HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1886-02-26, Page 3••••
••: •
t et
• Vilat kii•altIto 0416111-141101111114- --
. - -
,.. ' (Dotal& Cowin., • : i
• . .
. , . .
..iilvat kitturdainflibt, Ma tat toashoi iiii
Mono not ihNil phrOhbif 1:- . .
a avolagott Otto, and ato avoragotthittl- .
hilt fait -hot oitctwat doing t - L-_-_-- -
:Anon tneitonod 'ft oont000----lo many Willi - -
•_ - , Autism ntan 4itt14411-OOtinto,1 1:.
A(44 fji6fhtg th i-thil,tortly awl abootittiot •
, -. Ana to what itli Ilia &blotto atgoantoth
atutrootaohotta moto loran, -
_,,,___' Whir 1410;.y.Olifiling ohdpatoll .
Weittfitthilii, Ton toniet 4 Limo' UM.. . .
Ana avitiagoa ilt,thotP
Mho dato of a mloiton of (Ivory nor
Ana tfoOtkollialgoilatiohl: - ••-
Ana pi topared 4 initi Of Eadhattoi.
• - Loot Ino @onlyosainataithni - 4-
.. .. ... .
WOKryhoket ilitilhh0- Olhotbonk
' • Ana not woetty boon Mat tiwoi• 1... .. • : : ....irrip....•
tow of-hor pupils boa Mitt Min a ,-- . _A; Memerhiblo Vostutuci
' . A114 gidftetlukt-Ettti filVatiffift0Egi ". - . .. . . . .. . , .
.111in mitt, oho attoaatoa. Rottonugdoho foal - • _ I see that in /main tont lopakini pit.
And horsplitt; Woo& to ttadoot - - - - -
And *say mot litt,thoto. with. a qtl@fitiOnf#tql : mice havs devieet I. mote, iiinplii -.mode. of
si timitt.wittit ifig per out of- youp firso is p appiaring. air two - intentions -• •Thie -it.
otantige.d.--by driesing- the' ' twit • 'diet alibi
whoa agility rolloa ww-ay, - ,. :. : -, • .
oattltra bttt.narttal tvaoott i : - - - 1,. -- body in -- two-- -different gottninets ...Vet
&lath@ tatiaohorat oplett walkoctono daY, ,illelltuath ones.hall of a fancy ',.ball oottetno
tii tile :. it tatnittar pl000k, L. .. • Ili u•Le:-. Olgale PL -. ond - ..thl .- oda,. -- i!.lia
&Iguana of NMI ig Hflid1001 toportai -i„. ' herigii*k (ti11110 ii. eigali 1,- lids the skirt
- AA u tt tottho titattlotiotoo doilig sadiitsmido . lit elik, itinited With',.s ralkisreduotnice
I .
- Atteied hOP OhOOrvOltioni I - - , _ ,
Ait. . ookohoin
.owannoilation, . - - - . ,.
. itigkid 'out- tentid the soda... The • block
:_. - :el: et- Whittles. _Or _rather -tolfibodlotil: it
• dlie. pmat 4-0,.. th@, #ro wh@ro 0AOY b.i.4. 1.6‘11,,,, irkir. :shag, bidden by ii. holfstielin. (*.brightly
Mid tilt). groanclwao watt ballinyort. .- ittl , -,111-ed eilk 01 - osibralit,. whiali fultal•-vi
.0-0:htiororo: dIfitttOtt throw a *am_ ...., ' ' - 1i - ranter illit § drapery Iht tett IthOlts, •- A.bliiiii-
vote plaatoat -110•41416 reeloveti ,frowh- - no gion11116.t. brranteimi'the.-tight side
&Amato -toot 001hr-want ortita by, - tr, ,•
. mistni 0,1 iguit.-0 tug ti Norg *to isa of tho headirittirkfekthe hiiivitetintpedsThe.
allGt.ptektlift the sic op„ looltodlhiough tilt miujitilikbilisioust by Whisk °oink plod'
oyot - -• .
• on: one. tido,- and-ittode .10 stead
Ana oaw it watt ilhod with Ilitatoot • igiiaffeslike eloYalitilt by a :_biltich-of- toWeve,
- -11
41 i &W
t I 01101A010itt Mid tho_yOttng , Mir '. 00tOrtel lit 1000111 . . Nowvit.gaigo to
ow Oaof it 14 to kilt 'opt I , i s-Pourigi tide of :.-this Very origimil drew%
dik istieo§sineit eveFy -20iii -
n •- • The.. dont- it:of -bine- -int -While- "Wiped
tit oottabront and ootobolittint• .
minim sinusiiy, Num' matt rst i 'skiing& -iiild Au Optou Of- bitouitioOloret
s' y the h Meg YOH' noa. toil taal."
n enittlgr:: • linen - it joined-ttraight ..down the tient-to
'it - nothtnitotrahnOin gad - itto - dontat tift.that tits °agile silk . Wattle-. 4-'100 •volikoli.
at a-ntnotoollitpoontaty tottoitor? -• - - &detail this apron, - Mid-- Out .- of it: hangii- 4
.bright- colovelt-taiadherohief. The'. liediot
- . TM Vitingtt- Chiltifs; • 7'1177 It made of 1110 -ellified -:. okirtiogi• bat -hi
. (antno alotatoig ArtiOr ifonnyooni);.. id 0@ittidditt- by the:bib sot .tht optot•and
lit-h*Ft h*li -el hart a Alum of .Algorian- eilk .etripled,.red mid
tat a bar 011-WolTil. 1 •. binglitogiOridl .4 white 'vomit cep toms
110(1 ga filififit141.0@h." this half sot the *.• bead, aid tits Unita. the
•'Wit mitt vr000nrbitoht .
ktto ot Roo tAtitit . -
thoy toat.tho ta andredsr tile andel Ibis- op is : quite- etnotithiy
Ghia ''. *lilt- the telehborly mantilla-. ' - The
ratios to flat of I oth, - - MILANI, "caning 4. "-Noses egotist -1i with'
'onto, to jolt of putt -
motto -1n Itottt 0 thotn‘f
tollowoiti mot t -Twit oat_ -. _ -1SO aitt-hp eive, of: itourtoLlit . *silt. lit
the. wiryluit .10ohe at, tiai tight Mei ...The.
-;--_. • 0 ,. that-Proottlitair t too. i - Milani) IkS the two tides.-...- The Gigot...leg
MAI MO oopratatot too* • to ofieased-lit 4 red Ink ttookiog inatehint
Thew owh limo mot hoot'
PrOlit OA@ Ola.ttilfittftlas • th0 diets at that eiddi .ond a -little *elute of
him* MOIL, - Tlitg VglitiliiTog Alto 004traiyi
Rolooholf fill.thq titiookito,•Si a Nteeklog •of - cameo- bine; yain -ant 4
vortoli* sow the• potato.* ate, . .
tt-tno RIttoroit ..;.,
.4itintiou tabot*a- 'very ..dmionttovieble, tiv.
It poi nto Roma wattatovva i•iiingententi-I ihOdld.thiolic •Tho ript mot,
Rhiais* hot tat rootoot wny - itta-lent blaek lace, inikten, Maid. tonitr,:.
, ,v,p itt psjiiiii W,o,ti pitOhOtt thh- h14111
: T - ORO- Ut(Itft itEmitatalt, ory----, TO lett alai; NUilitmes:0 elotte et- *tent it
•Fehisti- to -Fight 41 times
ht- tvio mil liotreds. _ , enotinthered witk-a hug° relltid•404-4firle
00144 _i
of Le14190-ftwilei_ .:, ' -, • .- . -
, .... tO ha iotar •
watt tti pont cit ;atom, - - - - 77 . '. Teo Pieweet eihiOs-• . . . - -
m(tiow(A(1, tout t titpustedi - - - - -Thilashionahlti *Riau_ this: eitatolv Pis
• -1 •
hin• ted. they wit
WO 1-; Tityeil
ot wit* Wilt 10.41iitt .tVW with. alkali. . Her giiitter a eroat _betwden
vowipioctiotilostiiii S hOt ( •that Of -the day set- -Nettie dtomedttry.sand
wiiiio-fitif the otittrott wondorod ° • Choiss with the striogilittl% This niotur.
i .- li tor 1: -•aoggt evident ot blot -blood -itiad118 °Mot
It littpnforaI
-. bitieditto it awfully Hoglielts.yen keoWiand
Ito ti o Pr000tttmoottlarot-
oamidos trolAtialta to nowt - -
• (tatt-tho:titarttolotti • ._. • : thlirS0Oillittni;LaWititoltitTginiloi demo*.
• oyalty, , itellIt t
_t. : ilt*weltos
' -vli.
-•ish to twat's% 1911 Magi
*WittlY_Ith,trikkA 11 t4 Wittiki , tot oft i Whiki Nino tihni.fige.ibiatitielliN _of .Werlee,
• Tiro trout I to ooroankuni Imo* ?'.iltigiglat snit tilikkialit bolero tit.
• -
nihilist' ;is mimeos* _•
. wet .fitiFly do. all teshiOnoblo . women in
pooh* to Fjohtlii :
forth -44410 ',Rot •
oho.; - 14lew*York atid :Bodge •.When on the •inoVe
•.Dtoottrato boittita4 blot •- .. looked: so - though somebody lied stook
nerwsit itilit thiiitill,eted.
h. I is whit lt- 0 . wtotiehtt • them with a stabs _ It doitn't. Molter, tow.
Mit -tat ttao ono, thoy ought, r • overi.Which -kg it : in faskton. as -.144g: Os• .
' - twit taw that tfattotra, I - .
%Om limo- Om:unit (arlagit-:_- . . ; _ - i"goortrog. tars. . _ g.os: 1.-.- w,..illti,,.. es..:„Ii..:in:. P...-4).: ._ellic_. f,.........
- - .
- .• • - telrepoint4•• Ati Aietreekto lot Ike Ilfeeliteni
i .. . . .
-. (Witt ' tiel(itlit •• . -...'': : , it Jot &ding -.sten- to Londeni-- keit
:. - ( Voctitilotiiho thg. Wait At WM.": Wara in- -144011 • eloweleet.- beedethel • .tiett
kiro, . _ I.., i _ • tiYhdt(O-piktligit • t, loctoly fasteuiti . up :behind Willi I predioti.
-holitteat-.0.451Yikt hid-hhail fit
A --ht.tht
_ ,* islisi*I0 0 hie.), otriiiiiihnisties hyttos. . totti_ou „betta., n„% The Q
- 'mvow vasut.ovieue wile oat.or toe yeg oectio
eke Wit :--0.!lithli1 WOO -0Vtlii 411- 414- yifth 014 ladulOtty et: bet -,oilmileos•- .
0401tIr Ohottititit tt --_ thiO 0100.44. at 4 - ihitt. 'Wit sulf On wiko %hitt -halt, ssIAbe
eettoeottiktt4 ttia Jutwtodittrf thOt w um
. . . . o • paint* -04411 nOttucettelfailyintitte the.
imi: 044044 tim 01 -10-4100011 Ot reWithltilt Greek tittle whielt the 7 tit fesiteleg% ?arts
- , out ettiVottlitt:. ttititio. titwilottvi eittlove‘. -:
.- - piaci, loitt gootour (I or 10% 4 tiVi - - - • 140140i lc tont** 'ffNik. - i
kite.. knew au. Ow Yoroot wilt-. op4* of.tho Oro. - : - _-_ igow alpiniirio tioNerviii. _ . .
•- ikumuto oro4kavolk-tottoly014mivitkpliodoi . T6! tit shod 41164 4 weilituovia. 4-00bity,
outtivios, iiisgithiotionis, (OM IkAlly hhttfh - al
•WORIN.U.-- at IitilltillOte:Who:thlatilvot -„litir
- lihe'd •tittooithn '0110- Atti.01040 •thowiliusi • .waiti tlio btaaly and . halation •.remorkehly -..wells•
VERMIN Mitt :100 Nit hdlOothki, taint Ott
1 luttittia OW0'1400100, .itaia 10 •Tttotha a diepite her Malty' IRMO* pUtiliii et teettet_
- k ((di Choy enwoo(I, - - • • - meet Is the tog led whivii altributee het Kett
24'4 ittssoilwAtie. tecoeit yammer -4m tili‘
toew.,(4. timiltwitvivt%4 tlittoinkuclitla (4 1 c- lotiotit ns to pritetited I -.0viekies.* *WO
Vatattothat *tot .tho ottodoiat that thottin\t t ellp at lukewatin• wetly, story day on -lest
do* loiowAti 01414400v Ilitottc4441 tho thaiitet tad IN* -0011014 - Su mitoetr.kil- het falai-lit
- - othidoot sehois3, tot. itio7 itsikrikttig• liiikt . the :tame? of • Shit .V4-14#0,7 .0116tkim 04111*
- . - woo_ torotom itt tan MINIM IIItittl 01 Wo
iknr etou ittelotose depletithottLituoAtteettoli
aut. otho gonhilet. unatittolt- 4- iiltilAtit ta 4,k411101- In sokkint ot ., ibis - ih• bw don oga 13/4.wout.
- Ana huharr tfliMo(It ,_tt 11,11 IV 4-10goant
. _buffo% tov %or thiov .vrovitoall of, 1 koown. toattou-et lialantott,estft . I have
, 111.4 ti0Vor WOitk ''•'OtAlltilAt00(it : 04:0 A-9 ke.OWU eteey- Miss.: it he• einally-devoliod
deettsine-iiivie. ,
-. - • TIO Wine sett 'di .which cou d nob -petit
bly h.avs btu...fitted - them - except through
-their imagia thia.- Oat 1-a4y•, 1 know two
'aging, 01.119041%0e plutd•lateld0 het btd
-hti.toaitt tivoty morolog. Aitoilter•neeti
a . Mt teolpoattitul of, litetatit.ot elaineheno
gOblet,of watet 1--ttili: imothev toket- a
phich of table'. all :OttO. Mt, mouth litters
toviotitet - bids 14411( et ledlee reset' to
Koh cOolotou i tliolee ' at °nape Mid lent,
()Luc oud . Apm..tuarie-• with% or ;to °del,
pinup_ bath% b . , the -toot eiognlet kith I
tvetteavd- ot --nte %hotelo gOilodelphie.
• lie ' who -every , Morniogi tegolorly gaveled
het thioat with toopendt-7 made .ot 2 whits
.0tiliiiiicaulTswbtott thehtlitivod -woe IWO:-
. iutely noteiterr.o. A "e floNervatiou 01 het
ith e ..' :..- • -
...: -.---- Ailift fiell*Rig*-:- . , ''•_ '.
--. Piocurecit, ottr--,Ideuggist oite -quo. et
i I- ON ostgie that isy Ikea
ew Beiiiity is Preseried-A• Good Word
for NO Hairs
aunt Kato's Wookly Bodisti)
- oitutico 1110trett
• rtots* ehtetiteet, thowieg the
titillation -sot horoiett and animel lite by
auti *hots% duties the lett
J886, ea embpsreit with tan Relate yeti
- 11 appoittititt•there WA* It Ought.. &creme
too of huwsu
being* killed wits 30 mg, eg*koevill,905. On
• tgit othoillattal. Ith uoitutlor ot cattle
wait ligauist447 474 The dioteete
to die lost of' hotthot ItIs witegineval
tiiro•oghout loths. eiospt it% Deogek Bur -
malt -twit Kurg. Tto number •.ot--death&
Cigna* wtia *nwin Wikil 4147931 agolut
•atlas, 01 whiah D wow kilisd by eisphentes
ti31 oy SiO9 bYtoopurdis 114 by-beovei'
'tiaaby wo1vsUby -41tnites and 1 flitd• by
othet eutuutiw ,12.110K, bittele imoiudi to the
into fro_m•1i tittbay agog Sinall•bitets
rpm* midsu11%Lao med• _dap
auti-or000dileiii•whilst u %Wee from. Benoit
the'Notthwest PROVitiatit Attti Oodhi 140
d troths on ottitinoted to alligator% &balky,.
*ad -.olocodiles; Th6 hambet et dothe
from thiake.nike, Ireton 03%. itgaiiiiit 80,007,
Of tilt eattle killed.- 47 90 wove killed by
aed 'Mac by_ winekess • Wove
'tuld leoplitds. on by tar the Wait distiuo.:
. 1VI al the ;Wild itnicamie„ se- title forte,
kille013,0001 and ih Itttte 14). 099,- dutiog
the ytet. The uouther et- ,wiht -manna's
destroyed Witt tittN70. egibask .19,8001. whilst
. Wolin-1bn ot tuikw kilted fell trona: 111.1i.
Via boO,0814, •.tto Itougpur district of
-13.0041 *lone, 406 tigere wets skitled loy. V
tiltiketileus . • t
Theritnoilune 1tosL fikiutly are its,..sta
Mug. pvecostholit &putt% tit (lou 11,11,
Hildasthe tined one utorgariotiowife. agog
• She lat. King Peidttatudi - to- :compel her'
eetooeiii-, Item bex pueseiat vesidenoti- the
Niesitidedos Palos. Vitt- 0ountest will
- contest tho suit,. and in tht *vela: of het
white war an t•
melt these •
of sot%
thgee 1,13
*Iraq Da
lout - - -
tit .pinch
s shops you
IWO 01
sise ot
!la iNtt 001t:tiltott-fktp.g:kigt,:iiitd1.
tvitie r tihtkW u It • u t: iv -t
2171774L0-gtitiA .00 AT al:
, 'f.tti nt
- out:
_ .
Nrrlito-olt-(tt nolo oala0g, fliihriguts';
- vliq“118, tkom otIlivtoto, ilvOilltiptk ALA ta
" tat tit titiog kthd
- . . -
A tAsiApaiictvoartiglott w orb Atitioltokuns
tto Mahora‘MIti Amit,k4 tut
tt ItX9ttk 1 Mit tkV0p5V01. WO (%
- •a* atfy ii0or hoARki 41 thlt * sa,
' mem Wog Voldteallibi_ VOMOU \ Ot tin IPS' .: ' • 1).1:00firill:0:111Ali'V6tilihti; :Mill
WW1* dim Ant wiles. tht moths, of- di ' 11 ., . -visswheye. - . my,*
tronot sustelps win toll 'Whets - Tift4,0401 sitedattattlitttio OM* SO 0,
(MMus watt in kir &nth g Whit delimit iki,4_ 1 co, Iliartto_tig . ._ -
is tit' Boston Maithuni- and known it _ rt , .- . . - ._ -
NW.- Hosieri .. • - . - Nu. work NaitattfoodArtWol$4.,•
-that hwer men &naiads'. tilisppy by red.
haired Women- that: those Of any other
tiolored I tritium.- : Not 'beings there -art
fewer red.hairid• *emus bdt blesses *boy
are. •Isse---:ginit .-$6; 1101,011enele •thein• pro.:
nountod bruited.% have 'bitter otinstlinic
dons than bionditil and loos -.mishit tent.
.pive thao 00st-of reined ,Nalperainiale.
They . ars . tile -most- - iliNaSiii ' olgOrories
Widths 'rand iotropid- of: their les -1 they
.ari tiouragetus ant aggreitivi, and they
ellng.to Ike Objets of thilt *amnion with a
tenuity that desilt,alitist-osa :wideu:. er.
deolny, - : - --, :. • ' ' - - _ s - -, ...
.. . .. ,
Late Talitioil 11101f011 . - . " .
. . . . . .
A Whin ofishatois- gest okhrit the band.
_Smut of all rdp. • - . - ..*.--- - -•.. - •-: - '
. . .•. . . .
- The dal mak& of guilt are int miMart
ouppleuting .sealtkin... , -- - • .- . '• - '
Clothitems :W.' be aoknOWlodged ai -the
moat dunble lot handing. ' . -:' .. : '
, . Itopeuost wok in oopper is being-ninoh
and. foe mantel- dieeration. : . • • • .
• 'The Csdleito BaWn shape of Moot. ititot
Moietins. tht tattoos 'desired. . - ,• . . ,-
- - Bounttinitis Ond - Who itlit-leis-plaine
ate rather tardy. ins le-Oing...: ' . .. • -• --
A --noes' :fano, la:tient watt it velvet
bindlogetin dressy day edit% - - ' ' •
- . Tiny hummiitobirdiand gorgeOuslieetlis
axe .ueed to adorn -the ksivs .., : -
•• -. Lotingtoihtped itsde arotibe novolly Of
tho eessoa as guest- mode.- - - . - : • •
- .Citinnets fit holding °hint ov . Alan are
tiltde iii.evegroofieolYsbIti-iltspe.. , -
. -Clapper and rid pld gall000s- are ailed foi
tiitintog.plush aud-silk dotty's.'
. ' Hobie-lraided 'with. sontsehe ' hail- tit.
• bred raised:tattoo-id o Intl opplied Asts, -•
. %Drain...pipe olithova sly painted are :quits-
-popular its °ant- and *bait 'hoidens, *.
.• Velvetosu . oostaine are plainly mad%
:mid- --ave edgOd -With i rotavy,; jet_ or had*
WIWI. , ' - ,' .-':- •• - „-: -- ---, --
- - Brown li eiatldered 11 ditioilecOOM0821.,'
!,tont for Ike Tition.Oolored:' heir in vogatis
1: .- Vielorlit steels take. the' piste -of-Milking
Stool% .Whioh :hues now- '-dielippeaved . on.,
!lively. - • : : :,;: , : • ,.:
Vag --**Aite ' Witt batiste_ it ;elan will
:Ovid. -.Populortly. whit villiop -".alid.-.11bal:
'host Moth.; . • . ..-- - - - .•' -
! • There It a .niti lue inillid toile it!ar,
:Olga% Mad is' itquithilt. light: • and deli.'
- OW in .0.01 • - • .-- - - •-_-,- . . .
Bogie ot thettnall teandello plush aro.
tilt:treed with -ektill10 tnokingt as welkot
hitt . . : :
- , iliviptd:' ttiettr- :flannels • are tadtlito-
naderMith mid Allis -hod whit . Otooket Qv-
-knitted -edge. .. • • •
. .. -
.: .
• •.itaami yawl sitar sittei.
. .. . .
' OldilOvirpvitiY lb ge as tateally hi
7ttlit :bus • love. -tumuli es: :.14 it not to in
pantod that .bitys. iv not sulesplible to
! beitty in wildest; obt es _also"; bus • to -:the
i hininlas portienitot south, . 90112111. the
Anatol shut of Ow ovOof -the beautiful..
. In the hot. lift, who -sit litany; grip .are
of inditeity kept until •thiy an .igrowt -to,
woutaithoodi the oppor. unitytor boautifyino
theinseives Oa well as heir torittuuthip Is
Often loit biossis the. Mks% pothene..• MA
.oaeasionalip the moth v oleo, has 'point to
Vitt. •that awls radiate is :,-Of •- ItO
potable nem. - They alte- outgrown %hitt
-fondant- thoOghtt,. fel hi in their syes- now,
.00theste learnod to e i .Whitst't ilt ute 7:to
eyerything peek -
:: .11 0 girlia.hei hogit lifo- bo allifwed to
ionotigi the noon Ora** het talitlii.
IQ, vt01101: -bite ths. li ing.loom. plaits Or.
lime- het ilownelto . aolcivally tive sores
new walnut, _cheap I puny c iii it oty .
What have it in tufnewnen a Wilt tit'
-beauty- and tot have ellne one toying f lilt
nation 1: I esti neillin beeateitnor worn...
Ahe will -take ninth More cotattigii_and out
lathe*, htt lovertheit ilitUghtertat :welt
Much nitir-for-hititathet's home, Thevs ate
its thof knit* tow-4oid otill•-they• tient
allow theca to %Milk inoney ot, tint eau:be
repent co auything' OM it -not •In Melt f et
•sots obViouti tiettlitipeoh.pook •ab the
Kee Of -4- ilower.bedi-... ey *bloat to vino*
on the:house heeautie, -thy are : Itibblatti
and thetdee•ot 4 "plettily.turnithed ninni
.either lot the tastily- ot the .douolatet 'tittiS
• tells to an nithiestd (*tiny.' : r' .:- ..: . •
When %liege gide:1146ot Mitt the ham&
tbettn.lifits- what !wOndit -that they tildom
tome holt to attin a pleotintly appointed.
Mote .1 • Mid mors, -wh t *ado thot tho
trotiling,1 loviog . lout loottinti. •iortoo
sully .1o4 • astvityth ullt :ploptiees--et .o.
ptett, Ito:m.1' - :- :' •
:It- the .,tonte.ith' ocidd be -Mode more
ottimmive to' the, lotto ipselpitif ifi instead
el: %hit folk ' and ietanaltie : fot o ft:living ''
*II the dm% . we. Might he content -with a
tittle hi% onkepead QR. time tor, aim.
tubs Otti youno s peo t stritlft' love ilitilt
bean, :Otter ant .00 lar hOpplet - at *or
pow.up.1... • .- - -
" Acme One- has. laid at .1 Ott Wellte tee-
_Meettleid: . by -whet -0 c alight* lave'''.
autl. yououpeOple w t. Much tot in.
leuely :that oldet, eta as -- - :Thou' *lye , the
Rides ott boysi as will,. all- the pvettimeit
poesiblesl- and_so :too ._ them- moo s teal
•Iteart.loVo .or hotne.-.31. Iodeuriols .
a Ai 1 -' . USI'- ' . '
• : .., he- tutted elostuttett ot litomet:
- : IttarY„.1101landss who .0auted :het hatband
to be oeMeettted. 10_ the Workhoneekt the
both dins Thud* lotto:applied toritiv
tics- Weld% atlions Moho, yederda7.
bit hie Olean.- , , ' : • - -, - .'- - - , - -
.• tiXtvellittlii: Hollaudeue,widthigh him -
site' *hi- seidi ,ii. Mid :Ion% •-mithe tint
earitt,glad it you'lltit hitogo.!.'-' . - • .
. it Ile Moth youths other de.y11,1.set the
Judi:tit: :: . - - , : .. .-.. - ..- . .
• 41. X droviihint to do -ib. It weemy,tatifts.
I'm fit hold woman togit'olOog with: -•- rot
enOugh - *dein .: a• Mu nosy.- • He could
stoat. g4t -Ms to tew *button:a int ehiris
The last tal#101,17 .1041 abootthat. I -told
hint to do it kites% aod thot India tile
40 'Met Mier Workiog hod lot ten tiotteet-
be would hoveleft-
- .-.. - . - •
!het *net -.you had
. . ..
.. . . .. ,
e wathISI a good m
ms bong ago."
":Whet _Watt tht.
him titgettedt"' •
- w to blame -then, I- won't inn
to too ot tioo house whetieve .he stepped'
msI ri I aneroid 1 alt and motes -too.„."
.i000w tbil:drrit
thavisam'ein Pooketta. . WOW, 6
Tbst.wisa . o'er
at Foxi (Width. onto
whsn t'"Adartats of
wsst,Al1(Iy•k-41 tont:
phalli' mitten but
w1th:i4b .051
worrat.,-"" bet
4 7'4Pik dead •
= or Al
. rrisirstatil *join*
& commo•••• Drlitit. !knight..A00111 by
Mlle* Terry and 'clot ichinek.
Mantis ought tO make,lillho Torry, the
Mkt% .•-their- "patina usiol. 811. hes
oeitaiiily tie* a fishicit among youth( ladle!
Orhioltheis benedited.thent $very mats:Lally.
-Whenshe Atli mitt here -shit -btotiohb with
her . her- -habitof drinking- three; orhitt
glossai of milk at 'soh teal. • :Ills s hobit
she' -is 'odd . to. hovo -followed* for yearts
Wbsn the,yoisig tidier about town loud
*last ElleiLdriink maik they . followsd
for she was Shen therags, Wbsb was
begun:M.6 frisk -6r faihion too been 'iton
tipped, biotin thewomen, ban .groWnto
like milk.-- Ibis she afasblousbbs otedidne
jai now, sada inedlobie- that hits :ipreved-
vortiffietual in -ths treat:non* of - tortoni
•lugefine tient* nerVousitsii....Thh is blows.
ISa'.el ezoiellentnone- tool° Ind blood-
motors•,-Porticithir *Hendon -esemee to bt
--41rooted.to thiefaet ihreuths the oonatry At
largs AS abottfthe dmo Of MiseTerreo arrival'
.heies an-d:to . milk has had:: a boot eller
ohm% -,.0s.tas fichttok also -milled • ;ptiblio
obtsubion tOtbe total ,Anid by the us of
mile quantitiesotittor kidney troulthst
There- is :hattliy a-- theetla towalooked
to tr.ado- -it*" toniewhere "'on It et
'toeswith:the signs J. "!1k by. the elitio.!'
,There .ate 4 half-desen •plust.-on Booad.
way, :hitwoen- Titian rqttsve And: Bryant
'Perk, that display molt o -alga, and all of
them ari :wed - pationtsds. -.-10 -ber4000te
the oats sign, ii 'frequittly to be leo, and
thir isle of 11211k in reitatrantol and-itt use
-et -hotel tab's' bi. beea too_ thou doubled
within" the put. :throe loots .-Searyr pros
peteter at edoh-..-plitest_has'. *Akita 'the
inereatod donut, and tee ',Wendel/id. A•
.prOmittent- physioiou 'wheel -prudes it
.10gely -among uteri !aid -hi -Gould -not
•isploinlo part • the- 'reason' for Uhl isa.
created tuuteusiptIte- of - milk( _Aators.
dad -la, he, - neer. :a osiuLanl witiok
ptoyente.-.. neivouc eahanstioa and - .
better tevivor : generally. -than .11quori,
boost's it bas o sIL ithst.effeotos We ha• d
pis:scribed Its...use- for already -
!mashies otalt MO.:with suelleitt risultL
Of -. very may phyjdolime
who-Wsge pOnuieg throtste-Qoavelf,-.As a
natuval -.result of ihm outset Ot regular
physioltine, --Ake drug Moroi have 'now on
tale: attentions ...patent. Intedloinetit•'with
itigh.tOtiOdiog name@ which are nothing
but..eintple:Oompogodo Of .ntilk- ,with some
edit -10th. Mut -be: had -by tho.,glests
at -,moil of the drug stores: this,' hove 'sods
-waterlonotalues.sad uaasay. hundrettqouti
SIRdaily sold -la that "way -„-in this.iity. and
_Biooklyn.-- .A adman Of °tiara_ and milk,
knowo 151 notagrant aomendolus to 11.11.
and.balt, Is qoite populataitimi.ditys. .Al
lunch - teams thie seine sootohniatio.15
largely .used bo.-11111,41--oeteleelt crooked
wheel antOthe point in.. tilt this
Aloe of • holf:inilk and half .:-ortain._ that is
giVen.,eonildeiably .110People,euffetiag from
ittegitrotables who Ud diffloulty .-in retatus
hien %keit- otootolt led livesoit isa any• .
of ite--entullions 01 other -iprepand _pintos
• '- Welt etreet has -.11141--atilk fever: WO a levy
•boatiditabli extols ankbrokerti.Sbus
elorkittint 020111001 ho)ii
how out •-to a .half dont 404,4
H.very: little sidewalk ... Maud where Applies-
_eaketi and - pies -us sold* *ob. trout 10.0.4dock
ia the motaidouttil 8 olelook au the _alms
ucteit, has MOAN, oatot u1i1k Mined -With
mart on Waterniinolly mtire
it J1.10111, Gee, two, .thgei :Or tin' sentia
.litelle..'.:Veestly every downitoWO-bae has Ib
on tale Mther: at live or tea gotta glans
ond many *hundreds of bowls Or goblets Of
the litoteal fluid.are usually diiiposed -of -0
• the .11votd-and -NUMMI elicit
elterpeteiel tidiwalk menhout list Ind a'
*waggon- :Ouvittid tato a training- dittos.-
antivirt dayi•wheastits•wiathet le-aot too
(told,' he - axles§ •down . to the. ;utast Of
Ezeitatip:' :plate attd•--- Broad stritts . and
Lthite dispettees tOthivaty Plittons hie oeuple
Of hundvod :_qutriti of milk and °Haw 10
the Klass. . Wit bustles Is a very. profit.
obit one whoa milk•ossu beimeght.at *helot-,
ids ab lot that eight unto 400414 'stun,
tag him a .plolt- of .fgoms 100., tO 800 -per
Ott on hit laveatment. In -thret_lot foe
monthiot the euintoet. - when, intik it
dtug litthe tothiti ant -whet tko.deeleed
totetelltet--, detail is enttetts bis: LUQftII
-roontitup- :to . about 800 pet._ Oat,- the'
pteats leeked Lout: .-ia. . 'lotus Way -to other
itdtwitlk.atieltaate,:.tinthe hos now tont
bun •oompatittite bbab bs knows. !ots. but
'40oe of -theut.have' yet ,100 elabotaie*ktUla4
out at ;hie... All . the othet Sidewalk
ota atc-oadetied to 011 font pitely *QUO*:
enditle- elan xujuirsi tinitetvies ot s horse
to- dreg -his- !"' Nit . Otani. _tenuity uttnek".
50 aigallie4fat Ptle44'
- . .
*cadet Fever In i
' The lanes theory -4r no.. means* reas.-
• intintone..4.0 -to the *taints and otigin of
ieulet-fevitiiii audit in4.14 hod "dsnot
heaths :ociwio and .-tes: Wallet% the form
aletimid Lit human .beinos- by Outs °tight,:
Ally .Vaceins dittoes. epidimies . or
'Mitt several !pLdsInio., ot Oarlit fuer to.
•Idotyleboue Hempstead mid other
%riots( itave 'hien *rood 'to -.cettalit mILk
fliery.OUS-- hat hein. **ken to -discover
whiithet thostilkeoulti basebesi lafeeted
•-otter leaViog the acwi.aad•Mattill ittiettiest-:
_tioti-. thietheoty Ito bon esoludids ..0oo-
ot.the• owe, appanage -Of whiellwati
'Wait intistisetuy,": its now beeti lionght
•aud.edvtled to. thi Broth lotitudons
-whets siperinitate &reboil)* modtwith tits
-Milk an other seatetitioss.- The- tanitary
tants of the Mittylebone distticit certainly
deserts. milt tot- *4 :promptitude wit.b
bass nipped in-ther bud
what: might „tavt- _biome a forinidabls.
epidemic atid tot die cue with -which they
hoe, itodneted au iavestigestiou Which May
lead to important ecientille
Meg I. ".
15-suppiiii0g how inanY.Britielt iteleC
mit- of nets -have out at lost tiontp_letely
:changed their ptilititial views. Lout Cottle.
-nigh- began .as a bandit. natio:millets -aud.
&Mak 1,1.1700M It Motet --tti•lhe :-Notthert
Whig °Ink !!' to the RevOlotion will
not .surprits any MO. if, _to,. -in_ ,onothet
bead% hit Wait nephew, Lod Ittntolph
should vest sound... Apiathe*
bit. Lord Dolby taitil,y-.Ltiestriedi as Whig
and Ititotatew. the memos- reduding the
preputerotti another: ot Inlub. Ptottotont.
ptetottios- -His own mini; ohoup Of views
mid thst of the. 'Wait L :Peel ova Wort,
du% as to -thchot that 'Lett assOonsfield:
Was -not •alWile- au: Whitt Tory or Mr.
GhtesteMs. an ativaneed..• Liberal. - -Lord
BOON tent -I mute& -,331. • land. Monet
point to es•toon_consident •polIbilal caw. .
• 1.647-11) X104*
- - •
Hoyt 1 Mom hie
• an Two but
„OM) of Our-mott
wail '1:tanning by
My quits- ilk
Oppoulte him sat
.yount3 ladies, who
him cut of °ousts
to& theit whim
•Ilationd•at Ars
%on, JOhe Gator goo
to 151)0 in the -ion
lint' this sat•
n iini(1 to pota sto
tunes bsfors r
imprialita few au
of -hit, hand.
Allot thi train a
the sitar tat cal
nothing tad hippo
Maria at 'soh othe
of inCtual niarimisar
of thogr Nodal it --
'with ;Ilte hero of
01 earn saohtlr -
Maputo lasted- mit
Laustons. Behr
Illiat)tor bowed to
and odd_ •
. •.11 Ladle% thegrec
ed ons; me during
natnially onsions .
.gsve tie la the tau.
-ot rails affeotion."'
roplykbut left the 'kir
• .1Probt-a• rodent oo
appleas thats Matti'
ftfsy',ons mottle
43 ION to every 1.
43,--ad1 Anettelie 7907-14'
hate only 2 tone
saki- as ths. -most
wonisi with a. SOialie
ottootodstl by Loud
-Gimp* with. 1,48
-• with 1,180.0r
pipit:lot Great Br
8-ati218,-. while the
Unita Stater. have4
New- DED4Wir
linpotanb asButt:
ntorttoo than ?Witt
Ind- greland poseci#:.•
.nearly 12000000 niV4
with Om tonnes* of
.Aag cOven 14,000.k
total Aistiog witrititt
Tin United- Biatec•
°atria 80 • pet oeut.'_
lia thpir own -bottlik,
oury toinothing :hoof
keel illeveiegg
from the inland
impoolve as it
J:l1s the 'Mill 11111
r en beeen a Aeries
nthe enormity
• a sloth libeedes
st • others and the
train -.stopped at
log the. audio
Adis% •hat in hand,
nest stags heroes
i, Isa•Ilentserland a
a Berlin papers
idyls of hematite
fairly stared
xt made him the
delicate Mien.
iidly submiltsd
began -to grow
o 44-and‘tistera
ben in the
Laminae, he •
nes on the back
Condon you boon*. •
• onvney maket -i•
•oarn-whiolt of you.•
• s striking a proof
did -not waillor
to these Unladen.
. The -OWN*
• 'flatainle, Mande,
blendahes of the a
by minket the MAW
alio,- and xsaulb
in. oonsumptioos
fitedkel Dinovery°
tbs. tawny .in Its
and *At It out Of *
• Th th eldest 'daunt -
Wtst al Washhigton,
lore' sad ellUnlee b
bags . She *.'says s44
Oat Ifi.so .m001 -hop
-buoys-you. know"• •
ssia Met 444_
• 801311.`oae has totd.-
,io ittootabli.s 14-'1 '`
Catatjh Remedy
-pletaDtit 501155 .and
tbotoghly. We ha
in -*got dit not a
tohhEdily. used. Ck
Whiek it dolorous
tome4y is at you •
self.0 it . before :the
onto miens toms
Tik Mtiettehuset
ittoading to sitati
to duam.
Plotlittestown 'tote
a Non 088 to80
t?vhig Trade.
etatement -11
tdotele of tees ihell
Europe possess*
ebitmits, Amorist
He Asia and Atria
plebs - tiers in the
- 2048, 878; this is
flb I 880 888 ; and
tliew Turk omen_
-bins loading
tbave a tonnage of
four parte et tht
y 1 079 940. .135..
11- in thud respiet u
- Charleston, -aid
las Groat Delta's
arose tonnage of
• vessel toss and
-aloniet the British
imago out .of the
eye 0127000,000,
nt* years ago.
, foreign trrAs
Othereas now they
in 18. per ants..
Welt io Mote**
tbsumo sand other
04 loo aptby and
ohnei of the lugs
Mon, thus esding
eree's It Golden
et apt valquith
ld 01 1115 blood
t. All druggists.
Mitt Minister
tad offthe
tne howiektep,
d better to 'be
at yout Gatlin* •
• so. Dr. Sage's
ti• ihysoi• tstebdeoseuit:lottea-It. Ike,
rmlish wenn whin
q!li is a disease
ghat. a.- AMMAR
3aud. Avail your.
Mot MUMS a
%town meeting is
5111-5I well as -
been 'instructed,
demo asketing
h tay,1*
' I than ibuttard
iqoal. as a oath.
at the liver,
...40t like a chum, •
sant, tate anS
- Thgthin Weeks e
Otheitinatii •pleksd
mat '.'slandeving and
bit hilm in the right
hist lilothee Wks
now emit, neetty cso
toilet say that he
potioping andwilt*
Atis ilbeghts at
• *trey ast that
atom,. The eat
A NW wads
his tight arm,
body,ansi the
in blood
a -
havoivim Ifteamos4 tokf* WWI by is osa
- 6
thottotkmio- 0 ootyte of tile' wonbc1 tot ot Rog stand'
tam itkin need
o Tsom.
pros P0.04440016 1-3110V1ii hatl it•11
, . . .•
'1 1tRTM-
roquitods Cornspoodoe
Arai J. Donaldson.
Ziondm Ont.
wain 5
a 14 11.
Pus tis
tor eni aiios
rtlit privets. M.
Aoholoael strut
tim&x• P1
6t -,341T
WW1 -
•Ltoop1 Balla;
a 7'4. • - -
• ''