HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1886-03-05, Page 76
• „:
Isomeepallapmaiwk • -;
lholgPeintv.0 VOI 011040.141499 914a Vaes
tat sitazs Volum illteasekeesposs.
• - -
.(ConwiledatAcnt MAO_ •
•- iveverissota.
-Pular* of -all eitta-44-1bet iota oeiteery
udwayrnfl8U anileash Istly take*
• tlitekeihe Ulm boot, Atinteo beteg-00 ot
thnobjeote io *not- buoy :hes fail!
Vim most ilogent inonntlage 01.410lhet
of peed. WA White leee with. leaetetif.dell.:
• oak- knee- eromented with paintio e- or
embroidery, end -a hada et Whitt otilbt
uolOrod,teatUere.T.: Tostolee shell Q. green
mother of pearl stiakewit4 yellow refletions
are: trimmed With Chao:0114 bleak ot. do*
• - Caloredftattasei au wavered With Ladino lo
Condi Puliatall.. cad hie*, bright4usdor
• Galt hethork -the latter being. - toOte
lezienut Tousled* .aod young girls nee
foot withdeituto mountiage .of alt ',Mode
•aovered•: Witt butterdiesi dowitetuid
gerlexideOf.ekartatn.0 blooisonahombroiderid
or palotedc e, white -or Chinese tinted
toundetko, &11 theta fens -ore finished
• withe ribbna tied- "above, so Abet the tau
mei foil low okthe_ Skirt dike, drese otbi
- ettachintio- the waist -bent
U4U,S I.LiPstkaeLsoi- ;-.
.!1,04010- •ab. -lobe" •eliatlet maile---,aut
fele plait tipue• papi! aft at. jkireseixt very
• trit T4.11°"4111414t: Tarr In bbs
too- adorone • .t se de_
• is no -pretty thet ibis quilemorth the time
•_to maks one.•Firet• get- ems pale rose
pink -thevievapet and out e doubt. .filiefie
fix the. proper- ,shipet_ pasting . the A)leese
*sally . Then mks, a• auMolint
. number Orate* to entimely oner ib Thole
- =tee ere not Molt to mike.' Pitettite
• outcc.Patall is Mitt tower five sett
at • inner... ot_lee, and they . ate fattened
together by mucilage And* little pink eilik
Ib iu butte_ - goa a full,blown zatutel tote
ottid .copy- U. olotely as potsible.: A
Mogi Of Ityplian o Orientallue addu.
to the• pretty idiot whsu the abide lennank
10v a: table lamp. • .
,. • •
•- *splits -11,4pitos-
• Walattot brooklet in floe wail or; silk -axe
Won thil. winter Mato* to the runiltimion
-flinaele, Tuley art made '• loW
Osaka and short- aIssvgs, b thferia
• perfeotlyi era very wasulf,and may _ worn
'With- bait drain,. -Whoti pnrohinied -*heady
• made -they east from Pro 5 apisoe. - Yety
pretty wOolian (attic made Out Of line • split
oephyr„ raw be made Muds,
and, either °mild or. knitted at an 'epilog.
of' only ii() omits. To begin one:stattet the:
and H croolicting, make_ a. chein_ .of
Onfiloient lerlgth to go about the hip' 1 when
drawn lightiy• The nut -row •Ii the• -long
• *Mob and 447 mime to ithe end, narrowing
'lightly Otte waist and Widening again ot
the shouldeta.. -A tiny scallop .(iniehosthe
• edge and* =mow ribbon- Is run throligh. it.
• • The eleneetre. emelt and Theis-
- _ebb** shitult1 be w.oehad in -want motet
with *ft* &opt of anantoulai* to loop them
from.ahrinliato. • -
: A XI•Lern woeslienCst.w;
Throw ng the- bridal bouquet h aii smolt'
_ 114 flittnre el modern woddinge. -. • Bofors;
hailng bbinG Viol bride fiessas herbridai.
flOwets•into- theair, and the maiditricho is
'7 'why inoup to- °Mob lir as it falls 0
•the-' tatet, Onow what:they ors about and
conduct *logeproperly, be the. next to
• wedd .111. very pratly.etteliom, link just
whore it Oeigitiolini
• - w Pres& Faihaiiii !WMno one hoe been &ale ,to
,•• • -
Odle* of fine whits lawn are egain
-fisibionably worn'. _
• bwit1" ye. oryowhite: visit are .werti• .
• vett sink one fine-.*wcioi- bacquie Of dark.
oolore. •
• Datintite forioleite int: 'the theatre:1' •- are
- Adult Vapotesifildetted with_ a eines: Eitel-lig
and jewel btogeh.. • • . •• •
•IntieltAiodioes- over Shirk- of a different
lenbiltei. and. In opine brilliant
• tiolot that intritioniesit wlth Abeekiri or.
-embroidered or beaded litble .and hmeaorm-
• • ohortaingitoillitS for the evenium.'
Children' hair is rarely allOWedtoitig
laously -but it- Welded', and for ,geeleihm
mirk is eitha- lied with a. ribbon fsw
ifieheiltato the, elideand allowed to hsn
• loosely belor the-deo* -has the end of the
braid turned up to the head and bled Men
.wlbb s ribben. The front: hair is **tied or
brushed haotal plainlyiA fv*--stritighttangsT
• are Nadir but:they are twit: consideredat fill,
. A eharining deluding -dimes isL made: Of-
gradtiotetiolueh• atid rolepint( milk of_ the
new Ithedtot weavoi *hie Itis Mrde
heavieritud- hewer than stittek Uk The
• _ 'refit Mit:both, olde- gorge tits of the
• the- bask of the silk .V01111 ef
Cifiental idea /labeled In With 11 Miltifit
lendiog to the litsitefti of tie beelf.dtipetys
The -offset la .odd;but tirefty ht Wort
• bisque 10111h with plain plush •vesti_
VolkddthtJ1t15d With: lots: and dbh511104
god thisuat vontintiot g -gaga liverilist-
• The veils 'skagitof tivalitig dative are Often.
tavola-with 1st* ficousiej. inid-the.tiiiiie of
einetwdeted. With talk -bud beMdI
Utak_ out plush ite &s iiied. *blether'
!Mud Of deth flush itimmilig .OB6- 110811
tht ehigi P hilt gnarl brillifilefitettrlik
• 'belldtt b tibLer Wilb itaped
lit SIlk.gaiiita and feulatt ate ompioyedi
they ote Uieg- Moho ot 0111148d, with lade
-et oath et it Make ehmete4 • Tillie lb- While
et delisateliahisolott
• Itiabillikl.fer yetifig'Sagies!' hall flfeliMeili
We- hitt te With Ohieifedritila deeerilied
with: plat'debit et gold etatteidetyl iie.;; ea
Mines .idgit: One Side
1, few -rimed In Angie.
ylif_vity ..epah0 hat an eitteiy
ausgilit: ans. Limp Ike, amoebae& . - •
_ -
• Bailed1t1IkIt51itt-uld.:mivit be laff
• :wain of hey i niot litelYbetio eteggyi .
• A brae& tibitp is. at bait iblog *tit
Mk to a take/ ; it K.ed ; ot ofil'ablot-
t like lo Malik
8iilifttel11at hag tibia; 801i
MAY et• filet bftiIp1fta not:
• - -
water kr a kw thermal* told en pit
in a hot Out
" - Tonlittoill . stewed and pourit-ovet but,.
toted Ilk* : of Inset -.Wad will -bo-• 10011
very pelateillet• --Seam iWit!tpo
rr psy, Ult
ma. &little sugar.. . -:- -•
. .._ . . . „
. &MO** sublititute. :tot Met *prop_ Tit
madeby billing* . pound: of- gOcid Wont
-soot M. a Pint Of . water. : A- quarter 011
•MO Of -maple - sum. and a half --Pitt of
_Olkog water will allot nice_ 'Out. , - ' -
• 4 peel deel of -deal Oay .he ilevid-durios
.thii wilitetin the kitelten. When- -ths du.
tenet Welded ter •:000kingitehould-be•eov‘
eretidth *Am Ot fresh - -taiet and &lithe
dtatightiltd.'• It h burin 'too -01
-then a • littleattaAthu..elio.uld he optiokii
oat Ake.- top.: , . • c',- . ---..- -. • • -
.- -Ooltbolled rionmey ht-Atilitiied to mike
• hi:Waikato* breakhist, . Tofew : -y.ewo ape
• of deo adira quarter of erdup Et1-1,1 'ft ono
egg -4- a -,Oriblerpoonful: of -. augerti d e i .. ,
ask or .watecto mks -IOU a butter
- In hot dripPluge in 'Mail rouud Oakes. an
• iattelthoteple syrup.- . . . • 1,.. . •
. .
. A .- peletable •yet :simple deoiertris mad
: otit of ePplessealoks..aro_the but
and Me: theta raid set. IA & puddle* d
Tilt alma atip Of -water on- the iXettom- d
Oil Ihtif Gentle of.esek 'apple witkohoutm n,
". brown agog and 4. litiik.. molainies, . • Cook
until Soder ; Ione add -or -hot • -- • '
-.. A-gaat silbatitute. for coffee is *hamlets
I-. made with threiviettets ..w*ter andone.
g5UktiOV Millti. Pourequarelinobetof-baker's
- coocolett. will Make -four cups. i Wino - the
milk elid"Weter -boil -mit- iix bbs *aikido,.
: -*bleb 'shouldfirth- be.:taelted in hot Water.
little sugar, .:-A few spoonfuls- of
. Whipped. Ream put in . list...berm merving
adde 10 the taste.. - •. • , ,i- ...
: "Aqalolt and inn iPange eake,. very.. eke
- TI.1111:146_4111,6111:110its111,64114:111=.
-seperetety. t. one latent ',,oap-- -of :la/misted
: suger,-,.oream- ed with thii- yolk.;l- onc.„table.
. -spooefol-ofireter I no milksno buttetc. Mix
to.geittlet with. oat clip of siftetfloth. . Bulks
. la a hat Oen n well4auttereil Yoe, Me:
- oaks li ver de for jelly or flak layer, and
is also. very: i expeolive. -* - - -': • •
,. . • . - . .
• -Prineeiliitiellite. J - •
; • A lieolety woman lion:lig iatilined.-fiom
" &Woad eaye-of Prilicee Beatrine,:.whom she
• 'saw • Six , Loudon: . dd. SO Is 4i• nbarraing
wOmen.• io appearaMie,- with:brown heat,
;. -large eat biotin eyes and a beautiful ligUre.
Het yikunellr•VOM unlike her And do her
put 1- lajustIoe. -Her ,.fioi : in repass im
rather lad,.. but wheal ..ehe h'ialking hen
fiaturei westthe meet. iiillmoted -ewes!:
lion - and art lighted -up.: with &.- too Win.
Nestaunt smile. Shi has lett .of the
;ploy Germaix • -molte..npabout "."- he :this
•ionie Of -the • other ;member' of het !Molly
and het iitaines istti -viers pleitilig then
"that of any of the titled ladies I mit."
' - The , Fri -noise -Of:Wales - le -eald. t*. be"
tespoisible tor -the: onermotiehuttone,whioli
: women Wear On. their Isolate, _.13he -Wove'
theta loot tall On 4 rousidabOut tWo or three
• then, andnowthe *Seel • has reached the
most reinOte Ilmits.• of eivilisation.
.. ..
• _ ,:wet smelt .egeesceseeeko...
. . , . .,
i linbli*ohed. -"table: lineniweara -longer
then the pure Whites' and lOokt. se -nisely.
. aftelefew.-weeke! the Washing. : • _1.• _ • - • •
- - Now is e:best esasonto.purahate•hotite.
-hold Seen, ths_ino0 stores -ere selling it . out
- to take attoonnt.of 'stook. .." . _ • Ilj . _ • --
A. laibionabklittle fount lieir.moy,. be
'toads out. Of a-pisei of the - - drese . material
inotinted-oYer a-fraine of a, becoming -obeys
and edited with- ostraohan:tir velYeli._ .0oe
•or Iwo winto or & bow of ribboirl :IN -all the
.ltitatabg required.: •-• • * • -• . ,i• ••• • . .-
Th. : edge .of- * Walking drese _may be.
gresaly •proteoted by .- a- email -.4itillliog - of:
rubber,. whit* will aost perheps at' canto. .• .
- A lady living in:Diindathat jeo.t. toads a
pretty,--mufi -at an Upsets. - of'..bikaaillai U-
M 01 :Whet SWIM. and braMidei • made; from
pisoisfettlovicfrom a dreisl-and ill About
ten thohie long.. The lining le-. Of old thou
brill* silk. oicely--preseed, and it - hi -edged
with:bits of *breed laei dippe.d in coffee to
retie* thii,colot... The lop :of V0 Ma 10
gathered and held by -a bow of blikok satinribbons will* mineti. for the., -outlay "of 85
, genie,- .- - ' . :. i • .. ---.::_ - :- ' ". • *-- •
' -- .Ledies who - oan have Olt livr-dresteni
shotild- beret- have. them- Made up in any
estrenttfeshion. Att quiet eblor is also pre'
fetrodcat it Moline* 99On bla014111figleindi
Preiloh buntiog in. i derk.shildek.either
blue-cbloelt, brown or tgrikyollsitiiii tip, into
pretty. Mid lervleimble ddretiett -. and it
eapeoialiy. nine for -opting-. and ..iiiitninet
west 'Very ;good quality iimy_be ottehseed
for 00,8 -auto a yards': - -' , ' -
Bliitilt...mtookhots. should elWayi be iiviiihid
in gold- water. 4HO water :take' elit lib° Oft
sabots -weir mit the mater1al-4i. -., 7 ,. :
, .Tolohon- lite- it one et the mit - durabli
as 'well ail prettleit.tilintiiiiit for iitidilit
Weati ilitidedine dillgiii au Josh wide as
retaining tde a :9114114-6-YOrdi: • . t . •
A new Way ot. ftainint photographe it to-
p* iii gold tif_ velvet tit toluehi, MMUS an leek
wide; about The edgei -- This. is.littilly mown.
on M the. eoraerei. -, A 14111W -et -401d.terd Or
it riblien ii-alittiolted.iti the_ Awe tiPtitir @tide, -
bill the photograph is hut* 'on ra.., iplaqueof 1
agalliet-it 'Olken .bannetette ottlileill0 - The
loathe le sometimes . ptettliy. eitibteidetedt:
. . . , .. .
; . ......... • - • _.............„..........„.„...._,,.. ,
w- . •': - - --.--‘ . .
titeendi lekilieekiispersi ildead*Hamiscsi
i . - .
Walt litiprovaideut- hat - talent! .:. been -
limit. netthr: lite of. tho It Et•Iiii- di and
Made in the -ilew..--holiie furbiehie itiota
lately pooped -by Dits:Otenii-$04101. oNah
-the. to-lotto:le •itoolted- with: urialiiland
ornainelitalleusihold - geodes -Motet (iitlfs
feeding of . the attit• pallernellbiatitifill
kiebehploted pat et mid oohing.- elevel for
twat laid: -•woodi . atei A.latge-yalaq.: of
attiebiain the fooey-and denEatatiai fie ate
alio .of(etedi -And,,an - @haloes- lot re . obeli:-
goodoi-. hatilwater• ,-.._ taloned watt, glotto.
wito. tiliwate, Wilii.fisisi leible aut.
dcat.. haogiog &aloud. lempsi: outlay ,Of
-ill: lijodif ate -V
diety-.warei des : I .otien
. NO not iotendieepingtoyik iteAt.lutetfetei-
• "tit it itiote.iitanl laid - piefitahlt hUilitsisi
SI Mere Willieli -het full 'tote liakifids.•
and goodt ...and iianlitupt ate§ ' _ me- that
newt oal et idifi septet itiiddiee ltOft
fesi41 .ffilit-lif -On -:gittilig avetythin
Walt prompt y --attendid _It - 14511d nio
Novella. lair ' - .: •
. •
, A lasing Wimmilis triistel
y drssss
ilitrittein_411.8-1151 sliplolle bites
u o eat omit t
fir oni ufi p only:4/im
. . . .
dtpUllitit AN AvAltANCIOIlle
eat *iambi, ail I "4- -I 1-1twe
111 V010.0
the great ORM.* last 7iftek w�
• "'
-aurdy mlusra started to-„Meeod, One of our
‘sksIgbborIDg ...Mountaise.roth • be Weldon
Of !Thing a eleim. that 10y Deer its ore*
-TOY MO. the -trip on Kering* ono*
shoes, on whit% they worked their:witty up
a willow **Oh leading .% their property.-
Aethey Journeyed on -one ot them got to be
aome two hundred yards 'lb advangoof.the
other, and it was -While this. &Omits:leper.-
&hid them thet -.the leader lAY an niihappy
step °virtu/mid a tot•lietevy 'mess ot 111011
and Meted a dreadbl slide fls aelaid
holt of a tioliveolint . Me and : called to
hk sompaniOn _"Look Mit The tau
wait 'man - and hoot over. wider the
weight OF- waving mow ._ Re let" go
and •started• With. - the - mews . The long
shou by thie time: wen firmly Whore
In Movie*. man, .14od he .was hurried
with no power to, atop -himself • by
teisia Ake tteee.„ wbioh be pasted, Portti
Hetely, on • the. tail - the
&Yahweh% an us aide it* 'ably,- with
nothing ootaingie I to .eover him up.
When .he .fouod,-:he thos.."-to be an.
uuwlillug possum Opoo tiorrible•hdo
.be looket.almed: to eat -whelk become.
pertotiror. The- latttit, -see thtit
there Vi,t111 110 esupo- On either •.• An net
beide, to She- siwitint moo And storied on
a-lifeAtid.doetb tun right down tho Wolk
Thoelollowid a wlld and thrllllng. ohm.
The met *who anohoted on bbs stip of
'the ROW yelled at the Mew, in - !movie
rue, while 7k. :Who ices punned- drained.
every nxtleele • to _keep- out Of Abe Iowa, of
thedeath_ thatlyes. ,oleite" at hie, heels.
Tho eight" • would hove ..beeti
if- it heknot beinof nob a eetkixe nuture
The rece wee:kept up !tor iner. that a mile,
and (luring the eutim.•_,distaolls the:fella*
Who was on .top kspb yelling, "Bun, you
- rent". and the- hair of the fellow who
• woe twining !alibis het potted foar.laohee
Iron hil head while' he . beaded forthe volz
ley,. _Often:: the ;rolling .-snow strutik the
beellot his *Oat," but it did not quite get
ilia.... Mere quick!, thial'Ittaket to.toll it
the. hooted • maii (bushed out into the callers
and whot he thooght.watoefetY. Tbs vat._
-474 lowacer, Was 029Vtdatimous 'than the
.mooutaik as -an .ouseen fixtloh °tossed it,
late which the -hunted Mon fell. Pro*
deuce, $b�ugb, was kind 10 him, for the .
elide ,:hat ipso, its logos, ant. the: 'new
ph.d up 0* bbs bank aver whiek :-hotoit
'MOO' the tire wen able M. -to* suited
one wee lying..0.. the -.bottem.:. of the
sahib.; While tht other . was • _auto& upon
ths arid. of the. onow bank that looked over
11. idgeo-Aspekrimsi..".- • • - - •
Wiesleet et .1"s1einnen
TO the.Bineh Curran data b• eti -time"
unceremonious. In bill saily dayiaildge
RObins.on 'Made an attiMptto utlog011ib
thi,rising edvoode. • Robinson, it was sur
.rentlf. reported, acted:his elevation to .the.
Publication al -politica' pamphletscremario-
sibli Only for their slaviih •raianusse- and
:oo-nrgility. In-er_guitig Meilen Canon laid
be had -isenaultit all him la* books and
unkind litid'the principleeontanded for
.etuipeet; sir," seld-Boblalon, .14 -that your
lair libraryis father -7 scanty.' ull hi Very
bcus, my Lards". said Curtail, dd that -my
bookeere nob motional but I hive pre.
plitet myself for high [No611101011-
tatter by the -middy. of . a hw good books
than by the- otkaposition of "a greet: many
.bad:onel0- Curran ' was -booasionallY notii-
violet by a Witneesi ImAtiltiag his Mashes
ago" from s horis Otainer o servatit, he ootild.:
get no _Illitlefileinty stoswer. 6.1.00M, some,
friend," urged:Oarrittis dd not -loll
his teeth?" 1,1 Do you.. thlisk,"-retOrted-the
isnot, de that 1. know hit oge athe dose
'obi horses ?-by- the .teirrk Of the tooth."
Ones foiled by 0- Limethik-batiker with Mn
irn tem Curxan - in his eddristi to thelurp
aild that hie leg was -the eoftsollpart about
him, :In i(debote -in the , Reuse "of Oeizik
mono holtated *hot hetalided no tild heal
any -One, . Wet -he woe ptoti0,to be iithe
guardian of hie otio'botioridi ddindeid00.
emelfiltnet. Sir .Doyle Bathe. di I eongiataii.
lati MG Curran on hie fielding o shimmied -
Lord'. Clare was 0 determined' enetny: 01
Outran whila he was at. the- Slat /rho -
Lod Ohineellottulued'his praotioe
Ohatieery Otitifii. and • hie ...dilute Were
alwaye .suffereto. Indeed ..Curtati`Attited
lihat the imagea. in his profielional judome
:foto the anilliomity of Lard Olore,annitinted
to no low than in100000; The ineldeuts Iti
oCutt. in-etiniequeuee .of ditagreemail
were eurnelimes hitilarous On one Weill
whsu 41: Wet ku�wu that :the
edvoeitte -wit; alkali to make atm �lMborabe
atAtinieut Ohandery0 tett •Olate.touilit
hirniatidpid mob 'more' ativiiitioli to the
deg than : -the. hatillitati ;the- feet Wei
dettittlebt d . by - - Iti a
tuMrial toia4 le. the aguineut the
oellet-loiar detioney, -and tuffied-- quite
aide it).--folidle deg -4 :Cderaii 'Mopped
fit•obeei de Od Obi go lor add Loyd Claes
Witt he toady tort I teeny took it fot.
otiltatioo41,0401) •
a owfouodland dog Up* the belie w
Obi / beg a doom Radom' my laid I 0
piffled your lot @NNW ilk de&
•DIW it leash Children •ii -
Dodd Barbanel is onelwho howl end
it Ott • eatii to ming milady by fin *anent
that t a pettete ihould bi .gdoti .0bierVe
It ill treble, of- -the We impoidlatme
the la it Neva -pug with
thio Di That he tapir Stalk it titan
the ripilei it than Ilan inlet y to your
pall tol and 1 hates (lii o when the
teaehet minuet ling at alb a few of Ahe
mote taw -peal of the ohildten may ho mud
upon to ling the patient). tot the pati
ton be shori emlueilto bp eerily latuctki
Wads di Tits' pineal niiiit e loft mid
(Wank di flopeat the -lateen until you
got a fedi Neat reeponecitem the Oleic
• •
_ -• - a, •
: A faittii.Lfite Relies
. A tiovel appliealioli of: the &et& lIght
W115 Moly Inn io tendons - Who .hone
stile ad le a taidligenia sad WAN deb
petehed upon the top of fit I •
Pave the vett uoim
o Mat of the faltiekat the Navoy-Theatte
tat pat; rya thi tondon Mai lijefilli
aliiN IVA Wire a so. dee0
I j With powitful Minion liklu
thew -
alio by a beatiti Mien ot 411TMS
bus rflfil al bbs Y11011:11:4
1 -54
imOmoRpmprO!speisi Ommerr
• 1114111,11r TOPIC',"
Oelee Damao hu Upended nee*/ 183•••
COMO In permanoOt fortilleationit ot apt,
- the lest :twenty .years !name
has devoted toady as: muck to the cam
*bleat while Germany, with a 'hector
ouvit luthan liaseachnititte, and halos
only sla of met important Whore to
difond, has planted 147.000.000 In ket, maw
system of oust defame since the duo, Of
the Pioneo.German war.' • • -
. • -
Wmnitir Riau flumile & good deal
-hushed at in -Loudon fel _hie very bitif
tuthe ot dice it Chief Ouretary for L.
Ian& He *took the olith au Monday ald
Walked Mit with - his GOVII4i49411 on the
following Wedoesda,, so duo liaised of
settling upou hicoffloothis lemons pea°.
typed- Oh ibeliph Potter had hardly. tits
bo"oUsbuptbs handle Of the big boot
bor." - -
Ton4oOtotito ought. iat- We to b000nce
leirotittoport With the "deats 11.bbs latt.
detail *1 Ohmcleu 4 Molilton, ,Iltio•
"stead, cloci- is 'worth: itything.- .Dtehinct
'Ora the hills -hit -19aolleau upsets and Act
was Ahrown bladfirit into a heap 41 -11100 -
*a4. diSe. piled •ilougsidoi of the alias:
Whin he recovered oonseiousneofte fond
that he couldbear sounds with his left 'ems
•lozw,hichte hod beet •deaf for olnee ytatl,
Th. nSzb day he -build distitietly With that
sat,. anCkee bed paled _be&riag ever shim
-. Tint-Nortieglanelit .4111inneeota have. bit
, .
induced.- the r pemillar ono* fiboem bbs
The -dimwit :mads•OfetriPti of •hard-..watd,
about -ten feet long and sin Inehia ideal
slightly- turned_ _np in . trentThet are
fesionod to the foot at about. thi nifiddh ot
via oh* Ilia -wearer slidoi Over tbsi-ono*,.•
-not trying 10 1111 the .oholi, and -"settles
'pole with. Which to keep blit•belanoc. Sines
the .big =owe of this" *into these shawl •
-baife been olatotj. the Only: Weans .ef iota.
Willow In Dodge .cottoty., Ith not- nionsitel
Wise -eomethintlikii hall a cord .of obeli
phl.dIu:fronb. cf a dove -Within *which thek
Wilifir4 ars .hopping..• • • • • •• •
. .
•• -1.4noashire km*. who" Nitor1( In is
Burnley fiatorisil ers. in rebellion egaluet
the offenlive 12 not , • Oitiegeous seat
promulgated by " their employer. .'What
Canadian girls eat a dd bang ". h knows ln
'Ragland, it elt evinik In Lancashire,. au a-
ilftingse.s and Oblate have base -peeked in beaso-Tetbe ° •
the Booby:factorise -that the -gide, mat WON deulty in swallowing the
-oaf off.their fringes: and must pot *dr batik, tut -filleone .eaa •
hakir deltain the Gent's or " they will he take LiDcOPieroe'e •,l Pleasant :Purgative
dhniksed - from einploymiobi- •Orent:. Pr1," tf.ii Joh are oomposed of: .bighly.
ledign.agon ie goanifeelet by •the.girle, prat, sone vegetable extraate.' For dliw
thilliity as nonillion Is given tor thin adios .0eie 0 liver and stOmsels, :siok
ogaituit the -fringe :and • intethrous with billotchc 1ohe, stag they lows, no. equals
their. prerogative .of porsoilally edornitag Th ;Itation is attended with no dies
themselves as 030 Sentle.-.% - • - oomu v*atelier.' They ire sugootioalisil
-_••Ozt-the Olt a life.she Mei h bruoue .07id lass 'vide. •
of- :Goner* • Gordon wu tuivimag in the
Corporatien Galleries-. of Glasgow- by bus I Thi
lied Of Aberdeen,•in:_phearisenot of a humor. th. los
4110inb140 alt.- Mc • Lionatd
'Goic,:-• on 'behalf of the - subsOribore, to.
pigged - that m few oltiacce • decicoue. :
porpetuatiog the -motoorrofiGetieral Gots
don, -kat got up. the . memorial tate
view' *1 11. bdng plated in the clorporation
gel1er1ssi-.1usids -the tributeito -other great
:men. The. Reel of Aberdeeo,. having utu.
veiled the busb,. said thet ib.. mewled highbi.
110114'1MA this greet oar of -,eoulmercial
enterpride and Christian- benevolence should
•pesseso 0. memorial of_ that greet bolo:
who, • 'memory- was . dear to the- hearts- of
all of thou.-- As one whO had the privilege.
-ofnot' only the acquaintances - but alio the-
•friendehlpf of that-- dietingulelied clan, te
mold not forbear fromat one,. Oiling _hie'
health katimony .to the • tentarkoble :mos
On die sculptor -10d *thieved:lit produeldg
: • . . .
• Tem-.1Elladoor,;...ye an litigtigh .popor, s School Vaeher Brink of titilem, lows.
ootopialahighittoriy aboht thopoot umliy Vilitistbotittif wbIppo
s Is
storied t hild died fain the effseki of
the plbitunb..• . •• •
11016N 1:4:111:11.1108iii Pziti ti* •
tit and a Pettoib
Mohr verf erectia
Cam With being tijk
tient • lootit_od tor
Will filiti, .
toeftuthlier of
ti of 411iigea
6 eneh
PIt03)40 (4,06# -..gtititItittbg ttirrii tu.*:
ttait • Atd, ties %reel
c• •
RD•4111 : .
WIC •Beettliv.
itel13basety doettumlosole
J. „ .1114deepatoh seys : Claieiiim
his eds.& tamest studeull
wist, at h
tat homes bur mike
old nil/ bgatheitturdeynitionsialgbi•weTkelm -
wanitlid ,,t,i *Chu b en oithellink ha
she ' WI ' het beef that ehe was dual
arriir a cluolv.elon that his wife vow
tali --ambled •miad, and, 11 1. said, that
a wi lbe letka .zieuly 011411 IOU" mil .
were 42 witohoraft. At any
la human mind by his haling&
n1tIa, determited that It would be to, ,
-the Oa btu' to WU hh wife.. ' Are**
him: .1111: a hauCaaw, he went into the
reactwb' ' , the alQ Iranian was seated.
Theitii. -d hbsr.inw and a couple ' al
gime - Wets taro in the Eitosi. GI Do
t ,. eve mit:self * witch 1" asked .
wife: Ear reply did *at tea*
the irs I*" witucelle, but it see
trent; l'„,re, foto situ* her down
• the h4av ;xi!, and despite ehe effortli of
hie dling l'pin.laW*-hooked his old wife t0
dea le then- -turned upon thityoung
:ivoreleiti her -children, &ad they were_
obligI for .their iiveee Sean . was
oaptdebsrdsy v.,nd jailed,
11 1* a 'act •
well -*it 'Asathe* oonsamption, 'it!.
tendtt hi Ant .etaged, .oen be ,eurede.
Ther- 1.416,oweVe no true and rational
wmy to e-. *
this tense, which le ;really
MVO aerationof the :Owe. 'except
*tot h4: -.-.3cifying Nhe blood. -Keep the
livet n loot attiOt and pure blood will
be alt, D. Plereele , 4!Goldme.-. •
ibtedKa coveys". II purely. vegetable
.coingo pee all t5is tind won: .while 11-
purl** blood h aleo :Wilde op -the
systeta, 1E. *ongthening it *gout. future •sits
setae. Ask for Dr, .Plereta
" Go den 'Maid Discovery." :Take no
obbet Opiate. •
. emossueepoimmos
old, tle 4.teinth child of an Edinburgh
IT 1:11.heartimia tilettnye ei:hotneeeny.
bban 1*
Cu- 0 -taken even; eVaning 10 1).
theittfet tcs ciuc of the _aotors singe
a baby SO.j Over b, It le 'only holt Anton
oleot:LomoXn snob wale Ooesslon
allypiartdint ontotrip sploddleg toils -
for hoghelors •must be Rich*.
• State says tut, they can • live -
tilt) a yew. • -.
ytk NOtiduic.st blan. •
_ MAUI organo weiiknete, olitvoim
debiliOy 6,4 kindred &Hoak disettee,
howeVet iltAticed, .apeedily and permiett
ently.4turitt,'. Pot leNgt illustrated book *1
partliAllafencload conk in stam_ps and
'dare* °rift Dispensary Medi**
Asoo4iat1GOA Main Sheet, Buffalo, Ni Ts
,b Irtlerai Nes&
- 0 rbear you ars going to *tun
Mire 4ofttAi Ohartriog WO411111 1 Ltd me
congiOutigle loci on your good tatteP
410, p lont-..the hob Is I have broltei
oft thQ uttiVich and ..Pm not going to: miery
any etieM-1,t4
ik_klebenfliftrie obugratulote you on 7.0n1 -
good kenti-310-4Parkadtiphio
of the:idol* labial -id by ihe Bittoinghain
maoufaoturer. 11 *lie -Jeoltipleitit is jtict,
the -Bletaibgbant • pooth `• ought *0 lis made
to feel ashamed ou themseireek: That :tho
Makers and 'condors ,02 idole . should
be thoroughly lerupultium. .lemotss
there-- .:eau be no -doubta •Tritium
ably' a - •Hlnddo li ieellitomed* . to ". btiy
hieldoli in a deviltional and fiftiet1:4.1411es'
.without ohallerlogis ei nod prieeell Veda
lug that his Sole pretention it the letter Of
thaw who-- furnidi the supply, 115 ras-
nitub be great when he learns- that he haw
hien deadiV0414 11 Is 'not liksiy their he
would :Vetigiii.blineell . be toile impelled
upon lo the Nettie tillarier, and a bottom lett-
iilshhig inferier:- 'dolt cannot he upload
lolig the ibibielfirele,1
- Thehatiotme iplat el the old ittd
-familia' *tide iieetiVilliolei 1 All' woo- and a
yard wider.aud id iiratioited not to tit
et the -eye or Naval el the tongi holm
ably ,elitet foto the idol butiout if it IN to
be swieetifully outlet on to Loy Iiingth.of
brepot- 111114dvaott -
61414le abgage lb tbs-uoaoriu1ot s 84.60 aerliiritilittossriawsysi °sit •
•eliterfirleei • • • • - • • • siagi.,.•'-,-A-Astagglaiiasseezm=zassi
TO Mods% Of/soli/tie a .ftioilthly into- • - •
iihie.._Pahllehed at .Litileiliteri rill and
the thine laipilestin the intaisali Of statital
nom- -It dame *het di ignetante 11041 5jtii
dles 011 -the tibia °hamlet to illileret.
raformu1N and hops & baffle/algae bothpth g
eipally by futniilibit infetination delatiag
ie. aternations . It begins wall Tlas.
bidet. tin the AO pep deals with- blit
vesabulayi - it lap id out
44.0; 4001
""--. 7 tv
weld@ Bonilla* the vdeibulary of *him new igrdpiikviti_,.pitvligNalitilledigal#1-1
itilelitille withal of diipoiing et the eilMi- 1 lin
eft bedy I. Otani -tele 'to Mtn verematisoi prii:-ef c. *led iti-lirdintii- -: a
iheliel et @Riegel of ineinitationi ittillittill Aftit f tfl- tfilaird
iii, oat who holieVet - in. ot Mammies tifit ilittioutta i
lotodeli I and otimitetiuoil ibe plea -wheal
the v106611 1 -I defiled foie effeeil". litegaidi
Mg the growth ef •eteination• the •Ovedisiitt
.says -that-- the Buffalo Oti align fidelity
hal efeated a futilaee eti the Italian plat I
that:a etiolation- :flatbed his bets: somg
-plead atl-Pittebut40 white usturid as will:
Be idit:fueli ilia tomeinnati has orgato .
Imation that it building 'a . toenail i 'that a
tidily has beet otgatileid. iii l!jaii litaill
ditto' _and will build seen i -that BlittlfdtEd
-has it livir ergenicatiout ambrosial my
odety.11 amend- east yOldi . otimpoul
lito instil . enamel i that. rhiladelphliiii
Artily :el daimon . builiniti- mall i thLit
-Efeiv Oilaini has elle of ilis ilideit coaliths
in thit nt?" i -that . SAW Atito410 V11
110011 btlilmid, a atetnatetit in• and thitimavaul
katiouti aid ova een, emplallitilis builds
evil iowiii`-thiliteit: . 6 0 Angela! Samar
lintel Bedell -and s.Oleiviter have Coal.
lig of Ste - *dumb - : •
diatifje et 4efe its
ti VIM k bait