HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-30, Page 4• LELUCKNMIllSENTINEL BRIANAN PESEISINIEIL . -LIEERTY' TO TITER. AND T uOTJE FREELY. A O1iWING _'T'@ • Wilt :DI ATR$ P_ loNu i ui : WE Phi ' ABOVE .ALL .40TIER h11UU?int 7-77 ivoiza ..kith oN, `-0n1Fan o AT iu:lepeub= Ind t touug ott's-L b tru O1ub,ro�.. furring to the daeision of the- ulieera taourt on tact.- l 00106 gnus ion, spa that t w hi#e ht was gratifying to have invert_ ably auQQcioded tae he: • had done, ho ueverthoi s : dooply regretted- that so :-muolt of: his is use =bad :boon 000upi@din - = let@itdtiig hie.a ' ,ol incaf stat :the as . =Aault%'that had boon name iapoa her, Oft 04 of being t hle t A ala iy, ;it all, and whntevor .talent OwI liac given'•. ltini, to a-still-ttirthor and higher e - itolo--p naiit of,the ii~tear s. vario�l ° o. t .and prospori of atlris gt'aat :Province. •: evoral farmers down er,ui try coal plain time • the.' .less it ; titch .turnip (mop last, season •vias ' th R0A:h having. -.i►ton.supplied_with bad:eoid ':nisei, ;or . - aoui€ t diet 1-044.:- of .seed .:tbawhat. thy • suppo&ed• thy had purQh d. An ekeliae�ge,sa -a--the Linda �iani'f *-. rias throaton to:.' oxpusieand en&ko au . nuiplo =of the : v ichng. ',parttos, .hilae vondors--of •-spurious-• sooda arcs, if iii ything, w sett •- the..apA1Q:tree _ ,p dl • rs Who a°ino yearn: agog inposod a • hili . nar,i:. all tlrreugh w.@aEarn On; taxi° with ailinftirior elass:of tr6041 ittetetid of then Baldirins, Greet ta: S, IltYY: tQ:_{ whish they paid ' for: , `h,abolitiAit of tha Div ialonOAurts s noire being ooated by a PriamliQr , ter ke tempora1 MQs, _sail=,thoto is little. doubt • that : Some.. oIuu vi ill .-4.1tortly take p1 %oq. inthe . pre ent .syatro :Jtoo. hundred dollars:. was itiado the Toast $ure deaf spine bQ nu for litigation �=ould deoroa;ie at least r-ona: halt. 14o moat .i nportat t•:boii;Q- , owevort i uld a 1ha Rbt udont*. n nut• of the preoont poraieinist eradit When • buslues . bct n coal zo that potty 00414.1.0$._Qan iiut bo: oolloot . ,utI by pro oeaa of Iaw iQ vtoul_d fors thou ' do .adopt the cash sy-St�egii, . whieh i3 oftoy till the vi lyr eatiofaotory and. ro r wed of -dotug -truolt o s - Prodi etlot. Mounds We takathe foilowhuit 4wt+rants ft Bin aletter eeived. last week by 04 Isdandrim inn-fraire4 c" ateesitek, of l''ilot Mt,t_ cttdi.Menita�a,_ -hitt fo�:rinnily of this. 'village*, sti iiit!-ait l ni`u fila easy fi�ieildR in. this seebh it, dill- be -gl«d tu hoot !'roti hien —" haps -the flaledoniau Stieiftty is still going feud:. t ie wetidetful wtt4:i; a.fetite it lids aobieved: Why, -up bete they s3ew tet ltlioil 1 shout 1trand ites-self=` • .pt•ising wltat.-en aliment -of lutenist they eeou . b _ taci #tt b .elate Last yeah thea of :Pilot c t}nd'e : 1tiEem, went_down to. nee your liut0t g ut d -he °kua.Pot . 'quit tallting- uhent t# si�cttct � . aeYe -' 4 it see ed Anything- be er meet? t Ouppa the tint thing :We beer of _will ht lie au tiiieiir5ijiir frons Winiiipogin•-tlbo. l4uo. tiw t aledttn an- t retueet • ell.you'tuay eiidor, but a :sit e A logo crowd -would. .tibteiid if snob,wed_ the ties° ilofeerIhg'too the Natthwt st, Ito says 'I- thiels htiltig .tu be a Belli 6u heti` Ali: tio-, distant tlb;#fft. _ ()f. t ium ht i tiiii is gene -end Ocie pow fel the egofle of • �Itt, �peeiollY diose. Alit -wee bete dudes thea tithe, .1 think this 1 thci •bal=dest ytat Maui: _tow r has oven asitia ' i bM le t lea who. get ii iilvoti debt duffing the Fs Berl the t+t. " he farineta•h+ . >�te flue` gt�iug ti. oak. •belt oiioyiitil �vn . stir local .uiliendr, . f f we :..pati u".'AAA to llhdaua'a: bay,- which: w • i est have b t}a dis#nu# { then thin Ouster. 'would: b in:e bettor uiit1uu #tr.#iitr nei€nis cif the welds..k aa--Un#a�t#ter: ffthe;fftwetabeve; liad-tho MAMA Advantages -troy .:have. fp 411A.: tetiti they utruid -ii €e Moro _ eiiifuy ;t 1a is tui ettor atuek and grain uouattyt bevel sold -wino , it -ie ttue, hi b: the opting: •sum herr slid fall Are far ahead of �lntaripiand�:. `ktu- ai belt iia trig � I woad_ .brit eAen�gn the t llurnto here: foe tbbd# �u#atlti= 1 do Aida - gri..t euiuiiig to ilia .N hwrtet,' rnlg f triab :. find Z ifiti di-1011AF: .1 novo ilko . rip : 08 teres.. .g of-thtivetn : eat_ lend, And *Heir get tpy deed- -I tui sell it..f of inure f bun. thrill `f e®b hart iiiade ii :1 me la:ler in. y yak , -1 I Vg. had i,at±eiitfub bnalt Ie nothing -bete. f fed den -years-younger, • I1O11$•- : gi®t =ta si'es tie tit1 foot,, -the. *filo or ; • CQUUIIN14'ATiONs Ohautotuqua_Talk* - 1*'tha iai to --,oftt a;' �eneiiitii.• Duan SIR,=Porhfpa ; on►e.:of `your tossers will leo interested- in learning something of •tht:uyote lettors Sa. 4, -They shins- for e,: Cliatau iva 'Literary and- ientif QCircle. This. is a -Direr of:. readers that.. for : • seine 'year have btu. th=ing -upp.. a t ou_rtlo Of roading. whish is designed to • au -- plee Brent Elie Qdiwatior.k of these who. hnvo not had -the : advantage of a Qolloge. :training - and also to .brighten. up the : momori,s• of thou -'who ;have, course in iudeit stud of in history - and. lit 'atate, of v.t rkfn countrios,: ioioneo, doinostio and - politiudl..000nom -oto, The readings ate •int reefing an'd--'.in- sEruot vj, - Thoonpe sue .sire small, • only an annual fee of t), ©entsi to _. : dray' expor Ses. of eorrt pondenee, °rands, elroulora, etc, sent to Members from Ake. nentrtt,l epee _ .at --Plainfield, J.. , Tho -Cr nadian offi is in.' To: onto -L..0 'oako, drawor 20-9, being a rota ry... -EaO i Meiu:la®r_ v�rill of course have to.buy lila: books buts.: they lige Worth tho on y paid -for •••tlnitn, and then:-. ho, has - thorn-. t - oxvito , for. kno*ledge a thirst ; whi h 'the reader: will bo surprised to find himself poseeisisi It open .i o s - , p Qii Elio°lQasure n�►um�rts� of-lrfe, -erowdiug •OUt. ufiiinpor reit and cif tars hurtful roadie . Maur • onld like to iiavo.a"good ienoral knowlodge of 111,011 and things, but :have not the : privlle . -of attendings Solloe1; = TO all` moll I. say,. {' Oaiho with us,- and we Miall ?do- _ you - good," W€ will -be glad • to- :answer any (UQstiona at any time that anty. be- asked- in easked-•in your -aolurans in referi ne to- _filo 0 I,. ;C..:. - Thanking you : for- your valuable apaeo, I. ate, yours -4u,;-: A bol, Fuaau Ar TIIR '&Nsv t OLAS .-- '-Robert'-BOAS( (4‘,$ -A1\.►\ I !44111A Jl-iii �9 R . The-ixteU1Ur�+` of;11tttne_4.,11a1e • . • 't`itat Qt�[ls, W4t3tt br uurtt(4i her ft etlit- eu • .A nation's sfiory.rutl1 ei'' eat u u • - In -a ilent.s:tduees� u1t; - �. uileo .. '.i1 :brawny:. peasli ,t =mired -vele Willy, find • rough -with ht;uisittoil :;t Arphinglitnan----atridfnif. toanfully. AOrUBe .thio` ftirrtawsd•sail Thu -inaligin.ti cin Mels bare, °bold bronr4, Aod; in ria burning n oaak - Th -e Shan leap and flash -uf song, that robb'd s hire t. t his mat, .: - • C• - fi,ifa'a tnernini, •sky. t hnatr. tirailoit clouds: ure.roned lint darkly. driven, Ito shivers with -the limit n ops, .seed slat- the Noun of i-ebv n 4 Deseeud 1 sweet. Ainso •of 8°0010sem eyed and Yellowshaitild, • ,Vesuund, a tzi let thy. gift onto wore: iiuri a tel icy be heted. ,•With neiern'ay fomes {' burst. .of 004 i ud, Leavens ! the_ proud hard yetis His eniintry; enatlnt=reti in nt nasal bufury him on hot ktteNa: .0 rtistlittg bay -leaves e' .il and fish 1 o divas i iolt amt! sweet :l The piide•.uf : getticis in tis breast- .•the ogee i tE hit fo ti ,`. fade, splendid 1 •'-fie heart that mauls • unleaping ttthe. sots, • Is broken t et tits wheelof.leete : anti -111841(111'd with hitt/110 8/541%-/• Vitro 11 t� that Optfit' ('1* the iifi, gu]f'd In • h - ::swift eol se- --. - t , btrinl€eit . Ice Iiia. kit*gl, flight the:. et gle • eartltwerd dips: • ;Night 1 _ail4 the fiend that a iept tttc+ lye Is palsied lit the dakt , That lyre Whr se gi 1den. wine' of initiit&f i1 tent the Wrong of test -1• And-evet moiitu towbir a hie stave, wrapt Iit its- gto►i7 elft t1, _ -' 4 ut►tityn'a pilgrim.' feet Art" bniib-- A• ttatltiu'a heart iti%uw;d, - Oh wii l ti' wt*ot at 8etytlaiirl m feet Ito: litiiig. �o Heart ' tind:at�tlt, f, And -p e1d. by -the era ton „tongue 'Would tio. h_oti pledget.t=sit; .with brim': Mils, 4 • •flee peouol reatih cif his fame, _ , the *ogle ut hie themuty= =the uraaht funis iiieten! • Meese Vit: glnrdet}i, oil ammo Offers $iOOO. Given Away, The pregti'oii"iii,000 bei a of Chute A y lie.por bwiei®, .- • Tho *Phoenix gar i t ft Oat ut#��os iO r to lntredutie thele - IMI ., P�U N! . t 11A�11 thiciughuiib ante a, urpoie glvhig�$ - Pit+ t .erpb �:pautl oath -ii1 tutlufi atiuii#14g. to 64WL the tt fl - AP1tf L (i� the tit Mall - hero• riiiaeliint=a have utlly amnion. it tiueduet the §Aire to ell fAt - t1 au wit logally, bf� A foie � field Ad: no : jar a shown, gond ..by registerot1 lotto,oi' . O, hider IRAand:. -Postage iOe "or gag. or.fiiftlross'elte es ice desird:sent), -Yon will roeelve fly jet n oppress- a Nott --pont-sin t! ag hoop i€-1 ahha Moor= t htbum .t0ijjr balder,- and -A ii er •pleket4-- sbi u 1 n - or e I � t p � feetiy legal, -Nn ohAnee ul, 4tat;e ewe,:- eI r ae:-= -Moraab#llo Ageueltig,eay k Of . tint iIrf 1n th1 ' :elt . Cob - of -4 wit fci t : informutl =leo . i1e# :of; ()O u ()Oh; ijleds d _scutes t f :�oiiuelltntni; 1 lug Ieteut=tt ai#•to reliabiiiby of uer oml uy. -howl li1=g5 tnt'tti t i?s Tiok t and: l oltior,f mels uoiads,.tga for pedalo 11 slfi le=tui€ er- do f et h up _to li bones by eal+trrese over elle line . befit onl = XI& Sy I6abos or - Tuba erdoting: largoiyu� i.i€prord:e pegoit it only a Iew:eeiib,i- ()f#t box, -,flAlos. very !Sege,. "SueetiIa Assitein1. rdtit in one An n Qy-:OM pn. 4410. j 1i�9eme Ifni -dor and Pr1iu_irlebtst.d:ao=- - • - :PNOINIX ai0AR0. • See, ours $�..2 ).loakjng fox° far 90c ; 60c: SllirtS for 4 b� Cloaking for $i. iresummurommum 20 Pei Cent11Rc!uctioo fotCashI 221 groat many :Lin Sad at and -Balew to •e1e1,0 : l 'Tho 0lioapeatj and Best. Assert= ed Gonda fiver- of1bred to- the • Public, n 2 a d � O,Qtls► to- fanloet.• front. tl I. -1 n oath Q1y at 8. Mac plight Sugar for ] a00 29 inch Windsor.‘ inchbrd.liid.e) ndsor otton, ... I.Q Lweol canadian Tweed Suit nor $6, 1 e1t Hats.06c. to. 6;Qo p1''r: eh � - n tress tis oods ..osaa_.,- i � ale 1 Ladies',Misses', and h men's: Hoods , bought- 20 p+ r cent. below the regular price. This Sale willei ' tialu till the end of *cool v FIRST : OFIRST S'ERV.gig4 CIN RES.. e. •x ti ,I •-- —`�, = L� puiilt pogo tall at • in and :jo Depot. lsIEW ARRIVALS MQN AR C.H ',EXTENSION. Nr, Ccal & 'Wood com- biatign,, FAULTLESS :p.ffLfi 9 mem, .814kf.- Call and see Them ! - Anil get your OYi 'I Ill::: `Che best Iti •f t netit.ettw 41.10-b‘; Fresh Oysters -a1wttye till hand. Ortiuges 40 *silts per sett •n, - • 11..Atiolouti 40 Befits a ElQ44eu 1 - - Finr,iai, .iluslt�eli Dates, t ;loin*, Figs said gattaeta 1'ltivl siiee,Illsoults, (linger i4 Ortrrant fiiantt#t 1 1b1 bonds, 111deArtil► rigat'1- tt<ieg4r, .gawp, IJlauk and utteeii:t at NELL ;€.OATS, 04010110 u n cis l ari# n a, .T beters„ telt eti •. iiattles 900 find thiol 4 (040,N -utile ,- Nututeg flames ._ :(l# tittittuu (Mager,: uistartl,ah owdot, Catlrlwii.. Seed, ream l aftajP,- . - 14 t oklflg sed t hev,�ing,. Jehnu Babe 'obi ,-Spun Rill, pts„hoi 11aeiiog and .irtiahes, ' Sorub J fuih } Whitewash "lbruehee 1i oeme, Mho , mea,. Ht®vh PI/light Lenip hlinne ti; Pnrlt;Mitit}e • Eisele and salt, dn~rtiagtes. • - Than ng the luhablttuits of •L,iiektio ,thud aut'ounditti `oeuuti!y fete their. kitid it fro Ago during. the°pmt year and wishing theta• l a Happy . y Naw Year, Ain' kilts - . • . eta W, `LUCIKN WL1_. 10 0_ 0 0 fm eek fay g• +trig i sly gf ue• us a And b all o p�� y - you willget frog . iekaft of g iodb of laity ideas, that will siert lo tis ithat. will. &t oriel bring you iu: than u® g, or an th1`n .-e1ae Attto a�; A11 g : ulthiCIX.00,00diu eents-with Inch on �-Wttaiited -averywh te, of eltkur_eon . of dmfs for all th tittie,l firs taro Limo o i ,- + 1 � to work for us at their a: hflmes, :.rareness for all WOliera absolut l assured, a tion'k do= ley, ahh aitd. Portland., Moine. ` *IAA)* ll rho 1y bo told hate: undor thenep#ens a. of. tio- .La (Arl ft M!Mlou Sealet7,. :; t. • s KI)41)E1 CHRISTMAS COON o` SIEli) by the P1NZ Qt WT orinfilf tifirtom ll and Iti3r Stock Attire 'purchasing eisewhero r $ EW GOODS ARRIVING every da oall early - � n n • our pial€ . Speoel 'reduction sdh ction ase : to parties hying :a number of : ii=& Linedull.liub � b lecelYed fluthntn r 1 an} .headquarters for .shoe leather of every dnsnriptiou. -60 hsire inon'e long.• boot, own SItil @, and.. -Orders fill o on the Ah rt e nOtkre. :