HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-30, Page 2-
saki giosiwp ream
4,wee viumfai awl%
•_s „mttiv lataier oilkser*- 1114,11.
_r 40 earibile .0,16 kteikevit.
- flite *ea hileata*IsiOPISS4,
And inure top ot Mark irith
1 vea tore le leheisaleeireett 7
And Iva= tAtit weal -eat retire:rift
M• etre evil! two retassreet bbeve am!
t • ' was at mote stie wowrt
Immo tc4 ow
Peet se 041/- *Imam ; *AO 11111
IPtirtint• ofk
£MSdSIS is) ii
- ,-iiareerA yea • r Was wit Pilot*.
•- viersettalie- -•
--:•_steenaztt esit
sag taline mite. Wiles, water
• - easil me -
thenegi et 40 Mil **taw sad the 'Troy
• ep
04 ' 4
"441146464 icei
alstebe ie arm
11111411111 tile, pee ittobsoioitrara tee egg. ea*
asislirtriet 444:eibstletl. with •, a •
-• -wet..
a 414•-• ennietn es ataileriaket-
tweed asi•%lifted .
CWide the
enthea-ier-aite s* ne.•
- lame go oltwile get with etw a, reissue
wow. _ •
aid ohs noose 14- the ewanget.atil she , bawl
dettt'S iliT0 I • •
Ithettij 111/4e4 Xiket km' tanirl Des41 ra-
• sa" yver titAbef.4 4,140 •
SIM Ulu teitel 61 he webbed .-set.iajta "y4714
tat 1 bawl tweet.' ' -
' tips* id Ins pw MY. b„S 4 TOO 'Osissfs
•&Waft* *. sod 1 thilagbtatitritIvieitid
in OW est bet dietarb 1.4414'*kilital yea
Wald -go is & themest. Batyob eVayeds:
041 Winged szfy altds." -• •
ragertsg mane omit- .minhing .sit hie
.940* -oho abiww,41.- . .
• - -
Hat is late* and lisme be
$140*-444.1*t., •••7
'tat. .74etia-elaimi4. liii-Wateb.
NO, it le, sot - lets* ail mid.
eight. Vomit yea :ma *fare the a tew..-
0thabeli4Mvs flotatort- I wall- very -moth
be speak ios7ss*7 be mid, alone% _ess•
eamiet, HMOs,Up ytokt Matti
to en," sae begits-weistilessii.
t yea TT kiatitiptt"-Well, sap.
pose-1.have !mud to *tate 'Yea obleat
friveli.% • Wee Strdee ? • Da yea kriew#11:
sever emmed.What ail Mere** iiri-yoa
WWI UU1IMW yea. 'Wigging the wheal.
WWI ot• -Vest *mak ,to .1* --that
faideated-rieratatiths Ibis 'ming 7. Wby
bow /et ativer:eoniserided o ,;tne UM.
"1.-deilY.' the: ialtrattitiotti AM bete
lirt,"-iihe she*** iadtgasinfilj:. :
Their yew weft is .0411)016.WOres
r said.'in abet Ugh* astoeiriag _toite4-
with histolereigg reige oa bei bats* taw
. Gordon' •wital
•would Oytil .Weetweeth eay -to that r
•_ .4* IlOthieg 1. ft iti so sittreetentri -of bb;4
the dashed oak, pamionately lialoatigifut
ef •the Saddler. joy 4100.•
5751 . • - ; •
P*. .aista bitivi *btu.
with Weritworth r helesoletatedik " •
." Tit," she answered, Ocidly.;
••Re regthded het
- D4 yea toots thee b,_11 gohettway r
be -baked. dobOttully. - • • - - ;
• 44 To: gcrope.yee.: brit • 1 -•do sot here 1"
theagtivreteC cat - %be est Of
her deepair : •- • ••
44- rh: yeti trees *sit sub)", himsor
+that tt weitathetc obild•lsacy-that absenc,.
boor tinted ?" S;Area 'eked hertisSictitly•
Sbtgime :him * halfugry glans
tioniber-darli eyee. 7
- 44) I • d4 091i. know why .yettiihatild Ortieurne
to cibvstion nth she -said wtth 1
daiii"ot pride. 2" Sat, 1 will ahower you.
Li' L. BoY• To. it: wee a- Mere olititlith
tanoy, :and I i otuUy Owed ht i f
knelt hoe th04--- hove; Weati
th'ih z:at -
"Nit the interminable ereiabot wee - hrer
. .
: -:e* tut,- Lanteleogithevet-havelold how
111,14* thE9agil 'iii hut tit- het i b iy hid all
tlistr: tooth*, liipt. f4, iirtrel
xlmi- _ -Wr g . is4tiel)14 Wirier in ht
liFeesitirtenta K$1tag *Oh; 0.14. pit* en
' leembliog ti00 atthelsos Ode** ;there.
•saw criethre.4 girl. who fgt.; Ur
nwitthe had brit! livitg . a Ottani?* nrico*-
*ens love drearn'l and' etiti,,,littd iiri1 found
• eat :that *ha --had a. .hear ti by, As bitter
oohing, . ,: . -
Mil tit sbe two .itiuu?- 6ritose :foot bi iiii3O-1.
- hitato_love• we get girth
*x4441-404! strnggitcl together.
411 be - hours. She telt with. a grtatthrob et
' bittit thetas. that -40 had given: bet leVe
•. shoo r, - unvaluet. : est te asettie
sOiniahlt:' lova,. -Mand.--. Netivalei word
"1 obeli win ,-hirti barb, 'arid this time LC
„ents shell etitt-bitertet 0.16.4 . -' --. • - . --
, He belong* to - bland tdetiVile• 1 Wha
',matter ?•-• Hs heist Could heve been- nithe..,.
• iheaaid,-tO the_ white•timed, daeyed girl
• efislithick iit- het. troth -the ; mirror with
.Ww, rad' rose' dying on bit brteat. • . ••••-- • 1-
• :Ttattiday.the tiliti 'been teadiag 43 61
10061% ie, the litwary; -Solite •. petty verses
wylitert °Vet just ouch'. A .ulak0)141:1 iss.litb
•. . lc se- sathis ct lw-ers, . A itihoyE.mietd-het'm
- Mad 1411110 sgicizt 'iti the lititt 0 -this hew
.-- .stiveletiog that bad dat hod upezther heart.
- *I 1_ will . blip down, - to- - , the. li Orary and
• bribg the - boot" !the: ea* gltdiog out into
• the ball extd dews, the-- heed stairway,
elitinkingly„ like a little wititighoot- --
,The ithwiry waii dieetted, hitt the thadcd.
stediag•larapettlt hiirned oVet the toeutte.-
lads Iltith, itli 41* et. *eke' bet 412.6f*.
• ,.......410•••=c4
The Marble boats atid-litatiettes 'against
the boA•lined -trallc locked 'grimly dowa
upoOf hut this frac go1din•haire4v1 wnh
look. ot trogio &grow . Oh_ her pale finsi,
"Re -hae„ barn bet*" she mariatitedl-
.' iflogy;-noting the teint frestranot of clgsr.
emote *la pervaded- the alt... -•
• . 'eat down the° greet, ambiened
emaking•ohiar - ant then the _ism • .
•etbee token pteeenotes,- inapt of
t hid rw.Orit •••• in his
lattos.hole- .4- that- evening, and -obit*
• Ow ley.- eareltiely . loot -
. he* 8111:,:*ould never bate gamed
link he •baclAbrotiti then there in naisiou•
disdein heramis Maud'. bfertraleli hand
d tithed theta On his
•. tante/ *Joked - the-noor.dying dowers
„Int -held them sehderly.. • ; .
• -"Tatt•lieve bon neer thc.rosisi" she MO..
- mated. iind tireeled %heat . te her zo
Pesaiestate lo're Omit!, •She
- esuld toot help it. They:40kt to,.her so
ly Of:the:proud man who bed WOO- bet
uatrittiad17, TheY .Jair
Ibisk of the princely t0111111 the dark lurlog,
id.tioe„ the-Ft/bud, eyhical, dark eye!,
milling lip* that- once or tertu ohly she
had meta,: curThill beantitul azrnli
Subtly eWeet and dahgerout, which :women
had worthipped .hlindiyi• but -Whialt may
• shore upon theat hotray Oil, hopes 10
Saito. • • " - ' .
She: tipia t.b'e ilOwere,•kistedrithem .agatio
• --•-end.agaitbAh.en threw them 'tat from -het in
. witiaddou• revnistort: Of feeling. berderitig on
• mtpreinesseelteiontempt......•• . .
"Ali, it 1•.-conld, throw ray hiptlets pia.
: She: found Abe , book she SO beds .and,
elan trano-:the thhalightly," sho;pghed. --
teroP)ed by tberdeep ailenee- and !inlet- CI
sheroOn-oecided• to' rernairi• while*
hoot. With her lair bead rrsStuj on •r
sant she t mut to read,' eletid--•-• tly tsr
old.hehitot hire :. • _. ;
• ..... -
Tau weft tad. Qt
• The wile woglat ettalet awl:6411g ".ott putt,
•-Ttio gold Oultkiit41101 biup.40000IMI -
at your loot iki.olgtt000stots
.a.u4 sou• olive biessitige
• Vonow***4-.pc.fwin%laill friousit 4/44 god, -
They :itutot- wiiii.oetwiteri • at tutit:
. 'Nat ruty tot too tbrout4Opt '
I -14.4 1 tile 104g lieu* thee
Ulna lott4- yoti tett& digit you
A :IiIttfitle111,_• -:11e-reeii jorintit :•-of•
stela ehie:.' bitty eSer her, 11 -be •;Ilooked up
Ind eait 'Ledo- .BQ,, *ties the
7-tmlavy eartiihs, eilk stud leo. al the
• *Way heitind.which he had- been 'onielly
liaokitig.ir alga* .7..
- • "Biniald•rict Wattled, Laurel *NW dow&
Hber4book ehd ifittuis • tip igneralitieui
. • -
Thinilater. of- Eden- coolly -.0eueht her.
•handsmtd.tercied her: back into 'het •• •
y " Why hied yeu. alWaye dy: front We as
,Shongh were an: ogre r-lie.,seid,
• ii,017.•"1 shall act- eat yea,. -child, tempted
11,0:-.1 might be- tit do so."
rzb A. UPI thoUght myself elope," •Ohe-stam.
itterid‘ --under
• : . -• .
• is no harm.done," be answered,
trig up .• "heir front of het
at her the 'same sweet
lied worh wheit he bode hir• return
-mother end Alia. 'ought thetiveniti-g.
*Wag et the,loindois who/axon
. _
'7110 bzof - ig.RIs-atteints .40414-graiya,
.440ther Ogrificleace," be said.. "fdt.e1Got.
"11401110lathent.. - •-. •.. . ._. .
otit traukhees 'emboldens Me to 'oak
.dcii-, 'telt-Me the story 31. ti.-blativih.potitsel
- " Whit djonailt the sbestitYlk 'tulle -401
into:you egrafstbetio. this eviiiitug,", -
, She drew- Wok, iodise t and anise&
leered ,00ndlince,":the-cried.:- -. - - - • -•,
• .lie •libgbeci -alciaidactrably,eneeringlY.
' "DO you hall -that • oOntidigioa' which ;is
pouted Into OW', . ittabger's ear 1"- , That
dgition1(1 -Hand r/derivale1 Crotty Maio. ?"
he.critid.- • " Telt hie lb...prat-4 dation she
gave you* ?MIS Gordoh, end their you shell
hear- wy. tido otslio story." ---... : _ - . •.„--
. • "..11 -y•OO wiiih: nit -to:congratulate-you,.
Mr.. IA -Rol 1 wilt ati Am how. withotit weAt‘,
tO bear More," ••• the- *Sidi cl1sPotatel,•
:reset to- tamps this pakithl interview...
- Ile caught - hot -baud; as the hilt &roses
end goittly to -144 tor back to.her•seet. - -
":Da •-• nee' : leave tne . yet." - be -Said
" Paiate t - I italiw- . hit pitiful- sterietyed
stortri- We • were -lovers • ehee- and : bet
Parente -patted he and sold ter 10 au Old
mau. beam* be. was tither then I 1 Is net
'that. the Taint:Mat .14: ilie.,..ptitty 'idyl, bliss
-Gordon r! , - - -- i- -- - - - ---- 7•
- "Yett,".ibe ahswited wohderinglY•
- "_-1 tbotight :reo-...1. have.' -heard :it Often;
before, Now beitt-my :side - ot the - Story!-
.0kiid. We Were lovers in •our. young_ ilays.‘
*bit 'sten,. You WOW& nob .believa-that
'Maud isitbirty,- would. you, MM Goedott ?
My Mathes thatight nie-to0 young to Main
lbw, .: &Ddbiome* ehe *did- het wholly
*ppm* of ;my.; ohOiee.----.iThe Old Invited -
her. -----We postpoited the- sonstirtimation at
out .blies until-1,11)0Ziltieime ot itge... Maud
grew inipetight, .01d' • Kids* ?derivate stek
.het, eu44,--perdoh lite' Wietehedslang, Nisi
Garden -the ' trout -for-, blue. It54. threw
me over 1 : TO.niglit," he :bum sat af1er a
:inotnetit'a 'pause. ," the threw priadeutii and
jdelicany *the srindsi-begging me to forgive-
-het ' and te take bet beck. to - my - beart,,-
t*ore that tbe-bed . 4eVer *heed act WO-
reefe..;•,,c.. 7 1.7 :goo_Hia. w.. ba...1 aus-'7_-_or. .-- m..,de
,_. *4 Vo;"' 1111.*- faltered, . thrtnif.sil ':. With
latereet • ',- i ; - --- - " , :1:'.-;'- -;.• ---
} - " 1 .told her:, that elute her • sin I:bed
Method, eil *Omen for her- eake-kor nice
ot all 1: 1 teld 'tier that hetet 'tit/ noir)
1 .:tnete woliew whO redeemed: the. -its to
y lyti--i obila.intriiin : soe-thfait -107intio7-
Ol. ac freak and ttotbfill, Iteelseliced
uld net tireithe••same • with- heir..
obit te *beat 1 riffle -the trom •paesionisto
ove 01.5 man ounibin with the- reyerainoe
due to an
ingly, his t
love. .
I hie arms to her yearn,'
rithitgured with his mighty
Ix, tam twice as .Sid WI You ari,
but ove you madness 1 I hive hated
1 Virent worth in my bloat jealousy, but
et 16 ell peat, Thaur God, you love hitx.
Z30 longer -yon are tree! Oan you lois Ise,
uatrlz? Will yot.be MY. mita?* •
• Levet Yams almost -reeled with the sad.
dezinee* of. -this pert* Joy:that hid opine
upon 'bee.. She wee flee so faiettewith the
greet tenePtetioit of her lite, but, oli,-how
*merle*, through bit passionete love, to
light against it i• • •
•• P.EldPTER
"Deep ernotiOn :-.-overpoWere4: Letrel's
speech for a Moment. Her lite parted ' as
it to speak, hat cloud ageliz :wished% a
lamed. Her fait: . heed ,droopped -like: a'
beautiful dower toe .-beavily- larldh with
dew;_ ;shed -acme, 'orlon her like • groat
Ithoektbet St. Leon L. Rot toted- her•-•,.
icived the false Boatriz •Gordonthe per.
Aired girl living e deliberate lie -Bente* his
teats . Shit celled 11- by- its -*Orel natio 10
be$011,-. mien: :though 'she. fllnobsd from it,
for elle- toed.** Olitrioe Wells isidofher,
a habit of °allies thirigs by their right
,.names. To het a *-• sped." waa sspie."
She had the -Motet courage to recognise her
• ill), but this love -bid mode. her AI solver&
She ootild: not : contest the truth.: For the
sake of .1114.0311i she hictrisked • all. • tithe
-could not put hie lovelro.m her now. Vet
hie qui worde.: !tabbed- her .with.'Itieneet
Oak). " •• -„" • -I • . .
• "Fog the drat time, Beaten, fleet like-
thinkincldaud!s faleity, since.: -it has lett
me frie_th wtxa you, my true, inigel-beetted-
gittr- •.: - . •. •
Tiott 1 . angel.beeziat-ob my God 1"
44 *Mildewed to Itene4, and -aficogase
awns ow bet _to, be all the* talk
bee, heaset, immesh* V55, ShcPid
Wakes an, sad vss. bable,great 4eve
Ito gal pardon het
She lifted her 4s,t wistful
Oriels meet het. • - •
It yea bed -net
winkt Ws forgive& the 'toot
stsdsd yea."' these*. auziously.
Tbe-taira lutes
bps tatia.
"1 !crossbar to� sp..eit- *Geo
'MY teary tot bit di 144 tweet& ,4 BAI
'.5 1115? retire* bit, Use ike
She deemed; me. I *Oar s
',LAW I - Worrieu-stiould be UUP iewee
theaiteeposel Bitil*ZA
A perfect eriatere.s*11 platzekif
yam tO Utiattgict, 5a4 egietatupit,
vett said* Wit
44 402140141414
dreaded twat.alogaii
HO !,-,t.-Xas bee tell him what liaad
ht hiiift..--*•fied in his ear. •
6 .tmete threaf." said. r She
10 OM t:§:iloti no Wm, Butels, Tou are too
ss-tiA your. .bigh peon MP XI,* GOV
bia do: b10,54 and -my roamed wife for
hurl dub lee. • •Ilalthirroisuses et Elan
-705 .Y014 f--1, be - **idly her supiew., 'for old
ri• D* made hie Millions is trade.
" Ls ° goys have Inherited their
in. amoral '.geoetations ot i.
_ enamor* Indeed. -we tresee05r
as ofrotri the Zinn* nobility." _ • -
t1 • Zgt thine- --botedd her -only _frightened
het bee Otte.' • She *Misled at hie preineep.
ur do P.ztertug this timaily whieb Oita
on its steli.. wraith than on its
balK4 grAldigree. She silently` readied eome
v*4P,..* bed reed that owlet
4-petelhat over: vigiory,
/awl yoz Sway trcza me ;
-'?* creasy etepc,jb *comae
Aiereake Wentz tta your oyes; :
4 03,-, .44111001Tipa tilAilitiounebfwor utoct-sa wi
•9'0WILIVItia atteeetoce beck to .the
Tre'., -*Wiry. while I do .130$ know whet
znYdfababerta 'us. bana.
na= •graC"
2E-14 • yea go -my dailleg," Mid St.'
Leer fliddenly„ " there la Ode' .ththg 1
• • . , .
she* lte to hew you my." . .
" wloatit sWo seirwared.
)-4,4* both bit treinblizig hoick) in
wad , deep loth her eyes with a
in that seemed te road her •
._ up your ' beeA, B.stnx. kick
.itrint0 syres.and say. 4 SI 1011061 1
yes a
- With am
Wordastorth's- 'taut
emit sem agate
demised nie. Ozio
, the broken
..*o r'
He wan tutionseciently Wit* SIN
be only teklitelled tie& She laid's**
toI4 hint tbia 'late clay how the
thea\ise would bevel finite lic.tt-
deolivel• Aud she • oonld ho) do
Skis would het nab ti She letairl tato
dearly. She would *have kss 100 w
ow214, whether it leased for a Icee or
daft. - •
"Wbt 04-194-41 velvet this eviiiihs
:else asked, gaming. as WS:mad
bet wild meolv$. oa were eo dtavotr
.1taelt.7- • -
end astehtiTe ab. gist the -had srn
, y
Bis mortiful.lstiglo-wati not citior.
se Wu, 811.41Z.
a Wealth who
iUu from h'Io'iof
tdori *Quid 1Vor
- " Thee • was my wrong*"
tooitt berth the .-tep
laughed -in -10 eliere 1,
thOuld -have -Woolen
0102311-110110 bete with
Coo ht *int:Wig:Me -
iot• t
tat da
St- Leon the boy who waitbudsdyb
beauty. she ',Quad Ls Roy, the .0wt
--saw through het shall * arta avid tic pieed
-her."' • She had no
Willi% OD cuereslowly at
1 oorifees (bit I ,-lead
.Beatria ?-.. I logged
hie. ;Stem -yen earn
war :ready 4 h
sr Diomeot ; ,Bbu
another moo et te11
pique. y10
deo yo 4 UV
beausigild, shy; frightened ot e al* •)s.
eohtetainet 1 •geve YQU room it dr. t ,hut
soon became iitsrs.tsd iu you and .L oul
him, repaired '.y itt�t it you woul hat
let But . You did not.. Yon t:sehtia
:nail stilt I d1etati4c toe tfol crih.11s. i
I had bein as old s. uy -mothcr. Whe
_Merivals earick 1 dsaerwso54 ho
you -that, I was - 001 140.
-Ittlaiite faiLt *10014/1 4 10 be d b
lb�w. But yeti -held y tio •
you dirted- so ottakint ly- with Cu'.!•..t.!
Jelin thet 1 wag oomph) y blinded •nal
Oladdetikal by your ionifferenee..
dartice:" he bent - taWard her_with • doh
tit It:M*0.'411 .love .in hui ipieudid aysb
" yotatbad het _ come. kin hoze to.D1 he,
. should -,,ziever-- hue dreamed, haver- have
ktoiro." • - .
" You beard -you- eaw ?".• she bzo o
hot and red with bitter sheutc 4 Us I
atald tool:ter hoe died 'r hiding list 5-urri.
bog .face• lo her smell hared,. •.- - •-
!. Hush, -134iatriz.n. Fie% drew the.
Wing hinds away,puthillier/as 11.10116
*tidally,' and pithowed- Ifished f
hie breast.. ".II Wu a 1414 ebioi
love-xio net regret .fOr .roy sake, p
*mak spied ..upon your ilia ioh* .
did -hot mean: te diettith yeu.- onljr 1
Dot -forbear .peeplog up the' cm 100.1
and fesetieg- coy - eyel -your eireetest
Ile it- *ante so -past that heard and
.w.hicb made '..the happiest ht mitn 1"
You -take it for granted that I that
the began- to remonettete, lo e.
rentlyi With • -a mutinoni,:.. tretahting
:upon bet sweet red -
ask 'DU --for'Tyour tines you
-it-That you btlong ;....n2e•-tbat I
brekeki w4tItiVelita.rertlt-rlyesin he anew
AK: of happy ,TIN it 'WA
BHA*, E117. bokstittlli : derit•eyed vi?
Will -.70u not be •my oh ed little a?"
And paler. than. the - OW etalt0 Alit
glimmered coldly White .in the 4, •try
oarner.yoodet _the mu; wed:
44 1 IOW) : • . , .; . .
••• Full -1 of bound's...trust end peatien be
'bent doWzi pod Pressed stingerizeg, ination•
ale hies on the lips - Of thr holm Itut
impostor. ,.., - T. - • - • , .1 :-. • . :
God ,bleSe you, mj Ultle love," Ile s Id,
hoskily•Ctiod witb. deep eppreseemeni, ,i ' ii
their never regret .thas.setres ptozome."
o meant to keep his word', but vire • or.
tele aro bo blind. The die; cams. when ohs
felt that -taller life watotte long regret I .
Obi tbstmbrd regret! . • 1. - ;. ,
'nolo base bees nisitto ani .21202111 %the
have sigh- ti - ., ',. . -;- . .
"Let os stoat. Segni! W. ars eoutetat
To thiew the all: our pass,
thou wilt Ries
For hot it -is patient. d it wakes!
% bull tot logirued to ery it It to blow
BUI1 plethethou the bed this it tabard. .
Dim With ptebi011ato
love and ha
Dees" ihe rested in hie time a nom 31,
their drevc.therieltehyly away.
"11- grows.. late: . Jade d, 1 .iionst: le 'me
youshow "••he Whispeted...
"Itislaand you are Weary," he
tete nderly. "1..must tend' you to your r ot,
my precious -one, but for Me I 14111411 lit h- re
all 'tight "rticiaingover-m. . sweet, 00
pliesi.P ' . • - • z.' - -
%'bey had !laird no atep in the hill, Iit
at that.' -moment be door iwung open a d
Mn. Mendede. appeared: on the thrush d
ID an !moulage dre.aiog.gqw, her lease: 7...4
-golden-hair. fyitig over bit aboulders.
gieseditidisMay for an toa$sns, thou ate r.:i.d
backward With a quick smile of.soomi -
, ".-Pardon 1 I could- nett sleep, end es e
for a, books-. I did .not -.dream of ititerret_e.
lug suth an intetestinvnidniohtfets.a.k. '
ehe said •-sneeringly.• - ---... ; .- -_ ? - - ..
._. St.' Leon' drew his arm gently around e
'alight. -form of -.his betrutbed, an .omino
stead in his eyes. ' _ ,- .: - I - : -
" Coattail -tele* net Merivaik" a
said; ...Miss Gordon bite i?, ' mind .th be
.71;1; Illiak. 3' lira. . Ibi ' ha" .14..1411Shed 1ngree2.
-fah weal*. fronislis sylei of the .cliei 4
POIntbd WOMIlie .- - '. .. ! - - . : - . .
-x-41 Wilb all my-. heart.. Mayyou tO
happy -as you'deter," .slie •Janaware
soorafully.. - -,.' : - - ' - - : ', .
Then, turtles/ - * go, she *bent. swift
toward Laurel Vane and -whispered in b :?
ellf with the his,ing tenshide; -.
that 'Who irticks -pool' ! -
"You . hate triutsplied over *.mi• -•-yo
have. 00Me between. us,- h I do not fog t
- "..iu otueb,14Liureteighied tO henilf,
He Was lop)* to let her go when .th
Jealoua,- -angry woman bad disappes
'The•nele trightlined falielto ed ale -beer(
-% !--41r11- 44,caleotilai rosY
obey „Le lead 0011210t0d-s &IA then afies
4ept4 path*. -sod patsion in -her vekie
she was behalf aueoneolous.
et. 1 love yon," she ..repeate_ d
tirotOpIt aopths cat bit soltaing heart.
" ki•••:° :darling!" he oetight . her in his
srs10-.Ct°4 straitatid her eagerly to his brew.
Fu me for calling out your "b4tebes
so. htl are were lovely than your
roes14-1-if. L'It•ovr.gocd,night, my little lova,but
do aqirgt4ak. =wit* word.. Lee those last
allacz.17,0,0_zde live izt 04 Memory te•night...."
tir and pot her .gozatly 'taco
him; tr4 *mod act the door to watch the
loth) figure goitg lightly along the
hail p tha wideixh*lati stairway.
T. mine. nay gado love t" he Deur.
mute, gtionly. "Bow pleasid tad. happy
ScY _.9r will be -
116 t4471.01064 itge _the room, threw him
seas* into oi chair. and, true wigs
word, ,utt i - remaining boars at the
night `- 43 hityy • vigil* -dreaming over the
meet cp• pmess which had mace to
414.5tangely when Id. heart hal been
4eightt_j_._t4.owti 4141:1 despair.
•Aott..piorel Vane 1. She _kept a wakeful'
vigu.tN't• Her eyes were not eo bright as
they e.--„TrIttiahave, been nest, memo. ter
Obeekt:Md.lips were, nos. so rosy, but her
beautil u marked is ever, sod rootio;
fits gib was very loath to follow the
agry,.aPriey. tad, widow.-• back
"1:021y,fa1313diso Bien bot. en.Evet
'besai4.Maita, rather disoonsolatel.y. •
- zed,' else
enillealeer Soother/3 Scipisted Itse _ how
St she le derinag iron it We mats wait"
Sb.fil$LLk.$ hived*s its silo will it
*be Was Ireadena derPmaill bY bee
fent. She knew 141141 with Mrs; iGardcetai
ormnitwsil wiis 0 an end, and loupid 410.
pasta, $e ward dt the ay; boor. She
am bu witOT. ifirk/ises4 bapy .0‘10 ithe
*Meld stage tft the hour ot tectonic* se
lenges -shireculd. inat bo retnem el Bios
-ea log as the Could wsa 4sisits Asko&
1. .ay. seerned I* her /cite impossible
!Webs shoold ever .beitiorue BL L:soe
Bora wits. The blew monad tea -beton
thew • She felt that ahe was only takJr
int fleasurs like It`battettly in 0111114124 et
that the Diopiee tibiae of wiz' ter weed
soon loo cf her gilded wiage and leave he/,
and trampled beneath theit. bsst
Those ;joys thet we boll by a fro* mkt*
teem we always ,prize the zeoss. Ties .„0..
lore *les! iihe'wee lased one day to lose ate -
*sew *par. -of Lanni Yane's -'lite., Bks
esid to bereelf that %him -she loft it*.
would die.
le tea a teed 'keel that .slee Sue kr
hob* princely limiting lover. She
have made any isarifloit lee hic2 wept te -
tell him- that she tied deceived bun. SO
*sold hsve-died for him.zss4bobit
death mould hive beep easier thsoecisisek..
leg W wanes sin to tem.
BE 1;t0r3 -obafel sorely es tha idea e
weitiet so kale to elaim Ms bonny Milo.
Toy_ hal _talked orit tin -dal -tour Betepe4
abd Laura hod ***PA the' tease seise
delight at -the idea. . The tOttir tot EstkOW
bid DOS the *Wrath= -01 scoreity to him.
ELe-- had Made is several times. bsa leo
kriged so grotty the glrrai wish; hewasas° .
stall that he would =eke her hippy lee
Mad 001 bet: 10 vrait. And 101 racing
Dot selfish -coots& to *tab to buten MIL •
-crordos/treturnits the hsintsrd of her WM.
HiC =mho sseree4t Witti tan ;het is woe .
unfortunate his having to *wt. Bbe wog
very anxious to see him married -to Bustin "
Oudot!, and she thogght. the it12111121111g
Fistettit time forzerorstng the eeeelm.
If they and only he raurrtea in October.
. how -pleasant it would .-be, but than the
trwisissa--it would take ..an endear lira*
tot•that. • - •
'"13L 'Joon displayed ail $ noes imps.
,tienee louder thetieeuraetputout. -
-41 A 14 tor tho trouncing / What mold be
prettier than. Beattie* white- dream that
.sne wore every ; .day ?-,Bitt if the:had ic
bait no wad cf 120* thing'. -why senidtes
they -got Ahem whin .theYwent -t0 Paris?'
•Worth was the ,orily also who toed stake
them, maybe*. G,Iven-,1 teavelliog.dreet
to cress the herricg pzzad, in. and AO
might but a hundred • new dreams if she
liked, one's .they lauded i Fratoe. ',Mut *
moo wait mouth* for bis happines.
ecootuatot some patty dresses?".
Mrs. Ls Boy. io her anxiety for thie7iese.
riage, quite agreed with hinait hie three*
ezpreseed. views. if M. Gerflee OM.
home she would order bert daughter's
dream trom PA*. How netiCh easier for
Beatrix togas them berg& while abroad
She wrote to Mrs. Gordon sod suggested
"To • red uoi vex your bears over bpi. the idea. Morever„she hinted broadly bee
tor ebet* found her Adam in Stamen lit fears thM. Beam's, if Jett sione 110 Ica&
might change her -raitid-,=.miglit return est
the cid lovp-mo one mold • say when Ord
Weetworth would. return to Ametieei, set
what effect his rattan might- b*Ye cw
sireetbeart. Mrs. • Le Roy thought' Ike
wisest plan, under the peculiar Matas,
stanou of the cue, would be for the Got.
dons secootinue their Southern.tour, esid
et St. Leon marry Beat= quietlywit&.
out soy. foss or ceremony, and Mks*,
" bitterly. -
7ere gone, Si. Leon sought
Ccitu1st,s rcee," he said.
desire pilt.ycur heart will be greased. 1&m
about _t$21, trry." . - .•
Her fAzdeotoc, proud old face- did - net
Icok 6:4401i, &B 'he had expected.
YozOti-#3ehoseze Maud lderivale again ?"
"she osid.1441 then he understood the -shadow
On lin Ok.4.4 itcl the tone of regret in ber
voice. )1,41. _ " •
" IOC* Q111 ptejudieed agetinst Maud In "
he said0O49fly.
" forgieen her tor thetlight
she .1147 ; 1104 i" elle answered
gravely4_,1 • ,... • • •
Lslarer.:74 young figure went flitting
pasttheoit_ta door as that moment He •
*Sailed tiT p„fr, Zrew the aro&U hand through
his Mil fW, tad her up whis mother* -
"Moi, bzreis Your daughter." be said;
with tkign:,.4kOtest.amile she had ever seen
on his cl(01y.b,andsonie tub.
44 AUVPAal Wentworth?" she inked
bliertul, hwilderid.
-"I ha.,A p.,p4e loved hint. It -Watonly
fancy. 4 -yo brash with forever 1"
"Tb rc I" she cried, drawing her
new claw foto her arms and kiestog
heir sh.e added to St, Leon,
gladly; so glad it lean, sweet little
13eattio.,:i. et that °cliche Maud Mimi.
vale 11' • •
• And y ohs • wrote &Atter to NM
Gordon ▪ her bow olevaTly their plot
uorW.. and that 8b. Leon :had
taken- 0 WentwOrtht ,place in her,
"Mocce-,a miirried and &V. How strati*
it had i followed -upon ,-Laurel Vanes
*outing 141.154,10m 1 - ' .
ln. atino 146 taikti- mane to the Le Hoye, s
trembline r;:iftrAtened innooent littletmpoi; '.
11 r -
SOri lendlg , :self sea fraud for •-Beatriz
Gordon's ri % From a moot unwegoonze
intruder. '''' 1m: they had • received with
esores disr , Mee bad come to be the light
of . their c$i: '- k;:d their beer*. To -day -is
fair, ripeY.1.4., patober, with the " flying
gold tf ir"▪ - " J.-ioined woodlands .driving
i •-"-she .clung to Si. Leon
Le Roy' ' Lis worshipped bride, happy,
with -a stir lelelirious happiness, in spite
of the swc % ever hong *depended by-,
must sure
a hair a
. .ertohmeade d-ayth, ein.deworcansed &hives,
destined .
She wse .1 with the Whirl of events
lauth.. inalatziabt:daetiflb1abo4-A., Mr. Le Roy had writ-
ut thi's duelig eon -
ten to ?dr. t-- An, announcing his.engegs.
moot to hieldAszt, ter, and pleading for an
NW, nlart. . _
The "6,-?. sci replied, on the part of
delightedly satotioniog
Withal to Mr. Le Roy,
estria-to consult her own
• de. . They wished
sai ; and a, .$-Taould, ere , °home gee
teal, a a °-• . pleased her. Mrs, ear-
ls- $01 d , .. PY. the,
don wrote % e would soon -come home
to supetiti gtetorepatation of the bridal
trousseau. -,-,- . . ,
., . ,., P
la.tlitrienif0 t: Pilka witli. diStelY se the
hints, anc„
their dazli
Wishes le
0•Zonia, noticing
Gran' the fair yOung hoe with a
lover% i310 g: 4,12a-ak to seethe shadow.
1. What ''i..,,41•Elarling'r! he asked.
" We petpthe the wedding it loag,
long timip,0
"ffil "Mamma mild not
&bread. . •
(To to eosSitmoda
•"' Gleam Tbantglut. -
• Be ehaiitabli and indulgent to everycnte
bet youreelf.-sreesbert.
It is not'? genius ea marsh as ability 464
carries one through the battles a
B. Street. .
-117013 are determined' to fere and dl*
slave to Custom, see that ilia at leasessood
one. -8. P. Day.-
Tha hot edithatioa in the 'world is that
got by .struggling to get it living...W..
P 'ilips. .
:thou art wise thou knotted thine worn.
Igo_ se; and thou we *Donned thole
knoweit not thyselt,,Latker., • 6
Nurtureyour mind ititte great flogging;
to believe zn the heroic makes
The chief ingredients in the composition
of those qualities that , gain Mein sad
praise are good nature, truth, good sense
and pod hreeding.-4ddisert. '
.1 have often wondered how every lams
loves himself more than all the test of.nosq,
Yet sets lees- value on his own opine= et
hiinee)f than on, the° 'opinion of
Apoltodorus. .
- To mike others' wit appear more that
one's own, is a good rule to mavens
neoessary one; to let- others take no
your wit,' and never do it yourself.
• Some men 11150 more beholden. to their
bitterest enemies than to friends elm..
appear to be sweetness itself. The farmer
frequeetly tell the truth, hut the low
Ile Mew 4111-Reebtiees.
A reporter •Tedi�to alarge retalt
establishment it other day. 'says, the„
, Michigan Zudeelitts last ttenth. 14 Ica
have a great ttish of business," remarked.
the reporter. "Yes." 'replied the prowls -
tor ; 'partly because it is our dry sewn,
but mainly on amount ef advertlainge."
" Eiow 0411 SU toll whether advertising
pays ? " "IOW! , tell whether advertising
4. ppithstou:
dgit. otputarve tred it.
-minlLi)waTaorsokin. .4.„
. drops;yab
other vita.' SatPbee you oli.ould gin uP
advertising t" "A should iiave a big lot
of money, tat I should lose a bigger -mem. •
Ton mutt keep she boilers _heated as • '
*ant steam. if you batik your fire very
logs it takes theta to start ur. Advertising
is the SUM which keeps business moving
i'te studjed they matter."
Parties who have returned to the Pacific •
omit from a tour through tho. Superst'ition
in Adams. Territory, report,
the disoovery of.extensiveetone rukt1.-same
of them In almostinaeoessible plaose. The .
walls kick as it they had.beet battling with
theelemeote for tenturien: The pre.
hietorio people of Whose exietenee they are .
the oblY remaining evidencevust have 'beezi
itippmminler°1aloaull. et w in Zonidanitiol'
.'Leede•-Enalandi.. has * a'shakity for Abe