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The Sentinel, 1885-01-23, Page 8
• • nt• - -TI MIjA1Imhs ttOING flofirril - -11144 .0 • ki0ING - 11117 Ali ,10ib? - 940_ . - • • . irTtaiii. (pitying Kincardine kb- 5160 5i tilt t1tPlifitliellib1111 riti Titelltitty§,Thurgditys anA "ouyility14 _ Village nog Vitintim Novo, • titigt- Reh- . , . - :The _Plitt .„Arblititt Hoivibt retriarks --i kat it t 11w-hiter .litig. been: Oi6146- -. 0110114 . . . - • - - fl tliail_ -twill __previous_ cOlder. oneg. ottytke:t yiiti _aver II:hit:0# tile:- Way : - 'Ave - -li'avt:f0tiliti _It- iirtin nit ''. !tort).- litnt ,tifot- itiily it IA: it tittle. ,emitter! .-: ttli.141, 'Want , . - yi.144 1 tio itilarkeii . . leal-fwho'd- pot lAi1, riliel *rfe, tti:V46,1- ( : . _ .. ii4ztil iitIci to .406 t'i-Jett, fiTtli 16-1.370,. I t!!!!51(11 t( ti tit I ‘,691t, -I- 11otat1io-(41 -...-115c,- 4 -11fit1lOpit_ intii.. iiiiiiret, 01 -:_,_,- 11644 .04. i pirpl.t., _Pt,' I:4 - VW t .'t - it, q 00.00:qtyl.rt.t .116y, po.:toiii, --et g v1_011 1 --.A.k;(011-i, ' .1i0 -1)Ottlifil . 106 i• ;144 teir,Ititt,-(i): Ifith I.,- eAgil, po 49o,„ 10e; • t lo.whiO IA% II §.b tile .6111ceri4 it.1-vioti•ffilythe ()irai14e l)hitiriet litylve at a Ainiet•itig "lhAt Weelt ri.LtitoitWi* .*. ITharlet iepi.ity,. 4tt- • I Rot . V, (.1 ralltly.• • e-loovittal . .- Noertititev-,-. 44 V.' lieuliircr, • ‘- ; i• ' - ▪ • - - lifitmitatatnent _NA• olit,egt o 'et-os.t.44-41,1114---:or tot, titiqi al. 111(1 at !Rif§ : • ▪ it-t'it wilt,h. lliIJI tu -t 1444110--1'it.ii0.6 1144(1.froy*Mity:. ON4qt-:. 11,4.t.1 -:.‘.,,b,191-, all Who Otto.i-o. 1-11.411;_t_ Att Iii Rtltiltitt .it' . -iii. •. -100'4 ientat: 14: Jt Hutu& it.pot.it. 41.141:•I W, ('uhas. to (I-011volt ekti Mogi---§tcatiftos.. ttt rilvt410:- I1titOhip1iit4-.**.rof ,:the •laropttrit itt•,- want , t411 - 0111.h.0 .\\ tiotio (11I1Y I(. •1110t6*rt141§.1.-. 1..'xiitititt-..oftOrt•loideatlig*ati4 not' -eintiplititt Wood-WAntods: • Those if our tahscilhers who prom isedio 'Tay their subscriptiorOn wood. would c oitter. a favor jori. tlk.1 by bringing it :in 4:0-060 tio:_totiym.we- lt‘ve:orily• a few -inorfi__. sticks left, -.0p4 ,he. :hasn't -yet :paid the- lad lie it borrOvicsr,! from thee .pile:' atthe of the Office:J..: • • °I1-14 tr .4-v(1k-1111114114 v[t10 A OentenarlAn. • *There -died at her �& residence in. the tbwriship of •Ashlield- oh:Tuesday- last onti• oldest_ residtiliti of the Pfovince.in thri_ person of *Mrs, _Tre. of the late - WtHiata ,Treleaveri,-iii the 103rd year of her' Deceased was* --thother -of :Waiter Treleaven,. of- tifis , and , • ,Irrdniother of the4tev. - Itio.har0 Trip -Oranga, Off.lo(trsc.. 1 )(lave'', of. :Lon0oti ',South, 'ller •re. • The annual- ineetitig_of. ;the Wawa* _inaliiii-.Were interred in .gieptinganiion :16-fili Dltrict Lodge: was litild - la thel cilinett3ry- oli Thur§otty, •OrWitti 1in11, Dotigarition,_oft Tuesday,, • - .•: -136h.ftw, tibe eieetitgl- of oflioi-}iiii i Thi)-Glrot_it .0ailiival, ' _ . rtititiot4, to do -Ro 1441,'0'6o .1:1!tt -"ro%:(4515toctit (Ictormtmol 4.0 (v-.1 toul A eti- I- 11 Iy ttith4,iftt,t4o...tht# foy.ntigloo, lisP-tevy ono, t Bartlei was elected 11 ;At upoittliousandS.of• people wi" j,.- Atoirow, -4-noth.st-jo, j trig te the Carnival at tho J. V, m, si opjfi .01 p4titti of continent ore go- acob .1.1.a..4See.:,1,-- •Dretiiiyi 'mid sof .11.41111411., • W hott14--thOl!, Mon- Treas,T „P.:1.011111i i)ritigink out . a. "• thagiTtlieent. tifl.14111%fftl nuinlier„ MOUI- t11i -•• • t.1finti-that artistletiferit • ;rho Permititsi .and-ithiOrhitig 'interns( eiery . tistrat..: gt(iv111. ett patiOr. :11ienetofore tiOned-',Ati thin : . , . 60111.d '..tiftY PI* .,w06.1c .001' even. Oonntey. .t.tadelt- 011 tiOgg-hot.exhibltiiiity _411.40S.Of :IP. letting, the., ice.pailace:.:-Rad.:1- defeacs... onei (litho itiotit 8.64-erel and :preic. -OarriktOtt -In '10.001(100-t. pohiP 16i -11404W ham: 8truek. he:80 -for - ;game- • 44 hvitiiiiner I. the:- tOboggaRtillig fete Traille: of' al Vititido,.stlibitgli .not ia*Itic•tratt. beanty 1,•.-t110 jee. aetually- I§ 000 gdptlan'r. (11.6061go: antit and' fti.ein. Jilatigtivato% 0. 00110 and p - - y. .4tatioik -14.Tahoitt•th0 wily vehicle WhiOlf.• teOhniter 11-ititiAnatiOn8-1 -.the --nic,taiooth 010- clirttigh)•-1- ;..-kreat; • -41o1414 gui5.141-1 We_ will 40(14 g -grill KO: boar IC_ drive, ,eithraelpg_ giotisatids AA superb Thi:.((.0(1,y*.01.14k iy Oink, e.g"tif)agoni: aikd _probably -Ilik:grEtittliost_T. -go:EL:ono. wOod4(11.0 ':(1611y-' Whig Of the:1 kind (if .-7...theptOrn thnog ri 'IA (now .; mailer dqcr.(m.h., tho fatitty- :0110titaifititilittir tr.Rto pioniliera Of. the- 150W 00111)00 - ylcor(11.11a.to tAtt-Otc, at 11 o'clock: _wttro - 4-0014N too ot ARO I th4timit Alotim4, 011ito (Al oho Moll -1110 Woo nitil4ortA *for. *The ttork to:at:10014o foir -417 . , .ttiljoatioutt- tar Ow olllow* of olotik,ti - "11(444_14 atiste4ior -Mop Whit+. tila 4V11-11011 atliloume-4 Oil ort.poii. of- -ail. :;ohuelantlo - ankooL • v toiojay -piiirtilitg whoit:all the :to lot(t.i.tiO T-144 •61::045.. -tillt(4#4 11 n tt4IEteatil_nig Vi@atii@rie - •- • piotttro foi4 frItmloyi lit% ro=-' - would - -tlfg North., thealbered'iliat. AVIA,P 11'041011d. OttlY :at*: ilmilott-sycur'hUarolV(4 `.111-(5y. • liov.i5r.r:A01.tiii.5' 011.16( -000, -:--frhttb imito littioatig 14p nktr.: „it - quit:4ov'•"AA .ttr- Otiti-9144.1,00.!.." .Wttritl4 t,1.4ft. 00(5100n Hm111-454:-• - ;Alit( (41-0(1.044.p5aviAollimilm': t -lc -iincrqurt Otat rth4f-of, 104% - .elehe Out. tlimlft__-_;tih . what, tt •-I tatir4v • aRd Oa. et really- fool 1 Prlio-Writerm,(•:1OorkieNtRitrity-, ttt,.1ea§t):-.ttliO, w tl 41 think .g0- by -Jolill ittittdit, _I ilttevm,.."*dirotidaek". .rititillWtho follow letter frOtki Aty; .rift(t W, . 0!.:I•rip" 1)1nOt ,1416;rtik fOtitti01.4.:(- ort it village,:.•oll(t§: it, _loco .u.g oar k tv,tt tWo Nti.py .-11141: w tutor wf-ii4,11.01,.0, .190 the :moat gide, tiplittIRK eartooh Over, NW -tatted_ _thiti: :country,* Fifteen hitt' *.tww bt 041444 mod- to the plIblitilierg, _1414 Allow otOviiis CI& wintOr, -elettr: Mon.trOal,,will.floonr0 a. • tuur - all the time,- !v4. afttfl. -6)140- 010 14P0.(ttikA • ,h4SI ugtratod •-•eVory . • • ago, 0.10- tbormointi 0. it-- tAk @OU Orb ntitttiv 11 1' bolOw (pie ...:night-btit- atilt liuti ow (.--5(Iiir4it1.0.V$-'10,11.160154-1-----. "i-Htte it.Td-otti.061711.440 vehtglf_•It4 41_1(1 w•At llktk 411(1- WORtliOt (1@-: IttBUSiNESS BiriER*EiC 'comparing)" with your . • ilootbk an0 willsi clitv-inerg.oittug4 of. p410, . tli114 .". •-• • Aturray liroa,vale yait want Oininieated Menlvallitk • Ilie..11114 walla Aitigootraile largaina, - _ tito. gokploo tito :en ••• tha ao.w..c_iii\c_tti- -Alibi_1t1tt3 (If IIt pril.od• hiontly -gt014111-01A.alatiii.A;:.(-11(4‘ _T.ho of •iiiaske-ra 11-t°°i fitt'r 11.1 full. tit Platt' „1, ti,A.44 Mtl fancy liketery at Poet. - ..itii.(11'176 bugati. tit 1 tpittiliopri*ollt-ittiott Qat, pitt.t.tit 1;vitio,Ptio Pat nutty g an( baud= (11 ttooa: ttipn lereitief agikarea -at vest! 140.4titiftAl, *Win OthOrti• 4V,(1 •OtitittP. -: • . (t titti eatur41, b visitAt 1 'I tt4,4'141111` Thtl- tilt.' 41. tg 1 . 10( go *I • . - . _ 4ii(1 tito .tititit- of gtlyor- tatoni .a4 tho_ - • 'I en'a tweet Anita wOrth $10. tor 4'1 tho. ‘Rorry t-Rioskerti.. -t411(1K: '-gRy1y. 44. wOrth $144. • . • mitt AfRoal . '00ittrottia tLitti otio4 init* fiOtito (‘w4lt than *v"‘ "t tl""'*1 - a act 4e ... • 1 -4 books„scone"slighily damaget. spfring,whieh he will 1€1,iscount ,,of from • ,:pertione -needing watehea, rings, e4lai414,- tie* - leto,ete1 ovokild.do• well tik e1i.1.1: theold titand, I 1.1PV(IY taW (1.11dorWoar 0nlioaii4" tsil@. (tiqtyititty IR (44('11 ti*otdi ..ciocloy% Lade* gooks • • - t_1(aloy'4._Ladyitillook' forFebruary • _olio :Of tho protgekt oh *th' tutitth liag- brought. RR: 'no : thigtratioi . *Pot_ • liO UR 14 \'l',' otit6 - 11 WO 00111110t: lig of., a -oltubliy:. boy, IR idiaraotoitiAtiopoliN • mkor(5(1 yli511 w 10 4. titi ,c4-VOr. a t 1 - 1 -1 - '1' 1 i •:0014 A1104140K Rialthix.• -416 t5- w U1.yot4 -bo tipo _,A.-nro piotttro ofM tki \v„.. IlmooraR, -tit :NV 111‘17_ ittaphioal . of ,t h14t...goRtleinft-0: , ofid 4 kaoriptlaii, with illRgt-rattOa, the 'fault -41a iTtatitutiSin 1 ROA. RR (114:0 -110Aida _ x.roal tlOik t a largo- . 4-f - worki 41.1.oyo vgio inniovovisally -good. sliort..atoriokt • pR-011.14-InAdoti the bitoroati•lig goigalg,.• Afitilor ()troy_• ProiRa tho Woircl„ 4" _ti -to - IcOt j.rea!‘vium to R. 01CIRCIT M-4-11,1PriP‘ti PrOtomor,"-..arO tit titor - Iti4tgootitti,_-alirt. thof,O 41102 MIRO ot Oioiitor - -2a_koteh0f1t : :ApriRkihig _•of protty Rows-tlfl iqti tho Iltovary.pal4t :11-.661t1 iut tho 1:41flaioo. tho iktattor i m,c1o. polut • tat (Att. fritotOat 'ladyI1.M3 Wo t qui • -11.4ttio bacly.t. iiitoroikta AStili • /i.altatilOkpitik-aud faxhily 1I i- or- a :won104.1 'of _gooloty, (10(.104N Rovor appoarod to. tbdtor a4tva iitago thim t..dooti odoiqta., prow' iiuknagemonti-.- Every_ toOlith it Isiirota aftraetioit, it1.wills lauti3/4,.- it -la oliot tho ibU- vatIolia thativon Old gilled -ally, tot 1o' tt youth Oo‘Riug •gOnoratiQUI. And' -Olt) tIUL teb 14orp 'got Wi- Mottilk la'-itaitAtAn Oki% villoOft - . - 1 .74,2 fO3/41-00.4 •tliat -..Rt..:-Oitoo- vtiettily 1144111a-14-A11d Rait.ttok f-AitdoraOl.i--itti 14.f;4.-Yatikee.Owoll'.':Oreatod-.- ' tilt101 ',44glitot • , . _ .14comod:.,..to 41'I104. Wat11:4goOtli'y.1"41.-Abor of -spe.ota._ • tatot,g, tirtRoipally. tulle - 'who .t.Wor#3.1t101-(101-.11;11t00,4.1:K'Pit-'ttt44 -rit4 Olt) ROW 14314-Wi• •!VIA0 _too •waa •Ve_ry --good 04111141011,i. =. ;1(14-: -.N.1.14411#4t* 1414 lLt4(5t' W011 11110- pair of v;lRog.• th (514t deOfted tipOoial wak.alardod Aliee ByRItia •06,4ip -411 -for_ ht' repre.tAou-tatio.tir.of:.4414:40111 4 (rho 00.14t0ili0-5lt4 tilik ..RialoK -Wore :?!.Rot • Rp_ t -t iuhii'l,j rohat 1ycok ii ti thefaot that • 0-910I-rtitton. - 00114. hor,ohtaino(t: of ko.O. who .14la*o0 an& thrk-' 'oliataet014. AliOy repfe4outed: -Ntrg‘- Isl_owlOtkvohl 141440._ 14uelt WOhti SU klitowol‘ 1* -1-(14 -Ntat.tbioi ,Rloet Okihplioll, 'Wolk* • Aiiititsciooipholl,StoxO-f WolidOr; U44414 J. Mary. •At: • liuttorlly ; 64 11114144 Poorotto -:444.ato :J.0116 WolOtij_ .graoo tioyd- 44.414iRl rib iuut -.44e Si14t0t4 Yalike* -4• 1r04- wAY_ RwoU 41.0x, •1141,kAat94;-:!4-01405%0 1401-1. - 4.410.614, • Alirr : Frod FOot-balglayor 'Nita -ate' • ,- • • • 1-itttlO Isaktt1110 _ . 1- t141*140:0t.i:Ef-tWali1 (lottcm JOlitiuy T4'14441)_4 :WA* 14awl'ollool. 041110W. 801104.1'i Alc% Uorivau- Slauaago.;- Cioor.golCori‘, LaoroaO. 1,414W4'0n0o, 41 L= itittlJ144 Kiught; P-rtilAY. %)turcloch (51:4i3o Tittonpi. • OrRod.y alid.LOtita -ttud PUUQ141I Boyd,: D4tkio4..; 41.Orlukt _Ctrivady, $.04o1- 1-10-:;- OaavOron, phi,* _Jac* the, 091101 1114i pittNy.t. - :COMM, Ilittglattifikt011ritiplatierrain.HIRWORNIM.. 0010LIIDAV low present prices ler goods etqhich e. intent6 illiceei untii the ..removal -to. L4*. td..vgdattii -.taltosi4 .wOltid.:otb,pr wise • thim 404 • • a , - rat herald & fr `15 eXpretkal()0,.(it ev.eryotteloktigintoMntrayBroa... line Of • 101i,.-.w6r.tiv• leo,- grei‘t rednetion,-- on -:•tWeed.i -.to the/ U(1(14 few woke . .prior gt(wOkr, takingi--• - :." . - • ?." -Our entire atook of Woollens will- he'.Aolit, •`_or given awAy, tio.donit delay, Murray Won, • Apar ant two .fAttIctli WO- a'reoffering our No, line drawers ft,(i 60c, 1 &IV ottiot 11a00:.• ',-I1!•44(1rtiVrIti Vonnoll-• ta doing _ , • . • Valentinee in e-Weet- prOfnelon and every Ariety etYle firt anrehieniee, The . prices are -greatly A t bottill with --,goOda adver- toed in antoluir Will place it Witlk the reaCh (44v11 in 'OW _manner @Ores" 'their regarda,and 711augli token* of atteetion, • . -. • . . . ity- a 14.104. ••• .111011 :whiwill - AbOilt itA110 1.1(41 bo. oat got -a oonttorto at-ctotknoWal-e- 4() 44j 004- &ivy 1t14 il14 very ()heap, -• • • A- wraoro yaw Otthoio duty bloat oto loft a XttrrO Bros, • V rxattlftsra;wittlitcllikrlikflit-111111. . *-11141t.:11ZioN-- • Ou the inet,% M- the 'residence Of the tathori 2nd 09a. 14_ OW AV )kinQi* DANicidgbat- "loctuiltligyt•Cit: °tilttlYttinlat\tYtkWil:ticittilt134114111;t4ITY:tilbliillillrt:ir cit OW* 01.Orky• ' 0101fEll:'iND T111,01111: ORO, : -ha* gnant,ity gOod Clover fkt(i 400.a. to- diepoee of at. a (i(4414h4 444(I Sample can -le Aeon thtl 16d - tog HA, 14-aoltikow4 (w.at 44bilva06 tos- idoiott, I,Aot 23, (10A,: 1, tlkiroa. 141.‘ .-Sotaple. ODA free on •4141411(441(14, '.4kdarekikk,-;- - • • J -91-M- - lardAni • , ,1"*Ix 704. j-,41toknowN . - f..,,er e=0.1. 01 W ANN to tlit?-.0voittioa.Ottlio Undereigned, .14 4 A* a‘ 41111-0atitOn- sow-ovith long tail% white face -mid wutto gullgT lower law, white spot on loft • opote rtght• gide,: two white hind,feet, and one. white, tweteg. The • (444' t' regneeted to I)roito property' pay en- penete and tOrkt).11PT AWAY. • PANIRki - ;"_676 :1-ii‘ohnow 0% DR GS, MEI i(11 AND MIEN 40N014,1S,11-1UTR1111 AND 11,11F Edney and!. ?ilet,.,; Phygloiang Promoriptio @d With groategt (14,(& Speelal attention paid ,Iteeipos, 'Pukes/ „ . (74%116010,W andSaora - poriAigoa, Oita. F - :0 In groai varloty. 41 44444 h‘OA * orb 0 JQQk-OV 'I August -Bega44' Bo% f0X-030 t42kaliatTUIAY '40:°19, 1 • • . • 11 ROMS° ilochor. line Oicoan -Steimtts,. ' acy ,003 • i4j44 arTIVE ri AGE PASAGE ,z • • . • PROM -1,UCKNOW Livirpool Gittistrow or Dublin. ). • Fon .82(34343. - Intermediate and Cabin l'ae,ronso at oorreg potollogly low ptioor4„: -Ail-Den-0g imam' at eurrent ratee and NO . , oaah(11 free cif oharge at the leading ilaolo Itt Hoot , trolan 41 , • rpho 1,00know N44-1,aper -,tk polio., A ov- PotiAlloal or .loornal In the wOrld PntillAh= ere priootl. $ee my lit and enbeerila, • AgV. Ain Ex Cio, • O. N. IV, Teh -00„ Iineknow, LUOKNOW A NESS DEPOT' kiarinow in %took the lekleetand beet,4110.0114.7.. of. • < - 'tors LIGHT AND HEAVY, • 114RHESS.- ovor Abowit in Lueknow. Spectal indnce 11 menu ' 3317rit .1440. OA& Cik0 210133315 Itorso lilltulooto 00.- ist*- etoelt of Trunks, Valieee, ITandRatehels, ete% lit now c omplete% All the • lateetetyleeandroaXes. • Alt all the above articlee were purehaethl front . the beet, makere, and at, the -lowed .caela• • f•raet am prepared to 'sell atk elkSaP • 14111,i(411011-40-110@ ili-the trtele.- Don't alit() eall.and flee nly . otock before intrelmaing elsewhere, uttoutton paid to )rie.lelim. tit lillorneso. work guaianteed 4ret.el4is1 - • rtonitT PROOTO114 re.:4411ew Agent for g. +4' ••• Is 011141A111WOID 441truOtaturc'styl*44)1ttlie°0 th* Taarmex,b49ratlea,-9n9rmvaa mit 01. :..Litekilom • - • !. 417111% /TA oliporionooIn11114til1i4141ttt toigi .Ovoi IN) 1 am now betten pro a to Moot the 144M1111Et:ot. the pal 9. Tit ARS of Avti. ave. sold" i/Ver. - - . - Aty Aiwa �t ttio-reqUiroutonts o,'_, r, Millie- ial.14 are 1.1141144 ease and soinforttitt*Aing i... 2nd,A natural.motiow, lightness, gi,Mil i y a d stillneae, combind ewith a racetn''' ack Wfg ti 3: reliance, etability _an 'duo% lityAfi.v.11:Iltease reApoete I claim of iylth t %All gc-'1.113 di 1 tho wiegi are.prei in t ''''-* "ib3/4 Qtt" I 1141110 Q04111 140 Mai 1411(1 be* I% 011 % 1u1 of otoIroltita otlivolie ale . eurvaturee at the ep4 i 4aetl wt, anvone suffering from rtipture a ti- alitetrukkor no c.-•harge. tit) Ukt1 a t11ton he convinc , _ , Are nnmbur otteeti ' ish On (Mitigation.. JOHN BOY !Ito all 0rts for I1441grantee, mission QhR deposit $1000. Clinnlata gaying I 4 cow ,tuillOormati,,411 °an be had on applioatit.A_ at . vtue. 0 es. %Aloe hours a a. m.. to 7 p. wk... • ' • aRrioattOr* intended for registration shmikl. '1.4 4 b -daf bt at I tug- 1 lb- ' - 9 poste 1 tu antes a ore t e e obi ,e eau , • Lucknow Post °Ike The Table. Vareasmatea.amaareeememainamaa=4.41-....-..... =4.1 South and ri att. inelnding Loudon Toronto... Hamilton, Oktelph, - Mon, Oval, . Manitoba, 'United States, 14I444*1ie4k< and rot. (Ago4a.a*, ati %al taat1a 0 .Anive Ow • cms.,01,==4 6i24 ont -Usti Om 1:046 one - . 2.p 10142 one 6G-1 all going Emit close at 6 a.m. 041 Toesdays, ; ' • -- • 1•111Z4 Welt awl 31422444 •-847pla CtoderiehaDangannontliels. _ last. Lanes. Stileiens 8:801iin Holyrood Kin1.9ngh Masa . -1p* t - MONEY ORDERS isnot on and_paid from all M.- 0, Ofeee kN - the Dominion ot Vaiimik-GreAt Britain, 1.1.4. land,•Britieh Indiat liewfoundlaini,Gerinanyt., Austria. Italy1 Aust*Iat T..11O 'United States,, Franoe 1441(1 Algeria. - POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK* • Depusite ieOpl4e4 from Si to OK Depots,. . Time aykoati $itturdays, liteelx. • 150 4:25,111 6;30 opv. 6:30 (eV. hors With Poit Master Oenerare 000141, Pet' 11 11114 AV100-34 14" f41%* Ingd• AddlOW fQ 191ria, ste.'s '• • - • ‘40Kkr ? P, M. CAMPBELL, POSTMASTER& . •• 4 •