit4. Juwtotioe, , ,: . f" -t .willk.tid7Oig fiO6r; ttltilltikt * 411. • , • 1116 :iciOtlittolt4l,".--441111 lie ;-to yeltiah- Itio'. ..- 1t..tifOi;11-11f.t.g.. I {Otto"' i 'top] lo -4, -::-Y0.1•1_ - -at tioq, - --6:4 Li Ot to *1411C.": trio :.0011tilt 'With. it, . tlIti ,f(ttl,. -..._ .... IlOittg.:for. ond -itnitation Peralon- Jitto 11, 01411$4 ;way -down oltpop..et- -.-41/4011i: ivrt.?. k -t' . . :- --, ---.. ' .-. .. . - . .: .. - - . ' 1.4i(1iii$4.-: lk.i Ott, -_.tiiittltit IA , 'gal I tilg. Out Ito r'.4su4n4lh4tutov1 of Ittr:•.-frl tit trtl ttght itt. luilf pr,100.*:.. •. -• . - . .. , . Dit..NOturiltky night - lo14t4t •Itt -.0k.ven elrotl (1---6 boy. ilontod $11r4'1'tlin1tit' •$J.1.1o4 - I14 - yOttitgoe. brother, .,,Ogod 107 yoore,-. •Titti IlitiVetruok -htin initha ',hood .. ontig Ito.: Olod About on -hour, of:4r,, . - 1 - - • . .-:;-'•Ultone -. tolgtilk.;I4Uttoini. rOleliter Vol iliolo- rolelnei.. ollcil-oo.ttelOotigl'Iojtprti: A .b ttt. 11 Ii0-0i. ...)t.Toti, ftiopit1oi4 °hoop ot Nitiv,(. rotyrieei., . - - • - -•' • -- - .. . , . . . .. _ . • -lroittoitte.Ing.Opon-..thO protorV-• of thai- (4,, T,' I4O11ut.4.y..00thilon7i.il11do1' IlAti Caiii tdoiStotOteK 18.- Arlo . i; 011iittt - -1 $(11 Aoot -0.10.1 Q itiui 1000417 11041 0041 rtitJoiiii. 14.ftlii(Al iltil()Oilt(id :rnamt. Lai tgod : itoti .100 t1On.:$10, .iifttlA 1)14a.•:--fkitottit4tt1v4.01 itioti 44141V0 1.1(404 t)iroo :inorjths zor: _testi_ .tloif : 1,0 ilOya. in :Jail,- -TTako•wOrtijig.i.: 1-n.t tifi,,i• : . - , . . . .. .._ _.•i•-.A.'iklt.log- 4-11k41i: : lotroi:sitotohOlg, . tivo.m hi ' oa41-001.-.o :04- Itlutottl a .- for' Xtuot.i. - -4iti: 1 .-1( Ihrg-:1.09 oiOti . att. COpelttnit '41 . ..,4 _ .. . . , • •• trO.."-"TIS 1, =• I %Watt 11W114 ION CO kol OS 0 TAP em. ftis:114. 11)Wri4: lid ',I-110 pit ACV -411114 d (h4 4it11'i1t 'Ai di 11) .1.1W Vt.Ify 111411,1k gl k t to 01 if 0/ 4 • Th 111104 bnits f.r•itt: 4t, v 8. ;1 - • •ti • • • 3" t Of." rt .. • • . . ,Z1,t1 • et LQ ••• war.A.1..1•zi 4. cm -A . • t 111 V141)'.01-1- of atiy -140lloy,..7 .14pooini- -•• (4Y170N,, 'Nirlart-11.-A:Ti, )14;Jii bOnght ..faetm! - "oltt I.PVICOS vaq 1411-1feeti:sr&- • -outs. top: -4111.iaife:.i.e.e..-(1s 'tit 1 up ..‘frm Ic A If n 40( vin a * for it Cl'OltY • )V, COTTON a . - 416 tlio Mark- il d vl d t ninny. r ft rit-lenii..0.(1, :ksottniolit bp At: tlitol.n..k M . 111 _ ost fay . _ vitMetin, 1%110118, -01(,!-)- ote:i (1) 40. pt -r ((]lt.Firte i. ill old, P111' ('i itt O11((. i\. • 4 mid gput1,4 fv il-10(1, 1)14 tO suit alto, ittrgO t!ontilgtimpint TOOtl.) 11 114 811oest 14 1,4• .4 MEI Will b0,110111, RV ft .Y0_17 knIall 11(1 Vt1,460; _ .1101111;',7410,ho publio for atm, Ni Iarge share OrDItt1101 lt,t0 31V0-1111) it me, 1. 'Ask.: plAt _ fin% tt, - . 14,butnuttlace -otthat .uppbit and iso. to d0. nil oil thy' pistat 'to• 41ot4o1ve -y•our otistom, 4 DON'T FORGET TjE SIC , '1/4t-0.11E.PAT MURRAte • rafit 'Oorifistgraion: -4 a .:i.othitig 1estroY000... don't, imlioro stato..: t Att 'am ltilloglx• iltatm; h. 111cm:o11141; Anti you 'wilt $44 best burned' tIttly eattuty, :ha% elity, ity ono of tlio best. t 841 A 410 till% tV0.111 tWo to 111; 04 rpT•iivrelpititsit(-41kmil. wistins :to -1;iforto the iftilabitiints of Lookopw tiv that 11, alms t he largest of : HAVY AND:11:011T (44tatiiss To bo. found in ri,ny thO vlllago wthloh. )104 -oblo .to iolt at. prloo0 to Ault( )4001{0t44of--..purottosort1e.Alt - worriu1totl to up.,tiefttation, • Whijity TiOn10 V.'olliogolwoye 1311 _hand.- Coll find eoii our ttOOk beforo pit 00144111g lolsowhore, 110 ;airing don° ; with- neotnatie. And dopo.th1 All work worrantod, - • A. ZROSS. - • 4. )cf wild to hall at bobtom prlous, •,,14: I v fall to give us a ma 40 NAV R111 digeouttt for litrgo niklors, .1 may ba goon this oilloo. at'fbx#14 JOHN RECCONI no 32 itlitoardlho. 111 • ^ STEAMER .10ENVY. ,. tit& 4041, Niiil tatilt ., 14,11 4wootirtog Ant::::::it ttatiti oSttirsAjnehori&Atitto LIA ). 2010-vadil1ilrol4'.iisolu144vm.(10:,,, 440o1mi„ (41tu4foig4 -ok - boutsgs no toigivirtmcc ettia7 ilmsoloci, ilAtultiettgif4tit. tit5 oil 110111 Eitirotiout tli# boot -and 1131111t 111,1001.1 UW7141011 0401)111411 hi ilttli111*4 1' "MAN AT 6 41.141i- lie % Olt IfolitOA.gei. Strolglik . Privito fundai AnY 41n4c1un1), tt tit, mw ripAo of pot' cot poo &WM., 0011. _or -*IMO to - klEAGEA. Dittristers 0004 AltiNGPAPE RS i f : Ito mint so tiubooribet. Any ppm, ta tito world ut lowo4 ',Atm . afi4rikati INpreem 06rellittity etAtiltiAttwirtf,e• - ) 04 row ta An affinep. in Altomitt tot ) , 1 (Silo 'nitro I A .0 ir! to I W 1 V 111111.1' I VC ACINT 4 .• • • -37 • 4