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The Sentinel, 1885-01-30, Page 1
r4j • :N.. - l 4 4" 4,1 .." 7••••••••••4••••••••••••041.m.*,••••••• - sisersom Ii. XII.— —'• RID47t, •JANIT 1 1 • uthilow Entint _ . Pubitlhed every Fitdiiy it the SINTINICIA -BlbOk". North ,Kest-Oornor.fif Outraut:-: - and Campbell "Streataie _ LUCK NOVV ONTARIO • -LEGA -ABROW. PROLIDFOOT., BarristetOolicitors,ste.,QederighiOnt.- -. GARROW-;--1V14. rROUDFOOT. LLIOr Tit.AVER, . Attoroey4t.law, Seliciter inrOhanoary.- Oonveyaneer; etc..„ Office -neat to to the Post 'Office, Luchneiw, Ont. . ' ' 218 AigEs ongERvitAA, coNvEyANtial; Money IoLoan.On Terms on g -pail Estate. yaluator for Trust:au toin.. - . - . X ON, . . 0Onveyancer, nomidedocer In H. CA., eta: toiley to Loan at, 6 Ter cent, straight interest. Valuator for the Dominion Savings, and Investniont •Soeiety, Issuer of Marriage Lioenies, KIN LOUGH 0 Ont. . r.f. ..14••••••waLi ••••i,T". Corrigan, , Coinmissioiier in 11 C. - - ICINLOUrci a P. BT •J4 ARTANj 1DZTOA A1VIY.PITiZISHE14. Stiheerlptfob:Price-al'. Wit pe.i'lrear • 14'Advaisee. - All Waist of' - xxocuTre-wriv,-!--- Nfrettross and Despatch.? • ; _OEN E RAI!. ROBERT. CUNNINGHAM, - testinA.Nce, FIRE AND MARINE. . • . GUELPH, . 1Ts1•- MuIuaI WA.1-1t-Ali0611. ,• -•., —....:‘,..z._._...-...........--..—_ - .S0 V'M .N7 liarrister, ' etor, Practionei in -thee- - 1-linh'Oourts. :Office -With; , . , . AL -'17.L41. 1-3, CAMPBELL, Conievatiber, Mb Iney :Lender; itia: Egtate_and Initnianee•Agent-. Oolleetione-prometly made an.d: 1 etti re#4.-giv p.:.,. ea& .. werk. .our motto_ig, ieedi4 not Worde.. ' Offic4 :-.-Ale-x Findlateeti Old Woof.* ,, , firoinsuropta Coipanyi ..),Auti- OF -0111.1.4t)1.'01i8-1110141'Vlt S FO tho traimetion of b.u411'otim on the .:first: Tionolay in each month. Partiee 'wishing • to theirOronerty insured:in this itioreasingly Oomintny, -v/111 by .giving notice be - sailed Upon by the- undeiggited er byone of -tho Directors. 1.3us1nes4 rnifl promptly -tended to • - • • • • - -11011Ettl1 AtVARAY, • " St, Itelon'e P; 0, oney to Loan 1 PAY T11111,14S.. OP ..PAYMBIIT; Apply Ao - 30 t1-14 00.0K1, Agent; Dunionnefn. ..01aey'.4.o K N 11,10Ali 1WVAPf,nt ItE hates, on . Termeof..Paynteot. to,. suit Berrewers. - • - ELL/Of 'I1tA#211, IdueltnOW. -OneY . • O,rpitisTeoliAssmoitTGAcas AT 7 - to 74.per- continterest, payabli-yearly.. : Otarges very Moderatc.7 Apply to. -.110tignSgIntitAY, St. lielsn's, _.oney. t� (fl)OD 1AUM PROP.ERTY.- AT '8. 5.and 8-4Lper cent; t Ocording to the See ur.„ Iv -offered, abovo. will hiloaned soy 'Perms ii tilt the Borrower, 0Orrespondence will be. cheerfully anSwered. without eapenso. "tor further partioulars aPply to - - . - , - 301-1N- GOUDONiSt. one o oan (rt.., • 7 tIt1 01+1;!:T ,-, FROM 2. To 20 ,. years, tisk' of -Farms -for :Salo in On.: tario as wotl AN Manitoba; Parties desirous to. Vartn4 will -consult their interests by. -in- .atiectint the ad Oirti el nil'faeillties- fAttbscriber •Groat -Britain and Ireland -and 00fitinent.of 10ando for •- • 7 Aitqc/t4 FITEWAIIT, 7t SenttOt fet postagei and. re. IL 4-1eelve fruut oostly box pi 40pds . hip you ta mom 1110116y •ht'..aw.aft aft anything,else .in j,the world. All, oteither-stS, subeeed fronifirst hour. The ad toad to fortune uppci-befOre the shirkers' °lately sure. ' At cue: aildromelslim and 'Agusta, Maine. ts • IRON CSV11P=.11=111i CAMPBELL, BANKERS ......111..C10() Th Nita House of nCOMMON gored, and r LONDON TOWER DEMOLISHE fro#-Niiiiikr: .010.Injureir Jo 1 ItO.N . (610 0 Alif:faiON di 0441111VELL,)- , .. NOTA14.Y• -P-U, -L I • conondoionirin b. ii donveilancer, eto; . LUCKNOVV •: ONTARIO. Onnyeystioing-iti all its Iranolies., --- - _ '1)neds,Mcirtgag '0,13ondff, Agreetneoti,.14eateigi ' . ete,iprotnti ly:ataVearefalltignarede . ... .• and oo rectuess guaranteed. , . . 1,f3jirtial and pronipt -attention; ..,paid to the Ilthing.' of !rides, and to all matte:is etilleot. ed -With the transfer of Ileal Estate. , 4: AVOliatvetatotitionable. - . . "VI El:110AL' `kJ M. S., - li( 11. C1, -11.1, -and L. 'M. .Editihiirgh ORPICK—Tliat-tornierliocc pled*" by. T)r over Ortind.yle store, where 1 will he found,- night iind - • 3.8 TE - Nue -,-;wedie,o.00k zoknow.,_ t-,,larSpeolat atteition paid to 41111os-so§ -; of Women and -Children. • •• • wrOalle promptly attended- to by Ilighk or • AcORTIVIAION - , Mat/ Mi U. ai P L..11; C., •L. It, L, Mt, Edifiburgh. •- Onronar Cfounty Brood. , . . _ - „Licentiate Of MidwIfer7. ©01legin Physicians and :istirgitons,. • ,• -• Edinburgh.' •.•, . • • ://aroffica'-, ()I'll ior. east Of the,. Post:Office, Lucknow, Ont..! - mew _ . --=‘,- • DENTAL. • It , • .Liegentlato. -of 6.416.i6e.e.steltaeSoved --Wbere he will 1) ntal Sorg. carry -on the .Dentrlety boldness but he would bog to. Inform his patrons that he will --visit Lucknow on the first and third Molidhla_. and • Thesdays of each Month. Oiliee at white.- tes Hotel. •• -• M !twined- Ratwhit the- Times. Lang _t__ oft.Mortgaketi as Low 010 per Vote" -41.i Moitiogoo. Sought I- . Drattgitta Ohpiinni en s11Points0ached, dal and Prompt. Attention Paid to the cation of Notes,: Actionots, Refits, @ter OrDrafts Payable. at P,ar belted on the-, • rhicipal Cities and 'beim of Canada and on a United States- and Great BrIt1n. Pirties Mitting.will find this ilia Cheapest,' •=ilifeit out most. ©on veitlent Method.. • - INTEREST. • ve -per emitallovied. on -Depociti in the Awe Bank Departmont. .-. :Ponds Zig/eget r PrivateParties. Ws :/110 firewood to offer $ thistoMere• every affordnd by It ffiartered liank-and 011 aqiially_faverable taring OONVEYANOING altite Branolioe.. SPAN and Life hat auleo. Best Oempanles liepreseeted. Office Hours-rmin 9 am ti) 4 p CAMERON' & CAMPBELL) LUOKNOW. -.VISTEMIVARY:' S'T.CLAtit WALKER, v. door do fiiiiBorber 1.UCHNOVV. • • . ONTo !..4- suptily.ef-Oletilcinei Away; on hand:. ' both -night and -day proMptitattended to, -tirCharges -,Inoderatei . , • - Cian, fenthdrday and night at b1 0161; 800-111TIESI ,L,tromioi Is Os LOD(11,1, 0 Fa .201 at iory 010116 n'ainnk in -• their Hail, Canii)bell IPSO. 411 Bretbegu cordially iiiitifed. . • . !ALEXcLAWSON, • W. It. SMITH, • Noble -Grand - Seoretari. • • --VCIKNOW LODGE .0P, THE AWOL,* ent Orden of United Woikinen, meet in tito Oddfell on:the eeuond Ind- list Mindy evenlese of each monthiovafitde Visiting Brethern are cordial! - To. l0n$66• . Ilhatei[ ormonti. lteaortier. - . oNeott,--Eeg., Jan.- 24 -.?--An alarm- . . . . . . ink explosion *has. occurred 'fin ie House Of Parliament. The eiplo tan °centred close .to the•Dinse:. of :140 'de; neat Westniinster Halt , 'It is .report7: pd that the--dyeamite was placed in the crypt under the building.. The f roe" of the shook. WAS 'tremendous; aiid,:i.O.tis felt:at it.great.distante; " The damage done was very -great. • *A -.second ex- - plosioe occurred !i about throe minutes after - the ,Ittrat. .. One: was near the House of ;€riinimons aid:the other the tower .1.and ! grounds, They late _Hi- f •... ,.. .. Westminster If all.: - - L - -. . • The :attael; -was made. on that pot. tion of the liuilding knowikas "WOW Tower," '. jt. Was fairly fil d - ' ith visitota; -ae•fl most, if net all those who are.knaWn'tehe unhurt, were eV eg About -ie. -the tower at the. time. j ' The White -- 'Tower *as' Iditiost -ample ely• . . . . . . . The tool.waeblown cleat" oft. Ali the wrecked by the force �f the explor. •:peisonsithoWn to haVel :been injer'ed - 'werivisitets. ' The manient.the police ii • realized the -nature of -the •Oxpio. fen ;they effeettialiy barred -all. egress from now sehjeeting - every petilon whom :they outcfnided _in- ..dittaining Jo rigid search," up -an the theory . that the at- tack. wasip0rpetrated by some-peisort, ot .persaets:inside the prendees. . : et.; geena..werel 'proMptly tuninioned•.:, d• the '-vvounded"are- receiving - all theat- tentien praptiaablo.• 2 . . . . ' The 'Second exPlosion---:- in .the Parlia- ment building* ocourred three .ininetet- later than. the Atilt; : and was fir Mare destruativti -.- Tho-. dinaiiiite-• which caused the 'seeond explosion :must alto 11 been plated Under the Peers'.gal my . an the, left !side. •-• The -force of the ex- - plosion 'woe iisuch that! 7-a :min. as - blown to earth 300 ..yerds from the -Scene.- The lebby. eti-. the ' Hous of .-Cellinionif Was -completely demolished, -. i. . - - - - . -- • - -'-.,A clue tO. ' the perpetratora of the _ . outrage-is:thought- to •..have.been: dis . .00.v.ered,:. !Just. liefo.re, tit -6 eiplo ion :occurred: 0,1min And woman, the.latter ;carrying ti • hand 'bag,: &waged- a cab -outside tlit Perlianionkyard ifid !dove rapidly avsikyt giving . no -- directio. s as to thole . destination. They - Ltd not gone far_*hell the explosion happe The cabman -stepped:the:Cab Witen • man and woman- leaped . out hastened Away. The cabman pur ;the runaways, who wereovertake ed.-. the and- tied . - ' Saturday :being visiting -cloy, sit e Ilouseif.Of , •rarlianient •-thelvail leg i . ,00ntaned - a great numher'of sigi:At-s;ra . -. . first explosion .. otourred in -'ilno O' raypt ,of.Wietteinattir.• Mall, i,hi - sevon - in Ithe itrangerePAal Wry in -oft Higtee of -‘04eiteooli.: - Idt.iliddietoly liefoire' die first eiplosion• it lady :visitor; - who %,tiLe -.alone, ..• 'end *al:- about , :to °miter the I building, beckoned to:a polioopian,ai id when he .Went - to her, -she-66;416d fde attention. to. a paokage lying .0pon trie. .steps eutejoe the -.-0,10, :!-. The:pop-4i! Mau picked Up the -package oaroless.ly, not tUspecting anstlig; .* (64. went with it -- out : Into - .-- es IlliAllter:Ortils, He had AO .:sohner reaehed - the' 4411: than the .:_psokage exploded. The, ex.pialltineldiatike.d him downand-injured .,iiint-eiY severely that i hi s.: oast is eon sidered.• ctitioal..... Its. force Inotiked down two ether' poliben.lien.•.who:**.re .. standing in ow -viOnity,: . and - badly ..lAtiOlied,t401111 e.--' lit4y., and . gen tleinatr standing . near - tl4:-officier : were .also. preitrated; 1 The giiet- whithivi OVer. !;tho main '!entrance te - Weetudrister 401- Wet sinishod. to - atows-, and all , . itro, 0.1.0 •44 44111. NE 1 T TIE Thiraday on •beffire ill min of eaoh month et @Wit pima ViNithigirethernserdiAlly halted. li, TEKNAFT • • 417/14T4IS. • V*),M.lisersesep at.the'tinie „of- the- explosion. he the aid the intviorof theY,fll'euse of Common the only seat dam:t• vaiGladstone's. was al lo torn t Op' of the Speek,; email chip It Was bidly brol(-• et's °heir. • The ,..%pl_osion- :caused .a •nia 'racing.. the • • . Thosein . the niraons recipitably,. and 4)&1 dieswere iisedin the crush. j. The nvesti ati. . so fat- ,made by the.pa ice lead to conclusion that the•ex losives use: the'- attack on . the to -or were y,iid1ed by-I:seven-is who g itied access sightseers. The ruins s ow that explosives- were operat if from .4. ,Ut on the -inner blistio or on the se1itnade .near.St.- home, , he report was t rribl and --was Asrd :for Miles up. and do #n the T1js, and at once atttaat cL itnmonse rowds:. ON, Jan preval" ;latio beliefcnvo• yi sageait t Ooinn ns by sone a_ V.ullor vestigatlf,1 bite -tit -f the danr''' itt first • s ern ex remity of wreck. -There is explosiA 44.00wY 1I e i wrk in that wasli ttorect, an igtthiitetio.sdug_ ithe -floor; frem displaced and the „ gallery WHOLE $�,76 - • - • windows A.e blown out. In !14:30 ,46 the destructive 'lilt° the House of aturdax visitor. shows that the was much great. sed The west - House is ir total - doubt that the ie was plat the Peers' on the Goiiir hient sido. All t of the building wide hole made The. gallery was id - stonework of etized or shifted - Every pane of to atoms.. The overturned and !ry- generally dim- 3 rway was .1 a positio sous beitches It ,brakeili and the mantled.- .: I The pxplosion-.: e Lobby et. the .,:, HOOSO of ,Conariori'pane from -directly under the strange" i'.' 1,4a11ety rAtio eery 6k -we t , the seat fiallyoccupied by ..,,, • Bradl tagh When " ug the commons. . The .10abby was .4 lately wrecked, tlie.gallery tem -.. p, '.the Speaker's elittir.-clestroyed a4 guimassive stone - wail; . liplieed. .-1' ' e -glees of the a Itouse of -.Comit) was eompleCely -shatti od, The,t, ; in the Haute steppe pretiselyit 2:13 p. *. A • -heavy- eam *Wert mod one. of the sUppoe alto:the go1/43, was ptojeoted Into th Speaker' hair,. seriouslyin- juries t,- Glads 'es eta was torn to pie os. 4 • . . ' !Sev al men ha , nen arreslekbut sisie` be 3eved to lotil,t-,*iocent of any eon', nectio ' with the .1. iiAbli . outrage. The than t en into cf0,47 in thevicmity "el We tminster ' 1 is 4 Canadian and a &reedy- a 'facer. He was. ytharo hly searoh. 1 iUtnothing of an - it toriminating - ;I . - :found '• The , Olden telegraphe lor particulars. Of the explosion to S;;i illiam Harcourt. Hindtods of,tillet,,,,,were da.ciagod in ..-. 24 A , ... . the toFer, why) •tx-f ignited and the fire- suppreased. . - '', great difficulty: The ancient arni was clestroyed. The faviiiite th r . of the Oplice ..is that the ..dynamit ilt,ihieh caused the _. explosion in Weis ..„, Aster Hall, House bf. Oeumons, andkij#wer, was carried to the' place in 4,0 case 'concealed* under 1 Mei long ola•-,r4.; of A woniatiwhole appearante was thk,*!made to reeemble ei NYQUIrWlaxiiit -Ori.:.We(illie - a mother. .A.,• Woman in 'whi4:31 this appearance .`”;as vory neticettit":0 *as seen- among tho viators at theierer this afternoon. f 3 , :Shbrtly before th097,--:tploaion she was eloortod by a tall .tt'Airin with a military air. : PT oiler ef *Om -Could - be found i exploslon, and wIkt the, visitors eatie 'after the gates WO) 'iclosed after the to beearehod. 41. iti Oupposed' the . -i: -- wima -t, and escorcigejiaped during .the rush ntt 000urreC-ust after the- ex - plod° and beftthe : gates were t cleged the- impoten ietiorc ot thiL po4 lice hiliginerally . iiniled.'. -*. • ..-: The' number or -7). irJoe -*tad by the , . . . &I ACTOWer, six eXplotien-is as fo setiowl mut urteen slightly; at the! milkmen . ildings; four seri- ously lin Align worst ,injur- lea w 0 Teo�iV&L Constables Oox and, 11e, and a engineer , named EdWi a Green, V Oig the Parliament • Buildliga; .it i L: mated, ageording to sth course an lergr of 'the ex- , plod ernp1oyed r the House of Ootn ins, that i v» House had been in-. s tision Gla e, Sir William Yarn -'n Harcour larlealtradlaugh, ard '2 , p• °that. • lera..Would have been Med.' . — Tit wOmm Visiting Wats minster Hall at the time of the ,out rage soya she Was descending -that. stairs leading to -the erypt. when the: isaw what appeared to bea burning,- &els. 'Volumes of smoke were itasiie., --ing- from the burning Attlee. -$11e-, then saw a constable pidi it up and immediately throw it from 'him. As. -soon as' the thiug struck the ground it,- ,ekploded with frightful 'report.' • • LANES. ) , . . :- .Mi. Jahn Murdoch and- wife ere Visiting friends in this t. locality .e; Tileembi; i There Will be 0 service in the Pres- ' - • byterian Church.next Sunday on ! ae-...' -count of the sacrament at St'felons. • From our Men Correwoudent,_ _ )week. . Mies Sarah Kitson is hem ' a a visit to: her parents., -.—Mr. Jams Johnston who Was very iill. is - able to be around again. .. Wood -bees and dances appear te' be .he order of the day at present. .Almost every r morning crowds of young Med May. be seen sheuldering their saws and making their way, to theb ect‘f;3t de.bate in the so'1li--4'oo.l. house next Tuesday eyening is A‘te... , Solved that mai). has ' moys 'influence than woman." Messrs. D. Ifarrish and J. Jamieson arii captains, and a gd a timo is eipected:" .ST.IHELENS. :Prom ugr. own, Coirespouctlyt. . At the last meeting of the council Mr. Robt.- Murray, the popular Attic Of the township, tendered his resigna-- °tion, -which we believe- has not been -accepted. • - • , - !Mt. Ji Hetherington, who has lite- ltretUtned.frain Manitoba, has open 'a shOe'shop in the. village. ; -Several parties are anxiously ien- • quiring why the-initiutesof the -tOvn- • 'ship -counail arenot. published in *he ; SENTINEL Briteolitlpf Robert. A..spelling.roatchtivill take place fit - tbs;'Xii.mperance Hall bore on -Friday eveeing at which a lively time :may. be expected...: surprise party- froni this section spent a pleasant evening at 'the -residence of Mr... John M urdock last week.. a = HENI.-LOOK .01TY; ASHFIELD, • ri.ons our own Corilesionc4ext. • A young gallant of this place, Who is in the habitof beingout a little too " late at nights, get alesson lately which will teach him to be more punetual:' Ott arriving home the other night at an unusual late -hour he found the • . -doors fastened so that he could not get in. The rest of the family had long sine° been in! the "Land of Iced," and not wishing. to disturb them lest it should betray his return at such a late hour, he contrived to beat an entrance through a window in the back kitchen. This part...of the house is. used as a storeroom for barrels . and such like. Having forced open the window,' . he was in theact of: crawling. through, - when he Slipped, andLtrying to jump; he fell into a:barrel of soft soap. Ho pulled himself out the hest - way he .could, at the 'sante time givingirentreop his fellings by uttering ‘e. fowl (*Quit - The reebotAhe family Upon rising in to =ening were astonished to find on the floor aipair.of boots . and a pair of trousers covered with' soft . soap. • This young ,man had.cleeasion to skip... - longer. than- usual that morning owing; - to his clothing ;being -a little. damp. is.; is generally .understood i that An hu...•":* sinop, made it a peifit to liet home nine delock 'sharp,. This, is a warning, ' to other young num whoftencourage the. aforesaid habit. -• It is our- painful duir,tok. &braided • the demise of _a much beloved en4 ro64, pected'woman of this place, !in,the per of Mrs..CharleaMaltay, who died . oa the 13th iitst. oteonsumption. Her remains were followed by a vast °raw& of mourners aed friends,: and interred Lu the Kintail oemeteryo She- was' a/years of ago, and leaves achildf.*- two years old, who, henceforth), must• . never know a mother's love. -•„ Mr. Me? May.haii the heartfeltiympathy of tie- Jatire. community in his sad bereav-, - tomati . - 11 —4 a„ •