HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1886-12-10, Page 3- ••*.. ' UMW • .iptsitt.utop,ii:oatt Aitiat . . . . 4doltatwairritAliv@siafro6.6a*Acklititit . • 'Koala Ailkaan- Amialliookas . _ g4t- 6II 6§4 Of) filigh. -And0_4111 . . AtWit_i@ts. 'W96110111 '01141 14461nplith4d1 -641i% 'and autbk rtioVitit Adam" -. adOtio theifttlinfthinfftA4m Nita fcloff 64 tin -• - 61q11416-114... 61.'-_66.6e64iltft ll.#9tAinft aid -at arithmotiotaigebraaudaetrone yt. Adomlo Atiott•Almitt Moo ith.odu Aulavert, itud, allitough anotere-Aind athittary: and an oviotooratt oipproeutiod. tAlkileggii.0111§hitit *slaigvgatiniot. idultuto _ toed milt. aNtipiniiiii 1111. Allowanoot Aeitoah. Aehleyt Antigua and Itialielo, fol • And autitainet attended.. aead.emy, allgt okwkiig pied nittanii4i( sot .allutiag. &dealt Appeitring-iiwluilya#oetioli. &lel: Kunming .aiteeljat. allitedmitilo getkor miting-altornirlably"...Athii nit.0647 lifil3/444g40041444. all At hide* adminilest ttlikongh,- an.noyedt- assidaotioly-;..at. -tended4IOI4I oototionst attain attempted, alionittiogA_dete't - ..-ititettionetAn titale tiff ablo..- amiablet. Onto atavauging an- &Montt eat- alibioaoluavoidtiog 41.4 6110(1, _611 .6441144j !aka.' &boat • stitolan abtoptly , • - Arriving at Atittvelie: tattoo awhile,- Aim attenptet agvioultovot Alewr mitt at • atiovagy, ainionbly lilluttitig- - mine fiat anitoosilleil ataing .44411114 A1itn16_:-61k. onieet appeared -itilitvatted., and itetuolly• • &to' ono% and. Wallet meet% . appateh Amok auto ltgoo, OlookedtU Atamt'Ativioits Aastraliont allended.-• tad , adiniallitted itiAdynoilt. ;Altai ahrtathielle:-Adegic MLL••almei. allevet -.sod - aged: -eppolite &batty* •alalsol, 00411,11y askluo alM4.-autl ,autiout shoat elllaused• ant • Aant A iiiieffect -appotoilug- aimmiogt awhile. Aimed. oat Mmoepn alltriagelta--aemiatoodat. Aativelita atunalpouled. Maw wok MIAant444 Atilinti§i'aittivinK-about All at • Audent Aunt___Ahuiviet- - ationueted ad. almool-, . Able ellopoithe VI -&�; .itetiot - -alltriutiontlt • AtiltellaJilleu, en atillionee • eat Adam% .alliamodt • almottruair epialledt MQ altsittiVoly - afforded-. aid' Atitin asquiumuladmivab4t Atte aw_hilo epplea. eptioutet asparegii-Canta.• to -Mt Oho% • Mt abdertitoadyi• . tad tuliiigt Allem mileyet totalling AteMilkanion: ant.- amitibla m MI -mei" avowing alitgleneet antiwevod t. It.Awey abard7 arliMinentel Alltoues• and efitlelloot &mit *Nation f: .411. epolo. ..!! Medi. annW01111(1. AMOR" . &Wan admired,- end Matta above 4,111 - amid di odeut advoirOra aseeFil Mix -• Adamts, achee • - - Ayet *yet.. -anoomily 4.• Wonted Ate. - .• • s - •.• Ament° euxueingly eusweved Adam. . 7 .Acoodiugly %nether -...aututunt.. • Aqui AttUir6 6idtaii nbattititl .444 -mailevittiog. - A 111AWINANNI 1411111/41‘. • • 84 Visite tie -viral' •aat- "lain - frank, oath@ illtlik@flis Hopmeni, Who lu smash of anlafitiMellt la while &way ail hoot tofo, tvotioently gioet him- attention to the banko @they 01 the towns and eiliet in WWI he ay exhibitiog hie lift% aild :Byre: tittle:Olio napalms. wao no. -olooption to the runt lo tompaily_ with. _Chalk* Create,- Lopha filieviook and •olhers, o oloil wee paid to a low of legatos. mereanttle h000n,_ Where IO O00 Of on! diility were intibt sod not glow bowi(dot. ingliletaneet of the -oil indulged In The Ant eatabliohment the give, Gun Hooingotank, when -Proildent bt Pognid woo pavlionlatly improtood wilt. & Ilion -table whit*. Her aim paned to fop hkiopection, whiell by @onto mintage_ intitittign OhiinJlad in geld aein and-. book again_ to @liver, CH motley there mewed to be ao on, tho Prooidearm-beitvd, Finkel(' and out einiainelo be lined' .4 vigil wait_ elto io *tit OPituP-: Doak the Biel. Bank of Byrum( and Abe- -Trust DmM .Oomi,' it mak Of w-hiiila a einm. walla wao:_kopt open. thellinde-tei :hat that by memo Mom pilem :woald th- ppooi like the -vaniobing- -lady"' Bat in inetenee whom moiley was haudied wao -always-to imitate, the magioiait ai ins a On t ollativom it one with thegteateet ot eine, o oloo converting a oruntpleteheet el note papoll -a nitio; 014 'new hill,: Th. inalthili woo evowded-with peoPle when Hermann -end hie patty walked vont allele this tettiment Blepping up_te a pok net vender Hermann inked !IWitat do - silt thine peanut§ tor I -1/_ ho van lilt: head down Int° tho bringing ti dont, hint math -*..-the mut ot - the Oedemata mid . the otoWdt- 111 wa# thsti intitiduced to Heavy ---Miciatele, Who lune a meat- mmket Viyette dint_ !! Mit -Miahaele wars to lit 6 my Woo mine fl moi It but - would. you In m -kind hitiidroo oy wMeit which- le- in- yaw yokel? Mrt Mithaele- teethed down inn hio overcoat and Avow out Hermanal mLmjot Stops's% Waning to _a youngmaa ham ibm . sountly Ake megielon told, him to take_ oft hit halt, He _ toad - hau.dful -- of . nisneYt Tide mand to be plan -day. on. the market,- ma_ nermium odd he tuald . be Onable-to Now hie ou _the market :Moles ta- the atenity of live eloekteggs and the like', )The patlyiken - heeded Tor -the Vint Nattilliat Batik frooideat • El R, Jodeon toomelto have kis peke% _ at moms antatoin't. ilIgnalt he tank a mull Flom al paper tut tolled it around in •Who-. loaked- .tit it halt a mita% later hatottudrit a SIO bilL -Tian Via 0-iioudtir Qauuty Baying* Auk wtiokert. fileriamiu brought pet, - don, and tutniug tette watte.batket he piaked out a handful of papa moseyir Mimeo IC Oroute't clam -wet aud Many vleitodt Oot kneidtait D, Pt W444111 arveiiiismente Adam mid Arabelle at oaf id* UM* WOW, Pilled• Oa )166114 - altar acknow edged ollogiencet attatt ward& ailment* *rotated eutl appetita tag. touted" ell *gain -absorbed attention,. eithough amateur, attar attailied as aprpelletiou !! author Aniiola.° Arabella on :Cut authartroCeleo eoquireci eppleuse - end *probation' Al age edvikuntil *nut Allairat --ailing and oPetillo.odloi WOO, adopted_Avabelie ; .A44411 mu- &Mom. seutuuleted., eutlioriind• Ademse eating -411- 641.4% PA OR uthuettoiro, altuasthalt agRa46416 anengement • 611 .alounilt • Anibal* at -00.10 end ; masdatesi sunuma. Aunt' Atmlvai Adem: elso 'aid* an411_ ati_ -Anti* edveuttivet stud. adtalting assoidatm and WOOL* at(initintinkall aunt,. ardet and anthem* mike 'abode mnielibly and. othotimately o lang time.at Audover. •orsitivia, ' Ali ollitelatione *pieta abased auk admit ,144101146i Adleativie md advelbe m • absurd sitmelauelyt, allow* Mid am allowable aniOnt '101.- able sallkotei lawatit Saimiori • • I MI Aita0kasiaIwal liatedey *hermetic the allt%- novel Mt melting: seae took plaes on, the lett hut at Om Slyer- tramedie • to the naiad- the •Inidge at the foal Wilson stoat, .01010,6 A "Au of kit* istsed-owaine IN la_ the ktbit• swIlUbilbg up doily hoax that. snipe:ales in Relying goon Fmk to thm pavi- of the- diet - Inentimieds It the. :souls of Saturday afterutiot one of: the bits). was standhipm the bank when a large. Rat emerged, hom 6. hale aboM and kind it by She bask 01 Thanialltritteekild_ Ina bikini it this mutual mannUt. was:et. Aria ante 41- distiliolt• lhieit honattlier-**11.. Of tta • .au.taitokkil , mid allotted Wildly -with paint listrevelt umnaged- to twist .ist head muds and gripped davit by tile • sta I& ittpowenalTbilit ovite_o.1 the _ mingled with Om of his enemy, - toco gathered a --crowd- otspestators: on the Midge, anti mud hors: went toil* mails - 43146 --02- tha twat neat:took flight, and inn pelted with steins until be mated - the shell.* of & bole In tiha batik' Beyond . Wog 'mantel rafttidi the swan did not appeat be may -tht !Oat -la, 7 Ilia - • • 1.5111•111101111141.18-16.11.11161mgammloilmil-.. ripe _ : . . .. . _ _ 11 11 'sports( bp -the Duda Illbowihnio that the new. iiprodue tot walk skid -pipe employed at sithach le vu.y suemehilt A syndicetikshist been fumed to build woke at Butbaehts the °totter: being 11.001000 math, ot which_ 1100000 nauke anisened in the petenteet At liennettnannt of Rem. * , le t It is stated diM ranke & Elbow - of Int Clevtality, have den purchased . ptii tights, auti. -.4. large Arm in Valhi propela to apply -the atstlici to the MIMI% inainit Oi• copper telt* As to the pro. met At mow as the Mall ie out into the rotted mould, a one -ta- thrust into ills statit. mo that It tube :11 gaveled between it - - - ant the walls of Vat -moulds In order to prevent Grabbing :ot ' thit anoUlar outing- -iiiiring agolingt the one h 16 --made Vat it folio -we up the ehrinkue et•the MeV.% WM steel eupskua obtained -.1may-then be *died in 64 °raillery treinc*--- . - !rho obureh edifies et Arewebury, -1414,4 to 117 years alit aid le-billit on the t -in at - aik old liana chetah treetild ono MOO izie mph A. Bible whisk wu primate by. -Wow Aunt le Una. in. thainvoiest- e bilalt it peinttt in red mid , bleak Wks, olt Utak mat in quaint typat TI14- petty them 440441111144 till When tik4 VOtilligkt.* played a umber of little bloke on Melo Moot Taking At kitlintei silk het lie pitied it upon the table, and Qn taking it up Ultinitilini shos 10114 tO be midst lit• Picking up a blown MMus about sit'isioltau height, hs held it aut end it vaitiobed Wawa their *yea,. It was found iu Mem Boos' ovev. mat pmketto-Syraouio hermit _ . Meisedr- Sao Wired 11706% . , r People *peak about their qty.* -in Wog tired, uremia* that the-_tettuot or teeth* 11010411 dike elk latitnedt. but sue Is tiatthe IOW% -64_010 eVer pie Omit . The tatigue it • Oka outer Modes attatited to the and. ths- Mails of edionaModation*whioll-sur• . end...flows •the lens te law il)M441:124 iterailitetive. &Iowa. - The inset and outer .-Euttiloleitm used -14 smiling the meths object Su be. looked rt . is like thvee ,-41141010- ,.wentioaW thiat the - totignsje felts Mt Witt 111'. jute. -The Muel udhla OA* Of stallt,13 -Wiest of Ike *dal, at She gent Wen% lug a sonesidi -state SIM.- Met duke% asompalet With -loras...poitit. Able *mime indicetee:the need otiliames vlgbbly 4300141 :the penal end:14 othet same at true- muiedy • is tor .oxisileage- the: eye end its euttoundings es Aim may be - with the hand Wet. in odd. itatuelliretil er /Oath, • - . •• . _ . Tea Marotile -at illatift Paliui ' Th..-11fuquis kid • IterebiOneu-:ot Bute lame- eldest 0-Kounietewatt Raileitheit woudethil pal.M. -theleli of Buis.; Om Multi* .,-best upended by Lud 110.14 shindies mut kabala* the, old. fatally; mat. •of - the etewavistTbm houms Mem sux atm of gland; and besides all the °gamy and mitaudinety tow tor -the family- of a noblemen .ov gendeniet- of - positionNiNee the .houee wale put ibri-eontains, & soil ciomplete balking ..alablishinentt *.em swiing and Tula& MatTbs dratthistrooraipanelled and with beautifully. Painkd • sailing% ,avei lietkal* • the Mint. ly301120 in- ail kingdoms' while - the gratd Ot Ginata • meibleie iu- tads :eight *milt bevelling. .to 8.-otland MO sek. Row thatthe Marquis. has- upenited. an 'Mauna tutu. Ion . the place, and Made it tepido with. iiv.sty eon). foril-he will .ptobably glee up *dog': .to he is nolotiOudy ilcidetiand muokeddided to taking huge UMW: mid dislikes' both. to peopielinit . •monde the 'lime of die Eat hest a nem °bleat is to be looked at 111 MOOS 14161011 dosing the eye or roatuguat fav Mau olk_ . •-"Old Wenid Natikills_Nowat • The Queen hetintintated het Intentiou. of -giving e donation_ of : ii.8 to- the Minutia to Rim' Almada ILL, propped to be eroded -at Itingliunt Vitishirit 11 Is elated -Mat *ea -lea pretest .on toot to_build a Vitiate Jublh.e Tout in Low don.L-einteen feet -higher top of IN Paul% tea a piece ot 'aloud btionging ItT Lord Sellabory, at the -bath r et tilt Nittionel Golleryt_ . The estimeted met is ‘1301000 and- eke propomil is in the- hada at a Nottioeliant mabileaL The Malign is to obtain suldeleut revisal by .iutali-e. .eion lathe top -of the towel': - A etraage dolida 'owned at _ Ranch: near I, sougnetettoth othet • 'Aidnan 8irang0 11.61066$6. a audits%) sii slip -whin - I -Mom vein@ in •blif • net sath- ta -a -sew miuuteC- • t;-' _ Urnifilini TOPICS : Tapes ial platoon :. Wein .: in . NOW land Whiektin not ioneand their 'papa. . . . . Wien .ovet men is the last ton yowl and sale -have not soon noted a lant bun, hi 'Aileen yoan, -- TM& _motto' le 1- "Blow but eumit" with a great _deal - 1' dolling :i.of okureli balk onlinudaye, - •• - • - .. '• • HAPtinik and itigir Mate 10011143/4SM do: not ti "hang thesithee The .wankii of the elvilinitiot man -multi 4 :with --hie advantages'. and oppettuudie , - Wilk the: f ill lidandem 11isdifferent, . :Clalikinian :who lag boon then looking over the glutted sayof ii The tattooist§ iiiinys- happy it they havonothlog to do list play tilt jaw's, bop, throw Mum inn the -Water end eat pump , - . • . _ : . • _. , . , lam Wean telates the tiny of a pies I . ono :Iii the : Vint iii Lindell _ who -Wu allowed- brilittutokey to spend hie eav.0. bite ono eoeuin . ' ali - told- that :if he inge (atolls them but -"mint hoe) wanting out vet time -iota he would be --leeked .out allogothev, - !Thio -Whined him 601 amordinc to Mit Weiler, that he maid neoerbe Mated te leave the _prison ageing The- Mann appvcaoh to au incident at lige-kind that lies AMC been needed -wee the appeoralloo- ot Wow mime: 0 the Pitiably* Workhouee the °that evening denanding adiainiont They- had • beak tautened thither tot anopiney, but the authoritiet had not taken dingo et them or supplied them with commilmeut mew It wail -Only allot 60416 inter4eNtign tit i the Wade- emisentetto mkt them In-ove night- - : - - -1 ' - " - • -. , Aoodeomo Id 0111. oMeet „at the- °media .Onstornet Who: km lust retutned • hem a Yip i‘lhitieh OcItimbial it Wiroposaible -to esilmatt the quaiiiity of opium that it daily being . smuggled into the Vaited -. Mates hem -that Trolinoe, - Rs 'eye theitlarge quantities et etude °pinto me imported by: She Wont into Broil* Oolembiat upon Which they -mily pay 7 20 - pet Anti_ 64 Wont duty" - TOO le then insinntadured up boo t moebentable anion autl swag. -god over into Wathington M Ottgin Tiv. Mom when the duty is 40 per Ib t Thala- mi- mud Odom Alms in VIM/in who ken made large tintunot in .thie Wayt: TOY aine in a whiliget ought and thew change Usk node at Meta* -the -Voited Stant Outgo& Os methrid Is to at ri. lerge hole In a . stick at timber, All it at .wilt muutedwed 4016r4.1641 it uP. Mitt IOWA .000--ttla IT add •816 e shove, leet mtme /Net Bank what t it Oohed up. by • roan et their pennon working at tliet and at tin lint ' - - - - - 1 - - - • • - -.I - - - _Won eedi recarriag tall ita, winter the quitioll at the . penibility of Ant - from '616ain pipe!! hatntinili Mil nt i ptittanont:As r the. Mat luddiaus. Moon -are. wally mot -to be tiered, to the mom molt -mans .ot Are an ,einung thine whiallehould be mon atintolly lacked .0104,7. 11 Li very.woll keownthat wookattornmeidng tor IOUs tinim in oMitellt with lneent, tot.all Or h t.witter- Wpm, holonistaar n ea o I mutate andtoa ehonditten s below The chuomit of oeuvest veadil Minot, Whoa Maui It aat in *slips the thernel will &barb moistrivet- NOM age n -bond the moistare it &Inn out, lievi g * vaanuta,* iota whit% the tretiveir more tt. airoaletiog "Amid tite pipes, readily poulitrattet , lt mos vapid des Is the to mato., :.till impute aurgeu to tin eltaribill Oiutiovi gully -the ,Itat of iguitiott it 'reeellidtTite Noting ot t. 0.--pipeo, it it' coons* might alto moduetto t 4 ewe nialt, the- rulit:rbeiu,g Wand by *CUM of 01.1V SUM to 6 tondillaii Is valoh it Will iibilmb millet to .0111 pal 0 red heti . 1 . . -osimptsievoimommeompoognotegioarmiegt. . Two totem mei aisaitiat . . 4 Sir Said.. Watkini IL Pt' as oommunt mated- to_bi i Meditate at Alston. an . 4o Villa Llattertrill.101101411444 ot Walla 11,04, at Lord Abevievon 'et - Rie Soya% i linen was . -to .vemind • him - 0 he (Sir Olinda, Sit Illiwavd SIM i X0_ L 1:.havs sea It: vevy tato. pot' ot ev melesty's dWard)- ad retuned - ini' Pigsty .110411 Dominion of °Medal and I hope beton ions *et Reviddesty willies OADOnainion her. selLis • Ris threes vepliedt i It would - bs a vety *tying Ourneyt'- -Sir Rdwald -thin. obeeued that t would 1)s to- high put in. hhi ,op.ident mid* the • l bile. Of 0 lliejsety'streion maid not be icelablated is. a beau mane-C.4406de, Daily --014,0ablet . - -.--.- a A SIM iteparist% itiatigays - . -. Rots le af. pita% tot thole:- .whe . stthil Miami :. hiliOnt . .0a the O•lh of -July -- teputudastlidieumhuitugnewspa took Mt with him ..to Itedi- 6 few ra how -they lieettielk metros to be dispetdied with • dile giving_ the melt gamut The- bird. Was duly bemused way *doing, but LlssibthuiLouou Tuesday lum diet he dispateht It 'wee in ditto% and bid -Muni lts_ isi 11111 maim., Irani but uilil linty t- Whet has tlit bled - its holiday f ilea -MO . . si a... mei 0141146114 et 'the RUM mut on ite only- reaohld li.four Montt splendid. Mos a potties. of leelphusbi •posdlsg -.•.Tkie-niiritimi . Not ion :ego a 'oval -Idly Wag aimed s 'avy s •-sieve.- 'not.. 0- • °Mad miles list ew - Took:: politely Mist to -• be shows a eettehl-:. artiolei: . 's .impetient nalesonan in :..ii :ohniclititiaaa ey-obsysii het- -wiebeet: .,1 -Whet's:the Wm.?"' :she asked,. -I, • Threo: dolluesof :: wee; the tnotreinonioue . -may, -.,,f4- Thme: ;t1011avel"' :ezoleimed. Ike' isq it' impales" tkkow -. very .:Iiigh - '' yeti :West- eve.1°1' 1.1. They'll -.cheep - enough- - if -youil humble ec-I4 - was - the 'imply . ssply P WelltyOu iliiipWisiplii•Opkv. .-me -us , 1 will take IV.' Mid, the lady i [ This.- Wide; waii -awiudiuely. peeked:laud Atha -lady; ea. - log lt ja• her . bandit, .-wito .1sevingilie eat. I. ' -inft- the alarmed edema, „ toning ': 'afilit. 1 heti esoloinied. i 11-.3tedeinti yet km.* not - paid** I"." ... !I Oh, yet.' -hen 'if' you% Only - frileginir • sof"- she-- &ably ..: pitga.,-: - Th. 6011.016 Wita pelt." fett-.. but -. -neti 'however, 'before -the proprietor took Is. the .:44 :iiiitaii tinitity_"(16oile Ohrontotet 1-, - - - - -. .. : .., . - „ ...... : - •:-• • - i • -. - -, .,-.• • -. . , la spits _Of . a - downpour.1; of vain at Rewards)) the -Gillet day- -met Gladstone i oompletedike tells of M leg a- larogkeeek Melo host at tilt -Oallik4" -IT - - • . . oldie tree waii 1km" ii i Hi, ham psi).* 6 '"ii Wkali la at I ta One Ot v iivengthened 'ie. , w Mt tits tuinoyeillest. , . _ . .. A Bel Viiialks 14 a Ualfilialiar Tkrse illikakti Misr Di Para? liwillawad 111..Wititao 01114161484 jiyasaledi _ . • '41 Tito . Misfit lest Wedtiday of: BloWer Pettit 111••yeariold son letoph (tom eiringulatiOn by a belie oollati button whit* ha buried la kis mouth- while vamping wilt toboolnialooll' edd a well. knave phydelaut 4.1• 'Goalie a --litigate' Oats IbM Oltinn 'within .44 expellant', -animal 'totems: 1-- 'it happen* in Palmdale, a putty Mode _Ielanivillage_. lust_ aeromiths- nay from-Navragensell Pier, Willia•Boollit. 0 you're old, wet tent by _his moan to a: ueighboring gamely, --. She MOO WM *silver. bul doliaitiot,801116 Pushes* Mad to provetlithelittielelloWllosing iit- Bfre, Boolll tied the motley in the- earner of his kondbeilikiett- Wilke vat do* tke'..voad ewhiging - the.. - 'sandbank's, Is • his .• mind - and - *Whit A- _ hw item the homy he 'disabled mt.- aimed' folk: -Re. • - had been shade* al hie loudeet a motnent -belong Lm he lugged , he ihrew-. Out bis tight 'hand to. eaVe Manna • At the tune lenient' WO holt- dollar *blob Mn Booth had etidently lied •v -Ori loosigy, flipped oat at the haildkevallietan into -Whereas:1okt He regained hit equilibettia, but Mune neat abakiug- to dial& -• • HO embed • 041117 he *vow dielly-and Meowed' ilea druukon persoot .bot he aou4 not olest.the ether :pieces' -Somehow he mule. his -Way beak home aud tottered iota the'- hount Mrs, Booth peered iota hit Ilivealt. but _could not seo thelialf dolisi She pounded ou the -little fallovre Milk in ths teity antomery with -choking pereonst Willi, breathed- nine freely, but -the ladf donor did sat Mont. Then Met Booth ran-. tot : the, Out : dodo& When they rembed houts-7.a loW initiates later Willi* fill omit' bettitt The etrangling seueetion wee gene aud breathed at musk- With: the eloeption tbat theta summed, he ',Mk to be big :lamp lust above idiot bask - The itootot made o audit umnivatiou et the boy's throat. He feint Io n4 the nth ant aonoloded it had &weld into the enmesh, -. Willie verrattially dealarsd -that he geoid still tut ilia: hie *matt Tide, towevir, the dada, it the little know% inieginationt theta* adniinisieved a aims phyeio . Mid. deputed% Re *died evety day tor a weak but nothilig was sten -at the edit, which Willie repeatedly pro. Ante. was -not in hie entomb, but Is bis -01lnittsttlierchs Mall tell it. • "4 kw . days allowed the beiom. ehmilato in_ el Navregenitlt Pint Where I wee stopping. We mil' tud ettev dee - utak* the case- • he, to- visit Pacedale and .awdei is a -swat emininei licai el- the --berg iktoatt- . did sot. -and tagetliel *probed eertfully.and thorouglii ly torthe haltdollort We- could not And Wan at IC -At the .0 oiut _jolt Rhos the. Wiophagus, whets .Willie- outlast to in. :mei that lit mold - hid the odu Alien -Warnot the *lightest hung or awed: ing, •kagroeil with •iny tried that the hall. dellas, wee it the: toes sionmeht• Atiet- .disenseing the Mae; howeva we -milled in s wideirAtiown .Provideme . who - also Otiutitely iniaitaid- the Oro thvent, Re inbreed My -apiiiien that Willie hod ewelloWed.the.silvet piece, Stream -phyt aim Witt ,now adm tuistetedt. end the 410 dep-wii *lid a vident Maeda. :Rath' dienti-', tidied' it wat manifest UM_ibO min -could be veinoved only by an eztvemely dangemue *mint opetationt No ergisnisnt..--eonid. imams the taindylo 44ntillit.t4 •• • • it TUV: the bey Would. die ot' 410w invotive poisoning unmet% -itiovitablet -Iu heti he beget _le: west. petcsplibly a.101thightt I itinitill4d -at Oil Piat *diet and wet e0. interettidifi the case that -1 410.4,11- tO see' littlaWillie every -kw divot At tin ant of -Wel* ta toes bbiu-week mid coletleset Whet *tatted beek titilRew Yolk he was *limply a shadow' My hiend.tht Posed* dootot wvote: as --meld times ebouta. meet Bub letter Mild -little Willis wit aloha. and .vrealiev, Ittrae_notr die middle of Novembers -luny Wk. weeki shoe an boy swallowed- the lialfldellut end I Woe dupdietIthot to had 10101,- • .•• - 44- The battling :ire* was still men .suptieet by -hilet saying - the-- :mit had btu- mowed. The . way. it osljiuuUy dew into the bore - .mtitth lad been vemetkeble enough:0nd the manna ot:ibm veappeuanst-was almost inotedible, -The bp, lad Madly laughed up dodo& Owing to -his stall _condition the lemily bed *own:: him ..vestp indultam. Amonir.othet *Wet . the . den 'stew diktats:Wm allowea.to wash evety music ing-14 kbula an nem.tbe Wean :Moat. While-- washing -aus one taming vielent lit of (soughing sent him • and Tenting It the --halfidollor lmw fowl Ilk Mouth -ink the bidet. - The dim plea was as blasts 'as 'She item lid. Im4 possible et it -roe seats the lettge•mit ked been kW- Warm montly_ in, the little fellow% SWooti. Mt- so _peouliatly• that, dui nal& -skilful :soma mild not vend th.4vetenset It • is- not sitanget: 'halitosis thet young_ Dedgets deeth wos 0 Atli ititibuted *lout diseaseland an .autopsy leo mom.- to diseloes the toot that lie ad -bat stvangled -6 loners' bgttotit. :Poor- --hills Willis' 'however, :waif mete Maus* thatihe via knees -mit, Re fully ImoVevit it. a •kw Mathis and when I kit UN Ma, Wawa' mos was 6. 11.110§11-.66d reit. Sm. - • OMNI Nista sad Blase& The einem ot .ollkittlepsallgimalk upon. ttla Way in Which it Islam- In the. eveting bind* the 'amebas and then Wurell with lukewarm- waists -lather to moisten thanie eleen its . Bet 11.106'1).11 will dry slowlyt."11 ihoold not be perhody dry- tbe nett mornm tom when the.411 is applied, but:feel damps, '-nos Witt hOW4Veti Ina bus tibias 10,011. hig:ehoes.h mode, of onelell of neelee.100 oilim.be AM you lot Vico noloe -artiele".6 one 'hilt- beet -talk% ent oticelath of' eastot - Min :thovougbly *vet a gentle - heat Depend -upon She robbake radial than the .hest to get Ote express it Cate. 'aptly, two' putt at radial to --One of heel I1. the- ilicee ita peelleA. itiledffilletlat ths. usgAtitthileisen the uppers and soles). 114%in went die ale pulite* late 'make Lemke, breakingsway famikelealit wadi *teat Work eliduldi bo dr -0U dirietst bone* Iteelit- It Hodges . only kw -in she ini-do the weak and -it IS bellefily - • os% tiLiPrilrommIPMEmorp • it Nina Lad* lp,4b4I-Viarittit) The Q Inuit liho it VotrinielIsTeri simple mil quiet, Wu OAS, is not 1 Rev Keit,* IN sive seVopanist to • nighlando la, a a • the ti-Otoeseineatviet, whole devotion to het nattAikrso it o tplendis azample *ta every 01110 the Qat*. would -Wigan Ii .5Y117 tars 814€1 the Pribeemilltniage the le, ot Outset fregoentlt aocvpanisi b her huobanilt Prune Ussry, - Batten whose pleasant franknerAlf manna_ an genuine ligndlineee et uat- eve won blot a' high .plieec In the isF al the High. lender& Ociationail instaboti sI the Bay0 Fatally- vEmI Qimmut The Peluso &!'d Palmeri -of lee allot locos to Abergoldie, whloh Ate lieu Ba1. moral' ai5c1 this season tkoipoung widowed Dinkins at Albany- has iliOn Hayieg al Piddled -a .E'tequently BcAgjoity mine of bit friends, to 5eg;111 et Abe idle Blaine, end - a Welt to ditit there for is atietnoon call ot 41 01ietn.0, Asa ° makes 6 plesient driv.s• A odv wailitm two mug leeise-meAde • of ..obra Cabinet ministeran -equerry,- o the Quail seeretatical and the doelmi• l.-1 be maid t0. make u the seise and•theq:P,isen's able and indetat Proffitt is alwaye it hang, Rel.Muj bsisu sentry. .where, weeks vevy hard; tit.„-, vas ulna ot her time o the a nation the nianagmoul :at -het owe0•493 Is ind the *item the psoplm whom sht lin& Sibs - spends 118 'All possiblo at her time Ru the open air, Jog tad writ. tug outeiGa wtsu ths west permits, und mowstlrn breoktaiitiug • Ming 10 in one at- t1:34 suramer.hou if, 4 in walking about the lovely grounds, a single et. cad one or mare iimber Ain *alb doge, tad in tithing long sitiW to Plow of inteitUt cad homily in tff,i4lctighoorhoodt and trettuoutiv buoying ot-• at tie olliv boring gouitly- with a ddlt- I Queen so toils it -oat deal in thel. le of the obl. tete, in many at which thr,i;-:•Aire tokeni in the thepa at photographk, -Octane, books and othor velaable .pt .es* et air Mallet 'e %Notion and is .14A foe bet ham. Ws sub ticle ani (tied& 1 moat Me 4 iug to tam them Of461t-.0.1r agra'na kinAusse, and .the e the 1114111kUll 41 the 1toy0i'_?1 amily II very fir oil &butt intimaA psnand in ehatnelett She shame in *eh Manual 'Jaye by kg in theiv homes Alai It kiretninn (a stelae) et a_ baby, ant fa *lit WNW' Wog FIONA% at -the theit 114114141111 eertN. fame 147 the min1i4se on the mast " Z a tunent- Boot Wol7t Talloeh, Waal% ilko •- F ' Wby gatip & shift it#41Atut whim mu get itamediete rsllmttki-,-)41 tolaiial or Intend Dela by the uso Ji.401,alson,s• Ens dna% tlici gnat •pain, oar() j_kleavillue has never ben -mown to fail, ,S4 Toy a 10 mut sample bottle. Tot will h jumi-NI tit Reuvalgia, armpit heaa&gho mul alk-dualo Orkplaiuuhp pear mit by mode whist mAviline is umm Loge battles SO °atilt '„Fitost- bottle' .10 outs, at: armlets aid ao0-tty dealerot V‘giummarviwimigiumillimir4.,1*.1-6M014.11.41K • I Imo you at& 'Dot 40)polutta - in Jen she toundt0 deadlier dryipRfihr months atter marriegat it Tat I amt°y-tillbeil the young *hi Was 600 10104 VA,' dos kis Noibet he doss woroC, II **mi. utaulth iith elect& 1 and uses my . : new wirubuslie as• eon ° • 3.6cepliseuir te* a - A ' 'unlit.' , rut140e01 a p1gi 4Xqo4041Porture,10*.40t,iiativineeti l •ileeiya kor,6woe iyour aboaet 001 RoP1maaoman yOhriIn mum S- .5$ bow you em Ai•WM tO and urle 6o140 if, M0300/1 0 IOU In tea 764 mad 4 X i4 6 day A - '' w% 0 aqi battst writ! nk at on awn toe %IOU k Lett - Co% Iletti i OM an 11,4 spa rod. 144,„, II every wot q04.4 yput tiaMallifi' . $011 ft fY°41" _ - 0.0.1•4400.0 The- Alike cora Waking to-londot . Proglimive leek.stlaw lies are taking the pima et peogvessive ... Awe paths in fuhloneble Leesville sot •. Airameset of the Gave Mute has introdutel a BU1 providibtf•! % sie PESO aid a go a peolt of o per essti4s WI mosI plies ot the 4 les 01 111. styli is, : solo, Aou%; bia..24111 oast etss eau paddle tor ralgAiMbuor. It- Ii. said the,n11.wili pus -the oases _ - A toll blooded Arebitc %Ilion arrivei - i at Rawl Talk on the et btu Riehramid 111111.Wdiniedaythom Lo - Theban emus b the tame- of Is about 3 YSIN ptidOulbes-in e' : fvutie °basalt 014, 14e hada hig . Weighs about AGO o with oleo . out -Roast Iliad abut and well &sod bleat He la It Ord 01144 eye., ant looks capable cc seal with OR keen 1si:lL1gsums ubivibi.-a to Ambles Midst. isbus not beet4liaeas homy, bat has wiled as a-mounki , *tabu In thil south of Trams Ile whs sent to At Rom ot .11tineitent 111 - ... *ma woo - ' • •t - Robett ittehlrosni ot /74_ Ids, drew #044 trom tho Nab, intonate menial the - nett mains% Darin t 110 a -burglar entailed tai moms OblortfW ed bioaLand stole the macsy ilIsvng his lima postponel in easequnew Oat OMMOI.64111111. U it'6% trgrborktltIttithua frq o_eft-twg: lull"; a_ ,11(ItirA'''' *want ti?oryilllik 1‘111.1 ih% 11) ft -4 tosiliBPSY - euro tit worm Wit hiv%1U4 ke Fri °title Itt w'-etilkyou, &lank§ AA, 1..-* Toronto, ra 001401.37 0 la nit s.. -ap ...-411.118116111111illagallall", • -