HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-30, Page 744 t
ttt..; rotut yotivir.
ttoil 91%
34" oar
imp Otaid-
ItLYu% -toz
taw(t ovi
t0- Oki
▪ 1441- tar
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by oboorlot
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ad friend
raid oto
a laity 1111Te
kit may be
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Rooks ty •
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• bodge.
A -alp of
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Act ow
'Ica tit ok.
▪ -.91a -
• P
a aillt
lit Of t./. 141111141410
110001 02 tits river, stua
wumuy es travail emu i
whoa bit picked h with amain -en Alit
lib pond oot btopoobloto UmA
eut-uhy. idav. ow% V* tilodok. 0914 .
- • • Ificl oi pocw solltikk 144 -
- ilatiutep ak seelue away. witb. 104Illittgsannt _
_At ea umusettieltt
Wit never harmed a livieguato. •
Witt eoitid quicklytaill0/1141 - -
*A 0140401. lumplut whoa tweed to he.
syttegehout the tivelcue iter-
uOthluif but petit anti yak
r. art adult 019.WIA 1-r100Y 011W071
• I 11,4CLUWtg, 0411111‘Actaiget
„Imam vour.§AoOarY. doe t yen
' Cle Mad they end as to..fleypt ken.
--.40-14111411)t. sad .dry eadlishi I -
Airbuses thou meat, hk e desertion._
401040 Mid 41Y 01 gleir 10414 .
gond tbozo,._ 6 rouu4 y bl0000tio
-AO season 141010111110m awhile I_
.1101bat 100 4041 bakes401 Of !0.0.k 01111110 ettaist,
Itestre %UV 4110/T 14: 010 JAW(
411114 it wily I Vicebittert OP"
Act weep them morning
---- Put tummy-, coattail, that* my hare '
. litat we are not-. being Artatett quite -06M -
...ie-teivien Wisdom_ irt diatautliputil -
woo 01111141011101114
UM\ 10004 riven, et Oaths**
%Um such a tusk
• ties4-wita Ibtplilai of -the crOtedile,
Jtat *au =IWO: ‘1111114 Wet
, WU* kg egt by the basks cf. -me MO Nil.
• bc-i 1 pte4eut vtiarea na a tree. •
4-44411/1400 :Iowa
Vga LADIES' cOlarrligN•
item: veyek-' t"wittet
•0•11111. quite Otis -. that. es Ion-ryu.
lowet gatiasuls- -are impended
f#iri4 the hipeot cores* is .airabeoluteneoes..
• eity a ibe tobititko lies la net suspendlugall-
. amid., front thebboaldere. .14.thelaner
eorect .heo_auite- wade*, t_hs. body to
- left View and- uutiooficed for respicatioi -hod
motion ; there woxo boidb olld (101lit.
giticitly Mott beautylodged' ell the:moo
.uogaiolyaud uncomtoitable articles ot
drop twit- - tothiOn in be folly has stet
precuribed,-uot the- lklit corset 'Merely, but
the farthingale, ihetettueadiiit tht hoog,
-the grilioliae, and UM mOdira nietiattotityi
thti. cocoalitd :4 dregs improvore also, have
. ail cl them Ovid their. origin 10 'Uri- tains
ithe :error, of not seeing., that it is
frovaltiti otteulderio and from the -shoulders
Oak. that all iterinentailioult be hung."
Q.14.111 Victsria.
good,' Woman,. :with a. 'stoma :niitnial
ot her owu daiwa -greatly inoreseed
by gia. authority et her -pulite -a a swot,
tigia who** 1010 upou bu people is- toMidt4
• maul)* iiimo• het douteetic Virtues'.
ivioQii...itoo too lived **much:fore inernory
-seta, her .subjeciewtheet -are ilte simple
- lotatot. the Queen's Character and conduct.
A uregeneratisit will oxidise- more freely,
. and may. iva.ibiy add umething ou - the'
Side of praige. li Way be that the virtnei
-of the Queet-.! should be . , some way
difforent-to titose Of tk- private iadividu.al ;
it may he that -out Who: has a grim nation
'waited *her: oare..whci bsa guiny
divot, bud cousiguta. ly .tusny --wale to
ptivait at Well- at-piabite duty,_ shimk1 have
put more form neeti." hexing tolive, in
&Xis, Oen when le lite in _publlo was to
• ns r most oppttimiltet ituuty: bt: that She
Mitts* a& Quaint *remit- midi- as G&W be
• delegated *vett to •, the meek popular of
_prinoiet; ib inay be -..thot- -.1Sug1ieh.. 'Moiety
would_ late boon -Mama It 1. h.d an
• nolo" ctitou 44:. the head :ot lit
- Utast SpelSler. . .
Mst to-ortvo tomtit netaimi From
-him. Snarl at. him, - Mut
balk :with him. &RP an untidY house.
Unuisthiiii; half to deitth. Bosabim 001
kiertoote. Always Wive the' lot-. word.
'Be clue. cross Ott wohing 'day. • Quist
wittailui Over. UAW Never' hal* initdo.
Silo bills_ wilhoitthis know.
bac*. Yowvengoe0de on .11 bis
'laishirti-eaw the button% on his *MISS. PO_
Ou Wairen to houiehold expinsec Give
▪ astoitikos he mut _ earn in-* moo* for 'a
erivrWraiitt- Tell 'him u glibly aipooll.
the* you Married him tot a
• • Iteltritiirow it he diva tO bow
bot old lady frond. Provide any gut of'
sbup miallfor bim .when .you do- lot
,aptcalf• Mangers, Get everythitig the
-_J..wortazi neat door .. gt14 wbstbu Yoit 0111
Telt him ohildrilit
Moan, -110111,0t oilltrhOlet
.fren bia side ol ths :fatuity._ Li_ -it out
somotitiiiifwben you .0" yeatid thilt you
- Irletellothat merited. tome tither fellow
to go with.' Give hlm 10
soon- sa pesidhls after the
• liotoymtion.,thet klielno is wilt enouglifor
foe•marrlid folkelt
••,••rcrOyiiitly.flitliy‘ofittoS Oosser.. -;
• - are ot the liteir4
Of Ouiti 'oetotihdr as largeits,
utifid plus_ in tote poll Of .alootiol.
Mphorlsas. %ha WOOlkile
'..1st,..perfuttied --twit the tote.
t- the. setup with -thie daily.Ib wil1
atilt the amity, prOMOIO the growth-ot-
_ .00_110.14 and -in MAO 1110100010 Jto.ptsinb ib
their • Idatitiant hair. '7- 040# in 6Vert
In billing -off; 'thiroiati Wooten are .noted
- e two -looks ilioy wiseh the :bead .thoroughly
• it quirt of loft Water, tu Whiolt a.
tkOfiatot brati•aott a little while toot hid
. beet, .ditsolrod; then she yolk of an ego.
*•• •ightly beaten, is. rubbed into- the roots of
the Nati: Tine it 1110iVid to rimnibi. a few
. _initiatem; Sad Atli tha hair liwashed and
rititKit wilfully _in .tioft Water. ..1.1 :le then
• wiptd, and dried thoroughly,_ otilbsd from
the forehead -sod :parted - With -7the
nevi. • After drylogo epply a Mile poems=
tuts; Made, of. bit& marrow' boiled-- in A-.
41ANdifittly, of -011re oil 'end slightly
Ponta , this neer the firetit,Wintero
or It y warm rooto..-.Aloiost nil itirling
doiatt. are Mere laipositione . but with a-
wesatelition of isinglass * ilim.and lasting
folic tow be given to the hike. :This soltia
-Sion * inoffensive. .-The hell ihould.•te_
well brushed every isy to keint.tio psoftiol
iontlfition. 'Altrityis oil. the -not brushes.-
. -:Thel eve the ohoapestinille In& the the
-bruin very ripidly suitor about fist mini
disc_ A ,foolobratoi .beitity said she -halt
sth.ottld reileiee :100 strokee a day the
thott4 bo apPliod in.throcioinutes. timec
and toe elitist *oh for tho teeth le
'putt soft woter :atilt 7 the tinsel tittility of
satifile- sottp.----4sply .with a nioderatoly
stiff. -brueh-..- ,fitid • erening.. , The
/Aiwa Yeelpeit iireivorthy :of * 1t IMC1
• da1ly.. for thosewho bettutiiiit:hill:.
.. Woe Coutteuit•Witiotik'.. -
(4. An W011)84..616 thelt.feer Of the
Pim said en 1.111nolit- Ottani oonduetor
"They s-tutity- Voir ORI1,1911t Oeurt
.Ttiallte0114411U t little:etoryt
Ailvfli 01 the egiitheropitit 0 Vie killlts wtr
IAMO litl Vit Oroosiogestiuts tit the QUit
1440419404-- kir%
'I4QQktat the orive
Wilta gm bet lingett Ot tbs 400!
iuuttthL utitsc .00* Iwo 11°Atett °Orte Ote
dtiVingrnk4Aci 44ikahect: k Wuxi
Whey. its/414 obOtIt.itud Na
;Met Ott heppehed ta read the Sigut-.
eihici 440i Otor *00.11t1 Wiley both listened;
°AA Oiltt 1121941614' ttt,q 444 4k• 41140411t
Otto • fit the WOitien - Ott.- • ittUl
(mid .1Putsidetabli.: Stotssums._ -took
_had ot . twits's-bt1 The
other ..ous. tiethteued. be Op 941 -
'hot :Tow%tul.prepared- to the"
'Were% Whig lOollild onglyuy:40 *riot,
for .the Indus .. but -111101- Ogoldul
*WO -they 0414 koff ivis• ii011141614-e;
thitt before. They Viatted: -and witit,d;
Vivi: cannot* pulsed., theu-tio. aud etill 110
11hThe Old boleti wentto slit% • w441,
the wOmeuis nerve*. from' loos, straimugo.
-threaticied -to ilaror..th•to -4149:010414041.-
Sower end -Amer tom bi bell -agtiitist-
wlikth the sign Itotittittlit-ilit- itild IQ by
stood stilit. In about it, qaarter-of 'edi bent
:14). ohtbiludie oow oanie :walking -dotvii -the-
ROO" by the site of- the: trot*, eliewieg
-ter and and utOnotOnouily ringing her 14,11. -
One ot be women Wed trim- nervolumens
MA the- Othet 949-1011 awl 'Wo walimit4 -
nompatqu. and it they were -muting hos
moot 944 140,401191iiit kuYTE.IY-4"-
-Atrial,* Camila' iliet.*teets,
Mier * king Operieuie ot os. cuisine
Frataielie aud•of 4suerioatt: otioltios etid
61444010 000ktug. I hav, attired ea the °bac
aion liat -the lettinamed..le. -the -41011
sitaoulenkaulistalitialaud heellit.beetoteing
of 'any - It be wo1d liltiglieh
°imp% Make, kidneye, baked- patio**,
root beef,boiled ultimo, .pluni. -pudding
and *tacitly-- the
grotitiOwork. reqoired lout
tlittzon tanwtio zuw lis byiiod bash( of
. -
hit Gavots:tit • existence,. .Ffeu�b &ekes.
tickle' -nit pMate, bat -.they-, 46 'tot ;:lity
healthy float on the boneel'oaloallhenervee
*Ad._ With, - pure blood.. These .dosied.
-rite- ettitined by: -it- Steady Gown
ot - British leeding.1-1luproof Of iv.hatto
MI 'out bat '.9ialt to -s.talte ;0.. Walk at end
hour ot. the .day in, Hyde Pk &i wOtoh
tbe promenidere there. :As -6poolineziO il
Ithtkutilita ,anituith the:Varied aittionalities-
wheat 0V04101110. onemeete.inthe .vordent
'anis and.smooth Opleziacies ot tbat,-.beau.
limas greenery 41141dd:the pelm to John
Boll and hit woomukludo With 140114011Lt
Oyeiftl.. ;oil °Mirka end eplendid phyoloal
development*. - 1o&1 ot 'Of -• Eat
pleuty ot rot bootend Alloy etetiC 'boiled
Mutton, plain b0 ted potato*, brood 'a del -
old . and ..simple- snot- paddinge. Mold
hailiec(whOte nourishing (giantism .hatt ail
depitrieal. la recookino), lobste•r
ot the inuutritictie oyeter *lone, ibut
roils, newly.bolied 'breed, rietipastrytosindy
iod watery Anierioo we have no
etiOnai ettiMirel. but -the *met
Malan et the world ie t baud, -and .there -
tote: there- is at -reasoa whY 'a perfeetly
healthy . diet should no ho-seltovid by
stay- 1adiv1dual.-01(ve LogaiN, '
. -
Ileredity. and supertax -ice haireniade birds
and enimals.fear men as t-lieir enemy. But
there ore 'oersootwho are. able to overcame
'the timidity - of 'eine Wild Onituale. The
_New' York ,Evonegilit tells * .story:assbei
ittsd with oatwho had this g mt.; In front
,of the telegttgbakfiloi mtlioekbridgeiblase.,.
-there it o litho elm- ttiel-Whlith is the hOme
ot. three red it -ciattroli, -A. Iittle.g111 '.whitle
einP101.4 in . the Office comes. unumbot Ot
Out 04. day and kooks. op the trunk ot the
greet tree, end at the- aims liege -making a
whirring:noise at .iquittido .do i . laden*
three • tqaittele come" -out of theirs% and,
itta.ning (Iowa the trunk,- they take the. tote
ohs had in her- hand for -Sheol, an, . go u010 -
*pito-where the. brandies iditi e... Then
they Mt -upou the lauding while I ey °rack
and Mit them. . "Two of them are _tety
lame* the told nil "but cue is rather wild
yet.."- After the troll :Oniiii.had been fed,
she pointed tp.. to ono of- the topmost
bought whatelini-. "wild tine tato looklug
eo - Very - wistfully. The "little girl . kept
knocking -with the tiot mid- whirring like i
squirrel:- Boon .the little oreatitre timidly
Won SO- ootte •dertn- from ite high tOttlift
halting said debiting every: now and then
it orimenetter and nearer to: the ophltid
nat..* At laeli It • made .0os tidok • bound"
itiatohed the.nut and. WW1 Off-io a pla.oe of
'safety gig** I Thi little girl told tie. they
-wet. going . to Pit it.equirrel.house it.'the
brief and ley to itesti-thero.there all wititeris
geed= peeler", ,reeeerriellein
Ibis O inetter.of 'ille tett
artoreiworketio elto and :Mat take a riot."
44-Thiit le litspossiblito sir -bass -
men we sidony OtiotOniffi- are..00tning
In by •.slis htintirsdsi and .1 . must he at 'my
;goat." - • - •
-41 If yciOr oustourehOuld-teniporailly drop;
01youootild-theil dad WO to rook dOuldllis
you?' . •
Certainly a' but -how sin I temporarily -
stop all toy old patrons from - ruehlog In011
Ink eritt if the tote- should: beo. is you _Oh
matter of lift ond death '
.4.-144-sy Stop advertising.N,
Philedolphia COIL. . • -
Whit Hit Toe
lohit_iteefei. • age _99; of „Brooklyn, :Wait
llito biiviroom deManded drinkei,
rtiW followed in whioh shot Was . at
Ileefei:, It Entered his Mouth intiglsoolog
off his teeth- -le the _; Keefe raft
out lito the street and • with aseeelate.
WWI Rorke -proceeded -to the Long:blend
College thiephitt. saki he Met with in
aooldent,..while • earelessfy . hebtilltit &
revoker. To&-bullit Wolitkenoul of !hie
mOuth Woo,: away....4,.. Y.. 2WbiSis.:
± DO not that you 0iiii not 1011
thotyott have belieVenot the.* you hear i
- . : - -••
and tell setall that -you hubris. - T
Elisabeth 4. girl: .about -8.-- years -
_Whet% oiked.how oho' hid guile in her
•geography leilsoneothe little woman IOC
"Ws are thp . Alpe nottro• And whafr do
you think?: . .The there. weer shortret
iod it. sort of peon jaoket lit
front an •bebludywith Poffid slaw/tow I
don't remoftiber what klud:iof sitiokings
thly wear' _but 1 think; they 'aro bite.'
44- Walls" iozolsibied the aliaOst paralield
pirelito "bob where are the iAlps, :ohild
the Whims roe Moil
Hit doon't Nay atiythiog abeUt OM," *.
" W111111,
A . 0101.411V7 V011Atitlelictt.-0--Vomottlion
•'bbs iskOlutaltuu Witt.- VII
bee OttillerkgiVint.IO ,soboO1 loitildrsui **a
fallgsli.esolts:says t Tab* bbs.Otuni01
Entente Who.have AQUI 941 *0 fOultdriiittikot:
us.W4uOkt*tOs tt, 11,;4‘41117. 1144141
tittied that- :OM* -YAM usuttsutsit
-44;494114d JO As' citulu$ loll. but mutt-
bbs scituOicOut Awt. litly‘lisottititiou:
popstistuuluthatussivs* or **it liateuts,
was trs dinnereibit uotitiuwitt Me'ft*,
sokooling-f Tba -UttsutiOu As simply
atstard t aud.tha /tog% 04 its akieurtitti-
whit* is 0400 .euquab!loos10 * root
.9f - the.; whole *MM, volituttu mats.
sivollast 1.44 toot -,of.. --sduotkitOsal
:Staokuusty s a publio *book aut
in ;So oass.of fottudattoussoltolars aso gLeu
-as Intl, at.the -Lao* lad the -Gook ..fui
tits wag* and spell's% tomtit .
Latta aadlatiek 40414 *yet WI 411004
withont ths. essittante of -breed- buttorg
Itu4. ibta ta mot* what -people ase at lot
. Outputs"; 0 vsabse in ths oats Of elsintlis
44U0100)41.•: OvotretinfOs 141100 ltton
ditiooriode1. sluiply •uoderfeedingt 110w
*lomat': etiythe- obtioUrattlielei• to. ORM.
Obildreit's hinidsent leave thole -140macbs •
empty'', NM only -• how' absurdr lidd • the
members.: Ot all the .partile tad ea" the
°unyoke.* who have tinder hurts mid -spoor
'oriel -but how detestebty cruel; odd what
is 0.101e..“-017-10.0.-bbs your compulsoryclause *apt s 1ow0 titrittutt, .your °ratify
will tomcats -wcirst4 ()Oils reo, Either we
twist fraulalyaboodou ootopuleion ter the
pooresi'. olait of -ohildieuo :Or vie must
icaukly dopt all that -00:n4)0114ot !MI,
; • -
- = ..:: Mexican . Oddities.-
. ..
W. W-Chirtie writes as follows frout-the
. .
oity of A1exio0.; *The - drib odd thing that
*mkt' it
visitor :to Illeitoa, itthat every.
.blook list a -diffirent tititath. • They do, not
take' On .stteettitntica,bat got ' blOok iii
.onnabered and -limited by itself. ;. ou&--:lt.ie
f en '.:tho - bate thtt. -there...are- Olffereat
biota -0f the 10010 -:zkiktaii.in difftrooli Pods:
of the . alkyl.. when - the .practiee is -. to• call
'thonl 84.tu Freneitaa Net :1_, Ban •EtanOiso0
No. 9, mid: • go on. _This bewilders the.
orange, more Vum.: Oue eau- imagine. I
'had .'it-' blind Who -lived-- iit No. 12 San.
-1.fritudioo strielk LIvinit ' til lour striate,
:unbar .01°00 of that liable before I .fouticl,
him . - et ' klait Prenoieu -Puente' or : bridge..
Tile nitwits ' of the eireelt.liere strike lite
stranger With:: 6: -Oh of - .01We, too,' lot
Um were olitistemid - it tit, days ot relic
gigue i taintideism.: --Think ''-of -living -- on
Jesus *Weill- .Iateguie- yourself .11011log a
neolutum t0-.4rIve to No 4 Blood -of. Onset
street,: Or -ordering.- it baggigetatt 10-Aake
-your trunk to No. 6 Holy .-GhOst. street 1 . It
400 no souitd.BQ intuth like_ blaspheloy to
epeak then 'nowt* or heerthem-opoken in
fiviinitli-;-- bat eventhen *0 be tiild that mit
Ores °reel* .-seloon •• on . the Barest 'of the.
'lois ot %di -Oahe Atria de -D4aill Make* a
_reVerent:'soul slindder o lime. -.Rote 00
swae. of the:rotate- peculiar names- :. - Crown
4.4.1 Therat ',Watt,: 1"ifth:011day- street,: the
.bletitan-Atii. of July, BOdy of Omits street
'(Oitile de gOrime- --Quist), Matter :=of -Bor.
tows street, .Iiittlertof ..tho -Bowed_ Etiitt,--
Abe Ileart-,of J111111 time/0i: Je.aus -tt-set
(0alle. de Jetub)„.. JOhn, tho Baptist await,
ti most ot.IllustriOus.hfeni'lbre‘t:ofitstoPi
411' Soule' illtsst.:: _.. : . 1- '-' • -
,: &MST CAB '1/10111.440.1T111.1i '
,.. t.- - -. . , , . •
'" When oils get. 'itcoilittamed- 10 it, tlwiti
is no :Mainly. in iludisithis way wood,
04,11001/41y as tbe street -oars go ehnost
everywhere _and hack hire Is tety-,obeap.-
.Ttit sittet - oats are ' tan° in treAnt- In
Matto: : latiwad of liatingths terminus
out oat sanli tet .mintitet -tbri, earkate
Out together . silty hale -hour, This - hi
not :a . ineastire Of loonootyo'lor 'Oh_ oar
:has two -.mules :- attatted; and, although:.
they ate lista. mot, Oita .6 half a -Wok
spark 'there -ou atiel
ire . alWayir twit'Oottduotori
' *tid -..• gives: y:. witiMid
, .
beeidilhe -driver - Oile .00riduotor• *lib
the • money
.the other. °ale -- around, puutihes it
the 'preemie.- - of the : pasieuger, and • tb
Pail it: in hie. puke% • . They ..are tuppos
st.be a. oheok open eolt Oiler. -The etriet.
cat driveit always °any- With them shorn,
-and blow'. it se they oppress* a -street dross.
nig,' SO . *Mt .there :le °is:perpetual tooting
going 00. •.• The conductors : welly- . Seery
revolts% I don't horde why,- wept that it
it the hellion, for a littiliiiin would.** moo*
go out of doov* Without hit. baratt . without
Ale nearer, • Ile dolma -kW dressed. TOO
04041 '.- i4001.401 !At:. 100 • zOpitil, . - ab, the
Otithedralio Int *het a. 111eXiotintialfil :On
yob -there le witiilly n glitittitng -Viet a
niiiisliplated.alwillitiekitig °Wire** :under
'Ole oat OIL . As the oirous-thfrother eight
.very mat but 0115 011 thin,* lo -'front. -of
:Me hat a revolter in hie bill. ,- ' • - - -.'
:: OTmin. cno '.ruktili -.: -
-. When you -Mice eel** loldettitio it is
-eiptioted that his Or hit entire •leniily. Will
live with you. The_ hitehand of . your itioOk
may -be - w. shOstoker; or ii haoktnin i Or- *
ealooit kit par; .but When,rhis dare duty lit
done be goes 10' the horses" where his Wife Is
living, Metes: thett-ant takes hia-meals M.
your. :table; and - the tame rule. applieeto
.ohildreo. ' You - my -hire , a ohambor,maid,
stud board- - hit r Thasbood : -end olinceil
.-thildren't .-:. There: It -:*0 =tilitrnallvt :. 110
tiesioni of the Onttoms at -the °SUMO.: This
eyetooth not -so elpeoetre as it oesnothowi
owe :tor -1-a . whets family will eleeP hub
singlerpoto and they 4661148d -ututill but
Ott 'broad and-bieoe to- eat. The pliOneina
WU- Minion Indiene aro, Oiled, - mike
exollent serviote. I-- They .are•-' reepeottulo
.obedlent; parfittly honeitche*ti, and ,obey
instrtiotiOnt.imiliiiilYp- Lilts thi Ohinele,
sboyiliirti by imitition, and eeldota need
more thaw one lestiotto .doing the geese thing
over and over In the sfinie-wey Mita . they
• are told, to Map, • Thi- ' saloon stige eintoh
alW.eye hen two: drivers -en. -to - hold- the
'reins) oaths: -.0ther.- t do the whipplog.
Ths lester oannl.s e beg °Intone ki- throw
at the leader& The postal syeleole eery
primitive. . After she sultrail.of every mall
a •olerk writes the names .of those promo
for *boos .thertar letters on a -big shell,
whiohlt- potted- -a : outilds.. the 'Itelivaty
Windows 'lir- Inv* -00 postmaster frOni
"ttevieritg qtlietitins. - :-
Tote *Mot nov.. ow *of/4
vrbe isiposts
. i55 11144110141 0A 1440.01044
• POO C945Ittk do Ion -teutetibtr" • boy
of yinit Pima Who did tilt* ittavy ;Calltuu
ihvou0 tits . toe aud was -laivrayi *bowl
-woody tu intik neok, 'hut luaus*
tire litritUalt‘it t1,419 pagt4114( Wed
the Youth Who utivetialloired Anybony otiko
to two ott 055 1141 yid tivettk- hitt X:itillikrg
11999 who he (*MAMMA *it Ititu
Ivey .sehoollhas10 liellure; tile L4114109
0110,4914 A On Otos* 0 9,41.141199940, aud 10
QV *WA bat out% Whim X . suss d -•the
etatool I law' at a glen°, that 10 Bod hod
ueolotektO provide itself with ik 00 Wh0141
thby 1 WO to u.sdy kill hi -.Very
few day, in order to., Imp utt that tftwi -
so I tippliedlor the poeitioct • I see red it
without auy- whoteeirl• Tic: Board
auderstood at ono, flout my beinio OM
WQ1d4 UMW, Awl I .dto 110 00 4)4410
VGA *SY 04 reposed -10 me.k.
-3. Pito,. the dot *elm was Oat
triad %Mimi) two tree" at, ow. MI boo -
WI of
Ind to
carthd: ltoslie. oti- * -etretobeti boo
.0ilt of‘‘ the tivOn wktIS Ow 100gs
wow askassitloti tOiPit600 gelio
boo jetkid around OViit shit zwertli
the outitt by a treotious hoot whcoe. bilk
WI lad ttedio my leg, and *Mot te -itow
*Se loOliee ' lOngee, 'then : the . other;
*getter -with . v..tioutt -.Ober. ha ! Ast4:
toteutti0111•0 wok I -- oonn01) 7 C - %hitt
.0101110111:04 10_ WWI. -14 .paliutit last
got sO that: alourt.abotat 9 'o'ttioelt V I %nay .
would i look sooknoo put 01 the IlladoW,..
:and -say t-'44 !suit li nbotititinte !nettle hope
tO get here with. Williaixes.remelneR, They
.generelly gst. hero before It o'olook.'3i • ;
- - One tley-fivo or -44.of 'us. were. playing
441 spy" -around. our Ihato. .. - lillqybody
know! bow to.play "I illy." .' -044 it'hit
°yea _and oottitt Ont4iundred.,- tit in tanoti -
shit. the' °theta hidet- . Then he -gni Otto&
the tett and say.'" I' agy." soctink 'a, and
With the 4lool Watt they 40. It 0 . body
.beats .hiut lo.. the ". . 1 the Villiiali as- to
Os blind "'oiler again. -..- . . .. -..
- .Wello I.. knew:* ground :Fed Well;
-mid oould drop twenty feet out lit V 0- barn
windoWkandettlite_en a pile of - .twit ao as
_to land -neat the goal, lt, and : et the
orowd-lufree withciatgettiag found t ut.I
'Oid thitseveral times, : *4 Ow the . litader,
;spies' Bang,:ptetty Med.'. Atter a ty, has
counted tiVeor sit:thUndred, and . orbit
herd to. gather. In the. crowd; .onlY to get
jeered And laughed. at bythe Wyk iO. loses'
tie llem_Porc It :wale° with.J.0009 Quin
Bang. -Kt hew he stmost limed we, . nd..y el
I wriutoo, ! Finally,' in the. AM, biilloto I -
a good -chemist° elide down Ind itit the
-orOwd In ..s sin-- as i I -'aitd dont onlorater
vostiefone. '1 elippedout of the .win w and
.down the' side of: the baru. about t whet,
wheiti wait detelued, nuevoidahly. There
Was o.u. bidden l' on therberit that w oboe.
at the . Upper .end. -i Ishii* I was iesiig
my fathet's teat on that day,- its.- e ,was
away . from home, and I freqaently i, ore; his
clothe!! w.hea he -7/4 .-albeew. -11.ayli: ws the
vest' was' -.too Imp. -and-when I eh down'
that. loots! 'Ward tan up between A eye's.
and my person, in -Mich o way at -100 Tad'
:int about 18:feet from the ground, i' a
minent but iery-unceenfOrtalile -poet itin. ,
-A rem.ember- it !- yet ciaite -- din, .notly.
James 0. -,..Bang carat., !Wound - wki., re he
°bald teatime. - He said f - "1 spy B.111.Nye
aed totolt 'the :goal I before him." - o . one
genie toiremove the:barn; --lio-one , canted
to tyre &this, with melt my great 1 -prrow
and too anon. Every little while Jel, se:0 •
Bang -would oomerr'erOtiod the ..borpisir and.
eay.;:' .41..r0h, I see ye. : Xsu u.:sthi'd think
you're .out of tight up there. I 'Oat his,yot
real &lb.': Tou better come *twit an blind.
I oat Stii you 141 thete I!' . - : " . - •
- nried tO uubution My- teat and gt) dolt.
and lick JOines, built wee no 'nee. 1, :
.! It woe Ivory *lug slum ;- 1 Ian gbineto.
:ber 110* I tried lc kick- Myself, . too- el but
WM. !Sometimes I Would kisk :1 ' (then
end' lionsetimee IrrOtild- -kick a .hol ,In the.
horizon,- -Finally: I wet ' .resoned ' •by. :a
ueigh.bor,' Who said, he didlet want 0..:see ti.'
good .barn hided- Int0:-011imut Not to- ape a
tong legged boy..thet: wasn't :Worth Os bile.-
_ It affords nisgreet pleasurs..to 1 that
.0y. ;miry- on. Shit lose nob,know no* tne4 limo
while.-Iltui Idokid tip to 1..medl, toted
0. Bang Is the ...WOO- P . ideal: :of a ben-
--itired.hank; telling n.lontly. bridal t or' by
Mullett . in Europe,. -.and Waiting; r - the:
depotitortto.dis 401.d.egic -: , :-- --. . ..
, The mills of tho .gods grind .ohnitto
they moot ,-,generally get there WI
faist. .(Adapted .from- VIC Womb: I)
...._-_ .._,-
- A aolebrihtsid dot+ diedvsosotly in Paris,
leaving A 'faiiine of • $80,000 to his two
nephews on tiondition shot • theY should
losofibeen his toMbsttine 'one 'of hie beet
-000kery realises, - inander es heeildo.thst
potions demobs -tit tisalul knoWlidge mithi t
obtain It - by • elating -a osinstery.,-, The
Pretoth-Spliapli : thininiseion will tapir.
tnitsttoh:lin-hisoribtiont afid *hi 'unhappy
Mos ars likely to lose thetneuity.,.
. •
..elaivit mini floe* laitioting
.,- A, inburban oorrettiondent tends t.. fol. -
loWitig &mulling initotionot Intollit nos. in-
-oows - to _ A Loodoti;:papeet • 44 •Tri -other:
-in.orning, A veryistiltry outio tWottow• oami
to our- gate; evidebtly on ..the lootout fax
soinethingo. -. end. -alter Thong it dral),sonie.-
Whet.pionilid'oy- their .pliadiot loo r a the:
thought : strait; •
M..ie o .s
horin pb* in
W010 of waer.1 net he ; ibis
Ocourred to oe i i-:hiuttom Water
brought ina largeoil, *blobtpoor
anibtlisioked.Oprith-h griates
nos. ,Tho -patir.theli; sauntered itwa -to
deld:hear at bend. ..f;In alieut holt t hour
et en we -were'.iiiirsed. pri-Mese i two
friends mairohleg up to the-, lettio doom.
-peeled by three otherettiee. Thew or tap
-wait Nista °tilled IntoretittisitioolAnd.t anew,
earners_ *tire In like Manner helped!, Mei.
illy. -Theo :With:gratified ' 4 boo. i ti. -4
unanimous . - yak OU.thonkt-iiiii liitort,
-010V0 , walked . off *their pactiire fe.: It
*at.- quite. :'.tilist to us *Ogle Io dot
oallereo graildidAtt heir friendly ri , Non;
had strolled.: down tit thelielittit.goc fp -re
old :ditty, Oomponlons, and 1n1ot'm. thsm
-.how ..1 . cannot eayo Oan yott I- ftheir
Hboral 'Mortal/meet and thou h*L tsken_
the _eery pardonable lthistvot .1 tting•
them up to out oottitge." .
• .1-4 Oloolonati man was nidni" •ohl Ade Of
potash loSioigss for a throat dhoti no and'
had taken two .0 . hofrom -a b s
placed biotin. his pantalciOns Peek fi, : He
etooPed down 10 button. -his ohm w n •the
.fttotiori Mitteed the Substance '0 Igo si In
_the:. spast .rof alloist lite swede1 hole
-fibout a hell foot totitirt.hatt buts* firth':
patitalootio ..ant it: art ,tif .• hie p h . WM -
..almOit Wed; 7 ' - . - . ..'
. . David Dols says that hit wont dad is
a Women whomo poetry he mite -laughed it.
Thetwes WI yoke ego, but she mil hatss
LW ::. ' : - ' i - - .: : .... t
, . Atoottlio- beat 120.0 poles in g1id are.
thou Made front -the - sWeet ohetEjut, the_
woed ef *Molt Is mors durebis wli�t young •
then whist -olds.- the taper outlet vi -o1 soon
°havens foto WO wood. lassoti•_novir
%soh. ittliavis... • I :: - - : - I- . • -
Mt* lity-fer4 111101111V.
alteriestilen Placcivved he
Ilicialt-itt Years
aliteble Oue of pitisio*1 maggot"
tions prove very- .iulerestitis to
pivoic..*1 4 0401.01001stos
Atk Z110 49,141 Of totosueartilatistuos
Vii*VOStquott to a tau whose hors lo
.1uowts0g Stri dubs olds 0 bia °hut. The
pstaug34 • Ci6)144 bawds,. 18 yogi oId, -
who ill.vot with his pato*: at No. 711
Foxtyb swot*, um Wallow ,1 Toe
teal otlii% heart helot ou- the -right .elde of ,
bOSPea boo known to hie attendiog
fb$11_1C4fortliveu weeks, built has been
oarefORthept frotA the publi0 until now.
YOuut;14-44Warda is *a ibvidisl, !lugedes
Imua imatuocery tionetiMptiou..- , •
raw OT 1441111011,
DCIA14000..11b0 le attending him, was
ailliwaIN sem Wail* 0 ths quest oats.
Ila s** -1:4'-‘ Is lot tudiedi * very 'legato
frealV,4,.uoturot 1 sum bons- la -FLO*
thitql4S0 years, and though *few mooed •
0asee4-94tois tiu4 IXS olsotigued
book 4. never taw Kick liMs before.
When Cook the _patient -bo ireM Maxtor
Com* 40u I stripped ale *hest to
mut., " Wage. In a moment disoov.
tired the naked eye bort throbOinge
on 184't ight Side, intuit of the left., •
P041100 ktithosoopo on the- epos I die-
sinctl..aN rod and .fels bie heart bots.
Theys as -regular aud natural, at 11k0110
dm* it .peroon'e 'wort. There WA1110,
• at ths other 'aide, of the 'chest.
1*-- • was at seventy -live,. whieh-
/0g0Vd.„ 011 a normal attiOn. The mosion
of tWc. out did .,not seem to interior. in -
:the with the action of the lunge, .but
be vi0,40fIering with pulmonary dhow.-
resulti66-1rom eatarrh. No one but hinitolt
Reenifilt hoe, ever known where hie heart-
wu.Wiled ; nor did . he appier to radii*
that 10.*,ae essentially -different physically
from Mtker persons." .
a uED:CAL 1101.11INAT10711. •
2DrlitOtp0u1 was ,alsafealled upon for a;
stater -110M) tig the use. 13e said: "Tee; '
is as rAllati! been informed. The boy's
beikrC,t floated in the right side of ilia
chest21h-4 thiuk the centre Of Shot organ is
ID Wetiid. m belt to two inches to the tight
of thikOrnum; 1 was loth to believe it.'
WheC.1.7. Oboist told me about • it -I
thougWit Probably aoue ot -aneurism.
whiekequietiroes proilaies enlargement of
• • and .6 pulsation therein whioh -
appei Hk. begirt beat. But an '.01110:1i1111.-
11011„ au _instrument setnifled me tliot ,
she Was indeed Touted as' Dr;
Oliatc;tq*.tiad. told mei" -
Ittunkakabte 0141 'Ages'
I h, feimetimes seen in.the daily papers.
somettelinarkithle ages culled from the- -
Obittic.40;.nrid I have seen -published'
teomei..Ory R.emarkable ages of Obe
40012 11* VOA -given by a Me. -Brockdode, „
dated 0 -The Grove, Bolton, Iieo. 15 b, 1883,"
wheict.k*:::th0 average age 'of five acne thenIiv
lug wt'!iA. ; but. I do not thillk that any of
thesPirfnen.up lo the extraordinary fact .of
.of, the lamefather and .
mothOift log ao long tbat :Unit aterage.age
shork,40.-8R,. • The details of the foot are
subjoiO4. Jebri Boys, formerly_ of Bet.
e babeilD Neat, married Nary 11:Earvey in
the ; their issue -Nary died is
the at.:0 cot 88; johni_ born -and died' la
1777 ;?iVilliain, 79; Franoet,. 89; &Amp
.(1100041.,P 79 ; Richard, 83; Edword;
81;. qi-loarY, from an . accident, 59,
Ootheilurs-, 78; AEU) Kande, 85; Robert, 81;
lames ° 81; total, .979 ; making
. •
on avo.1 A of .81..yeare. 'Their father :died
at .thehg Ot 75, ,and the mother at the age
of 944, omewhat remarkable coincidence
le tii "... tbmt the .'husbands of the stove
menti:n ladies mid the wives Of the gen.,
tlemet44ived to greet gist for instanoe,
lifertivl..usband lived to the age of 70;
(.1franc..t1 untauried); the husband of .
4.,ethe41-40, 79; .of Ann Maude, 419t- of •
EmilY;i...41° nothing very . remarkable,. It
wiU h0lidid, in thefts .ager; 'but the -wife of
Willi(Onived.-ito be 79; of ;ohne 84; of
BlohtOlitl.; of Edword, 80; of Fleury, 84 .
of ItoNrf, ':8; of Jamie, 89.. The tWelve
obiidru sre 111 itlive in 18571 when' their
-siveriipiots was The interval between
-the de: s ofthe first *John and of the last
104 piers. -Surely the above is
wort log Included in the °Moor, of -
tern gerltleso-Eoodosi Itoritioo
• hUevirmar71:::: dasilp
ihjily r 00g to
Well ought ki try It. -Palling down,i
stet a stove on it p Of you 11 nothing. -
to ..prod to it in pthitof exctitement..
Tbs nkirt.D of the paper was the Breitese,&fia.
-it wseiiloted to Alto longlett want. lorry
OookrcOf iris my partner. - There were
egveWttry 'oomforiiag things on that
las '
paper -? or no et, erndal wayit
knetOntNooday that we would not- havo
. &Antan
dies t_4% men
whi 4i,tA ing more deeply in debt all the
time. ,14411ait one Morning I entered** thi-
(Moe .f000d. Zerty lOoktog • rather
Galiiif::;11iorrYti sold I. 4 don't Ion /ant a
paisnOVest wo. mild a new ono; he
rtjoin(14 IA badness mane said. L 4 One
trith 4.*Ootities- old . b. 4 A
'finAtiCIEMI observed.- A Man who .-ean
take" h§,I# otif.. thingsend turn them into
moneyinhoonoluded. fibiln I havt_got
the nittiton want,' slid I, auk I afro.
ducted 4-1gank /Mabee*, the iheriff. °Jim.
1011200 was the Mill he had been think.
Ing 01, WS installed hint ono., Births ,
provek:** all we anticipated, onti he..ran
the pitti)r Irish the greatest suimestuntil he
had t40.400. it entirely into money. ;When
ets wottAA Op the concerti there was nothing
left puss -ons Clooinsatt mnd-
-one to- lingicin. We ditided them :anti-',
went different directional -Robert- • le'.
Burd0- •_ " •
The i--001 proftvision= in the elate of 'New
TO& 10 *rem& in: the last oven years ;
it th0',,late d 17 per onto whereas the
Inortased at the rate old. -The
otateW Is ardour, end -.ppm .t0 be'
Tho point of loterest dais not -
lie Itt 0 oom &risen of 'the two pro. -
fessionik, it in os faot thet the nunibere
of thearWyers are one of 811 pro_portlen to
.thit grettth of t110. population. We doubt,
h0wev4of '4'g.they .any inneli from the . Ipro.
portiokotinoresse of wealth.
1113 Winnipeg hare fillet 60 per
intnthe,' Whole UMW* ,
inc for -,t,8"11 them
nep to. pay the hands off on
we never did. The Winda..
ey were never &hooked by,
Waren that way for