HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1886-02-26, Page 2011 OP PRO
„Almelo, Suit on Tidal 1 1
Chicago.- '
Irma *AN Ow* SAL. WALT.
loser Watery .e• vie Teniyeirerei ,IPeet.s
- 61Plio-ilite. riatuielite .iseekett!! *Me is*
- aeshin,-stelseis Woo. neve* Wined ter
thilway. APIs.
- . . .. -
A.Londoil cobleteityl :- • ..The Thies gives
the inside historyof tbe Getwity - elution
matters-. - Thetrotthle grew out fit.Parnell't
seeretive ''W -ay of toting -without- bolding
'consultation and yet -without meaning to
.give Wanes, which, it -JO inikto say, he will
eetter do Nein- in a like. --MIMI*. • r . lie
'authorized - Captain ' Olheit's oandideey
privatelYi:censultiog only ._ One - of hie Col?
leagues - vaguely. Thie member -became.
alarmedand ridged a • .revolt ' along the
wheie line. Mr. Bigger and Mi. -Healy, re.
deothig the epirit ot the -whole party...et-the
Moment when is Was believed that O'Shea
wee Merely iotrigaing to :get the endorse.
meat whit& he profeesecE to :..liaie, !Alerted
for Galway -to nip the thing -in the bud. As
soon tie -they. ,hed gone Abe': NIeMbera In
Dublin learned' tbal - Panel"' wee really
bealdng Oilteasend -Wean* ipaniestrigken.
They. began . wirlieg Biggar: and Holly to
reigrai - - and also Hooding .-Parnell . with:
de patobes . imploring him to -. dieattow
0.:. hea, beeidee -sending -him a- united tele --
gr , tie to the 'lento yippee*: Parnell In
Caen Wired Biggar et Galway tirging.him on.
the -score 4 aid Iriendshipnot te persist in
hie - •Oourse.. -: Biggar was implaeible and
aeswered.thatoonneOtion. with..1)1Shes wait
ruious, . and it be canie.-..* GalWey hewould inevitably be beaten.. The town, he
said, wim wild over Lynch, who was about
the -,brightest and nicest Young an ' in.
Connaughtt a well.to.to miller_ande lead.
ingspirit Of the:place: The *col fervor.of
antipathy to O'Shea earned the WO-visite*
along in: its - ent.: They-lielegraphed to.
thi men in:Dublin that O'Shea had not the
.gb et cif- a. chance, and .fanoied that they
had, carried their- -peint.--- Their Purpose
Woe not mutiny, -but an -effort so- to •clis.
hin, would draw back - They realized -that
n;it that ore it -O'Shea at Parnell,- -whom they
sup oeed to be only slightly oonimilted to
:ib would be a grievous -piece of lolly' to
wreck the whole cause, over stith a &arab.;
terless fop al Oldheic.,, Their.inistake was
:n liiiebligetion in . the matter.In -
MI. they - simply underzeted -.Pernell's
soe of
the . ineantiMe Repoli arrived in Dublin
and got eignatures to a manifesto upholding
hit leadership. ThIlcin and Over a score Of
Othetarefused' to sign• it tinder' he _einem,
Memel. 'Practically' every on :who • did
it made iiii a quatifigetio - that they
'opposed to •O'ohea, and -only signed -it
use the Jesus otParnell's authority Was
__-_A Obit:ago 'despatch nye Thie. Morn g
Judge Anehouy's court and- the approsie es
Oiereto - were packed -with se -.donee ere db•
- who strugeled end strained ta liaten-to the
seneatitmal breach of promies-aise af Rose
- Merin 'gables Oterietapher _Wielie. There
wee '. a bean - . cif - . expletaney
Mile -Meren,-.1tecOmpeuied by her lawyer
and one or. awe- - frieedie. entered- the. poor*
and reeve:tied hotplate -iiptin - the Witness
stand. She_ was eubjetned *0- a iryirig
eres*exantinatiOn by tdr. Brad*. She said
. that -• this waa her anh. birthday,ihough
-she did not know tuatillast week .: that she
Was over 25. • -:. -
- ;Lent's timenicts) -'- .... .
"Did yew nit upbraid hint for.addrese-
log . you pimply- -as- &Rate' and . not as
- • -
• Demeet .'Rose'. and say.i that. . -Chicago
*Amid tohave frozen up_ his love?" ` Miss
Moran was asked,
"1. believe I made amnia riniailt to that
deal.' Atter: he :returned from New York
be used te addiesti me • merawagraly :than
after. he returned to Obigage.- I siiid, '1
suppose _distance lendirenoliattment
A,:: De you: remetnber .-: th.e. lint '` time he
same to you.efter Yau OADle to the 00hOhl• -
•'Ilion you were in love with: hiM ?"
. ; 4. I -do.'" - - . ,.. •., - - .
.: $1 Wet toOk,Plece on that.oioasion ?''• •
• "1 oan'tsay.'._ .Here • the-Witt:leas' voice
trebibled and tears ethod in her eyes;
• - 1_1 Did. anyhing. take plaee on that oct-
• .oesion that nevet-happened at the „previous
meetings V.' ... . • . s _..: - ; . - ' . , ' - - -
•.-"-Tas„-eir," said -the lady in it** tone.• .
- 44 Did you kiss bim ?? • •
• " I did MA $2 -
• - $1•DICYOti embrace him ?' •
: 44 NO..21-
42. Did hellish' your
"Yee, eir,r (falteeiegly.).
"Dad he embrace you 2" - - -,_ • 2-• .
. ."' He did, sir," Bald •Mtiis Moran., • -while .a
• blush mantled er q...ek..
t h.t'
°Where. did hie Wcinderfill-sismie Coeur ?"• -
II. In the parl r: We were all alone. -life
"-, kissed me and ercihrtio.ed Me,- but X never
tugged or kissed hiin." :
. .. , .:... ,.
, .. . 1
i Abet you •,:permisted hini to l'inibtaoe
• you on the. cooksiOn in gueition,:did be
• habitually do -so afterward. when. he mime
to visit you -2"; ' - •' ---
- ..
"Yea, Sir."
•' Mr. Beandt 'tired a perfeet voller of iniaz
*ions as the Witness all, tending to silo*
-that Mies' Moren,had 'been' repeatedly out.
fete se- niglite during September-, 1084, re;
Writhe; home at 10, 11 and 12- o'clotik, - and
that Mr. Wiehe had selo her pet on attest.
-Oars: by gentlemen at these hours: .- The
• wilnees, however, gave •the moat -flat and
. - emphatio denial to eaoh-question. ,
. "He - did- not dere to talk- to ...ins like
-that," said the -.witness, -es-. -ehe .Olieohed
her *little hand upon the irtta of the witnees
their,- 46 If he did I Would -have novae beina
. obliged to brieg this lawsuit, Or he would
- alliVe had book hiti . Pliglited-troth and -his
, presente..te to4011../.1.. .' . ' . -.. .. . ,. :- •
. .. -
• -. . . . . - .
k-PBETTY woxex's inizziocIceiticatovg
• 4 Bow tali are your ,
- At I ehio is ithocit five feet:"
D. you weigh more .than one hundred
-poundal". ' - - • --•----
- "1 do, tar," laid- the little lady id she
d, but 11000 of • these observotione-
appeered print.. Healy and Biggar
would have signed the, same. manifesto
if they had. been. asked to sign
foe.. they bevies .dreamed . of disputing
*heti- feadephip of Parnell. He came to
Galway,- is they_ flay, without; -bluffs or
three*, and his rough reception and own:
quiet ibravery in saying he would be dragged
to death - througb the mud by the mob:
before he would • relinquish the position
he bed taken in, the interests •of Ireland,
did -mote' than anything else to tooth
the thord-Of personal fealty. Healy said
he *Mid -rather -out hit own throat than.
see the ,bdignity .of -defeat offered t0hia .
ohief, and he .was as certain as he
was c4 the :sures Asp .thati defeat would
COM thO direct issue Was fought out.
This loonsideratiote governed the_ Settle.
'meat, for the difest•-of 'Parnell'acitodidatii
wouldlhave destroy_ed the 0811Be in-Parlia.
mantel Lynch: and the Galway- leaders
BMW the thiag in the same light, and it was
arranged that O'Shea should take the Oath
• • CR" a°1413°1aua 8-461:1°4.'"T•her 'PlumP•aw;"" outif there Shotild be 0- breath of suipioion
• .thesame as -the reale, He Would be kicked
wok-- rounded. perioa.- 1- sUppoie Mi'
Wiehe is a great deal_ taller than nee,!' she, of his conduoi. There is-. also an -under,
cm:Mimed, in reply to -a further questimi al•
Standing that shell, never etand•-_for
;Attorney Brandt. . •-..; . Galway again), and that .Lyneh shall fill-
. "Is not it a feet that you . persistently the firet future vaolinoy ,in- the "party.
-refused to go with. Mr.. _Wiehe to patties This • offered.an• • honorable way out of the
because yoti were aware you Wouldlive .au„a-A: - • - -
dielOulty, and was accepted. by Alt ;Mi.
Welk round together and were efratd.ite "74ffisu'is,*-
- have people pee you, _ mature. women,
. .
walking- around with a greab bigboy,like
that ?I .pOjiiting to:his client. (Laughter.)•-
. , -9 .
:la. No, zit " - sieid Mies • Moran faintly.
. Witness- said she commenced making, 00-
.paistione for the' wedding. in -December of
the year .preoading. Het wedding dress
wes of white Will. Shehad it dozen other
deesseseverytbing a .11dy. should have for
such an ocoasiokand mere' then a great
many label have:- It took from- DboeMber,
1888; until October, 1894, to prepare this
-trousseau. _adore going to. West, Point;
. Moho:, the witness said, deolared that if
the did not merry him he-wouldput ail end*
himself. • - _ •
Brand*, in the etieuipt tei -show that
• Wiehe'elove for the Ololittlfl -*all not- 80
• - ; burning . as she &tared it. read - a letter
• from him,datedat-Niagets 17-alls in Ooto.
• bee, in which Wiebe said:: "-I wish I was
.. a Mormon •and with the elders -stand." Thee
_faiths ladies -laughing. . They glaneed rob:,
- chieVously at Wieke, and ‘ be 'bent his heed
-I to hide his Wadies: _ - -': - . - • • . -
" - "1 _passed over Flittaii0ii Wolk-to.day,-;
• the -girls- here are delioiguely .delielous, '
•- went on the letter, "but -they won't_be
nmalied, though an letioduotionisgteolous.
It ticeepted. Atthe .farthei liberal', Of
• the walk is it big mound of mirth and rabbi
•_ whioh reminded me of you. t Talk' about
the nice flute ;,- but this -place • taken the
oaks, and bakery, too.. If you ever saw it
• you'll never want to it lee_ a Chicago park
.. again:" -- • %-- '• . : - •
•- The letter, as .. read by Mr. Era_ndt, eat
• ivery One in the .eogrt room laughing, aba-
for several manatee the red faced WWI
waikepti Pounding for order, • - -- •
. - - IrNe Age-ot meters". - -
A father bad been lecturing his yOubg.
• heptiftil'uponthe eille of ' staying out late
at night and getting,ur:late in. the morn.
" 1102
_ lag. : . • .- - : - . - . -
You Will never - °noir tit anything,"
be oontinued, if utiles yOu turn over a new
. _ _ leaf Rememberthat the early bird -utast'
-*- Oh'. worm:"-- -. _ ' • .
• :" How about the wiz, father," inquired
• the 'bung man, ". wi'be rather foolish
- to gel up so tally ?", • '•'._ -.. - - - - -
0 lify mon," replied-tbs.* man koleninlO;
u.that worm badn'theensidted at all. . Hi
"aeon his way kime.",...8.7-as-YOrk Tones, .
• The -Osman Imperial -06vernment has.
,= ordered. the eetabilehment of chain; for
hyglene- and lrectitiology at all unItivilliei.
01 Ib i empire; . -
Nem• iniebirs .with a; Min who 1.
- omelet g• W.hen so ingagedlie uqn1vii to
•. devote bts *hole attinlift kith'
• 14111-
/101:1111Wati;Lit AIIIINE1).•
Mir . charlea alike% Milire itt•• -bbs
-CreivfOird, iseaudal.
. - . - , .
. A London -Cable eeye Although' Sir
Charlet Mike esuped under the teohnioal
Olds that Mrs._ Cranford'e. tuisworn
fession was instiffloient evidenCe, the -whole
tenor of. the trial hae , produced a profound
_awl:universal .00nilotion - of Sir Oharles.
,Dtlke's guilt: Justice Betts, In -gimping
Up, described the respondent's statemeate
as clear, distinct and substantial, and said.
lhatthey compelled him to conclude that
thLaduitery _charged was aottially Commit.
ted..- If the woman• had been pub itt the_
-witneNN box and -had given the mime testi..
niony, :there ,.would have been :-eyidence
egalust Sir 'Charles - Si; Charles-
Dilke's position was damaged by
.his refraining _. from, giving evidence.
TheAttorriey:Geeeral's -defence,"Were we
to put Sir Tiberias Dilke in the witnees-box)
his Orose--examination *mid be on.: India-
oretiOns in life from which no Man is free," -
'was -taken. as a - frank. adnilesion that liir
Charles-Dilke wee Amble to give . an ez
-planation. That' pal* of :Mrs. -._Orawford's
oonfeseion deeoribing-the depth of the de.
baba -sty between :the:bsronetaiid her it
-mine for publioationc The trial has °awed
a • painful fmpreaalon throughout the
0000 in -regard tO the elate of amid
Tait Lemma =swarm
relltlent Records and Views 11 *1:
- siesfaitie i.eatiere. -
,-Butial and IlyadininAhe leaders of tL
Londonliodallete,arit wellimovratharacitlite
Zaglisk mob**, • =.BOrne.hui
been 'doused of 10°0014=136y front the
Tory- (Aube for running es a Parlianientary
candidate hi olio of the English.bototighil
iliettingham7lbus Splitting the Liberals ia
:the -hope that s Tory might get in. - Th3
Wits eboWed 0 Beeite (14-1-04.669 ; H. Onlits
1(T.), 3191;80E11e, 498 Burns acknowiedgei
1.thes be -get thiroitioey, but claimed that be
did not know whence it mime. Though no
itt Iriehnianike belenged.to onteofthe Irish
leagues *London. but wee expelled at ehe
inseam* of T. Pc O'Connor, M. On
barges refleoting on his .polismal and
personal hcinesty.- He • has -since lus
expulsion, in, ihe ooltutnii of the London
'Times, *kilted the -League and its °Moors.
He is a profeesionol __workinginon, :and
were hea resident. of Obicalt- he would
probably be ;Called a "toucher."• - -
. UM Aroma*, -
Is :a Man. of - weelth and at considerable
literary capacity. Hale the author ottaost
of tbe Communist* traets-imattered broad.;
cage thrceighout Great'Britain and Ireland
nowadays in 'order to propagate Socielistice
Mese. _He is ikliebrew--!without
• He used to belong to the POsitittlet coterie
of whit& Frederic: -Harriscin, is . the high
peat, bub beooming too: rath -Liu his
age -whites he was "frozen out." He edite.
the Louden COtilatIlIdethl Ipaper, far the
-thpport of whit% aPpeels are made nightly
et the gathering .of the " htnegry..working.
Men." A Ootiple of years* ego Hyndnian
eoniribtited 0- the •Ritieteestli Century a
sirmewhat staging' Ude*, on Socialism
Under. the caption of _•-
• "THE iitvti. Oe NPOON."
4.01111 article he maintained* that "never
perhaps hasthe certainty. of iippeosolilog
trouble been More manlloist:: 111 .
Is will be strange -if the next few years pus
over " The Orowdid
roan, the dingy Um*, the: finoky atmoa-
pheie, the gradual deterioration of olfepritig
- ,' • * , are noted and brooded over by
_men who are being steadily educated to
un.derttand the disadvantegee of their poi'.
tion, -and are oleo being drilled to right
them.", _Mr... Hyridman looks. upon Ais-
Map* as the greatest doinestio maw,
tipiiistof modern times.", IO Prance the
iinprisonment of the OoMmunists some
years eg0 Vela if -the 'martyrdOni Or a new
social faith." Austria and Itely are falling
into line formany reasonivand thmugh
Many causei—the prihoipai ones ,being
agrarian. As tor Russia, Nihilism:in that
tiountrtmay possibly be" thespark to fini-
sh* -whole Europeen magazine Of 00112••
buitiblee:"' In London the BoOialist from
Germany,lhe -Communist from Ffall001
the Nihilist from Ruesia get known to one
'seedier, Suggest idea's for cOmpron•
and • keep • one another informed. The
materials for
aTiii eVenti-Of Monday show, beim-been
gatheredandare:almost ready., -Mr. nyna.
. Man takes credib. for his oWo- race as
1DiehlOg' the leaders of the new - revolt',
tionary movement, -Here- `is a Illhaark
able passage from -his, pamphlet: "Wknla
on the , One hand the &MO are beyond
dispute •• theleaders of the plutooraoy
of Etirope,bolding- :in' large as well as-ui
•IIIIIOil:rnatters, in -the great .centree ea well
as . in the -villages of -.Ruesia
the power of the putee,.. another scotion of
let same race romp- ilie.w.-hletolier:makingotiat
revolutionary propaganda
*ay -against that very_ cipitalett :olass re..
prehented by their:Own fellow -Iowa; . Jews
—mare- thaw:any Other men—have -held
faith againstihose. who make their living,
:nit -b produoing 'Value, hub by trading.bli
tile differences ot value, ;-_they. are; et, this
-moment aoting as the leaders zit the --ma-
lutiOnaty movement. • 1-* • * *
surely we hes here a very .strange pheno.
13100,13. • • -1: •• '• • • •
nec IlltNDMAN'. .8." airiEDY I "
is State Socialism. The -principle of State
management. must extend to all 'property
"tor the .benelit of the masses." 'This may
"involve anarchy and''bioidelred " itt the
beginning, yet - at . a period such as the
preirent anythingmity bolded:" Theold
duo a afloat:Tao end -class privileges 'are
•patiiiin•g away. -• The ,Government Of -the
day, Mr. Hyndman insist% Must learn how
to.deiEwith- growing demoorstio iflusnee
". With steady determination at ilia- °Mut
to satisfy the needs and.gratify the *ewe*.
able ambitions -of all." lit only remains to
say ot Hyndmen further that be Made a
'desperate effort to thrall& into•
lastPecember, but Mr. Chamberlain- °our.
itgePhalr °Whiled his political 110411361 and
Bravieeded itt keipiirgAtior. out.—Chicago
Tribune, - • ••
. SOW WM -Gel' rum (MX41113112'. •
A litOufig Girl Thsreirted likLeVe Attempts.
mother Relents Mid a
'Wedding Irollowe.••• _ -
A North Adatns, Moss( despatoh sale
Mist Utile Harrison; aged 19, was Nettled'
yeeterday to Mr: E. B. Attwood, y.oung
'meleef this town, nada most -singbiar
-cirotimelanoes..- The two have been devoted
to.ditob Other fotieveral 'menthe bue-a few -
morels. The 0011110000 of °Onion is- -that dirt ago Utile% toter Mother -Old hei
the- filthy-tovelatitios -Medi, lit the trial and She Must :have, nothing more to- do whit
hiii *Mire to, attempt to either. deny_ Ord's. Ildivard,.i.nd theityaung.-,man_: Iiatiirefueed.
prove , the -- ohotges - -against 'him, ;heti admittanositethiehotioe. Thdreday'evening
'politioally_rtlinettlitr Charles Mike. -.. - • Loaf° • produred - it_ eriall,.- BeVensehOoter,
- - w„...;....;...a -walked. to thercie.motery„ and -sitting__ down •
- - pleAttle- MILS Wilitlki8 BLOOD:. - . 'upon her grandfather'iegraVelfired 'One shot
• • • . , • • _ . . . - . • _ . . , ,
,..,. ..;_„„,. 1 ' ....; - '-; ,-""--42.__,;-,:•• ' ...„ - - - into the air- to eee if they weapon was •Iri
AeOrrile ' weed- toemeartted ov -a Seems -
• - - - .. - . - i. . • - . . - . whet order, andthatpliteing she 'MUNCli
0111"111'4216 • ". .t0-herfOreheed teed rtgain. The -'ball _did
• •ABoitim-dellicattth Nitys-:. Miohael Donn. nob .*penetakte -.the - skull,. however, , but.
.a shoemaker, age4.-about- *Rh: le looked,. sup glaneing•_ppWard rteeted- --uider.-., the Neal
oharged•livithilwattempted-misrdet -of :bit Lott*. was not even. 'Sunned by thriNtive
oafs Catharine.- -11fr..andBfri..-DOren have- and, lioneitiding Vitt She Gould not Itill•ber.'
beers marrieditbont 20 yeark daring whioh- ielf.-*alked 10 het; boine, abbot -a roili
time 10 Children have • been born bo them, .distant, --Whim libettosoliet the 'holies net
seven of !whom are now. liVing.: • Yesterday. folitetroother, greatly "hooked,- eent for : a
morning; Doran, Oar a quarrel with . 'hie doettitotho extraolett this; ball.' * ildwaid
*del. -went into' the adjoining' Iittim te -hill lied .11 nriniefer were -eurnmonedc. and. 114
kit -of 'tole and put eDmething in hie pad. 111 t the- yountpeople Were-happ, as man .
-Then he Cate 7 'bulk ' . So "the kitChen, and. an wife, - - -- - • - f ._ -- - ..
-aPprosehitig: hie ,triti mime& to*, Mail hit - -- __- • - --1-.--•—!--...-...i...... . .,_ * • _ -
baekwaill. ,. ,1.0t- be stepped bid the -blood ..- Theilaltod ProPerhos- 0_z-ibi Asollumbilag
studied limber neat ind..oatching Shift SAgregal.:.212.0_._EA thin : Stuvu,,000.0ooi :Tisk
ehs held In band, She : tate held ft under gollonk DI- inurainfartlodoi' Is olivoill ,1410-
thirwolind'unill- it was. half , full Of blood tidned in Nil family and bat -been tocuteti.,
and then drank 1*. - Doran appeared OneOne bled, within one esiltuty. 'Over 0800 000..
.cerned Whet* 60.1114di . :He ,iiiiiiiittettthat :•,000'ill.due!lkikitiLlt•ons,m"bsidds_ PS Attu; la
hiked blotto .murder-- hit 'wife... and Said ijonoOni ‘s• ;_ rii saillill I .1010.4".Moi !Alta _11._
that be bad -Med it shoiMakeetlinifi, 1.11. - Nop wounithsto: A116117* Yew uuuiligu boa
. . .
Ing the- ofileers *whete he too. thrown a be
itu. POeihe Will -Ott :.: • - .- - - ' •- ' ' • - .
time: -
. Dz. Wi
Loop Liat
Mr. mete
Mr. re.
Fire Ins
Mr. 20
dated de_,,
Mr. Er "-c'.
polling Aro':
Mr. Me
lure debt
.Mr, Met..
were read a lint
• .
o ineetiporate the
.dC°stm:ImPors.dlla: Ythe Sump. It
Itespeoting the estate of.
corporate' the Toronto
espeotiog the Union -
own of Pore Hope.
Uorporate the village of
• .•
To extend the houre ef
a0 legislative elk,-
consolidate thideben-
• of Mount Forest. -
kiN)lnoorporate the.Lon-1
don & RailWiiy CO.
kt,:to provide for certain
• do xe Southeastern RitilwaY
ameod the Act reaped.
ts/tot,) asked whether it
o:L'e Government to bring
at 0 ateria FactoriesTAct,,
'co smitten of the
t. ond, it much course'
d upon, whether any
been taken to amide
'et as to the combo--
4tmd generally as to the
vornment regarding the
is the intention of
ring into operation
Au by prcolamation
-done with advantage
• tire She Howie will• ,
g brought into opera -
done with safety and
4elnembarsd that this
regard to whioh the
Won is in dispute.
e purpose had for
1- introduced into the
last year is seems
Dad; I have elides-
•ffetei, to have acme
ive021 WI* arvernment and
ittlyudh.ilior::06.. 1:bat:
ng the:asst,
18841" by
has not bat
al: aul :I?
tionality °Vat
113116Estoenr: O.
the Govero
MB soon al
and safety.-
diaapprove p
tion beicire
advantage. TR;y0,11
one ot *1146y4 ti
question Op tie)
A Bill for
oeveral- yea:k•
laouse of Ong
to have bee,*
Vored, So far
tgreed uponA
the DommiorAlliNk tient for reference to
fa order to settle this
attest- importance tO
wad before the Act is
Is is greatly to be
ovinoial GOVethment
the Supreme Court
)minion, and it has
the experiment of
`:e0 .-thotit the &MOM Of
' ia no precedent for
that mob a.eourse
te Government made
bones whereby the
f, Model !‘tirm wAll be
? • •
o 1.41Previbus' 10 the last
'4 A arrangements were
Sit the freight of all,
wild be paid to the
ers, provided they
This had the
toiki the same icioting.
Wen that not a single
t 6,41e. has gone to the
the Suprenie,it
have the ma
brought intoi
ragretted that
cannot refer r
the - mine aa‘;
ocieutred to
bcingivg suit
the, but I isM.,)
Might not be -44
any and wIt0-
retained in tbr'
• Hon. A. M.
sale Of _purple!,
made to annei
the eta& puretO
home- of thoPlgir
wee residenteer
if .tot of .pleor
The conk qu
anlmat seed at,
-1J ited Dateg;;;
r. Watere.
of U'othhill.
Mr. Harcoar.
Mined in shor
• Mr.'Snider
waggon time.
•r. Gibson (ge,
14r: Waters—: a
ing ditches andm,ttec
•Er. Gibson 04
Division .0ouits,
damn) -of "land
Eon. C.. F. Act to. further
amend the Alegi iit ob.
far. Graham .or a return' of the
nuqber ot .eatttpiA5 initutele formed in
the several of' the Provinoe,
together with 1Fi.iber of lectures
delivered• in copy'pith the Instituteii
.by tr2e litotes -earl
• V'
monde the Town
ocivenants oon-
112•;ilbgitli011aeigibe els s width of
)—To oonfirin.oer•
y.ma,rried women.
yortodrateh: Aot reopen.
gl)—TO amend the
--, amend the law of.
t Agrioultund Col.
lege, 1 He stated t riding they had
had On. Inatittie iitL
ihe 42armera, marked benefit 10-
a tecoure,by Prof.
-Gregiside on theplp• Lend one by prof-
Brciwn pernyA " Uatures, and -Other
persons had give: OxPerience... This
bad moulted in At to theism:Ding.
pastures, he t r Linhde tg%ipncrlutioantehees
country would bit pat ifMr. Brown'',
,advige were , was trying the
plan hiinuelf, teseltei would be 1
/PAP •
Me. Drury- esii penditure. the
Gotioniment had gteeter benefit le
. the formers Shirr,: •„•„4 agrioultural in -
stilettos. He wasp e4 that She *mere
of th0 country -tong *.r."0 convinoed that
_their -interests arg looked -after
here, and shat wk. t Oan be tone .by a
Govetnnient -told _ yr.:-.1-tifsent will bedene,
and that the Ogee( 'iFligister of Agrieul!
sure IS concerned t*;larmers' welfare
Mr. Creighton testimony -to
the Udefulnese of ber era' *paucities.;
baiiii,ed they ' to do a vett
great ttortiu/At of go
Mr.:Awreienolt0 nelitute held In
Wentworth. The t-20 there,' irtespeo-
tive theit-pciime, 1 vides, feel 'that
thetcwe the Ifinie rioulture
lude V 4
for the interev '-"„saken 'in their
°means' aed the rj, k he, bite shown
them. when.* -he t lrapproached on
ny -matter.. . -
Mr. Watert was that the Pro.
fassor0 of the-OolleC as well 'as ths.
formers,: received benefit from
attending the luta , ..lhey would now
know -bhM there atr0-!--Ands of fariners
who underliood •prek fj-1 Ogricalwro ides
ae well as the OW did themselves.
-The luatitute had doz.: tone muoh good
in drawing farmers 1-, - •
. .
- Hon . -A. M Itoss: ighly gratified.
.that ilia podgy of . ',cornmeal -with
"teepees so these ins -,34# been amepted
$e satfefaetOr an 5Kvird wish Oom.
Mendatign by th ' the Home. I
don't oliiiiir credit --, iiiing the' insti.
totes, but 1 don't elaim ean be
tiollittiel* the othcf, rii iof the Home.
eldest was a ' e by seeing in
the repor.te of S i Agrieultival•
Coll%) that the pr here 'attended
Pirmseat . Irsitlintes ng hod smile
Organisation_ Is
d not be
in Ohne o utopian. 00171111130)1111ill by .,expetia-04 in mu
the Hothathilds during She past lin yawl. jaww ibm gin
4-1 • -
siatwieful if the whole onetime', were
thrown upon two or three mdillidualsi
and that there • Inuit therefore be
some exeraneou aid for the purpose of -
meeting the nuessary -expenses for print,
Ing, advertising, eto. feequently hap.
POLIO that in anything ,of thisonaraoser, thir
affair is generallyaaptured and held for the
benefit of one town or ,village, and to I
medal* a oonditiOn in having one in every
eleotoral.division, that they shOuld.be held
in different places; when repeated in the
6111110 riding. I also made arrangements
that they should . be managed by the.
farmere theniselves, and that there should
be a certain meraberehip. Another part of
the.soheme WOO • that, in addition to the
Goverement support, there should be
assistuce from the County Councils, whit*
secured interest from -the people likely to -
be benelitted. The rebuke, I am satiated,
.have been good, and I feel highly gratified
althe universal acceptance they 'have melt
with. • There is no doubt .that the 'nett -
tutee have been of ininieube advantage So
the .professore themselves. In talking withProfeesor Mills and Profeeeor Brown they
have gratefully acknowledged the great
benefit theylliave received in exchanging
viols with the farmers. •
The motion was agreed Ike
Morin—To inoorportite lihe South
Essex -Gun Club. •
• Mr. Ferris—Bespeiting the Women's,
Christian Assooiation, Belleville.
Mr. MoGhee—To cioneolidate the debt or
the town of Orangeville. .
Mr. MoIntyre—To amend the respect-
ing aseigiimentarfor the.heuefit a creditors.
111r.Ermatioger-Respeoting receipts and.
Mr. Baxter—To"authorize- th&village of
Caledonia tcpfssue oertain debentures.
. Mr. Conmee—To incorporate the Ontario.
cb_Rainy River Railway Company. - •
Mr. Dryden—To ameed che Aot ill00110
porating the 33.aptist Missionary Conven-
tion of Outatio.- •
Baxter—TO- amend the lioneolidated
Municipal AO, 1883
• Late .filoraltivest Nevrip.
An Ednionton diespat-oh Bays the insubordi;
nation among the polibe has been effectually
stopped by the arrest at seven - riegleadere,
taking them by surprise, and rocking them
up., The trouble is probably over.
Two gentlemen from the Northweet
Territories had on interview yesterday'
with the,MiniNter Of the Interior. for the
.purpose 9f submitting to the Government a
list of claims made on behalf of the people
of the Territories.
The :amount of .seed grain be distribu-
ted :by the Department of the Interior
among the dietreseed halfebreeds and
aettlere of Prince kberli, .ptick Lake; St.
Laurent and :Betoche will be upwards of
16 000. bushels. aggregating in vaiue up.
wards of 140.000. The distribution will be
made to the Leidy ones by the Lorne
Agrioultural-S.7.7ty, the missionary priests,
and ths. prominent citizens of the respetstivplaoes.e
- A Winnipeg despateh,says Niue of the
ineubordinatie Mounted Pohoe who mutinied
at Edmonton and Fort Satikotchewan have
been sentenced to terms of impriemiment
varying from one year to three months, and
a flue of one niontlet pay. Eine more are
being tried to -day.. -
Ziti; Robb. Watson, M. P., .was dined by
the Liberals at.Birtle.last night,.
.A Winnipelfclespetch says Plowing oom-
,mericed at Medicine Rat on -Sal tirday look
sod several farmers were engaged in work.
The Doininion Goverement will be.asked
to place -a sum in thiestimates to improve.
the Red River With a view to its UtlhZett.
tion -in the, Hodsoei Bay route. Am
- Leading brewers the 'United States
have writteti,to the Cbnadian. Poodle Dian -
way expressing a desire to purohaee Mani-
toba barley, -and asking of i0
notify the:farmers to. that effeet. One St.
Louie firin seys it purchases efich .year one
million. bushels, and will We -buyers its
the Winnipeg -market. •
Royal filtarrtiegek
A Madrid polite Rays: The marriage Of
the infanca-Eillalio of Spain, the sister of
Ina late Zitigt with Ponce. Anthony, -the
son of the DuodeMoutpeSsier, is flied for
the 27ih - The royal bride was borne
itilhig city on February U.ti, 1864, and the
Pekin is -two years her senkr. Tne tOyill'
spines con claim both French. and Spanish
blood by descent. Acoordieg to the custom
of. this country marriage Presents coutinte;_,
aily arrive: between the annoUritiement of
the beirothel and the 'happy day, and.
large numberaf valuable gifts have bemtt.
already removed. Ideate La Paz has sent
her sister, the bride, a eel- of j'viellery in •
diamonds and turquoises; her aunt and
-foluze zoother.ii-low, the 'Duchesse de
Montpeesier, has presented Vaiuseieruhy
parurel the Merphionese of Neivra, a fon la
moluer.ofPNarl and gold, while the .Dilohess
91 Abunnua has given a medellion.enoiroled
_with Urge -diamonds. ' 'The troneseau is to "
be entirely mode in this city. The wedding •
oeremony Will be very Magnificent.
Preaching tto ObIldren:".
The -oustoin of preatibieg short Sermon* -
to ohildren in the Sunday sohool is one
Shat has been started of late in eon* of
Brooklyn churches) and, as it is itgood one
there islittle doubt that it will grow. Pao
tore frequently deplete the want of mutual
Motion and interest , between .13unday
School and Olthroli, but it is in part their
own „fault. 'They seldom address the
*Waren on 'orlon' Wpm; or, if ' tbey,dolp
they maks their disdouree 60 Herious that
the children de not cite to listen to -them.
There is altnaok in talking to children that
is native to few olernmeu, and is not std.
&lenity itudied • by others. They muse
nail* -treated as infantsand talked to is
langtkage or their little dignities.
are Afferidett, land they cesium to respect the
Orion who to eddreises them. Oa the
other hank big words and theological die.
quisitiont are:equally ill placed: If -a dee.
gyrOan hes . sympathy, budlinest, artd
really wants to say something, h finds
best ;salved when he. Gauchos it in a par.
able, Or embodies it in an oneedom. A boy
rrright go to sdeep during* sermon on mord, •
• heroism, hut lead -up to the lesson by a -
citation of some -sot of:physical daring or
noble dieplay Of honorable conduct and he,
site faseinated. • The experiment has not
.yei been tried to any extent in •Ohiosgo.---
ingT.he.,IPiat 1�1paiace, c2.8. Paul nt4' *W.•